예제 #1
파일: proxy.php 프로젝트: hysterix/nraep
function grabproxy($header, $agentstr)
    // hidemyass.com got hax'd by hysterix!
    // these are the 'ghetto tables'; md5's
    // of an image we compare to when grabing proxies
    // so we can grab the port number with ease.
    // shit loads faster than scanning each pixel
    // in each image, and easier to implement.
    // pretty hax if you ask me, obviously they
    // don't want people doing this! The first rule of fight club....
    // Also, if you do the md5 locally to just the file it is different from these.
    // I believe this is the md5 of the header as well as the image together,
    // don't think they are wrong when they don't compare on your system
    $ghetto_tables = array('2741898dc5492442a60c48fd8af5f914' => '80', '27760f111201b87996e9d5f1f55e1e2b' => '81', '8c4d39d1386fdb4dc6312a00387ae8be' => '444', '38925677a3ab9071d81b50d0e4d14ce0' => '1080', '5969ad3f3cb42fc2cfc32e667b64db4d' => '1260', '37357c1363a6edac318a513c8a16733a' => '2301', '380ac73e41c1c9f4b460b6aa74fbaea5' => '3124', '70846fe60a6915b3979033fe53f46402' => '3128', '9407ba7a72999731d6cefdc41a7522b4' => '33655', '53fc62ce0db7912b5be729849ef11dff' => '34387', '9229f0e355a3311d1f6b196ffce7cb74' => '6588', 'c1865c575ac4645f47b603deaf98ca60' => '6654', 'a580f19646451c4d832303b596fe6248' => '6666', '2980cfed592e0e31f9b0f30e24e23bf2' => '8000', '9739217797951fd6525313a762007561' => '8080', '0b269894b8fc6b74adb92840528b4e33' => '8118', '14509909876456e7539e95a9a104fcdc' => '8888', '3afb17a502f997278ec096e3347edace' => '9090', '7109cafc0782511575f4dc40e932d2e7' => '9188', '963b608d579bd4a2110e41b11eb6a12a' => '51898', '703a56c126717b1e6791915eee0ed3d8' => '65208');
    // Gather an array of proxy lists (About 400 proxies in this list)
    $ass_hiders[0] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/1/";
    $ass_hiders[1] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/2/";
    $ass_hiders[2] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/3/";
    $ass_hiders[3] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/4/";
    $ass_hiders[4] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/5/";
    $ass_hiders[5] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/6/";
    $ass_hiders[6] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/7/";
    $ass_hiders[7] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/8/";
    $ass_hiders[8] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/9/";
    $ass_hiders[9] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/10/";
    $ass_hiders[10] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/11/";
    $ass_hiders[11] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/12/";
    $ass_hiders[12] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/13/";
    $ass_hiders[13] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/14/";
    $ass_hiders[14] = "http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/All-Countries/fast/hide-planetlab/15/";
    $randkey = array_rand($ass_hiders);
    // Select a random $ass_hiders page
    $failed = false;
    //$random_hole = rand(1, count($ass_hiders));
    //foreach ($ass_hiders as $ass_hider) {  // UR DOIN IT WRONG
    $curl = new CURL();
    // create the curl instance
    $opts = setBrowser(0, 0, $header, $agentstr);
    // do not set first variable to 1; we don't need infinite looping
    $curl->retry = MAX_RETRYS;
    $curl->addSession($ass_hiders[$randkey], $opts[0]);
    // this is a hack if i've ever seen one
    $result = $curl->exec();
    // this is the site returned
    // without this, php likes to output a 1 to the screen (something to do with the header info probably)
    // unset curl
    // remove the curl instance
    if (is_array($result)) {
        $result = $result[0] . $result[1];
    $matches = array();
    $yanoob = array();
    $html = str_get_html($result);
    $arrInput = array();
    foreach ($html->find('table') as $t) {
        $x = 0;
        $matches = array();
        foreach ($t->find('tr') as $rows) {
            foreach ($rows->find('td') as $columns) {
                $str = $columns->outertext;
                // Strip out IP's and load into array $matches
                /* keep the wall of shame up */
                //$pattern = '|(\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b)|U';
                //$pattern = '/^(1\d{0,2}|2(\d|[0-5]\d)?)\.(1\d{0,2}|2(\d|[0-5]\d)?)
