function GetXMLTree($file)
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request2.php';
     $options = array();
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<')) {
         // On earlier PHP versions, the certificate validation fails. We deactivate it on them to restore the functionality we had with HTTP/Request1
         $options['ssl_verify_peer'] = false;
     $req = new HTTP_Request2($file, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, $options);
     try {
         $response = $req->send();
         if ($response->getStatus() != '200') {
             throw new HTTP_Request2_Exception('Status code not 200, xml file not fetched');
         $data = $response->getBody();
     } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
         $data = file_get_contents($file);
     // Global replacements
     // by: - trim space around tags not within
     $data = preg_replace('@>[[:space:]]+<@', '><', $data);
     // Flatten the input opml file to not have nested categories
     $data = preg_replace('@<outline[^>]+[^/]>@imsU', '', $data);
     $data = str_replace('</outline>', '', $data);
     // XML functions
     $xml_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
     if (preg_match('@(<\\?xml.+\\?>)@imsU', $data, $xml_head)) {
         $xml_string = $xml_head[1];
     $encoding = 'UTF-8';
     if (preg_match('@encoding="([^"]+)"@', $xml_string, $xml_encoding)) {
         $encoding = $xml_encoding[1];
     $p = xml_parser_create($encoding);
     // by: - meets XML 1.0 specification
     @xml_parser_set_option($p, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
     xml_parser_set_option($p, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, LANG_CHARSET);
     xml_parse_into_struct($p, $data, $vals, $index);
     $i = 0;
     $tree = array();
     $tree[] = array('tag' => $vals[$i]['tag'], 'attributes' => $vals[$i]['attributes'], 'value' => $vals[$i]['value'], 'children' => $this->GetChildren($vals, $i));
     return $tree;
 * Fetches additional comment data from the page that sent the pingback
 * @access private
 * @param array comment array to be filled
function fetchPingbackData(&$comment)
    global $serendipity;
    // Don't fetch remote page, if not explicitly allowed in serendipity_config_local.php:
    if (empty($serendipity['pingbackFetchPage'])) {
    // If we don't have a comment or a commentors url, stop it.
    if (!isset($comment) || !is_array($comment) || !isset($comment['url'])) {
    // Max amount of characters fetched from the page doing a pingback:
    $fetchPageMaxLength = 200;
    if (isset($serendipity['pingbackFetchPageMaxLength'])) {
        $fetchPageMaxLength = $serendipity['pingbackFetchPageMaxLength'];
    require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
    $url = $comment['url'];
    if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
    // Request the page
    $req = new HTTP_Request($url, array('allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 5, 'timeout' => 20, 'readTimeout' => array(5, 0)));
    // code 200: OK, code 30x: REDIRECTION
    $responses = "/(200 OK)|(30[0-9] Found)/";
    // |(30[0-9] Moved)
    if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || preg_match($responses, $req->getResponseCode())) {
        // nothing to do,
    } else {
        $fContent = $req->getResponseBody();
        // Get a title
        if (preg_match('@<head[^>]*>.*?<title[^>]*>(.*?)</title>.*?</head>@is', $fContent, $matches)) {
            $comment['title'] = serendipity_entity_decode(strip_tags($matches[1]), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
        // Try to get content from first <p> tag on:
        if (preg_match('@<p[^>]*>(.*?)</body>@is', $fContent, $matches)) {
            $body = $matches[1];
        if (empty($body) && preg_match('@<body[^>]*>(.*?)</body>@is', $fContent, $matches)) {
            $body = $matches[1];
        // Get a part of the article
        if (!empty($body)) {
            $body = trackback_body_strip($body);
            // truncate the text to 200 chars
            $arr = str_split($body, $fetchPageMaxLength);
            $body = $arr[0];
            $comment['comment'] = $body . '[..]';
    if (function_exists('serendipity_request_end')) {
예제 #3
 function mod_time($uri)
     if (function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0') >= 0) {
         require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
         $req = new HTTP_Request($uri);
         if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
             return false;
         $fHeader = $req->getResponseHeader();
         if (isset($fHeader['last-modified'])) {
             $modtime = $fHeader['last-modified'];
     } else {
         $parts = parse_url($uri);
         $host = $parts['host'];
         $path = $parts['path'];
         if (!($fp = @fsockopen($host, 80))) {
             return false;
         $req = "HEAD {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: PHP/" . phpversion();
         $req .= "\r\nHost: {$host}\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n";
         fputs($fp, $req);
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $str = fgets($fp, 4096);
             if (strpos(strtolower($str), 'last-modified') !== false) {
                 $modtime = substr($str, 15);
     return isset($modtime) ? $modtime : 0;
 function &importFeeds()
     // Used by ImportOPML routine
     global $serendipity;
     $file = $serendipity['POST']['aggregatorOPML'];
     require_once (defined('S9Y_PEAR_PATH') ? S9Y_PEAR_PATH : S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'bundled-libs/') . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
     $req = new HTTP_Request($file);
     if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
         $data = file_get_contents($file);
         if (empty($data)) {
             return false;
     } else {
         // Fetch file
         $data = $req->getResponseBody();
     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_end')) {
     // XML functions
     $xml_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
     if (preg_match('@(<\\?xml.+\\?>)@imsU', $data, $xml_head)) {
         $xml_string = $xml_head[1];
     $encoding = 'UTF-8';
     if (preg_match('@encoding="([^"]+)"@', $xml_string, $xml_encoding)) {
         $encoding = $xml_encoding[1];
     // Global replacements
     // by: - trim space around tags not within
     $data = preg_replace('@>[[:space:]]+<@i', '><', $data);
     switch (strtolower($encoding)) {
         case 'iso-8859-1':
         case 'utf-8':
             $p = xml_parser_create($encoding);
             $p = xml_parser_create('');
     // by: - meets XML 1.0 specification
     xml_parser_set_option($p, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
     @xml_parser_set_option($p, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, LANG_CHARSET);
     xml_parse_into_struct($p, $data, $vals, $index);
     $i = 0;
     $tree = array();
     $tree[] = array('tag' => $vals[$i]['tag'], 'attributes' => $vals[$i]['attributes'], 'value' => $vals[$i]['value'], 'children' => $this->GetChildren($vals, $i));
     return $tree;
예제 #5
function serendipity_request_url($uri, $method = 'GET', $contenttype = null, $data = null, $extra_options = null, $addData = null, $auth = null)
    global $serendipity;
    require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request2.php';
    $options = array('follow_redirects' => true, 'max_redirects' => 5);
    if (is_array($extra_options)) {
        foreach ($extra_options as $okey => $oval) {
            $options[$okey] = $oval;
    serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_http_request', $options, $addData);
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<')) {
        // On earlier PHP versions, the certificate validation fails. We deactivate it on them to restore the functionality we had with HTTP/Request1
        $options['ssl_verify_peer'] = false;
    switch (strtoupper($method)) {
        case 'GET':
            $http_method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET;
        case 'PUT':
            $http_method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_PUT;
        case 'OPTIONS':
            $http_method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_OPTIONS;
        case 'HEAD':
            $http_method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_HEAD;
        case 'DELETE':
            $http_method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_DELETE;
        case 'TRACE':
            $http_method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_TRACE;
        case 'CONNECT':
            $http_method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_CONNECT;
        case 'POST':
            $http_method = HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST;
    $req = new HTTP_Request2($uri, $http_method, $options);
    if (isset($contenttype) && $contenttype !== null) {
        $req->setHeader('Content-Type', $contenttype);
    if (is_array($auth)) {
        $req->setAuth($auth['user'], $auth['pass']);
    if ($data != null) {
        if (is_array($data)) {
        } else {
    try {
        $res = $req->send();
    } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
        return false;
    $fContent = $res->getBody();
    $serendipity['last_http_request'] = array('responseCode' => $res->getStatus(), 'effectiveUrl' => $res->getEffectiveUrl(), 'reasonPhrase' => $res->getReasonPhrase(), 'isRedirect' => $res->isRedirect(), 'cookies' => $res->getCookies(), 'version' => $res->getVersion(), 'header' => $res->getHeader(), 'object' => $res);
    return $fContent;
 function get_gg_status($numer_gg, $haslo_gg, $szukany_numer, &$error, &$gg_status_widocznosc)
     define("GG_WELCOME", 0x1);
     define("GG_LOGIN", 0xc);
     define("GG_LOGIN60", 0x15);
     define("GG_LOGIN_OK", 0x3);
     define("GG_LOGIN_FAILED", 0x9);
     define("GG_NEW_STATUS", 0x2);
     define("GG_STATUS", 0x2);
     define("GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL", 0x1);
     define("GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR", 0x15);
     define("GG_STATUS_AVAIL", 0x2);
     define("GG_STATUS_AVAIL_DESCR", 0x4);
     define("GG_STATUS_BUSY", 0x3);
     define("GG_STATUS_BUSY_DESCR", 0x5);
     define("GG_STATUS_INVISIBLE", 0x14);
     define("GG_NOTIFY", 0x10);
     define("GG_NOTIFY_REPLY", 0xc);
     define("GG_NOTIFY_REPLY60", 0x11);
     define("GG_USER_NORMAL", 0x3);
     define("GG_USER_BLOCKED", 0x4);
     define("GG_SEND_MSG", 0xb);
     define("GG_CLASS_MSG", 0x4);
     define("GG_CLASS_CHAT", 0x8);
     define("GG_CLASS_ACK", 0x20);
     define("GG_SEND_MSG_ACK", 0x5);
     define("GG_ACK_DELIVERED", 0x2);
     define("GG_ACK_QUEUED", 0x3);
     define("GG_RECV_MSG", 0xa);
     define("GG_LOGIN_FAILED2", 0xb);
     define("GG_ACK_MBOXFULL", 0x4);
     define("DISCONNECTED", 0x100);
     define("GG_PUBDIR50_REQUEST", 0x14);
     define("GG_PUBDIR50_REPLY", 0xe);
     define("GG_PUBDIR50_SEARCH", 0x3);
     // Getting a logon server
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     $req = new HTTP_Request('<' . $numer_gg . '>');
     if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_NOCONNTOAPPMSG . $errno . " - " . $errstr . "\n";
         return false;
     } else {
         $buf = $req->getResponseBody();
         preg_match("/\\s([\\d\\.]{8,16})\\:([\\d]{1,5})\\s/", $buf, $adres);
         $host = $adres[1];
         $port = $adres[2];
     // Connecting to a server
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'Net/Socket.php';
     $conn = new Net_Socket();
     if (!$conn->connect($host, $port, null, 10)) {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_CONNERROR . ": {$errno} - {$errstr}\n\n";
         return false;
     // Getting data from a server -
     // receiving a key needed to calculate
     // a hash from your password
     if (!($data = $conn->read(12))) {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_CONNUNEXPCLOSED . "\n\n";
         return false;
     $tab = unpack("Vtyp/Vrozmiar/Vklucz", $data);
     // Calculating a password hash
     $hash = $this->calculate_hash($haslo_gg, $tab['klucz']);
     $data = pack("VVVVVVvVvVvCCa" . strlen(""), GG_LOGIN60, 0x20 + strlen(""), $numer_gg, $hash, GG_STATUS_AVAIL, 0x20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x14, 0xbe, "");
     // Sending a password hash - logging to a GG server
     if (!($data1 = $conn->read(8))) {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_UNKNOWNERROR . "\n";
         return false;
     // Checking a login status
     $tab = unpack("Vlogin_status/Vrozmiar", $data1);
     if ($tab['login_status'] != GG_LOGIN_OK) {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_INCORRPASSWD . "\n\n";
         return false;
     // Sending a contact list with one contact
     $data = pack("VVVC", GG_NOTIFY, 5, $szukany_numer, GG_USER_NORMAL);
     if (!$conn->write($data)) {
         return false;
     // Receiving a packet with the next packet specification
     $gg_opis = '';
     $data = $conn->read(8);
     if (strlen($data) > 0) {
         $tab = unpack("Vtyp/Vrozmiar", $data);
         // Pobranie pakietu opisu
         // DEBUG: echo $tab['rozmiar'];
         $data = $conn->read($tab['rozmiar']);
         if ($tab['rozmiar'] > 14) {
             $tablica = unpack("Iuin/Cstatus/Iremoteip/Sremoteport/Cversion/Cimagesize/Cunknown/Cdescription_size/a*description", $data);
             // Getting a status description, and converting it from CP1250 (that's how it's encoded) to UTF8
             $gg_opis = $this->cp1250_to_utf8($tablica['description']);
             // Getting a status itself
             $gg_status_flaga = $tablica['status'];
         } else {
             $tablica = unpack("Iuin/Cstatus", $data);
             // Getting a status
             $gg_status_flaga = $tablica['status'];
         if (empty($gg_opis)) {
             $gg_opis = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_NOSTATUSDESC;
         // Choosing a status icon to display
         switch ($gg_status_flaga) {
             case GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL:
             case GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR:
                 $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg11';
             case GG_STATUS_AVAIL:
             case GG_STATUS_AVAIL_DESCR:
                 $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg12';
             case GG_STATUS_BUSY:
             case GG_STATUS_BUSY_DESCR:
                 $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg13';
                 $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg11';
     } else {
     // Closing a connection to the server
     return $gg_opis;
 function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null)
     global $serendipity;
     $debug = true;
     $hooks =& $bag->get('event_hooks');
     if (isset($hooks[$event])) {
         $captchas_ttl = $this->get_config('captchas_ttl', 7);
         $_captchas = $this->get_config('captchas', 'yes');
         $captchas = $_captchas !== 'no' && ($_captchas === 'yes' || $_captchas === 'scramble' || serendipity_db_bool($_captchas));
         // Check if the entry is older than the allowed amount of time. Enforce kaptchas if that is true
         // of if kaptchas are activated for every entry
         $show_captcha = $captchas && isset($eventData['timestamp']) && ($captchas_ttl < 1 || $eventData['timestamp'] < time() - $captchas_ttl * 60 * 60 * 24) ? true : false;
         // Plugins can override with custom captchas
         if (isset($serendipity['plugins']['disable_internal_captcha'])) {
             $show_captcha = false;
         $forcemoderation = $this->get_config('forcemoderation', 60);
         $forcemoderation_treat = $this->get_config('forcemoderation_treat', 'moderate');
         $forcemoderationt = $this->get_config('forcemoderationt', 60);
         $forcemoderationt_treat = $this->get_config('forcemoderationt_treat', 'moderate');
         $links_moderate = $this->get_config('links_moderate', 10);
         $links_reject = $this->get_config('links_reject', 20);
         if (function_exists('imagettftext') && function_exists('imagejpeg')) {
             $max_char = 5;
             $min_char = 3;
             $use_gd = true;
         } else {
             $max_char = $min_char = 5;
             $use_gd = false;
         switch ($event) {
             case 'fetchcomments':
                 if (is_array($eventData) && !$_SESSION['serendipityAuthedUser'] && serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('hide_email', false))) {
                     // Will force emails to be not displayed in comments and RSS feed for comments. Will not apply to logged in admins (so not in the backend as well)
                     while (list($idx, $comment) = each($eventData)) {
                         $eventData[$idx]['no_email'] = true;
             case 'frontend_saveComment':
                     $fp = fopen('/tmp/spamblock2.log', 'a');
                     fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i') . "\n" . print_r($eventData, true) . "\n" . print_r($addData, true) . "\n");
                 if (!is_array($eventData) || serendipity_db_bool($eventData['allow_comments'])) {
                     $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'true';
                     $logfile = $this->logfile = $this->get_config('logfile', $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'spamblock.log');
                     $required_fields = $this->get_config('required_fields', '');
                     $checkmail = $this->get_config('checkmail');
                     // Check CSRF [comments only, cannot be applied to trackbacks]
                     if ($addData['type'] == 'NORMAL' && serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('csrf', true))) {
                         if (!serendipity_checkFormToken(false)) {
                             $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CSRF_REASON, $addData);
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CSRF_REASON;
                     // Check required fields
                     if ($addData['type'] == 'NORMAL' && !empty($required_fields)) {
                         $required_field_list = explode(',', $required_fields);
                         foreach ($required_field_list as $required_field) {
                             $required_field = trim($required_field);
                             if (empty($addData[$required_field])) {
                                 $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_REQUIRED_FIELD, $addData);
                                 $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                                 $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_REQUIRED_FIELD, $required_field);
                                 return false;
                     if ($addData['type'] != 'NORMAL' && empty($addData['name'])) {
                         $eventData = array('allow_coments' => false);
                         $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'INVALIDGARV', 'INVALIDGARV', $addData);
                         return false;
                     // Check whether to allow comments from registered authors
                     if (serendipity_userLoggedIn() && $this->inGroup()) {
                         return true;
                     // Check if the user has verified himself via email already.
                     if ($addData['type'] == 'NORMAL' && (string) $checkmail === 'verify_once') {
                         $auth = serendipity_db_query("SELECT *\n                                                            FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}options\n                                                           WHERE okey  = 'mail_confirm'\n                                                             AND name  = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($addData['email']) . "'\n                                                             AND value = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($addData['name']) . "'", true);
                         if (!is_array($auth)) {
                             // Filter authors names, Filter URL, Filter Content, Filter Emails, Check for maximum number of links before rejecting
                             // moderate false
                             if (false === $this->wordfilter($logfile, $eventData, $wordmatch, $addData, true)) {
                                 // already there #$this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_FILTER_WORDS, $addData);
                                 // already there #$eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                                 // already there #$serendipity['messagestack']['emails'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_BODY;
                                 return false;
                             } elseif (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('killswitch', false)) === true) {
                                 $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_KILLSWITCH, $addData);
                                 $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                                 $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_KILLSWITCH;
                                 return false;
                             } else {
                                 $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'MODERATE', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CHECKMAIL_VERIFICATION_MAIL, $addData);
                                 $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                                 $eventData['status'] = 'confirm1';
                                 $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                                 $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CHECKMAIL_VERIFICATION_MAIL;
                                 return false;
                         } else {
                             // User is allowed to post message, bypassing other checks as if he were logged in.
                             return true;
                     // Check if entry title is the same as comment body
                     if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('entrytitle')) && trim($eventData['title']) == trim($addData['comment'])) {
                         $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_TITLE, $addData);
                         $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                         $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_BODY;
                         return false;
                     // Check for global emergency moderation
                     if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('killswitch', false)) === true) {
                         $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_KILLSWITCH, $addData);
                         $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                         $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_KILLSWITCH;
                         return false;
                     // Check for not allowing trackbacks/pingbacks/wfwcomments
                     if (($addData['type'] != 'NORMAL' || $addData['source'] == 'API') && $this->get_config('disable_api_comments', 'none') != 'none') {
                         if ($this->get_config('disable_api_comments') == 'reject') {
                             $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_API, $addData);
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_API;
                             return false;
                         } elseif ($this->get_config('disable_api_comments') == 'moderate') {
                             $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'MODERATE', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_API, $addData);
                             $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                             $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                             $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_API;
                     // Check if sender ip is matching trackback/pingback ip (ip validation)
                     $trackback_ipvalidation_option = $this->get_config('trackback_ipvalidation', 'moderate');
                     if (($addData['type'] == 'TRACKBACK' || $addData['type'] == 'PINGBACK') && $trackback_ipvalidation_option != 'no') {
                         $exclude_urls = explode(';', $this->get_config('trackback_ipvalidation_url_exclude', $this->get_default_exclude_urls()));
                         $found_exclude_url = false;
                         foreach ($exclude_urls as $exclude_url) {
                             $exclude_url = trim($exclude_url);
                             if (empty($exclude_url)) {
                             $found_exclude_url = preg_match('@' . $exclude_url . '@', $addData['url']);
                             if ($found_exclude_url) {
                         if (!$found_exclude_url) {
                             $parts = @parse_url($addData['url']);
                             $tipval_method = $trackback_ipvalidation_option == 'reject' ? 'REJECTED' : 'MODERATE';
                             // Getting host from url successfully?
                             if (!is_array($parts)) {
                                 // not a valid URL
                                 $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], $tipval_method, sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_IPVALIDATION, $addData['url'], '', ''), $addData);
                                 if ($trackback_ipvalidation_option == 'reject') {
                                     $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                                     $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_IPVALIDATION, $addData['url']);
                                     return false;
                                 } else {
                                     $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                                     $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                                     $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_IPVALIDATION, $addData['url']);
                             $trackback_ip = preg_replace('/[^0-9.]/', '', gethostbyname($parts['host']));
                             $sender_ip = preg_replace('/[^0-9.]/', '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
                             $sender_ua = $debug ? ', ua="' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . '"' : '';
                             // Is host ip and sender ip matching?
                             if ($trackback_ip != $sender_ip) {
                                 $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], $tipval_method, sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_IPVALIDATION, $parts['host'], $trackback_ip, $sender_ip . $sender_ua), $addData);
                                 if ($trackback_ipvalidation_option == 'reject') {
                                     $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                                     $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_IPVALIDATION, $parts['host'], $trackback_ip, $sender_ip . $sender_ua);
                                     return false;
                                 } else {
                                     $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                                     $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                                     $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_IPVALIDATION, $parts['host'], $trackback_ip, $sender_ip . $sender_ua);
                     // Filter Akismet Blacklist?
                     $akismet_apikey = $this->get_config('akismet');
                     $akismet = $this->get_config('akismet_filter');
                     if (!empty($akismet_apikey) && ($akismet == 'moderate' || $akismet == 'reject') && !isset($addData['skip_akismet'])) {
                         $spam = $this->getBlacklist('', $akismet_apikey, $eventData, $addData);
                         if ($spam['is_spam'] !== false) {
                             if ($akismet == 'moderate') {
                                 $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'MODERATE', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_AKISMET_SPAMLIST . ': ' . $spam['message'], $addData);
                                 $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                                 $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                                 $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_BODY . ' (Akismet)';
                             } else {
                                 $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_AKISMET_SPAMLIST . ': ' . $spam['message'], $addData);
                                 $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                                 $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_BODY;
                                 return false;
                     // Check Trackback URLs?
                     if (($addData['type'] == 'TRACKBACK' || $addData['type'] == 'PINGBACK') && serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('trackback_check_url'))) {
                         require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
                         if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
                         $req = new HTTP_Request($addData['url'], array('allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 5, 'readTimeout' => array(5, 0)));
                         $is_valid = false;
                         if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
                             $is_valid = false;
                         } else {
                             $fdata = $req->getResponseBody();
                             // Check if the target page contains a link to our blog
                             if (preg_match('@' . preg_quote($serendipity['baseURL'], '@') . '@i', $fdata)) {
                                 $is_valid = true;
                             } else {
                                 $is_valid = false;
                         if (function_exists('serendipity_request_end')) {
                         if ($is_valid === false) {
                             $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_TRACKBACKURL, $addData);
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_TRACKBACKURL;
                             return false;
                     if (false === $this->wordfilter($logfile, $eventData, $wordmatch, $addData)) {
                         return false;
                     // Check for maximum number of links before rejecting
                     $link_count = substr_count(strtolower($addData['comment']), 'http://');
                     if ($links_reject > 0 && $link_count > $links_reject) {
                         $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_LINKS_REJECT, $addData);
                         $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                         $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_BODY;
                         return false;
                     // Captcha checking
                     if ($show_captcha && $addData['type'] == 'NORMAL') {
                         if (!isset($_SESSION['spamblock']['captcha']) || !isset($serendipity['POST']['captcha']) || strtolower($serendipity['POST']['captcha']) != strtolower($_SESSION['spamblock']['captcha'])) {
                             $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_CAPTCHAS, $serendipity['POST']['captcha'], $_SESSION['spamblock']['captcha']), $addData);
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_CAPTCHAS;
                             return false;
                         } else {
                             // DEBUG
                             //                                $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', 'Captcha passed: ' . $serendipity['POST']['captcha'] . ' / ' . $_SESSION['spamblock']['captcha'] . ' // Source: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $addData);
                     } else {
                         // DEBUG
                         //                            $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', 'Captcha not needed: ' . $serendipity['POST']['captcha'] . ' / ' . $_SESSION['spamblock']['captcha'] . ' // Source: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $addData);
                     // Check for forced comment moderation (X days)
                     if ($addData['type'] == 'NORMAL' && $forcemoderation > 0 && $eventData['timestamp'] < time() - $forcemoderation * 60 * 60 * 24) {
                         $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], $forcemoderation_treat, PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_FORCEMODERATION, $addData);
                         if ($forcemoderation_treat == 'reject') {
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_FORCEMODERATION;
                             return false;
                         } else {
                             $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                             $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                             $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_FORCEMODERATION;
                     // Check for forced trackback moderation
                     if ($addData['type'] != 'NORMAL' && $forcemoderationt > 0 && $eventData['timestamp'] < time() - $forcemoderationt * 60 * 60 * 24) {
                         $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], $forcemoderationt_treat, PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_FORCEMODERATION, $addData);
                         if ($forcemoderationt_treat == 'reject') {
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_FORCEMODERATION;
                             return false;
                         } else {
                             $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                             $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                             $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_FORCEMODERATION;
                     // Check for maximum number of links before forcing moderation
                     if ($links_moderate > 0 && $link_count > $links_moderate) {
                         $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_LINKS_MODERATE, $addData);
                         $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                         $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                         $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_LINKS_MODERATE;
                     // Check for identical comments. We allow to bypass trackbacks from our server to our own blog.
                     if ($this->get_config('bodyclone', true) === true && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] && $addData['type'] != 'PINGBACK') {
                         $query = "SELECT count(id) AS counter FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments WHERE type = '" . $addData['type'] . "' AND body = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($addData['comment']) . "'";
                         $row = serendipity_db_query($query, true);
                         if (is_array($row) && $row['counter'] > 0) {
                             $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_BODYCLONE, $addData);
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_BODY;
                             return false;
                     // Check last IP
                     if ($addData['type'] == 'NORMAL' && $this->get_config('ipflood', 2) != 0) {
                         $query = "SELECT max(timestamp) AS last_post FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments WHERE ip = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "'";
                         $row = serendipity_db_query($query, true);
                         if (is_array($row) && $row['last_post'] > time() - $this->get_config('ipflood', 2) * 60) {
                             $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_IPFLOOD, $addData);
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_IP;
                             return false;
                     if ($addData['type'] == 'NORMAL' && (string) $checkmail === 'verify_always') {
                         $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'MODERATE', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CHECKMAIL_VERIFICATION_MAIL, $addData);
                         $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true;
                         $eventData['status'] = 'confirm';
                         $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate';
                         $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CHECKMAIL_VERIFICATION_MAIL;
                         return false;
                     // Check invalid email
                     if ($addData['type'] == 'NORMAL' && serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('checkmail', false))) {
                         if (!empty($addData['email']) && strstr($addData['email'], '@') === false) {
                             $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_CHECKMAIL, $addData);
                             $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false);
                             $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_CHECKMAIL;
                             return false;
                     if ($eventData['moderate_comments'] == true) {
                         return false;
                 return true;
             case 'frontend_comment':
                 if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('hide_email', false))) {
                     echo '<div class="serendipity_commentDirection serendipity_comment_spamblock">' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_HIDE_EMAIL_NOTICE . '</div>';
                 if ((string) $this->get_config('checkmail') === 'verify_always' || (string) $this->get_config('checkmail') === 'verify_once') {
                     echo '<div class="serendipity_commentDirection serendipity_comment_spamblock">' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CHECKMAIL_VERIFICATION_INFO . '</div>';
                 if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('csrf', true))) {
                     echo serendipity_setFormToken('form');
                 // Check whether to allow comments from registered authors
                 if (serendipity_userLoggedIn() && $this->inGroup()) {
                     return true;
                 if ($show_captcha) {
                     echo '<div class="serendipity_commentDirection serendipity_comment_captcha">';
                     if (!isset($serendipity['POST']['preview']) || strtolower($serendipity['POST']['captcha'] != strtolower($_SESSION['spamblock']['captcha']))) {
                         echo '<br />' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CAPTCHAS_USERDESC . '<br />';
                         echo $this->show_captcha($use_gd);
                         echo '<br />';
                         echo '<label for="captcha">' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CAPTCHAS_USERDESC3 . '</label><br /><input class="input_textbox" type="text" size="5" name="serendipity[captcha]" value="" id="captcha" />';
                     } elseif (isset($serendipity['POST']['captcha'])) {
                         echo '<input type="hidden" name="serendipity[captcha]" value="' . serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['POST']['captcha']) . '" />';
                     echo '</div>';
                 return true;
             case 'external_plugin':
                 $parts = explode('_', (string) $eventData);
                 if (!empty($parts[1])) {
                     $param = (int) $parts[1];
                 } else {
                     $param = null;
                 $methods = array('captcha');
                 if (!in_array($parts[0], $methods)) {
                 list($musec, $msec) = explode(' ', microtime());
                 $srand = (double) $msec + (double) $musec * 100000;
                 $width = 120;
                 $height = 40;
                 $bgcolors = explode(',', $this->get_config('captcha_color', '255,255,255'));
                 $fontfiles = array('Vera.ttf', 'VeraSe.ttf', 'chumbly.ttf', '36daysago.ttf');
                 if ($use_gd) {
                     $strings = $this->random_string($max_char, $min_char);
                     $fontname = $fontfiles[array_rand($fontfiles)];
                     $font = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/' . $fontname;
                     if (!file_exists($font)) {
                         // Search in shared plugin directory
                         $font = S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/' . $fontname;
                     if (!file_exists($font)) {
                     header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
                     $image = imagecreate($width, $height);
                     // recommended use of imagecreatetruecolor() returns a black backgroundcolor
                     $bgcol = imagecolorallocate($image, trim($bgcolors[0]), trim($bgcolors[1]), trim($bgcolors[2]));
                     // imagettftext($image, 10, 1, 1, 15, imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255), $font, 'String: ' . $string);
                     $pos_x = 5;
                     foreach ($strings as $idx => $charidx) {
                         $color = imagecolorallocate($image, mt_rand(50, 235), mt_rand(50, 235), mt_rand(50, 235));
                         $size = mt_rand(15, 21);
                         $angle = mt_rand(-20, 20);
                         $pos_y = ceil($height - mt_rand($size / 3, $size / 2));
                         imagettftext($image, $size, $angle, $pos_x, $pos_y, $color, $font, $this->chars[$charidx]);
                         $pos_x = $pos_x + $size + 2;
                     if ($_captchas === 'scramble') {
                         $line_diff = mt_rand(5, 15);
                         $pixel_col = imagecolorallocate($image, trim($bgcolors[0]) - mt_rand(10, 50), trim($bgcolors[1]) - mt_rand(10, 50), trim($bgcolors[2]) - mt_rand(10, 50));
                         for ($y = $line_diff; $y < $height; $y += $line_diff) {
                             $row_diff = mt_rand(5, 15);
                             for ($x = $row_diff; $x < $width; $x += $row_diff) {
                                 imagerectangle($image, $x, $y, $x + 1, $y + 1, $pixel_col);
                     imagejpeg($image, NULL, 90);
                     // NULL fixes
                 } else {
                     header('Content-Type: image/png');
                     $output_char = strtolower($_SESSION['spamblock']['captcha'][$parts[1] - 1]);
                     $cap = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/captcha_' . $output_char . '.png';
                     if (!file_exists($cap)) {
                         $cap = S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock/captcha_' . $output_char . '.png';
                     if (file_exists($cap)) {
                         echo file_get_contents($cap);
                 return true;
             case 'backend_comments_top':
                 // Tell Akismet about spam or not spam
                 $tell_id = null;
                 if (isset($serendipity['GET']['spamIsSpam'])) {
                     $tell_spam = true;
                     $tell_id = $serendipity['GET']['spamIsSpam'];
                 if (isset($serendipity['GET']['spamNotSpam'])) {
                     $tell_spam = false;
                     $tell_id = $serendipity['GET']['spamNotSpam'];
                 if ($tell_id !== null) {
                     $akismet_apikey = $this->get_config('akismet');
                     $akismet = $this->get_config('akismet_filter');
                     if (!empty($akismet_apikey)) {
                         $this->tellAboutComment('', $akismet_apikey, $tell_id, $tell_spam);
                 // Add Author to blacklist. If already filtered, it will be removed from the filter. (AKA "Toggle")
                 if (isset($serendipity['GET']['spamBlockAuthor'])) {
                     $item = $this->getComment('author', $serendipity['GET']['spamBlockAuthor']);
                     $items =& $this->checkFilter('authors', $item, true);
                     $this->set_config('contentfilter_authors', implode(';', $items));
                 // Add URL to blacklist. If already filtered, it will be removed from the filter. (AKA "Toggle")
                 if (isset($serendipity['GET']['spamBlockURL'])) {
                     $item = $this->getComment('url', $serendipity['GET']['spamBlockURL']);
                     $items =& $this->checkFilter('urls', $item, true);
                     $this->set_config('contentfilter_urls', implode(';', $items));
                 // Add E-mail to blacklist. If already filtered, it will be removed from the filter. (AKA "Toggle")
                 if (isset($serendipity['GET']['spamBlockEmail'])) {
                     $item = $this->getComment('email', $serendipity['GET']['spamBlockEmail']);
                     $items =& $this->checkFilter('emails', $item, true);
                     $this->set_config('contentfilter_emails', implode(';', $items));
                 echo '<a class="button_link" title="' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CONFIG . '" href="serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=plugins&amp;serendipity[plugin_to_conf]=' . $this->instance . '"><span class="icon-medkit"></span><span class="visuallyhidden"> ' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_CONFIG . '</span></a>';
                 return true;
             case 'backend_view_comment':
                 $author_is_filtered = $this->checkFilter('authors', $eventData['author']);
                 $clink = 'comment_' . $eventData['id'];
                 $randomString = '&amp;random=' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 10);
                 # the random string will force browser to reload the page,
                 # so the server knows who to block/unblock when clicking again on the same link,
                 # see,
                 $akismet_apikey = $this->get_config('akismet');
                 $akismet = $this->get_config('akismet_filter');
                 if (!empty($akismet_apikey)) {
                     $eventData['action_more'] .= ' <a class="button_link actions_extra" title="' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_SPAM . '" href="serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[spamIsSpam]=' . $eventData['id'] . $addData . '#' . $clink . '"><span class="icon-block"></span><span class="visuallyhidden"> ' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_SPAM . '</span></a>';
                     $eventData['action_more'] .= ' <a class="button_link actions_extra" title="' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_NOT_SPAM . '" href="serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[spamNotSpam]=' . $eventData['id'] . $addData . '#' . $clink . '"><span class="icon-ok-circled"></span><span class="visuallyhidden"> ' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_NOT_SPAM . '</span></a>';
                 $eventData['action_author'] .= ' <a class="button_link" title="' . ($author_is_filtered ? PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REMOVE_AUTHOR : PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ADD_AUTHOR) . '" href="serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[spamBlockAuthor]=' . $eventData['id'] . $addData . $randomString . '#' . $clink . '"><span class="icon-' . ($author_is_filtered ? 'ok-circled' : 'block') . '"></span><span class="visuallyhidden"> ' . ($author_is_filtered ? PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REMOVE_AUTHOR : PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ADD_AUTHOR) . '</span></a>';
                 if (!empty($eventData['url'])) {
                     $url_is_filtered = $this->checkFilter('urls', $eventData['url']);
                     $eventData['action_url'] .= ' <a class="button_link" title="' . ($url_is_filtered ? PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REMOVE_URL : PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ADD_URL) . '" href="serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[spamBlockURL]=' . $eventData['id'] . $addData . $randomString . '#' . $clink . '"><span class="icon-' . ($url_is_filtered ? 'ok-circled' : 'block') . '"></span><span class="visuallyhidden"> ' . ($url_is_filtered ? PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REMOVE_URL : PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ADD_URL) . '</span></a>';
                 if (!empty($eventData['email'])) {
                     $email_is_filtered = $this->checkFilter('emails', $eventData['email']);
                     $eventData['action_email'] .= ' <a class="button_link" title="' . ($email_is_filtered ? PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REMOVE_EMAIL : PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ADD_EMAIL) . '" href="serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[spamBlockEmail]=' . $eventData['id'] . $addData . $randomString . '#' . $clink . '"><span class="icon-' . ($email_is_filtered ? 'ok-circled' : 'block') . '"></span><span class="visuallyhidden"> ' . ($email_is_filtered ? PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REMOVE_EMAIL : PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ADD_EMAIL) . '</span></a>';
                 return true;
             case 'backend_sidebar_admin_appearance':
                 echo '<li><a href="serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=plugins&amp;serendipity[plugin_to_conf]=' . $this->instance . '">' . PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_TITLE . '</a></li>';
                 return true;
                 return false;
     } else {
         return false;
 function updateTwitterTimelineCache($cachefile)
     global $serendipity;
     $cachetime = (int) $this->get_config('cachetime', 300);
     if (!file_exists($cachefile) || filemtime($cachefile) < time() - $cachetime) {
         require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
         $service = $this->get_config('service');
         $username = $this->get_config('username');
         $number = $this->get_config('number');
         if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('toall_only', false))) {
             $number = 50;
             // Fetch many in the hope, that there are enough globals with it.
         if ($service == '') {
             $service_url = '';
             $status_url = '';
             $search_twitter_uri = $service_url . '/statuses/user_timeline/' . $username . '.json?count=' . $number;
         } else {
             $followme_url = '' . $username;
             $service_url = '';
             $status_url = '' . $username . '/statuses/';
             $search_twitter_uri = '' . $username . '&count=' . $number;
         $req = new HTTP_Request($search_twitter_uri);
         $response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
         $error = $req->getResponseCode();
         if ($error == 200 && !empty($response)) {
             $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w');
             fwrite($fp, serialize($response));
 function &fetchfile($url, $target, $cacheTimeout = 0, $decode_utf8 = false, $sub = 'plugins')
     global $serendipity;
     static $error = false;
     // Fix double URL strings.
