
$playerscrap = scrapbots_get_player_scrap();
require_once "modules/staminasystem/lib/lib.php";
$name1 = array("Grunt", "Fisto", "Brains", "Speedy", "Hammer", "Nails", "Servo", "Bob", "Brock", "Prince", "Awesome", "Ratchet", "Random", "Locke", "Grawp", "Sparky", "Bastard");
$name2 = array("The Felcher", "The Fister", "The Hatchet", "The Axle", "The Hammer", "Nails", "Servo", "The Rammer", "The Whittler", "The Duke", "The Spanker", "The Chainsaw", "The Prat", "The Stock", "The Juggernaut", "The Plonker", "The Bastard");
$name3 = array("McGrunt", "McFisty", "McBrainy", "McSpeedy", "McHammer", "McNails", "McServo", "McThunderCrotch", "McAwesome", "McKing", "McBadass", "McSpanner", "McRandom", "McBarrel", "McJuggernaut", "McLaser", "McBastard");
$r1 = e_rand(0, 16);
$r2 = e_rand(0, 16);
$r3 = e_rand(0, 16);
$name = "" . $name1[$r1] . " \"" . $name2[$r2] . "\" " . $name3[$r3] . "";
$owner = $session['user']['acctid'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("scrapbots") . " (owner,name,activated,hitpoints,brains,brawn,briskness,junglefighter,retreathp) VALUES ({$owner},'" . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . "',0,10,1,1,1,0,0)";
output("You get to work.  It takes a long, long time, welding and soldering and programming and grinding and smoking and cursing and sweating, but eventually your ScrapBot is complete, and magnificent.  You hook it into the diagnostics station and power it up.`n`nThe diagnostic station queries the CPUID, and returns the ScrapBot's name - %s.  The ScrapBot is ready to activate!`n`n", $name);
$solder = process_action("Soldering");
$program = process_action("Programming");
$metalwork = process_action("Metalworking");
if ($solder['lvlinfo']['levelledup'] == true) {
    output("`n`c`b`0You gained a level in Soldering!  You are now level %s!  This action will cost fewer Stamina points now, so you can solder up more circuitry and wiring harnesses each day!`b`c`n", $return['lvlinfo']['newlvl']);
if ($program['lvlinfo']['levelledup'] == true) {
    output("`n`c`b`0You gained a level in Programming!  You are now level %s!  This action will cost fewer Stamina points now, so you can geek out even more every day!`b`c`n", $return['lvlinfo']['newlvl']);
if ($metalwork['lvlinfo']['levelledup'] == true) {
    output("`n`c`b`0You gained a level in Metalworking!  You are now level %s!  This action will cost fewer Stamina points now, so you can grind and cut and weld more each day!`b`c`n", $return['lvlinfo']['newlvl']);
$playerscrap['data']['veryrareitems'][0] -= 1;
$playerscrap['data']['veryrareitems'][1] -= 1;
$playerscrap['data']['veryrareitems'][2] -= 1;
$playerscrap['data']['veryrareitems'][3] -= 1;
function scrapbots_list_combinations()
    global $session;
    if ($session['user']['alive'] == 0) {
    $playerscrap = scrapbots_get_player_scrap();
    $scrapnames = scrapbots_scrapnames();
    $bot = httpget('bot');
    //Basic Processing
    output("`2`bThings you can do with your bits`b`n");
    $canbuild = 0;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][0] >= 1) {
        output("You can turn a Rusted Shaft into an Axle with a judicious application of your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Turn Rusted Shaft into Axle", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=axle");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][1] >= 1) {
        output("You can get the rust off a Steel Plate using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Clean up a Rusted Steel Plate", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=steelplate");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][2] >= 1) {
        output("You can get the rust off a Large Girder using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Clean up a Rusted Large Girder", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=largegirderfromrusted");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][3] >= 1) {
        output("You can repair a Broken Motherboard using your Soldering skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Repair a Broken Motherboard", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=motherboard");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][4] >= 1) {
        output("You can reflash a Corrupted ROM Chip ready for rewriting using your Programming skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Reflash a Corrupted ROM Chip", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=romchip");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][5] >= 1) {
        output("You can restore a Rusted Servo to working order using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Clean up a Rusted Servo", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=servofromrusted");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][6] >= 1) {
        output("You can quickly turn a Bundle of Wires into a decent Wiring Harness using your Soldering skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Make a Wiring Harness", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=wiringharness");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][7] >= 1 && $session['user']['gold'] >= 40) {
