echo "<p>You need to configure SiT to be able access the MySQL database.</p>"; echo setup_configure(); } } else { echo "<p class='info'>Sucessfully connected to your database.</p>"; echo setup_button('checkatttdir', 'Next'); } } break; case 'createdb': if ($_REQUEST['sampledata'] == 'yes') { $_SESSION['sampledata'] = TRUE; } else { $_SESSION['sampledata'] = FALSE; } setup_createdb(); break; case 'checkatttdiragain': $again = TRUE; case 'checkatttdir': if (file_exists($CONFIG['attachment_fspath']) == FALSE) { echo "<h2>Attachments Directory</h2>"; echo "<p>SiT! requires a directory to store attachments.</p>"; echo setup_button('createattdir', "Create attachments directory"); echo "<br />"; if ($again) { echo setup_button('checkatttdiragain', 'Next'); echo "<p class='error'>The directory <code>{$CONFIG['attachment_fspath']}</code> must be created before setup can continue.</p>"; } } elseif (is_writable($CONFIG['attachment_fspath']) == FALSE) { echo "<h2>Attachments Directory</h2>";
function pass_createdb($eventData) { global $hui_mainstatus, $amp_locale, $log; setup_createdb($eventData, $log); }