예제 #1
파일: sef_ext.php 프로젝트: sangkasi/joomla
  * Vul in de array $title de onderdelen waaruit de link moet bestaan
  * Bijvoorbeeld: menuitem, categorie, itemnaam
  * Deze functie last de boel aan elkaar
  * @param  string $url
  * @param  array $title
  * @param  string $task
  * @param  int $limit
  * @param  int $limitstart
  * @return sefurl
 function sefGetLocation($url, &$title, $task = null, $limit = null, $limitstart = null, $langParam = null, $showall = null)
     global $shMosConfig_locale, $option, $shHomeLink;
     $sefConfig =& shRouter::shGetConfig();
     // get DB
     $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $lang = empty($langParam) ? $shMosConfig_locale : $langParam;
     // V 1.2.4.k added homepage check : needed in case homepage is not com_frontpage
     if (empty($shHomeLink)) {
         $menu =& shRouter::shGetMenu();
         $shHomePage =& $menu->getDefault();
         if ($shHomePage) {
             if (substr($shHomePage->link, 0, 9) == 'index.php' && !preg_match('/Itemid=[0-9]*/', $shHomePage->link)) {
                 // and it does not have an Itemid
                 $shHomePage->link .= ($shHomePage->link == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&') . 'Itemid=' . $shHomePage->id;
                 // then add itemid
             $shHomeLink = $shHomePage->link;
             //$shHomeLink = 'index.php';
             if (!strpos($shHomeLink, 'lang=')) {
                 $shDefaultIso = shGetIsoCodeFromName(shGetDefaultLang());
                 $shSepString = substr($shHomeLink, -9) == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&';
                 $shHomeLink .= $shSepString . 'lang=' . $shDefaultIso;
             $shHomeLink = shSortUrl($shHomeLink);
             // $homeLink has lang info, whereas $homepage->link may or may not
     // shumisha : try to avoid duplicate content when using Joomfish by always adding &lang=xx to url (stored in DB).
     // warning : must add &lang=xx only if it does not exists already, which happens for the joomfish language selection modules or search results
     if (!strpos($url, 'lang=')) {
         $shSepString = substr($url, -9) == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&';
         $url .= $shSepString . 'lang=' . shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang);
     // shumisha end of fix
     //shorten the url for storage and for consistancy
     $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url);
     // V 1.2.4.q detect multipage homepage
     $shMultiPageHomePageFlag = shIsHomepage($url);
     // get all the titles ready for urls
     $location = array();
     foreach ($title as $titlestring) {
         // V 1.2.4.t removed array_filter as it prevents '0' values in URL
         $location[] = titleToLocation(urldecode($titlestring));
     $location = implode("/", $location);
     // V 1.2.4.t
     // V 1.2.4.t remove duplicate /
     $location = preg_replace('/\\/{2,}/', '/', $location);
     $location = JString::substr($location, 0, sh404SEF_MAX_SEF_URL_LENGTH);
     // trim to max length V 1.2.4.t
     // shumisha protect against querying for empty location
     if (empty($location)) {
         // V 1.2.4.t
         if ((!shIsMultilingual() || shIsMultilingual() && shIsDefaultlang($lang)) && !$sefConfig->addFile && !$shMultiPageHomePageFlag) {
             // V 1.2.4.q : need to go further and add pagination
             return '';
     // if location is empty, and no Joomfish, or Joomfish but this is default language, then there is nothing to add to url before querying DB
     // shumisha end of change
     //check for non-sef url first and avoid repeative lookups
     //we only want to look for title variations when adding new
     //this should also help eliminate duplicates.
     // shumisha 2003-03-13 added URL Caching
     $realloc = '';
     $urlType = Sh404sefHelperCache::getSefUrlFromCache($url, $realloc);
     if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
         // V 1.2.4.t
         // shumisha end of addition
         $realloc = false;
         if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE) {
             $query = "SELECT oldurl from #__redirection WHERE newurl = " . $database->Quote($url);
             //if ($realloc = $database->loadResult()) {
             if ($shTemp = $database->loadObject()) {
                 $realloc = $shTemp->oldurl;
         if ($realloc) {
             // found a match, so we aredone
             //Dat betekent dus, dat de functie create(), slecht gekozen is
             // shumisha : removed this die() that I do not understand!
             //die('regel292 in sef_ext.php');
             // shumisha end of removal
         } else {
             // this is new, so we need to insert the new title.
             //Hier worden eindelijk de nieuwe links gemaakt
             $iteration = 1;
             $realloc = false;
             $prev_temploc = '';
             do {
                 // temploc is $location, unless we're on a second or greater iteration,
                 // then its $location.$iteration
                 if (!empty($location)) {
                     $shSeparator = JString::substr($location, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/';
                 } else {
                     $shSeparator = '';
                 $temploc = shAddPaginationInfo($limit, $limitstart, $showall, $iteration, $url, $location, $shSeparator);
                 // v 1.2.4.t
                 // V 1.2.4.t
                 if ($shMultiPageHomePageFlag && '/' . $temploc == $location && (!shIsMultilingual() || shIsMultilingual() && shIsDefaultLang($lang))) {
                     // but this is default language
                     // this is start page of multipage homepage, return home or forced home
                     if (!empty($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage)) {
                         // V 1.2.4.t
                         return str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . '/', '', $sefConfig->shForcedHomePage);
                     } else {
                         return '';
                 // V 1.2.4.k here we need to check for other-than-default-language homepage
                 // remove lang
                 $v1 = shCleanUpLang($url);
                 // V 1.2.4.t
                 $v2 = shCleanUpLang($shHomeLink);
                 // V 1.24.t
                 if ($v1 == $v2 || $v1 == 'index.php') {
                     // check if this is homepage
                     if (shIsMultilingual() && !shIsDefaultLang($lang)) {
                         // V 1.2.4.m : insert language code based on param
                         $temploc = shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang) . '/';
                     } else {
                         $temploc = '';
                     // if homepage in not-default-language, then add language code even if param says opposite
                     // as we otherwise would not be able to switch language on the frontpage
                 } else {
                     if (shInsertIsoCodeInUrl($option, $lang)) {
                         // V 1.2.4.m : insert language code based on param
                         // V 1.2.4.q : pass URL lang info, as may not be current lang
                         $temploc = shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang) . '/' . $temploc;
                         // V 1.2.4.q  must be forced lang, not default
                 if ($temploc != '') {
                     // see if we have a result for this location
                     // V 1.2.4.r without mod_rewrite
                     $temploc = shAdjustToRewriteMode($temploc);
                     $sql = "SELECT id, newurl, rank, dateadd FROM #__redirection WHERE oldurl = " . $database->Quote($temploc) . " ORDER BY rank ASC";
                     // V 1.2.4.q
                     if ($iteration > 9999) {
                         JError::raiseError(500, 'Too many pages :' . $temploc . '##');
                     $dburl = null;
                     // V 1.2.4.t initialize $dburl to avoid notices error if cache disabled
                     $dbUrlId = null;
                     // V 1.2.4.t
                     $urlType = sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE;
                     // shumisha 2007-03-13 added URL caching, check for various URL for same content
                     if ($sefConfig->shUseURLCache) {
                         $urlType = Sh404sefHelperCache::getNonSefUrlFromCache($temploc, $dburl);
                     $newMaxRank = 0;
                     $shDuplicate = false;
                     if ($sefConfig->shRecordDuplicates || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE) {
                         // V 1.2.4.s
                         $dbUrlList = $database->loadObjectList();
                         if (count($dbUrlList) > 0) {
                             $dburl = $dbUrlList[0]->newurl;
                             $dbUrlId = $dbUrlList[0]->id;
                             if (empty($dburl)) {
                                 // V 1.2.4.t url was found in DB, but was a 404
                                 $urlType = sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404;
                             } else {
                                 $newMaxRank = $dbUrlList[count($dbUrlList) - 1]->rank + 1;
                                 $urlType = $dbUrlList[0]->dateadd == '0000-00-00' ? sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO : sh404SEF_URLTYPE_CUSTOM;
                     if ($urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE && $urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                         if ($dburl == $url) {
                             // found the matching object
                             // it probably should have been found sooner
                             // but is checked again here just for CYA purposes
                             // and to end the loop
                             $realloc = $temploc;
                         } else {
                             $shDuplicate = true;
                         // else, didn't find it, increment and try again
                         // shumisha added this to close the loop if working on frontpage
                         // as domain.tld/index.php?lang=xx and domain.tld/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=xx both must end up in domain.tld/xx/ (if xx is not default language of course - in that case, they must endup in domain.tld)
                         // this is true also if Joomfish is not installed and there is no language information in the url
                         // V 1.2.4.q  this is a duplicate so we must indert it with incremented rank;
                         if ($shDuplicate && $sefConfig->shRecordDuplicates) {
                             shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache($url, $temploc, $shDuplicate ? $newMaxRank : 0, $urlType);
                         $realloc = $temploc;
                         // to close the loop
                         // shumisha end of addition
                     } else {
                         //title not found, chechk 404
                         $dbUrlId = empty($dbUrlId) ? 0 : intval($dbUrlId);
                         if ($sefConfig->shLog404Errors) {
                             // V 1.2.4.m
                             if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404 && !empty($dbUrlId)) {
                                 // we already have seen that it is a 404
                                 $id = $dbUrlId;
                                 // V 1.2.4.t
                             } elseif ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                                 $query = "SELECT `id` FROM #__redirection WHERE `oldurl` = " . $database->Quote($temploc) . " AND `newurl` = ''";
                                 $id = $database->loadResult();
                             } else {
                                 $id = null;
                         } else {
                             $id = null;
                         // V 1.2.4.m if we are not logging 404 errors, then no need to check for
                         // previous hit of this page.
