function scan_dir($path, $project) { global $projects; $children = []; $dh = opendir($path); while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (preg_match('/^[.]/', $entry)) { continue; } $entry_path = $path . '/' . $entry; if (is_dir($entry_path)) { $entry_children = scan_dir($entry_path, $project); if (!empty($entry_children)) { $children[] = ['text' => $entry, 'id' => $entry_path, 'lines' => [], 'children' => $entry_children]; } } elseif (preg_match('/[.]php$/', $entry)) { $lines = []; foreach (explode("\n", file_get_contents($entry_path)) as $i => $line) { $lines[] = ['line' => $i, 'code' => $line]; } $children[] = ['leaf' => true, 'id' => preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($projects[$project], '/') . '/', $project, $entry_path), 'text' => $entry, 'lines' => $lines]; } } closedir($dh); return $children; }
function wlist() { $lines = null; $args = func_get_args(); switch ($args[0]) { case 'scan': if ($elements = scan_dir($args[2]['path'], 'DIR')) { foreach ($elements as $value) { if (is_file($args[2]['path'] . $value . $args[2]['find'])) { $about = @parse_ini_file($args[2]['path'] . $value . '/protocol/'); $name = $about['product'] ? $about['product'] : $value; $lines[$name] = $args[3] ? href(THIS, $args[3], $value) : href($value); unset($about); } } } break; default: if (is_array($args[2])) { foreach ($args[2] as $link => $name) { $lines[$link] = href(THIS, $args[3], $name); } } break; } //Выводим массив ссылок ;) if ($lines) { foreach ($lines as $name => $link) { form("label", icon($args[1]) . '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a>'); } } else { html('<br> Wlist lib. (C) Kazin Fedor, 2010'); } }
function scan_dir($id) { $result = true; foreach ($GLOBALS['db']->select("dir", ['owner' => $_SESSION["username"], 'parent' => $id]) as $d) { $result = scan_dir($d["id"]); } $result = delete_dir($id); return $result; }
function get_icons() { $files = scan_dir('images/games', true); $string = '<option value="0">' . CHOOSE . '</option>'; foreach ($files as $value) { $string .= '<option value="' . $value . '">' . $value . '</option>'; } return $string; }
function get_topic_pics($pic = '') { $pics = '<option value="0">' . CHOOSE . '</option>'; $folder = scan_dir('images/topics/', true); foreach ($folder as $value) { $pic == $value ? $sub = 'selected' : ($sub = ''); $pics .= '<option ' . $sub . ' value="' . $value . '">' . $value . '</option>'; } return $pics; }
function scan_dir($id, $per) { $result = true; foreach ($GLOBALS['db']->select("dir", ['parent' => $id]) as $k) { $result = $GLOBALS['db']->update("dir", ['share' => $per], ['id' => $k['id']]); $result = scan_dir($k["id"], $per); } foreach ($GLOBALS['db']->select("file", ['dir' => $id]) as $d) { $result = $GLOBALS['db']->update("file", ['share' => $per], ['id' => $d['id']]); } return $result; }
function appendix_scan_dir($link = ' ') { $dir = scan_dir(str_replace('kernel/', '', GLISS_DIR) . 'appendix', DIR); foreach ($dir as $key => $value) { if ($link == $value) { $sel = '" selected >'; } else { $sel = '" >'; } echo '<option value="' . $value . $sel . $value . '</option>' . "\n"; } }
function scan_dir($dir, $pfix = "") { $r = array(); $dh = opendir($dir); while ($fn = readdir($dh)) { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$pfix}{$fn}")) { $r += scan_dir($dir, "{$pfix}{$fn}/"); } else { $r[] = "{$pfix}{$fn}"; } } return $r; }
function scan_dir ($dir, $exceptions_array){ $scand_dir = scandir($dir); $scan_dir_string = array(); foreach ($scand_dir as $file) { if(!in_array(strtolower($file), $exceptions_array)){ $scan_file = $dir.'/'.$file; if(is_dir($scan_file)){ $scan_file= scan_dir ($scan_file, $exceptions_array); } array_push($scan_dir_string, $scan_file); } } return implode(',', $scan_dir_string); }
