} //If ID is not set, then exit with message if (!isset($id)) { echo "E-Mail {$email} does not exist"; } //Create a random password $password = generateRandomString('5'); echo $password; //Hash the password provided $hash = encryptPassword($password); //Save new password for user //If already exists, then update password and if not insert record $params = array(); $response = null; $params = add_where('idPerson', $id, $params); $response = select_from_table('password', 'idPerson', $params); //echo $response; if (empty(json_decode($response, true))) { //Insert $record = array(); $records = array(); $record = add_field('idPerson', $id, $record); $record = add_field('password', $hash, $record); $record = add_field('misses', "0", $record); $record = add_field('locked', "0", $record); array_push($records, $record); insert_into_table('password', $records); } else { //Modify $update = array(); $where = array();
<div id="rightdiv"> <h2 class='titleA' >Retour d'une Location</h2> <?php include './depotformulaire.php'; ?> </div> <div id="bttdiv" style='background: color;' > <h2 class='titleA'>test</h2> <?php if (isset($_GET['search'])) { if (!empty($_GET['code'])) { $code = $_GET['code']; select_from_table($code); } } ?> </div> <div id='bottomDiv'></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
<?php require_once '..\\utilities\\functions.php'; header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); $where = array(); $table = null; $fields = "all"; while ($value = current($_GET)) { $key = key($_GET); switch ($key) { case 'table': $table = $value; break; case 'fields': $fields = $value; break; default: $where = add_where($key, $value, $where); break; } next($_GET); } $response = select_from_table($table, $fields, $where); echo $response;
<?php require_once '..\\utilities\\functions.php'; header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); $where = $_get(); // List fields or define field as NULL $fields = array("namelast", "namefirst", "email"); //$fields = null; $response = select_from_table('person', $fields, $where); echo $response;