 * Display the list of images in our database
 * @access public
 * @param   int     The current page number
 * @param   string  The HTML linebreak to use after a row of images
 * @param   boolean Should the toolbar for editing media files be shown?
 * @param   string  The URL to use for pagination
 * @param   boolean Show the "upload media item" feature?
 * @param   boolean Restrict viewing images to a specific directory
 * @param   boolean  If TRUE, will echo Smarty output.
 * @return  string   Smarty block name
function serendipity_displayImageList($page = 0, $lineBreak = NULL, $manage = false, $url = NULL, $show_upload = false, $limit_path = NULL, $smarty_display = true)
    global $serendipity;
    static $debug = false;
    $sortParams = array('perpage', 'order', 'ordermode');
    $importParams = array('adminModule', 'htmltarget', 'filename_only', 'textarea', 'subpage', 'keywords');
    $extraParems = '';
    $filterParams = array('only_path', 'only_filename');
    foreach ($importParams as $importParam) {
        if (isset($serendipity['GET'][$importParam])) {
            $extraParems .= 'serendipity[' . $importParam . ']=' . $serendipity['GET'][$importParam] . '&';
    foreach ($sortParams as $sortParam) {
        serendipity_restoreVar($serendipity['COOKIE']['sortorder_' . $sortParam], $serendipity['GET']['sortorder'][$sortParam]);
        serendipity_JSsetCookie('sortorder_' . $sortParam, $serendipity['GET']['sortorder'][$sortParam]);
        $extraParems .= 'serendipity[sortorder][' . $sortParam . ']=' . $serendipity['GET']['sortorder'][$sortParam] . '&';
    foreach ($filterParams as $filterParam) {
        serendipity_restoreVar($serendipity['COOKIE'][$filterParam], $serendipity['GET'][$filterParam]);
        serendipity_JSsetCookie($filterParam, $serendipity['GET'][$filterParam]);
        if (!empty($serendipity['GET'][$filterParam])) {
            $extraParems .= 'serendipity[' . $filterParam . ']=' . $serendipity['GET'][$filterParam] . '&';
    $serendipity['GET']['only_path'] = serendipity_uploadSecure($limit_path . $serendipity['GET']['only_path'], true);
    $serendipity['GET']['only_filename'] = str_replace(array('*', '?'), array('%', '_'), $serendipity['GET']['only_filename']);
    $perPage = !empty($serendipity['GET']['sortorder']['perpage']) ? $serendipity['GET']['sortorder']['perpage'] : 8;
    while ($perPage % $lineBreak !== 0) {
    $start = ($page - 1) * $perPage;
    if ($manage && $limit_path == NULL) {
        ## SYNCH START ##
        $aExclude = array("CVS" => true, ".svn" => true);
        serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_media_path_exclude_directories', $aExclude);
        $paths = array();
        $aFilesOnDisk = array();
        $aResultSet = serendipity_traversePath($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $limit_path, '', false, NULL, 1, NULL, FALSE, $aExclude);
        foreach ($aResultSet as $sKey => $sFile) {
            if ($sFile['directory']) {
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "{$sFile['relpath']} is a directory.<br />";
                array_push($paths, $sFile);
            } else {
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "{$sFile['relpath']} is a file.<br />";
                // Store the file in our array, remove any ending slashes
                $aFilesOnDisk[$sFile['relpath']] = 1;
        usort($paths, 'serendipity_sortPath');
        if ($debug) {
            echo "<p>Got files: <pre>" . print_r($aFilesOnDisk, true) . "</pre></p>";
        $serendipity['current_image_hash'] = md5(serialize($aFilesOnDisk));
        $nTimeStart = microtime_float();
        // MTG 21/01/06: request all images from the database, delete any which don't exist
        // on the filesystem, and mark off files from the file list which are already
        // in the database
        $nCount = 0;
        if ($debug) {
            echo "<p>Image Sync Right: " . serendipity_checkPermission('adminImagesSync') . " Onthefly Sync: " . $serendipity['onTheFlySynch'] . " Hash: " . $serendipity['current_image_hash'] . "!=" . $serendipity['last_image_hash'] . "</p>";
        if ($serendipity['onTheFlySynch'] && serendipity_checkPermission('adminImagesSync') && ($debug || $serendipity['current_image_hash'] != $serendipity['last_image_hash'])) {
            $aResultSet = serendipity_db_query("SELECT path, name, extension, thumbnail_name, id\n                                                FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}images", false, 'assoc');
            if ($debug) {
                echo "<p>Got images: <pre>" . print_r($aResultSet, true) . "</pre></p>";
            if (is_array($aResultSet)) {
                foreach ($aResultSet as $sKey => $sFile) {
                    serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_thumbnail_filename_select', $sFile);
                    $sThumbNailFile = '';
                    if (isset($sFile['thumbnail_filename'])) {
                        $sThumbNailFile = $sFile['thumbnail_filename'];
                    } else {
                        $sThumbNailFile = $sFile['path'] . $sFile['name'] . '.' . $sFile['thumbnail_name'] . '.' . $sFile['extension'];
                    $sFileName = $sFile['path'] . $sFile['name'] . '.' . $sFile['extension'];
                    if ($debug) {
                        echo "<p>File name is {$sFileName},<br />thumbnail is {$sThumbNailFile}</p>";
                    if (isset($aFilesOnDisk[$sFileName])) {
                    } else {
                        if ($debug) {
                            echo "Deleting Image {$sFile['id']}<br />\n";
            if ($nCount > 0) {
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "<p>Cleaned up " . $nCount . " database entries</p>";
            serendipity_set_config_var('last_image_hash', $serendipity['current_image_hash'], 0);
            $aUnmatchedOnDisk = array_keys($aFilesOnDisk);
            if ($debug) {
                echo "<p>Got unmatched files: <pre>" . print_r($aUnmatchedOnDisk, true) . "</pre></p>";
            $nCount = 0;
            foreach ($aUnmatchedOnDisk as $sFile) {
                if (preg_match('@\\.' . $serendipity['thumbSuffix'] . '\\.@', $sFile)) {