     $url = preg_replace('@http(s)?:/@i', 'http\\1://', str_replace('//', '/', $url));
     // --JAM: Get the URL's IP in the most error-free way possible
     $url_parts = @parse_url($url);
     $url_hostname = 'localhost';
     if (is_array($url_parts)) {
         $url_hostname = $url_parts['host'];
     $url_ip = gethostbyname($url_hostname);
     if (is_object($serendipity['logger'])) {
         $serendipity['logger']->debug(sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_FETCHING, '<a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '">' . basename($url) . '</a>'));
     if (file_exists($target) && filesize($target) > 0 && filemtime($target) >= time() - $cacheTimeout) {
         $data = file_get_contents($target);
         if (is_object($serendipity['logger'])) {
             $serendipity['logger']->debug(sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_FETCHED_BYTES_CACHE, strlen($data), $target));
     } else {
         require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
         $options = array('allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 5);
         serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_http_request', $options, 'spartacus');
         $req = new HTTP_Request($url, $options);
         if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
             $resolved_url = $url . ' (IP ' . $url_ip . ')';
             $this->outputMSG('error', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_FETCHERROR, $resolved_url));
             if ($req->getResponseCode()) {
                 $this->outputMSG('error', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_REPOSITORY_ERROR, $req->getResponseCode()));
             $check_health = true;
             if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
                 $this->outputMSG('notice', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_TRYCURL);
                 $curl_handle = curl_init();
                 curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                 curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                 $curl_result = curl_exec($curl_handle);
                 if ($curl_result) {
                     $check_health = false;
                 } else {
                     $this->outputMSG('error', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_CURLFAIL . "\n");
         if ($check_health) {
             /*--JAM: Useful for later, when we have a health monitor for SPARTACUS
               $propbag = new serendipity_property_bag;
               $health_url = '' . $propbag->get('version');
             // Garvin: Temporary health. Better than nothing, eh?
             $health_url = $url;
             $matches = array();
             preg_match('#http://[^/]*/#', $url, $matches);
             if ($matches[0]) {
                 $health_url = $matches[0];
             $mirrors = $this->getMirrors('files_health', true);
             $health_url = $mirrors[$health_url];
             $this->outputMSG('notice', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_HEALTHCHECK, $health_url));
             $health_options = $options;
             serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_http_request', $health_options, 'spartacus_health');
             $health_req = new HTTP_Request($health_url, $health_options);
             $health_result = $health_req->sendRequest();
             if (PEAR::isError($health_result)) {
                 $fp = @fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr);
                 if (!$fp) {
                     $this->outputMSG('error', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_HEALTHBLOCKED, $errno, $errstr));
                 } else {
                     $this->outputMSG('error', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_HEALTHDOWN);
                     $this->outputMSG('notice', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_HEALTHLINK, $health_url));
             } else {
                 if ($health_req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
                     $this->outputMSG('error', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_HEALTHERROR, $health_req->getResponseCode()));
                     $this->outputMSG('notice', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_HEALTHLINK, $health_url));
                 } else {
                     $this->outputMSG('error', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_HEALTFIREWALLED);
                     //--JAM: Parse response and display it.
             if (file_exists($target) && filesize($target) > 0) {
                 $data = file_get_contents($target);
                 $this->outputMSG('success', sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_FETCHED_BYTES_CACHE, strlen($data), $target));
         } else {
             // Fetch file
             if (!$data) {
                 $data = $req->getResponseBody();
             if (is_object($serendipity['logger'])) {
                 $serendipity['logger']->debug(sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPARTACUS_FETCHED_BYTES_URL, strlen($data), $target));
             $tdir = dirname($target);
             if (!is_dir($tdir) && !$this->rmkdir($tdir, $sub)) {
                 $this->outputMSG('error', sprintf(FILE_WRITE_ERROR, $tdir));
                 return $error;
             $fp = @fopen($target, 'w');
             if (!$fp) {
                 $this->outputMSG('error', sprintf(FILE_WRITE_ERROR, $target));
                 return $error;
             if ($decode_utf8) {
                 $data = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . LANG_CHARSET . '" ?>', $data);
                 $this->decode($data, true);
             fwrite($fp, $data);
             $this->fileperm($target, false);
             $this->purgeCache = true;
     return $data;
  * Caches an avatar and streams it back to the browser.
 function saveAndResponseAvatar($eventData, $url, $allow_redirection = 3)
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request2.php';
     global $serendipity;
     $fContent = null;
     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
     if ($allow_redirection) {
         $request_pars['follow_redirects'] = true;
         $request_pars['max_redirects'] = $allow_redirection;
     } else {
         $request_pars['follow_redirects'] = false;
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<')) {
         // On earlier PHP versions, the certificate validation fails. We deactivate it on them to restore the functionality we had with HTTP/Request1
         $request_pars['ssl_verify_peer'] = false;
     $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, $request_pars);
     try {
         $response = $req->send();
         if ($response->getStatus() != '200') {
             throw new HTTP_Request2_Exception("Could not search on identica");
         // Allow only images as Avatar!
         $mime = $response->getHeader("content-type");
         $this->avatarConfiguration['mime-type'] = $mime;
         $this->log("Avatar fetch mimetype: {$mime}" . " for url=" . $url);
         $mimeparts = explode('/', $mime);
         if (count($mimeparts) == 2 && $mimeparts[0] == 'image') {
             $fContent = $response->getBody();
     } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
         $fContent = null;
         $this->log("Avatar fetch error: " . $e);
     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
     // if no content was fetched, return false
     if (!isset($fContent) || empty($fContent)) {
         $this->log("Avatar fetch: no Content!");
         return false;
     $cache_file = $this->cacheAvatar($eventData, $fContent);
     if ($cache_file) {
     } else {
         if ($this->supportDefaultAvatar()) {
     return true;
 function updateTwitterTimelineCache($parts)
     global $serendipity;
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     if (count($parts) < 5) {
         return time() + 60 * 60;
     // params corrupted next try allowed one minute later
     // Do we need to do OAuth?
     if (count($parts) > 6) {
         $idx_twitter = $parts[5];
         $idxmd5 = $parts[6];
         $idxmd5_test = md5(serendipity_event_twitter::pluginSecret() . "_{$idx_twitter}");
         if ($idxmd5_test != $idxmd5) {
             // Seems to be a hack!
             return time() + 60 * 60;
             // params corrupted next try allowed one minute later
     $show_rt = false;
     if (count($parts) > 7) {
         $features = $parts[7];
         $show_rt = strpos($features, 'r') !== false;
     $cachetime = (int) $parts[4];
     $service = $parts[1];
     $username = str_replace('!', '_', $parts[2]);
     $cache_user = md5($service) . md5($username);
     $cachefile = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . PATH_SMARTY_COMPILE . "/twitterresult.{$cache_user}.json";
     $nextcheck = time() + (int) $cachetime;
     if (file_exists($cachefile)) {
         $nextcheck = filemtime($cachefile) + $cachetime;
     if (!file_exists($cachefile) || filemtime($cachefile) < time() - $cachetime) {
         $number = str_replace("!", "_", $parts[3]);
         $error = 200;
         // Default is: All OK
         if (!empty($idx_twitter)) {
             $search_twitter_uri = '' . $username . '&count=' . $number . '&trim_user=true';
             if (!$show_rt) {
                 $search_twitter_uri .= '&include_rts=false';
             if ($idx_twitter == '1') {
                 $idx_twitter = '';
             // First cfg is saved with empty suffix!
             $connection = $this->twitteroa_connect($idx_twitter);
             $connection->decode_json = false;
             $response = $connection->get($search_twitter_uri);
         } else {
             if ($service == '') {
                 $followme_url = '' . $username;
                 $status_url = '';
                 $JSONcallback = 'identicaCallback2';
                 $service_url = '';
                 $search_twitter_uri = $service_url . '/statuses/user_timeline/' . $username . '.json?count=' . $number;
             } else {
                 $followme_url = '' . $username;
                 $service_url = '';
                 $status_url = '' . $username . '/statuses/';
                 $JSONcallback = 'twitterCallback2';
                 $search_twitter_uri = '' . $username . '&count=' . $number;
             $req = new HTTP_Request($search_twitter_uri);
             $response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
             $error = $req->getResponseCode();
         $this->log("error: {$error}");
         if ($error == 200 && !empty($response)) {
             $this->log("Writing response into cache.");
             $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w');
             fwrite($fp, serialize($response));
             $nextcheck = time() + (int) $cachetime;
             $this->log("Writing response into cache. DONE");
     return $nextcheck;
예제 #12
 function userinfo($screenname)
     if (empty($screenname)) {
         echo "screenname empty";
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     $requrl = $this->get_api_url() . 'users/show.json?screen_name=' . $screenname;
     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
     $req = new HTTP_Request($requrl);
     $response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
     return @json_decode($response);
 * Fetches additional comment data from the page that sent the pingback
 * @access private
 * @param array comment array to be filled
function fetchPingbackData(&$comment)
    global $serendipity;
    // Don't fetch remote page, if not explicitly allowed in serendipity_config_local.php:
    if (empty($serendipity['pingbackFetchPage'])) {
    // If we don't have a comment or a commentors url, stop it.
