예제 #1
function xen_install($installtype)
    // If openvz.repo file exist remove it imediately before install Xen
    if (file_exists("/etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo")) {
    if (is_centossix()) {
        $arch = `arch`;
        $arch = trim($arch);
        if ($arch === 'x86_64') {
            lxfile_cp("../file/centos-6-xen.repo.template", "/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Xen.repo");
        } else {
            echo "Sorry, installation aborted. Xen is not supported at CentOS 6 32bit.";
    if (is_centosfive()) {
        $list = array("kernel-xen", "xen", "virt-manager");
    } else {
        $list = array("kernel-xen", "xen", "virt-manager", "lxmkinitrd", "lxkernel-domU-xen");
    if (file_exists("/boot/vmlinuz-2.6-xen") && !file_exists("/boot/hypervm-xen-vmlinuz")) {
        system("cd /boot ; ln -s vmlinuz-2.6-xen hypervm-xen-vmlinuz; ln -s initrd-2.6-xen.img hypervm-xen-initrd.img");
    if (file_exists("/etc/init.d/libvirtd")) {
        system("chkconfig libvirtd off");
    system("chkconfig xendomains on");
    system("chkconfig xend on");
    if (is_centossix()) {
        system("sh /script/fixxenkernel");
예제 #2
function xen_install($installtype)
    $list = array("kernel-xen", "xen", "virt-manager");
    if (file_exists("/boot/vmlinuz-2.6-xen") && !file_exists("/boot/hypervm-xen-vmlinuz")) {
        system("cd /boot ; ln -s vmlinuz-2.6-xen hypervm-xen-vmlinuz; ln -s initrd-2.6-xen.img hypervm-xen-initrd.img");
    system("chkconfig xendomains on");
    system("chkconfig libvirtd off");
예제 #3
function lxins_main()
    global $argv;
    $opt = parse_opt($argv);
    $installtype = $opt['install-type'];
    $highmem = false;
    if (isset($opt['has-highmem'])) {
        $highmem = true;
    if (!isset($opt['virtualization-type'])) {
        print "Need virtualization type --virtualization-type=xen/openvz/NONE\n";
    } else {
        $virtualization = $opt['virtualization-type'];
    $skipostemplate = false;
    if (isset($opt['skip-ostemplate'])) {
        $skipostemplate = true;
    if (array_search($virtualization, array("xen", "openvz", "NONE")) === false) {
        print "Only xen/openvz/NONE are curently supported\n";
    $dbroot = isset($opt['db-rootuser']) ? $opt['db-rootuser'] : "******";
    $dbpass = isset($opt['db-rootpassword']) ? $opt['db-rootpassword'] : "";
    if (!$dbpass) {
        //$dbpass = slave_get_db_pass("hypervm");
    $osversion = find_os_version();
    if (file_exists("/usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm")) {
        print "HyperVM is installed do you wish to continue?(No/Yes):\n";
        $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
        $argq = fread($stdin, 5);
        $arg = trim($argq);
        if (!($arg == 'y' || $arg == 'yes' || $arg == 'Yes' || $arg == 'Y' || $arg == 'YES')) {
            print "Exiting.....\n";
    if ($virtualization === 'xen') {
        if (!char_search_beg($osversion, "fedora-9") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "centos-5") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "rhel-5")) {
            print "Xen is only supported on Fedora 9 or CentOS 5\n";
    if ($virtualization === 'openvz') {
        if (!char_search_beg($osversion, "centos") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "rhel")) {
            print "OpenVZ is only supported on CentOS 4/5, RHEL 4/5 distributions\n";
    	$file = "http://download.lxlabs.com/download/update/$osversion/headers/header.info";
    	$cont = @file_get_contents($file);
    	if (!$cont) {
    		print("This OS is not suported at this moment.... Please contact our Support personnel\n");
    exec("groupadd lxlabs");
    exec("useradd lxlabs -g lxlabs -s '/sbin/nologin'");
    $list = array("which", "lxlighttpd", "zip", "unzip", "lxphp", "lxzend", "curl");
    if ($installtype !== 'slave') {
        $mysql = array("mysql", "mysql-server", "mysqlclient*");
        $list = array_merge($list, $mysql);
    while (true) {
        if (file_exists("/usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/php")) {
        } else {
            print "Yum Gave Error... Trying Again...\n";
    if ($installtype !== 'slave') {
        check_default_mysql($dbroot, $dbpass);
    $xenfailed = false;
    exec("killall wget");
    system("mkdir -p /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm");
    system("mkdir -p /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/log");
    if (file_exists('.git')) {
        echo 'Development GIT version found. Skipping download sources.';
    } else {
        system("wget http://download.lxcenter.org/download/hypervm/production/hypervm/hypervm-current.zip");
    system("unzip -oq hypervm-current.zip", $return);
    if ($return) {
        print "Unzipping the core Failed.. Most likely it is corrupted. Please contact the support personnel\n";
    system("chown -R lxlabs:lxlabs /usr/local/lxlabs/");
    $dir_name = dirname(__FILE__);
    system("mkdir -p /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/etc/");
    system("/bin/cp /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs/htmllib/filecore/php.ini /usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/etc/php.ini");
    system("/usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/php ../bin/install/create.php --install-type={$installtype} --db-rootuser={$dbroot} --db-rootpassword={$dbpass}");
    //@ unlink("/usr/local/lxlabs/lxadmin/bin/install/create.php");
    system("chmod 755 /etc/init.d/hypervm");
    system("/sbin/chkconfig hypervm on");
    system("/sbin/chkconfig iptables off");
