예제 #1
  * read()
  * @Override
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ianseo/Common/Rank/Obj_Rank#calculate()
 public function read()
     $f = $this->safeFilter();
     $filter = $f !== false ? $f : "";
     if (array_key_exists('cutRank', $this->opts) && is_numeric($this->opts['cutRank']) && $this->opts['cutRank'] > 0) {
         $filter .= "AND Teams.teRank<={$this->opts['cutRank']} ";
     $q = "\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\tTeTournament,CoId,TeSubTeam,CoCode,CoName, TeEvent,EvEventName,ToNumEnds,ToNumDist,ToMaxDistScore,FlContAssoc,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tEvMaxTeamPerson, EvProgr, EvFinalFirstPhase,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tClDescription, DivDescription,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tEnId,EnCode,EnFirstName,upper(EnFirstName) EnFirstNameUpper,EnName,EnClass,EnDivision,EnAgeClass,EnSubClass,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tIF(EvFinalFirstPhase=48, 104, IF(EvFinalFirstPhase=24, 56, (EvFinalFirstPhase*2))) AS QualifiedNo,\tEvQualPrintHead,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSUBSTRING(QuTargetNo,1,1) AS Session, SUBSTRING(QuTargetNo,2) AS TargetNo,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tQuHits*EvMaxTeamPerson AS Arrows_Shot, QuScore, TeScore,TeRank, TeGold, TeXnine, ToGolds, ToXNine,TeHits,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tTeRank, EvRunning, IF(EvRunning=1,IFNULL(ROUND(TeScore/TeHits,3),0),0) as RunningScore,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tABS(TeSO) AS RankBeforeSO,\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttie.Quanti,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tTeTieBreak,(TeSO>0) AS isSO,IFNULL(sqY.Quanti,1) AS `NumCT`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tIFNULL(Td1,'.1.') as Td1, IFNULL(Td2,'.2.') as Td2, IFNULL(Td3,'.3.') as Td3, IFNULL(Td4,'.4.') as Td4, IFNULL(Td5,'.5.') as Td5, IFNULL(Td6,'.6.') as Td6, IFNULL(Td7,'.7.') as Td7, IFNULL(Td8,'.8.') as Td8,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tTeTimeStamp, DiEnds, DiArrows\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\tTournament\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTeams\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON ToId=TeTournament AND TeFinEvent=1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCountries\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON TeCoId=CoId AND TeTournament=CoTournament\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tEvents\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON TeEvent=EvCode AND ToId=EvTournament AND EvTeamEvent=1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTeEvent as tieEvent, TeFinEvent as tieFinEvent, TeTournament as tieTournament, TeScore as tieScore, Count(*) as Quanti\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTeams\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTeTournament = {$this->tournament}  {$filter}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTeEvent, TeFinEvent, TeTournament, TeScore\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS tie\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON Teams.TeEvent=tie.tieEvent AND Teams.TeTournament=tie.tieTournament AND Teams.TeFinEvent=tie.tieFinEvent AND Teams.TeScore=tie.tieScore\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTeamComponent AS tc\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON Teams.TeCoId=tc.TcCoId AND Teams.TeSubTeam=tc.TcSubTeam AND  Teams.TeEvent=tc.TcEvent AND Teams.TeTournament=tc.TcTournament AND Teams.TeFinEvent=tc.TcFinEvent\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tEntries\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON TcId=EnId\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tQualifications\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON EnId=QuId\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDivisions\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON EnDivision=DivId AND EnTournament=DivTournament\r\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tClasses\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON EnClass=ClId AND EnTournament=ClTournament\r\n\t\t\t\t/* Contatori per CT (gialli)*/\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTeEvent as sqyEvent,Count(*) as Quanti, TeSO as sqyRank, TeTournament as sqyTournament\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTeams\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTeTournament = {$this->tournament} AND TeFinEvent=1 AND TeSO!=0 {$filter}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTeSO, TeEvent, TeTournament\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS sqY\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON sqY.sqyRank=TeSO AND sqY.sqyEvent=Teams.TeEvent AND Teams.TeFinEvent=1 AND sqY.sqyTournament=Teams.TeTournament\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTournamentDistances\r\n\t\t\t\t\tON ToType=TdType AND TdTournament=ToId AND TeEvent like TdClasses\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFlags\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON FlIocCode='FITA' and FlCode=CoCode and FlTournament=-1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tleft join DistanceInformation on EnTournament=DiTournament and DiSession=1 and DiDistance=1 and DiType='Q'\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t\tTeams.TeTournament={$this->tournament}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$filter}\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\tEvProgr,TeEvent, RunningScore DESC, TeRank ASC, TeGold DESC, TeXnine DESC, CoCode, TeSubTeam ,tc.TcOrder\r\n\t\t\t";
     $r = safe_r_sql($q);
     $this->data['meta']['title'] = get_text('ResultSqAbs', 'Tournament');
     $this->data['meta']['lastUpdate'] = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $this->data['sections'] = array();
     $myEv = '';
     $myTeam = '';
     if (safe_num_rows($r) > 0) {
         $section = null;
         while ($row = safe_fetch($r)) {
             if ($myEv != $row->TeEvent) {
                 if ($myEv != '') {
                     foreach ($section["meta"]["arrowsShot"] as $k => $v) {
                         if ($v) {
                             $section["meta"]["sesArrows"][$k] = get_text('AfterXArrows', 'Common', $v);
                     $this->data['sections'][$myEv] = $section;
                     $section = null;
                 $myEv = $row->TeEvent;
                 $fields = array('id' => 'Id', 'countryCode' => get_text('CountryCode'), 'countryName' => get_text('Country'), 'subteam' => get_text('PartialTeam'), 'athletes' => array('name' => get_text('Athletes'), 'fields' => array('id' => 'Id', 'bib' => get_text('Code', 'Tournament'), 'session' => get_text('Session'), 'target' => get_text('Target'), 'athlete' => get_text('Athlete'), 'familyname' => get_text('FamilyName', 'Tournament'), 'givenname' => get_text('Name', 'Tournament'), 'div' => get_text('Division'), 'class' => get_text('Cl'), 'ageclass' => get_text('AgeCl'), 'subclass' => get_text('SubCl', 'Tournament'), 'quscore' => get_text('TotaleScore'))), 'rank' => get_text('PositionShort'), 'rankBeforeSO' => '', 'score' => $row->EvRunning == 1 ? get_text('ArrowAverage') : get_text('TotaleScore'), 'gold' => $row->ToGolds, 'xnine' => $row->ToXNine, 'hits' => get_text('Arrows', 'Tournament'), 'tiebreak' => get_text('TieArrows'), 'tie' => get_text('Tie'), 'ct' => get_text('CoinTossShort', 'Tournament'), 'so' => get_text('ShotOffShort', 'Tournament'));
                 $distFields = array();
                 $distValid = $row->ToNumDist;
                 foreach (range(1, 8) as $n) {
                     $distFields['dist_' . $n] = $row->{'Td' . $n};
                     if ($distFields['dist_' . $n] == '-') {
                 $section = array('meta' => array('event' => $myEv, 'firstPhase' => $row->EvFinalFirstPhase, 'descr' => get_text($row->EvEventName, '', '', true), 'qualifiedNo' => $row->QualifiedNo, 'printHeader' => $row->EvQualPrintHead, 'order' => $row->EvProgr, 'numDist' => $distValid, 'maxScore' => $row->ToMaxDistScore * $row->EvMaxTeamPerson, 'maxArrows' => ($row->DiEnds ? $row->DiEnds * $row->DiArrows : $row->ToNumEnds * 3) * $row->EvMaxTeamPerson, 'arrowsShot' => array(), 'sesArrows' => array(), 'running' => $row->EvRunning == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'fields' => $fields), 'items' => array());
             if ($myTeam != $row->CoId . $row->TeSubTeam . $row->TeEvent) {
                 $tmpArr = array();
                 for ($countArr = 0; $countArr < strlen(trim($row->TeTieBreak)); $countArr = $countArr + $row->EvMaxTeamPerson) {
                     $tmpArr[] = ValutaArrowString(substr(trim($row->TeTieBreak), $countArr, $row->EvMaxTeamPerson)) . ",";
                 $item = array('id' => $row->CoId, 'countryCode' => $row->CoCode, 'contAssoc' => $row->FlContAssoc, 'countryName' => $row->CoName, 'subteam' => $row->TeSubTeam, 'athletes' => array(), 'rank' => $row->TeRank, 'rankBeforeSO' => $row->RankBeforeSO, 'score' => $row->EvRunning == 1 ? $row->RunningScore : $row->TeScore, 'gold' => $row->TeGold, 'xnine' => $row->TeXnine, 'hits' => $row->TeHits, 'recordGap' => $row->Arrows_Shot * 10 - $row->TeScore, 'tiebreak' => $row->TeTieBreak, 'tiebreakDecoded' => $row->TeTieBreak ? 'T.' . implode(',', $tmpArr) : '', 'ct' => $row->NumCT, 'tie' => $row->Quanti > 1, 'so' => $row->isSO);
                 //Gestisco il numero di frecce tirate per sessione
                 if (empty($section["meta"]["arrowsShot"][$row->Session]) || $section["meta"]["arrowsShot"][$row->Session] <= $row->Arrows_Shot) {
                     $section["meta"]["arrowsShot"][$row->Session] = $row->Arrows_Shot;
                 $section['items'][] = $item;
                 if ($row->TeTimeStamp > $this->data['meta']['lastUpdate']) {
                     $this->data['meta']['lastUpdate'] = $row->TeTimeStamp;
                 $myTeam = $row->CoId . $row->TeSubTeam . $row->TeEvent;
             if (!array_key_exists('components', $this->opts) || $this->opts['components']) {
                 $athlete = array('id' => $row->EnId, 'bib' => $row->EnCode, 'session' => $row->Session, 'target' => $row->TargetNo, 'athlete' => $row->EnFirstNameUpper . ' ' . $row->EnName, 'familyname' => $row->EnFirstName, 'familynameUpper' => $row->EnFirstNameUpper, 'givenname' => $row->EnName, 'div' => $row->EnDivision, 'class' => $row->EnClass, 'ageclass' => $row->EnAgeClass, 'subclass' => $row->EnSubClass, 'quscore' => $row->QuScore);
                 $section['items'][count($section['items']) - 1]['athletes'][] = $athlete;
         foreach ($section["meta"]["arrowsShot"] as $k => $v) {
             if ($v) {
                 $section["meta"]["sesArrows"][$k] = str_replace("<br/>", " ", get_text('AfterXArrows', 'Common', $v));
         // ultimo giro
         $this->data['sections'][$myEv] = $section;
예제 #2
function findOutOfRange()
    global $flags;
     * Per ogni sessione eliminatoria con i parametri settati calcolo il range corretto dei suoi bersagli.
     * Poi tra le righe che agganciano una sessione controllo la bontà del target impostato
    $sessions = GetSessions('E');
    $ranges = array();
    foreach ($sessions as $s) {
        // se ogni parametro è >0
        if ($s->SesTar4Session * $s->SesAth4Target * $s->SesFirstTarget > 0) {
            $range = array();
            for ($tt = $s->SesFirstTarget; $tt < $s->SesTar4Session + $s->SesFirstTarget; ++$tt) {
                for ($aa = 1; $aa <= $s->SesAth4Target; ++$aa) {
                    $range[] = str_pad($tt, TargetNoPadding, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . chr($aa + 64);
            $ranges[$s->SesOrder] = $range;
    // adesso controllo i bersagli
    $q = "\r\n\t\t\tSELECT CONCAT(ElElimPhase,'_',ElEventCode,'_',ElQualRank,'_',ElTournament) AS `Id`,ElSession,ElTargetNo\r\n\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\tEliminations\r\n\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\tElTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\r\n\t\t";
    $r = safe_r_sql($q);
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($r)) {
        if ($MyRow->ElSession != 0 && trim($MyRow->ElTargetNo) != '') {
            $flags[$MyRow->Id]['out'] = !in_array($MyRow->ElTargetNo, $ranges[$MyRow->ElSession]) ? 0 : 1;
예제 #3
function getStatEntriesByCountriesQuery($ORIS = false, $Athletes = false)
    $Sql = "";
    if ($ORIS) {
        $Sql = "SELECT SUM(IF((DivAthlete AND ClAthlete AND EnSex=0), 1,0)) as M, SUM(IF((DivAthlete AND ClAthlete AND EnSex=1), 1,0)) as W, SUM(IF((DivAthlete AND ClAthlete), 0,1)) as Of, ";
        $Sql .= "CoCode as NationCode, CoName as NationName ";
        $Sql .= "FROM Entries ";
        $Sql .= "INNER JOIN Countries ON EnCountry = CoId ";
        $Sql .= "LEFT JOIN Divisions ON EnDivision=DivId AND DivTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
        $Sql .= "LEFT JOIN Classes ON EnClass=ClId AND ClTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
        $Sql .= "WHERE EnTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
        $Sql .= "GROUP BY CoCode ";
        $Sql .= "ORDER BY CoCode ";
    } else {
        $Sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(TRIM(EnDivision),'|',TRIM(EnClass)) as Id, (DivAthlete AND ClAthlete) as isAthlete " . "FROM Entries " . "LEFT JOIN Divisions ON EnDivision=DivId AND DivTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " " . "LEFT JOIN Classes ON EnClass=ClId AND ClTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " " . "WHERE EnTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " " . ($Athletes ? 'AND DivAthlete=1 AND ClAthlete=1 ' : '') . "ORDER BY LENGTH(EnDivision) DESC, DivViewOrder, EnDivision, LENGTH(EnClass) DESC, ClViewOrder, EnClass";
        $Rs = safe_r_sql($Sql);
        $Sql = "SELECT ";
        if (safe_num_rows($Rs) > 0) {
            while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
                $Sql .= "SUM(IF(CONCAT(TRIM(EnDivision),'|',TRIM(EnClass))='" . $MyRow->Id . "',1,0)) as `" . $MyRow->Id . "`, ";
        $Sql .= "CoCode as NationCode, CoName as NationName ";
        $Sql .= "FROM Entries ";
        $Sql .= "INNER JOIN Countries ON EnCountry = CoId ";
        $Sql .= "WHERE EnTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
        $Sql .= "GROUP BY CoCode ";
        $Sql .= "ORDER BY CoCode ";
    return $Sql;
예제 #4
function GetParameter($ParameterName)
    $TmpSql = "SELECT ParValue FROM Parameters WHERE ParId=" . StrSafe_DB($ParameterName);
    $Rs = safe_r_sql($TmpSql, false, true);
    if ($Rs and $TmpRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        return $TmpRow->ParValue;
    return '';
예제 #5
 function __construct($TemplateID = 0)
     $Select = "SELECT BackNumber.*, LENGTH(BnBackground) as ImgSize  " . "FROM BackNumber  " . "WHERE BnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND BnFinal in (0," . $TemplateID . ") order by BnFinal desc limit 1";
     //print $Select;exit;
     $Rs = safe_r_sql($Select);
     if (safe_num_rows($Rs) == 1) {
         $this->RowBn = safe_fetch($Rs);
     } else {
         // fall back if no Backnumber creates from template!
         include_once 'Tournament/BackNumberEmpty.php';
         $this->RowBn = emptyBackNumber();
     $this->Rotation = $this->RowBn->BnOffsetX != 0 || $this->RowBn->BnOffsetY != 0;
     $this->RotX = $this->RowBn->BnWidth / 2;
     $this->RotY = $this->RowBn->BnOffsetY / 2;
     // TargetNo Specs
     $this->TargetNoFont = ($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 4) == 4 ? $this->FontFix : (($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 2) == 2 ? 'dejavuserif' : $this->FontStd);
     $this->TargetNoStyle = ($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 8 ? 'B' : '') . ($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 16 ? 'I' : '');
     $this->TargetNoColor = array(base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnTnoColor, 0, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnTnoColor, 2, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnTnoColor, 4, 2), 16, 10));
     $this->TargetNoAlign = ($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 96) == 64 ? 'L' : (($this->RowBn->BnTargetNo & 96) == 32 ? 'R' : 'C');
     // Athlete Specs
     $this->AthleteFont = ($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 4) == 4 ? $this->FontFix : (($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 2) == 2 ? 'dejavuserif' : $this->FontStd);
     $this->AthleteStyle = ($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 8 ? 'B' : '') . ($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 16 ? 'I' : '');
     $this->AthleteColor = array(base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnAthColor, 0, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnAthColor, 2, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnAthColor, 4, 2), 16, 10));
     $this->AthleteAlign = ($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 96) == 64 ? 'L' : (($this->RowBn->BnAthlete & 96) == 32 ? 'R' : 'C');
     if ($this->RowBn->BnCapitalFirstName) {
         $this->FirstNameAllCaps = true;
     // Country Specs
     $this->CountryFont = ($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 4) == 4 ? $this->FontFix : (($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 2) == 2 ? 'dejavuserif' : $this->FontStd);
     $this->CountryStyle = ($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 8 ? 'B' : '') . ($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 16 ? 'I' : '');
     $this->CountryColor = array(base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnCoColor, 0, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnCoColor, 2, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($this->RowBn->BnCoColor, 4, 2), 16, 10));
     $this->CountryAlign = ($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 96) == 64 ? 'L' : (($this->RowBn->BnCountry & 96) == 32 ? 'R' : 'C');
     // background temp creation
     if ($this->RowBn->ImgSize) {
         $this->BackGroundFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'bgf');
         $img = imagecreatefromstring($this->RowBn->BnBackground);
         if (!imagepng($img, $this->BackGroundFile)) {
             die('could not create image');
     $Orientation = $this->RowBn->BnWidth > $this->RowBn->BnHeight ? 'L' : 'P';
     $this->setPageFormat(array($this->RowBn->BnWidth, $this->RowBn->BnHeight), $Orientation);
     $this->SetFont($this->FontStd, '', 10);
     $this->SetMargins(10, 10, 10);
     $this->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 10);
     $this->SetCreator('Software Design by Ianseo');
     $this->SetTitle('IANSEO - Integrated Result System (release ' . ProgramVersion . ')');
예제 #6
function calculateAgeClass($dateOfBirth, $gender, $division = '')
    $allowedClass = array();
    $age = intval(substr($_SESSION['TourRealWhenTo'], 0, 4) - substr($dateOfBirth, 0, 4));
    // get the classes based on the division selected
    $Select = "SELECT DISTINCT ClId " . "FROM Classes " . "INNER JOIN Divisions on DivTournament=ClTournament and DivAthlete=ClAthlete " . ($division ? "AND DivId='{$division}' " : '') . "WHERE ClTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']} " . "AND (ClDivisionsAllowed='' or find_in_set(DivId, ClDivisionsAllowed)) " . "AND ClSex in (-1, {$gender}) " . ($age ? "AND (ClAthlete!='1' or (ClAgeFrom<={$age} and ClAgeTo>={$age})) " : '') . "ORDER BY ClViewOrder, DivViewOrder ";
    $RsCl = safe_r_sql($Select);
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($RsCl)) {
        $allowedClass[] = $MyRow->ClId;
    return $allowedClass;
예제 #7
  * create().
  * Metodo statico per istanziare la classe corretta.
  * La classe corretta viene scelta in base al parametro $family e deve trovarsi
  * nella directory /Common/Rank.
  * Il nome del file e il nome della classe stessa deve essere nella seguente forma:
  * Obj_Rank_<family>_<type>_<lang>
  * con <family> la famiglia, <type> il tipo gara e <lang> la regola localizzata con <type> e <lang>
  * opzionali.
  * Il metodo cerca nella directory se esiste prima di tutto il file corretto nella sequenza:
  * 1) Obj_Rank_<family>_<type>_<lang>
  * 2) Obj_Rank_<family>_<lang>
  * 3) Obj_Rank_<family>_<type>
  * 4) Obj_Rank_<family>
  * @static
  * @param string $family: famiglia
  * 		Attualmente per convenzione abbiamo:
  * 			DivClass 		=> classifica di Divisione/Classe individuale
  * 			SubClass 		=> classifica di Categoria/Classe di merito individuale
  * 			Snapshot 		=> classifica di Categoria/Classe o di Qualificazione basata sul metodo dell "Snapshot"
  * 			Abs 			=> classifica di qualificazione assoluta
  * 			AbsTeam 		=> classifica di qualificazione assoluta a squadre
  * 			ElimInd 		=> classifica fase eliminatoria individuale
  * 			FinalInd 		=> classifica finale individuale
  * 			DivClassTeam	=> classifica di Divisione/Classe s squadre
  * 			AbsTeam			=> classifica di qualificazione a squadre
  * 			FinalTeam 		=> classifica finale a squadre
  * @param mixed[] $opts: opzioni usate dai vari metodi write() e read() dalle classi.
  * 		A seconda della classe sarà inizializzato in un qualche modo.
  * 		Ogni classe commenta la forma di $opts
  * @see Obj_Rank_*
  * @return mixed: istanza della classe corretta per gestire la rank
 public static function create($family, $opts = null)
      * In base a $family, al tipo di torneo e alla localizzazione della regola
      * con cui il torneo è stato creato istanzio la classe giusta includendo quello che serve
     global $CFG;
     // torneo passato
     $tournament = array_key_exists('tournament', $opts) ? $opts['tournament'] : $_SESSION['TourId'];
     // tipo e localizzazione
     $q = safe_r_sql("select ToType, ToLocRule from Tournament where ToId={$tournament}");
     $r = safe_fetch($q);
     $ToType = $r->ToType;
     $ToLocRule = $r->ToLocRule;
     // sicuramente includo la classe base
     if (!file_exists($CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'Common/Rank/Obj_Rank.php')) {
         return null;
     require_once 'Common/Rank/Obj_Rank.php';
      * Adesso in base alla famiglia, al tipo e alla localizzazione
      * cerco il file in questa sequenza:
      * 1) Obj_Rank_<family>_<type>_<lang>
      * 2) Obj_Rank_<family>_<lang>
      * 3) Obj_Rank_<family>_<type>
      * 4) Obj_Rank_<family>
      * Se neppure (4) esiste termino con errore (null) perchè il default è la base della famiglia
      * e voglio che esista!
     //print $family.'<br/>';
     $name = 'Obj_Rank_' . $family;
     $rootLoc = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . "Modules/Sets/{$ToLocRule}/Rank/" . $name . "%s.php";
     $rootGlobal = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . "Common/Rank/" . $name . "%s.php";
     if (file_exists($file = sprintf($rootLoc, "_{$ToType}")) or file_exists($file = sprintf($rootLoc, "")) or file_exists($file = sprintf($rootGlobal, "_{$ToType}")) or file_exists($file = sprintf($rootGlobal, ""))) {
         // first step is to include base class!!!
         require_once $file;
         $name = basename($file, ".php");
         // check if the "calc" class exists
         if (file_exists($file = sprintf($rootLoc, "_{$ToType}_calc")) or file_exists($file = sprintf($rootLoc, "_calc")) or file_exists($file = sprintf($rootGlobal, "_{$ToType}_calc")) or file_exists($file = sprintf($rootGlobal, "_calc"))) {
             require_once $file;
             $name = basename($file, ".php");
         // returns the found class
         return new $name($opts);
     } else {
         // no class found!
         return null;
예제 #8
function getModuleParameter($module, $param, $defaultValue = '')
    static $Parameters = array();
    if (empty($Parameters[$module])) {
        $TmpSql = "SELECT MpValue, MpParameter\n\t\t\tFROM ModulesParameters\n\t\t\tWHERE MpModule=" . StrSafe_DB($module) . "\n\t\t\tAND MpTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']);
        $Rs = safe_r_sql($TmpSql);
        while ($r = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
            $Parameters[$module][$r->MpParameter] = $r->MpValue;
    if (isset($Parameters[$module][$param])) {
        return $Parameters[$module][$param];
    } else {
        return $defaultValue;
예제 #9
function getGroupedTargets($TargetNo, $Session = 0, $SesType = 'Q', $SesPhase = '')
    global $CompId;
    // get all targets associated/grouped together with the target requested
    $SubSelect = "select TgGroup, TgSession, TgSesType\n\t\tfrom TargetGroups\n\t\twhere TgTournament={$CompId}\n\t\tand TgTargetNo='{$TargetNo}'";
    if ($SesType != 'Q') {
        $SubSelect .= " and TgSesType='{$SesType}{$SesPhase}'";
    $Tmp = array();
    $q = safe_r_sql("Select TgTargetNo\n\t\tfrom TargetGroups\n\t\twhere TgTournament={$CompId}\n\t\tand (TgGroup, TgSession, TgSesType)=({$SubSelect}) order by TgTargetNo");
    while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
        $Tmp[] = $r->TgTargetNo;
    if ($Tmp) {
        $TargetNo = implode("','", $Tmp);
    return $TargetNo;
function SetElimArrowValue($Phase, $Event, $Target, $ArIndex, $ArSymbol, $Output = 'XML', $CompId = '')
    require_once 'Common/Lib/Obj_RankFactory.php';
    $JsonResult = array();
    $JsonResult['error'] = 1;
    $JsonResult['qutarget'] = $_REQUEST['qutarget'];
    $JsonResult['distnum'] = $_REQUEST['distnum'];
    $JsonResult['arrowindex'] = $_REQUEST['arrowindex'];
    $JsonResult['arrowsymbol'] = '';
    $JsonResult['curscore'] = '';
    $JsonResult['curgold'] = '';
    $JsonResult['curxnine'] = '';
    $JsonResult['score'] = '';
    $JsonResult['gold'] = '';
    $JsonResult['xnine'] = '';
    if (empty($CompId)) {
        $CompId = $_SESSION['TourId'];
    $q = safe_r_sql("select * from Eliminations\r\n\t\twhere ElElimPhase=" . ($Phase[1] - 1) . "\r\n\t\tand ElEventCode='{$Event}'\r\n\t\tand ElTargetNo='{$Target}'\r\n\t\tand ElTournament={$CompId}\r\n\t\t");
    if ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
        $Arrowstring = str_pad($r->ElArrowString, $ArIndex + 1, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
        $xx = GetLetterFromPrint($ArSymbol);
        $Arrowstring[$ArIndex] = str_pad($xx, 1, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
        list($CurScore, $CurGold, $CurXNine) = ValutaArrowStringGX($Arrowstring);
        safe_w_sql("update Eliminations\r\n\t\t\tset ElArrowString='{$Arrowstring}',\r\n\t\t\tElScore={$CurScore},\r\n\t\t\tElGold={$CurGold},\r\n\t\t\tElXnine={$CurXNine}\r\n\t\t\twhere ElElimPhase=" . ($Phase[1] - 1) . "\r\n\t\t\tand ElEventCode='{$Event}'\r\n\t\t\tand ElTargetNo='{$Target}'\r\n\t\t\tand ElTournament={$CompId}");
        if (safe_w_affected_rows()) {
            if ($Phase[1] == 1) {
                require_once 'Common/Fun_Sessions.inc.php';
                ResetElimRows($Event, 2);
            Obj_RankFactory::create('ElimInd', array('tournament' => $CompId, 'eventsC' => array($Event . '@' . $Phase[1])))->calculate();
        $JsonResult['error'] = 0;
        $JsonResult['arrowsymbol'] = $xx ? strtoupper($ArSymbol) : '';
        $JsonResult['curscore'] = $CurScore;
        $JsonResult['curgold'] = $CurGold;
        $JsonResult['curxnine'] = $CurXNine;
        $JsonResult['score'] = $CurScore;
        $JsonResult['gold'] = $CurGold;
        $JsonResult['xnine'] = $CurXNine;
    return $JsonResult;
예제 #11
function Get_Image($IocCode = null, $Section = null, $Reference = null, $Type = null, $Tourid = 0)
    if (empty($Tourid)) {
        $Tourid = $_SESSION['TourId'];
    $SQL = "select * from Images where ImTournament={$Tourid}";
    if (!isnull($IocCode)) {
        $SQL .= " and ImIocCode='{$IocCode}'";
    if (!isnull($Section)) {
        $SQL .= " and ImSection='{$Section}'";
    if (!isnull($Reference)) {
        $SQL .= " and ImReference='{$Reference}'";
    if (!isnull($Type)) {
        $SQL .= " and ImType='{$Type}'";
    $q = safe_r_sql($SQL);
예제 #12
function getTargets($ByDiv = true)
    $ar = array();
    $MySql = "select" . " DivId" . ", ClId" . ", TfId " . ", TfName " . ", TfDefault " . "from" . " Divisions" . " inner join Classes on DivTournament=ClTournament and DivAthlete=ClAthlete" . " inner join TargetFaces Tf on DivTournament=TfTournament and if(TfRegExp>'', concat(trim(DivId),trim(ClId)) REGEXP TfRegExp, concat(trim(DivId),trim(ClId)) like TfClasses) " . "WHERE" . " DivTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']} " . " AND DivAthlete='1' " . " AND (ClDivisionsAllowed='' or find_in_set(DivId, ClDivisionsAllowed))" . "order by" . " DivViewOrder" . ", ClViewOrder" . ", TfDefault desc" . ", TfRegExp>'' desc" . ", concat(trim(DivId),trim(ClId)) = TfClasses desc" . ", left(TfClasses,1)!='_' and left(TfClasses,1)!='%' desc" . ", left(TfClasses,1)='_' desc" . ", TfClasses desc" . ", TfClasses='%' ";
    $q = safe_r_sql($MySql);
    if ($ByDiv) {
        while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
            if (!$r->TfDefault or empty($ar[$r->DivId][$r->ClId])) {
                $ar[$r->DivId][$r->ClId][$r->TfId] = get_text($r->TfName, 'Tournament', '', true);
    } else {
        $divs = array();
        while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
            if (!$r->TfDefault or empty($divs[$r->DivId][$r->ClId])) {
                $ar[$r->TfId][$r->DivId][$r->ClId] = $r->TfDefault;
                $divs[$r->DivId][$r->ClId] = 'done';
    return $ar;
예제 #13
 public function __construct($tourId, $phase)
     // Estraggo le info del torneo
     		= "SELECT "
     			. "ToCode,ToName,IF(TtElabTeam=1 || TtElabTeam=2,'1',IF(INSTR(TtName,'Indoor')=0,'0','2' )) AS MyType "
     		. "FROM "
     			. "Tournament INNER JOIN Tournament*Type ON ToType=TtId "
     		. "WHERE "
     			. "ToId=" . $this->getTourId() . " ";*/
     $query = "SELECT " . "ToCode,ToName,IF(ToElabTeam=1 || ToElabTeam=2,'1',IF(INSTR(ToTypeName,'Indoor')=0,'0','2' )) AS MyType " . "FROM " . "Tournament " . "WHERE " . "ToId=" . $this->getTourId() . " ";
     $rs = safe_r_sql($query);
     if (safe_num_rows($rs) == 1) {
         $myRow = safe_fetch($rs);
     } else {
예제 #14
 * Cerca quale evento è live in questo momento
 * Se trova più eventi contemporanei ritorna i dati di quello con modifiche più recenti.
 * @param Int $Team: vale 0 se l'evento è individuale e 1 se è a squadre.
 * @return Array: Un vettore formato dall'Evento e dal MatchNo oppure false in caso di errore.
 * 					Se non ci sono eventi live viene ritornato array(NULL,NULL)
function FindLive($Team = -1)
    if ($Team == 0) {
        $Select = "SELECT" . "  '0' Team" . " , FinDateTime DateTime" . " , FinEvent AS Event" . " , FinMatchNo AS MatchNo" . " FROM" . "  Finals " . " WHERE" . "  FinTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . "  AND FinLive='1' " . "ORDER BY" . " Team," . " DateTime DESC," . " Event ASC," . " MatchNo ASC ";
    } elseif ($Team == 1) {
        $Select = "SELECT" . "  '1' Team " . " , TfDateTime DateTime" . " , TfEvent AS Event " . " , TfMatchNo AS MatchNo " . " FROM" . "  TeamFinals " . " WHERE" . "  TfTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . "  AND TfLive='1' " . "ORDER BY" . " Team," . " DateTime DESC," . " Event ASC," . " MatchNo ASC";
    } elseif ($Team == -1) {
        $Select = "(SELECT" . "  '0' Team" . " , FinDateTime DateTime" . " , FinEvent AS Event" . " , FinMatchNo AS MatchNo" . " FROM" . "  Finals " . " WHERE" . "  FinTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . "  AND FinLive='1') " . "UNION " . "(SELECT" . "  '1' Team " . " , TfDateTime DateTime " . " , TfEvent AS Event " . " , TfMatchNo AS MatchNo " . " FROM" . "  TeamFinals " . " WHERE" . "  TfTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . "  AND TfLive='1') " . "ORDER BY" . " Team," . " DateTime DESC," . " Event ASC," . " MatchNo ASC ";
    } else {
        return '';
    $Rs = safe_r_sql($Select);
    // at least 2 rows because "live" is set on both opponents!
    if (safe_num_rows($Rs) < 2) {
        return '';
    $MyRow1 = safe_fetch($Rs);
    $MyRow2 = safe_fetch($Rs);
    // check if these are really 2 opponents in the same match!!
    if ($MyRow1->Event == $MyRow2->Event and $MyRow1->Team == $MyRow2->Team and ($MyRow1->MatchNo == $MyRow2->MatchNo - 1 or $MyRow1->MatchNo == $MyRow2->MatchNo + 1)) {
        return array($MyRow1->Event, min($MyRow1->MatchNo, $MyRow2->MatchNo), $MyRow1->Team);
    return '';
예제 #15
파일: Lib.php 프로젝트: brian-nelson/ianseo
function SetAccreditation($Id, $SetRap = 0, $return = 'RicaricaOpener', $TourId = 0, $AccOp = 0)
    $RicaricaOpener = false;
    if (!$TourId) {
        $TourId = $_SESSION['TourId'];
    if (!$AccOp) {
        $AccOp = $_SESSION['AccOp'];
     * Devo prevenire l'insert se l'id è in stato 7.
     * Per farlo cerco lo stato del tizio.
     * Se è 7 vuol dire che uno ha cliccato sul bottone dopo aver aperto il popup e io non scrivo in db
    $Select = "SELECT EnId FROM Entries\n\t\tWHERE EnId=" . StrSafe_DB($Id) . " AND EnTournament={$TourId} AND EnStatus='7' ";
    $Rs = safe_r_sql($Select);
    //TODO Patchare la query per supportare bene IpV6
    if (safe_num_rows($Rs) == 0) {
        $Insert = "INSERT INTO AccEntries\n\t\t\t(AEId,AEOperation,AETournament,AEWhen,AEFromIp,AERapp)\n\t\t\tVALUES(\n\t\t\t\t{$Id}," . StrSafe_DB($AccOp) . "," . StrSafe_DB($TourId) . "," . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i')) . "," . "INET_ATON('" . ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '::1' ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '') . "'), " . StrSafe_DB($SetRap) . "" . ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . "AEWhen=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i')) . "," . "AEFromIp=INET_ATON('" . ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '::1' ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '') . "') ";
        $RsIns = safe_w_sql($Insert);
        $RicaricaOpener = $return == 'RicaricaOpener' ? true : (safe_w_affected_rows() ? 'AccreditationOK' : 'AccreditationTwice');
    return $RicaricaOpener;
예제 #16
$MyQuery .= "FROM Entries AS e ";
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Countries AS c ON e.EnCountry=c.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c.CoTournament ";
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Qualifications AS q ON e.EnId=q.QuId ";
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN AccEntries AS ae ON e.EnId=ae.AEId AND e.EnTournament=ae.AETournament ";
$MyQuery .= "AND ae.AEOperation=(SELECT AOTId FROM AccOperationType WHERE AOTDescr=" . StrSafe_DB($OpDetails) . ") ";
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN AccPrice AS ap ON CONCAT(EnDivision,EnClass) LIKE ap.APDivClass AND e.EnTournament=ap.APTournament ";
$MyQuery .= "WHERE EnAthlete=1 AND EnTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
if (isset($_REQUEST["Session"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["Session"])) {
    $MyQuery .= "AND QuSession = " . StrSafe_DB($_REQUEST["Session"]) . " ";
if ($TmpWhere != "") {
    $MyQuery .= "AND (" . $TmpWhere . ")";
$MyQuery .= "ORDER BY CoCode, Name, CoName, FirstName, TargetNo ";
//echo $MyQuery;exit;
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
if ($Rs) {
    $ShowStatusLegend = false;
    $OldTeam = '#@#@#';
    $isFirstTime = true;
    $TotalPrice = 0;
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($OldTeam != $MyRow->NationCode) {
            if (!$isFirstTime) {
                $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, '', 8);
                $pdf->Cell(165, 15, get_text('Cash', 'Tournament') . ":", 0, 0, 'R', 0);
                $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 12);
                $pdf->Cell(25, 15, NumFormat($TotalPrice, 2) . " " . $pdf->writeCurrency(), 0, 1, 'R', 0);
            $isFirstTime = false;
예제 #17
    $NumColDist = $ViewDists ? $rankData['meta']['numDist'] : 0;
    $NumCol = $NumColBase + $NumColDist;
    if ($section['meta']['arrowsShot']) {
        // Records handling
        $RecTot = array();
        $RecordCut = array();
        $RecTitle = '';
        $RecCut = 0;
        $RecXNine = 0;
        $RecCols = array();
        if ($section['meta']['arrowsShot']) {
            // Records handling
            $MaxScore = $section['meta']['numDist'] * $section['meta']['maxScore'];
            $sql = "select RtRecType, RtRecCode, RtRecDistance, RtRecTotal, RtRecXNine, TrColor,\n\t\t\t\t\tfind_in_set('bar', TrFlags) TrBars,\n\t\t\t\t\tfind_in_set('gap', TrFlags) TrGaps\n\t\t\t\tfrom RecTournament\n\t\t\t\tinner join TourRecords on TrTournament=RtTournament and TrRecType=RtRecType and TrRecCode=RtRecCode and TrRecTeam=RtRecTeam and TrRecPara=RtRecPara\n\t\t\t\tinner join Events on RtTournament=EvTournament and EvRecCategory=RtRecCategory and EvCode='{$IdEvent}' and EvTournament={$TourId} and RtRecTeam=EvTeamEvent and EvTeamEvent=0\n\t\t\t\twhere RtRecDistance='Total'\n\t\t\t\torder by RtRecTotal desc ";
            // for now we only do on totals
            $q = safe_r_sql($sql);
            while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
                $RecTot[$r->RtRecType][$r->RtRecCode]['tot'] = $MaxScore - $r->RtRecTotal;
                $RecTot[$r->RtRecType][$r->RtRecCode]['gap'] = $r->TrGaps;
                // no X9 checks now...
                // $RecTot[$r->RtRecType][$r->RtRecCode]['X9']=$MaxScore-$r->RtRecTotal;
                //				$JS_SCRIPT[]='.Rec-'.$r->RtRecType.' {color:#'.$r->TrColor.';font-weight:bold;}';
                if ($r->TrGaps) {
                    $RecTitle .= '&nbsp;<span class="piccolo" style="color:#' . $r->TrColor . '">' . get_text('RecordAverage', 'Tournament', get_text($r->RtRecType . '-short', 'Tournament')) . '</span>';
                $RecCut = max($RecCut, $RecTot[$r->RtRecType][$r->RtRecCode]['tot']);
                $rec = round($r->RtRecTotal * array_sum($section['meta']['arrowsShot']) / ($section['meta']['numDist'] * $section['meta']['maxArrows']), 1);
                // no X9 checks now...
                if ($r->TrBars) {
                    $RecordCut["{$rec}"][] = '<tr class="Record_' . $r->RtRecType . '_' . $r->RtRecCode . '"><th colspan="%s">' . get_text('Record-' . $r->RtRecType . '-' . $r->RtRecCode . '-avg', 'InfoSystem') . '</th>
						<td class="NumberAlign Grassetto">' . number_format($rec, 1) . '</td>
예제 #18
if (safe_num_rows($RsSel) > 0) {
    while ($Row = safe_fetch($RsSel)) {
        //print '<input type="checkbox" name="New_EcDivision[]" id="New_EcDivision_' . $MyRow->DivId .'" value="1">' . $MyRow->DivId . '<br>';
        $ComboDiv .= '<option value="' . $Row->DivId . '">' . $Row->DivId . '</option>' . "\n";
$ComboDiv .= '</select>' . "\n";
print $ComboDiv;
print '<br><br><a class="Link" href="javascript:SelectAllOpt(\'New_EcDivision\');">' . get_text('SelectAll') . '</a>';
<td width="25%" class="Center" valign="top">
$ComboCl = '<select name="New_EcClass" id="New_EcClass" multiple="multiple">' . "\n";
$Select = "SELECT * " . "FROM Classes " . "WHERE ClTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND ClAthlete=1 " . "ORDER BY ClViewOrder ASC ";
$RsSel = safe_r_sql($Select);
if (safe_num_rows($RsSel) > 0) {
    while ($Row = safe_fetch($RsSel)) {
        //print '<input type="checkbox" name="New_EcClass[]" id="New_EcClass_' . $MyRow->ClId .'" value="1">' . $MyRow->ClId . '<br>';
        $ComboCl .= '<option value="' . $Row->ClId . '">' . $Row->ClId . '</option>' . "\n";
$ComboCl .= '</select>' . "\n";
print $ComboCl;
print '<br><br><a class="Link" href="javascript:SelectAllOpt(\'New_EcClass\');">' . get_text('SelectAll') . '</a>';
<td width="25%" class="Center" valign="top">
<input type="button" name="Command" id="Command" value="<?php 
print get_text('CmdSave');
예제 #19
echo get_text('IndFinal');
echo '</a></td>';
echo '<td class="Center" width="40%" rowspan="2">';
$t = safe_r_sql("SELECT * FROM BackNumber WHERE BnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND BnFinal in (0,1) order by BnFinal desc");
if (safe_num_rows($t)) {
    echo '<img src="../../Tournament/ImgBackNumber.php?IdTpl=1"><br/><br/>';
echo '<input type="button" value="' . get_text('BackNoEdit', 'BackNumbers') . '" onClick="document.location=\'' . $CFG->ROOT_DIR . 'Tournament/BackNumber.php?BackNo=1\'">' . '<br /><input type="button" value="' . get_text('BackNoExportLayout', 'BackNumbers') . '" onClick="document.location=\'' . $CFG->ROOT_DIR . 'Tournament/BackNumbersExport.php?BackNo=1\'">' . '<form id="PrnParameters" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><br /><input type="file" name="ImportBackNumbers" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="' . get_text('BackNoImportLayout', 'BackNumbers') . '"></form></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td class="Center" width="60%"><div align="center"><br>';
echo '<table class="Tabella" style="width:80%">';
echo '<tr>';
$MySql = "SELECT EvCode, EvEventName FROM Events WHERE EvTeamEvent='0' AND EvTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND EvFinalFirstPhase!=0 ORDER BY EvProgr";
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MySql);
if (safe_num_rows($Rs) > 0) {
    $TmpCnt = 0;
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($TmpCnt++ % 2 == 0 && $TmpCnt != 1) {
            echo '</tr><tr>';
        echo '<td class="Center" width="50%"><a href="PDFBackNumber.php?Event=' . $MyRow->EvCode . '" class="Link" target="PrintOut">';
        echo '<img src="../../Common/Images/pdf_small.gif" alt="' . $MyRow->EvCode . '" border="0"><br>';
        echo $MyRow->EvCode . ' - ' . get_text($MyRow->EvEventName, '', '', true);
        echo '</a></td>';
    if ($TmpCnt % 2 != 0) {
        echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
예제 #20
<th class="Title" width="10%" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
print get_text('TourWhen', 'Tournament');
<th class="Title" width="30%"><?php 
print get_text('TourWhere', 'Tournament');
<th class="Title" width="50%"><?php 
print get_text('TourName', 'Tournament');

$q = safe_r_sql("select ToCode, ToName, ToWhere, DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') AS DtFrom, " . "DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') AS DtTo from Tournament order by ToWhenTo desc, ToWhenFrom desc");
while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td><a href="?ToCode=' . $r->ToCode . '">' . get_text('Download', 'Boinx') . '</a></td>';
    print '<td>' . $r->ToCode . '</td>';
    print '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . get_text('From', 'Tournament') . ' ' . $r->DtFrom . ' ' . get_text('To', 'Tournament') . ' ' . $r->DtTo . '</td>';
    print '<td>' . ManageHTML($r->ToWhere) . '</td>';
    print '<td>' . ManageHTML($r->ToName) . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
include 'Common/Templates/tail.php';
예제 #21
    //Adesso aggiorno lo status
    $query = "UPDATE " . "Entries " . "SET " . "EnStatus=" . StrSafe_DB($status) . " " . "WHERE " . "EnId=" . StrSafe_DB($id) . " ";
    $rs = safe_w_sql($query);
    if (!$rs) {
        $error = 1;
    if ($recalc) {
        // ricalcolo il vecchio e il nuovo
        if (!is_null($indFEvent)) {
            RecalculateShootoffAndTeams($indFEvent, $teamFEvent, $country, $div, $cl, $zero);
        // rank di classe x tutte le distanze
        $q = "SELECT ToNumDist FROM Tournament WHERE ToId={$_SESSION['TourId']}";
        $r = safe_r_sql($q);
        $tmpRow = safe_fetch($r);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $tmpRow->ToNumDist; ++$i) {
            if (!is_null($indFEvent)) {
                CalcQualRank($i, $div . $cl);
} else {
    $error = 1;
/****** End Controller ******/
/****** Output ******/
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', PageEncode);
$xmlRoot = $xmlDoc->createElement('response');
예제 #22

$BadgePerPage = 4;
$format = array(210, 297);
$q = safe_r_sql("select ToPrintPaper from Tournament where ToId='{$_SESSION['TourId']}'");
if ($r = safe_fetch($q) and $r->ToPrintPaper == '1') {
    $format = array(215.9, 279.4);
$cntPass = 0;
$AccH = $pdf->getPageHeight() / 2 - 4;
$AccW = $pdf->getPageWidth() / 2 - 4;
while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
    $PosX = $cntPass % 2 == 0 ? 2 : $pdf->getPageWidth() / 2 + 2;
    $PosY = $cntPass % 4 < 2 ? 2 : $pdf->getPageHeight() / 2 + 2;
    $AccColor = array(255, 255, 255);
    if (!is_null($MyRow->AcColor)) {
        $AccColor = array(base_convert(substr($MyRow->AcColor, 0, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($MyRow->AcColor, 2, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($MyRow->AcColor, 4, 2), 16, 10));
    //Every 4 Accreditation I change page
    if ($cntPass % $BadgePerPage == 0) {
    //Put their image as background
    $pdf->SetXY($PosX, $PosY);
    $pdf->Image($_SESSION["TourCode"] . ".jpg", $PosX, $PosY, $AccW, $AccH, 'JPEG', '', 'T', 2, 300);
    //Banda Colorata
    $pdf->Rect($PosX, $PosY + 33, $AccW, 40, 'F', array(), $AccColor);
예제 #23
 if ($session > 0) {
     $ses = GetSessions('Q', false, array($session . '_Q'));
     $num4session = $ses[0]->SesTar4Session * $ses[0]->SesAth4Target;
 // Mi serve la sessione attuale del tizio
 $query = "SELECT " . "QuSession " . "FROM " . "Qualifications " . "WHERE QuId=" . StrSafe_DB($id) . " ";
 $rs = safe_r_sql($query);
 $old = 0;
 if ($rs) {
     if (safe_num_rows($rs) == 1) {
         $myRow = safe_fetch($rs);
         $old = $myRow->QuSession;
         if ($session != 0 && $session != $old) {
             // conto gli arcieri di $session sessione
             $query = "SELECT " . "COUNT(QuId) AS HowMany " . "FROM " . "Qualifications INNER JOIN Entries ON QuId=EnId AND EnTournament=" . $tourId . " " . "WHERE QuSession=" . StrSafe_DB($session) . " ";
             $rs = safe_r_sql($query);
             if ($rs) {
                 if (safe_num_rows($rs) == 1) {
                     $myRow = safe_fetch($rs);
                     if ($num4session < $myRow->HowMany + 1) {
                         $tooMany = 1;
                         $msg = get_text('NoMoreAth4Session', 'Tournament');
         if ($tooMany == 0) {
             $query = "UPDATE " . "Qualifications " . "SET " . "QuSession=" . StrSafe_DB($session) . " " . "WHERE " . "QuId=" . StrSafe_DB($id) . " ";
             $rs = safe_w_sql($query);
             // se la riga è stata aggiornata significa che la session è cambiata quindi annullo il target
             if (safe_w_affected_rows() == 1) {
예제 #24
					<th class="TitleLeft"><?php 
print get_text('OlympicFont-use', 'InfoSystem');
					<td><input type="checkbox" name="OlympicFont-use"<?php 
echo empty($_SESSION['OlympicFont-use']) ? '' : ' checked="checked"';

// get the records type in the DB
$q = safe_r_sql("select distinct\r\n\t\tReType,\r\n\t\tReCode,\r\n\t\tTrColor,\r\n\t\tTrTournament is not null as ReInserted ,\r\n\t\tfind_in_set('bar', TrFlags) TrBars,\r\n\t\tfind_in_set('gap', TrFlags) TrGaps from Records\r\n\tleft join TourRecords\r\n\t\ton ReType=TrRecType\r\n\t\tand ReCode=TrRecCode\r\n\t\tand ReTeam=TrRecTeam\r\n\t\tand RePara=TrRecPara\r\n\t\tand TrTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\r\n\tWHERE RePara=" . ($_SESSION['TourLocRule'] == 'PAR' ? '1' : '0') . "\r\n\t\t");
while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
    echo '<tr>
		<th class="TitleLeft">' . get_text($r->ReType . '-Record', 'Tournament') . '</th>
		<td><input type="checkbox" name="Records[]" value="' . $r->ReType . '"' . ($r->ReInserted ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '>
		<input type="text" name="RecColor[' . $r->ReType . ']" id="BnTnoColor_' . $r->ReType . '" size="6" maxlength="7" value="#' . $r->TrColor . '">&nbsp;<input type="text" id="Ex_BnTnoColor_' . $r->ReType . '" size="1" style="background-color:#' . $r->TrColor . '" readonly>&nbsp;<img src="../Common/Images/sel.gif" onclick="javascript:pickerPopup302(\'BnTnoColor_' . $r->ReType . '\',\'Ex_BnTnoColor_' . $r->ReType . '\');">
		-&nbsp;' . get_text('BarRecord', 'InfoSystem') . '<input type="checkbox" name="RecBar[' . $r->ReType . ']"' . ($r->TrBars ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '>
		-&nbsp;' . get_text('GapRecord', 'InfoSystem') . '<input type="checkbox" name="RecGap[' . $r->ReType . ']"' . ($r->TrGaps ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '>
					<td class="Center" colspan="2">
						<input type="hidden" name="command" value="SAVE"/>
						<input type="button" value="<?php 
예제 #25
  * calculate()
  * @Override
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ianseo/Common/Rank/Obj_Rank#calculate()
 public function calculate()
     $f = $this->safeFilter();
     $filter = $f !== false ? $f : "";
     $orderBy = "TeEvent, TeScore DESC, TeGold DESC, TeXnine DESC, TeSubTeam ";
     $q = "\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\tTeTournament,TeCoId,TeSubTeam,TeEvent,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tIFNULL(IF(EvRunning=1, TeScore/TeHits,TeScore),0) as TeScore, TeGold, TeXnine,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tIF(EvFinalFirstPhase=0,9999,IF(EvFinalFirstPhase=48, 104, IF(EvFinalFirstPhase=24, 56, (EvFinalFirstPhase*2)))) AS QualifiedNo,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tTeRank AS ActualRank\r\n\t\t\t\t FROM\r\n\t\t\t\t \tTeams\r\n\t\t\t\t \tINNER JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t \t\tEvents\r\n\t\t\t\t \tON TeEvent=EvCode AND TeTournament=EvTournament AND EvTeamEvent=1\r\n\t\t\t\t WHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t \tTeTournament={$this->tournament} AND TeFinEvent=1 AND TeScore<>'0'\r\n\t\t\t\t \t{$filter}\r\n\t\t\t\t ORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t \t{$orderBy}\r\n\t\t\t";
     //print $q;exit;
     $r = safe_r_sql($q);
     if (!$r) {
         return false;
     if (safe_num_rows($r) > 0) {
         $curGroup = "";
         $myRank = 1;
         $myPos = 0;
         $endQualified = false;
         $myScoreOld = 0;
         $myGoldOld = 0;
         $myXNineOld = 0;
         $myEndScore = -1;
         $myGroupStartPos = 0;
         $currentRow = -1;
         while ($myRow = safe_fetch($r)) {
             if ($curGroup != $myRow->TeEvent) {
                 $curGroup = $myRow->TeEvent;
                 $myRank = 1;
                 $myPos = 0;
                 $myScoreOld = 0;
                 $myGoldOld = 0;
                 $myXNineOld = 0;
                 $endQualified = false;
                 $myGroupStartPos = $currentRow;
                  * Carico l'ultimo punteggio per entrare.
                  * Vado a brancare la riga con l'ultimo Score buono
                 if (safe_num_rows($r) > $myGroupStartPos + $myRow->QualifiedNo) {
                     safe_data_seek($r, $myGroupStartPos + $myRow->QualifiedNo - 1);
                     $tmpMyRow = safe_fetch($r);
                     if ($curGroup == $tmpMyRow->TeEvent) {
                         $myEndScore = $tmpMyRow->TeScore;
                         $tmpMyRow = safe_fetch($r);
                         //Controllo se c'è parimerito per entrare
                         if ($myEndScore != $tmpMyRow->TeScore || $curGroup != $tmpMyRow->TeEvent) {
                             $myEndScore *= -1;
                     } else {
                         $myEndScore = -1;
                     $tmpMyRow = NULL;
                 } else {
                     safe_data_seek($r, safe_num_rows($r) - 1);
                     $tmpMyRow = safe_fetch($r);
                     $myEndScore = -1;
                 safe_data_seek($r, $myGroupStartPos + 1);
             $so = -1;
             // Se non ho parimerito il ranking è uguale alla posizione
             if ($myEndScore == $myRow->TeScore) {
                 if ($myRow->TeScore != $myScoreOld) {
                     $myRank = $myPos;
                 $so = 1;
                 // rosso
             } else {
                 if (!($myRow->TeScore == $myScoreOld && $myRow->TeGold == $myGoldOld && $myRow->TeXnine == $myXNineOld)) {
                     $myRank = $myPos;
             if ($myRank > $myRow->QualifiedNo) {
                 $so = 0;
             $myScoreOld = $myRow->TeScore;
             $myGoldOld = $myRow->TeGold;
             $myXNineOld = $myRow->TeXnine;
             $x = false;
             if ($myRow->ActualRank != 0 && array_key_exists('skipExisting', $this->opts) && $this->opts['skipExisting'] == 1) {
                 $x = $this->setRow(array(array('team' => $myRow->TeCoId, 'subteam' => $myRow->TeSubTeam, 'event' => $myRow->TeEvent, 'so' => $so * $myRank)));
             } else {
                 $x = $this->setRow(array(array('team' => $myRow->TeCoId, 'subteam' => $myRow->TeSubTeam, 'event' => $myRow->TeEvent, 'so' => $so * $myRank, 'rank' => $myRank, 'tiebreak' => '')));
             //print '..'.$x.'<br>';
             if ($x === false) {
                 return false;
     //			debug_svela($tmpChris);
     return true;
예제 #26

require_once './config.php';
require_once 'Common/Fun_FormatText.inc.php';
require_once 'Common/Lib/Fun_Scheduler.php';
// require_once('Common/Lib/ArrTargets.inc.php');
// require_once('Common/Fun_Phases.inc.php');
$q = safe_r_sql("select * from BoinxSchedule where BsTournament={$TourId} and BsType='Qua_Ind'");
if ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
    $SQL = "select substr(QuTargetNo, 2) Bib\n\t\t, concat(EnName, ' ', upper(EnFirstName)) Name\n\t\t, concat(CoCode, '-', CoName) Country\n\t\t, QuScore, QuClRank QuRank, IndRank\n\t\t, concat(DivDescription, ' ', ClDescription) CategoryLong\n\t\t, concat(DivId, ClId) CategoryShort\n\t\t, EvCode EventShort, EvEventName EventLong\n\t\t, EnId, CoCode\n\t\tfrom Entries\n\t\tinner join Qualifications on EnId=QuId\n\t\tinner join Countries on EnCountry=CoId\n\t\tinner join Divisions on EnDivision=DivId and EnTournament=DivTournament\n\t\tinner join Classes on EnClass=ClId and EnTournament=ClTournament\n\t\tleft join Individuals on IndId=EnId\n\t\tleft join Events on IndEvent=EvCode and EnTournament=EvTournament\n\t\twhere QuTargetNo='{$r->BsExtra}' and EnTournament={$TourId}\n\t\t";
    $q = safe_r_sql($SQL);
    $ENTRY = safe_fetch($q);
// debug_svela($SQL);
if (!$ENTRY) {
    $ENTRY = new StdClass();
    $ENTRY->EnId = '';
    $ENTRY->CoCode = '';
    $ENTRY->Bib = '';
    $ENTRY->Name = '';
    $ENTRY->Country = '';
    $ENTRY->QuScore = '';
    $ENTRY->QuRank = '';
    $ENTRY->IndRank = '';
    $ENTRY->CategoryLong = '';
    $ENTRY->CategoryShort = '';
    $ENTRY->EventShort = '';
    $ENTRY->EventLong = '';
$fotodir = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $CFG->ROOT_DIR . 'TV/Photos/' . $TourCodeSafe . '-%s-%s.jpg';
예제 #27
        $yy = intval($yy__ . $__yy);
        //$year = date('Y') - $yy;
        $year = date('Y', $_SESSION['ToWhenFromUTS']) - $yy;
        // Estraggo l'ageclass dalla tabella
        $Select = "SELECT ClId,ClValidClass " . "FROM Classes " . "WHERE ClTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND ClAgeFrom<=" . StrSafe_DB($year) . " AND ClAgeTo>=" . StrSafe_DB($year) . " ";
        //. "AND ClSex = " . StrSafe_DB($Sex) . " ";
        $cond = "AND ClSex = " . StrSafe_DB($_REQUEST['d_e_EnSex']) . " ";
        $condUnisex = "AND ClSex = -1 ";
        $RsCl = safe_r_sql($Select . $cond);
        //print $Select.$cond;exit;
        if (safe_num_rows($RsCl) == 1) {
            $MyRow = safe_fetch($RsCl);
            $AgeClass = $MyRow->ClId;
            $Classes = $MyRow->ClValidClass;
        } elseif (safe_num_rows($RsCl) == 0) {
            $RsCl = safe_r_sql($Select . $condUnisex);
            if (safe_num_rows($RsCl) == 1) {
                $Row = safe_fetch($RsCl);
                $AgeClass = $Row->ClId;
                $Classes = $MyRow->ClValidClass;
} else {
    $Errore = 1;
if (!debug) {
    header('Content-Type: text/xml');
print '<response>' . "\n";
print '<error>' . $Errore . '</error>' . "\n";
예제 #28

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php';
$JS_SCRIPT = array('<script type="text/javascript" src="Fun_AJAX_GetImage.js"></script>', '<script type="text/javascript" src="../Fun_JS.js"></script>');
$txtHeader = "";
$athId = empty($_REQUEST['AthId']) || $_REQUEST['AthId'] == 0 ? null : $_REQUEST['AthId'];
$sql = "SELECT EnCode, EnFirstName, EnName FROM Entries WHERE EnId=" . StrSafe_DB($athId) . " AND EnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']);
$Rs = safe_r_sql($sql);
if (safe_num_rows($Rs) == 1) {
    $MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs);
    $txtHeader = $MyRow->EnCode . " - " . $MyRow->EnFirstName . " " . $MyRow->EnName;
$x = 168;
$y = 78;
$w = 300;
$camurl = empty($_REQUEST['CamUrl']) ? "" : urldecode($_REQUEST['CamUrl']);
if (!$camurl) {
    $camurl = $_COOKIE['CamUrl'];
$boundary = "\n--";
$f = @fopen($camurl, "r");
if ($camurl and $f) {
    $r = "";
    $im = null;
    if (preg_match('/\\.jpg$/i', $camurl) != 0) {
        while (!feof($f)) {
            $r .= fread($f, 4096);
        $im = imagecreatefromstring($r);
예제 #29
	<th class="Title" colspan="4"><?php 
print get_text('TVOutRules', 'Tournament');
$Select = "SELECT TVRId, TVRTournament, TVRName, ToCode, ToName, ToWhere, ";
$Select .= "date_format(ToWhenFrom, '" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') as ToFrom, ";
$Select .= "date_format(ToWhenTo, '" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') as ToTo ";
$Select .= "FROM TVRules inner join Tournament on ToId=TVRTournament ";
if ($TourId) {
    $Select .= "where TVRTournament={$TourId} ";
$Select .= "order by ToWhenFrom desc, ToCode";
$riga = 1;
$Rs = safe_r_sql($Select);
if (safe_num_rows($Rs) > 0) {
    $old_code = '';
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($MyRow->ToCode != $old_code) {
            $riga = 1 - $riga;
            $old_code = $MyRow->ToCode;
        print '<tr' . ($riga ? ' class="alt"' : '') . ' style="height:3em">';
        print "<td>{$MyRow->ToCode}</td>";
