function showSearch()
     global $serendipity;
     $term = serendipity_db_escape_string($serendipity['GET']['searchTerm']);
     if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'postgres') {
         $group = '';
         $distinct = 'DISTINCT';
         $find_part = "(c.title ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR c.body ILIKE '%{$term}%')";
     } elseif ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite') {
         $group = 'GROUP BY id';
         $distinct = '';
         $term = serendipity_mb('strtolower', $term);
         $find_part = "(lower(c.title) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(c.body) LIKE '%{$term}%')";
     } else {
         $group = 'GROUP BY id';
         $distinct = '';
         $term = str_replace('"', '"', $term);
         if (preg_match('@["\\+\\-\\*~<>\\(\\)]+@', $term)) {
             $find_part = "MATCH(c.title,c.body) AGAINST('{$term}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
         } else {
             $find_part = "MATCH(c.title,c.body) AGAINST('{$term}')";
     $querystring = "SELECT c.title AS ctitle, c.body,, c.entry_id, c.timestamp AS ctimestamp, c.url, c.type,\n                     , e.title, e.timestamp\n                          FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments AS c\n               LEFT OUTER JOIN {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries AS e\n                            ON = c.entry_id\n                         WHERE c.status = 'approved'\n                           AND {$find_part}\n                               {$group}\n                      ORDER BY c.timestamp DESC";
     $results = serendipity_db_query($querystring, false, 'assoc');
     if (!is_array($results)) {
         if ($results !== 1 && $results !== true) {
             echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($results) : htmlspecialchars($results, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
         $results = array();
     $myAddData = array("from" => "serendipity_plugin_commentsearch:generate_content");
     foreach ($results as $idx => $result) {
         $results[$idx]['permalink'] = serendipity_archiveURL($result['id'], $result['title'], 'baseURL', true, $result);
         $results[$idx]['comment'] = $result['body'];
         //(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars(strip_tags($result['body'])) : htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($result['body']), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
         serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('frontend_display', $results[$idx], $myAddData);
         // let the template decide, if we want to have tags or not
         $results[$idx]['commenthtml'] = $results[$idx]['comment'];
         $results[$idx]['comment'] = strip_tags($results[$idx]['comment']);
     $serendipity['smarty']->assign(array('comment_searchresults' => count($results), 'comment_results' => $results));
     $filename = 'plugin_commentsearch_searchresults.tpl';
     $tfile = serendipity_getTemplateFile($filename, 'serendipityPath');
     if (!$tfile) {
         $tfile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $filename;
     $inclusion = $serendipity['smarty']->security_settings[INCLUDE_ANY];
     $serendipity['smarty']->security_settings[INCLUDE_ANY] = true;
     $content = $serendipity['smarty']->fetch('file:' . $tfile);
     $serendipity['smarty']->security_settings[INCLUDE_ANY] = $inclusion;
     echo $content;
 * Create a HTML SELECT dropdown field which represents all hierarchical comments
 * @access public
 * @param   int     The entry ID to show comments for
 * @param   array   The existing comments for this entry
 * @param   int     The ID of the comment that is being referred to (last selection)
 * @param   int     The parent ID of the last comment [for recursive usage]
 * @param   int     The current nesting/hierarchy level [for recursive usage]
 * @param   string  The HTML indention string that gets prepended to a comment [for recursive usage]
 * @return  string  The HTML SELECT code
function serendipity_generateCommentList($id, $comments = NULL, $selected = 0, $parent = 0, $level = 0, $indent = '')
    global $serendipity;
    if (!is_array($comments)) {
        if (empty($id)) {
            $comments = array();
        } else {
            $comments = serendipity_fetchComments($id);
    $retval = $parent ? '' : '<select id="serendipity_replyTo" onchange="' . (!empty($serendipity['plugindata']['onchange']) ? $serendipity['plugindata']['onchange'] : '') . '" name="serendipity[replyTo]"><option value="0">[ ' . TOP_LEVEL . ' ]</option>';
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($comments as $comment) {
        if ($comment['parent_id'] == $parent) {
            $retval .= '<option value="' . $comment['id'] . '"' . ($selected == $comment['id'] || isset($serendipity['POST']['replyTo']) && $comment['id'] == $serendipity['POST']['replyTo'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . str_repeat('&#160;', $level * 2) . '#' . $indent . $i . ': ' . (empty($comment['author']) ? ANONYMOUS : htmlspecialchars($comment['author'])) . ' ' . ON . ' ' . serendipity_mb('ucfirst', serendipity_strftime(DATE_FORMAT_SHORT, $comment['timestamp'])) . "</option>\n";
            $retval .= serendipity_generateCommentList($id, $comments, $selected, $comment['id'], $level + 1, $indent . $i . '.');
    $retval .= $parent ? '' : '</select>';
    return $retval;
 function printComments($comments)
     if (!is_array($comments) || count($comments) < 1) {
     foreach ($comments as $i => $comment) {
         $comment['comment'] = function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars(strip_tags($comment['body'])) : htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($comment['body']), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
         if (!empty($comment['url']) && substr($comment['url'], 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($comment['url'], 0, 8) != 'https://') {
             $comment['url'] = 'http://' . $comment['url'];
         serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('frontend_display', $comment);
         $name = empty($comment['username']) ? ANONYMOUS : $comment['username'];
         $body = $comment['comment'];
         $this->pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9);
         $html = $this->prep_out($body . "\n" . '    ' . $name . ' ' . ON . ' ' . serendipity_mb('ucfirst', $this->prep_out(serendipity_strftime('%b %e %Y, %H:%M', $comment['timestamp'])))) . "\n";
         if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('html2pdf'))) {
         } else {
             $this->pdf->Write(3, $html);
예제 #4
// Can be set through
if (!isset($serendipity['dashboardCommentsLimit'])) {
    $serendipity['dashboardCommentsLimit'] = 5;
if (!isset($serendipity['dashboardLimit'])) {
    $serendipity['dashboardLimit'] = 5;
if (!isset($serendipity['dashboardDraftLimit'])) {
    $serendipity['dashboardDraftLimit'] = 5;
$comments = serendipity_db_query("SELECT c.*, e.title FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments c\n                                    LEFT JOIN {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries e ON ( = c.entry_id)\n                                    ORDER BY DESC LIMIT " . (int) $serendipity['dashboardCommentsLimit']);
if (is_array($comments) && count($comments) > 0) {
    foreach ($comments as &$comment) {
        $comment['entrylink'] = serendipity_archiveURL($comment['entry_id'], 'comments', 'serendipityHTTPPath', true) . '#c' . $comment['id'];
        $comment['fullBody'] = $comment['body'];
        $comment['summary'] = serendipity_mb('substr', $comment['body'], 0, 100);
        if (strlen($comment['fullBody']) > strlen($comment['summary'])) {
            $comment['excerpt'] = true;
            // When summary is not the full body, strip HTML tags from summary, as it might break and leave unclosed HTML.
