function shCheckRedirect ($dest, $incomingUrl) { $sefConfig = & Sh404sefFactory::getConfig(); if (!empty($dest) && $dest != $incomingUrl) { // redirect to alias if ($dest == sh404SEF_HOMEPAGE_CODE) { if (!empty($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage)) { $dest = shFinalizeURL($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage); } else { $dest = shFinalizeURL(Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->getDefaultLiveSite()); } } else { $shUri = new JURI($dest); $shOriginalUri = clone( $shUri); $dest = shSefRelToAbs($dest, '', $shUri, $shOriginalUri) . $shUri->toString( array('query')); } if ($dest != $incomingUrl) { _log('Redirecting to '. $dest .' from alias '.$incomingUrl); shRedirect($dest); } } }
function shCheckRedirect($dest, $incomingUrl) { $sefConfig =& shRouter::shGetConfig(); if (!empty($dest) && $dest != $incomingUrl) { // redirect to alias if ($dest == sh404SEF_HOMEPAGE_CODE) { if (!empty($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage)) { $dest = shFinalizeURL($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage); } else { $dest = shFinalizeURL($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite']); } } else { $shUri = new JURI($dest); $shOriginalUri = clone $shUri; $dest = shSefRelToAbs($dest, '', $shUri, $shOriginalUri) . $shUri->toString(array('query')); } if ($dest != $incomingUrl) { _log('Redirecting to ' . $dest . ' from alias ' . $incomingUrl); shRedirect($dest); } } }
if ($shTemp == $shMosConfig_locale) { $shTemp = ''; } else { $shTemp = $shLang; } } else { $shTemp = ''; } $shAnchor = empty($shPageInfo->URI->anchor) ? '' : '#' . $shPageInfo->URI->anchor; if (!empty($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage)) { // V 1.2.4.t $shTmp = $shTemp . $shAnchor; $dest = shFinalizeURL($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage . (empty($shTmp) ? '' : '/' . $shTmp)); } else { $shRewriteBit = empty($shTemp) ? '/' : $sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode]; $dest = shFinalizeURL($GLOBALS['shConfigLiveSite'] . $shRewriteBit . $shTemp . $shAnchor); } _log('Redirection calculated as ' . $dest); if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS') !== false) { // IIS adds index.php to $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], even if it // was not requested by visitor if (empty($sefConfig->shForcedHomePage)) { $target = str_replace('index.php', '', $shPageInfo->shSaveRequestURI); $target = str_replace('Index.php', '', $target); // sometimes IIS uses Index.php instead of index.php $current = $shPageInfo->URI->protocol . '://' . $shPageInfo->URI->host . (!sh404SEF_USE_NON_STANDARD_PORT || empty($shPageInfo->URI->port) ? '' : ':' . $shPageInfo->URI->port) . $target . $shAnchor; } else { $current = $dest; // if there is a splash page, we don't know what to do, so avoid infinite loop } _log(' IIS detected, $current calculated as : ' . $current);