                    if ($debug) {
                        echo "<p>Skipping thumbnailed file {$sFile}</p>";
                } else {
                    if ($debug) {
                        echo "<p>Checking {$sFile}</p>";
                // MTG: 21/01/06: put files which have just 'turned up' into the database
                $aImageData = serendipity_getImageData($sFile);
                if (serendipity_isImage($aImageData, false, '(image)|(video)|(audio)/')) {
                    $nPos = strrpos($sFile, "/");
                    if (is_bool($nPos) && !$nPos) {
                        $sFileName = $sFile;
                        $sDirectory = "";
                    } else {
                        $sFileName = substr($sFile, $nPos);
                        $sDirectory = substr($sFile, 0, $nPos);
                    if ($debug) {
                        echo "<p>Inserting image {$sFileName} from {$sDirectory} <pre>" . print_r($aImageData, true) . "</pre> into database</p>";
                    # TODO: Check if the thumbnail generation goes fine with Marty's code
                    serendipity_makeThumbnail($sFileName, $sDirectory);
                    serendipity_insertImageInDatabase($sFileName, $sDirectory);
            if ($nCount > 0) {
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "<p>Inserted " . $nCount . " images into the database</p>";
        } else {
            if ($debug) {
                echo "<p>Media Gallery database is up to date</p>";
         $nTimeEnd = microtime_float ( );
         $nDifference = $nTimeEnd - $nTimeStart;
         echo "<p> total time taken was " . $nDifference . "</p>";
        ## SYNCH FINISHED ##
    ## Aply ACL afterwards:
    serendipity_directoryACL($paths, 'read');
    $serendipity['imageList'] = serendipity_fetchImagesFromDatabase($start, $perPage, $totalImages, isset($serendipity['GET']['sortorder']['order']) ? $serendipity['GET']['sortorder']['order'] : false, isset($serendipity['GET']['sortorder']['ordermode']) ? $serendipity['GET']['sortorder']['ordermode'] : false, isset($serendipity['GET']['only_path']) ? $serendipity['GET']['only_path'] : '', isset($serendipity['GET']['only_filename']) ? $serendipity['GET']['only_filename'] : '', isset($serendipity['GET']['keywords']) ? $serendipity['GET']['keywords'] : '', isset($serendipity['GET']['filter']) ? $serendipity['GET']['filter'] : '');
    $pages = ceil($totalImages / $perPage);
    $linkPrevious = '?' . $extraParems . 'serendipity[page]=' . ($page - 1);
    $linkNext = '?' . $extraParems . 'serendipity[page]=' . ($page + 1);
    if (is_null($lineBreak)) {
        $lineBreak = floor(750 / ($serendipity['thumbSize'] + 20));
    $dprops = $keywords = array();
    if ($serendipity['parseMediaOverview']) {
        $ids = array();
        foreach ($serendipity['imageList'] as $k => $file) {
            $ids[] = $file['id'];
        $allprops =& serendipity_fetchMediaProperties($ids);
    if (count($serendipity['imageList']) > 0) {
        foreach ($serendipity['imageList'] as $k => $file) {
            if (!($serendipity['authorid'] == $file['authorid'] || $file['authorid'] == '0' || serendipity_checkPermission('adminImagesViewOthers'))) {
                // This is a fail-safe continue. Basically a non-matching file should already be filtered in SQL.
            serendipity_prepareMedia($serendipity['imageList'][$k], $url);
            if ($serendipity['parseMediaOverview']) {
                $serendipity['imageList'][$k]['props'] =& $allprops[$file['id']];
                if (!is_array($serendipity['imageList'][$k]['props']['base_metadata'])) {
                    $serendipity['imageList'][$k]['metadata'] =& serendipity_getMetaData($serendipity['imageList'][$k]['realfile'], $serendipity['imageList'][$k]['header']);
                } else {
                    $serendipity['imageList'][$k]['metadata'] = $serendipity['imageList'][$k]['props']['base_metadata'];
                    serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('media_getproperties_cached', $serendipity['imageList'][$k]['metadata'], $serendipity['imageList'][$k]['realfile']);
                serendipity_parseMediaProperties($dprops, $keywords, $serendipity['imageList'][$k], $serendipity['imageList'][$k]['props'], 3, false);
    $smarty_vars = array('limit_path' => $limit_path, 'perPage' => $perPage, 'show_upload' => $show_upload, 'page' => $page, 'pages' => $pages, 'linkNext' => $linkNext, 'linkPrevious' => $linkPrevious, 'extraParems' => $extraParems);
    return serendipity_showMedia($serendipity['imageList'], $paths, $url, $manage, $lineBreak, true, $smarty_vars, $smarty_display);
    function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null)
        global $serendipity;
        $hooks =& $bag->get('event_hooks');
        if (isset($hooks[$event])) {
            switch ($event) {
                case 'backend_image_addform':
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                        if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
                            $checkedY = "";
                            $checkedN = "";
                            $this->get_config('unzipping') ? $checkedY = ' checked="checked"' : ($checkedN = ' checked="checked"');
            <br />
                            echo PLUGIN_EVENT_IMAGESELECTORPLUS_UNZIP_FILES;
</strong><br />
                    <input type="radio" class="input_radio" id="unzip_yes" name="serendipity[unzip_archives]" value="<?php 
                            echo YES;
                            echo $checkedY;
><label for="unzip_yes"><?php 
                            echo YES;
                    <input type="radio" class="input_radio" id="unzip_no" name="serendipity[unzip_archives]" value="<?php 
                            echo NO;
                            echo $checkedN;
><label for="unzip_no"><?php 
                            echo NO;
            <br />
:</strong><br />
            <table id="quickblog_table" style="width: 50%">
                    <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
                        echo TITLE;
                    <td><input class="input_textbox" name="serendipity[quickblog][title]" type="text" style="width: 90%" /></td>

