예제 #1
function sign($data, $privateKeyRaw = NULL)
    if ($privateKeyRaw == null) {
        global $thisEntity;
        // Load the private key if needed (from a hex string):
        if (!isset($thisEntity['PrivateKeyBytes'])) {
            // Load it now:
            $thisEntity['PrivateKeyBytes'] = hex2bin($thisEntity['PrivateKey']);
        // Grab the raw private key (bytes):
        $privateKeyRaw = $thisEntity['PrivateKeyBytes'];
    // Get the double hash of the data:
    $msg32 = hash('sha256', hash('sha256', $data, true), true);
    // Create a context:
    $ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN);
    // Sign:
    if (secp256k1_ecdsa_sign($ctx, $msg32, $privateKeyRaw, $signature) != 1) {
        // This is a 500 error. Unable to sign.
    // Serialize the signature:
    $serialized = '';
    secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_der($ctx, $signature, $serialized);
    return $serialized;
예제 #2
파일: index.php 프로젝트: OpenTransfr/Core

// Signs a message using an accounts signing key. Used for smart contracts.
if ($verifiedAccount == 0) {
    // Account required!
// Get the signing key (bytes):
$account = $dz->get_row('select `SignKey` from `Bank.Accounts` where ID=' . $verifiedAccount);
if (!$account) {
    // System error.
// Get the private key (bytes):
$privateKey = $account['SignKey'];
// The message can be just about anything.
$message = safe('message', true);
// Is it actually text?
if (!is_string($message)) {
    // The message must be a string.
    error('field/invalid', 'message');
// Sign the message (sig is bytes):
$sig = sign($message, $privateKey);
// Ok!
echo '{"signature":"' . base64_encode($sig) . '"}';
예제 #3
    if ($params) {
        $output = call_user_func_array(array($controller, $function), $params);
    } else {
        $output = $controller->{$function}();
    echo $output;
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
    notFound($format, $route->getUri());
} catch (UnauthorizedException $e) {
    unauthorized($format, $e, $route->getUri());
    // User safe error message (usually invalid input, etc)
} catch (UserSafeException $e) {
    userError($format, $e);
    // Unexpected Exception
} catch (Exception $e) {
    serverError($format, $e, $env->isProduction());
function notFound($format, $uri)
    if ($format == 'plain') {
        echo "Resource Not Found\nThere is no resource located at {$uri}\n";
    } else {
        if ($format == 'html') {
            $view = ViewFactory::createView('Error\\NotFound');
        } else {
            $view = ViewFactory::createDataView();
            $view->setError("There is no resource located at {$uri}");
        echo $view->generateView();
예제 #4
function getAddress(&$transferData)
    global $dz, $thisEntity;
    $username = $transferData['Username'];
    $reference = $transferData['Reference'];
    $title = $transferData['Title'];
    // Get the entity of the user being paid:
    $toPay = $dz->get_row('select `Entity` from `Root.Usernames` where `Username`="' . $username . '"');
    if (!$toPay) {
        // Username was not found.
    // Is the entity the same as this one?
    $entityID = $toPay['Entity'];
    // Transaction delay, if one is applicable.
    // This will almost always be zero representing that a transaction is expected to be in the 2s limit.
    $delay = '0';
    if ($entityID == $thisEntity['ID']) {
        // Yes! This is an internal transaction (i.e. within this bank). No addressing required.
        $toGroup = $thisEntity['Group'];
        // return null;
    // This is a transaction between banks. We'll need an address to send to:
    $entityInfo = $dz->get_row('select `Group`,`Endpoint` from `Root.Entities` where ID=' . $entityID);
    if (!$entityInfo) {
        // This server has out-of-date root information.
    // Got a from username? (Optional):
    if (isset($transferData['FromUsername'])) {
        // Add it:
        $privText = ',"from":"' . $transferData['FromUsername'] . '","name":"' . $transferData['Name'] . '"';
    } else {
        $privText = '';
    // Send the username and reference pair to the username/send API.
    // In response we'll get an address to send to.
    $remote = sendTo($entityInfo['Endpoint'], 'username/send', '{"username":"******","reference":"' . escape($reference, false) . '","title":"' . escape($title, false) . '","items":' . $transferData['ItemInformation'] . $privText . '}', $error);
    // Did it error?
    if ($error) {
        // Remote server errored.
        error('remote/error', $error);
    // Update the to group:
    $transferData['ToGroup'] = $entityInfo['Group'];
    // JSON decode it:
    $remote = json_decode($remote, true);
    // Get the address info:
    $addrInfo = safe('address', VALID_ARRAY, $remote);
    // Optional delay info:
    $delay = safe('delay', VALID_NUMBER, $remote, true);
    // Get the status:
    $status = safe('status', VALID_ALPHA, $addrInfo);
    if ($status != 'OK') {
        // Remote server was unable to provide an address - try again shortly.
        error('remote/noaddr', $delay);
    // Great - should have an address here:
    $address = safe('value', VALID_HEX, $addrInfo);
    if ($delay) {
        $transferData['Delay'] = $delay;
    $transferData['ToAddress'] = $address;
    return $address;
예제 #5
파일: change.php 프로젝트: OpenTransfr/Core
function processTxChange($change)
    global $dz;
    // Get the row:
    $row = $dz->get_row('select * from `Bank.Incomings` where `Key`=unhex("' . $change['to']['address'] . '")');
    if (!$row || $row['Status']) {
        // Some other bank, or we've already processed it etc.
    // Update the status:
    $dz->query('update `Bank.Incomings` set `Status`=1 where `ID`=' . $row['ID']);
    // Get the from address:
    $from = $dz->get_row('select `Commodity` from `Root.Balances` where `Key`=unhex("' . $change['from']['address'] . '")');
    if (!$from) {
        // Database is out of sync.
    // Build the details set for the receive call:
    $details = array('Commodity' => $from['Commodity'], 'Amount' => $change['amount'], 'Reference' => $row['Reference'], 'Title' => $row['Title'], 'Name' => $row['Name'], 'FromUsername' => $row['From'], 'ItemInformation' => $row['ItemInformation']);
    // Receive it:
    receive($details, $row['Account']);
    // Finish by completing the status:
    $dz->query('update `Bank.Incomings` set `Status`=2 where `ID`=' . $row['ID']);