                         if (!empty($id)) {
                             // V 1.2.4.q : need to update dateadd to 0, as otherwise this redir will be seen as a custom redir
                             // this makes all such 404 errors 'disappear' from the 404 log, but no other solution
                             $query = "UPDATE #__redirection SET `newurl` = " . $database->Quote($url) . ",`dateadd` = '0000-00-00' WHERE `id` = '{$id}'";
                             if (!$database->query()) {
                                 _log('error adding new sef url to db:' . $database->getErrorMsg());
                             } else {
                                 Sh404sefHelperCache::addSefUrlToCache($url, $temploc, sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO);
                                 // v 1.2.4.t
                         } else {
                             /* put it in the database */
                             shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache($url, $temploc, 0, sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO);
                         $realloc = $temploc;
                 $prev_temploc = $temploc;
                 // shumisha allow loop exit if $temploc = '' (homepage)
                 //} while (!$realloc);
             } while (!$realloc && $temploc != '');
     // shumisha : enf of check if URL is in cache
     return $realloc;
예제 #2
 protected function _do404(&$uri)
     if (self::$requestParsed) {
         return array();
     // get config objects
     $pageInfo =& Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
     $sefConfig = Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
     // store the status
     $pageInfo->httpStatus = 404;
     // request path
     $reqPath = $uri->getPath();
     // optionnally log the 404 details
     if ($sefConfig->shLog404Errors && !empty($reqPath)) {
         try {
             $record = Sh404sefHelperDb::selectObject('#__sh404sef_urls', '*', array('oldurl' => $reqPath));
             if (!empty($record)) {
                 // we have, so update counter
                 Sh404sefHelperDb::queryQuote('update ?? set cpt=(cpt+1) where ?? = ?', array('#__sh404sef_urls', 'oldurl'), array($reqPath));
             } else {
                 // record the 404
                 Sh404sefHelperDb::insert('#__sh404sef_urls', array('cpt' => 1, 'rank' => 0, 'oldurl' => $reqPath, 'newurl' => '', 'dateadd' => Sh404sefHelperDate::getUTCNow('Y-m-d')));
             // add more details about 404 into security log file
             if ($sefConfig->shSecEnableSecurity && $sefConfig->shSecLogAttacks) {
                 $sep = "\t";
                 $logData = date('Y-m-d') . $sep . date('H:i:s') . $sep . 'Page not found (404)' . $sep . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $sep;
                 $logData .= getHostByAddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . $sep;
                 $userAgent = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? 'No user agent' : $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                 $logData .= $userAgent . $sep . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . $sep . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                 $logData .= empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? "\n" : $sep . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\n";
         } catch (Sh404sefExceptionDefault $e) {
             _log(__METHOD__ . '/' . __LINE__ . '/' . __CLASS__ . ': Database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     // display the error page
     $vars['option'] = 'com_content';
     $vars['view'] = 'article';
     // use provided Itemid
     if (empty($sefConfig->shPageNotFoundItemid)) {
         $shHomePage = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu()->getDefault();
         $vars['Itemid'] = empty($shHomePage) ? null : $shHomePage->id;
     } else {
         $vars['Itemid'] = $sefConfig->shPageNotFoundItemid;
     // user picked our default 404 error page, read its id from DB
     if ($sefConfig->page404 == '0') {
         try {
             $requestedlanguageTag = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag();
             $languageTag = JRequest::getString(JUtility::getHash('language'), null, 'cookie');
             if (!empty($languageTag)) {
                 $vars['lang'] = $languageTag;
             $ids = Sh404sefHelperDb::queryQuoteOnly('select ?? from ?? where ?? = ? and ?? in ( ?, ?) order by ?? desc', array('id', '#__content', 'title', 'language', 'language'), array('__404__', $languageTag, '*'))->eLoadResultArray();
             $id = empty($ids[0]) ? null : $ids[0];
         } catch (Sh404sefExceptionDefault $e) {
             _log(__METHOD__ . '/' . __LINE__ . '/' . __CLASS__ . ': Database error: ' . $e->getMessage());
         if (empty($id)) {
             JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('Component Not Found') . ' (' . $pageInfo->getDefaultLiveSite() . '/' . $uri->getPath() . ')');
     } else {
         $id = $sefConfig->page404;
     $vars['id'] = $id;
     $uri = new JURI($pageInfo->getDefaultLiveSite() . '/index.php?' . 'option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $id . (empty($vars['Itemid']) ? '' : '&Itemid=' . $vars['Itemid']) . (empty($vars['lang']) ? '' : '&lang=' . shGetIsoCodeFromName($vars['lang'])));
     $tmpl = str_replace('.php', '', $sefConfig->error404SubTemplate);
     if (!empty($tmpl)) {
         $vars['tmpl'] = $tmpl;
     // and prepare the item for display
     $menus =& JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
     $menuItem = $menus->getItem($vars['Itemid']);
     if (!empty($menuItem)) {
     } else {
         $menuItem = $menus->getDefault();
     if (!empty($menuItem->params)) {
         $disableParams = array('show_title', 'show_category', 'show_author', 'show_create_date', 'show_modify_date', 'show_publish_date', 'show_vote', 'show_readmore', 'show_icons', 'show_hits', 'show_feed_link', 'show_page_heading');
         foreach ($disableParams as $p) {
             $menuItem->params->set($p, 0);
         //set a custom page title
         $menuItem->params->set('page_title', htmlspecialchars($uri->get('_uri')));
     // set the menu query array, J! will use that for breadcrumb
     $menuItem->query = $vars;
     // throw 404 http return code, and prepare for page display
     if (!headers_sent()) {
         JResponse::setHeader('status', '404 NOT FOUND');
         // custom error page, faster than loading Joomla 404 page. Not recommended though, why not show
         // your site ?