                    <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
                        echo ENTRY_BODY;
                    <td><textarea name="serendipity[quickblog][body]" style="width: 90%; height: 200px"></textarea></td>

                    <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
                        echo CATEGORY;
                    <td><select name="serendipity[quickblog][category]">
                        <option value=""><?php 
                        echo NO_CATEGORY;
                        if (is_array($cats = serendipity_fetchCategories())) {
                            $cats = serendipity_walkRecursive($cats, 'categoryid', 'parentid', VIEWMODE_THREADED);
                            foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                                echo '<option value="' . $cat['categoryid'] . '">' . str_repeat('&nbsp;', $cat['depth']) . $cat['category_name'] . '</option>' . "\n";

                    <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
                    <td><select id="select_image_target" name="serendipity[quickblog][target]">
                        <option value="none"<?php 
                        echo serendipity_ifRemember('target', 'none', false, 'selected');
                        echo NONE;
                        <option value="js"<?php 
                        echo serendipity_ifRemember('target', 'js', false, 'selected');
                        <option value="plugin"<?php 
                        echo serendipity_ifRemember('target', 'plugin', false, 'selected');
                        <option value="_blank"<?php 
                        echo serendipity_ifRemember('target', '_blank', false, 'selected');

                    <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
                        <input type="radio" class="input_radio" id="image_yes" name="serendipity[quickblog][isobject]" value="<?php 
                        echo YES;
"><label for="image_yes"><?php 
                        echo YES;
                        <input type="radio" class="input_radio" id="image_no" name="serendipity[quickblog][isobject]" value="<?php 
                        echo NO;
" checked="checked"><label for="image_no"><?php 
                        echo NO;

                    <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
                        echo IMAGE_SIZE;
                    <td><input class="input_textbox" name="serendipity[quickblog][size]" value="<?php 
                        echo $serendipity['thumbSize'];
" type="text" style="width: 50px" /></td>

                    <td align="center" colspan="2"><br /></td>
                    } else {

        <div id="imageselectorplus">

                        if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
                            $checkedY = "";
                            $checkedN = "";
                            $this->get_config('unzipping') ? $checkedY = ' checked="checked"' : ($checkedN = ' checked="checked"');
            <div class="clearfix radio_field">
                            echo PLUGIN_EVENT_IMAGESELECTORPLUS_UNZIP_FILES;
                    <input type="radio" class="input_radio" id="unzip_yes" name="serendipity[unzip_archives]" value="<?php 
                            echo YES;
                            echo $checkedY;
><label for="unzip_yes"><?php 
                            echo YES;
                    <input type="radio" class="input_radio" id="unzip_no" name="serendipity[unzip_archives]" value="<?php 
                            echo NO;
                            echo $checkedN;
><label for="unzip_no"><?php 
                            echo NO;
            <div id="quickblog_tablefield" class="clearfix">
                <div class="quickblog_form_field">
                    <label for="quickblog_titel"><?php 
                        echo TITLE;
                    <input id="quickblog_title" class="input_textbox" name="serendipity[quickblog][title]" type="text">

                <div class="quickblog_textarea_field">
                    <label for="nuggets2"><?php 
                        echo ENTRY_BODY;
                    <textarea id="nuggets2" class="quickblog_nugget" data-tarea="nuggets2" name="serendipity[quickblog][body]" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>
                        if ($serendipity['wysiwyg']) {
                            $plugins = serendipity_plugin_api::enum_plugins('*', false, 'serendipity_event_nl2br');
                    <input name="serendipity[properties][disable_markups][]" type="hidden" value="<?php 
                            echo $plugins[0]['name'];
                            if (!class_exists('serendipity_event_ckeditor')) {
                    <script src="<?php 
                                echo $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'];
                            // just add a simple basic toolbar, since we cannot use embedded plugins here
                        CKEDITOR.replace( 'nuggets2',
                            toolbar : [['Format'],['Bold','Italic','Underline','Superscript','-','NumberedList','BulletedList','Outdent','Blockquote'],['JustifyBlock','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight'],['Link','Unlink'],['Source']],
                            toolbarGroups: null

                <div class="quickblog_form_field">
                    <label for="quickblog_select"><?php 
                        echo CATEGORY;
                    <select id="quickblog_select" name="serendipity[quickblog][category]">
                        <option value=""><?php 
                        echo NO_CATEGORY;
                        if (is_array($cats = serendipity_fetchCategories())) {
                            $cats = serendipity_walkRecursive($cats, 'categoryid', 'parentid', VIEWMODE_THREADED);
                            foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                                echo '<option value="' . $cat['categoryid'] . '">' . str_repeat('&nbsp;', $cat['depth']) . $cat['category_name'] . '</option>' . "\n";

                <div class="quickblog_form_select">
                    <label for="select_image_target"><?php 
                    <select id="select_image_target" name="serendipity[quickblog][target]">
                        <option value="none"<?php 
                        echo serendipity_ifRemember('target', 'none', false, 'selected');
                        echo NONE;
                        <option value="js"<?php 
                        echo serendipity_ifRemember('target', 'js', false, 'selected');
                        echo MEDIA_TARGET_JS;
                        <option value="plugin"<?php 
                        echo serendipity_ifRemember('target', 'plugin', false, 'selected');
                        echo MEDIA_ENTRY;
                        <option value="_blank"<?php 
                        echo serendipity_ifRemember('target', '_blank', false, 'selected');
                        echo MEDIA_TARGET_BLANK;

                <div class="clearfix radio_field quickblog_radio_field">
                        <input type="radio" class="input_radio" id="image_yes" name="serendipity[quickblog][isobject]" value="<?php 
                        echo YES;
"><label for="image_yes"><?php 
                        echo YES;
                        <input type="radio" class="input_radio" id="image_no" name="serendipity[quickblog][isobject]" value="<?php 
                        echo NO;
" checked="checked"><label for="image_no"><?php 
                        echo NO;

                <div class="quickblog_form_field">
                    <label for="quickblog_isize"><?php 
                        echo IMAGE_SIZE;
                    <input id="quickblog_isize" class="input_textbox" name="serendipity[quickblog][size]" value="<?php 
                        echo $serendipity['thumbSize'];
" type="text">
                case 'backend_image_add':
                    global $new_media;
                    // if file is zip archive and unzipping enabled
                    // unzip file and add all images to database
                    // retrieve file type
                    $target_zip = $eventData;
                    preg_match('@(^.*/)+(.*)\\.+(\\w*)@', $target_zip, $matches);
                    $target_dir = $matches[1];
                    $basename = $matches[2];
                    $extension = $matches[3];
                    $authorid = isset($serendipity['POST']['all_authors']) && $serendipity['POST']['all_authors'] == 'true' ? '0' : $serendipity['authorid'];
                    // only if unzipping function exists, we have archive file and unzipping set to yes
                    if (class_exists('ZipArchive') && $extension == 'zip' && $serendipity['POST']['unzip_archives'] == YES) {
                        // now unzip
                        $zip = new ZipArchive();
                        $res = $zip->open($target_zip);
                        if ($res === TRUE) {
                            $files_to_unzip = array();
                            $extracted_images = array();
                            for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
                                $file_to_extract = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
                                if (file_exists($target_dir . $file_to_extract)) {
                                    echo '(' . $file_to_extract . ') ' . ERROR_FILE_EXISTS_ALREADY . '<br />';
                                } else {
                                    $files_to_unzip[] = $file_to_extract;
                                    $extracted_images[] = $target_dir . $file_to_extract;
                            $zip->extractTo($target_dir, $files_to_unzip);
                            echo PLUGIN_EVENT_IMAGESELECTORPLUS_UNZIP_OK;
                        } else {
                        // now proceed all unzipped images
                        foreach ($extracted_images as $target) {
                            preg_match('@(^.*/)+(.*)\\.+(\\w*)@', $target, $matches);
                            $real_dir = $matches[1];
                            $basename = $matches[2];
                            $extension = $matches[3];
                            $tfile = $basename . "." . $extension;
                            preg_match('@' . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . '(.*/)@', $target, $matches);
                            $image_directory = $matches[1];
                            // make thumbnails for new images
                            $thumbs = array(array('thumbSize' => $serendipity['thumbSize'], 'thumb' => $serendipity['thumbSuffix']));
                            serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_media_makethumb', $thumbs);
                            foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) {
                                // Create thumbnail
                                if ($created_thumbnail = serendipity_makeThumbnail($tfile, $image_directory, $thumb['thumbSize'], $thumb['thumb'])) {
                                    echo PLUGIN_EVENT_IMAGESELECTORPLUS_UNZIP_IMAGE_FROM_ARCHIVE . " - " . THUMB_CREATED_DONE . '<br />';
                            // Insert into database
                            $image_id = serendipity_insertImageInDatabase($tfile, $image_directory, $authorid, null, $realname);
                            $new_media[] = array('image_id' => $image_id, 'target' => $target, 'created_thumbnail' => $created_thumbnail);
                case 'backend_image_addHotlink':
                    // Re-Scale thumbnails?
                    $max_scale = array('width' => (int) $this->get_config('thumb_max_width'), 'height' => (int) $this->get_config('thumb_max_height'));
                    if ($max_scale['width'] > 0 || $max_scale['height'] > 0) {
                        $this->resizeThumb($max_scale, $eventData);
                    if (empty($serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['title'])) {
                    $file = basename($eventData);
                    $directory = str_replace($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'], '', dirname($eventData) . '/');
                    $size = (int) $serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['size'];
                    // check default Serendipity thumbSize, to make this happen like standard image uploads, and to get one "fullsize" image instance only,
                    // else create another quickblog image "resized" instance, to use as entries thumbnail image
                    if ($serendipity['thumbSize'] != $size) {
                        $oldSuffix = $serendipity['thumbSuffix'];
                        $serendipity['thumbSuffix'] = 'quickblog';
                        serendipity_makeThumbnail($file, $directory, $size);
                        $serendipity['thumbSuffix'] = $oldSuffix;
                    // Non-image object link generation
                    if ($serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['isobject'] == YES) {
                        $objfile = serendipity_parseFileName($file);
                        $filename = $objfile[0];
                        $suffix = $objfile[1];
                        $obj_mime = serendipity_guessMime($suffix);
                        $objpath = $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $directory . $filename . '.' . $suffix;
                        // try to know about a working environment for imagemagicks pdf preview generation
                        if ($serendipity['magick'] === true && strtolower($suffix) == 'pdf' && $serendipity['thumbSize'] == $size) {
                            $objpreview = $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $directory . $filename . '.' . $serendipity['thumbSuffix'] . '.' . $suffix . '.png';
                        } else {
                            $objpreview = serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/mime_' . preg_replace('@[^0-9a-z_\\-]@i', '-', $obj_mime) . '.png');
                        if (!$objpreview || empty($objpreview)) {
                            $objpreview = serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/mime_unknown.png');
                    // New draft post
                    $entry = array();
                    $entry['isdraft'] = 'false';
                    $entry['title'] = function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['title']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['title'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
                    if (isset($objpath) && !empty($objpath)) {
                        $entry['body'] = '<a href="' . $objpath . '"><img alt="" class="serendipity_image_left serendipity_quickblog_image" src="' . $objpreview . '">' . $filename . '</a> (-' . $obj_mime . '-)<p>' . $serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['body'] . '</p>';