        output("You can soon recharge that Dead Battery at the Charging Station, for a fee of 40 Requisition.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Recharge a Dead Battery", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=battery");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][8] >= 1 && $session['user']['gold'] >= 40) {
        output("You can have a Punctured Wheel repaired by professional Robots for 40 Requisition.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Have a Punctured Wheel repaired", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=wheelfrompunctured");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][9] >= 1) {
        output("You can soon polish up a Rusted Wheel using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Clean up a Rusted Wheel", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=wheelfromrusted");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][10] >= 1) {
        output("You can clean the rust from a Rusted Small Girder using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Clean up a Rusted Small Girder", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=smallgirderfromrusted");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][11] >= 1) {
        output("You can soon repair a broken CMOS sensor using your Soldering skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Repair a Broken CMOS Sensor", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=cmos");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][12] >= 1) {
        output("You can turn the bottom of a Glass Milk Bottle into a servicable Lens using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Turn a Glass Milk Bottle into a Lens", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=lens");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][13] >= 1) {
        output("You can repair a Broken Servo using your Soldering skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Repair a Broken Servo", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=servofrombroken");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][14] >= 1) {
        output("You can repair a Broken Drive Motor using your Soldering skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Repair a broken Drive Motor", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=drivefrombroken");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['normalitems'][15] >= 1) {
        output("You can clean up a Rusted Drive Motor using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Spares");
        addnav("Clean up Rusted Drive Motor", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=drivefromrusted");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($canbuild == 0) {
        output("You don't have any Scrap that you can upgrade into a spare part.`n");
    //Splitting and Combining
    $canbuild = 0;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][2] >= 1) {
        output("You can turn a Large Girder into two Small Girders using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Cutting and Welding");
        addnav("Saw a Large Girder in half", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=twosmallgirders");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][8] >= 2) {
        addnav("Cutting and Welding");
        output("You can make a Large Girder from two Small Girders using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Weld two Small Girders together", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=largegirderfromtwosmall");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][8] >= 3) {
        addnav("Cutting and Welding");
        output("You can make five Steel Plates from three Small Girders using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Make five Steel Plates from three Small Girders", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=platesfromgirders");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][1] >= 2) {
        output("You can make some pretty good Armour out of two Steel Plates using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Building Assemblies");
        addnav("Make Armour from two Steel Plates", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=armour");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][8] >= 2 && $playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][2] >= 1) {
        addnav("Building Assemblies");
        output("You can build a Chassis from two Small Girders and one Large Girder using your Metalworking skill.`n");
        addnav("Build a Chassis", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=chassis");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][1] >= 1 && $playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][8] >= 1 && $playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][11] >= 1) {
        addnav("Building Assemblies");
        output("You can build a Servo Limb out of a Servo, a Small Girder and a Steel Plate using your Metalworking and Soldering skills.`n");