    if (!isset($comment) || !is_array($comment) || !isset($comment['url'])) {
    // Max amount of characters fetched from the page doing a pingback:
    $fetchPageMaxLength = 200;
    if (isset($serendipity['pingbackFetchPageMaxLength'])) {
        $fetchPageMaxLength = $serendipity['pingbackFetchPageMaxLength'];
    require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request2.php';
    $url = $comment['url'];
    if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
    // Request the page
    $options = array('follow_redirects' => true, 'max_redirects' => 5, 'timeout' => 20);
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<')) {
        // On earlier PHP versions, the certificate validation fails. We deactivate it on them to restore the functionality we had with HTTP/Request1
        $options['ssl_verify_peer'] = false;
    $req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, $options);
    // code 200: OK, code 30x: REDIRECTION
    $responses = "/(200)|(30[0-9])/";
    // |(30[0-9] Moved)
    try {
        $response = $req->send();
        if (preg_match($responses, $response->getStatus())) {
        $fContent = $response->getBody();
        // Get a title
        if (preg_match('@<head[^>]*>.*?<title[^>]*>(.*?)</title>.*?</head>@is', $fContent, $matches)) {
            $comment['title'] = serendipity_entity_decode(strip_tags($matches[1]), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
        // Try to get content from first <p> tag on:
        if (preg_match('@<p[^>]*>(.*?)</body>@is', $fContent, $matches)) {
            $body = $matches[1];
        if (empty($body) && preg_match('@<body[^>]*>(.*?)</body>@is', $fContent, $matches)) {
            $body = $matches[1];
        // Get a part of the article
        if (!empty($body)) {
            $body = trackback_body_strip($body);
            // truncate the text to 200 chars
            $arr = str_split($body, $fetchPageMaxLength);
            $body = $arr[0];
            $comment['comment'] = $body . '[..]';
    } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
    if (function_exists('serendipity_request_end')) {
예제 #14
  * Make an HTTP request
  * @return API results
 function http($url, $method, $postfields = NULL)
     $this->http_info = array();
     if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
         $ci = curl_init();
         /* Curl settings */
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->useragent);
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $this->connecttimeout);
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout);
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->ssl_verifypeer);
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array($this, 'getHeader'));
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
         switch ($method) {
             case 'POST':
                 curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
                 if (!empty($postfields)) {
                     curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields);
             case 'DELETE':
                 curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE');
                 if (!empty($postfields)) {
                     $url = "{$url}?{$postfields}";
         curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
         $response = curl_exec($ci);
         $this->http_code = curl_getinfo($ci, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         $this->http_info = array_merge($this->http_info, curl_getinfo($ci));
         $this->url = $url;
     } else {
         require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
         $req = new HTTP_Request($url);
         switch ($method) {
             case 'POST':
                 if (!empty($postfields)) {
                     $fields = explode('&', $postfields);
                     foreach ($fields as $field) {
                         $data = explode('=', $field);
                         $req->addPostData($data[0], $data[1], true);
             case 'DELETE':
                 if (!empty($postfields)) {
                     $url = "{$url}?{$postfields}";
         $response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
         $this->url = $url;
         $this->http_code = $req->getResponseCode();
         serendipity_event_twitter::twitteroalog($url . " - " . $postfields . " (Code: " . $this->http_code . ")\n" . $response);
     return $response;
 function urlcheck($uri)
     // These two substring comparisons are faster than one regexp.
     if ('http://' != substr($uri, 0, 7) && 'https://' != substr($uri, 0, 8)) {
         return false;
     // Disabled by now. May get enabled in the future, but for now the extra HTTP call isn't worth trying.
     return true;
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     $req = new HTTP_Request($uri);
     if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || !preg_match('@^[23]..@', $req->getResponseCode())) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
  * Caches a map and streams it back to the browser. 
 function saveAndResponseMap($url, $lat, $long, $isArticle)
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     global $serendipity;
     $fContent = null;
     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
     $request_pars['allowRedirects'] = TRUE;
     $req = new HTTP_Request($url, $request_pars);
     // if the request leads to an error we don't want to have it: return false
     if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
         $fContent = null;
     } else {
         // Allow only images!
         $mime = $req->getResponseHeader("content-type");
         $mimeparts = explode('/', $mime);
         if (count($mimeparts) == 2 && $mimeparts[0] == 'image') {
             $fContent = $req->getResponseBody();
     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
     // if no content was fetched, return false
     if (!isset($fContent)) {
         return false;
     $cache_file = $this->cacheMap($lat, $long, $isArticle, $fContent, $req);
     if ($cache_file) {
     return true;
    function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData)
        global $serendipity;
        $hooks =& $bag->get('event_hooks');
        if (isset($hooks[$event])) {
            switch ($event) {
                case 'backend_display':
                    <fieldset style="margin: 5px">
                    echo PLUGIN_EVENT_WEBLOGPING_PING;
                    $noneclick = '';
                    foreach ($this->services as $index => $service) {
                        // Detect if the current checkbox needs to be saved. We use the field chk_timestamp to see,
                        // if the form has already been submitted and individual changes shall be preserved
                        $selected = $serendipity['POST']['chk_timestamp'] && $serendipity['POST']['announce_entries_' . $service['name']] || !isset($serendipity['POST']['chk_timestamp']) && $this->get_config($service['name']) == 'true' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                        $noneclick .= 'document.getElementById(\'serendipity[announce_entries_' . $service['name'] . ']\').checked = false; ';
                        $onclick = '';
                        if (!empty($service['supersedes'])) {
                            $onclick = 'onclick="';
                            $supersedes = explode(', ', $service['supersedes']);
                            foreach ($supersedes as $sid => $servicename) {
                                $onclick .= 'document.getElementById(\'serendipity[announce_entries_' . $servicename . ']\').checked = false; ';
                            $onclick .= '"';
                        $title = sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_WEBLOGPING_SENDINGPING, $service['name']) . (!empty($service['supersedes']) ? ' ' . sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_WEBLOGPING_SUPERSEDES, $service['supersedes']) : '');
                            <input <?php 
                        echo $onclick;
 class="input_checkbox" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;" type="checkbox" name="serendipity[announce_entries_<?php 
                        echo $service['name'];
]" id="serendipity[announce_entries_<?php 
                        echo $service['name'];
]" value="true" <?php 
                        echo $selected;
                                <label title="<?php 
                        echo $title;
" style="vertical-align: bottom; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" for="serendipity[announce_entries_<?php 
                        echo $service['name'];
                        echo $service['name'];
&nbsp;&nbsp;</label><br />
                            <input onclick="<?php 
                    echo $noneclick;
" class="input_checkbox" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;" type="checkbox" value="none" id="serendipity[announce_entries_none]" />
                                <label title="<?php 
                    echo NONE;
" style="vertical-align: bottom; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" for="serendipity[announce_entries_none]">&nbsp;<?php 
                    echo NONE;
&nbsp;&nbsp;</label><br />
                    return true;
                case 'backend_publish':
                    if (!class_exists('XML_RPC_Base')) {
                        include_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . "XML/RPC.php";
                    // First cycle through list of services to remove superseding services which may have been checked
                    foreach ($this->services as $index => $service) {
                        if (!empty($service['supersedes']) && isset($serendipity['POST']['announce_entries_' . $service['name']])) {
                            $supersedes = explode(', ', $service['supersedes']);
                            foreach ($supersedes as $sid => $servicename) {
                                // A service has been checked that is superseded by another checked meta-service. Remove that service from the list of services to be ping'd
                                unset($serendipity['POST']['announce_entries_' . $servicename]);
                    foreach ($this->services as $index => $service) {
                        if (isset($serendipity['POST']['announce_entries_' . $service['name']]) || defined('SERENDIPITY_IS_XMLRPC') && serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config($service['name']))) {
                            if (!defined('SERENDIPITY_IS_XMLRPC') || defined('SERENDIPITY_XMLRPC_VERBOSE')) {
                                printf(PLUGIN_EVENT_WEBLOGPING_SENDINGPING . '...', $service['host']);
                            # XXX append $serendipity['indexFile'] to baseURL?
                            $args = array(new XML_RPC_Value($serendipity['blogTitle'], 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($serendipity['baseURL'], 'string'));
                            if ($service['extended']) {
                                # the checkUrl: for when the main page is not really the main page
                                $args[] = new XML_RPC_Value('', 'string');
                                # the rssUrl
                                $args[] = new XML_RPC_Value($serendipity['baseURL'] . 'rss.php?version=2.0', 'string');
                            $message = new XML_RPC_Message($service['extended'] ? 'weblogUpdates.extendedPing' : '', $args);
                            $client = new XML_RPC_Client(trim($service['path']), trim($service['host']));
                            # 15 second timeout may not be long enough for
                            $options = array();
                            serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_http_request', $options, 'weblogping');
                            $req = new HTTP_Request("http://" . $service['host'] . $service['path'], $options);
                            $req->addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
                            if (strtoupper(LANG_CHARSET) != 'UTF-8') {
                                $payload = utf8_encode($message->payload);
                            } else {
                                $payload = $message->payload;
                            $http_result = $req->sendRequest();
                            $http_response = $req->getResponseBody();
                            $xmlrpc_result = $message->parseResponse($http_response);
                            if ($xmlrpc_result->faultCode()) {
                                $out = sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_WEBLOGPING_SEND_FAILURE . "<br />", htmlspecialchars($xmlrpc_result->faultString()));
                            } else {
                                $out = PLUGIN_EVENT_WEBLOGPING_SEND_SUCCESS . "<br />";
                            if (!defined('SERENDIPITY_IS_XMLRPC') || defined('SERENDIPITY_XMLRPC_VERBOSE')) {
                                echo $out;
                    return true;
                case 'external_plugin':
                    if ($eventData == 'xmlrpc_ping') {
                        echo "XMLRPC START\n";
                        @define('SERENDIPITY_IS_XMLRPC', true);
                        @define('SERENDIPITY_XMLRPC_VERBOSE', true);
                        $this->event_hook('backend_publish', $bag, $eventData);
                        echo "XMLRPC DONE\n";
                    return true;
                case 'frontend_display':
                case 'backend_insert':
                case 'backend_update':
                case 'backend_draft':
                    return false;
        } else {
            return false;
 function fetchFacebook()
     global $serendipity;
     if ($this->debug) {
         $fp = fopen('/tmp/facebook.log', 'a');
         fwrite($fp, date('d.m.Y  H:i') . 'Facebook run');
     header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . LANG_CHARSET);
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     $users = explode(',', $this->get_config('facebook_users'));
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $user = trim($user);
         if (empty($user)) {
         $url = '' . $user . '/posts?limit=' . $this->get_config('limit');
         $req = new HTTP_Request($url, array('allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 3));
         // code 200: OK, code 30x: REDIRECTION
         if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || !preg_match('/200/', $req->getResponseCode())) {
             if ($this->debug) {
                 echo "Request failed. (" . $req->getResponseCode() . ")";
         } else {
             $data = $req->getResponseBody();
             $fb = json_decode($data);
             foreach ($fb->data as $idx => $fb_item) {
                 #if ($fb_item->
                 // Check each Graph API item. If it's an empty link or the link points to facebook,
                 // we cannot read it. Also, the URL might not directly point to our own blog postings
                 // to match up, so we need to follow the HTTP request to see if Location: redirects
                 // take place to our final link.
                 if ($fb_item->type != 'link' || empty($fb_item->link) || preg_match('@/', $fb_item->link)) {
                 // Skip some links that we can be sure are not to be requested
                 if (preg_match('@/(www\\.)?(|', $fb_item->link)) {
                 if ($this->debug) {
                     echo "\nRequesting Link " . $fb_item->link . "\n";
                 // Check if we already have metadata about this link.