function scan_dir($location) { $output = ''; foreach ($GLOBALS['db']->select('dir', ['parent' => $location, 'owner' => $_SESSION["username"], 'recycle' => '0']) as $d) { $sdir = $GLOBALS['db']->select('dir', ['parent' => $d["id"], 'owner' => $_SESSION["username"], 'recycle' => '0']); if ($sdir[0]["id"] != null) { $output .= '<li><span class="tree-indicator"><i class="ion-ios7-minus-empty"></i></span> <a href="#" class="filetreeselector" data-id="' . $d["id"] . '">' . $d["name"] . '</a> <ul class="dir-tree" data-parent="' . $d["id"] . '">' . scan_dir($d["id"]) . '</ul></li>'; } else { $output .= '<li><a href="#" class="filetreeselector" data-id="' . $d["id"] . '" >' . $d["name"] . '</a></li>'; } } return $output; }
function admin_settings() { global $db, $countries; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { unset($_POST['submit']); $_POST['SITE_URL'] = strrpos($_POST['SITE_URL'], '/') !== strlen($_POST['SITE_URL']) - 1 ? check_url($_POST['SITE_URL'] . '/') : check_url($_POST['SITE_URL']); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_settings SET '; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $sql .= $key . ' = "' . strsave($value) . '", '; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 2); if ($db->query($sql)) { header('Location: ?section=admin&site=settings'); } } else { $dir = scan_dir('templates', true); $designs = ''; foreach ($dir as $value) { if (is_dir('templates/' . $value)) { $designs .= '<option ' . ($value == DESIGN ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="' . $value . '">' . $value . '</option>'; } } $tpl = new smarty(); $tpl->assign('designs', $designs); $tpl->assign('langs', get_languages()); $dir = scan_dir('module', true); $start = ''; foreach ($dir as $value) { if (is_dir('module/' . $value)) { $start .= '<option ' . ('modul|' . $value == STARTSEITE ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="modul|' . $value . '">' . $value . '</option>'; } } $start .= '<option value="">-----' . OWN_SITES . '----</option>'; $db->query('SELECT headline, cmsID FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_cms ORDER BY headline ASC'); while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) { $title = json_decode($row['headline'], true); isset($title[LANGUAGE]) ? $title = $title[LANGUAGE] : ($title = $title[DEFAULT_LANG]); $start .= '<option ' . ('cms|' . $row['cmsID'] == STARTSEITE ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="cms|' . $row['cmsID'] . '">' . $title . '</option>'; } $tpl->assign('startseite', $start); ob_start(); $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/settings.html'); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); main_content(SETTINGS, $content, '', 1); } }
function scan_dir($dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { return; } foreach (glob("{$dir}/*") as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { if (basename($file) != "CVS") { scan_dir($file); } } else { if (fnmatch("*.h", $file)) { scan_file($file); } } } }
function scan_dir($location, $current) { $output = ''; foreach ($GLOBALS['db']->select('dir', ['parent' => $location, 'owner' => $_SESSION["username"], 'recycle' => '0']) as $d) { $sdir = $GLOBALS['db']->select('dir', ['parent' => $d["id"], 'owner' => $_SESSION["username"], 'recycle' => '0']); if ($current == $d["id"]) { $ct = ' class="current"'; } else { $ct = ''; } if ($sdir[0]["id"] != null) { $output .= '<li' . $ct . '><i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> <a href="home.php?dir=' . $d["id"] . '" data-id="' . $d["id"] . '">' . $d["name"] . '</a> <ul data-parent="' . $d["id"] . '">' . scan_dir($d["id"], $_GET["current"]) . '</ul></li>'; } else { $output .= '<li' . $ct . '><i class="fa fa-folder"></i> <a href="home.php?dir=' . $d["id"] . '" data-id="' . $d["id"] . '" >' . $d["name"] . '</a></li>'; } } return $output; }
function scan_dir($dir) { $BANNED_FILES = array("dev", ".", "..", "Thumbs.db", "desktop.ini"); $directory = scandir($dir); foreach ($directory as $file) { if (!is_in_array($file, $BANNED_FILES)) { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { echo "<optgroup label='" . $file . "'>"; scan_dir($dir . "/" . $file); echo "</optgroup>\n"; } else { echo "<option label='" . basename($file, ".png") . "' value='" . $dir . "/" . $file . "'"; if ($file == "nes-8x8.png") { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $file . "</option>\n"; } } } }
function help_invoke_main() { $section = REQ('section'); $path = SKIN . '/help/sections/'; $scan = scan_dir($path); $result = array(); foreach ($scan as $id) { $id = str_replace('.tpl', '', $id); if (!$section || $section && $section == $id) { $result[$id] = proc_tpl("help/sections/{$id}"); } } cn_assign('help_sections', $result); if ($section) { echo exec_tpl('window', "style=help/style.css", "title=HELP - {$section}", 'content=' . exec_tpl('help/main')); } else { echoheader('-@help/style.css', 'Help section'); echo exec_tpl('help/main'); echofooter(); } }
function admin_teams() { global $db; $tpl = new smarty(); $tpl->assign('lang', get_languages()); $tpl->assign('groups', get_groups(@(int) $_POST['grID'])); $bilder = '<option value="">' . NONE . '</option>'; $pics = scan_dir('images/teams/', true); $endungen = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'gif', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'png'); foreach ($pics as $value) { if (in_array(substr($value, strrpos($value, '.') + 1), $endungen)) { $bilder .= '<option value="' . $value . '">' . $value . '</option>'; } } $tpl->assign('pics', $bilder); ob_start(); $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/teams.html'); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); main_content(TEAMS, $content, '', 1); get_teams(); }
function get_all_hdds() { $hdds = array(); $flash = preg_replace("/\\d\$/", "", realpath("/dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID")); foreach (scan_dir("/dev/") as $dev) { if (preg_match("/[sh]d[a-z]+\$/", $dev) && $dev != $flash) { $hdds[] = $dev; } } return $hdds; }
function get_ordner_inhalt($ordner, $pfad) { $files = scan_dir($ordner . '/' . $pfad, true); $tpl = new smarty(); $tpl->assign('ordner', $pfad); $tpl->assign('sid', session_name() . '=' . session_id()); if ($pfad != '') { $folders = array(array('name' => '..', 'back' => substr($pfad, 0, strrpos($pfad, '/')))); $pfad .= '/'; $array = explode('/', $pfad); foreach ($array as $value) { if ($value != '') { @($spe .= '/<a href="#" onclick="load_dir(\'' . @$spe2 . '/' . $value . '\'); return false;">' . $value . '</a>'); @($spe2 .= '/' . $value); } } $tpl->assign('navi', @$spe); } else { $folders = array(); } $dateien = array(); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $value) { $sub = array(); if (is_dir($ordner . '/' . $pfad . $value)) { $sub['name'] = $value; $folders[] = $sub; } else { $sub['name'] = $value; $sub['size'] = filesize($ordner . '/' . $pfad . $value); $sub['filesize'] = goodsize($sub['size']); $icon = substr($value, strrpos($value, '.') + 1); file_exists('images/file_icons/' . $icon . '.png') ? $sub['icon'] = $icon . '.png' : ($sub['icon'] = 'file.png'); $dateien[] = $sub; } } } $tpl->assign('folders', $folders); $tpl->assign('files', $dateien); ob_start(); $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/browser' . (UPLOAD_METHOD == 'old' ? '_old' : '') . '.html'); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; }