        addnav("Build a Servo Limb", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=servolimb");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][9] >= 1 && $playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][10] >= 1) {
        addnav("Building Assemblies");
        output("You can build a Camera Eye from a Lens and a CMOS Sensor using your Metalworking and Soldering skills.`n");
        addnav("Build a Camera Eye", "runmodule.php?module=scrapbots&op=combinescrap&bot=" . $bot . "&&make=cameraeye");
        $canbuild = 1;
    if ($canbuild == 0) {
        output("You don't have any spare parts that you can assemble.`n");
function scrapbots_battle($defenderid)
    global $session;
    $attackerid = $session['user']['acctid'];
    Retrieve attacking and defending armies from the database along with global retreat percentages, and put them into $attacker and $defender arrays
    //get attackers
    $sql = "SELECT id,owner,name,activated,hitpoints,brains,brawn,briskness,junglefighter,retreathp FROM " . db_prefix("scrapbots") . " WHERE owner = {$attackerid} && activated = 1";
    $result = db_query($sql);
    $attacker = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < db_num_rows($result); $i++) {
        $attacker[$i] = db_fetch_assoc($result);
    $sql = "SELECT id,owner,name,activated,hitpoints,brains,brawn,briskness,junglefighter,retreathp FROM " . db_prefix("scrapbots") . " WHERE owner = {$defenderid} && activated = 1";
    $result = db_query($sql);
    $defender = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < db_num_rows($result); $i++) {
        $defender[$i] = db_fetch_assoc($result);
    $atkretreatpct = get_module_pref("retreatpct", "scrapbots", $attackerid);
    $defretreatpct = get_module_pref("retreatpct", "scrapbots", $defenderid);
    //We're going to put all of the destroyed bots into a special array, so that we can retrieve the scrap from them later on.
    $destroyed = array();
    //We'll put the bots that fled into arrays too, so that they can be returned after the fight.
    $atkfled = array();
    $deffled = array();
    $war = 1;
    $burn = 0;
    WAR IS ON!
    while ($war == 1) {
        $attacker = array_values($attacker);
        $defender = array_values($defender);
        if ($burn > 10000) {
            //debug("Burned in War loop");
        //get a fighter from the Attacking army
        $foundattacker = 0;
        while ($foundattacker == 0) {
            if ($burn > 10000) {
                //debug("Burned while finding attacker");
            $atkbot = e_rand(0, count($attacker) - 1);
            if (e_rand(1, 100) < $attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'] * 10) {
                // debug ("Attacker Chosen:");
                $foundattacker = 1;
                // debug ($attacker[$atkbot]);
            } else {
                // debug("Attacker failed Briskness check.  Choosing again.");
        //get a fighter from the Defending army
        $founddefender = 0;
        while ($founddefender == 0) {
            if ($burn > 10000) {
                //debug("Burned while finding Defender");
            $defbot = e_rand(0, count($defender) - 1);
            if (e_rand(1, 100) < $defender[$defbot]['briskness'] * 10) {
                // debug ("Defender Chosen:");
                $founddefender = 1;
                // debug ($defender[$defbot]);
            } else {
                // debug("Defender failed Briskness check.  Choosing again.");
        Choose which bot strikes first
        // if ($attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'] > $defender[$defbot]['briskness']){
        // $turn = "atk";
        // } else if ($attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'] < $defender[$defbot]['briskness']){
        // $turn = "def";
        // } else {
        // $coin = e_rand(0,1);
        // if ($coin == 1){
        // $turn = "atk";
        // } else {
        // $turn = "def";
        // }
        // }
        $chance = $attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'] * e_rand(0, 100) - $defender[$defbot]['briskness'] * e_rand(0, 100);
        if ($chance > 0) {
            $turn = "atk";
        } else {
            $turn = "def";
        // debug($turn);
        Output flavour text
        output("`b`4%s`0 lunges at `2%s`0!`b`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name'], $defender[$defbot]['name']);
        $atkhp = $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'];
        $defhp = $defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'];
        output("`\$`b%s`b`0 / `@`b%s`b`0`n", $atkhp, $defhp);
        if ($turn == "atk") {
            output("`\$%s gets the first attack!`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name']);
        } else {
            output("`@%s gets the first attack!`n", $defender[$defbot]['name']);
        Bots knock the shit out of each other
        $battle = 1;
        $fight = 1;
        $run = 0;
        while ($battle == 1) {
            $roundsofrunning = 0;
            if ($burn > 10000) {
                //debug("Burned in Battle loop");
            while ($fight == 1) {
                if ($burn > 10000) {