        print "<td>{$MyRow->ToName}</td>";
        print "<td>{$MyRow->ToWhere}</td>";
        if ($MyRow->ToFrom != $MyRow->ToTo) {
            print "<td>" . get_text('DateFmtMoreDays', '', array($MyRow->ToFrom, $MyRow->ToTo)) . "</td>";
        } else {
            print "<td>{$MyRow->ToFrom}</td>";
예제 #30
function getTeamBracketsQuery($ORIS = false, $EventRequested = '')
    require_once 'Common/Lib/Fun_PrintOuts.php';
    if (!$EventRequested and !empty($_REQUEST['Event'])) {
        $EventRequested = $_REQUEST['Event'];
    if ($ORIS) {
        //Genero la Query dei Nomi
        $MyQueryNames = "SELECT TfcEvent, TfcCoId, TfcSubTeam, TfcOrder, EnFirstName, EnName, CONCAT(TeRank,CHAR(64+TfcOrder)) AS BackNo  ";
        $MyQueryNames .= "FROM TeamFinComponent ";
        $MyQueryNames .= "INNER JOIN Entries ON TfcId=EnId AND TfcTournament=EnTournament ";
        $MyQueryNames .= "INNER JOIN Teams ON TfcCoId=TeCoId AND TfcSubTeam=TeSubTeam AND TfcEvent=TeEvent AND TfcTournament=TeTournament AND TeFinEvent=1 ";
        $MyQueryNames .= "WHERE TfcTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
        //Genero la query Degli eventi
        $MyQuery = "SELECT f.TfTeam, f.TfSubTeam, f.TfEvent AS Event, EvEventName AS EventDescr, f.TfMatchNo, EvFinalFirstPhase, TeRank, TeScore, " . "IF(GrPhase!=0,GrPhase,1) as Phase, (GrPhase=1) as Finalina, " . "CONCAT(CoName, IF(f.TfSubTeam>'1',CONCAT(' (',f.TfSubTeam,')'),'')) as Team, CoCode as Country, IF(EvMatchMode=0,f.TfScore,f.TfSetScore) AS Score, f.TfTie, f.TfTieBreak, IF(EvMatchMode=0,f2.TfScore,f2.TfSetScore) as OppScore, f2.TfTie as OppTie, f.TfSetPoints as SetPoints,  " . "IF(EvFinalFirstPhase=48 || EvFinalFirstPhase=24,GrPosition2, GrPosition) GrPosition, EvFinalPrintHead, FSTarget, IFNULL(NComponenti,0) AS NumComponenti, DATE_FORMAT(FSScheduledDate,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') as ScheduledDate, DATE_FORMAT(FSScheduledTime,'" . get_text('TimeFmt') . "') AS ScheduledTime ";
        $MyQuery .= "FROM TeamFinals as f ";
        $MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN TeamFinals AS f2 ON f.TfEvent=f2.TfEvent AND f.TfMatchNo=IF((f.TfMatchNo % 2)=0,f2.TfMatchNo-1,f2.TfMatchNo+1) AND f.TfTournament=f2.TfTournament ";
        $MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Events ON f.TfEvent=EvCode AND f.TfTournament=EvTournament AND EvTeamEvent=1 ";
        $MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Grids ON f.TfMatchNo=GrMatchNo ";
        $MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN Teams ON f.TfTeam=TeCoId AND f.TfSubTeam=TeSubTeam AND f.TfEvent=TeEvent AND f.TfTournament=TeTournament AND TeFinEvent=1 ";
        $MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN Countries ON f.TfTeam=CoId AND f.TfTournament=CoTournament ";
        $MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN FinSchedule ON f.TfEvent=FSEvent AND f.TfMatchNo=FSMatchNo AND f.TfTournament=FSTournament AND FSTeamEvent='1' ";
        $MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN (SELECT TfcEvent AS Evento, Max(Quanti) AS NComponenti FROM ( ";
        $MyQuery .= "SELECT TfcEvent, Count( * ) AS Quanti FROM TeamFinComponent WHERE TfcTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
        $MyQuery .= "GROUP BY TfcEvent, TfcCoId, TfcSubTeam) AS Ssqy  GROUP BY TfcEvent) as Sqy ON f.TfEvent=Evento ";
        $MyQuery .= "WHERE f.TfTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
        if ($EventRequested) {
            $MyQuery .= CleanEvents($EventRequested, 'f.TfEvent');
            $MyQueryNames .= CleanEvents($EventRequested, 'TfcEvent');
        $MyQuery .= "ORDER BY EvProgr ASC, EvCode, Phase DESC, f.TfMatchNo ASC ";
        $MyQueryNames .= "ORDER BY TfcEvent, TfcCoId, TfcSubTeam, TfcOrder ";
        //* DEBUG --> */ print $MyQuery;
        $ArrNames = array();
        $RsNames = safe_r_sql($MyQueryNames);
        if (safe_num_rows($RsNames) > 0) {
            $arrKeys = array();
            $arrValues = array();
            while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($RsNames)) {
                $arrKeys[] = $MyRow->TfcEvent . "_" . $MyRow->TfcCoId . "_" . $MyRow->TfcSubTeam . "_" . $MyRow->TfcOrder;
                $arrValues[] = array($MyRow->BackNo, $MyRow->EnFirstName . ' ' . $MyRow->EnName);
            $ArrNames = array_combine($arrKeys, $arrValues);
        return array($MyQuery, $ArrNames);
    //Genero la Query dei Nomi
    $MyQueryNames = "SELECT TfcEvent, TfcCoId, TfcSubTeam, TfcOrder, EnFirstName, EnName ";
    $MyQueryNames .= "FROM TeamFinComponent ";
    $MyQueryNames .= "INNER JOIN Entries ON TfcId=EnId AND TfcTournament=EnTournament ";
    $MyQueryNames .= "WHERE TfcTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
    //Genero la query Degli eventi
    $MyQuery = "SELECT TfTeam, TfSubTeam, TfEvent AS Event, EvEventName AS EventDescr, TfMatchNo, EvFinalFirstPhase, " . "IF(GrPhase!=0,GrPhase,1) as Phase, (GrPhase=1) as finalina, " . "CONCAT(CoName, IF(TfSubTeam>'1',CONCAT(' (',TfSubTeam,')'),'')) as Team, CoCode as Country, IF(EvMatchMode=0,TfScore,TfSetScore) as Score, TfTie, TfTieBreak, " . "IF(EvFinalFirstPhase=48 || EvFinalFirstPhase=24,GrPosition2, GrPosition) GrPosition, EvFinalPrintHead, FSTarget, NumComponenti, DATE_FORMAT(FSScheduledDate,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') as ScheduledDate, DATE_FORMAT(FSScheduledTime,'" . get_text('TimeFmt') . "') AS ScheduledTime ";
    $MyQuery .= "FROM TeamFinals ";
    $MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Events ON TfEvent=EvCode AND TfTournament=EvTournament AND EvTeamEvent=1 ";
    $MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Grids ON TfMatchNo=GrMatchNo ";
    $MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN Countries ON TfTeam=CoId AND TfTournament=CoTournament ";
    $MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN FinSchedule ON TfEvent=FSEvent AND TfMatchNo=FSMatchNo AND TfTournament=FSTournament AND FSTeamEvent='1' ";
    $MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN (SELECT TfcEvent AS Evento, Max( Quanti ) AS NumComponenti FROM ( ";
    $MyQuery .= "SELECT TfcEvent, Count( * ) AS Quanti FROM TeamFinComponent WHERE TfcTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
    $MyQuery .= "GROUP BY TfcEvent, TfcCoId, TfcSubTeam) AS Ssqy  GROUP BY TfcEvent) as Sqy ON TfEvent=Evento ";
    $MyQuery .= "WHERE TfTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
    if ($EventRequested) {
        $MyQuery .= CleanEvents($EventRequested, 'TfEvent');
        $MyQueryNames .= CleanEvents($EventRequested, 'TfcEvent');
    $MyQuery .= "ORDER BY EvProgr ASC, EvCode, Phase DESC, TfMatchNo ASC ";
    $MyQueryNames .= "ORDER BY TfcEvent, TfcCoId, TfcSubTeam, TfcOrder ";
    //* DEBUG --> */ print $MyQueryNames;
    $ArrNames = array();
    $RsNames = safe_r_sql($MyQueryNames);
    if (safe_num_rows($RsNames) > 0) {
        $arrKeys = array();
        $arrValues = array();
        while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($RsNames)) {
            $arrKeys[] = $MyRow->TfcEvent . "_" . $MyRow->TfcCoId . "_" . $MyRow->TfcSubTeam . "_" . $MyRow->TfcOrder;
            $arrValues[] = $MyRow->EnFirstName . ' ' . $MyRow->EnName;
        $ArrNames = array_combine($arrKeys, $arrValues);
    return array($MyQuery, $ArrNames);