예제 #1
    // --------------------------------
    // notify users
    // --------------------------------
    $subject_notify = "{$logo} - {$langNewForumNotify}";
    $category_id = forum_category($forum_id);
    $cat_name = category_name($category_id);
    $c = course_code_to_title($course_code);
    $name = uid_to_name($uid);
    $title = course_id_to_title($course_id);
    $forum_message = "-------- {$langBodyMessage} ({$langSender}: {$name})\n{$message}--------";
    $plain_forum_message = q(html2text($forum_message));
    $body_topic_notify = "{$langBodyForumNotify} {$langInForums} '" . q($forum_name) . "' \n                               {$langInCat} '" . q($cat_name) . "' {$langTo} {$langCourseS} '{$c}' <br /><br />" . q($forum_message) . "<br />\n                               <br />{$gunet}<br /><a href='{$urlServer}courses/{$course_code}'>{$urlServer}courses/{$course_code}</a>";
    $plain_body_topic_notify = "{$langBodyForumNotify} {$langInForums} '" . q($forum_name) . "' {$langInCat} '" . q($cat_name) . "' {$langTo} {$langCourseS} '{$c}' \n\n{$plain_forum_message} \n\n{$gunet}\n<a href='{$urlServer}courses/{$course_code}'>{$urlServer}courses/{$course_code}</a>";
    $linkhere = "&nbsp;<a href='{$urlServer}main/profile/emailunsubscribe.php?cid={$course_id}'>{$langHere}</a>.";
    $unsubscribe = "<br /><br />{$langNote}: " . sprintf($langLinkUnsubscribe, $title);
    $plain_body_topic_notify .= $unsubscribe . $linkhere;
    $body_topic_notify .= $unsubscribe . $linkhere;
    $sql = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM forum_notify\n\t\t\tWHERE (forum_id = ?d OR cat_id = ?d)\n\t\t\tAND notify_sent = 1 AND course_id = ?d AND user_id != ?d", $forum_id, $category_id, $course_id, $uid);
    foreach ($sql as $r) {
        if (get_user_email_notification($r->user_id, $course_id)) {
            $emailaddr = uid_to_email($r->user_id);
            send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $emailaddr, $subject_notify, $plain_body_topic_notify, $body_topic_notify, $charset);
    // end of notification
    Session::Messages($langStored, 'alert-success');
} else {
    $tool_content .= "\n    <div class='form-wrapper'>\n        <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' action='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;topic={$topic}&forum={$forum_id}' method='post'>\n        <fieldset>\n            <div class='form-group'>\n              <label for='subject' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>{$langSubject}:</label>\n              <div class='col-sm-10'>\n                <input type='text' name='subject' id='subject' class='form-control' maxlength='100'>\n              </div>\n            </div>   \n            <div class='form-group'>\n              <label for='message' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>{$langBodyMessage}:</label>\n              <div class='col-sm-10'>\n                " . rich_text_editor('message', 14, 50, '') . "\n              </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class='form-group'>\n              <div class='col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-2'>\n                <input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit' value='{$langSubmit}'>\n                <a class='btn btn-default' href='viewforum.php?course={$course_code}&forum={$forum_id}'>{$langCancel}</a>\n              </div>\n            </div>            \n\t</fieldset>\n\t</form>\n    </div>";
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
예제 #2
             $user_id = $person->id;
             // check email syntax validity
             if (!email_seems_valid($emailTo)) {
             } elseif (get_user_email_notification($user_id, $course_id)) {
                 // checks if user is notified by email
                 array_push($recipients, $emailTo);
             // send mail message per 50 recipients
             if (count($recipients) >= 50) {
                 send_mail_multipart("{$_SESSION['givenname']} {$_SESSION['surname']}", $_SESSION['email'], $general_to, $recipients, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $emailContent, $charset);
                 $recipients = array();
         }, $course_id);
         if (count($recipients) > 0) {
             send_mail_multipart("{$_SESSION['givenname']} {$_SESSION['surname']}", $_SESSION['email'], $general_to, $recipients, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $emailContent, $charset);
         $messageInvalid = " {$langOn} {$countEmail} {$langRegUser}, {$invalid} {$langInvalidMail}";
         $message = "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langAnnAdd} {$langEmailSent}<br />{$messageInvalid}</div>";
     } else {
         $message = "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langAnnAdd}</div>";
 // end of if $submit
 // teacher display
 if (isset($message) && $message) {
     $tool_content .= $message . "<br/>";
     $displayForm = false;
     //do not show form
 /* display form */
예제 #3
                <small>" . sprintf($langLinkUnsubscribeFromPlatform, $siteName) ." <a href='${urlServer}main/profile/emailunsubscribe.php?cid=$course_id'>$langHere</a></small>