                    //debug("Burned while fighting");
                if ($defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'] < $defender[$defbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $defender[$defbot]['retreathp'] || $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'] < $attacker[$atkbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $attacker[$atkbot]['retreathp']) {
                    $fight = 0;
                    $run = 1;
                if ($turn == "atk") {
                    $hitchance = 50 + ($attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'] - $defender[$defbot]['briskness']) * 3;
                    if ($attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'] < $attacker[$atkbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $attacker[$atkbot]['retreathp']) {
                        $hitchance = 25 + ($attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'] - $attacker[$atkbot]['briskness']) * 4;
                        output("`2%s is a bit too busy running for its life to attack properly!`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name']);
                    if ($hitchance > e_rand(1, 100)) {
                        //Bot lands a successful hit
                        $mindamage = 2 + ceil($attacker[$atkbot]['brawn'] / 2);
                        $maxdamage = 5 + $attacker[$atkbot]['brawn'] * 2;
                        $damage = e_rand($mindamage, $maxdamage);
                        output("`4%s lands a successful hit!  %s takes `\$%s`4 damage!`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name'], $defender[$defbot]['name'], $damage);
                        $defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'] -= $damage;
                        $atkhp = $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'];
                        $defhp = $defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'];
                        if ($atkhp < 0) {
                            $atkhp = 0;
                        if ($defhp < 0) {
                            $defhp = 0;
                        output("`\$`b%s`b`0 / `@`b%s`b`0`n", $atkhp, $defhp);
                        if ($attacker[$atkbot]['brains'] > 5 && $defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'] > 0) {
                            $reprogramchance = ($attacker[$atkbot]['brains'] - $defender[$defbot]['brains']) * 5;
                            if ($reprogramchance > e_rand(1, 100)) {
                                output("`b`4%s pulls off a successful reprogramming!  %s switches sides!`b`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name'], $defender[$defbot]['name']);
                                $atkhp = $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'];
                                $defhp = $defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'];
                                if ($atkhp < 0) {
                                    $atkhp = 0;
                                if ($defhp < 0) {
                                    $defhp = 0;
                                output("`\$`b%s`b`0 / `@`b%s`b`0`n`n", $atkhp, $defhp);
                                $defender[$defbot]['owner'] = $attackerid;
                                $attacker[] = $defender[$defbot];
                                $reprogrammed[] = $defender[$defbot];
                                $battle = 0;
                                $fight = 0;
                                $run = 0;
                    } else {
                        output("`4%s swings at %s, who dodges out of the way!`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name'], $defender[$defbot]['name']);
                    if ($defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'] <= 0) {
                        output("`@`b%s flies apart in a glorious display of spinning, burning scrap metal!`b`n`n", $defender[$defbot]['name']);
                        $destroyed[] = $defender[$defbot];
                        $battle = 0;
                        $fight = 0;
                        $run = 0;
                    $turn = "def";
                } else {
                    $hitchance = 50 + ($defender[$defbot]['briskness'] - $attacker[$atkbot]['briskness']) * 3;
                    if ($defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'] < $defender[$defbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $defender[$defbot]['retreathp']) {
                        $hitchance = 25 + ($defender[$defbot]['briskness'] - $attacker[$atkbot]['briskness']) * 4;
                        output("`2%s is a bit too busy running for its life to attack properly!`n", $defender[$defbot]['name']);
                    if ($hitchance > e_rand(1, 100)) {
                        //Bot lands a successful hit
                        $mindamage = 2 + ceil($defender[$defbot]['brawn'] / 2);
                        $maxdamage = 5 + $defender[$defbot]['brawn'] * 2;
                        $damage = e_rand($mindamage, $maxdamage);
                        output("`2%s lands a successful hit!  %s takes `@%s`2 damage!`n", $defender[$defbot]['name'], $attacker[$atkbot]['name'], $damage);
