//form of comment if (!empty($_POST['rating'])) { if (!empty($_POST['commenttext'])) { include "addtocomment.php"; $id_articles = $_POST['id_articles']; $text_comment = clearData($_POST['commenttext']); if (empty($_POST['commenttitle'])) { $title_comment = substr($text_comment, 0, 15); } else { $title_comment = clearData($_POST['commenttitle']); } $profile = getProfile($_SESSION['name']); $id_user_of_comment = $profile[0]['id']; $date_of_public = time(); $user_rating = $_POST['case']; setComment($id_articles, $title_comment, $text_comment, $id_user_of_comment, $date_of_public); } else { echo "<div>" . $lang['comment field is not filled'] . "</div>"; } } //comment if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $articles = getComment($_GET['id']); if (!empty($articles)) { foreach ($articles as $article) { echo "<hr><div><a href='index.php?profile=" . getName($article['id_user_of_comment']) . "'>" . getName($article['id_user_of_comment']) . "</a></div>"; if (!empty($_SESSION['status']) and $_SESSION['status'] == '3') { echo "<div align='right'><a href='comment.php?comment&del=" . $article['id'] . "'>" . $lang['delete'] . "</a></div>"; } echo "<div><b>" . $article['title_comment'] . "</b></div>"; echo "<div>" . $article['text_comment'] . "</div>";
function setTranslatorComment(&$strings, $text, $hint) { addString($strings, $text); $hint = trim($hint); if (!$hint) { return; } setComment($strings, $text, '', $hint); }
/** * createComment that uses setComment to insert into database. * @author Oliver Rosander * @param PDO $dbh, string|null $lbl Post index default "comment" * @return int Id of last inserted row -1 if fail */ function createComment($dbh, $lbl = null) { // Check for label to retrieve data from session if ($lbl == null && isset($_POST["comment"])) { $comment = $_POST["comment"]; } elseif (isset($_POST[$lbl])) { $comment = $_POST[$lbl]; } else { return -1; } // Check data if ($comment != null && strlen($comment) < 256) { $comment = strip_tags($comment); $subcomments = serialize(array()); $ret = setComment(0, $comment, $subcomments, $dbh); //TODO MISSING USER AND SUBCOMMENT if ($ret != -1) { return $ret; } else { return -1; } } else { return -1; } }