            $comment['fullBody'] = nl2br(serendipity_specialchars($comment['fullBody']));
            $comment['summary'] = nl2br(strip_tags($comment['summary']));
$data['comments'] = $comments;
$entries = serendipity_fetchEntries(false, false, (int) $serendipity['dashboardLimit'], true, false, 'timestamp DESC', 'e.timestamp >= ' . serendipity_serverOffsetHour());
$entriesAmount = count($entries);
if ($entriesAmount < (int) $serendipity['dashboardDraftLimit']) {
    // there is still space for drafts
    $drafts = serendipity_fetchEntries(false, false, (int) $serendipity['dashboardDraftLimit'] - $entriesAmount, true, false, 'timestamp DESC', "isdraft = 'true' AND e.timestamp <= " . serendipity_serverOffsetHour());
    if (is_array($entries) && is_array($drafts)) {
    function showElementCommentlist($where, $limit)
        global $serendipity;
        $summaryLength = 200;
        $i = 0;
        if (version_compare(substr($serendipity['version'], 0, 3), '1.6') >= 0) {
            $comments = serendipity_fetchComments(null, $limit, ' DESC', true, 'NORMAL', $where);
        } else {
            $comments = serendipity_db_query("SELECT c.*, e.title FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments c\n                                        LEFT JOIN {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries e ON ( = c.entry_id)\n                                        WHERE 1 = 1 " . $where . (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminEntriesMaintainOthers') ? 'AND e.authorid = ' . (int) $serendipity['authorid'] : '') . "\n                                        ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$limit}");
        if (!is_array($comments)) {
        if (count($comments) == 0) {
        echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" border="0" cellspacing="0">';
        foreach ($comments as $rs) {
            $comment = array('fullBody' => $rs['body'], 'summary' => serendipity_mb('substr', $rs['body'], 0, $summaryLength), 'status' => $rs['status'], 'type' => $rs['type'], 'id' => $rs['id'], 'title' => $rs['title'], 'timestamp' => $rs['timestamp'], 'referer' => $rs['referer'], 'url' => $rs['url'], 'ip' => $rs['ip'], 'entry_url' => serendipity_archiveURL($rs['entry_id'], $rs['title']), 'email' => $rs['email'], 'author' => empty($rs['author']) ? ANONYMOUS : $rs['author'], 'entry_id' => $rs['entry_id']);
            $entrylink = serendipity_archiveURL($comment['entry_id'], 'comments', 'serendipityHTTPPath', true) . '#c' . $comment['id'];
            if (strlen($comment['fullBody']) > strlen($comment['summary'])) {
                $comment['summary'] .= ' ...';
                $comment['excerpt'] = true;
                // When summary is not the full body, strip HTML tags from summary, as it might break and leave unclosed HTML.
                $comment['fullBody'] = nl2br(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['fullBody']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['fullBody'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
                $comment['summary'] = nl2br(strip_tags($comment['summary']));
            } else {
                $comment['excerpt'] = false;
                $comment['fullBody'] = $comment['summary'] = nl2br(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['fullBody']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['fullBody'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
            #serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_view_comment', $comment, '&amp;serendipity[page]='. $page . $searchString);
            $class = 'serendipity_admin_list_item_' . ($i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'uneven');
            if ($comment['status'] == 'pending' || $comment['status'] === 'confirm') {
                $class .= ' serendipity_admin_comment_pending';
            $header_class = $comment['status'] == 'pending' || $comment['status'] === 'confirm' ? 'serendipityAdminMsgNote serendipity_admin_comment_pending_header' : '';
            <td class="<?php 
            echo $header_class;
            if ($header_class == 'serendipityAdminMsgNote serendipity_admin_comment_pending_header') {
                    <img style="width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 0px; padding-right: 4px; vertical-align: middle" src="<?php 
                echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/admin_msg_note.png');
" alt="" />
                <a name="c<?php 
            echo $comment['id'];
            echo ($comment['type'] == 'NORMAL' ? COMMENT : ($comment['type'] == 'TRACKBACK' ? TRACKBACK : PINGBACK)) . ' #' . $comment['id'] . ', ' . IN_REPLY_TO . ' <strong><a href="' . $comment['entry_url'] . '">' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['title']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['title'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . '</a></strong>, ' . ON . ' ' . serendipity_formatTime('%b %e %Y, %H:%M', $comment['timestamp']);
            <td class="serendipity_admin_list_item <?php 
            echo $class;
" id="comment_<?php 
            echo $comment['id'];
                <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
                        <td width="40%"><strong><?php 
            echo AUTHOR;
</strong>: <?php 
            echo (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars(serendipity_truncateString($comment['author'], 30)) : htmlspecialchars(serendipity_truncateString($comment['author'], 30), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . $comment['action_author'];
            echo EMAIL;
            if (empty($comment['email'])) {
                echo 'N/A';
            } else {
                                    <a href="mailto:<?php 
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['email']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['email'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
" title="<?php 
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['email']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['email'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars(serendipity_truncateString($comment['email'], 30)) : htmlspecialchars(serendipity_truncateString($comment['email'], 30), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
            echo $comment['action_email'];
                        <td width="40%"><strong>IP</strong>:
            if (empty($comment['ip'])) {
                echo '';
            } else {
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['ip']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['ip'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
            echo $comment['action_ip'];
            echo URL;
            if (empty($comment['url'])) {
                echo 'N/A';
            } else {
                                    <a href="<?php 
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['url']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['url'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
" title="<?php 
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['url']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['url'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
" target="_blank"><?php 
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars(serendipity_truncateString($comment['url'], 30)) : htmlspecialchars(serendipity_truncateString($comment['url'], 30), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
            echo $comment['action_url'];
                        <td width="40%">&nbsp;</td>
            echo REFERER;
            if (empty($comment['referer'])) {
                echo 'N/A';
            } else {
                                  <a href="<?php 
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['referer']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['referer'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
" title="<?php 
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['referer']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['referer'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
" target="_blank"><?php 
                echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars(serendipity_truncateString($comment['referer'], 30)) : htmlspecialchars(serendipity_truncateString($comment['referer'], 30), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
            echo $comment['action_referer'];
                        <td style="border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC" colspan="3">
                            <div id="<?php 
            echo $comment['id'];
            echo $comment['summary'];
                            <div id="<?php 
            echo $comment['id'];
_full" style="display: none"><?php 
            echo $comment['fullBody'];
            if (($comment['status'] == 'pending' || $comment['status'] === 'confirm') && !serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('read_only'))) {
                  <a href="?serendipity[action]=admin&amp;serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=approve&amp;serendipity[id]=<?php 
                echo $comment['id'];
                echo serendipity_setFormToken('url');
" class="serendipityIconLink" title="<?php 
                echo APPROVE;
"><img src="<?php 
                echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/accept.png');
" alt="<?php 
                echo APPROVE;
" /><?php 
                echo APPROVE;
            if ($comment['status'] == 'approved' && !serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('read_only'))) {
                  <a href="?serendipity[action]=admin&amp;serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=pending&amp;serendipity[id]=<?php 
                echo $comment['id'];
                echo serendipity_setFormToken('url');
" class="serendipityIconLink" title="<?php 
                echo SET_TO_MODERATED;
"><img src="<?php 
                echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/clock.png');
" alt="<?php 
                echo SET_TO_MODERATED;
" /><?php 
                echo SET_TO_MODERATED;
            if ($comment['excerpt']) {
                  <a href="#c<?php 
                echo $comment['id'];
" onclick="FT_toggle(<?php 
                echo $comment['id'];
); return false;" title="<?php 
                echo VIEW;
" class="serendipityIconLink"><img src="<?php 
                echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/zoom.png');
" alt="<?php 
                echo TOGGLE_ALL;
" /><span id="<?php 
                echo $comment['id'];
                echo TOGGLE_ALL;
                  <a target="_blank" href="<?php 
            echo $entrylink;
" title="<?php 
            echo VIEW;
" class="serendipityIconLink"><img src="<?php 
            echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/zoom.png');
" alt="<?php 
            echo VIEW;
" /><?php 
            echo VIEW;
                  <a href="?serendipity[action]=admin&amp;serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=edit&amp;serendipity[id]=<?php 
            echo $comment['id'];
            echo $comment['entry_id'];
            echo serendipity_setFormToken('url');
" title="<?php 
            echo EDIT;
" class="serendipityIconLink"><img src="<?php 
            echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/edit.png');
" alt="<?php 
            echo EDIT;
" /><?php 
            echo EDIT;
            if (!serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('read_only'))) {
                  <a href="?serendipity[action]=admin&amp;serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=delete&amp;serendipity[id]=<?php 
                echo $comment['id'];
                echo $comment['entry_id'];
                echo serendipity_setFormToken('url');
" onclick='return confirm("<?php 
                echo sprintf(COMMENT_DELETE_CONFIRM, $comment['id'], function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($comment['author']) : htmlspecialchars($comment['author'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
")' title="<?php 
                echo DELETE;
" class="serendipityIconLink"><img src="<?php 
                echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/delete.png');
" alt="<?php 
                echo DELETE;
" /><?php 
                echo DELETE;
                  <a target="_blank" onclick="cf =, 'CommentForm', 'width=800,height=600,toolbar=no,scrollbars=1,scrollbars,resize=1,resizable=1'); cf.focus(); return false;" href="?serendipity[action]=admin&amp;serendipity[adminModule]=comments&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=reply&amp;serendipity[id]=<?php 
            echo $comment['id'];
            echo $comment['entry_id'];
            echo serendipity_setFormToken('url');
" title="<?php 
            echo REPLY;
" class="serendipityIconLink"><img src="<?php 
            echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/user_editor.png');
" alt="<?php 
            echo REPLY;
" /><?php 
            echo REPLY;
            echo $comment['action_more'];
        echo '</table>';
 * Searches the list of entries by a specific term
 * @todo: Allow to show results of staticpage plugins or others
 * @access public
 * @param   string      The searchterm (may contain wildcards)
 * @param   int         Restrict the number of results [also uses $serendipity['GET']['page'] for pagination]
 * @param   array       Add search Results at the top
 * @return  array       Returns the superarray of entries found
function &serendipity_searchEntries($term, $limit = '', $searchresults = '')
    global $serendipity;
    static $log_queries = false;
    if ($log_queries) {
        $fp = fopen($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . '/archives/queries.csv', 'a');
        fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i') . ';' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ';' . $term . "\n");
    $orig_limit = $limit;
    if ($limit == '') {
        $limit = $serendipity['fetchLimit'];
    if (isset($serendipity['GET']['page']) && $serendipity['GET']['page'] > 1 && !strstr($limit, ',')) {
        $limit = serendipity_db_limit(($serendipity['GET']['page'] - 1) * $limit, $limit);
    $limit = serendipity_db_limit_sql($limit);
    $term = serendipity_db_escape_string($term);
    $cond = array();
    $relevance_enabled = false;
    if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'postgres' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'pdo-postgres') {
        $cond['group'] = '';
        $cond['distinct'] = 'DISTINCT';
        $r = serendipity_db_query("SELECT count(routine_name) AS counter\n                                     FROM information_schema.routines\n                                    WHERE routine_name LIKE 'to_tsvector'\n                                      AND specific_catalog = '" . $serendipity['dbName'] . "'");
        if (is_array($r) && $r[0]['counter'] > 0) {
            $term = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $term);
            $cond['find_part'] = "(\n            to_tsvector('english', title)    @@to_tsquery('{$term}') OR\n            to_tsvector('english', body)     @@to_tsquery('{$term}') OR\n            to_tsvector('english', extended) @@to_tsquery('{$term}')\n            )";
        } else {
            $cond['find_part'] = "(title ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR body ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR extended ILIKE '%{$term}%')";
    } elseif ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite3') {
        // Very extensive SQLite search. There currently seems no other way to perform fulltext search in SQLite
        // But it's better than no search at all :-D
        $cond['group'] = 'GROUP BY';
        $cond['distinct'] = '';
        $term = serendipity_mb('strtolower', $term);
        $cond['find_part'] = "(lower(title) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(body) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(extended) LIKE '%{$term}%')";
    } else {
        $cond['group'] = 'GROUP BY';
        $cond['distinct'] = '';
        $term = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $term);
        $relevance_enabled = true;
        if (preg_match('@["\\+\\-\\*~<>\\(\\)]+@', $term)) {
            $cond['find_part'] = "MATCH(title,body,extended) AGAINST('{$term}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
        } else {
            $cond['find_part'] = "MATCH(title,body,extended) AGAINST('{$term}')";
    switch ($serendipity['searchsort']) {
        case 'relevance':
            if ($relevance_enabled) {
                $cond['searchorderby'] = $cond['find_part'] . " DESC";
            } else {
                $cond['searchorderby'] = "timestamp DESC";
        case 'timestamp':
            $cond['searchorderby'] = "timestamp DESC";
    $cond['and'] = " AND isdraft = 'false' " . (!serendipity_db_bool($serendipity['showFutureEntries']) ? " AND timestamp <= " . serendipity_db_time() : '');
    serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('frontend_fetchentries', $cond, array('source' => 'search', 'term' => $term));
    serendipity_ACL_SQL($cond, 'limited');
    $serendipity['fullCountQuery'] = "\n                      FROM\n                            {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries e\n                 LEFT JOIN  {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}authors a\n                        ON  e.authorid = a.authorid\n                 LEFT JOIN  {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entrycat ec\n                        ON = ec.entryid\n                            {$cond['joins']}\n                     WHERE\n                            ({$cond['find_part']})\n                            {$cond['and']}";
    $querystring = "SELECT {$cond['distinct']}\n                            {$cond['addkey']}\n                  ,\n                            e.authorid,\n                            a.realname AS author,\n                            e.allow_comments,\n                            e.moderate_comments,\n                  ,\n                            e.timestamp,\n                            e.comments,\n                            e.title,\n                            e.body,\n                            e.extended,\n                            e.trackbacks,\n                            e.exflag,\n                            e.isdraft,\n                            e.last_modified,\n                            a.username AS loginname\n                    {$serendipity['fullCountQuery']}\n                    {$cond['group']}\n                    {$cond['having']}\n                  ORDER BY  {$cond['searchorderby']}\n                    {$limit}";
    $search =& serendipity_db_query($querystring);
    //Add param searchresults at the top and remove duplicates.
