예제 #1
function as_siteurl_cookie($action)
    global $cookie_value, $cookie_expire, $dir, $plugins_dir, $secure_url;
    //	continue only if action is 'set' and there is a cookie value,
    //	or if action is 'clear'
    $continue = false;
    if ($action === "set" && $cookie_value) {
        $continue = true;
    } elseif ($action === "clear") {
        $cookie_value = " ";
        $cookie_expire = 1;
        $continue = true;
    //	redirect to cookie script - only ever called from wp-login.php
    if ($continue) {
        $path = "/" . content_dir() . "{$plugins_dir}/{$dir}/admin-ssl-cookie.php";
        $file = str_replace("/wp-login.php", "", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) . $path;
        as_log("as_siteurl_cookie()\nPath to admin-ssl-cookie.php: {$file}");
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            //	build the URL to redirect to after setting the cookie
            if (redirect_to() && redirect_to() !== "wp-admin/") {
                if (strpos(redirect_to(), "http") === 0) {
                    $redirect = redirect_to();
                } elseif (strpos(redirect_to(), "/") === 0) {
                    $redirect = scheme($use_ssl) . host() . redirect_to();
                } else {
                    $redirect .= $secure_url . "/" . redirect_to();
            } else {
                $redirect = $secure_url . "/wp-login.php";
            //	build the URL to admin-ssl-cookie.php with the cookie data
            $location = rtrim(get_option("siteurl"), "/");
            $location .= "{$path}?name=" . AUTH_COOKIE . "&value={$cookie_value}";
            $location .= "&expire={$cookie_expire}&path=" . COOKIEPATH . "&domain=" . COOKIE_DOMAIN;
            $location .= "&redirect=" . urlencode($redirect);
            as_log("as_siteurl_cookie()\nRedirecting to: {$location}");
예제 #2
function as_init()
    global $use_ssl, $secure_url;
    //	check Admin SSL version and perform DB maintenance as required
    $previous_version = as_option("get", "version");
    if ($previous_version < 2.0) {
        //	remove old options from the database
        as_option("delete", "use_shared");
        as_option("delete", "shared_url");
        //	reset use SSL when switching to the new version in case shared was being used before
        as_option("update", "use_ssl", false);
        $use_ssl = false;
    //	set the current version of the Admin SSL plugin so we know it's been migrated next time
    as_option("update", "version", AS_VERSION);
    if ($use_ssl) {
        //	disable redirection if testing
        $do_redirect = !defined("TEST");
        //	check if any of the secure uris matches the current request uri
        $match = false;
        foreach (as_secure_uris() as $uri) {
            if (strpos(req_uri(), $uri) !== false) {
                $match = true;
        //	get the HTTP hosts for secure and non-secure URLs
        $tmp = parse_url($secure_url);
        $secure_host = $tmp["host"];
        $tmp = parse_url(get_option("siteurl"));
        $siteurl_host = $tmp["host"];
        $host_should_be = is_https() ? $secure_host : $siteurl_host;
        $host_match = host() === $host_should_be ? true : false;
        //	for redirection between Shared SSL URL and site URL we need the bit of the URL
        //	AFTER either $secure_url or siteurl - as an example:
        //	to redirect from http://your_blog.com/wp-admin/profile.php
        //		to https://some_host.com/~username/wp-admin/profile.php
        //	we need to get /wp-admin/profile.php from siteurl as the path to add to $secure_url
        if (host() === $secure_host) {
            $url_info = parse_url($secure_url);
        } elseif (host() === $siteurl_host) {
            $url_info = parse_url(get_option("siteurl"));
        } else {
            as_log("as_init()\nThe host ('" . host() . "') is neither the " . "secure host ('{$secure_host}') or the siteurl host ('{$siteurl_host}') - " . "Redirecting to blog home page");