// Clean unsuccessful $indexes = array(SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'cat.idx', SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'date.idx', SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'so_news.idx', SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'so_draft.idx', SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'tags.idx', SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'users.idx', SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'iactive.txt', SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'idraft.txt', SERVDIR . $cdata_news . 'archive.txt'); $archive_files = scan_dir($cdata_news, '^archive-.*\\.txt'); // Load archives before deleted $archive_data = load_archive_index($archive_files); foreach ($archive_files as $afile) { unlink($cdata_news . $afile); } // Remove old indexes foreach ($indexes as $index) { if (file_exists($index)) { unlink($index); } } // Scan news file $files = scan_dir(cn_path_construct(SERVDIR, 'cdata', 'news'), '\\d+-\\d+-\\d+'); // Add overall news $news_index = array(); $draft_index = array(); $archive_index = array(); foreach ($files as $news_file) { $dt = cn_touch_get(cn_path_construct(SERVDIR, 'cdata', 'news') . $news_file); foreach ($dt as $id => $data) { // checks news existing in archive if ($afn = is_news_inarchive($id, $archive_data)) { $archive_index[$afn][$id] = db_index_create($data); } // checks draft if ($data['st'] == 'd') { $draft_index[$id] = db_index_create($data); } else {
function scan_dir($res) { $dir = opendir($res); readdir($dir); readdir($dir); $Count = 0; while ($filename = readdir($dir)) { $New_path = $res . '/' . $filename; if (is_dir($New_path)) { $Count += scan_dir($New_path); } else { $Count++; } } closedir($dir); return $Count; }
/** * 文件列表 */ public function fileList($path = '/') { if (IS_POST) { $path = preg_replace("/\\.+/", '.', $path); //屏蔽非法路径 $path = str_replace(array('\\', '/', '\\/', '/\\'), DS, $this->fileBathPath . $path); $data = scan_dir($path, $this->fileBathPath); $this->ajaxReturn($data); } else { $menu_db = D('Menu'); $currentpos = $menu_db->currentPos(I('get.menuid')); //栏目位置 $this->assign('currentpos', $currentpos); $this->display('file_list'); } }
$pi = pathinfo($file); $f_count++; if ($pi['extension'] == 'php') { $fs_count++; $data = file($file); // Look for one of the most used ways to add a backdoor and clean it. if (strpos($data[0], '?><?php') !== false) { if (strlen($data[0]) > 10000) { if (stripos($data[0], ' if(!isset($GLOBALS') !== false) { $fc_count++; $clean = explode('<?php', $data[0]); $clean = array_pop($clean); $clean = '<?php ' . $clean; if (!$silent) { echo $file . ' cleaned to ' . $clean . "\n"; } backup_file_contents(BACKUP_DIR . $file, implode("\n", $data)); $data[0] = $clean; // Clean file file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $data)); // Log it file_put_contents(LOG_PATH, $file . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } } } } } file_put_contents(LOG_PATH, 'Scan results: ' . $f_count . ' files. ' . $fs_count . ' files scanned. ' . $fc_count . ' files cleaned.' . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } scan_dir(SILENT_RUN);
<?php // Gets our files. $directory = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/assets/images/uploads'; $scanned_directory = array_diff(scan_dir($directory), array('..', '.')); $files = array(); foreach ($scanned_directory as $file) { $files[] = $file; } echo json_encode($files); function scan_dir($dir) { $ignored = array('.', '..', '.svn', '.htaccess'); $files = array(); foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) { if (in_array($file, $ignored)) { continue; } $files[$file] = filemtime($dir . '/' . $file); } arsort($files); $files = array_keys($files); return $files ? $files : false; }