                        $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'] -= $damage;
                        $atkhp = $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'];
                        $defhp = $defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'];
                        if ($atkhp < 0) {
                            $atkhp = 0;
                        if ($defhp < 0) {
                            $defhp = 0;
                        output("`\$`b%s`b`0 / `@`b%s`b`0`n", $atkhp, $defhp);
                        if ($defender[$defbot]['brains'] > 5 && $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'] > 0) {
                            $reprogramchance = ($defender[$defbot]['brains'] - $attacker[$atkbot]['brains']) * 5;
                            if ($reprogramchance > e_rand(1, 100)) {
                                output("`b`4%s pulls off a successful reprogramming!  %s switches sides!`b`n", $defender[$defbot]['name'], $attacker[$atkbot]['name']);
                                $atkhp = $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'];
                                $defhp = $defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'];
                                if ($atkhp < 0) {
                                    $atkhp = 0;
                                if ($defhp < 0) {
                                    $defhp = 0;
                                output("`\$`b%s`b`0 / `@`b%s`b`0`n`n", $atkhp, $defhp);
                                $attacker[$atkbot]['owner'] = $defenderid;
                                $defender[] = $attacker[$atkbot];
                                $reprogrammed[] = $attacker[$atkbot];
                                $battle = 0;
                                $fight = 0;
                                $run = 0;
                    } else {
                        output("`2%s swings at %s, who dodges out of the way!`n", $defender[$defbot]['name'], $attacker[$atkbot]['name']);
                    if ($attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'] <= 0) {
                        output("`\$`b%s flies apart in a glorious display of spinning, burning scrap metal!`b`n`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name']);
                        $destroyed[] = $attacker[$atkbot];
                        $battle = 0;
                        $fight = 0;
                        $run = 0;
                    } else {
                        $turn = "atk";
                if ($run == 1) {
            Benny Hill style chase scene
            while ($run == 1) {
                // $burn++;
                // debug($burn);
                // debug($attacker[$atkbot]);
                // debug($defender[$defbot]);
                // if ($burn > 1000){
                // debug("Burned while running");
                // $war = 0;
                // $battle = 0;
                // break;
                // }
                if ($defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'] < $defender[$defbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $defender[$defbot]['retreathp'] && $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'] < $attacker[$atkbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $attacker[$atkbot]['retreathp']) {
                    output("`0`bBoth ScrapBots, having activated their automatic retreat subroutine - and being of limited intelligence - tear off in opposite directions from each other, flailing their servos madly in the air!`b`n`n");
                    $atkfled[] = $attacker[$atkbot];
                    $deffled[] = $defender[$defbot];
                    $battle = 0;
                    $run = 0;
                if ($defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'] >= $defender[$defbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $defender[$defbot]['retreathp'] && $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'] < $attacker[$atkbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $attacker[$atkbot]['retreathp']) {
                    //attacker is running, defender is chasing
                    $distanceatk = 5 + e_rand($attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'], $attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'] * 10);
                    $attacker[$atkbot]['distancetravelled'] += $distanceatk;
                    $distancedef = 5 + e_rand($defender[$defbot]['briskness'], $defender[$defbot]['briskness'] * 10);
                    $defender[$defbot]['distancetravelled'] += $distancedef;
                    output("`4%s runs like hell, covering a distance of `\$%s`4 feet!`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name'], $distanceatk);
                    $distancebetween = $attacker[$atkbot]['distancetravelled'] - $defender[$defbot]['distancetravelled'];
                    if ($distancebetween <= 0) {
                        $run = 0;
                        $fight = 1;
                        output("`@%s catches up rather quickly, and sets about maiming the poor fleeing ScrapBot!`n", $defender[$defbot]['name']);