    if (is_array($searchresults)) {
        $ids_current = array();
        foreach ($searchresults as $idx => $data) {
            $ids_current[$data['id']] = true;
        foreach ($search as $idx => $data) {
            if (isset($ids_current[$data['id']])) {
        $search = array_merge($searchresults, $search);
    //if * wasn't already appended and if there are none or not enough
    //results, search again for entries containing the searchterm as a part
    if (strpos($term, '*') === false) {
        if (!is_array($search)) {
            return serendipity_searchEntries($term . '*', $orig_limit);
        } else {
            if (count($search) < 4) {
                return serendipity_searchEntries($term . '*', $orig_limit, $search);
    if (is_array($search)) {
    return $search;
 * Create an excerpt for a trackback to send
 * @access public
 * @param   string  Input text
 * @return  string  Output text
function serendipity_trackback_excerpt($text)
    return serendipity_mb('substr', strip_tags($text), 0, 255);
 function showSearch()
     global $serendipity;
     $term = serendipity_db_escape_string($serendipity['GET']['searchTerm']);
     if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'postgres') {
         $group = '';
         $distinct = 'DISTINCT';
         $find_part = "(headline ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR content ILIKE '%{$term}%')";
     } elseif ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite3' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'pdo-sqlite') {
         $group = 'GROUP BY id';
         $distinct = '';
         $term = serendipity_mb('strtolower', $term);
         $find_part = "(lower(headline) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(content) LIKE '%{$term}%')";
     } else {
         $group = 'GROUP BY id';
         $distinct = '';
         $term = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $term);
         if (preg_match('@["\\+\\-\\*~<>\\(\\)]+@', $term)) {
             $find_part = "MATCH(headline,content) AGAINST('{$term}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
         } else {
             $find_part = "MATCH(headline,content) AGAINST('{$term}')";
     $querystring = "SELECT {$distinct} s.*, a.realname\n                          FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}staticpages AS s\n               LEFT OUTER JOIN {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}authors AS a\n                            ON a.authorid = s.authorid\n                         WHERE {$find_part}\n                           AND s.publishstatus = 1\n                           AND s.pass = ''\n                               {$group}\n                      ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
     $results = serendipity_db_query($querystring);
     if (!is_array($results)) {
         if ($results !== 1 && $results !== true) {
             echo '<div style="margin: 1em 2em;">' . $results . '</div>';
             //htmlspecialchars($results); // htmlspecialchars already done by serendipity_db_query()
         $results = array();
     $serendipity['smarty']->assign(array('staticpage_searchresults' => count($results), 'staticpage_results' => $results));
     $filename = 'plugin_staticpage_searchresults.tpl';
     // use nativ API here - extends s9y version >= 1.3'
     $content = $this->parseTemplate($filename);
     echo $content;
 function generate_content(&$title)
     global $serendipity;
     $title = $this->get_config('title', $this->title);
     $intro = $this->get_config('intro');
     $outro = $this->get_config('outro');
     $maxlength = $this->get_config('maxlength');
     $max_entries = $this->get_config('max_entries');
     $min_age = $this->get_config('min_age');
     $max_age = $this->get_config('max_age');
     $specialage = $this->get_config('specialage');
     $displaydate = $this->get_config('displaydate', 'true');
     $dateformat = $this->get_config('dateformat');
     $full = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('full'));
     $displayauthor = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('displayauthor', false));
     if (!is_numeric($min_age) || $min_age < 0 || $specialage == 'year') {
         $min_age = 365 + date('L', serendipity_serverOffsetHour());
     if (!is_numeric($max_age) || $max_age < 1 || $specialage == 'year') {
         $max_age = 365 + date('L', serendipity_serverOffsetHour());
     if (!is_numeric($max_entries) || $max_entries < 1) {
         $max_entries = 5;
     if (!is_numeric($maxlength) || $maxlength < 0) {
         $maxlength = 30;
     if (strlen($dateformat) < 1) {
         $dateformat = '%a, %d.%m.%Y %H:%M';
     $oldLim = $serendipity['fetchLimit'];
     $nowts = serendipity_serverOffsetHour();
     $maxts = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m', $nowts), date('d', $nowts), date('Y', $nowts));
     $mints = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $nowts), date('d', $nowts), date('Y', $nowts));
     $e = serendipity_fetchEntries(array($mints - $max_age * 86400, $maxts - $min_age * 86400), $full, $max_entries);
     $serendipity['fetchLimit'] = $oldLim;
     echo empty($intro) ? '' : '<div class="serendipity_history_intro">' . $intro . '</div>' . "\n";
     if (!is_array($e)) {
         return false;
     if (($e_c = count($e)) == 0) {
         return false;
     for ($x = 0; $x < $e_c; $x++) {
         $url = serendipity_archiveURL($e[$x]['id'], $e[$x]['title'], 'serendipityHTTPPath', true, array('timestamp' => $e[$x]['timestamp']));
         $date = $displaydate == '0' ? '' : serendipity_strftime($dateformat, $e[$x]['timestamp']);
         $author = $displayauthor ? $e[$x]['author'] . ': ' : '';
         echo '<div class="serendipity_history_info">';
         if ($displayauthor) {
             echo '<span class="serendipity_history_author">' . $author . ' </span>';
         if ($displaydate) {
             echo '<span class="serendipity_history_date">' . $date . ' </span>';
         $t = $maxlength == 0 || strlen($e[$x]['title']) <= $maxlength ? $e[$x]['title'] : trim(serendipity_mb('substr', $e[$x]['title'], 0, $maxlength - 3)) . ' [...]';
         echo '<a href="' . $url . '" title="' . str_replace("'", "`", serendipity_specialchars($e[$x]['title'])) . '">"' . serendipity_specialchars($t) . '"</a></div>';
         if ($full) {
             echo '<div class="serendipity_history_body">' . strip_tags($e[$x]['body']) . '</div>';
     echo empty($outro) ? '' : '<div class="serendipity_history_outro">' . $outro . '</div>';
예제 #10
 * A wrapper function call for formatting Timestamps.
 * Utilizes serendipity_strftime() and prepares the output timestamp with a few tweaks, and applies automatic uppercasing of the return.
 * @see serendipity_strftime()
 * @param   string      Output format for the timestamp
 * @param   int         Timestamp to use for displaying
 * @param   boolean     Indicates, if timezone calculations shall be used.
 * @param   boolean     Whether to use strftime or simply date
 * @return  string      The formatted timestamp
function serendipity_formatTime($format, $time, $useOffset = true, $useDate = false)
    static $cache;
    if (!isset($cache)) {
        $cache = array();
    if (!isset($cache[$format])) {
        $cache[$format] = $format;
        if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
            $cache[$format] = str_replace('%e', '%d', $cache[$format]);
    return serendipity_mb('ucfirst', serendipity_strftime($cache[$format], (int) $time, $useOffset, $useDate));
    function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null)
        global $serendipity;
        $hooks =& $bag->get('event_hooks');
        if (isset($hooks[$event])) {
            switch ($event) {
                case 'backend_sidebar_entries':
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                        <li class="serendipitySideBarMenuLink serendipitySideBarMenuEntryLinks"><a href="?serendipity[adminModule]=event_display&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=adminnotes"><?php 
                        echo PLUGIN_ADMINNOTES_TITLE;
                    // Serendipity 2.0  now uses the new backend_sidebar_admin hook
                case 'backend_sidebar_admin':
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] > 1) {
                        <li><a href="?serendipity[adminModule]=event_display&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=adminnotes"><?php 
                        echo PLUGIN_ADMINNOTES_TITLE;
                case 'backend_sidebar_entries_event_display_adminnotes':
                case 'js_backend':

/* serendipity_event_adminnotes (quicknotes) start */
function fulltext_toggle(id) {
    if ( document.getElementById(id + '_full').style.display == '' ) {
        document.getElementById(id + '_full').style.display='none';
        document.getElementById(id + '_summary').style.display='';
        document.getElementById(id + '_text').innerHTML = '<?php 
                    echo TOGGLE_ALL;
    } else {
        document.getElementById(id + '_full').style.display='';
        document.getElementById(id + '_summary').style.display='none';
        document.getElementById(id + '_text').innerHTML = '<?php 
                    echo HIDE;
    return false;
/* serendipity_event_adminnotes (quicknotes) end */

                case 'backend_frontpage_display':
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] > 1) {

<script type="text/javascript">
function fulltext_toggle(id) {
    if ( document.getElementById(id + '_full').style.display == '' ) {
        document.getElementById(id + '_full').style.display='none';
        document.getElementById(id + '_summary').style.display='';
        document.getElementById(id + '_text').innerHTML = '<?php 
                    echo TOGGLE_ALL;
    } else {
        document.getElementById(id + '_full').style.display='';
        document.getElementById(id + '_summary').style.display='none';
        document.getElementById(id + '_text').innerHTML = '<?php 
                    echo HIDE;
    return false;

                    $cutoff = $this->get_config('cutoff');
                    $notes = $this->getMyNotes();
                    $zoom = serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/zoom.png');
                    if (is_array($notes)) {
                        foreach ($notes as $id => $note) {
                            echo '<div class="serendipity_note note_' . $this->output($note['notetype']) . ' note_owner_' . $note['authorid'] . ($serendipity['COOKIE']['lastnote'] < $note['noteid'] ? ' note_new' : '') . '">' . "\n";
                            echo '    <div class="note_subject"><strong>' . $this->output($note['subject']) . '</strong> ' . POSTED_BY . ' ' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($note['realname']) : htmlspecialchars($note['realname'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . ' ' . ON . ' ' . serendipity_strftime(DATE_FORMAT_SHORT, $note['notetime']) . '</div>' . "\n";
                            if (strlen($note['body']) > $cutoff) {
                                $output = $this->output($note['body']);
                                echo '    <div id="' . $id . '_full" style="display: none" class="note_body">' . $output . '</div>' . "\n";
                                echo '    <div id="' . $id . '_summary" class="note_body">' . serendipity_mb('substr', $output, 0, $cutoff) . '...</div>' . "\n";
                                echo '    <div class="note_summarylink"><a href="#' . $id . '_full" onclick="fulltext_toggle(' . $id . '); return false;" title="' . VIEW . '" class="serendipityIconLink"><img src="' . $zoom . '" alt="' . TOGGLE_ALL . '" /><span id="' . $id . '_text">' . TOGGLE_ALL . '</span></a></div>';
                            } else {
                                echo '    <div class="note_body">' . $this->output($note['body']) . '</div>' . "\n";
                            echo "</div>\n";
                        serendipity_JSsetCookie('lastnote', $notes[0]['noteid']);
                case 'backend_dashboard':
                    $cutoff = $this->get_config('cutoff');
                    $notes = $this->getMyNotes();
                    if (is_array($notes)) {

        <section id="dashboard_quicknotes" class="equal_heights quick_list dashboard_widget">
                        echo PLUGIN_ADMINNOTES_TITLE;
            <ol class="plainList">
                        foreach ($notes as $id => $note) {
                <li class="serendipity_note note_<?php 
                            echo $this->output($note['notetype']);
                            echo $note['authorid'] . ($serendipity['COOKIE']['lastnote'] < $note['noteid'] ? ' note_new' : '');
                    <div class="note_subject">
                            echo $this->output($note['subject']);
                            echo POSTED_BY . ' ' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($note['realname']) : htmlspecialchars($note['realname'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . ' ' . ON . ' ' . serendipity_strftime(DATE_FORMAT_SHORT, $note['notetime']) . "\n";
                            if (strlen($note['body']) > $cutoff) {
                                $output = $this->output($note['body']);
                    <div id="<?php 
                                echo $id;
_full" style="display: none" class="note_body">
                                echo $output . "\n";
                    <div id="<?php 
                                echo $id;
_summary" class="note_body">
                                echo serendipity_mb('substr', $output, 0, $cutoff) . "&hellip;\n";
                    <div class="note_summarylink">
                        <button class="button_link toggle_comment_full" type="button" onclick="fulltext_toggle(<?php 
                                echo $id;
); return false;" data-href="#qn<?php 
                                echo $id;
_full" title="<?php 
                                echo TOGGLE_ALL;
"><span class="icon-right-dir"></span><span class="visuallyhidden"> <?php 
                                echo TOGGLE_ALL;
                            } else {
                    <div class="note_body">
                                echo $this->output($note['body']) . "\n";
                        serendipity_JSsetCookie('lastnote', $notes[0]['noteid']);
                case 'css_backend':
                    if (!strpos($eventData, '.note_')) {
                        echo "\n/* plugin adminnotes start */\n";
                        // class exists in CSS, so a user has customized it and we don't need default
                        if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                            echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/notes.css');
                        } else {

.note_subject { margin: 0px 0px 1em; }
.note_subject h3 { line height: 1.6; margin: 0; }
.note_new { border: 2px solid rgb(0, 255, 0); margin: -0.2em; padding: 0.2em; }

                        echo "/* plugin adminnotes end */\n\n";
        return true;
예제 #12
$data['commentsPerPage'] = $commentsPerPage;
$data['totalComments'] = $totalComments;
$data['pages'] = $pages;
$data['page'] = $page;
$data['linkPrevious'] = $linkPrevious;
$data['linkNext'] = $linkNext;
$data['searchString'] = $searchString;
$data['filter_vals'] = $filter_vals;
$data['sql'] = $sql;
$data['c_type'] = $c_type;
$i = 0;
$comments = array();
if (is_array($sql)) {
    foreach ($sql as $rs) {
        $comment = array('fullBody' => $rs['body'], 'summary' => serendipity_mb('substr', $rs['body'], 0, $summaryLength), 'status' => $rs['status'], 'type' => $rs['type'], 'id' => $rs['id'], 'title' => $rs['title'], 'timestamp' => $rs['timestamp'], 'pubdate' => date("c", (int) $rs['timestamp']), 'referer' => $rs['referer'], 'url' => $rs['url'], 'ip' => $rs['ip'], 'entry_url' => serendipity_archiveURL($rs['entry_id'], $rs['title']), 'email' => $rs['email'], 'author' => empty($rs['author']) ? ANONYMOUS : $rs['author'], 'entry_id' => $rs['entry_id'], 'subscribed' => $rs['subscribed']);
        $entrylink = serendipity_archiveURL($comment['entry_id'], 'comments', 'serendipityHTTPPath', true) . '#c' . $comment['id'];
        $comment['entrylink'] = $entrylink;
        if (strlen($comment['fullBody']) > strlen($comment['summary'])) {
            $comment['summary'] .= ' ...';
            $comment['excerpt'] = true;
            // When summary is not the full body, strip HTML tags from summary, as it might break and leave unclosed HTML.