            as_log("as_init()\nRedirecting to: " . get_option("siteurl"));
            if ($do_redirect) {
            } else {
                return get_option("siteurl");
            # return value for testing purposes
        $url_path_len = strlen($url_info["path"]);
        $url_path = substr(req_uri(), $url_path_len);
        as_log("as_init()\nURL path: {$url_path}");
        //	redirect as necessary - secure or de-secure page - ensure correct HTTP host is being used
        if ($match) {
            as_log("as_init()\nMatched url");
            //	parse the url we need to redirect to
            $url = parse_url($use_ssl ? $secure_url : get_option("siteurl"));
            //	build and redirect to the correct URL
            if (!is_https() && $use_ssl || is_https() && !$use_ssl || host() !== $url["host"]) {
                $location = scheme($use_ssl) . $url["host"] . rtrim($url["path"], "/") . $url_path;
                as_log("as_init()\nRedirecting to: {$location}");
                if ($do_redirect) {
                } else {
                    return $location;
                # return value for testing purposes
            } elseif ($use_ssl && is_https() && redirect_to()) {
                $wp_admin = strpos(redirect_to(), "wp-admin");
                if ($wp_admin !== 0) {
                    $_REQUEST["redirect_to"] = substr(redirect_to(), $wp_admin);
        } elseif (is_https() || !$host_match) {
            as_log("as_init()\nDid not match url and either it's secure or the hosts don't match");
            $location = get_option("siteurl") . $url_path;
            as_log("as_init()\nRedirecting to: {$location}");
            if ($do_redirect) {
            } else {
                return $location;
            # return value for testing purposes
        //	start output buffering
        if ($use_ssl && !defined("TEST")) {
예제 #3
//	get (or set default) options from the database
$use_ssl = as_option("get", "use_ssl", "0") === "1" ? true : false;
$additional_urls = as_option("get", "additional_urls", "wp-comments-post.php\nwp-admin/plugins.php?page=akismet-key-config");
$ignore_urls = as_option("get", "ignore_urls", "xmlrpc.php");
$secure_users_only = as_option("get", "secure_users_only", "0") === "1" ? true : false;
if (!isset($config_parent)) {
    $config_parent = as_option("get", "config_parent", "plugins.php");
if (apache_version(1.3, 1)) {
    $default_https_key = "SERVER_PORT";
    $default_https_value = "443";
} elseif (apache_version(2)) {
    $default_https_key = "HTTPS";
    $default_https_value = "on";
$https_key = as_option("get", "https_key", $default_https_key);
$https_value = as_option("get", "https_value", $default_https_value);
//	build secure site url
$secure_url = preg_replace("|^https?://|", scheme($use_ssl), get_option("siteurl"));
$secure_url = rtrim(trim($secure_url), "/");
# remove any trailing slashes
//	log plugin options
as_log("HTTPS: " . (is_https() ? "Yes" : "No") . "\n\t\tURL: http" . (is_https() ? "s" : "") . "://" . host() . req_uri() . "\n\n\t\tUse SSL: " . ($use_ssl ? "Yes" : "No") . "\n\t\tSite URL: " . get_option("siteurl") . "\n\t\tSecure URL: {$secure_url}\n\t\tAdditional urls:\n{$additional_urls}\n\t\tIgnore urls:\n{$ignore_urls}\n\t\tSecure users only: " . ($secure_users_only ? "Yes" : "No") . "\n\t\tConfig parent: {$config_parent}");
as_log("\n-- end initialisation, begin functions --\n");
예제 #4

include '../lib/functions.php';

<select class="span6 m-wrap required" name="Sid" >
    <option value="">Select Scheme</option>
$scheme = scheme($inquiry[0]['Cid']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($scheme); $i++) {
    <option value="<?php 
    echo $scheme[$i]['Id'];
" <?php 
    if ($scheme[$i]['Id'] == @$inquiry[0]['Sid']) {
 selected="selected" <?php 
    echo $scheme[$i]['Title'];