<?php if (PROTECT != 1) { die; } if ($_SESSION['admin']) { get_addon('nicedit'); $path2err = GLISS_ADDIR . 'data/errors/'; if (!$_GET[1]) { html('<h3>Струницы ошибок</h3>'); if ($dir = scan_dir($path2err, FILE)) { foreach ($dir as $value) { $value = substr($value, 0, -4); html('<big>' . $value . '</big><a href="' . href($_GET[0], 'edit', $value) . '">' . icon('edit', 22) . '</a> '); html('<a href="' . href($_GET[0], 'del', $value) . '">' . icon('remove', 22) . '</a><br>'); } } html('<br>' . icon("add", 24) . '<a href="' . href($_GET[0], 'add') . '">Добавить страницу ошибки</a>'); } else { if ($_GET[1] != 'add') { $error = $path2err . $_GET[2] . '.php'; if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]+\$/", $_GET[2]) || !is_file($error)) { die(header('location:' . href($_GET[0]))); } } switch ($_GET[1]) { case 'add': html('<h3>Добавление страницы ошибки</h3>'); form("open"); form("label", 'Номер страницы ошибки:'); form("input", array("name" => 'page', "size" => 4));
// END CLASS hn_CAPTCHA function scan_dir($dir, $no_dots = FALSE) { $files = array(); $dh = @opendir($dir); if ($dh != FALSE) { while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } if ($no_dots) { while (($ix = array_search('.', $files)) > -1) { unset($files[$ix]); } while (($ix = array_search('..', $files)) > -1) { unset($files[$ix]); } } sort($files); } return $files; } session_start(); $spe = scan_dir('inc/ttf/', true); foreach ($spe as $value) { if (strpos($value, '.ttf')) { $fonts[] = $value; } } $array = array('tempfolder' => 'uploads/', 'TTF_folder' => 'inc/ttf/', 'TTF_RANGE' => $fonts, 'chars' => ((int) $_GET['chars'] > 8 or (int) $_GET['chars'] < 1) ? 5 : (int) $_GET['chars'], 'minsize' => ((int) $_GET['minsize'] > 30 or (int) $_GET['minsize'] < 8) ? 8 : (int) $_GET['minsize'], 'maxsize' => ((int) $_GET['maxsize'] > 60 or (int) $_GET['maxsize'] < 14) ? 14 : (int) $_GET['maxsize'], 'captcha_mode' => (isset($_GET['mode']) and $_GET['mode'] == 'mini') ? 'captcha_mini' : 'captcha'); $captcha = new hn_captcha($array, false); $captcha->display_form();
}, element ); },$(this)); }); }); '; $Template->loadJavascript('FURASTA_ADMIN_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE', $javascript); $content = ' <span class="header-img" id="header-Template"> </span><h1 class="image-left">Template</h1></span> <br/> <ul id="template"> '; $templates = scan_dir(HOME . '_www'); $validated = array(); foreach ($templates as $template) { $loc = HOME . '_www/' . $template . '/'; if (!file_exists($loc . 'index.html') || !file_exists($loc . 'style.css')) { continue; } $array = parse_template_file($loc . 'style.css'); if ($array == false) { continue; } if (!isset($array['Name'])) { continue; } $array['slug'] = $template; if ($template == basename(TEMPLATE_DIR)) {
<form name="addfile" id="addfile" action="setting-info.php?job=addfile" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" onsubmit="return check_addfile()"> <tr class='sect'> <td width="50%">选择文件 <input type="file" name="file" id="file"/></td> <td width="30%">存放文件夹 {$folderComb}</td> \t<td width="20%"><input type="submit" name="Submit" class="btn" value="上传"/></td> </tr> </table> eot; } if ($job == "editfolder") { $folder = $_POST["folder_select"]; $newname = $_POST["new_foldername"]; $fulldir = $pluginUrl . $folder; if (empty($newname)) { //删除 $dirContent = scan_dir($fulldir); if (count($dirContent) == 3) { unlink($fulldir . "/" . $picList); } $result = rmdir($fulldir); $operation = "删除"; if ($result != 0) { $fileContent = file_get_contents($pluginUrl . $folderFile); //&anz_shootings=2&ordner=shooting1|shooting2 $fileContentArray = explode("&", $fileContent); $folderNum = getValue($fileContentArray[1]); $folderNum--; $folderNumString = "&anz_shootings=" . $folderNum; $folderArray = explode("|", getValue($fileContentArray[2])); $folderString = "&ordner="; $folderStringValue = "";