         if (is_readable(sh404SEF_FRONT_ABS_PATH . '404-Not-Found.tpl.html')) {
             $errorPage = file_get_contents(sh404SEF_FRONT_ABS_PATH . '404-Not-Found.tpl.html');
             if ($errorPage !== false) {
                 $errorPage = str_replace('%sh404SEF_404_URL%', ' (' . $pageInfo->getDefaultLiveSite() . '/' . $uri->getPath() . ')', $errorPage);
                 $errorPage = str_replace('%sh404SEF_404_SITE_URL%', $pageInfo->getDefaultLiveSite(), $errorPage);
                 $errorPage = str_replace('%sh404SEF_404_SITE_NAME%', JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('sitename'), $errorPage);
                 echo $errorPage;
     } else {
         _log('Headers already sent before getting control on 404 page - message displayed');
         $shUri = new JUri();
         $shOriginalUri = new JURI();
         $url = shSefRelToAbs($pageInfo->getDefaultLiveSite() . "/index.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', $shUri, $shOriginalUri);
         JError::RaiseError(500, "<br />SH404SEF : headers were already sent when I got control!<br />This is not necessarily a sh404sef error. It may have been caused by any of your extensions or even Joomla itself. If there is no error message above this one, providing more details, then you may look inside the error log file of your web server for an indication of what may be breaking things up.<br />URL=" . $url . '<br />');
     return $vars;
예제 #3
function shSefRelToAbs($string, $shLanguageParam, &$uri, &$originalUri)
    global $_SEF_SPACE, $shMosConfig_lang, $shMosConfig_locale, $mainframe, $shGETVars, $shRebuildNonSef, $shHomeLink;
    _log('Entering shSefRelToAbs with ' . $string . ' | Lang = ' . $shLanguageParam);
    // if superadmin, display non-sef URL, for testing/setting up purposes
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        if ($user->usertype == 'Super Administrator') {
            _log('Returning non-sef because superadmin said so.');
            return 'index.php';
    // return unmodified anchors
    if (JString::substr($string, 0, 1) == '#') {
        // V 1.2.4.t
        return $string;
    $sefConfig =& shRouter::shGetConfig();
    $shPageInfo =& shRouter::shPageInfo();
    // Quick fix for shared SSL server : if https, switch to non sef
    $id = shGetURLVar($string, 'Itemid', JRequest::getInt('Itemid'));
    $secure = !empty($shPageInfo->shHttpsSave) || 'yes' == shGetMenuItemSsl($id);
    if ($secure && $sefConfig->shForceNonSefIfHttps) {
        _log('Returning shSefRelToAbs : Forced non sef if https');
        return shFinalizeURL($string);
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $shOrigString = $string;
    $shMosMsg = shGetMosMsg($string);
    // V x 01/09/2007 22:45:52
    $string = shCleanUpMosMsg($string);
    // V x 01/09/2007 22:45:52
    // V x : removed shJoomfish module. Now we set $mosConfi_lang here
    $shOrigLang = $shMosConfig_locale;
    // save current language
    $shLanguage = shGetURLLang($string);
    // target language in URl is always first choice
    if (empty($shLanguage)) {
        $shLanguage = !empty($shLanguageParam) ? $shLanguageParam : $shMosConfig_locale;
    // V 1.3.1 protect against those drop down lists
    if (strpos($string, 'this.options[selectedIndex].value') !== false) {
        $string .= '&amp;lang=' . shGetIsoCodeFromName($shLanguage);
        return $string;
    $shMosConfig_locale = $shLanguage;
    _log('Language used : ' . $shLanguage);
    // V 1.2.4.t workaround for old links like option=compName instead of option=com_compName
    if (strpos(strtolower($string), 'option=login') === false && strpos(strtolower($string), 'option=logout') === false && strpos(strtolower($string), 'option=&') === false && JString::substr(strtolower($string), -7) != 'option=' && strpos(strtolower($string), 'option=cookiecheck') === false && strpos(strtolower($string), 'option=') !== false && strpos(strtolower($string), 'option=com_') === false) {
        $string = str_replace('option=', 'option=com_', $string);
    // V 1.2.4.k added homepage check : needed in case homepage is not com_frontpage
    if (empty($shHomeLink)) {
        // first, find out about homepage link, from DB. homepage is not always /index.php or similar
        // it can be a link to anything, a page, a component,...
        $menu =& shRouter::shGetMenu();
        $shHomePage =& $menu->getDefault();
        if ($shHomePage) {
            if (JString::substr($shHomePage->link, 0, 9) == 'index.php' && !preg_match('/Itemid=[0-9]*/', $shHomePage->link)) {
                // and it does not have an Itemid
                $shHomePage->link .= ($shHomePage->link == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&') . 'Itemid=' . $shHomePage->id;
                // then add itemid
            $shHomeLink = $shHomePage->link;
            if (!strpos($shHomeLink, 'lang=')) {
                // V 1.2.4.q protect against not existing
                $shDefaultIso = shGetIsoCodeFromName(shGetDefaultLang());
                $shSepString = JString::substr($shHomeLink, -9) == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&';
                $shHomeLink .= $shSepString . 'lang=' . $shDefaultIso;
            $shHomeLink = shSortUrl($shHomeLink);
            // $shHomeLink has lang info, whereas $homepage->link may or may not
        _log('HomeLink = ' . $shHomeLink);
    // V 1.2.4.j string to be appended to URL, but not saved to DB
    $shAppendString = '';
    $shRebuildNonSef = array();
    $shComponentType = '';
    // V w initialize var to avoid notices
    if ($shHomeLink) {
        // now check URL against our homepage, so as to always return / if homepage
        $v1 = JString::ltrim(str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'], '', $string), '/');
        // V 1.2.4.m : remove anchor if any
        $v2 = explode('#', $v1);
        $v1 = $v2[0];
        $shAnchor = isset($v2[1]) ? '#' . $v2[1] : '';
        $shSepString = JString::substr($v1, -9) == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&';
        $shLangString = $shSepString . 'lang=' . shGetIsoCodeFromName($shLanguage);
        if (!strpos($v1, 'lang=')) {
            $v1 .= $shLangString;
        $v1 = str_replace('&amp;', '&', shSortURL($v1));
        // V 1.2.4.t check also without pagination info
        if (strpos($v1, 'limitstart=0') !== false) {
            // the page has limitstart=0
            $stringNoPag = shCleanUpPag($v1);
            // remove paging info to be sure this is not homepage
        } else {
            $stringNoPag = null;
        if ($v1 == $shHomeLink || $v1 == 'index.php' . $shLangString || $stringNoPag == $shHomeLink) {
            // V 1.2.4.t 24/08/2007 11:07:49
            $shTemp = $v1 == $shHomeLink || shIsDefaultLang($shLanguage) ? '' : shGetIsoCodeFromName($shLanguage) . '/';
            //10/08/2007 17:28:14
            if (!empty($shMosMsg)) {
                // V x 01/09/2007 22:48:01
                $shTemp .= '?' . $shMosMsg;
            if (!empty($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage)) {
                // V 1.2.4.t
                $shTmp = $shTemp . $shAnchor;
                $ret = shFinalizeURL($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage . (empty($shTmp) ? '' : '/' . $shTmp));
                if (empty($uri)) {
                    // if no URI, append remaining vars directly to the string
                    $ret .= $shAppendString;
                } else {
                    shRebuildVars($shAppendString, $uri);
                $shMosConfig_locale = $shOrigLang;
                _log('Returning shSefRelToAbs 1 with ' . $ret);
                return $ret;
            } else {
                $shRewriteBit = shIsDefaultLang($shLanguage) ? '/' : $sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode];
                $ret = shFinalizeURL($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . $shRewriteBit . $shTemp . $shAnchor);
                if (empty($uri)) {
                    // if no URI, append remaining vars directly to the string
                    $ret .= $shAppendString;
                } else {
                    shRebuildVars($shAppendString, $uri);
                $shMosConfig_locale = $shOrigLang;
                _log('Returning shSefRelToAbs 2 with ' . $ret);
                return $ret;
    $newstring = str_replace($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . '/', '', $string);
    // check for url to same site, but with SSL : Joomla 1.5 does not allow it yet
    //$liveSiteSsl = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite']);
    //$newStringSsl = str_replace($liveSiteSsl.'/', '', $string);
    $letsGo = JString::substr($newstring, 0, 9) == 'index.php' && strpos($newstring, 'this.options[selectedIndex\\].value') === false;
    $letsGoSsl = false;
    if ($letsGo || $letsGoSsl) {
        // Replace & character variations.