    $skiparg = null;
    if ($skipostemplate) {
        $skiparg = "--skipostemplate=true";
    if ($virtualization === "NONE") {
        print "No Virtualization has been chosen. It is assumed that it is an existing installation\n";
    } else {
        print "Virtualization is {$virtualization}. Installing {$virtualization} Components\n";
    // call script to install base OS templates and OpenVZ repo
    passthru("/usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/php ../bin/install/virt-install.php --install-type={$installtype} --virtualization-type={$virtualization} {$skiparg}");
    print "Congratuations. HyperVM has been installed succesfully on your server as {$installtype} \n";
    if ($installtype === 'master') {
        print "You can connect to the server at https://<ip-address>:8887 or http://<ip-address>:8888\n";
        print "Please note that first is secure ssl connection, while the second is normal one.\n";
        print "The login and password are 'admin' 'admin'. After Logging in, you will have to change your password to something more secure.\n";
        print "Thanks for choosing HyperVM to manage your Server, and allowing us to be of service.\n";
    } else {
        print "You should open the port 8889 on this server, since this is used for the communication between master and slave.\n";
        print "To access this slave, go admin->slaves->add slave, give the ip/machine name of this server. The password is 'admin'. The slave will appear in the list of slaves, and you can access it just like you access localhost.\n";
    if ($virtualization === 'openvz') {
        print "\n***There is one more step you have to do to make this complete. Open /etc/grub.conf, and change the 'default=1' line to 'default=0', and reboot this machine. You will be rebooted into the OpenVZ kernel and will able to manage VPSes from the HyperVM interface.\n";
    } else {
        if ($virtualization === 'xen') {
            print "\n**** You will have to reboot for the XEN kernel to take effect. Once rebooted, you will able to manage XEN virtual machines using the HyperVM interface.\n";
    print "\n\nExtra note:\n";
    print "To install extra XEN and/or OpenVZ OS templates please run:\n\n";
    print "sh /script/install-extra-ostemplates\n";
    print "\nThese template are left out the install process to speed up the HyperVM installation. By default only CentOS 5 and HostInBox(Kloxo) OS templates are installed.";
예제 #4
function lxins_main()
    global $argv;
    $opt = parse_opt($argv);
    $installtype = $opt['install-type'];
    $highmem = false;
    if (isset($opt['has-highmem'])) {
        $highmem = true;
    if (!isset($opt['virtualization-type'])) {
        print "Need virtualization type --virtualization-type=xen/openvz/NONE\n";
    } else {
        $virtualization = $opt['virtualization-type'];
    $skipostemplate = false;
    if (isset($opt['skip-ostemplate'])) {
        $skipostemplate = true;
    if (array_search($virtualization, array("xen", "openvz", "NONE")) === false) {
        print "Only xen/openvz/NONE are curently supported\n";
    $dbroot = isset($opt['db-rootuser']) ? $opt['db-rootuser'] : "******";
    $dbpass = isset($opt['db-rootpassword']) ? $opt['db-rootpassword'] : "";
    $osversion = find_os_version();
    if (file_exists("/usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm")) {
        print "HyperVM is installed do you wish to continue?(No/Yes):\n";
        $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
        $argq = fread($stdin, 5);
        $arg = trim($argq);
        if (!($arg == 'y' || $arg == 'yes' || $arg == 'Yes' || $arg == 'Y' || $arg == 'YES')) {
            print "Exiting.....\n";
    if ($virtualization === 'xen') {
        if (!char_search_beg($osversion, "centos-6") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "centos-5") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "rhel-5") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "rhel-6")) {
            print "Xen is only supported on CentOS 5 and CentOS 6 distributions with HyperVM as management system\n";
    if ($virtualization === 'openvz') {
        if (!char_search_beg($osversion, "centos-6") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "centos-5") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "rhel-5") && !char_search_beg($osversion, "rhel-6")) {
            print "OpenVZ is only supported on CentOS 5 and CentOS 6 distributions with HyperVM as management system\n";
    exec("groupadd lxlabs");
    exec("useradd lxlabs -g lxlabs -s '/sbin/nologin'");
    // New since HyperVM 2.1.0 hypervm-core-php yum-plugin-replace
    $list = array("which", "lxlighttpd", "zip", "unzip", "hypervm-core-php", "curl", "yum-plugin-replace");
    /* Because our builder is on CentOS-6 the binaries like closeallinput are linked against libssl.so.10
     * To keep backward compatibility with RHEL-5 / CentOS-5 systems HyperVM-NG provides openssl10 package
    if (char_search_beg($osversion, "centos-5") && char_search_beg($osversion, "rhel-5")) {
        $libssl = array("openssl10");
        $list = array_merge($list, $libssl);
    if ($installtype !== 'slave') {
        $mysql = array("mysql", "mysql-server");
        $list = array_merge($list, $mysql);
    // When installing development version, don't loop yum (.git found)
    if (!file_exists('/usr/local/lxlabs/.git')) {
        while (true) {
            if (file_exists("/usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/php")) {
            } else {
                // This can be a endless loop, needs another check!
                print "Yum Gave Error... Trying Again...\n";
    } else {
    if ($installtype !== 'slave') {
        check_default_mysql($dbroot, $dbpass);
    $xenfailed = false;
    //  why is that?
    //	exec("killall wget");
    system("mkdir -p /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm");
    system("mkdir -p /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/log");
    // Prevents deleting the development package
    if (!file_exists('/usr/local/lxlabs/.git')) {
    if (file_exists('/usr/local/lxlabs/.git')) {
        echo 'Development GIT version found. Skipping download from HyperVM-NG.';
    } else {
        system("wget http://download.hypervm-ng.org/download/hypervm-ng/production/hypervm-current.zip");
    system("unzip -oq hypervm-current.zip", $return);
    if ($return) {
        print "\nUnzipping the core Failed.. Most likely it is corrupted. Please contact the support personnel\n";
    system("chown -R lxlabs:lxlabs /usr/local/lxlabs/");
    $dir_name = dirname(__FILE__);
    system("mkdir -p /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/etc/");
    system("/bin/cp /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs/htmllib/filecore/php.ini /usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/etc/php.ini");
    system("/usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/php ../bin/install/create.php --install-type={$installtype} --db-rootuser={$dbroot} --db-rootpassword={$dbpass}");
    system("chmod 755 /etc/init.d/hypervm");
    system("/sbin/chkconfig hypervm on");
    system("/sbin/chkconfig iptables off");
    $skiparg = null;
    if ($skipostemplate) {
        $skiparg = "--skipostemplate=true";
    if ($virtualization === "NONE") {
        print "No Virtualization has been chosen. It is assumed that it is an existing installation\n";
    } else {
        print "Virtualization is {$virtualization}. Installing {$virtualization} Components\n";
    // call script to install base OS templates and OpenVZ repo
    passthru("/usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/php ../bin/install/virt-install.php --install-type={$installtype} --virtualization-type={$virtualization} {$skiparg}");
    echo smart_wordwrap("\n\n\nCongratulations!.\nHyperVM has been installed successfully on your server as {$installtype} \n");
    if ($installtype === 'master') {
        echo smart_wordwrap("\nYou can browse to the administration interface at:\n");
        echo smart_wordwrap("Secure - https://<ip-address>:8887\n");
        echo smart_wordwrap("Normal -  http://<ip-address>:8888\n\n");
        echo smart_wordwrap("The login and password are 'admin' 'admin'. After Logging in, you will have to change your password to something more secure.\n");
        echo smart_wordwrap("Thanks for choosing HyperVM to manage your Server, and allowing us to be of service.\n");
    } else {
        echo smart_wordwrap("You should open the port 8889 on this server, since this is used for the communication between master and slave.\n");
        echo smart_wordwrap("To access this slave, go admin->slaves->add slave, give the ip/machine name of this server. The password is 'admin'. The slave will appear in the list of slaves, and you can access it just like you access localhost.\n");
    if ($virtualization === 'openvz') {
        echo smart_wordwrap("\n***There is one more step you have to do to make this complete. Open /etc/grub.conf, and change the 'default=1' line to 'default=0', and reboot this machine. You will be rebooted into the OpenVZ kernel and will able to manage VPSes from the HyperVM interface.\n");
    } else {
        if ($virtualization === 'xen') {
            echo smart_wordwrap("\n**** You will have to reboot for the XEN kernel to take effect. Once rebooted, you will able to manage XEN virtual machines using the HyperVM interface.\n");
    echo smart_wordwrap("\n\nExtra note:\n");
    echo smart_wordwrap("To install extra XEN and/or OpenVZ OS templates please run:\n\n");
    echo smart_wordwrap("sh /script/install-extra-ostemplates\n");
    echo smart_wordwrap("\nThese templates are left out the install process to speed up the HyperVM installation. By default only CentOS 5 and HostInBox(Kloxo) OS templates are installed.\n\n");
    echo smart_wordwrap("\n#!# Reboot your system to boot into the right kernel #!#\n\n");
    if (file_exists('/usr/local/lxlabs/.git')) {
        echo smart_wordwrap("Remember, you installed a Development version. Do not use it on production servers!\n\n");