                    } else {
                        if ($roundsofrunning > 5) {
                            output("`@%s throws down its hat in disgust, and declares the chase a waste of time, heading back to the main battle.  `b%s gets away!`b`n`n", $defender[$defbot]['name'], $attacker[$atkbot]['name']);
                            $atkfled[] = $attacker[$atkbot];
                            $battle = 0;
                            $run = 0;
                        } else {
                            output("`2%s chases furiously, closing the gap between them to `@%s`2 feet!`n", $defender[$defbot]['name'], $distancebetween);
                if ($defender[$defbot]['hitpoints'] < $defender[$defbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $defender[$defbot]['retreathp'] && $attacker[$atkbot]['hitpoints'] >= $attacker[$atkbot]['brawn'] / 10 * $attacker[$atkbot]['retreathp']) {
                    //defender is running, attacker is chasing
                    $distancedef = 5 + e_rand($defender[$defbot]['briskness'], $defender[$defbot]['briskness'] * 10);
                    $defender[$defbot]['distancetravelled'] += $distancedef;
                    $distanceatk = 5 + e_rand($attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'], $attacker[$atkbot]['briskness'] * 10);
                    $attacker[$atkbot]['distancetravelled'] += $distanceatk;
                    output("`2%s runs like hell, covering a distance of `@%s`2 feet!`n", $defender[$defbot]['name'], $distancedef);
                    $distancebetween = $defender[$defbot]['distancetravelled'] - $attacker[$atkbot]['distancetravelled'];
                    if ($distancebetween <= 0) {
                        $run = 0;
                        $fight = 1;
                        output("`\$%s catches up rather quickly, and sets about maiming the poor fleeing ScrapBot!`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name']);
                    } else {
                        if ($roundsofrunning > 5) {
                            output("`\$%s throws down its hat in disgust, and declares the chase a waste of time, heading back to the main battle.  `b%s gets away!`b`n`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name'], $defender[$defbot]['name']);
                            $deffled[] = $defender[$defbot];
                            $battle = 0;
                            $run = 0;
                        } else {
                            output("`4%s chases furiously, closing the gap between them to `\$%s`\$ feet!`n", $attacker[$atkbot]['name'], $distancebetween);
        We see if someone's won yet
        $atkcount = count($attacker);
        $defcount = count($defender);
        if ($atkcount == 0) {
            $winner = $defenderid;
            $war = 0;
            output("`c`b`\$You have lost this battle!`0`b`c`n");
        } else {
            if ($defcount == 0) {
                $winner = $attackerid;
                $war = 0;
                output("`c`b`@You have won this battle!`0`b`c`n");
        Output a message saying how many ScrapBots are left on each side
        $atkcount = count($attacker);
        $defcount = count($defender);
        output("`c`\$`b%s`b`0 / `@`b%s`b`0`c`n`n", $atkcount, $defcount);
    //debug("Final Burn rating:");
    $winnerscrap = array();
    foreach ($destroyed as $bot => $vals) {
        //basic components
        $winnerscrap[0] += 2;
        //armour, now steel plate
        $winnerscrap[1] += 2;
        //chassis, now large and small girders
        $winnerscrap[2] += 1;
        $winnerscrap[8] += 2;
        $winnerscrap[3] += 1;
        //ROM Chip
        $winnerscrap[4] += 1;
        $winnerscrap[5] += 1;
        $winnerscrap[6] += 1;
        $winnerscrap[7] += 4;
        //camera eye, now cmos and lens
        $winnerscrap[9] += 1;
        $winnerscrap[10] += 1;
        //servo limb, now servo, small girder and steel plate
        $winnerscrap[11] += 1;
        $winnerscrap[8] += 1;
        $winnerscrap[1] += 1;
        //drive motor
        $winnerscrap[12] += 1;
        //now the level-specific stuff
        if ($vals['brains'] == 2) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 1;
        if ($vals['brains'] == 3) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 2;
        if ($vals['brains'] == 4) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 3;
        if ($vals['brains'] == 5) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 4;
        if ($vals['brains'] == 6) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 5;
        if ($vals['brains'] == 7) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 7;
        if ($vals['brains'] == 8) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 9;
        if ($vals['brains'] == 9) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 11;
        if ($vals['brains'] == 10) {
            $winnerscrap[4] += 14;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 2) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 2;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 3) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 4;