                    } else {
                        $entry['body'] = '<!--quickblog:' . $serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['target'] . '|' . $eventData . '-->' . $serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['body'];
                    $entry['authorid'] = $serendipity['authorid'];
                    $entry['exflag'] = false;
                    $entry['categories'][0] = function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['category']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['POST']['quickblog']['category'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
                    #$entry['allow_comments']    = 'true'; // both disabled
                    #$entry['moderate_comments'] = 'false'; // to take default values
                    $serendipity['POST']['properties']['fake'] = 'fake';
                    $id = serendipity_updertEntry($entry);
                case 'frontend_display':
                    // auto resizing images based on width and/or height attributes in img tag
                    if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('autoresize'))) {
                        if (!empty($eventData['body'])) {
                            $eventData['body'] = $this->substituteImages($eventData['body']);
                        if (!empty($eventData['extended'])) {
                            $eventData['extended'] = $this->substituteImages($eventData['extended']);
                    if (empty($eventData['body'])) {
                    // displaying quickblog posts
                    if (is_object($serendipity['smarty']) && preg_match('@<!--quickblog:(.+)-->@imsU', $eventData['body'], $filematch)) {
                        $eventData['body'] = $this->parse_quickblog_post($filematch[1], $eventData['body']);
                    // displaying galleries introduced by markup
                    foreach ($this->markup_elements as $temp) {
                        if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config($temp['name'], true)) && isset($eventData[$temp['element']]) && !$eventData['properties']['ep_disable_markup_' . $this->instance] && !isset($serendipity['POST']['properties']['disable_markup_' . $this->instance])) {
                            $element = $temp['element'];
                            $eventData[$element] = $this->media_insert($eventData[$element], $eventData);
                    return true;
                case 'backend_entry_presave':
                    if (is_numeric($eventData['id'])) {
                        $eventData['body'] = str_replace('{{s9yisp_entryid}}', $eventData['id'], $eventData['body']);
                        $eventData['extended'] = str_replace('{{s9yisp_entryid}}', $eventData['id'], $eventData['extended']);
                        $this->gotMilk = true;
                    } else {
                        $this->cache['body'] = $eventData['body'];
                        $this->cache['extended'] = $eventData['extended'];
                case 'backend_publish':
                case 'backend_save':
                    if ($this->gotMilk === false) {
                        $old = md5($this->cache['body']) . md5($this->cache['extended']);
                        $this->cache['body'] = str_replace('{{s9yisp_entryid}}', $eventData['id'], $this->cache['body']);
                        $this->cache['extended'] = str_replace('{{s9yisp_entryid}}', $eventData['id'], $this->cache['extended']);
                        $new = md5($this->cache['body']) . md5($this->cache['extended']);
                        if ($old != $new) {
                            serendipity_db_query("UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries\n                                                     SET body     = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($this->cache['body']) . "',\n                                                         extended = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($this->cache['extended']) . "'\n                                                   WHERE       id = " . (int) $eventData['id']);
                case 'entry_display':
                    if ($this->selected()) {
                        if (is_array($eventData)) {
                            $eventData['clean_page'] = true;
                            // This is important to not display an entry list!
                        } else {
                            $eventData = array('clean_page' => true);
                case 'entries_header':
                    if (!$this->selected()) {
                        return true;
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] > 1) {
                        return true;
                    if (!headers_sent()) {
                        header('HTTP/1.0 200');
                        header('Status: 200 OK');
                    $entry = serendipity_fetchEntry('id', $serendipity['GET']['id']);
                    $imageid = $serendipity['GET']['image'];
                    $imgsrc = '';
                    if (preg_match('@<a title="([^"]+)" id="s9yisp' . $imageid . '"></a>@imsU', $entry['body'], $imgmatch)) {
                        $imgsrc = $imgmatch[1];
                    } elseif (preg_match('@<a title="([^"]+)" id="s9yisp' . $imageid . '"></a>@imsU', $entry['extended'], $imgmatch)) {
                        $imgsrc = $imgmatch[1];
                    } else {
                    $link = '<a href="' . serendipity_archiveURL($serendipity['GET']['id'], $entry['title'], 'baseURL', true, array('timestamp' => $entry['timestamp'])) . '#s9yisp' . $imageid . '">';
                    echo '<div class="serendipity_Entry_Date">
                             <h3 class="serendipity_date">' . serendipity_formatTime(DATE_FORMAT_ENTRY, $entry['timestamp']) . '</h3>';
                    echo '<h4 class="serendipity_title"><a href="#">' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($entry['title']) : htmlspecialchars($entry['title'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . '</a></h4>';
                    echo '<div class="serendipity_entry"><div class="serendipity_entry_body">';
                    echo '<div class="serendipity_center">' . $link . '<!-- s9ymdb:' . $entry['id'] . ' --><img src="' . $imgsrc . '" /></a></div>';
                    echo '<br />';
                    echo $link . '&lt;&lt; ' . BACK . '</a>';
                    echo "</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n";
                    return true;
                case 'frontend_image_add_unknown':
                case 'frontend_image_add_filenameonly':
                case 'frontend_image_selector_submit':
                case 'frontend_image_selector_more':
                case 'frontend_image_selector_imagecomment':
                case 'frontend_image_selector_imagealign':
                case 'frontend_image_selector_imagesize':
                case 'frontend_image_selector_hiddenfields':
                case 'frontend_image_selector_imagelink':
                    return true;
                case 'css_backend':
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] > 1) {