                 $meta = serendipity_db_query("SELECT entryid, resolved_url FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}facebook WHERE base_url = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($fb_item->link) . "'");
                 if ($meta[0]['resolved_url'] != '') {
                     // YES, link is stored.
                     if ($this->debug) {
                         echo "(Metadata exists)\n";
                     // Check if stored link is no blog entry of ours.
                     if ((int) $meta[0]['entryid'] == 0) {
                     $entry_id = $meta[0]['entryid'];
                     if ($this->debug) {
                         echo "(Resolved to: {$entry_id})\n";
                 } else {
                     // NO, link not yet stored. Request final location.
                     if ($this->debug) {
                         echo "(No metadata yet)\n";
                     $subreq = new HTTP_Request($fb_item->link, array('allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 3));
                     $ret = $subreq->sendRequest();
                     $check_url = $subreq->_url->url;
                     $entry_id = $this->linkmatch($check_url);
                     if ($this->debug) {
                         echo "(Resolved to: {$entry_id})\n";
                     serendipity_db_query("INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}facebook \n                          (entryid, base_url, resolved_url)\n                        VALUES \n                          (" . (int) $entry_id . ", '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($fb_item->link) . "', '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($check_url) . "')");
                     // Check if stored link is no blog entry of ours
                     if (empty($entry_id)) {
                 list($user_id, $post_id) = explode('_', $fb_item->id);
                 // The comments inside the main API graph may not contain everything, so fetch each comment uniquely.
                 $curl = '' . $fb_item->id . '/comments';
                 if ($this->debug) {
                     echo $curl . "\n";
                 $subreq = new HTTP_Request($curl, array('allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 3));
                 $ret = $subreq->sendRequest();
                 $cdata = $subreq->getResponseBody();
                 $cfb = json_decode($cdata);
                 // Iterate existing comments.
                 foreach ($cfb->data as $dataidx => $comment) {
                     // Check if comment is already saved.
                     $c = serendipity_db_query("SELECT id\n                                                     FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments \n                                                    WHERE entry_id = " . (int) $entry_id . " \n                                                      AND title    = 'facebook_" . $comment->id . "'");
                     if ($c[0]['id'] > 0) {
                         if ($this->debug) {
                             echo "Comment already fetched.\n";
                     $this->addComment($entry_id, $user, $post_id, $comment);
                     if ($this->debug) {
                         echo "comment added.\n";
예제 #19
             if (serendipity_checkMediaSize($target)) {
                 $thumbs = array(array('thumbSize' => $serendipity['thumbSize'], 'thumb' => $serendipity['thumbSuffix']));
                 serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_media_makethumb', $thumbs);
                 foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) {
                     // Create thumbnail
                     if ($created_thumbnail = serendipity_makeThumbnail($tfile, $serendipity['POST']['target_directory'][$tindex], $thumb['thumbSize'], $thumb['thumb'])) {
                         $messages[] = '<span class="msg_success"><span class="icon-ok-circled"></span> ' . THUMB_CREATED_DONE . '</span>';
                 // Insert into database
                 $image_id = serendipity_insertImageInDatabase($tfile, $serendipity['POST']['target_directory'][$tindex], $authorid, null, $realname);
                 serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_image_add', $target);
                 $new_media[] = array('image_id' => $image_id, 'target' => $target, 'created_thumbnail' => $created_thumbnail);
 } else {
     if (!is_array($_FILES['serendipity']['name']['userfile'])) {
     foreach ($_FILES['serendipity']['name']['userfile'] as $idx => $uploadfiles) {
         if (!is_array($uploadfiles)) {
             $uploadfiles = array($uploadfiles);
         $uploadFileCounter = -1;
         foreach ($uploadfiles as $uploadfile) {
             $target_filename = $serendipity['POST']['target_filename'][$idx];
             $uploadtmp = $_FILES['serendipity']['tmp_name']['userfile'][$idx];
             if (is_array($uploadtmp)) {
예제 #20
파일: RSS.php 프로젝트: jimjag/Serendipity
 function mod_time($uri)
     if (function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0') >= 0) {
         require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request2.php';
         $options = array();
         if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<')) {
             // On earlier PHP versions, the certificate validation fails. We deactivate it on them to restore the functionality we had with HTTP/Request1
             $options['ssl_verify_peer'] = false;
         $req = new HTTP_Request2($uri, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET, $options);
         try {
             $response = $req->send();
             if ($response->getStatus() != '200') {
                 throw new HTTP_Request2_Exception('could not fetch url: status code != 200');
         } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
             return false;
         $fHeader = $response->getHeader();
         if (isset($fHeader['last-modified'])) {
             $modtime = $fHeader['last-modified'];
     } else {
         $parts = parse_url($uri);
         $host = $parts['host'];
         $path = $parts['path'];
         if (!($fp = @fsockopen($host, 80))) {
             return false;
         $req = "HEAD {$path} HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: PHP/" . phpversion();
         $req .= "\r\nHost: {$host}\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n";
         fputs($fp, $req);
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $str = fgets($fp, 4096);
             if (strpos(strtolower($str), 'last-modified') !== false) {
                 $modtime = substr($str, 15);
     return isset($modtime) ? $modtime : 0;
 function saveAndResponseMyBlogAvatar($eventData, $url)
     global $serendipity;
     $request_pars['allowRedirects'] = false;
     $this->log("saveAndResponseMyBlogAvatar: " . $url);
     // First a dummy icon is fetched. This is done by fetching a MyBlog Avatar for a not existing domain.
     // If we have done this before, the dummy_md5 is already set, so we can skip this fetching here.
     if (!isset($this->mybloglog_dummy_md5)) {
         $cachefilename = '_mybloglogdummy.md5';
         $cache_file = $this->getCacheDirectory() . '/' . $cachefilename;
         // Look up the cache for the md5 of the MyBlogLog dummy icon saved earlier:
         if (file_exists($cache_file) && time() - filemtime($cache_file) < $this->cache_seconds) {
             $fp = fopen($cache_file, 'rb');
             $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5 = fread($fp, filesize($cache_file));
             $this->log("Loaded dummy MD5: " . $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5);
         } else {
             // dummy MD5 file was not cached or was too old. We have to fetch the dummy icon now
             $dummyurl = '*';
             $this->log("trying dummyUrl: " . $dummyurl);
             if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
             $reqdummy = new HTTP_Request($dummyurl, $request_pars);
             if (PEAR::isError($reqdummy->sendRequest()) || $reqdummy->getResponseCode() != '200') {
                 if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
                 $this->avatarConfiguration["mybloglog_dummy_error!"] = $reqdummy->getResponseCode();
                 // unable to fetch a dummy picture!
                 $this->log("unable to fetch a dummy picture!" . $dummyurl);
                 return false;
                 // what can we say else..
             } else {
                 // Allow only images as Avatar!
                 $mime = $reqdummy->getResponseHeader("content-type");
                 $this->log("MyBlogLog Avatar fetch mimetype: {$mime}");
                 $mimeparts = explode('/', $mime);
                 if (count($mimeparts) != 2 || $mimeparts[0] != 'image') {
                     // unable to fetch a dummy picture!
                     $this->log("unable to fetch a dummy picture!" . $dummyurl);
                     if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
                     return false;
                     // what can we say else..
                 $fContent = $reqdummy->getResponseBody();
                 $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5 = md5($fContent);
                 // Save MD5 of dummy icon for later runs
                 $fp = fopen($cache_file, 'wb');
                 fwrite($fp, $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5);
                 $this->log("dummy MD5 saved: " . $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5);
             if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
     // Fetch the correct icon and compare:
     if (isset($this->mybloglog_dummy_md5)) {
         $cachefilename = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData);
         // fetch the icon
         if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
         $this->log("Fetching mbl: " . $url);
         $req = new HTTP_Request($url, $request_pars);
         if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
             if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
             $this->log("Unable to fetch the correct image!");
             // Unable to fetch the correct image!
             return false;
         } else {
             // Test, if this realy is an image!
             $mime_type = $req->getResponseHeader('content-type');
             if (!empty($mime_type)) {
                 $mt_parts = explode('/', $mime_type);
             if (isset($mt_parts) && is_array($mt_parts) && $mt_parts[0] == 'image') {
                 $fContent = $req->getResponseBody();
                 $avtmd5 = md5($fContent);
                 $this->log("mbl image fetched, MD5: " . $avtmd5);
                 if ($this->mybloglog_dummy_md5 != $avtmd5) {
                     $this->log("caching mbl image: " . $cachefilename);
                     $this->cacheAvatar($eventData, $fContent, $req);
             } else {
                 $this->log("MyBlogLog did not return an image: " . $mime_type);
                 $avtmd5 = $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5;
                 // Declare it as dummy in order not to save it.
         if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
         if ($this->mybloglog_dummy_md5 == $avtmd5) {
             // This seems to be a dummy avatar!
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     return false;
예제 #22
 function import_wpxrss()
     // TODO: Backtranscoding to NATIVE charset. Currently only works with UTF-8.
     $dry_run = false;
     $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $uri = $this->data['url'];
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     $req = new HTTP_Request($uri, array('allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 5));
     $res = $req->sendRequest();
     if (PEAR::isError($res) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
         echo IMPORT_FAILED . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($this->data['url']);
         echo "<br />\n";
         return false;
     $fContent = $req->getResponseBody();
     echo strlen($fContent) . " Bytes<br />\n";
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0') === -1) {
         printf(UNMET_REQUIREMENTS, 'PHP >= 5.0');
         echo "<br />\n";
         return false;
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($fContent);
     /* ************* USERS **********************/
     $_s9y_users = serendipity_fetchUsers();
     $s9y_users = array();
     if (is_array($s9y_users)) {
         foreach ($_s9y_users as $v) {
             $s9y_users[$v['realname']] = $v;
     /* ************* CATEGORIES **********************/
     $_s9y_cat = serendipity_fetchCategories('all');
     $s9y_cat = array();
     if (is_array($s9y_cat)) {
         foreach ($_s9y_cat as $v) {
             $s9y_cat[$v['category_name']] = $v['categoryid'];
     $wp_ns = '';
     $dc_ns = '';
     $content_ns = '';
     $wp_core = $xml->channel->children($wp_ns);
     foreach ($wp_core->category as $idx => $cat) {
         //TODO: Parent generation unknown.
         $cat_name = (string) $cat->cat_name;
         if (!isset($s9y_cat[$cat_name])) {
             $cat = array('category_name' => $cat_name, 'category_description' => '', 'parentid' => 0, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
             printf(CREATE_CATEGORY, htmlspecialchars($cat_name));
             echo "<br />\n";
             if ($dry_run) {
                 $s9y_cat[$cat_name] = time();
             } else {
                 serendipity_db_insert('category', $cat);
                 $s9y_cat[$cat_name] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
     /* ************* ITEMS **********************/
     foreach ($xml->channel->item as $idx => $item) {
         $wp_items = $item->children($wp_ns);
         $dc_items = $item->children($dc_ns);
         $content_items = $item->children($content_ns);
         // TODO: Attachments not handled
         if ((string) $wp_items->post_type == 'attachment' or (string) $wp_items->post_type == 'page') {
         $entry = array('title' => (string) $item->title, 'isdraft' => (string) $wp_items->status == 'publish' ? 'false' : 'true', 'allow_comments' => (string) $wp_items->comment_status == 'open' ? true : false, 'categories' => array(), 'body' => (string) $content_items->encoded);
         if (preg_match('@^([0-9]{4})\\-([0-9]{2})\\-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})$@', (string) $wp_items->post_date, $timematch)) {
             $entry['timestamp'] = mktime($timematch[4], $timematch[5], $timematch[6], $timematch[2], $timematch[3], $timematch[1]);
         } else {
             $entry['timestamp'] = time();
         if (isset($item->category[1])) {
             foreach ($item->category as $idx => $category) {
                 $cstring = (string) $category;
                 if (!isset($s9y_cat[$cstring])) {
                     echo "WARNING: {$category} unset!<br />\n";
                 } else {
                     $entry['categories'][] = $s9y_cat[$cstring];
         } else {
             $cstring = (string) $item->category;
             $entry['categories'][] = $s9y_cat[$cstring];
         $wp_user = (string) $dc_items->creator;
         if (!isset($s9y_users[$wp_user])) {
             if ($dry_run) {
                 $s9y_users[$wp_user]['authorid'] = time();
             } else {
                 $s9y_users[$wp_user]['authorid'] = serendipity_addAuthor($wp_user, md5(time()), $wp_user, '', USERLEVEL_EDITOR);
             printf(CREATE_AUTHOR, htmlspecialchars($wp_user));
             echo "<br />\n";
         $entry['authorid'] = $s9y_users[$wp_user]['authorid'];
         if ($dry_run) {
             $id = time();
         } else {
             $id = serendipity_updertEntry($entry);
         $s9y_cid = array();
         // Holds comment ids to s9y ids association.
         $c_i = 0;
         foreach ($wp_items->comment as $comment) {
             $c_id = (string) $comment->comment_id;
             $c_pid = (string) $comment->comment_parent;
             $c_type = (string) $comment->comment_type;
             if ($c_type == 'pingback') {
                 $c_type2 = 'PINGBACK';
             } elseif ($c_type == 'trackback') {
                 $c_type2 = 'TRACKBACK';
             } else {
                 $c_type2 = 'NORMAL';
             $s9y_comment = array('entry_id ' => $id, 'parent_id' => $s9y_cid[$c_pd], 'author' => (string) $comment->comment_author, 'email' => (string) $comment->comment_author_email, 'url' => (string) $comment->comment_author_url, 'ip' => (string) $comment->comment_author_IP, 'status' => empty($comment->comment_approved) || $comment->comment_approved == '1' ? 'approved' : 'pending', 'subscribed' => 'false', 'body' => (string) $comment->comment_content, 'type' => $c_type2);
             if (preg_match('@^([0-9]{4})\\-([0-9]{2})\\-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})$@', (string) $comment->comment_date, $timematch)) {
                 $s9y_comment['timestamp'] = mktime($timematch[4], $timematch[5], $timematch[6], $timematch[2], $timematch[3], $timematch[1]);
             } else {
                 $s9y_comment['timestamp'] = time();
             if ($dry_run) {
                 $cid = time();
             } else {
                 serendipity_db_insert('comments', $s9y_comment);
                 $cid = serendipity_db_insert_id('comments', 'id');
                 if ($s9y_comment['status'] == 'approved') {
                     serendipity_approveComment($cid, $id, true);
             $s9y_cid[$c_id] = $cid;
         echo "Entry '" . htmlspecialchars($entry['title']) . "' ({$c_i} comments) imported.<br />\n";
     return true;
  * Calculates infos on the given file and returns an array containing these infos
 function GetFileInfo($url)
     global $serendipity;
     $this->log("GetFileInfo for {$url}");
     $fileInfo = array();
     //caching metadata
     $cacheOptions = array('lifeTime' => '2592000', 'automaticSerialization' => true, 'cacheDir' => $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'templates_c/');
     if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('use_cache', 'true'))) {
         $this->log("GetFileInfo: Trying cached infos");
         //md5 for not having strange characters in that id..
         $cacheId = md5($url) . '.2';
         include_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . "Cache/Lite.php";
         $cache = new Cache_Lite($cacheOptions);
         if ($fileInfo = $cache->get($cacheId)) {
             $this->log("GetFileInfo: Cached infos found in file {$cacheId}");
             //return directly on cache hit
             return $fileInfo;
     //cache miss! -> get data, store it in cache and return.
     // translate pontential relative url to absolute url
     if (preg_match('@https?://@', $url)) {
         $absolute_url = $url;
     } else {
         $absolute_url = $this->GetHostUrl() . $url;
     if ($this->debug) {
         $fileInfo['absolute_url'] = $absolute_url;
     // Now remove configured base URL
     $rel_path = str_replace($serendipity['baseURL'], "", $absolute_url);
     if ($this->debug) {
         $fileInfo['rel_path'] = $rel_path;
     // do we have a local file here?
     //$localMediaFile = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $urlParts['path'];
     $localMediaFile = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $rel_path;
     $fileInfo['localMediaFile'] = $localMediaFile;
     $this->log("Absolute_url: {$absolute_url} - Relative: {$localMediaFile}");
     // Remember extension of file
     list($sName, $fileInfo['extension']) = serendipity_parseFileName($localMediaFile);
     if (file_exists($localMediaFile)) {
         $this->log("GetFileInfo: Local file exists");
         $fileInfo['length'] = filesize($localMediaFile);
         $fileInfo['md5'] = md5_file($localMediaFile);
         $this->GetID3Infos($localMediaFile, $fileInfo);
         $this->log(print_r($fileInfo, true));
         // Set default
         $fileInfo['mime'] = $this->getFileMime($fileInfo['extension'], $fileInfo['mime']);
     } elseif (preg_match('@https?://@', $url)) {
         include_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
         if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) {
         $this->Log("Execute HTTP_Request for {$url}");
         $http = new HTTP_Request($url);
         if (!PEAR::isError($http->sendRequest(false))) {
             $fileInfo['length'] = intval($http->getResponseHeader('content-length'));
             $fileInfo['md5'] = $http->getResponseHeader('content-md5');
             //will return false if not present
             $fileInfo['mime'] = $http->getResponseHeader('content-type');
             $this->Log("Filling MIME with HTTP Header: " . print_r($fileInfo, true));
         if (function_exists('serendipity_request_end')) {
     } else {
         // Not found locally and no URL
         $fileInfo['notfound'] = true;
     if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('use_cache', 'true'))) {
         $cache->save($fileInfo, $cacheId);
     return $fileInfo;
예제 #24
 function shorten_via_delivr($url, &$shorturls)
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     // if we already evaluated the shorturl, stop here
     if (!empty($shorturls['delivr'])) {
     $login = '******';
     $apikey = '8bbce762-971e-45d6-a0e1-cbf5730252ea';
     $url = urlencode($url);
     $req_url = "{$login}&apiKey={$apikey}&format=xml&url=" . $url;
     $req = new HTTP_Request($req_url, array('timeout' => 20, 'readTimeout' => array(5, 0)));
     $xml = $req->getResponseBody();
     if ($req->getResponseCode() == 200) {
         $vals = array();
         $index = array();
         $parser = xml_parser_create();
         xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $vals, $index);
         $short_url = '' . $vals[$index['DELIVRID'][0]][value];
         $shorturls['delivr'] = trim($short_url);