            $winnerscrap[8] += 1;
            $winnerscrap[11] += 1;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 4) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 6;
            $winnerscrap[8] += 2;
            $winnerscrap[11] += 2;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 5) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 10;
            $winnerscrap[8] += 2;
            $winnerscrap[11] += 2;
            $winnerscrap[6] += 1;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 6) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 16;
            $winnerscrap[8] += 2;
            $winnerscrap[11] += 2;
            $winnerscrap[6] += 1;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 7) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 18;
            $winnerscrap[8] += 3;
            $winnerscrap[11] += 3;
            $winnerscrap[6] += 2;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 8) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 22;
            $winnerscrap[8] += 4;
            $winnerscrap[11] += 4;
            $winnerscrap[6] += 3;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 9) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 26;
            $winnerscrap[8] += 3;
            $winnerscrap[11] += 3;
            $winnerscrap[6] += 2;
        if ($vals['brawn'] == 10) {
            $winnerscrap[1] += 34;
            $winnerscrap[8] += 4;
            $winnerscrap[11] += 4;
            $winnerscrap[6] += 3;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 2) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 1;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 3) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 2;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 4) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 3;
            //drive motor
            $winnerscrap[12] += 1;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 5) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 4;
            //drive motor
            $winnerscrap[12] += 2;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 6) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 5;
            //drive motor
            $winnerscrap[12] += 3;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 7) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 7;
            //drive motor
            $winnerscrap[12] += 4;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 8) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 9;
            //drive motor
            $winnerscrap[12] += 5;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 9) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 11;
            //drive motor
            $winnerscrap[12] += 7;
        if ($vals['briskness'] == 10) {
            $winnerscrap[6] += 13;
            //drive motor
            $winnerscrap[12] += 9;
    //now destroy about a quarter of it at random
    foreach ($winnerscrap as $part => $num) {
        $num = ceil($num * (e_rand(5, 10) / 10));
        $winnerscrap[$part] = $num;
    require_once "modules/scrapbots/lib.php";
    $playerscrap = scrapbots_get_player_scrap($winner);
    //Sort out the distribution of spare parts
    if ($winner == $attackerid) {
        output("`c`bThe Spoils`b`c`n`n");
        output("The following parts are left lying all across the field.  Your surviving ScrapBots will bring them back to your workshop for you.`n");
        $scrapnames = scrapbots_scrapnames();
        foreach ($scrapnames['rareitems'] as $id => $item) {
            $itemqty = $winnerscrap[$id];
            if ($itemqty > 0) {
                output("%s: %s`n", $item, $itemqty);
        foreach ($winnerscrap as $part => $num) {
            $playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][$part] += $num;
        set_module_pref("scrap", serialize($playerscrap), "scrapbots");
    } else {
        foreach ($winnerscrap as $part => $num) {
            $playerscrap['data']['rareitems'][$part] += $num;
        set_module_pref("scrap", serialize($playerscrap), "scrapbots", $winner);
    //Now update the database
    //Delete bots that have been destroyed
    foreach ($destroyed as $bot => $val) {
        $id = $val['id'];
        $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("scrapbots") . " WHERE id = {$id}";
    //Restore bots that have fled the battlefield
    foreach ($atkfled as $bot => $val) {
        $attacker[] = $val;
    foreach ($deffled as $bot => $val) {
        $defender[] = $val;
    //Update owner and hitpoint details for all bots
    foreach ($attacker as $bot => $val) {
        //debug("updating atk db");
        $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("scrapbots") . " SET owner = " . $val['owner'] . ", hitpoints = " . $val['hitpoints'] . " WHERE id = " . $val['id'];
    foreach ($defender as $bot => $val) {
        //output("Now updating defender db");
        $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("scrapbots") . " SET owner = " . $val['owner'] . ", hitpoints = " . $val['hitpoints'] . " WHERE id = " . $val['id'];