            $comment['fullBody'] = nl2br(serendipity_specialchars($comment['fullBody']));
            $comment['summary'] = nl2br(strip_tags($comment['summary']));
        } else {
            $comment['excerpt'] = false;
            $comment['fullBody'] = $comment['summary'] = nl2br(serendipity_specialchars($comment['fullBody']));
        serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_view_comment', $comment, '&amp;serendipity[page]=' . $page . $searchString);
        $class = 'serendipity_admin_list_item_' . ($i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'uneven');
        if ($comment['status'] == 'pending') {
예제 #13
 if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['filter']['body'])) {
     $term = serendipity_db_escape_string($serendipity['GET']['filter']['body']);
     if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'postgres' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'pdo-postgres') {
         $r = serendipity_db_query("SELECT count(routine_name) AS counter\n                                             FROM information_schema.routines\n                                            WHERE routine_name LIKE 'to_tsvector'\n                                              AND specific_catalog = '" . $serendipity['dbName'] . "'");
         if (is_array($r) && $r[0]['counter'] > 0) {
             $term = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $term);
             $filter[] = "( \n                    to_tsvector('english', title)    @@to_tsquery('{$term}') OR\n                    to_tsvector('english', body)     @@to_tsquery('{$term}') OR\n                    to_tsvector('english', extended) @@to_tsquery('{$term}')\n                    )";
         } else {
             $filter[] = "(title ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR body ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR extended ILIKE '%{$term}%')";
         $full = true;
     } elseif ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite3' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'pdo-sqlite' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite3oo') {
         $term = str_replace('*', '%', $term);
         $term = serendipity_mb('strtolower', $term);
         $filter[] = "(lower(title) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(body) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(extended) LIKE '%{$term}%')";
         $full = true;
     } else {
         if (preg_match('@["\\+\\-\\*~<>\\(\\)]+@', $term)) {
             $filter[] = "MATCH (title,body,extended) AGAINST ('" . $term . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
         } else {
             $filter[] = "MATCH (title,body,extended) AGAINST ('" . $term . "')";
         $full = true;
 $filter_sql = implode(' AND ', $filter);
 // Fetch the entries
 $entries = serendipity_fetchEntries(false, false, serendipity_db_limit($offSet, $perPage + 1), true, false, $orderby, $filter_sql);
 $users = serendipity_fetchUsers('', 'hidden', true);
 function showSearch()
     global $serendipity;
     $term = serendipity_db_escape_string($serendipity['GET']['searchTerm']);
     if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'postgres') {
         $group = '';
         $distinct = 'DISTINCT';
         $find_part = "(question ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR answer ILIKE '%{$term}%')";
     } elseif ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite') {
         $group = 'GROUP BY id';
         $distinct = '';
         $term = serendipity_mb('strtolower', $term);
         $find_part = "(lower(question) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(answer) LIKE '%{$term}%')";
     } else {
         $group = 'GROUP BY id';
         $distinct = '';
         $term = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $term);
         if (preg_match('@["\\+\\-\\*~<>\\(\\)]+@', $term)) {
             $find_part = "MATCH(question,answer) AGAINST('{$term}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
         } else {
             $find_part = "MATCH(question,answer) AGAINST('{$term}')";
     $querystring = "SELECT {$distinct} f.*\n                          FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}faqs AS f\n                         WHERE {$find_part}\n                               {$group}\n                      ORDER BY changedate DESC";
     $results = serendipity_db_query($querystring);
     if (!is_array($results)) {
         if ($results !== 1 && $results !== true) {
             echo function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($results) : htmlspecialchars($results, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
         $results = array();
     if ($serendipity['rewrite'] == 'none') {
         $pluginpath = $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' . $serendipity['permalinkPluginPath'] . '/' . $this->get_config('faqurl', 'faqs');
     } else {
         $pluginpath = $serendipity['permalinkPluginPath'] . '/' . $this->get_config('faqurl', 'faqs');
     $serendipity['smarty']->assign(array('faq_searchresults' => count($results), 'faq_results' => $results, 'faq_pluginpath' => $pluginpath));
     $filename = 'plugin_faq_searchresults.tpl';
     $tfile = serendipity_getTemplateFile($filename, 'serendipityPath');
     if (!$tfile) {
         $tfile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $filename;
     $inclusion = $serendipity['smarty']->security_settings[INCLUDE_ANY];
     $serendipity['smarty']->security_settings[INCLUDE_ANY] = true;
     $content = $serendipity['smarty']->fetch('file:' . $tfile);
     $serendipity['smarty']->security_settings[INCLUDE_ANY] = $inclusion;
     echo $content;
예제 #15
        if (!empty($header_class)) {
            <img style="width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 0px; padding-right: 4px; vertical-align: middle" src="<?php 
            echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/admin_msg_note.png');
" alt="" />
        <a name="c<?php 
        echo $comment['id'];
        echo ($comment['type'] == 'NORMAL' ? COMMENT : ($comment['type'] == 'TRACKBACK' ? TRACKBACK : PINGBACK)) . ' #' . $comment['id'] . ', ' . IN_REPLY_TO . ' <strong><a href="' . $comment['entry_url'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($comment['title']) . '</a></strong>, ' . ON . ' ' . serendipity_mb('ucfirst', serendipity_strftime('%b %e %Y, %H:%M', $comment['timestamp']));
    <td class="serendipity_admin_list_item <?php 
        echo $class;
" id="comment_<?php 
        echo $comment['id'];
        <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
                <td rowspan="3" width="20" align="center"><input class="input_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="serendipity[delete][<?php 
        echo $comment['id'];
    function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null)
        global $serendipity;
        $hooks =& $bag->get('event_hooks');
        if (isset($hooks[$event])) {
            switch ($event) {
                case 'backend_entry_updertEntry':
                    if (isset($serendipity['POST']['no_save'])) {
                        $eventData['error'] = true;
                    return true;
                case 'backend_entry_presave':
                    if (!isset($serendipity['POST']['properties']) || !is_array($serendipity['POST']['properties']) || !isset($eventData['id']) || empty($serendipity['POST']['properties']['lang_selected'])) {
                        return true;
                    // Restore native language version, ONLY if a different language is being submitted.
                    $restore = serendipity_db_query("SELECT title, body, extended FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries WHERE id = " . (int) $eventData['id']);
                    if (is_array($restore)) {
                        foreach ($restore as $row) {
                            foreach ($this->switch_keys as $restorekey) {
                                $eventData[$restorekey] = $row[$restorekey];
                case 'backend_publish':
                case 'backend_save':
                    if (!isset($serendipity['POST']['properties']) || !is_array($serendipity['POST']['properties']) || !isset($eventData['id']) || empty($serendipity['POST']['properties']['lang_selected'])) {
                        return true;
                    $ls =& $serendipity['POST']['properties']['lang_selected'];
                    $this->supported_properties[] = 'multilingual_title_' . $ls;
                    $serendipity['POST']['properties']['multilingual_title_' . $ls] = $serendipity['POST']['title'];
                    $this->supported_properties[] = 'multilingual_body_' . $ls;
                    $serendipity['POST']['properties']['multilingual_body_' . $ls] = $serendipity['POST']['body'];
                    $this->supported_properties[] = 'multilingual_extended_' . $ls;
                    $serendipity['POST']['properties']['multilingual_extended_' . $ls] = $serendipity['POST']['extended'];
                    // Get existing data
                    $property = serendipity_fetchEntryProperties($eventData['id']);
                    foreach ($this->supported_properties as $prop_key) {
                        $prop_val = isset($serendipity['POST']['properties'][$prop_key]) ? $serendipity['POST']['properties'][$prop_key] : null;
                        if (!isset($property[$prop_key]) && !empty($prop_val)) {
                            $q = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties (entryid, property, value) VALUES (" . (int) $eventData['id'] . ", '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($prop_key) . "', '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($prop_val) . "')";
                        } elseif ($property[$propkey] != $prop_val && !empty($prop_val)) {
                            $q = "UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties SET value = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($prop_val) . "' WHERE entryid = " . (int) $eventData['id'] . " AND property = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($prop_key) . "'";
                        } else {
                            $q = "DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties WHERE entryid = " . (int) $eventData['id'] . " AND property = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($prop_key) . "'";
                    return true;
                case 'genpage':
                    if (!is_object($serendipity['smarty'])) {
                        // never init in genpage without adding previously set $vars, which is $view etc!
                    if (!defined('Smarty::SMARTY_VERSION')) {
                        // in Smarty 2 only
                        // check this deeply! - since at least for the non-tag banner entry_title this seems to not work here with Smarty 3 - see workaround in frontent_display
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                        $serendipity['smarty']->register_modifier('multilingual_lang', array($this, 'strip_langs'));
                    } else {
                        $serendipity['smarty']->registerPlugin('modifier', 'multilingual_lang', array($this, 'strip_langs'));
                    return true;
                case 'backend_entryform':
                    if (!empty($this->showlang)) {
                        // language is given (he wants a translation)
                        $props = serendipity_fetchEntryProperties($eventData['id']);
                        // this is a language change, not a save -- we want the DB values
                        // unless the user chooses to retain previous language content
                        if (isset($serendipity['POST']['no_save'])) {
                            foreach ($this->switch_keys as $key) {
                                if (!serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('copytext', 'true')) || !empty($props['multilingual_' . $key . '_' . $this->showlang])) {
                                    $eventData[$key] = $props['multilingual_' . $key . '_' . $this->showlang];
                    } elseif (!empty($eventData['id'])) {
                        // language is NOT given (he wants the default language)
                        $props = serendipity_fetchEntry('id', $eventData['id'], 1, 1);
                        if (!is_array($props)) {
                            return true;
                        // this is a language change, not a save -- we want the DB values
                        if (isset($serendipity['POST']['no_save'])) {
                            foreach ($this->switch_keys as $key) {
                                $eventData[$key] = $props[$key];
                    return true;
                case 'css':
                    if (strpos($eventData, '.serendipity_multilingualInfo')) {
                        // class exists in CSS, so a user has customized it and we don't need default
                        return true;

.serendipity_multilingualInfo {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: 0px;
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 7pt;
    display: block;
    margin-top: 5px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;

.serendipity_multilingualInfo a {
    font-size: 7pt;
    text-decoration: none;

.serendipity_multilingualInfo a:hover {
    color: green;

                    return true;
                case 'frontend_display':
                    // cannot use tag_title() method here and use with Smarty3+ only
                    // check for single entry multilingual context only, to set the correct themes banner title
                    if (defined('Smarty::SMARTY_VERSION') && isset($eventData['properties']['multilingual_title_' . $this->showlang]) && serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('tagged_title', 'true')) && $serendipity['view'] == 'entry') {
                        $serendipity['smarty']->assign('head_title', $eventData['title']);
                case 'entry_display':
                    if (!is_array($eventData)) {
                        return false;
                    $place = $this->get_config('placement', 'add_footer');
                    $msg = '<div class="serendipity_multilingualInfo">' . PLUGIN_EVENT_MULTILINGUAL_SWITCH . ': %s</div>';
                    if ($addData['extended'] || $addData['preview']) {
                        if ($langs = $this->getLang($eventData[0]['id'], $eventData[0]['properties'])) {
                            if (!empty($this->showlang)) {
                                $props =& $eventData[0]['properties'];
                                foreach ($this->switch_keys as $key) {
                                    if (!empty($props['multilingual_' . $key . '_' . $this->showlang])) {
                                        $eventData[0][$key] = $props['multilingual_' . $key . '_' . $this->showlang];
                            $eventData[0][$place] .= sprintf($msg, $langs);
                    } else {
                        $elements = count($eventData);
                        // Walk entry array and insert karma voting line.
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $elements; $i++) {
                            if (!isset($eventData[$i][$place])) {
                                $eventData[$i][$place] = '';
                            if (!empty($this->lang_display)) {
                                $this->showlang = $this->lang_display;
                            if (!empty($this->showlang)) {
                                // Not sure if it's the best way to get translations shown instead of the
                                // original entries
                                $props =& $eventData[$i]['properties'];
                                foreach ($this->switch_keys as $key) {
                                    if (!empty($props['multilingual_' . $key . '_' . $this->showlang])) {
                                        $eventData[$i][$key] = $props['multilingual_' . $key . '_' . $this->showlang];
                            if ($langs = $this->getLang($eventData[$i]['id'], $eventData[$i]['properties'])) {
                                $eventData[$i][$place] .= sprintf($msg, $langs);
                                // this may throw two for the same, eg. when already linked as <en>, them set to POST cookie <en> too in the sidebar selection.
                                // In this case the lang link and the default lang link are both named 'english'
                    // Tagged translation of Blog title and description
                    if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('tagged_entries', 'true'))) {
                        foreach ($eventData as $key => $entry) {
                            if (isset($eventData[$key]['title'])) {
                                $eventData[$key]['title'] = $this->strip_langs($eventData[$key]['title']);
                                $eventData[$key]['body'] = $this->strip_langs($eventData[$key]['body']);
                                if (is_array($eventData[$key]['categories'])) {
                                    foreach ($eventData[$key]['categories'] as $ec_key => $ec_val) {
                                        $eventData[$key]['categories'][$ec_key]['category_name'] = $this->strip_langs($ec_val['category_name']);
                    return true;
                case 'backend_display':
                    if (isset($serendipity['POST']['properties']['lang_selected'])) {
                        $lang_selected = $serendipity['POST']['properties']['lang_selected'];
                    } else {
                        $lang_selected = '';
                    $use_lang = $serendipity['languages'];
                    // Unset 'default' language. Easier handling.