#imageselectorplus .radio_field input {
    margin: 0 0.5em;
#quickblog_tablefield {
   display: table-cell;
#uploadform .quickblog_nugget {
    margin-left: 0;
    padding: 0;
#quickblog_tablefield .quickblog_form_field {
    margin: .375em 0;
#quickblog_tablefield .quickblog_radio_field div label,
#quickblog_tablefield .radio_field label {
    padding-left: .5em;
#quickblog_tablefield .quickblog_form_select {
    margin-top: 0.75em;
    margin-bottom: 0.75em;
#quickblog_tablefield .quickblog_radio_field label {
    padding-left: 0;
#quickblog_tablefield .quickblog_radio_field div {
    display: inline;
#quickblog_tablefield .quickblog_radio_field input {
    margin-left: 0.5em;

                case 'css':

#content .serendipity_quickblog_image {
    border: medium none transparent;
.serendipity_mediainsert_gallery {
    border: 1px solid #C0C0C0;
    margin: 0px;
    overflow: auto;
    padding: 0.4em;

                case 'frontend_image_selector':
                    if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                        $eventData['finishJSFunction'] = 'serendipity_imageSelectorPlus_done(\'' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['textarea']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['textarea'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . '\')';
                    } else {
                        $eventData['finishJSFunction'] = 'serendipity.serendipity_imageSelector_done(\'' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['textarea']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['textarea'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . '\')';
                    return true;
                    return false;
        } else {
            return false;
예제 #3
             $target = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $serendipity['POST']['target_directory'][$idx] . $tfile;
             $realname = $tfile;
             if (file_exists($target)) {
                 $messages[] = '<span class="msg_error"><span class="icon-attention-circled"></span> ' . $target . ' - ' . ERROR_FILE_EXISTS_ALREADY . '</span>';
                 $realname = serendipity_imageAppend($tfile, $target, $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $serendipity['POST']['target_directory'][$idx]);
             // Accept file
             if (is_uploaded_file($uploadtmp) && serendipity_checkMediaSize($uploadtmp) && move_uploaded_file($uploadtmp, $target)) {
                 $messages[] = sprintf('<span class="msg_success"><span class="icon-ok-circled"></span> ' . FILE_UPLOADED . '</span>', $uploadfile, $target);
                 @chmod($target, 0664);
                 $thumbs = array(array('thumbSize' => $serendipity['thumbSize'], 'thumb' => $serendipity['thumbSuffix']));
                 serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_media_makethumb', $thumbs);
                 foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) {
                     // Create thumbnail
                     if ($created_thumbnail = serendipity_makeThumbnail($tfile, $serendipity['POST']['target_directory'][$idx], $thumb['thumbSize'], $thumb['thumb'])) {
                         $messages[] = '<span class="msg_success"><span class="icon-ok-circled"></span> ' . THUMB_CREATED_DONE . '</span>';
                 // Insert into database
                 $image_id = serendipity_insertImageInDatabase($tfile, $serendipity['POST']['target_directory'][$idx], $authorid, null, $realname);
                 serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_image_add', $target, $created_thumbnail);
                 $new_media[] = array('image_id' => $image_id, 'target' => $target, 'created_thumbnail' => $created_thumbnail);
             } else {
                 // necessary for the ajax-uplaoder to show upload errors
                 header("Internal Server Error", true, 500);
                 $messages[] = '<span class="msg_error"><span class="icon-attention-circled"></span> ' . ERROR_UNKNOWN_NOUPLOAD . '</span>';
 $showfile = null;
 if (($serendipity['GET']['resizeWidth'] || $serendipity['GET']['resizeHeight']) && $serendipity['dynamicResize'] && $media['file']['is_image']) {
     $width = (int) $serendipity['GET']['resizeWidth'];
     $height = (int) $serendipity['GET']['resizeHeight'];
     if (empty($width)) {
         $width = NULL;
     if (empty($height)) {
         $height = NULL;
     $showfile = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . PATH_SMARTY_COMPILE . '/mediacache/cache_img' . (int) $serendipity['GET']['image'] . '_' . $width . '_' . $height;
     if (!file_exists($showfile)) {
         serendipity_makeThumbnail($media['file']['realname'], $media['file']['path'], array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height), $showfile, true);
 $hit = serendipity_db_query("SELECT id\n                                       FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}references\n                                      WHERE link = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) . "'\n                                        AND entry_id = " . (int) $serendipity['GET']['image'] . "\n                                        AND type = 'media'", true, 'assoc');
 if (!is_array($hit) || !isset($hit['id'])) {
     serendipity_db_query("INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}references\n                                              (entry_id, link, name, type)\n                                       VALUES (" . (int) $serendipity['GET']['image'] . ", '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) . "', 1, 'media')");
 } else {
     serendipity_db_query("UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}references\n                                     SET name = name + 1\n                                   WHERE id   = " . (int) $hit['id']);
 $curl = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ($_SERVER['HTTP_PORT'] != 80 ? ':' . $_SERVER['HTTP_PORT'] : '');
 switch ($serendipity['GET']['show']) {
     case 'redirect':
         header('Status: 302 Found');
         header('Location: ' . $curl . $file['links']['imagelinkurl']);
예제 #5
function sprintpcs_albumshare($maildir, $body, $authorid)
    global $serendipity;
    if (strstr($body, SPRINTPCS_IDENT_ALB_JUNK)) {
        return '';
    $body = trim($body);
    if (empty($body)) {
        return '';
    $path = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $maildir;
    // Find the picture URL -- There should always be a picture???
    $video = stristr($body, SPRINTPCS_PICTURE);
    if (!$video) {
        $video = stristr($body, SPRINTPCS_PICTURE_ALT);
    if (!$video) {
        return MF_ERROR10;
        // Failed to find the picture URL
    $pos = strpos($video, '"');
    $url = substr($video, 0, $pos);
    $url = html_entity_decode($url, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
    // Fetch the picture
    $videostill = @file_get_contents($url);
    if (!$videostill) {
        return MF_ERROR11;
    // Build the filename
    $filename = basename($url);
    $pos = strpos($filename, '?');
    $filename = substr($filename, 0, $pos) . '.jpg';
    $fullname = $path . $filename;
    $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, "."), 0);
    $name = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, "."));
    // Check for duplicate filename.
    if (is_file($fullname)) {
        echo '<br />' . MF_MSG14 . $filename;
        $name = $name . time() . 'dup';
        $filename = $name . $ext;
        $fullname = $path . $filename;
    // Write the video still
    $fp = fopen($fullname, 'w');
    if (!$fp) {
        return MF_ERROR13;
    fwrite($fp, $videostill);
    serendipity_makeThumbnail($filename, $maildir, false);
    serendipity_insertImageInDatabase($filename, $maildir, $authorid, NULL);
    // Create Thumbnail name
    $thumbname = $name . '.' . $serendipity['thumbSuffix'] . $ext;
    // Get the actual video
    $url = str_replace('true', 'false', $url);
    // Fetch the picture
    $video = @file_get_contents($url);
    if (!$video) {
        return MF_ERROR11;
    // Build the filename
    $mfilename = basename($url);
    $pos = strpos($mfilename, '?');
    $mfilename = substr($mfilename, 0, $pos) . '.mov';
    $mfullname = $path . $mfilename;
    $mext = substr(strrchr($mfilename, "."), 0);
    $mname = substr($mfilename, 0, strrpos($mfilename, "."));