                //	   \.(1\d{0,2}|2(\d|[0-5]\d)?)\.(1\d{0,2}|2(\d|[0-5]\d)?)$/';
                //$pattern = '/^(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)(?:[.](?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)){3}$/';
                $pattern = '|(\\b\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\b)|U';
                if (preg_match($pattern, $str, $yatmparr)) {
                    // we found an ip
                    $yanoob[0] = $yatmparr[0];
                    // prepare the ip for the array
                foreach ($columns->find('img') as $yaimg) {
                    $tehport = $yaimg->alt;
                    if (strcmp($tehport, "port") == 0) {
                        // grab the port url
                        $portsrc = $yaimg->src;
                        $assUrl = split_url($ass_hiders[$randkey]);
                        $portUrl = split_url($portsrc);
                        if (isset($portUrl['scheme'])) {
                            // path absolute, use as-is
                            $theport = $arrPost['url'];
                        } else {
                            // no host, path relative, slap this on the back of the original url; great success!
                            $newpath = str_replace_once("/", "", $portUrl['path']);
                            // remove the leading slash if it xists
                            $theport = $assUrl['scheme'] . "://" . $assUrl['host'] . "/" . $newpath . '?' . $portUrl['query'];
                        $curl = new CURL();
                        // create the curl instance
                        $opts = setBrowser(0, 0, $header, $agentstr);
                        // do not set first variable to 1
                        $curl->retry = MAX_RETRYS;
                        $curl->addSession($theport, $opts[0]);
                        // this is a hack if i've ever seen one
                        $result = $curl->exec();
                        // this is the png returned
                        // without this, php likes to output a 1 to the screen (something to do with the header info probably)
                        // unset curl
                        // remove the curl instance
                        if (is_array($result)) {
                            $result = $result[0] . $result[1];
                        // ingenuity wins out again; hysterix -1 ; hidemyass - 0
                        // they can slow us down but they cant stop us
                        $portnum = retPortNum($result, $ghetto_tables);
                        if (isset($portnum)) {
                            // everything worked; we only want ip's with ports
                            $yanoob[1] = $portnum;
                            array_push($matches, $yanoob);
    // if you dont include these two statements, the damn
    // simple html dom becomes simple memory leaker 2.0 because
    // of a f*****g "php5 circular references memory leak" - nigger t**s
    //Grab a random IP from array $matches
    $randkey = array_rand($matches, 1);
    $newprox = $matches[$randkey];
    return $newprox;
예제 #2
파일: index.php 프로젝트: hysterix/nraep
     // re-use proxy originally used
     if (isset($_SESSION['goodproxy'])) {
         // re-use from proxy cache if it exists
         $proxyvar = $_SESSION['goodproxy'];
     } else {
         $proxyvar = $connectlist[$b][2];
 if (strcasecmp($arrPost['method'], "post") == 0) {
     // need to post to site
     $opts2 = setBrowser($proxyvar, $arrPost['post'], $header, $agent);
     // set browser information
 } elseif (strcasecmp($arrPost['method'], "get") == 0) {
     // need to get to site
     $opts2 = setBrowser($proxyvar, 1, $header, $agent);
     // set browser information
     $urlToPost = $urlToPost . "?" . $arrPost['post'];
 $curl2 = new CURL();
 $curl2->retry = MAX_RETRYS;
 $curl2->addSession($urlToPost, $opts2[0]);
 //grab the site
 // this is a hack if i've ever seen one
 $result2 = $curl2->exec();
 // without this, php likes to output a 1 to the screen (something to do with the header info probably
 $time = date("c");
예제 #3
 function getBrowser()
     if (defined('AMP_SYSTEM_USER_BROWSER_TYPE')) {
     return setBrowser();
     global $browser_ie, $browser_win, $browser_mo, $browser_checked;
     if ($browser_checked) {
       if ($browser_ie&&$browser_win) return "win/ie";
       return  $browser_ie?"ie":$browser_win?"win":$browser_mo?"mozilla":false;
     } else {
       return setBrowser();
예제 #4
if ( !defined( 'AMP_CONTENT_MAP_ROOT_SECTION')) {
if ( !defined( 'AMP_CONTENT_SECTION_NAME_ROOT')) {

//Browser discovery
// confirm whether WYSIWYG editor should be allowed for this machine
// this should probably eventually become a user setting instead of a cookie
if (!defined('AMP_USER_CONFIG_USE_WYSIWYG')) {
    if (isset($_COOKIE['AMPWYSIWYG'])) {
        $wysiwyg_setting = !($_COOKIE['AMPWYSIWYG'] == 'none' || $_COOKIE['AMPWYSIWYG'] == false);
        define('AMP_USER_CONFIG_USE_WYSIWYG', $wysiwyg_setting);
    } else {
        define('AMP_USER_CONFIG_USE_WYSIWYG', true);
    $tranfer_mode = false;
    if (isset($_COOKIE['AMPTransferMode'])) {
        $tranfer_mode = $_COOKIE['AMPTransferMode'];