        $emailcontent = $emailheader.$emailmain.$emailfooter;

        $emailbody = html2text($emailcontent);
        if (count($recipients) >= 50) {
            send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $recipients, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $emailcontent, $charset);
            $recipients = array();
    if (count($recipients) > 0) {
        send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $recipients, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $emailcontent, $charset);
    // Display result and close table correctly
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>$emailsuccess</div>";
} else {
    $body_mail = $email_title = '';
    // Display form to administrator
    $tool_content .= "<div class='form-wrapper'>
    <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' action='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]' method='post'>
        <div class='form-group'>
            <label for='email_title' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>$langTitle</label>
            <div class='col-sm-10'>
                <input class='form-control' type='text' name='email_title' value='$email_title' size='50' />
예제 #4
 * @brief update scheduled session data into database
 * @global type $tool_content
 * @global type $langBBBAddSuccessful
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo
 * @global type $langBBBScheduledSession
 * @global type $langBBBScheduleSessionInfoJoin
 * @param type $session_id
 * @param type $course_id
 * @param type $title
 * @param type $desc
 * @param type $start_session
 * @param type $type
 * @param type $status
 * @param type $notifyUsers
 * @param type $minutes_before
 * @param type $external_users
function update_bbb_session($session_id,$title,$desc,$start_session,$type,$status,$notifyUsers,$minutes_before,$external_users,$record,$sessionUsers)
    global $course_id;
    global $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo , $langBBBScheduledSession, $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2, $langBBBScheduleSessionInfoJoin;

    // Groups of participants per session
    $r_group = "";
    if (isset($_POST['groups'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['groups'] as $group) {
           $r_group .= "'$group'" .',';

    $r_group = rtrim($r_group,',');

    // Enable recording or not
        case 0:
        case 1:
    Database::get()->querySingle("UPDATE bbb_session SET title=?s,description=?s,"
            . "start_date=?t,public=?s,active=?s,unlock_interval=?d,external_users=?s,participants=?s,record=?s,sessionUsers=?d WHERE id=?d",$title, $desc, $start_session, $type, $status, $minutes_before, $external_users, $r_group, $record, $sessionUsers, $session_id);

    // if we have to notify users for new session
    if ($notifyUsers == "1") {
        $recipients = array();

        $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT course_user.user_id, user.email
                                                    FROM course_user, user
                                                   WHERE course_id = ?d AND user.id IN ($r_group) AND
                                                         course_user.user_id = user.id", $course_id);

        foreach($result as $row) {
            $emailTo = $row->email;
            $user_id = $row->user_id;
            // we check if email notification are enabled for each user
            if (get_user_email_notification($user_id)) {
                //and add user to recipients
                array_push($recipients, $emailTo);
        if (count($recipients) > 0) {
            $emailsubject = $langBBBScheduledSession;
            $emailbody = $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo . " \"" . q($title) . "\" " . $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2 . " " . q($start_session) . "";
            $emailcontent = $emailbody;
            //Notify course users for new bbb session
            send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $recipients, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $emailcontent, 'UTF-8');

        //Notify external users for new bbb session
        if (isset($external_users)) {
            $recipients = explode(',', $external_users);
            $q = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT meeting_id, att_pw FROM bbb_session WHERE id = ?d", $_GET['id']);
            foreach ($recipients as $row) {
                //$bbblink = bbb_join_user($q->meeting_id, $q->att_pw, $row, '');
                $bbblink = get_config('base_url')."modules/bbb/ext.php?meeting_id=" . urlencode($q->meeting_id) . "&username="******" \"" . q($title) . "\" " . $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2 . " " . q($start_session) . "<br><br>$langBBBScheduleSessionInfoJoin:<br> $bbblink";
                $emailcontent = $emailbody;
                send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $row, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $emailcontent, 'UTF-8');

    $orderMax = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MAX(`order`) AS maxorder FROM announcement
                                                   WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->maxorder;
    $order = $orderMax + 1;