    // Check for duplicate filename.
    if (is_file($mfullname)) {
        echo '<br />' . MF_MSG14 . $mfilename;
        $mname = $mname . time() . 'dup';
        $mfilename = $mname . $mext;
        $mfullname = $path . $mfilename;
    // Write the video
    $fp = fopen($mfullname, 'w');
    if (!$fp) {
        return MF_ERROR13;
    fwrite($fp, $video);
    echo '<br />' . MF_MSG13 . $mfilename;
    serendipity_makeThumbnail($mfilename, $maildir, false);
    serendipity_insertImageInDatabase($mfilename, $maildir, $authorid, NULL);
    // Find the message text, if it exists
    $msg = strstr($body, SPRINTPCS_MSG);
    if ($msg) {
        $pos = strpos($msg, '</font>');
        $msg = html_entity_decode(substr($msg, 17, $pos - 17), ENT_QUOTES, LANG_CHARSET) . '<br /><br />';
        if (trim($msg) == '<br /><br />') {
            $msg = '';
    } elseif ($msg = stristr($body, SPRINTPCS_VID_MSG)) {
        $msg = strstr($msg, '"2">');
        $pos = strpos($msg, '</font');
        $msg = html_entity_decode(substr($msg, 4, $pos - 4), ENT_QUOTES, LANG_CHARSET) . '<br /><br />';
        if (trim($msg) == '<br /><br />') {
            $msg = '';
    } else {
        $msg = '';
    // Find the sound memo, if it exists
    $memo = stristr($body, SPRINTPCS_MEMO);
    if ($memo) {
        $memo = stristr($memo, SPRINTPCS_MEMO_START);
        $pos = strpos($memo, '"');
        $memo = substr($memo, 0, $pos);
        $memo = html_entity_decode($memo, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET);
        $memosound = @file_get_contents($memo);
        // Build the filename - I use this funky date name because the Sprint file path is too gnarly
        $memofilename = date("F_j_Y__H_i_s") . '.wav';
        $memofullname = $path . $memofilename;
        $ext = substr(strrchr($memofilename, "."), 0);
        // Write the memo
        $fp = fopen($memofullname, 'w');
        if (!$fp) {
            return MF_ERROR14;
        fwrite($fp, $memosound);
        serendipity_makeThumbnail($memofilename, $maildir, false);
        serendipity_insertImageInDatabase($memofilename, $maildir, $authorid, NULL);
        echo '<br />' . MF_MSG13 . $memofilename;
        $memo = '<a href="' . $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $maildir . $memofilename . '" target="_blank">' . MF_MSG21 . '</a><br /><br />';
    } else {
        $memo = '';
    echo '<br />' . MF_MSG13 . $filename;
    return $msg . $memo . '<a href="' . $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $maildir . $mfilename . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $maildir . $thumbname . '" alt="' . MF_MSG22 . '" /></a>';
 function parseRequestActions()
     global $serendipity;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['autoscale'])) {
         if ($this->real_img_width > $this->real_img_height) {
             // The image is a horizontal one. Resize height to fit.
         } else {
             // The image is a vertical one. Resize width to fit.
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['scale'])) {
         if ($this->real_img_width > $this->real_img_height) {
             // The image is a horizontal one. Resize width to fit.
         } else {
             // The image is a vertical one. Resize height to fit.
     } else {
         $this->img_width = intval(round($this->real_img_width * $_REQUEST['zoombox_factor']));
         $this->img_height = intval(round($this->real_img_height * $_REQUEST['zoombox_factor']));
     // Check which template to use
     if (isset($_REQUEST['crop'])) {
         $this->output_template = 'admin/media_imgedit_done.tpl';
     } else {
         $this->output_template = 'admin/media_imgedit.tpl';
         if ($this->orientation_available) {
             $this->imgedit_smarty['orientation_available'] = true;
     // The final action. Cropping will take place.
     if (isset($_REQUEST['crop'])) {
         $new_img_name = $this->img_name . '.tmp';
         if ($this->img_width <= $this->area_width && $this->img_height <= $this->area_height) {
             $this->imgedit_smarty['image_no_cut'] = true;
             $new_img_width = $this->img_width;
             $new_img_height = $this->img_height;
         } else {
             $this->imgedit_smarty['image_cut'] = true;
             $new_img_width = $this->area_width - $this->area_border - $this->area_border;
             $new_img_height = $this->area_height - $this->area_border - $this->area_border;
         $this->slice_from_x = ($this->area_border + $_REQUEST['zoombox_x']) / $_REQUEST['zoombox_factor'];
         $this->slice_from_y = ($this->area_border + $_REQUEST['zoombox_y']) / $_REQUEST['zoombox_factor'];
         $slice_width = $new_img_width / $_REQUEST['zoombox_factor'];
         $slice_height = $new_img_height / $_REQUEST['zoombox_factor'];
         $this->slice_to_x = $this->slice_from_x + $this->slice_width;
         $this->slice_to_y = $this->slice_from_y + $this->slice_height;
         // TODO:
         // - Operate also on PNG, TIFF etc.
         // - Support image magick
         // - Save file as new image!
         // - Optionally ask whether to only make a thumbnail from the extracted portion
         // PHP: int imagecopyresampled ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH)
         // Open the user's image.
         $img_res = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->img_name);
         // Init a blank picture to save the cropped image in.
         $new_img_res = imagecreatetruecolor($new_img_width, $new_img_height);
         // Crop the image based on user input, save the resulting image. If either action fails, report an error.
         if (!imagecopyresampled($new_img_res, $img_res, 0, 0, $this->slice_from_x, $this->slice_from_y, $new_img_width, $new_img_height, $slice_width, $slice_height) || !imageJpeg($new_img_res, $new_img_name, 90)) {
             $this->imgedit_smarty['image_error'] = true;
         $backup = $this->increment($this->img_name);
         rename($this->img_name, $backup . '.backup');
         rename($new_img_name, $this->img_name);
         $http_new_file = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath']) . '@', '', $this->img_name);
         serendipity_makeThumbnail(basename($http_new_file), dirname($http_new_file) . '/');
         $this->img_name = $new_img_name;
         $this->img_width = $new_img_width;
         $this->img_height = $new_img_height;
     return true;
 function showRSS(&$eventData, $offset = 0)
     global $serendipity;
     static $entries = array();
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['gallery'])) {
         return false;
     $limit = !empty($_REQUEST['limit']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['limit'] : $serendipity['RSSfetchLimit'];
     if (empty($limit)) {
         $limit = 15;
     $dir = !empty($_REQUEST['picdir']) ? $_REQUEST['picdir'] : '';
     $total = 0;
     $size = !empty($_REQUEST['feed_width']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['feed_width'] : $this->get_config('feed_width');
     $hide_title = !empty($_REQUEST['hide_title']) ? true : false;
     $basepath = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'];
     $baseurl = $serendipity['baseURL'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'];
     $lo = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('feed_linked_only'));
     $feed_body = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('feed_body'));
     $images = serendipity_fetchImagesFromDatabase($offset, $limit, $total, 'i.date', 'DESC', $dir);
     // Let's push the $images array into the destination $entries format.
     foreach ($images as $idx => $image) {
         if (count($entries) > $limit) {
         $filename = $image['name'] . '.' . $image['extension'];
         $thumbname = $image['name'] . '.' . $image['thumbnail_name'] . '.' . $image['extension'];
         $sourcefile = $basepath . $image['path'] . $filename;
         $thumbfile = $basepath . $image['path'] . $thumbname;
         $sourcefile_http = $baseurl . $image['path'] . $filename;
         $thumbfile_http = $baseurl . $image['path'] . $thumbname;
         // Creating temporary thumbnails
         if ($serendipity['thumbSize'] != $size) {
             $thumbname = $image['name'] . '.serendipityGallery.' . $image['extension'];
             $thumbfile = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . PATH_SMARTY_COMPILE . '/' . $thumbname;
             $thumbfile_http = $serendipity['baseURL'] . PATH_SMARTY_COMPILE . '/' . $thumbname;
             if (!file_exists($thumbfile)) {
                 serendipity_makeThumbnail($filename, $image['path'], $size, $thumbfile, true);
         $fdim = @serendipity_getimagesize($thumbfile, '', '');
         $e = $this->fetchLinkedEntries($image['id'], $image['path'] . $filename, $image['path'] . $thumbname, true, $feed_body);
         if (is_array($e)) {
             $link = serendipity_archiveURL($e[0]['id'], $e[0]['title'], 'serendipityHTTPPath', true, array('timestamp' => $e[0]['timestamp']));
             $lid = $e[0]['id'];
         } elseif ($lo) {
             // Images without links will be discarded
         } else {
             $link = $sourcefile_http;
             $lid = $image['id'];
         if ($feed_body && is_array($e)) {
             // Replace big image with thumbnail
             $body = preg_replace('@(["\'])[^"\']*' . preg_quote($image['path'] . $filename, '@') . '@imsU', '\\1' . $thumbfile_http, $e[0]['body']);
             // Kill possible width attributes of <img> tags to not screw up display
             $body = preg_replace('@(<img[^>]*)\\s*width\\s*=["\'][0-9]+["\']@imsU', '\\1', $body);
             $body = preg_replace('@(<img[^>]*)\\s*height\\s*=["\'][0-9]+["\']@imsU', '\\1', $body);
         $body = '<a href="' . $link . '"><img src="' . $thumbfile_http . '" alt="" width="' . $fdim[0] . '" height="' . $fdim[1] . '" /></a>';
         $entries[] = array('title' => $hide_title ? '' : $filename, 'entryid' => $lid, 'timestamp' => $image['date'], 'author' => $image['authorname'], 'body' => $body, 'extended' => '', 'authorid' => $image['authorid'], 'email' => $image['authorname'], 'category_name' => $image['path'], 'last_modified' => $image['date']);
     if (count($entries) < $limit && count($images) == $limit) {
         $this->showRSS($eventData, $offset + $limit);
     if ($offset == 0) {
         // We are Borg. Resistance is futile. Sue us.
         $GLOBALS['entries'] =& $entries;
         $GLOBALS['comments'] = false;
         $_GET['type'] = 'content';
     return true;
 function handleImage($p, &$debug, &$debug_file, &$tmobileflag, &$adflag, &$dirpath, &$list_virus, &$list_ignore, &$plaintext_is_body_flag, &$firsttext, &$plaintext_use_extended_flag, &$postex, &$postbody, &$dupcount, &$maildir, &$authorid, &$list_imagetype, &$list_imageext, &$subject)
     global $serendipity;
     if ($debug_file !== null || $debug) {
         $this->out("<br />\nRecognized inline attachment.<br />\n");
     // If no filename is present, give it the name file.time().txt
     if (isset($p->d_parameters['filename'])) {
         $filename = $p->d_parameters['filename'];
         //Skip Tmobile junk pix
         if ($tmobileflag && $adflag and $filename == 'dottedLine_350.gif' || $filename == 'dottedLine_600.gif' || $filename == 'spacer.gif' || $filename == 'masthead.jpg' || $filename == 'audio.gif' || $filename == 'video.gif') {
     } elseif (isset($p->ctype_parameters['name'])) {
         $filename = $p->ctype_parameters['name'];
     } elseif (isset($p->ctype_secondary)) {
         $filename = 'file' . time() . '.' . $p->ctype_secondary;
     } else {
         $filename = 'file' . time() . '.txt';
     // Use makeFilename to get rid of spaces and other oddities
     $filename = serendipity_makeFilename($filename);
     // if no file extension exists, add default .txt file extension
     if (!strrpos($filename, ".")) {
         $filename = $filename . 'txt';
     if ($debug_file !== null || $debug) {
         $this->out("<br />\nStoring attachment as {$filename}<br />\n");
     $this->out('<br />' . MF_MSG8 . $filename);
     $fullname = $dirpath . $filename;
     // Extract file extension and file name for various processing
     $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, "."), 0);
     $name = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, "."));
     // Skip message and all attachments if possible virus found
     $lext = strtolower($ext);
     if (in_array($lext, $list_virus)) {
         $output = MF_MSG19 . ': ' . $filename;
         $this->out('<br />' . $output . '<br />');
     if (in_array($lext, $list_ignore)) {
         $this->out('<br />' . MF_MSG20 . '<br />');
     if ($p->ctype_primary == 'text' && $p->ctype_secondary == 'plain' && $plaintext_is_body_flag) {
         $bodytext = trim($this->decode($p->body, $p->ctype_parameters['charset']));
         if (empty($bodytext)) {
             $this->out('<br />' . MF_MSG20 . '<br />');
         if ($firsttext && $plaintext_use_extended_flag) {
             $postex[] = '<p>' . $bodytext . '</p>';
         } else {
             $postbody[] = '<p>' . $bodytext . '</p>';
             $firsttext = true;
         // Do not save plaintext attachments if selected to use them as body
         if ($debug_file !== null || $debug) {
             $this->out("<br />\nDiscarding saving plaintext attachment.<br />\n");
     // Check for duplicate filename. Give dup file name file.time().dup.ext
     if (is_file($fullname)) {
         $this->out('<br />' . MF_MSG14 . $filename . "<br />");
         $name = $name . time() . $dupcount . 'dup';
         $filename = $name . $ext;
         $fullname = $dirpath . $filename;
     $fp = fopen($fullname, 'w');
     if (!$fp) {
         $this->out('<br />' . MF_ERROR5 . $fullname);
         return true;
     fwrite($fp, $p->body);
     $info = @getimagesize($fullname);
     if ($o2flag && is_array($info) && $adflag && $info[0] == '74' && $info[1] == '31') {
         // Seem this is the O2 logo. We don't like it. Kill it. Take no prisoners.
     serendipity_makeThumbnail($filename, $maildir, false);
     serendipity_insertImageInDatabase($filename, $maildir, $authorid, NULL);
     $thumbname = $name . '.' . $serendipity['thumbSuffix'] . $ext;
     $ltype = strtolower($p->ctype_secondary);
     // Make sure images are displayed
     // $this->out( "Now we have to put the image into the Text <br />\n");
     // Do we want to have a thumbnail or full picture? thumbnail_view
     if (in_array($ltype, $list_imagetype) or in_array($ext, $list_imageext)) {
         // We have an image here!
         if (!serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('thumbnail_view', true))) {
             $displayed_file = $filename;
             $displayed_class = "full_popfetcherimage";
         } else {
             $displayed_file = $thumbname;
             $displayed_class = "popfetcherimage";
         $attfile = $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $maildir . $filename;
         $attlink = '<a class="' . $displayed_class . '" href="' . $attfile . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'] . $maildir . $displayed_file . '" alt="' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($this->stripsubject($subject)) : htmlspecialchars($this->stripsubject($subject), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . '" /></a>';
         if ($this->inline_picture($p->headers['content-id'], $postbody, $postex, $attfile, $attlink)) {
             return true;
     } else {
         $attlink = '<a class="popfetcherfile"  href="' . $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $maildir . $filename . '" target="_blank">' . $filename . '</a>';
     if ($debug_file !== null || $debug) {
         $this->out("Attachment return: " . htmlspecialchars($attlink) . ".<br />\n");
     // Inline pictures to match the structure of the mail
     if ($plaintext_is_body_flag) {
         // Only the first image is embedded in body, or if no extended entry is used
         if (!$firstattachment || !$plaintext_use_extended_flag) {
             if ($debug_file !== null || $debug) {
                 $this->out("Saving attachment to postbody.<br />\n");
             $postbody[] = $attlink;
         } else {
             if ($debug_file !== null || $debug) {
                 $this->out("Saving attachment to postex.<br />\n");
             $postex[] = $attlink;
             $firsttext = true;
     } else {
         if ($debug_file !== null || $debug) {
             $this->out("Saving attachment seperately.<br />\n");
         // Standard attachment mode
         $postattach[] = $attlink;
     $firstattachment = true;
     $this->out('<br />' . MF_MSG13 . $filename . '<br />');