} else { //Proceed! //Check if school year specified $gibbonRubricID = $_GET["gibbonRubricID"]; if ($gibbonRubricID == "") { print "<div class='error'>"; print _("You have not specified one or more required parameters."); print "</div>"; } else { try { $data3 = array("gibbonRubricID" => $gibbonRubricID); $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM gibbonRubric WHERE gibbonRubricID=:gibbonRubricID"; $result3 = $connection2->prepare($sql3); $result3->execute($data3); } catch (PDOException $e) { print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>"; } if ($result3->rowCount() != 1) { print "<div class='error'>"; print _("The specified record does not exist."); print "</div>"; } else { //Let's go! $row3 = $result3->fetch(); print "<h2 style='margin-bottom: 10px;'>"; print $row3["name"] . "<br/>"; print "</h2>"; print rubricView($guid, $connection2, $gibbonRubricID, FALSE); } } }
$result4->execute($data4); } catch (PDOException $e) { print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>"; } if ($result4->rowCount() != 1) { print "<div class='error'>"; print _("The selected record does not exist, or you do not have access to it."); print "</div>"; } else { //Let's go! $row = $result->fetch(); $row2 = $result2->fetch(); $row3 = $result3->fetch(); $row4 = $result4->fetch(); print "<h2 style='margin-bottom: 10px;'>"; print $row3["name"] . "<br/>"; print "<span style='font-size: 65%; font-style: italic'>" . formatName("", $row4["preferredName"], $row4["surname"], "Student", true) . "</span>"; print "</h2>"; $mark = TRUE; if (isset($_GET["mark"])) { if ($_GET["mark"] == "FALSE") { $mark = FALSE; } } print rubricView($guid, $connection2, $gibbonRubricID, $mark, $row4["gibbonPersonID"], "gibbonMarkbookColumn", "gibbonMarkbookColumnID", $gibbonMarkbookColumnID, $contextDBTableGibbonRubricIDField, "name", "completeDate"); } } } } } }