    Database::get()->querySingle("INSERT INTO announcement (content,title,`date`,course_id,`order`,visible) VALUES ('".$langBBBScheduleSessionInfo . " \"" . $title . "\" " . $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2 . " " . $start_session."',

예제 #5
                        send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $emailaddr, $subject_dropbox, $plain_body_dropbox_message, $body_dropbox_message, $charset);
            } else {
                //message in personal context
                $subject_dropbox = $langNewDropboxFile;
                foreach ($recipients as $userid) {
                    if (get_user_email_notification($userid)) {
                        $linkhere = "<a href='{$urlServer}main/profile/profile.php'>{$langHere}</a>.";
                        //$unsubscribe = "<br />" . sprintf($langLinkUnsubscribe, $title);
                        $body_dropbox_message = "{$langSender}: " . q($_SESSION['givenname']) . " " . q($_SESSION['surname']) . " <br /><br /> {$subject} <br /><br />" . $_POST['body'] . "<br />";
                        $body_dropbox_message .= "{$langNote}: {$langDoNotReply} <a href='{$urlServer}modules/dropbox/index.php'>{$langHere}</a>.<br />";
                        //$body_dropbox_message .= "$unsubscribe $linkhere";
                        $plain_body_dropbox_message = html2text($body_dropbox_message);
                        $emailaddr = uid_to_email($userid);
                        send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $emailaddr, $subject_dropbox, $plain_body_dropbox_message, $body_dropbox_message, $charset);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langdocAdd}<br>";
    } else {
        //end if(!$error)
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$errormsg}<br>";
    if ($course_id == 0) {
        $tool_content .= "<a href='index.php'>{$langBack}</a></div><br>";
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "<a href='index.php?course={$course_code}'>{$langBack}</a></div><br>";
예제 #6
function notify_users($forum_id, $forum_name, $topic_id, $subject, $message, $topic_date) {
    global $logo, $langNewForumNotify, $course_code, $course_code, $course_id, $langForumFrom,
        $uid, $langBodyForumNotify, $langInForums, $urlServer, $langdate, $langSender,
        $langCourse, $langCategory, $langForum, $langSubject, $langNote,
        $langLinkUnsubscribe, $langHere, $charset, $langMailBody;

    $subject_notify = "$logo - $langNewForumNotify";
    $category_id = forum_category($forum_id);
    $cat_name = category_name($category_id);
    $c = course_code_to_title($course_code);
    $name = uid_to_name($uid);
    $title = course_id_to_title($course_id);

    $header_html_topic_notify = "<!-- Header Section -->
    <div id='mail-header'>
            <div id='header-title'>$langBodyForumNotify <a href='{$urlServer}courses/$course_code'>".q($title)."</a>.</div>
            <ul id='forum-category'>
                <li><span><b>$langCategory:</b></span> <span>" . q($cat_name) . "</span></li>
                <li><span><b>$langForum:</b></span> <span><a href='{$urlServer}modules/forum/viewforum.php?course=$course_code&amp;forum=$forum_id'>" . q($forum_name) . "</a></span></li>
                <li><span><b>$langForumFrom :</b></span> <span>$name</span></li>
                <li><span><b>$langdate:</b></span> <span> $topic_date </span></li>
    $body_html_topic_notify = "<!-- Body Section -->
    <div id='mail-body'>
        <div><b>$langSubject:</b> <span class='left-space'><a href='{$urlServer}modules/forum/viewforum.php?course=$course_code&amp;forum=$forum_id&amp;topic=$topic_id'>" . q($subject) . "</a></span></div><br>
        <div id='mail-body-inner'>

    $footer_html_topic_notify = "<!-- Footer Section -->
    <div id='mail-footer'>
            <small>" . sprintf($langLinkUnsubscribe, q($title)) ." <a href='${urlServer}main/profile/emailunsubscribe.php?cid=$course_id'>$langHere</a></small>

    $html_topic_notify = $header_html_topic_notify.$body_html_topic_notify.$footer_html_topic_notify;

    $plain_message = html2text($message);
    $plain_topic_notify = "$langBodyForumNotify $langInForums\n" .
       "$langSender: $name\n" .
       "$langCourse: $title\n    {$urlServer}courses/$course_code/\n" .
       "$langCategory: $cat_name\n" .
       "$langForum: $forum_name\n    {$urlServer}modules/forum/viewforum.php?course=$course_code&forum=$forum_id\n" . 
       "$langSubject: $subject\n    {$urlServer}modules/forum/viewforum.php?course=$course_code&forum=$forum_id&topic=$topic_id\n" . 
       "--------------------------------------------\n$plain_message\n" .
       "--------------------------------------------\n" .
       "$langNote: " . canonicalize_whitespace(str_replace('<br />', "\n", sprintf($langLinkUnsubscribe, q($title)))) .
       " $langHere:\n${urlServer}main/profile/emailunsubscribe.php?cid=$course_id\n";

