list($temp,$proc) = explode(",",$proc); } $eachresult['proc'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $proc ); $definition = strip_tags( $myts -> displayTarea ( $definition, intval($html), intval($smiley), intval($xcodes), 1, intval($breaks) ) ); if ( !XOOPS_USE_MULTIBYTES ) { $tempdef = substr ( $definition, 0, $rndlength -1 ) . "..."; } else { $tempdef = xoops_substr( $definition, 0, $rndlength +2 ); } $eachresult['definition'] = getHTMLHighlight( $queryarray, $tempdef, '<b style="background-color: yellow; ">', '</b>', intval($html) ); // Functional links $eachresult['microlinks'] = serviceLinks ( $eachresult['id'] ,intval($uid) ); $resultset['match'][] = $eachresult; } // Msg: therez # results $intro = sprintf( constant("_MD_{$MYDIRNAME}_THEREWERE"),$results ); $searchterm = urlencode($query); $linkstring = "term=".$searchterm."&type=".$type."&andor=".$andor."&catID=".$catID."&start"; $pagenav = new XoopsPageNav( $results, $xoopsModuleConfig['indexperpage'], $start, $linkstring ); $resultset['navbar'] = $pagenav -> renderNav(); } } // amazon keyword link $amazon = $searchstring = '';
$eachentry['term'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $term ); if ($proc) { list($temp,$proc) = explode(",",$proc); } $eachentry['proc'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $proc ); $definition = strip_tags($myts->displayTarea($definition, intval($html), intval($smiley), intval($xcodes), 1, intval($breaks))); if ( !XOOPS_USE_MULTIBYTES ) { $eachentry['definition'] = substr ( $definition, 0, $rndlength -1 ) . "..."; } else { $eachentry['definition'] = xoops_substr( $definition, 0, $rndlength +2 ); } $eachentry['microlinks'] = serviceLinks ( $eachentry['id'] ,intval($uid) ); $entriesarray['single'][] = $eachentry; } } $navstring = "categoryID=".$singlecat['id']."&start"; $pagenav = new XoopsPageNav( $entriesincat, $xoopsModuleConfig['indexperpage'], $start, $navstring); $entriesarray['navbar'] = $pagenav -> renderNav(); $xoops_pagetitle .= $singlecat['name']; $pagetype = '1'; } $xoopsOption['template_main'] = "{$mydirname}_category.html"; include_once( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php' ); $xoopsTpl -> assign ( 'lang_modulename', $xoopsModule->name() );
$random['uid'] = intval($myrow['uid']); $random['entryID'] = intval($myrow['entryID']); $random['term'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show($myrow['term']); $myrow['definition'] = strip_tags( $myts -> displayTarea ( $myrow['definition'],1,1,1,1,1 ) ); if ( !XOOPS_USE_MULTIBYTES ) { $random['definition'] = substr ( $myrow['definition'], 0, $rndlength -1 ) . "..."; } else { $random['definition'] = xoops_substr( $myrow['definition'], 0, $rndlength +2 ); } $random['categoryID'] = intval($myrow['categoryID']); $random['categoryname'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show($myrow['name']); } $microlinks = serviceLinks ( $random['entryID'] ,$random['uid']); } } //** To display the submitted and requested terms box **// if ( is_object($xoopsUser) ) { if ( $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->getVar('mid')) ) { $resultS = $xoopsDB -> query( "SELECT entryID, term FROM $ent_table WHERE submit = '1' ORDER BY term" ); $totalSwords = $xoopsDB -> getRowsNum ( $resultS ); if ( $totalSwords > 0 ) // If there are definitions { while (list( $entryID, $term ) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($resultS))
if ( !$xoopsDB -> getRowsNum( $result ) ) { redirect_header( "index.php", 2, constant("_MD_{$MYDIRNAME}_NORESULTS") ); exit(); } if ( !$xoopsUser || ( $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->mid()) && $xoopsModuleConfig['adminhits'] == 1 ) || ( $xoopsUser && !$xoopsUser -> isAdmin( $xoopsModule -> mid() ) ) ) { $xoopsDB -> queryF( "UPDATE $ent_table SET counter = counter+1 WHERE entryID = $entryID" ); } while (list( $entryID, $categoryID, $term, $proc, $init, $definition, $ref, $url, $uid, $datesub, $counter, $html, $smiley, $xcodes, $breaks, $block, $notifypub, $name ) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) { $thisterm['id'] = intval($entryID); $microlinks = serviceLinks ( $thisterm['id'] ,intval($uid) ); $thisterm['categoryID'] = intval($categoryID); $thisterm['catname'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $name ); $thisterm['term'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $term ); if ($proc) { list($temp,$proc) = explode(",",$proc); } $thisterm['proc'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $proc ); if ( !$xoopsModuleConfig['linktermsposition'] ) { $thisterm['definition'] = $myts->displayTarea( $definition, intval($html), intval($smiley), intval($xcodes), 1, intval($breaks) ); $thisterm['linkedterms'] = $myts->getAutoLinkTerms( $definition, intval($html), $mydirname, $entryID, 0 ); }
$status = 1; $epsToWatch = true; $ret .= "<h5>episodes to watch:</h5>"; $lastSeason = 1000; } } else { if ($status < 2) { $status = 2; $ret .= "<h5>announced episodes:</h5>"; $lastSeason = 1000; } } if ($lastSeason < $row->season) { $ret .= "<br />"; } $ret .= "Season " . substr("0" . $row->season, -2) . " Episode " . substr("0" . $row->episode, -2) . " (" . date("d-m-Y", $row->date + $showInfo->ep_diff + $userInfo->gmt_diff) . ($row->season < $showInfo->c_season || $row->season == $showInfo->c_season && $row->episode <= $showInfo->c_episode ? ", <a href='#' onClick='return saveShow(" . $row->season . ", " . $row->episode . ");'>viewed</a>" . ($showInfo->n_search == 'DONT' ? "" : ", ") . serviceLinks($showInfo->n_search, $row->season, $row->episode) : "") . "): <a href='" . $row->id_episode_tvmaze . "/d' target='_blank'>" . $row->title . "</a><br />"; $lastSeason = $row->season; } $status = 0; $ret .= "</div><div id='specialEpisodesDiv'>"; while ($row = $special_episodes->fetch_object()) { if ($row->date < $timeToComp) { if ($status < 1) { $status = 1; $ret .= "<h5>special episodes:</h5>"; } } else { if ($status < 2) { $status = 2; $ret .= "<h5>announced special episodes:</h5>"; }