        $string = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&#38;'), array('&', '&'), $letsGo ? $newstring : $newStringSsl);
        $newstring = $string;
        // V 1.2.4.q
        $shSaveString = $string;
        // warning : must add &lang=xx (only if it does not exists already), so as to be able to recognize the SefURL in the db if it's there
        if (!strpos($string, 'lang=')) {
            $shSepString = JString::substr($string, -9) == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&';
            $anchorTable = explode('#', $string);
            // V 1.2.4.m remove anchor before adding language
            $string = $anchorTable[0];
            $string .= $shSepString . 'lang=' . shGetIsoCodeFromName($shLanguage) . (!empty($anchorTable[1]) ? '#' . $anchorTable[1] : '');
            // V 1.2.4.m then stitch back anchor
        $URI = new sh_Net_URL($string);
        // V 1.2.4.l need to save unsorted URL
        if (count($URI->querystring) > 0) {
            // Import new vars here.
            $option = null;
            $task = null;
            //$sid = null;  V 1.2.4.s
            // sort GET parameters to avoid some issues when same URL is produced with options not
            // in the same order, ie index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=3&Itemid=2&lang=fr
            // Vs index.php?category_id=3&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=2&lang=fr
            // sort URL array
            $string = shSortUrl($string);
            // now we are ready to extract vars
            $shGETVars = $URI->querystring;
            extract($URI->querystring, EXTR_REFS);
        if (empty($option)) {
            // V 1.2.4.r protect against empty $option : we won't know what to do
            $shMosConfig_locale = $shOrigLang;
            _log('Returning shSefRelToAbs 3 with ' . $shOrigString);
            return $shOrigString;
        // get plugin associated with the extension
        $extPlugin =& Sh404sefFactory::getExtensionPlugin($option);
        // get component type
        $shComponentType = $extPlugin->getComponentType();
        $shOption = str_replace('com_', '', $option);
        //list of extension we always skip
        $alwaysSkip = array('jce', 'akeeba');
        if (in_array($shOption, $alwaysSkip)) {
            $shComponentType = Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_SKIP;
        // V 1.2.4.s : fallback to to JoomlaSEF if no extension available
        // V 1.2.4.t : this is too early ; it prevents manual custom redirect to be checked agains the requested non-sef URL
        _log('Component type = ' . $shComponentType);
        // is there a named anchor attached to $string? If so, strip it off, we'll put it back later.
        if ($URI->anchor) {
            $string = str_replace('#' . $URI->anchor, '', $string);
        // V 1.2.4.m
        // shumisha special homepage processing (in other than default language)
        if (shIsHomePage($string) || $string == 'index.php') {
            $sefstring = '';
            $urlType = shGetSefURLFromCacheOrDB($string, $sefstring);
            // still use it so we need it both ways
            if (($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) && empty($showall) && (!empty($limit) || !isset($limit) && !empty($limitstart))) {
                $urlType = shGetSefURLFromCacheOrDB(shCleanUpPag($string), $sefstring);
                // V 1.2.4.t check also without page info
                //to be able to add pagination on custom
                //redirection or multi-page homepage
                if ($urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE && $urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                    $sefstring = shAddPaginationInfo(@$limit, @$limitstart, @showall, 1, $string, $sefstring, null);
                    // a special case : com_content  does not calculate pagination right
                    // for frontpage and blog, they include links shown at the bottom in the calculation of number of items
                    // For instance, with joomla sample data, the frontpage has only 5 articles
                    // but the view sets $limit to 9 !!!
                    if ($option == 'com_content' && isset($layout) && $layout == 'blog' || $option == 'com_content' && isset($view) && $view == 'frontpage') {
                        $listLimit = shGetDefaultDisplayNumFromURL($string, $includeBlogLinks = true);
                        $string = shSetURLVar($string, 'limit', $listLimit);
                        $string = shSortUrl($string);
                    // that's a new URL, so let's add it to DB and cache
                    shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache($string, $sefstring, 0, $urlType);
                    // created url must be of same type as original
                if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                    require_once sh404SEF_FRONT_ABS_PATH . 'sef_ext.php';
                    $sef_ext = new sef_404();
                    // Rewrite the URL now.
                    // a special case : com_content  does not calculate pagination right
                    // for frontpage and blog, they include links shown at the bottom in the calculation of number of items
                    // For instance, with joomla sample data, the frontpage has only 5 articles
                    // but the view sets $limit to 9 !!!