    $users = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM forum_notify
			WHERE (forum_id = ?d OR cat_id = ?d)
			AND notify_sent = 1 AND course_id = ?d AND user_id != ?d", $forum_id, $category_id, $course_id, $uid);
    $email = array();
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        if (get_user_email_notification($user->user_id, $course_id)) {
            $email[] = uid_to_email($user->user_id);
    send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $email, $subject_notify, $plain_topic_notify, $html_topic_notify, $charset);
예제 #7
 * @brief update scheduled session data into database
 * @global type $tool_content
 * @global type $langBBBAddSuccessful
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo
 * @global type $langBBBScheduledSession
 * @global type $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2
 * @param type $session_id
 * @param type $title
 * @param type $desc
 * @param type $start_session
 * @param type $type
 * @param type $status
 * @param type $notifyUsers
 * @param type $minutes_before
 * @param type $external_users
function update_bbb_session($session_id, $title, $desc, $start_session, $type, $status, $notifyUsers, $minutes_before, $external_users, $record, $sessionUsers)
    global $tool_content, $course_id;
    global $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo, $langBBBScheduledSession, $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2;
    // Groups of participants per session
    $r_group = "";
    foreach ($_POST['groups'] as $group) {
        $r_group .= $group . ',';
    $r_group = rtrim($r_group, ',');
    // Enable recording or not
    switch ($record) {
        case 0:
            $record = "false";
        case 1:
            $record = "true";
    Database::get()->querySingle("UPDATE bbb_session SET title=?s,description=?s," . "start_date=?t,public=?s,active=?s,unlock_interval=?d,external_users=?s,participants=?s,record=?s,sessionUsers=?d WHERE id=?d", $title, $desc, $start_session, $type, $status, $minutes_before, $external_users, $r_group, $record, $sessionUsers, $session_id);
    // if we have to notify users for new session
    if ($notifyUsers == "1") {
        $recipients = array();
        $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT user_id, email FROM course_user, user\n                WHERE course_user.course_id = {$course_id} AND course_user.user_id = user.id");
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $emailTo = $row->email;
            $user_id = $row->user_id;
            // we check if email notification are enabled for each user
            if (get_user_email_notification($user_id)) {
                //and add user to recipients
                array_push($recipients, $emailTo);
        if (count($recipients) > 0) {
            $emailsubject = $langBBBScheduledSession;
            $emailbody = $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo . " \"" . q($title) . "\" " . $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2 . " " . q($start_session);
            $emailcontent = $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo . " \"" . q($title) . "\" " . $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2 . " " . q($start_session);
            //Notify course users for new bbb session
            send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $recipients, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $emailcontent, 'UTF-8');
    $orderMax = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MAX(`order`) AS maxorder FROM announcement\n                                                   WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->maxorder;
    $order = $orderMax + 1;
    Database::get()->querySingle("INSERT INTO announcement (content,title,`date`,course_id,`order`,visible) VALUES ('" . $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo . " \"" . $title . "\" " . $langBBBScheduleSessionInfo2 . " " . $start_session . "',\n                                             '{$langBBBScheduledSession}',NOW(),\n                                             '{$course_id}','{$order}','1')");
예제 #8
                <p>$langProblem</p><br>" . get_config('admin_name') . ":
                <ul id='forum-category'>
                    <li>$langManager: $siteName</li>
                    <li>$langTel: $telephone</li>
                    <li>$langEmail: " . get_config('email_helpdesk') . "</li>

        $emailbody = $emailheader.$emailmain;

        $emailbodyplain = html2text($emailbody);

        send_mail_multipart('', '', '', $email_form, $emailsubject, $emailbodyplain, $emailbody, $charset);

            "$langTheU \"$givenname_form $surname_form\" $langAddedU" .
            ((isset($auth) and $auth == 1)? " $langAndP": '')), 'alert-success');

$navigation[] = array('url' => 'index.php', 'name' => $langAdmin);

// javascript
$head_content .= <<<hContent
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */