/** * Removes a given group * * @param int $id - Identifier of the group to delete * @param boolean True if the deletion is successful **/ function deleteGroup($group_id) { global $wpdb; if (!$group_id || !UserGroups_tp::getGroup($group_id)) { return false; } do_action('delete_group_rs', $group_id); wpp_cache_flush_group('all_usergroups'); wpp_cache_flush_group('group_members'); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_user'); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_groups'); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_ug'); // first delete all cache entries related to this group if ($group_members = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS)) { $id_in = "'" . implode("', '", $group_members) . "'"; $any_user_roles = scoper_get_var("SELECT assignment_id FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs} WHERE role_type = 'rs' AND user_id IN ({$id_in}) LIMIT 1"); foreach ($group_members as $user_id) { wpp_cache_delete($user_id, 'group_membership_for_user'); } } //if ( $got_blogrole = scoper_get_var("SELECT assignment_id FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'blog' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id' LIMIT 1") ) { scoper_query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs} WHERE scope = 'blog' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '{$group_id}'"); scoper_flush_roles_cache(BLOG_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS); if ($any_user_roles) { scoper_flush_roles_cache(BLOG_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER_AND_GROUPS, $group_members); } //} //if ( $got_taxonomyrole = scoper_get_var("SELECT assignment_id FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'term' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id' LIMIT 1") ) { scoper_query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs} WHERE scope = 'term' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '{$group_id}'"); scoper_flush_roles_cache(TERM_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS); if ($any_user_roles) { scoper_flush_roles_cache(TERM_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER_AND_GROUPS, $group_members); } //} //if ( $got_objectrole = scoper_get_var("SELECT assignment_id FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'object' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id' LIMIT 1") ) { scoper_query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs} WHERE scope = 'object' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '{$group_id}'"); scoper_flush_roles_cache(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS); if ($any_user_roles) { scoper_flush_roles_cache(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER_AND_GROUPS, $group_members); } //} //if ( $got_blogrole || $got_taxonomyrole || $got_objectrole ) { scoper_flush_results_cache(ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS); if ($any_user_roles) { scoper_flush_results_cache(ROLE_BASIS_USER_AND_GROUPS, $group_members); } //} $delete = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->groups_rs} WHERE {$wpdb->groups_id_col}='{$group_id}'"; scoper_query($delete); $delete = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->user2group_rs} WHERE {$wpdb->user2group_gid_col}='{$group_id}'"; scoper_query($delete); return true; }
function flush_user_cache($user_ids) { $user_ids = (array) $user_ids; scoper_flush_results_cache(ROLE_BASIS_USER, $user_ids); scoper_flush_roles_cache(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER, $user_ids); scoper_flush_roles_cache(TERM_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER, $user_ids); scoper_flush_roles_cache(BLOG_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER, $user_ids); }
function mnt_delete_term($deprecated_taxonomy, $args, $term_id, $unused_tt_id = '', $taxonomy = '') { global $wpdb; if (!$term_id) { return; } if (!$taxonomy) { $taxonomy = $deprecated_taxonomy; } // could defer role/cache maint to speed potential bulk deletion, but script may be interrupted before admin_footer $this->item_deletion_aftermath(TERM_SCOPE_RS, $taxonomy, $term_id); delete_option("{$taxonomy}_children_rs"); scoper_term_cache_flush(); scoper_flush_roles_cache(TERM_SCOPE_RS, '', '', $taxonomy); scoper_flush_cache_flag_once("rs_{$taxonomy}"); }
function scoper_mnt_save_term($deprecated_taxonomy, $args, $term_id, $unused_tt_id = '', $taxonomy = '') { if (!$taxonomy) { $taxonomy = $deprecated_taxonomy; } static $saved_terms; if (!isset($saved_terms)) { $saved_terms = array(); } // so this filter doesn't get called by hook AND internally if (isset($saved_terms[$taxonomy][$term_id])) { return; } global $scoper; // parent settings can affect the auto-assignment of propagating roles/restrictions $set_parent = 0; if ($col_parent = $scoper->taxonomies->member_property($taxonomy, 'source', 'cols', 'parent')) { $tx_src_name = $scoper->taxonomies->member_property($taxonomy, 'source', 'name'); $set_parent = (int) $scoper->data_sources->get_from_http_post('parent', $tx_src_name); } if (empty($term_id)) { $term_id = (int) $scoper->data_sources->get_from_http_post('id', $tx_src_name); } $saved_terms[$taxonomy][$term_id] = 1; // Determine whether this object is new (first time this RS filter has run for it, though the object may already be inserted into db) $last_parent = 0; $last_parents = get_option("scoper_last_{$taxonomy}_parents"); if (!is_array($last_parents)) { $last_parents = array(); } if (!isset($last_parents[$term_id])) { $is_new_term = true; $last_parents = array(); } else { $is_new_term = false; } if (isset($last_parents[$term_id])) { $last_parent = $last_parents[$term_id]; } if ($set_parent != $last_parent && ($set_parent || $last_parent)) { $last_parents[$term_id] = $set_parent; update_option("scoper_last_{$taxonomy}_parents", $last_parents); } $roles_customized = false; if (!$is_new_term) { if ($custom_role_objects = get_option("scoper_custom_{$taxonomy}")) { $roles_customized = isset($custom_role_objects[$term_id]); } } // Inherit parent roles / restrictions, but only for new terms, // or if a new parent is set and no roles have been manually assigned to this term if ($is_new_term || !$roles_customized && $set_parent != $last_parent) { // apply default roles for new term if ($is_new_term) { scoper_inherit_parent_roles($term_id, TERM_SCOPE_RS, $taxonomy, 0); } else { $args = array('inherited_only' => true, 'clear_propagated' => true); ScoperAdminLib::clear_restrictions(TERM_SCOPE_RS, $taxonomy, $term_id, $args); ScoperAdminLib::clear_roles(TERM_SCOPE_RS, $taxonomy, $term_id, $args); } // apply propagating roles,restrictions from specific parent if ($set_parent) { scoper_inherit_parent_roles($term_id, TERM_SCOPE_RS, $taxonomy, $set_parent); scoper_inherit_parent_restrictions($term_id, TERM_SCOPE_RS, $taxonomy, $set_parent); } } // endif new parent selection (or new object) scoper_term_cache_flush(); scoper_flush_roles_cache(TERM_SCOPE_RS, '', '', $taxonomy); delete_option("{$taxonomy}_children"); delete_option("{$taxonomy}_children_rs"); delete_option("{$taxonomy}_ancestors_rs"); }