                    $langs = '';
                    //asort($use_lang); //sorts by value ASC, but if so we should do it everywhere though
                    foreach ($use_lang as $code => $desc) {
                        $langs .= '<option value="' . $code . '" ' . ($lang_selected == $code ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($desc) : htmlspecialchars($desc, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . '</option>' . "\n";
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                    <fieldset style="margin: 5px">
                        echo PLUGIN_EVENT_MULTILINGUAL_TITLE;
                        <div class="form_field">
                    } else {
                    <fieldset id="edit_entry_multilingual" class="entryproperties_multilingual" style="margin: 1em 0">
                        <span class="wrap_legend"><legend><?php 
                        echo PLUGIN_EVENT_MULTILINGUAL_TITLE;
                        <div class="form_field">
                    if (isset($eventData['id'])) {
                        <label for="serendipity[properties][lang_selected]"><?php 
                        echo PLUGIN_EVENT_MULTILINGUAL_CURRENT;
</label><br />
                        <select name="serendipity[properties][lang_selected]" id="properties_lang_selected" />
                            <option value=""><?php 
                        echo USE_DEFAULT;
                        echo $langs;
                        <input class="serendipityPrettyButton input_button" type="submit" name="serendipity[no_save]" value="<?php 
                        echo PLUGIN_EVENT_MULTILINGUAL_SWITCH;
" />
                    } else {
                        echo '<span class="msg_notice"><span class="icon-info-circled"></span> ' . PLUGIN_EVENT_MULTILINGUAL_NEEDTOSAVE . "</span>\n";
                    return true;
                case 'frontend_entryproperties':
                    if (class_exists('serendipity_event_entryproperties')) {
                        // Fetching of properties is already done there, so this is just for poor users who don't have the entryproperties plugin enabled
                        return true;
                    $q = "SELECT entryid, property, value FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties WHERE entryid IN (" . implode(', ', array_keys($addData)) . ") AND property LIKE '%multilingual_%'";
                    $properties = serendipity_db_query($q);
                    if (!is_array($properties)) {
                        return true;
                    foreach ($properties as $idx => $row) {
                        $eventData[$addData[$row['entryid']]]['properties'][$row['property']] = $row['value'];
                    return true;
                case 'frontend_entries_rss':
                    if (is_array($eventData)) {
                        foreach ($eventData as $i => $entry) {
                            if (!empty($this->lang_display)) {
                                $this->showlang = $this->lang_display;
                            if (!empty($this->showlang)) {
                                // Not sure if it's the best way to get translations shown instead of the
                                // original entries
                                $props =& $eventData[$i]['properties'];
                                foreach ($this->switch_keys as $key) {
                                    if (!empty($props['multilingual_' . $key . '_' . $this->showlang])) {
                                        $eventData[$i][$key] = $props['multilingual_' . $key . '_' . $this->showlang];
                    if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('tagged_entries', 'true'))) {
                        foreach ($eventData as $key => $entry) {
                            $eventData[$key]['title'] = $this->strip_langs($eventData[$key]['title']);
                            $eventData[$key]['body'] = $this->strip_langs($eventData[$key]['body']);
                case 'frontend_fetchentries':
                case 'frontend_fetchentry':
                    if (!empty($this->lang_display)) {
                        $this->showlang = $this->lang_display;
                    if ($addData['source'] == 'search' && empty($this->showlang) && !empty($_SESSION['last_lang'])) {
                        header('X-SearchLangOverride: ' . $_SESSION['last_lang']);
                        $this->showlang = $_SESSION['last_lang'];
                    if (empty($this->showlang)) {
                    $cond = "multilingual_body.value AS multilingual_body,\n";
                    $cond .= "multilingual_extended.value AS multilingual_extended,\n";
                    $cond .= "multilingual_title.value AS multilingual_title,\n";
                    if (empty($eventData['addkey'])) {
                        $eventData['addkey'] = $cond;
                    } else {
                        $eventData['addkey'] .= $cond;
                    $cond = "\nLEFT OUTER JOIN {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties multilingual_body\n                                                 ON ( = multilingual_body.entryid AND = 'multilingual_body_" . $this->showlang . "')";
                    $cond .= "\nLEFT OUTER JOIN {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties multilingual_extended\n                                                 ON ( = multilingual_extended.entryid AND = 'multilingual_extended_" . $this->showlang . "')";
                    $cond .= "\nLEFT OUTER JOIN {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties multilingual_title\n                                                 ON ( = multilingual_title.entryid AND = 'multilingual_title_" . $this->showlang . "')";
                    if (!empty($this->lang_display)) {
                        // If lang_display is set - we want ONLY the entries which have translation
                        $eventData['and'] .= " AND multilingual_body.value IS NOT NULL";
                    if (empty($eventData['joins'])) {
                        $eventData['joins'] = $cond;
                    } else {
                        $eventData['joins'] .= $cond;
                    if ($addData['source'] == 'search' && isset($eventData['find_part'])) {
                        $term =& $addData['term'];
                        $cond =& $eventData;
                        if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'postgres') {
                            $cond['find_part'] .= " OR (multilingual_body.value ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR multilingual_extended.value ILIKE '%{$term}%' OR multilingual_title.value ILIKE '%{$term}%')";
                        } elseif ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite') {
                            $term = serendipity_mb('strtolower', $term);
                            $cond['find_part'] .= " OR (lower(multilingual_body.value) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(multilingual_extended.value) LIKE '%{$term}%' OR lower(multilingual_title.value) LIKE '%{$term}%')";
                        } else {
                            if (preg_match('@["\\+\\-\\*~<>\\(\\)]+@', $term)) {
                                $bool = ' IN BOOLEAN MODE';
                            } else {
                                $bool = '';
                            $cond['find_part'] .= " OR (\n                                                         MATCH(multilingual_body.value)        AGAINST('{$term}' {$bool})\n                                                         OR MATCH(multilingual_extended.value) AGAINST('{$term}' {$bool})\n                                                         OR MATCH(multilingual_title.value)    AGAINST('{$term}' {$bool})\n                                                       )";
                    return true;
                case 'frontend_comment':
                    if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('tagged_entries', 'true'))) {
                        $serendipity['smarty']->assign('head_title', $this->strip_langs($serendipity['head_title']));
                    if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('tagged_title', 'true'))) {
                        $serendipity['smarty']->assign('head_subtitle', $this->strip_langs($serendipity['head_subtitle']));
                    return true;
                case 'frontend_sidebar_plugins':
                    if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('tagged_sidebar', 'true'))) {
                        foreach ($eventData as $key => $entry) {
                            $eventData[$key]['title'] = $this->strip_langs($eventData[$key]['title']);
                            $eventData[$key]['content'] = $this->strip_langs($eventData[$key]['content']);
                    return true;
                    return false;
        } else {
            return false;