                    if ($option == 'com_content' && isset($layout) && $layout == 'blog' || $option == 'com_content' && isset($view) && $view == 'frontpage') {
                        $listLimit = shGetDefaultDisplayNumFromURL($string, $includeBlogLinks = true);
                        $string = shSetURLVar($string, 'limit', $listLimit);
                        $string = shSortUrl($string);
                        //$URI->addQueryString( 'limit', $listLimit);
                    $urlVars = is_array($URI->querystring) ? array_map('urldecode', $URI->querystring) : $URI->querystring;
                    $sefstring = $sef_ext->create($string, $urlVars, $shAppendString, $shLanguage, $shOrigString, $originalUri);
                    // V 1.2.4.s added original string
            } else {
                if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                    // not found but no $limit or $limitstart
                    $sefstring = shGetIsoCodeFromName($shLanguage) . '/';
                    shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache($string, $sefstring, 0, sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO);
                    // create it
            // V 1.2.4.j : added $shAppendString to pass non sef parameters. For use with parameters that won't be stored in DB
            $ret = $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . (empty($sefstring) ? '' : $sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode] . $sefstring);
            // not valid with 1.5 anymore                       ;
            //if (!empty($shMosMsg)) // V x 01/09/2007 22:48:01
            //  $ret .= (empty($shAppendString) || $sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode] == '/index.php?/' ? '?':'&').$shMosMsg;
            $ret = shFinalizeURL($ret);
            if (empty($uri)) {
                // if no URI, append remaining vars directly to the string
                $ret .= $shAppendString;
            } else {
                shRebuildVars($shAppendString, $uri);
            $shMosConfig_locale = $shOrigLang;
            _log('Returning shSefRelToAbs 4 with ' . $ret);
            return $ret;
        if (isset($option) && !($option == 'com_content' && @$task == 'edit') && strtolower($option) != 'com_sh404sef') {
            // V x 29/08/2007 23:19:48
            // check also that option = com_content, otherwise, breaks some comp
            switch ($shComponentType) {
                case Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_SKIP:
                    $sefstring = $shSaveString;
                    // V 1.2.4.q : restore untouched URL, except anchor
                    // which will be added later
                case Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_SIMPLE:
                    /* case 'sh404SEFFallback': // v 1.2.4.t*/
                    // check for custom urls
                    $sefstring = '';
                    $urlType = shGetSefURLFromCacheOrDB($string, $sefstring);
                    // if no custom found, then build default url
                    if ($urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_CUSTOM) {
                        // if not found then fall back to Joomla! SEF
                        if (isset($URI)) {
                        $sefstring = 'component/';
                        $URI = new sh_Net_URL(shSortUrl($shSaveString));
                        if (count($URI->querystring) > 0) {
                            foreach ($URI->querystring as $key => $value) {
                                if (is_array($value)) {
                                    foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
                                        // fix for arrays, thanks doorknob
                                        $sefstring .= $key . '[' . $k . '],' . $v . '/';
                                } else {
                                    $sefstring .= $key . ',' . $value . '/';
                            $sefstring = str_replace('option/', '', $sefstring);
                    $sefstring = '';
                    // base case:
                    $urlType = shGetSefURLFromCacheOrDB($string, $sefstring);
                    // first special case. User may have customized paginated urls
                    // this will be picked up by the line above, except if we're talking about
                    // a category or section blog layout, where Joomla does not uses the correct
                    // value for limit
                    if (($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) && empty($showall) && (!empty($limit) || !isset($limit) && !empty($limitstart))) {
                        if ($option == 'com_content' && isset($layout) && $layout == 'blog' || $option == 'com_content' && isset($view) && $view == 'frontpage') {
                            $listLimit = shGetDefaultDisplayNumFromURL($string, $includeBlogLinks = true);
                            $tmpString = shSetURLVar($string, 'limit', $listLimit);
                            $tmpString = shSortUrl($tmpString);
                            $urlType = shGetSefURLFromCacheOrDB($tmpString, $sefstring);
                            if ($urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE && $urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                                // we found a match with pagination info!
                                $string = $tmpString;
                    // now let's try again without any pagination at all
                    if (($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) && empty($showall) && (!empty($limit) || !isset($limit) && !empty($limitstart))) {
                        $urlType = shGetSefURLFromCacheOrDB(shCleanUpPag($string), $sefstring);
                        // search without pagination info
                        if ($urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE && $urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                            $sefstring = shAddPaginationInfo(@$limit, @$limitstart, @showall, 1, $string, $sefstring, null);
                            // a special case : com_content  does not calculate pagination right
                            // for frontpage and blog, they include links shown at the bottom in the calculation of number of items
                            // For instance, with joomla sample data, the frontpage has only 5 articles
                            // but the view sets $limit to 9 !!!
                            if ($option == 'com_content' && isset($layout) && $layout == 'blog' || $option == 'com_content' && isset($view) && $view == 'frontpage') {
                                $listLimit = shGetDefaultDisplayNumFromURL($string, $includeBlogLinks = true);
                                $string = shSetURLVar($string, 'limit', $listLimit);
                                $string = shSortUrl($string);
                            // that's a new URL, so let's add it to DB and cache
                            _log('Created url based on non paginated base url:' . $string);
                            shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache($string, $sefstring, 0, $urlType);
                    if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE) {
                        // If component has its own sef_ext plug-in included.
                        $shDoNotOverride = in_array($shOption, $sefConfig->shDoNotOverrideOwnSef);
                        if (shFileExists(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'components/' . $option . '/sef_ext.php') && ($shDoNotOverride || !$shDoNotOverride && (!shFileExists(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/' . $option . '.php') && !shFileExists(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'components/' . $option . '/sef_ext/' . $option . '.php')))) {
                            // Load the plug-in file. V 1.2.4.s changed require_once to include
                            include_once sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'components/' . $option . '/sef_ext.php';
                            $_SEF_SPACE = $sefConfig->replacement;
                            $comp_name = str_replace('com_', '', $option);
                            $className = 'sef_' . $comp_name;
                            $sef_ext = new $className();
                            // V x : added default string in params
                            if (empty($sefConfig->defaultComponentStringList[$comp_name])) {
                                $title[] = getMenuTitle($option, null, isset($Itemid) ? @$Itemid : null, null, $shLanguage);
                            } else {
                                $title[] = $sefConfig->defaultComponentStringList[$comp_name];
                            // V 1.2.4.r : clean up URL BEFORE sending it to sef_ext files, to have control on what they do
                            // remove lang information, we'll put it back ourselves later
                            //$shString = preg_replace( '/(&|\?)lang=[a-zA-Z]{2,3}/iU' ,'', $string);
                            // V 1.2.4.t use original non-sef string. Some sef_ext files relies on order of params, which may
                            // have been changed by sh404SEF
                            $shString = preg_replace('/(&|\\?)lang=[a-zA-Z]{2,3}/iU', '', $shSaveString);
                            $finalstrip = explode("|", $sefConfig->stripthese);
                            $shString = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $shString);
                            _log('Sending to own sef_ext.php plugin : ' . $shString);
                            $sefstring = $sef_ext->create($shString);
                            _log('Created by sef_ext.php plugin : ' . $sefstring);
                            $sefstring = str_replace("%10", "%2F", $sefstring);
                            $sefstring = str_replace("%11", $sefConfig->replacement, $sefstring);
                            $sefstring = rawurldecode($sefstring);
                            if ($sefstring == $string) {
                                if (!empty($shMosMsg)) {
                                    // V x 01/09/2007 22:48:01
                                    $string .= '?' . $shMosMsg;
                                $ret = shFinalizeURL($string);
                                $shMosConfig_locale = $shOrigLang;
                                _log('Returning shSefRelToAbs 5 with ' . $ret);
                                return $ret;
                            } else {
                                // V 1.2.4.p : sef_ext extensions for opensef/SefAdvance do not always replace '
                                $sefstring = str_replace('\'', $sefConfig->replacement, $sefstring);
                                // some ext. seem to html_special_chars URL ?
                                $sefstring = str_replace('&#039;', $sefConfig->replacement, $sefstring);
                                // V w 27/08/2007 13:23:56
                                $sefstring = str_replace(' ', $_SEF_SPACE, $sefstring);
                                $sefstring = str_replace(' ', '', (shInsertIsoCodeInUrl($option, $shLanguage) ? shGetIsoCodeFromName($shLanguage) . '/' : '') . titleToLocation($title[0]) . '/' . $sefstring . ($sefstring != '' ? $sefConfig->suffix : ''));
                                if (!empty($sefConfig->suffix)) {
                                    $sefstring = str_replace('/' . $sefConfig->suffix, $sefConfig->suffix, $sefstring);
                                //$finalstrip = explode("|", $sefConfig->stripthese);
                                $sefstring = str_replace($finalstrip, $sefConfig->replacement, $sefstring);
                                $sefstring = str_replace($sefConfig->replacement . $sefConfig->replacement . $sefConfig->replacement, $sefConfig->replacement, $sefstring);
                                $sefstring = str_replace($sefConfig->replacement . $sefConfig->replacement, $sefConfig->replacement, $sefstring);
                                $suffixthere = 0;
                                if (!empty($sefConfig->suffix) && strpos($sefstring, $sefConfig->suffix) !== false) {
                                    // V 1.2.4.s
                                    $suffixthere = strlen($sefConfig->suffix);
                                $takethese = str_replace("|", "", $sefConfig->friendlytrim);
                                $sefstring = JString::trim(JString::substr($sefstring, 0, strlen($sefstring) - $suffixthere), $takethese);
                                $sefstring .= $suffixthere == 0 ? '' : $sefConfig->suffix;
                                // version u 26/08/2007 17:27:16
                                // V 1.2.4.m store it in DB so as to be able to use sef_ext plugins really !
                                $string = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $string);
                                // V 1.2.4.r without mod_rewrite
                                $shSefString = shAdjustToRewriteMode($sefstring);
                                // V 1.2.4.p check for various URL for same content
                                $dburl = '';
                                // V 1.2.4.t prevent notice error
                                $urlType = sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE;
                                if ($sefConfig->shUseURLCache) {
                                    $urlType = Sh404sefHelperCache::getNonSefUrlFromCache($shSefString, $dburl);
                                $newMaxRank = 0;
                                // V 1.2.4.s
                                $shDuplicate = false;
                                if ($sefConfig->shRecordDuplicates || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE) {
                                    // V 1.2.4.q + V 1.2.4.s+t
                                    $sql = "SELECT newurl, rank, dateadd FROM #__redirection WHERE oldurl = " . $database->Quote($shSefString) . " ORDER BY rank ASC";
                                    $dbUrlList = $database->loadObjectList();
                                    if (count($dbUrlList) > 0) {
                                        $dburl = $dbUrlList[0]->newurl;
                                        $newMaxRank = $dbUrlList[count($dbUrlList) - 1]->rank + 1;
                                        $urlType = $dbUrlList[0]->dateadd == '0000-00-00' ? sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO : sh404SEF_URLTYPE_CUSTOM;
                                if ($urlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE && $dburl != $string) {
                                    $shDuplicate = true;
                                $urlType = $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE ? sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO : $urlType;
                                _log('Adding from sef_ext to DB : ' . $shSefString . ' | rank = ' . ($shDuplicate ? $newMaxRank : 0));
                                shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache($string, $shSefString, $shDuplicate ? $newMaxRank : 0, $urlType);
                        } else {
                            $string = JString::trim($string, "&?");
                            // V 1.2.4.q a trial in better handling homepage articles
                            if (shIsCurrentPageHome() && $option == 'com_content' && isset($task) && $task == 'view' && $sefConfig->guessItemidOnHomepage) {
                                $string = preg_replace('/(&|\\?)Itemid=[^&]*/i', '', $string);
                                // we remove Itemid, as com_content plugin
                                $Itemid = null;
                                // will hopefully do a better job at finding the right one
                            require_once sh404SEF_FRONT_ABS_PATH . 'sef_ext.php';
                            $sef_ext = new sef_404();
                            // Rewrite the URL now. // V 1.2.4.s added original string
                            // a special case : com_content  does not calculate pagination right
                            // for frontpage and blog, they include links shown at the bottom in the calculation of number of items
                            // For instance, with joomla sample data, the frontpage has only 5 articles
                            // but the view sets $limit to 9 !!!
                            if ($option == 'com_content' && isset($layout) && $layout == 'blog' || $option == 'com_content' && isset($view) && $view == 'frontpage') {
                                $listLimit = shGetDefaultDisplayNumFromURL($string, $includeBlogLinks = true);
                                $string = shSetURLVar($string, 'limit', $listLimit);
                                $string = shSortUrl($string);
                                //$URI->addQueryString( 'limit', $listLimit);
                            $sefstring = $sef_ext->create($string, $URI->querystring, $shAppendString, $shLanguage, $shOrigString, $originalUri);
                            _log('Created sef url from default plugin: ' . $sefstring);
            // end of cache check shumisha
            if (isset($sef_ext)) {
            // V 1.2.4.j
            // V 1.2.4.r : checked for double //
            // V 1.2.4.r try sef without mod_rewrite
            $shRewriteBit = $shComponentType == Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_SKIP ? '/' : $sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode];
            if (strpos($sefstring, 'index.php') === 0) {
                $shRewriteBit = '/';
            // V 1.2.4.t bug #119
            $string = $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . $shRewriteBit . JString::ltrim($sefstring, '/') . ($URI->anchor ? "#" . $URI->anchor : '');
        } else {
            // V x 03/09/2007 13:47:37 editing content
            $shComponentType = Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_SKIP;
            // will prevent turning & into &amp;
            _log('shSefrelfToAbs: option not set, skipping');
        $ret = $string;
        // $ret = str_replace('itemid', 'Itemid', $ret); // V 1.2.4.t bug #125
        _log('(1) Setting shSefRelToAbs return string as: ' . $ret);
    if (!isset($ret)) {
        $ret = $string;
        _log('(2) Setting shSefRelToAbs return string as: ' . $ret);
    //if (!empty($shMosMsg) && strpos($ret, $shMosMsg) === false) // V x 01/09/2007 23:02:00
    //   $ret .= (strpos( $ret, '?') === false  || $sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode] == '/index.php?/'? '?':'&').$shMosMsg;
    $ret = $shComponentType == Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_DEFAULT ? shFinalizeURL($ret) : $ret;
    // V w 27/08/2007 13:21:28
    _log('(3) shSefRelToAbs return string after shFinalize: ' . $ret);
    if (empty($uri) || $shComponentType == Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_SKIP) {
        // we don't have a uri : we must be doing a redirect from non-sef to sef or similar
        $ret .= $shAppendString;
        // append directly to url
        _log('(4) shSefRelToAbs return string after appendString: ' . $ret);
    } else {
        if (empty($sefstring) || !empty($sefstring) && strpos($sefstring, 'index.php') !== 0) {
            shRebuildVars($shAppendString, $uri);
            // instead, add to uri. Joomla will put everything together. Only do this if we have a sef url, and not if we have a non-sef
            _log('(5) shSefRelToAbs no sefstring, adding rebuild vars : ' . $shAppendString);
    $shMosConfig_locale = $shOrigLang;
    _log('shSefRelToAbs: finally returning: ' . $ret);
    return $ret;
예제 #4
// get page details gathered by system plugin
$sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
$database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
$view = JREQUEST::getCmd('view', null);
$catid = JREQUEST::getInt('catid', null);
$id = JREQUEST::getInt('id', null);
$limit = JREQUEST::getInt('limit', null);
$limitstart = JREQUEST::getInt('limitstart', null);
$layout = JREQUEST::getCmd('layout', null);
$showall = JREQUEST::getInt('showall', null);
$format = JREQUEST::getCmd('format', null);
$print = JREQUEST::getInt('print', null);
$tmpl = JREQUEST::getCmd('tmpl', null);
$lang = JREQUEST::getString('lang', null);
$shLangName = empty($lang) ? $shPageInfo->currentLanguageTag : shGetNameFromIsoCode($lang);
$shLangIso = isset($lang) ? $lang : shGetIsoCodeFromName($shPageInfo->currentLanguageTag);
$shLangIso = shLoadPluginLanguage('com_content', $shLangIso, 'COM_SH404SEF_CREATE_NEW');
global $shCustomTitleTag, $shCustomDescriptionTag, $shCustomKeywordsTag, $shCustomLangTag, $shCustomRobotsTag, $shCanonicalTag;
// special case for 404
if (!empty($shPageInfo->httpStatus) && $shPageInfo->httpStatus == 404) {
    $shCustomTitleTag = '404';
    $shCustomRobotsTag = 'noindex, follow';
// add no follow to print pages
$shCustomRobotsTag = $tmpl == 'component' && !empty($print) ? 'noindex, nofollow' : $shCustomRobotsTag;
// calculate page title
$title = array();
switch ($view) {
    case 'archivecategory':
예제 #5
  * @param  string $url
  * @param  array $title
  * @param  string $task
  * @param  int $limit
  * @param  int $limitstart
  * @return sefurl
 public static function sefGetLocation($nonSefUrl, &$title, $task = null, $limit = null, $limitstart = null, $langParam = null, $showall = null, $suppressPagination = false)
     try {
         $shPageInfo =& Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
         $sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
         $lang = empty($langParam) ? $shPageInfo->currentLanguageTag : $langParam;
         // shumisha : try to avoid duplicate content on multilingual sites by always adding &lang=xx to url (stored in DB).
         // warning : must add &lang=xx only if it does not exists already
         if (!strpos($nonSefUrl, 'lang=')) {
             $shSepString = substr($nonSefUrl, -9) == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&';
             $nonSefUrl .= $shSepString . 'lang=' . shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang);
         // make sure url is consistent
         $nonSefUrl = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $nonSefUrl);
         // detect multipage homepage
         $shMultiPageHomePageFlag = shIsHomepage($nonSefUrl);
         // get all the slugs ready for being urls bits
         $tempSefUrl = array();
         foreach ($title as $titlestring) {
             $decodedTitletring = urldecode($titlestring);
             $tempSefUrl[] = titleToLocation($decodedTitletring);
         // now build the URL
         $tempSefUrl = implode("/", $tempSefUrl);
         // remove duplicate /
         $tempSefUrl = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/\\/{2,}/u', '/', $tempSefUrl);
         // and truncate to max length, according to param
         $tempSefUrl = JString::substr($tempSefUrl, 0, sh404SEF_MAX_SEF_URL_LENGTH);
         // trim to max length V 1.2.4.t
         // if URL is empty, and unless this is a paginated home page, or home page in non-default language, stop there
         if (empty($tempSefUrl)) {
             if ((!shIsMultilingual() || shIsMultilingual() && shIsDefaultlang($lang)) && !$sefConfig->addFile && !$shMultiPageHomePageFlag) {
                 return '';
             // if location is empty, and not multilingual site, or multilingual, but this is default language, then there is nothing to add to url
         // we have a valid SEF url, built with the data ($title) sent
         // by plugin. Now we want to check if it's already in the db
         // and add it if not
         // first, we search the memory cache for the non-sef url
         // as it is faster than looking up the db
         $finalSefUrl = '';
         $sefUrlType = Sh404sefHelperCache::getSefUrlFromCache($nonSefUrl, $finalSefUrl);
         // if non-sef was not found in cache - or found, but it was a 404 last time we saw it -
         // we should continue and try adding it
         if ($sefUrlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE || $sefUrlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
             $finalSefUrl = false;
             // non-sef was not found in cache, let's look up the database
             if ($sefUrlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE) {
                 $finalSefUrl = ShlDbHelper::selectResult('#__sh404sef_urls', 'oldurl', array('newurl' => $nonSefUrl));
             // we found the sef url in database, we're done
             if (!empty($finalSefUrl)) {
                 return $finalSefUrl;
             // the non-sef url is not in memory cache, nor in database
             // that's a new one, we need to finalize its sef (add pagination and language information)
             // After finalizing it, we'll also check that sef is not in the db
             // as it can already be there, associated with another non-sef (ie: a duplicate)
             // Either way we'll add it in the db, but mark it as a duplicate if needed
             // add pagination information, unless we were instructed by extension plugin not to
             // find if we should separate pagination info from sef with a / or not
             if (!empty($tempSefUrl)) {
                 $shSeparator = JString::substr($tempSefUrl, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/';
             } else {
                 $shSeparator = '';
             $finalSefUrl = $suppressPagination ? $tempSefUrl : shAddPaginationInfo($limit, $limitstart, $showall, 1, $nonSefUrl, $tempSefUrl, $shSeparator);
             // v 1.2.4.t
             // if home page, we don't record anything, just return "home page"
             if ($shMultiPageHomePageFlag && '/' . $finalSefUrl == $tempSefUrl && (!shIsMultilingual() || shIsMultilingual() && shIsDefaultLang($lang))) {
                 // but this is default language
                 // this is start page of multipage homepage, return home or forced home
                 if (!empty($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage)) {
                     return str_replace($shPageInfo->getDefaultFrontLiveSite() . '/', '', $sefConfig->shForcedHomePage);
                 } else {
                     return '';
             // add language information
             // first, remove languages in non-sef, to see if we're on homepage
             // as handling is sligthly different for homepage
             $v1 = shCleanUpLang($nonSefUrl);
             $v2 = shCleanUpLang($shPageInfo->homeLink);
             if ($v1 == $v2 || $v1 == 'index.php') {
                 // check if this is homepage
                 if (shIsMultilingual() && !shIsDefaultLang($lang)) {
                     // if homepage in not-default-language, then add language code regardless of user settings
                     // as we otherwise would not be able to switch language on the frontpage
                     $finalSefUrl = shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang) . '/';
                 } else {
                     $finalSefUrl = '';
             } else {
                 // not on homepage, insert lang code based on user setting
                 $option = shGetURLVar($nonSefUrl, 'option', '');
                 if (shInsertIsoCodeInUrl($option, $lang)) {
                     // insert language code based on param
                     // pass URL lang info, as may not be current lang
                     $finalSefUrl = shGetIsoCodeFromName($lang) . '/' . $finalSefUrl;
                     //  must be forced lang, not default
             // after adding pagination part of SEF, and adding language code
             // the new SEF url is now complete and we can try adding to it cache and db
             if ($finalSefUrl != '') {
                 $dburl = null;
                 $dbUrlId = null;
                 $nonSefUrlType = sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE;
                 // search the memory cache for this new sef
                 if ($sefConfig->shUseURLCache) {
                     $nonSefUrlType = Sh404sefHelperCache::getNonSefUrlFromCache($finalSefUrl, $dburl);
                 $newMaxRank = 0;
                 // if the new SEF was not found in memory cache, or if it was found but
                 // we're set to record duplicates, we search for it in the database
                 if ($sefConfig->shRecordDuplicates || $nonSefUrlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE) {
                     $dbUrlList = ShlDbHelper::selectObjectList('#__sh404sef_urls', array('id', 'newurl', 'rank', 'dateadd'), array('oldurl' => $finalSefUrl), $aWhereData = array(), $orderBy = array('rank'));
                     if (count($dbUrlList) > 0) {
                         $dburl = $dbUrlList[0]->newurl;
                         $dbUrlId = $dbUrlList[0]->id;
                         if (empty($dburl)) {
                             // V 1.2.4.t url was found in DB, but was a 404
                             $nonSefUrlType = sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404;
                         } else {
                             $newMaxRank = $dbUrlList[count($dbUrlList) - 1]->rank + 1;
                             $nonSefUrlType = $dbUrlList[0]->dateadd == '0000-00-00' ? sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO : sh404SEF_URLTYPE_CUSTOM;
                 if ($nonSefUrlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_NONE && $nonSefUrlType != sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                     // we found the SEF, one or more times in the db, in records which do have a non-sef attached
                     $isDuplicate = $dburl != $nonSefUrl;
                     // This is a duplicate so we must indert it with incremented rank;
                     if (is_null($dburl) || $isDuplicate && $sefConfig->shRecordDuplicates) {
                         // shAddSefUrlToDBAndCache( $nonSefUrl, $finalSefUrl, ($isDuplicate ? $newMaxRank : 0), $nonSefUrlType);
                         $dateAdd = $nonSefUrlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO ? '0000-00-00' : date("Y-m-d");
                         ShlDbHelper::insert('#__sh404sef_urls', array('oldurl' => $finalSefUrl, 'newurl' => $nonSefUrl, 'rank' => $isDuplicate ? $newMaxRank : 0, 'dateadd' => $dateAdd));
                         // store new sef/non-sef pair in memory cache
                         Sh404sefHelperCache::addSefUrlToCache($nonSefUrl, $finalSefUrl, $nonSefUrlType);
                         // create shURL : get a shURL model, and ask url creation
                         $model = ShlMvcModel_Base::getInstance('pageids', 'Sh404sefModel');
                         $model->createPageId($finalSefUrl, $nonSefUrl);
                 } else {
                     // we haven't found the non-sef/sef pair, but maybe there is a record for
                     // a 404 with that SEF. If so, we will "upgrade" the 404 record to a
                     // normal non-sef/sef pair
                     $dbUrlId = empty($dbUrlId) ? 0 : intval($dbUrlId);
                     if ($sefConfig->shLog404Errors) {
                         if ($nonSefUrlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404 && !empty($dbUrlId)) {
                             // we already have seen that it is a 404
                             $id = $dbUrlId;
                         } elseif ($nonSefUrlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_404) {
                             $id = ShlDbHelper::selectResult('#__sh404sef_urls', 'id', array('oldurl' => $finalSefUrl, 'newurl' => ''));
                         } else {
                             $id = null;
                     } else {
                         $id = null;
                         // if we are not logging 404 errors, then no need to check for
                     // previous hit of this page.
                     if (!empty($id)) {
                         // we found a 404 record matching the SEF url just created. We'll update that record
                         // instead of creating a new one
                         // need to update dateadd to 0, as otherwise this sef/non-sef pair will be seen as custom
                         // this makes all such 404 errors 'disappear' from the 404 log, but no other solution
                         ShlDbHelper::updateIn('#__sh404sef_urls', array('newurl' => $nonSefUrl, 'dateadd' => '0000-00-00'), 'id', array($id));
                         Sh404sefHelperCache::addSefUrlToCache($nonSefUrl, $finalSefUrl, sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO);
                     } else {
                         // standard case: creation of a totally new sef/non-sef pair
                         ShlDbHelper::insert('#__sh404sef_urls', array('oldurl' => $finalSefUrl, 'newurl' => $nonSefUrl, 'rank' => 0, 'dateadd' => '0000-00-00'));
                         // store new sef/non-sef pair in memory cache
                         Sh404sefHelperCache::addSefUrlToCache($nonSefUrl, $finalSefUrl, sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO);
                         // create shURL : get a shURL model, and ask url creation
                         $model = ShlMvcModel_Base::getInstance('pageids', 'Sh404sefModel');
                         $model->createPageId($finalSefUrl, $nonSefUrl);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $finalSefUrl = '';
         ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
     return $finalSefUrl;
예제 #6
 protected function _prepareLink($menuItem, $forceLanguage = null)
     $link = shSetURLVar($menuItem->link, 'Itemid', $menuItem->id);
     $linkLang = shGetURLLang($link);
     if (empty($linkLang)) {
         // if no language in link, use current, except if 'All', in which case use actual default
         if (empty($forceLanguage)) {
             $itemLanguage = $menuItem->language == '*' ? shGetDefaultLanguageSef() : shGetIsoCodeFromName($menuItem->language);
         } else {
             $itemLanguage = $forceLanguage;
         $link = shSetUrlVar($link, 'lang', $itemLanguage);
     return $link;
예제 #7
// get page details gathered by system plugin
$sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
$view = JREQUEST::getCmd('view', null);
$catid = JREQUEST::getInt('catid', null);
$id = JREQUEST::getInt('id', null);
$limit = JREQUEST::getInt('limit', null);
$limitstart = JREQUEST::getInt('limitstart', null);
$layout = JREQUEST::getCmd('layout', null);
$showall = JREQUEST::getInt('showall', null);
$format = JREQUEST::getCmd('format', null);
$print = JREQUEST::getInt('print', null);
$tmpl = JREQUEST::getCmd('tmpl', null);
$lang = JREQUEST::getString('lang', null);
$shLangName = empty($lang) ? $shPageInfo->shMosConfig_locale : shGetNameFromIsoCode($lang);
$shLangIso = isset($lang) ? $lang : shGetIsoCodeFromName($shPageInfo->shMosConfig_locale);
$shLangIso = shLoadPluginLanguage('com_content', $shLangIso, 'COM_SH404SEF_CREATE_NEW');
global $shCustomTitleTag, $shCustomDescriptionTag, $shCustomKeywordsTag, $shCustomLangTag, $shCustomRobotsTag, $shCanonicalTag;
// special case for 404
if (!empty($shPageInfo->httpStatus) && $shPageInfo->httpStatus == 404) {
    $shCustomTitleTag = '404';
    $shCustomRobotsTag = 'noindex, follow';
// add no follow to print pages
$shCustomRobotsTag = $tmpl == 'component' && !empty($print) ? 'noindex, nofollow' : $shCustomRobotsTag;
// calculate page title
$title = array();
switch ($view) {
    case 'archivecategory':
예제 #8
     shDoSecurityChecks($shPageInfo->QUERY_STRING, false);
     // check this newly created URL
 // V 1.2.4.l added automatic redirect of Joomla standard SEF to sh404SEF URL.
 // V 1.2.4.p restrict automatic redirect to Joomla own sef, otherwise it breaks opensef/sefadvance sef_ext files
 // V x : allow redirect even if Joomfish, if URL is already in DB but check if reverted string is valid
 // may not be so in case of attacks or badly formed J! SEF url
 if (is_valid($shPageInfo->QUERY_STRING) && ($sef_ext_class == 'sef_content' || $sef_ext_class == 'sef_component')) {
     // if we have Joomla standard SEF
     if (empty($shPageInfo->autoRedirectsDisabled) && $sefConfig->shRedirectJoomlaSefToSef && $shPageInfo->URI->url && empty($_POST)) {
         // and are set to auto-redirect to SEF URLs
         // try fetching from DB
         $shSefUrl = null;
         $nonSefURL = 'index.php?' . $shPageInfo->QUERY_STRING;
         if (strpos($nonSefURL, 'lang=') === false) {
             $nonSefURL = shSetURLVar($nonSefURL, 'lang', shGetIsoCodeFromName($GLOBALS['shMosConfig_locale']));
         $urlType = shGetSefURLFromCacheOrDB(shSortURL($nonSefURL), $shSefUrl);
         if ($urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO || $urlType == sh404SEF_URLTYPE_CUSTOM) {
             // found a match
             $shRewriteBit = $sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode];
             $shSefUrl = (empty($shPageInfo->shHttpsSave) ? $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] : $shPageInfo->shHttpsSave) . $shRewriteBit . JString::ltrim($shSefUrl, '/') . ($shPageInfo->URI->anchor ? "#" . $shPageInfo->URI->anchor : '');
             _log('Redirecting J! sef URl to existing SEF URL : ' . $shSefUrl);
         if (!shIsMultilingual() || shIsMultilingual() == 'joomfish' && shGetNameFromIsoCode(shDecideRequestLanguage()) == $GLOBALS['shMosConfig_locale']) {
             $shSefUrl = (empty($shPageInfo->shHttpsSave) ? $GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] : $shPageInfo->shHttpsSave) . '/index.php?' . $shPageInfo->QUERY_STRING;
             $GLOBALS['mosConfig_defaultLang'] = $shMosConfig_locale;
             // V x 01/09/2007 22:05:11 joomfish not initialised so we must do
             // this otherwise shGetDefaultLanguage will not work
             // check if language in URL