* @package admin_settings */ $Template->loadJavascript('admin/settings/plugins/list.js'); $content = ' <span class="right"><select name="action" class="trash-select select-p_1"><option default="default">---</option><option>Activate</option><option>Deactivate</option><option>Delete</option></select> <input id="p_1" class="p-submit submit" type="submit" value="Go"/></span> <span class="header-img" id="header-Plugins"> </span><h1 class="image-left">Plugins</h1></span> <br/> <table id="users" class="row-color"> <tr class="top_bar"><th><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox-all" all=""/></th><th>Name</th><th>Description</th><th>Status</th><th>Delete</th></tr> '; $num = 0; /** * scan plugin dir for plugins */ $p_inactive = scan_dir(HOME . '_plugins'); /** * load active plugins */ $plugins = $Plugins->plugins(); /** * load inactive plugins and merge $plugin array to registerd plugins array */ foreach ($p_inactive as $plugin_file) { if (isset($PLUGINS[$plugin_file]) || !is_dir(HOME . '_plugins/' . $plugin_file)) { continue; } require HOME . '_plugins/' . $plugin_file . '/plugin.php'; /** * merge plugin array with plugins array */
//$scanned_directory = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('..', '.', 'index.php','.gitignore','backup')); function scan_dir($dir) { $ignored = array('..', '.', 'index.php', '.gitignore', 'backup'); $files = array(); foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) { if (in_array($file, $ignored)) { continue; } $files[$file] = filemtime($dir . '/' . $file); } arsort($files); $files = array_keys($files); return $files ? $files : false; } $files = scan_dir($dir); ?> <style type="text/css"> #hideoverflow { overflow: hidden; } #outer { position: relative; left: 50%; float: left; } #inner { position: relative; left: -50%; float: left; } .rslides { position: relative; list-style: none; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; height:400px; }
if (++$episodes_kept >= $episodes_to_keep) { break; } $url = (string) $item->enclosure['url']; $episode_title_filename_extension = strtolower(pathinfo(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $episode_title_filename = date('Y-m-d', strtotime((string) $item->pubDate)) . " - " . sanitize_filename(remove_timestamp((string) $item->title)) . ".{$episode_title_filename_extension}"; if ($url != '' && !file_exists(PODDIE_PODCAST_STORAGE . "/{$podcast_title}/{$episode_title_filename}") && strpos($poddie_already_fetched, $url) === false) { echo "Fetching '{$url}' into '" . PODDIE_PODCAST_STORAGE . "/{$podcast_title}/{$episode_title_filename}'\n"; download($url, PODDIE_PODCAST_STORAGE . "/{$podcast_title}/{$episode_title_filename}"); $id3tag = substr($episode_title_filename, 0, strrpos($episode_title_filename, '.')); exec(PODDIE_ID3TAG_BIN . " --song='{$id3tag}' '" . PODDIE_PODCAST_STORAGE . "/{$podcast_title}/{$episode_title_filename}'"); log_fetched($url); $downloaded_files_count++; } } $downloaded_files = scan_dir(PODDIE_PODCAST_STORAGE . "/{$podcast_title}"); for ($index = intval($episodes_to_keep); $index <= count($downloaded_files) - 1; $index++) { $file_to_remove = PODDIE_PODCAST_STORAGE . "/{$podcast_title}/{$downloaded_files[$index]}"; echo "Removing {$index} from {$podcast_title} ({$file_to_remove})\n"; unlink($file_to_remove); } } $number_of_podcasts = count($poddie_config); if ($downloaded_files_count > 0) { echo "Downloaded {$downloaded_files_count} files from {$number_of_podcasts} podcast feeds.\n"; } function poddie_setup() { define("PODDIE_CONFIG_FILE", dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . "/poddie.config"); define("PODDIE_FEEDS_FILE", dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . "/poddie.feeds"); define("PODDIE_FETCHED_LOGFILE", dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . "/poddie.fetched");