if (empty($_GET["id"])) { include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc'; output_header(_("Error!")); echo "<br><center>"; echo sprintf(_("A team id must specified in the following format: %s"), "{$code_url}/stats/teams/teams_xml.php?id=*****"); echo "</center>"; exit; } $req_team_id = get_integer_param($_GET, 'id', null, 0, null); //Try our best to make sure no browser caches the page header("Content-Type: text/xml"); header("Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); $result = select_from_teams("id = {$req_team_id}"); $curTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $team_id = $curTeam['id']; //Team info portion of $data $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS totalTeams FROM user_teams"); $totalTeams = mysql_result($result, 0, "totalTeams"); $data = "<teaminfo id='{$team_id}'>\n <teamname>" . xmlencode($curTeam['teamname']) . "</teamname>\n <datecreated>" . date("m/d/Y", $curTeam['created']) . "</datecreated>\n <createdby>" . xmlencode($curTeam['createdby']) . "</createdby>\n <leader>" . xmlencode(get_username_for_uid($curTeam['owner'])) . "</leader>\n <description>" . xmlencode($curTeam['team_info']) . "</description>\n <website>" . xmlencode($curTeam['webpage']) . "</website>\n <forums>" . xmlencode(get_url_to_view_topic($curTeam['topic_id'])) . "</forums>\n <totalmembers>" . $curTeam['member_count'] . "</totalmembers>\n <currentmembers>" . $curTeam['active_members'] . "</currentmembers>\n <retiredmembers>" . ($curTeam['member_count'] - $curTeam['active_members']) . "</retiredmembers>"; foreach ($page_tally_names as $tally_name => $tally_title) { $teams_tallyboard = new TallyBoard($tally_name, 'T'); $pageCount = $teams_tallyboard->get_current_tally($team_id); $pageCountRank = $teams_tallyboard->get_rank($team_id); $avg_pages_per_day = get_daily_average($curTeam['created'], $pageCount); list($bestDayCount, $bestDayTimestamp) = $teams_tallyboard->get_info_re_largest_delta($team_id); $bestDayTime = date("M. jS, Y", $bestDayTimestamp - 1); $data .= "\n <roundinfo id='{$tally_name}'>\n <totalpages>{$pageCount}</totalpages>\n <rank>" . $pageCountRank . "/" . $totalTeams . "</rank>\n <avgpagesday>" . number_format($avg_pages_per_day, 1) . "</avgpagesday>\n <mostpagesday>" . $bestDayCount . " (" . $bestDayTime . ")</mostpagesday>\n </roundinfo>"; }
$tstart = get_integer_param($_GET, 'tstart', 0, 0, null); if ($tname) { if ($texact) { $where_body = "teamname='{$tname}'"; } else { $where_body = "teamname LIKE '%{$tname}%'"; } $tResult = select_from_teams($where_body, "ORDER BY {$order} {$direction} LIMIT {$tstart},20"); $tRows = mysql_num_rows($tResult); if ($tRows == 1) { metarefresh(0, "tdetail.php?tid=" . mysql_result($tResult, 0, "id") . "", '', ''); exit; } $tname = "tname=" . urlencode($tname) . "&"; } else { $tResult = select_from_teams("", "ORDER BY {$order} {$direction} LIMIT {$tstart},20"); $tRows = mysql_num_rows($tResult); $tname = ""; } $name = _("Team List"); output_header($name); echo "<center><br>"; //Display of user teams echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' style='border: 1px solid #111; border-collapse: collapse' width='95%'>\n"; echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $theme['color_headerbar_bg'] . "'><td colspan='6' align='center'><b><font color='" . $theme['color_headerbar_font'] . "'>"; echo _("User Teams"); echo "</font></b></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $theme['color_navbar_bg'] . "'>"; echo "<td align='center'><b>" . _("Icon") . "</b></td>"; if ($order == "id" && $direction == "asc") { $newdirection = "desc";
$relPath = "./../../pinc/"; include_once $relPath . 'base.inc'; include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc'; include_once $relPath . 'js_newpophelp.inc'; include_once $relPath . 'metarefresh.inc'; include_once '../includes/team.inc'; require_login(); $theme_extra_args = array("js_data" => get_newHelpWin_javascript("{$code_url}/pophelp.php?category=teams&name=edit_")); // Either the parameter is $_POST['tsid'] when coming from the edit form, // or it is $_GET['tid'] when using the link on top of the team summary. $tid = get_integer_param($_POST, 'tsid', null, 1, null, true); if (!isset($tid)) { $tid = get_integer_param($_GET, 'tid', null, 1, null); } $result = select_from_teams("id = {$tid}"); $curTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); // Allow team owner and site administrators to edit the team if ($userP['u_id'] != $curTeam['owner'] && !user_is_a_sitemanager()) { $title = _("Authorization Failed"); $desc = _("You are not authorized to edit this team...."); metarefresh(4, "tdetail.php?tid={$tid}", $title, $desc); exit; } if (isset($_GET['tid'])) { $edit = _("Edit"); output_header($edit . " " . $curTeam['teamname'], SHOW_STATSBAR, $theme_extra_args); echo "<center><br>"; showEdit(unstripAllString($curTeam['teamname'], 0), unstripAllString($curTeam['team_info'], 1), unstripAllString($curTeam['webpage'], 1), 0, $tid); echo "</center>"; } elseif (isset($_POST['edQuit'])) {
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$charset}\" ?>\n"; echo "<memberstats xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"memberstats.xsd\">\n"; $now = time(); $daysInExistence = floor(($now - $user->date_created) / 86400); //User info if ($user->u_privacy == PRIVACY_PUBLIC) { echo "\n <userinfo id='{$user->u_id}'>\n <username>" . xmlencode($user->username) . "</username>\n <datejoined>" . date("m/d/Y", $user->date_created) . "</datejoined>\n <lastlogin>" . date("m/d/Y", $user->last_login) . "</lastlogin>\n <location>" . xmlencode($forum_profile['from']) . "</location>\n <occupation>" . xmlencode($forum_profile['occ']) . "</occupation>\n <interests>" . xmlencode($forum_profile['interests']) . "</interests>\n <website>" . xmlencode($forum_profile['website']) . "</website>"; foreach ($page_tally_names as $tally_name => $tally_title) { $tallyboard = new TallyBoard($tally_name, 'U'); $current_page_tally = $tallyboard->get_current_tally($user->u_id); $currentRank = $tallyboard->get_rank($user->u_id); list($bestDayCount, $bestDayTimestamp) = $tallyboard->get_info_re_largest_delta($user->u_id); $bestDayTime = date("M. jS, Y", $bestDayTimestamp - 1); if ($daysInExistence > 0) { $daily_Average = $current_page_tally / $daysInExistence; } else { $daily_Average = 0; } echo "\n <roundinfo id='{$tally_name}'>\n <pagescompleted>{$current_page_tally}</pagescompleted>\n <overallrank>{$currentRank}</overallrank>\n <bestdayever>\n <pages>{$bestDayCount}</pages>\n <date>{$bestDayTime}</date>\n </bestdayever>\n <dailyaverage>" . number_format($daily_Average) . "</dailyaverage>\n </roundinfo>"; } echo "\n </userinfo>"; //Team info $result = select_from_teams("id IN ({$user->team_1}, {$user->team_2}, {$user->team_3})"); echo "\n <teaminfo>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "\n <team>\n <name>" . xmlencode($row['teamname']) . "</name>\n <activemembers>" . $row['active_members'] . "</activemembers>\n </team>"; } echo "\n </teaminfo>"; } echo "\n</memberstats>"; // vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab