function success() { echo "*ok*"; function round_up($value, $precision) { $pow = pow(10, $precision); return (ceil($pow * $value) + ceil($pow * $value - ceil($pow * $value))) / $pow; } $transactionid = $_GET['transaction_hash']; $invoiceid = $_GET['invoice']; $invoicename = $_GET['invoicename']; $usdamount = $_GET['usdamount']; $btcamount = $_GET['btcamount']; $client = $_GET['client']; $amountsentsatoshi = $_GET['value']; $amountsent = $amountsentsatoshi / 100000000; $client_username = $this->user_profile->get_user_details($client, 'username'); //get client username $client_email = $this->user_profile->get_user_details($client, 'email'); //get client email $ratio = $amountsent / $btcamount; $paid = $usdamount * $ratio; $paid = round_up($paid, 2); $p_info = array('invoice' => $invoiceid, 'paid_by' => $client, 'payment_method' => '1', 'amount' => $paid, 'trans_id' => $transactionid, 'notes' => 'Amount in BTC: ' . $amountsent, 'month_paid' => date('m'), 'year_paid' => date('Y')); $this->db->insert('payments', $p_info); // insert to payments $activity = lang('activity_payment_of') . $this->user_profile->get_invoice_details($invoiceid, 'currency') . ' ' . $paid . lang('activity_payment_recieved_and_applied') . $invoicename; if (Applib::calculate('invoice_due', $invoiceid) <= 0.0) { Applib::update(Applib::$invoices_table, array('inv_id' => $invoice_id), array('status' => 'Paid')); } $this->_log_activity($invoiceid, $activity, $icon = 'fa-btc', $client); //log activity $this->_notifyme($client_email, $client_username, $invoicename); }
function dispute_time_left($time, $hrs) { //echo date('d-m-Y',$time);exit; $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->lang->load('enduser/cancelProject'); $mod = $CI->load->model('skills_model'); $today = get_est_time(); $lastday = $time; $difference = $today - $lastday; $day = floor($difference / 84600); $difference -= 84600 * floor($difference / 84600); $hours = floor($difference / 3600); $difference -= 3600 * floor($difference / 3600); $min = floor($difference / 60); $sec = $difference -= 60 * floor($difference / 60); //echo $min; if ($day == 0 && $hours == 0) { $resp_mins = $hrs * 60; $rem = $resp_mins - $min + 0.1; return "<b>" . round_up($rem / 60, 2) . " " . $CI->lang->line('hours left to respond') . "</b>"; } elseif ($day == 0 && $hours < $hrs) { $rem = $hrs - $hours; return "<b>" . round_up($rem, 2) . " " . $CI->lang->line('hours left to respond') . "</b>"; } else { return "<b>" . $CI->lang->line('response time') . ' (' . $hrs . ' hrs) ' . $CI->lang->line('is over') . "</b>"; } //return "$day days $hours hours $min minutes, and $difference seconds ago."; }
// Tgl Delivery $pdf->Ln($height); $pdf->SetFont($font, 'B', $size - 1); $pdf->Cell(25, $height, 'PROSES', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(14, $height, 'Std. Kg.', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(25, $height, 'No.MESIN', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(16, $height, 'Tgl. Prod.', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(16, $height, 'Act. Kg.', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(16, $height, 'OPR', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(16, $height, 'PARAF', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln($height); foreach ($detail->result() as $proses) { $pdf->SetFont($font, '', $size); $pdf->Cell(25, $height - 0.5, $proses->m_process_cat_name, 1, 0, 'C'); // Nama Proses $pdf->Cell(14, $height - 0.5, number_format(round_up($proses->m_process_weight * $data->t_prod_qty / 1000, 2), 2, ',', '.'), 1, 0, 'C'); // Berat Proses $pdf->Cell(25, $height - 0.5, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(16, $height - 0.5, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(16, $height - 0.5, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(16, $height - 0.5, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(16, $height - 0.5, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln($height - 0.5); } $pdf->SetY(182); $pdf->SetFont($font, 'B', $size); $pdf->Cell(32, $height - 2, 'PERHATIAN :', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln($height); // $pdf->Image($data->m_marking_path, 13, 181+$height,18,18); $pdf->Image($data->m_marking_img, 13, 181 + $height, 18, 18, 'JPEG'); $pdf->SetXY(42, 182);
</td> <td > <b class="offset1">Total Value (UGX): </b> <span style="text-align: right;" class=""> <?php echo number_format(array_sum($total_annual_contract_value) - array_sum($total_contract_value)); ?> </span> <?php if (count($total_contract_value)) { ?> <span style="text-align: right;" class="offset1"><b>PERCENTAGE: </b><?php echo 100 - round_up(array_sum($total_contract_value) / array_sum($total_annual_contract_value) * 100); ?> </span>% <?php } ?> </td> <?php if ($this->session->userdata('isadmin') == 'Y') { ?> <td> <b >PDES:</b> <span class="number"><?php echo count($total_pdes_above_contract_value); ?>
echo count($contracts) . ' <small>Contracts</small> <b class="offset1">' . count($results) > 0 ? round_up(count($contracts) / count($results) * 100) : '' . '%</b> <span class="offset1">Value: <small>UGX</small> ' . array_sum($cont_value) . '</span> <b style="text-align:right;" class="pull-right" >' . round_up(array_sum($cont_value) / array_sum($total_contract_value) * 100) . '%</b>'; ?> </td> <td>Average lead time: <?php $lead_times = array(); $contracts = array(); foreach ($results as $row) { if ($row['procurement_method'] == $value) { $contracts[] = $row['id']; $lead_times[] = seconds_to_days(strtotime($row['dateofconfirmationoffunds']) - strtotime($row['contract_award_date'])); } } echo '<b class="offset1">' . round_up(array_sum($lead_times) / count($contracts)) . ' </b> Days'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <p>
<td > <span class="number"><?php echo $total_results; ?> </span> <?php //to prevent division by zero if (count($all_contracts_in_this_year)) { ?> <span style="margin-left: 20px;" class="pull-right"><b>Total Value (UGX): </b><span style="text-align: right;"><?php echo number_format(array_sum($total_contract_value)); ?> </span> </span> <span class="pull-right"><span ><b>PERCENTAGE:</b> <?php echo round_up(count($results) / count($all_contracts_in_this_year) * 100); ?> </span>%</span> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php
function selectAll($sale_code, $start_date, $end_date) { global $thead, $connect, $tableD; $selSql1 = "select `reg_date` from toto_pay where `sale_code` = '" . $sale_code . "' and `reg_date` between '" . $start_date . "' and '" . $end_date . "' order by reg_date asc"; $result = mysql_query($selSql1, $connect); $total1 = mysql_num_rows($result); // 총 레코드 수 $num = $total1; // 병원이름 출력 2011-03-31 $docSql = "select * from toto_doctor order by `no` asc"; $docRes = mysql_query($docSql, $connect); $docTot = mysql_num_rows($docRes); // 총 레코드 수 $docNum = $docTot; $docRow = mysql_fetch_row($docRes); $hosp_name = $docRow[3]; if ($total1) { while ($total1--) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); if ($row[0] == $cur_date) { } else { $reg_date = substr($row[14], 0, 4); $reg_date = $reg_date . "-" . substr($row[14], 4, 2); $reg_date = $reg_date . "-" . substr($row[14], 6, 2); $reged_date = $reged_date . "|" . $row[0]; //입력된 reg_date 구하기 } $cur_date = $row[0]; } $reg_arr = explode("|", $reged_date); $arr_size = count($reg_arr); $num = 0; for ($ac = $start_date; $ac <= $end_date; $ac++) { //피부과 자료 정리 $numOfList++; $selSql = "select sum(cash_mony+cscd_mony+card_mony+yet__mony), sum(card_mony), sum(cash_mony+cscd_mony) from toto_pay where `sale_code` = '" . $sale_code . "' and rmdy_doct = '" . $docRow[1] . "' and `reg_date` = '" . $ac . "' order by reg_date asc"; $result = mysql_query($selSql, $connect); $total = mysql_num_rows($result); // 총 레코드 수 $num = $total; while ($total--) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $income = $row[0]; $card_in = $row[1]; //카드 총합 $income_sum = $income_sum + $row[0]; //총합 $card_income = $card_income + $row[1]; //카드 총합 $cash_income = $cash_income + $row[2]; //현금 총합 } if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $selSql2 = "select `cash_mony` from toto_exp where `exps_code` = '4000' and `reg_date` = '" . $ac . "' order by reg_date asc"; $result2 = mysql_query($selSql2, $connect); $total2 = mysql_num_rows($result2); // 총 레코드 수 $outcome_today = 0; while ($total2--) { $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2); $outcome_today = $outcome_today + $row2[0]; $outcome = $outcome + $row2[0]; } } } $updated = $updated . '<tr> <td class="tdStyle">' . $hosp_name . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($income) . '</td>'; if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($outcome_today) . '</td>'; } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($income_sum) . '</td>'; if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($outcome) . '</td>'; } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($cash_income) . '</td>'; if ($income == 0) { //당일 매출이 없을 경우 2011-08-30 $ccrate = "-"; } else { $ccrate = round_up($card_income / $income, 3); } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . $ccrate . '</td></tr>'; $updated = $updated . '<tr> <td class="tdStyle">합계</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($income) . '</td>'; if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($outcome_today) . '</td>'; } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($income_sum) . '</td>'; if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($outcome) . '</td>'; } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($cash_income) . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . $ccrate . '</td></tr>'; $updated = $updated; } else { $updated = '자료가 없습니다'; } return $updated; }
// Add extra text if uploading new file if ($_GET['id'] == "") { print "<p style='padding-bottom:10px;'>{$lang['docs_33']} \"$upload_button_text\" {$lang['docs_34']}</p>"; } // Get data for this existing file else { $sql = "select docs_id, docs_comment, docs_date, docs_name, docs_size, docs_type from redcap_docs where docs_id = " . $_GET['id']; $q = db_query($sql); foreach (db_fetch_assoc($q) as $field=>$value) { if ($field == "docs_date") { $value = format_date($value); } elseif ($field == "docs_size") { $value = round_up($value/1024/1024); } $element_data[$field] = $value; } } print "<div style='padding-left:40px;'>"; //Render form form_renderer($elements,$element_data); print "</div>"; } // Show either USER FILES or DATA EXPORT FILES
/** * Updates database prices from the supplied file * @param $filename string fully qualified filepath and name * @param $options array of options; see declaration for details */ function updatePrices($dbc, $filename, array $options = array()) { $result = array('updated' => array(), 'failed' => array(), 'not_found' => array(), 'warning' => array(), 'disabled' => array(), 'modified' => array()); $updated = array(); // store product_id => array of product codes matched for it $stmts = getPreparedStatements($dbc, $options); $labels = $options['header_labels']; try { $importer = new CsvImporter($filename, true, $labels, ","); $select_only = $options['dry_run'] || $options['disable_only']; while ($data = $importer->get(2000)) { foreach ($data as $entry) { $manufacturer = trim(empty($entry[$labels['manufacturer']['label']]) ? $options['manufacturer'] : $entry[$labels['manufacturer']['label']]); $product_code = trim($entry[$labels['product_code']['label']]); $upc = !$options['upc_update'] || empty($entry[$labels['upc']['label']]) ? null : $entry[$labels['upc']['label']]; $list_price = round_up(getAmount($entry[$labels['list_price']['label']]), 2); $cost_price = isset($entry[$labels['cost_price']['label']]) ? round_up(getAmount($entry[$labels['cost_price']['label']]), 2) : null; $sale_price = round_up(getAmount($entry[$labels['sale_price']['label']]), 2); if ($sale_price >= $list_price) { $list_price = $options['allow_upsell'] ? $sale_price : $list_price; $sale_price = null; } $changed = false; // flag indicating product (or matrix) prices changed if (!$stmts['select_product']->bind_param('ss', $product_code, $manufacturer) || !$stmts['select_product']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Query failed for manufacturer {$manufacturer} and product code {$product_code}: {$stmts['select_product']->errno} - {$stmts['select_product']->error}"); } $main_product_id = fetch_assoc_stmt($stmts['select_product']); $product_id = false; if ($select_only) { if (is_int($main_product_id)) { $result['updated'][] = "Product prices updated; Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code} | List Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $list_price) . " | Cost Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $cost_price) . " | Sale Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $sale_price); $changed = true; } elseif (!$options['ignore_missing']) { $result['not_found'][$product_code] = "Product was either not found or prices did not change; Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code}"; } if ($options['update_matrix']) { if (!$stmts['select_matrix']->bind_param('ss', $product_code, $manufacturer) || !$stmts['select_matrix']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Query failed for manufacturer {$manufacturer} and product code {$product_code}: {$stmts['select_matrix']->errno} - {$stmts['select_matrix']->error}"); } elseif (!empty($product_id = fetch_assoc_stmt($stmts['select_matrix']))) { $result['updated'][] = "Matrix prices updated; Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code} | List Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $list_price) . " | Sale Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $sale_price); $changed = true; $updated[$product_id][] = $product_code; // wasn't found as a product, but found as a matrix entry if (array_key_exists($product_code, $result['not_found'])) { unset($result['not_found'][$product_code]); } } elseif (array_key_exists($product_code, $result['not_found'])) { $result['not_found'][$product_code] = "Neither product nor matrix entry not found; Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code}"; } } } else { if (!$stmts['update_product']->bind_param('dddsi', $list_price, $cost_price, $sale_price, $upc, $main_product_id) || !$stmts['update_product']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Query failed for manufacturer {$manufacturer} and product code {$product_code}: {$stmts['update_product']->errno} - {$stmts['update_product']->error}"); } elseif ($stmts['update_product']->affected_rows > 0) { $result['updated'][] = "Product prices updated; Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code} | List Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $list_price) . " | Cost Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $cost_price) . " | Sale Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $sale_price); $changed = true; } elseif (!$options['ignore_missing']) { $result['not_found'][$product_code] = "Product was either not found or prices did not change; Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code}"; } if ($options['update_matrix']) { if (!$stmts['update_matrix']->bind_param('ddsss', $list_price, $sale_price, $upc, $product_code, $manufacturer) || !$stmts['update_matrix']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Query failed for manufacturer {$manufacturer} and product code {$product_code}: {$stmts['update_matrix']->errno} - {$stmts['update_matrix']->error}"); } elseif ($stmts['update_matrix']->affected_rows > 0) { if (!$stmts['select_matrix']->bind_param('ss', $product_code, $manufacturer) || !$stmts['select_matrix']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Query to select product id from matrix table failed for manufacturer {$manufacturer} and product code {$product_code}: {$stmts['select_matrix']->errno} - {$stmts['select_matrix']->error}"); } elseif (empty($product_id = fetch_assoc_stmt($stmts['select_matrix']))) { $result['failed'][] = "Matrix entry not found after updating! Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code}"; } else { $result['updated'][] = "Matrix prices updated; Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code} | List Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $list_price) . " | Sale Price: \$" . sprintf('%.2f', $sale_price); $changed = true; $updated[$product_id][] = $product_code; // wasn't found as a product, but found as a matrix entry if (array_key_exists($product_code, $result['not_found'])) { unset($result['not_found'][$product_code]); } } } elseif (array_key_exists($product_code, $result['not_found'])) { $result['not_found'][$product_code] = "Neither product nor matrix entry was found or updated; Manufacturer: {$manufacturer} | Product Code: {$product_code}"; } } } // Product was found and updated - update 'date updated' field $id = $main_product_id ? $main_product_id : $product_id; if ($id && empty($result['modified'][$id]) && ($options['update_date_all'] || $changed && $options['update_date'])) { if ($select_only) { $result['modified'][$id] = "Date modified updated for product id {$id}: triggered by {$manufacturer} product {$product_code}"; } elseif (!$stmts['update_date']->bind_param('i', $id) || !$stmts['update_date']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Update date query failed for manufacturer {$manufacturer} and product code {$product_code}: {$stmts['update_date']->errno} - {$stmts['update_date']->error}"); } else { $result['modified'][$id] = "Date modified updated for product id {$id}: triggered by {$manufacturer} product {$product_code}"; } } } } // TODO option to disable warnings (including display thereof) // Array only contains entries when updating matrix codes, i.e. option_matrix table has been modified accordingly foreach ($updated as $product_id => $product_codes) { // select all product / matrix codes from database for this product if (!$stmts['select_product_codes']->bind_param('ii', $product_id, $product_id) || !$stmts['select_product_codes']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Query to select product codes while checking for warnings failed for product id {$product_id}: {$stmts['select_product_codes']->errno} - {$stmts['select_product_codes']->error}"); } // disable / warn for any that were not found on the price list $codes = fetch_assoc_stmt($stmts['select_product_codes']); $diff = array_diff(is_array($codes) ? $codes : array($codes), $product_codes); if ($options['disable_products']) { if ($options['dry_run']) { $result['disabled'][$product_id] = $diff; } else { // Disable matrix entries first foreach ($diff as $product_code) { if (!$stmts['disable_matrix']->bind_param('is', $product_id, $product_code) || !$stmts['disable_matrix']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to disable matrix entry for product {$product_id} - {$product_code}: {$stmts['disable_matrix']->errno} - {$stmts['disable_matrix']->error}"); } elseif ($stmts['disable_matrix']->affected_rows > 0) { $result['disabled'][$product_id][] = $product_code; } else { $result['warning'][$product_id][] = "Matrix entry for product {$product_id} - {$product_code} could not be disabled: it may already be disabled, but you should double-check"; } } // Then disable products that no longer have any enabled matrix options if (!$stmts['disable_product']->bind_param('iii', $product_id, $product_id, $product_id) || !$stmts['disable_product']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to disable product id {$product_id}: {$stmts['disable_product']->errno} - {$stmts['disable_product']->error}"); } elseif ($stmts['disable_product']->affected_rows > 0) { $result['disabled'][$product_id][] = "Product {$product_id} disabled"; } else { $result['warning'][$product_id][] = "Product {$product_id} was not be disabled: it may either not need to be or already is disabled; you should double-check"; } } } elseif (!empty($diff)) { $result['warning'][$product_id] = $diff; } // Update main product price with the lowest (non-zero) of its enabled matrix options if ($options['update_main_price']) { if (!$stmts['lowest_price']->bind_param('i', $product_id) || !$stmts['lowest_price']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to fetch lowest matrix price for product {$product_id}: {$stmts['lowest_price']->errno} - {$stmts['lowest_price']->error}"); } $prices = fetch_assoc_stmt($stmts['lowest_price']); if (!empty($prices)) { extract($prices); if (!$stmts['update_main_price']->bind_param('ddi', $price, $sale_price, $product_id) || !$stmts['update_main_price']->execute()) { throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to update main prices for product {$product_id}: {$stmts['update_main_price']->errno} - {$stmts['update_main_price']->error}"); } elseif ($stmts['update_main_price']->affected_rows > 0) { $result['updated'][] = "Main prices for product id {$product_id} set to lowest found in matrix: List Price=\${$price}, Sale Price=\$" . ($sale_price ? $sale_price : '0.00'); } else { $result['warning'][$product_id][] = "Failed to update prices to \${$price} (sale: \$" . ($sale_price ? $sale_price : '0.00') . ") - prices may already be up-to-date"; } } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $result['error'] = $e->getMessage(); } finally { foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { $stmt->close(); } } // Sort results by key foreach ($result as &$array) { ksort($array); } unset($array); // save puppies return $result; }
<tr> <td> <?php // Get Student Subject Info :: $weask = get_student_subject_info($this, $registration_data['class'], $exm_info, $subject['id'], $mark); // echo $weask; ?> </td> </tr> </tr> <tr><td>Average Total </td> <td colspan="4"> <?php echo round_up($total_mark, 2); ?> </td> <td colspan="4"> Class Position : <?php // Class Performace this term // Class Performace this term $clas_performance = get_all_student_performance_termly($this, $termid); //var_dump($arranged); $position = position_finder2($total_mark, $exam_counts, $arranged); echo $position; ?> </td> </tr>
$lead_days = array(); foreach ($completed_contracts as $row) { if ($row['procurement_method'] == $method) { $lead_days[] = seconds_to_days(strtotime($row['date_signed']) - strtotime($row['dateofconfirmationoffunds'])); //echo seconds_to_days(strtotime($row['dateofconfirmationoffunds']) - strtotime($row['contract_award_date'])).'<br>'; // print_array($lead_days); } } echo count($lead_days) . '<small> contracts</small>'; ?> </td> <td>Average lead time: <?php echo count($lead_days) > 0 ? round_up(array_sum($lead_days) / count($lead_days), 2) . ' <small>days</small>' : ''; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <p>
</td> <td><?php echo count($all_contracts) ? round_up(array_sum($market_prices) / array_sum($all_market_prices) * 100) . '%' : '-'; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>PDES</th> <td><?php echo count($pdes); ?> </td> <td><?php echo count($all_contracts) ? round_up(count($pdes) / count($all_pdes) * 100) . '%' : '-'; ?> </td> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> </tr> </table> </div> <p>
return $this->counter; } public function next() { $this->counter++; } public function rewind() { $this->counter = 1; } public function valid() { return isset($this->game_collection[$this->counter]); } } $my_games = new TopGames(); $my_games->price = 100; $my_games->game_collection = array("WC3 TFT", "AOE2", "Collin McRea Rally 2", "Soldier of Fortune", "Fifa 2001", "Zanzarah - the hidden portal Demo"); $my_str = "<table border = 7 >"; $my_str .= "<tr><td>#</td><td>Price</td><td>Name</td></tr>"; foreach ($my_games as $pc_game => $interesting_game) { $my_str .= "<tr><td bgcolor = #ABCCAA>{$pc_game} </font></td><td bgcolor = #FAFACC>" . round_up($my_games->price, 3) . " €</td><td bgcolor = #AACACE>{$interesting_game}</td></tr>"; $my_games->price *= 1.35; } function round_up($number, $precision = 2) { $fig = (int) str_pad('1', $precision, '0'); return ceil($number * $fig) / $fig; } $my_str .= "</table>"; echo $my_str;
function selectAll($sale_code, $start_date, $end_date) { global $thead, $connect, $tableD; $selSql = "select `reg_date` from toto_pay where `sale_code` = '" . $sale_code . "' and `reg_date` between '" . $start_date . "' and '" . $end_date . "' order by reg_date asc"; $result = mysql_query($selSql, $connect); $total = mysql_num_rows($result); // 총 레코드 수 $num = $total; //코스 메틱 내역이 있는지 확인 $docSql = "select * from t_doctor order by `no` asc"; $docRes = mysql_query($docSql, $connect); $docTot = mysql_num_rows($docRes); // 총 레코드 수 $docNum = $docTot; if ($total) { //코스메틱 if ($sale_code == 1002) { $docRow = mysql_fetch_row($docRes); $hosp_name = $docRow[3]; while ($total--) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); if ($row[0] == $cur_date) { } else { $reg_date = substr($row[14], 0, 4); $reg_date = $reg_date . "-" . substr($row[14], 4, 2); $reg_date = $reg_date . "-" . substr($row[14], 6, 2); $reged_date = $reged_date . "|" . $row[0]; //입력된 reg_date 구하기 } $cur_date = $row[0]; } $reg_arr = explode("|", $reged_date); $arr_size = count($reg_arr); $num = 0; for ($ac = $start_date; $ac <= $end_date; $ac++) { //피부과 자료 정리 $numOfList++; $selSql = "select sum(cash_mony+cscd_mony+card_mony+yet__mony) from toto_pay where `sale_code` = '" . $sale_code . "' and `reg_date` = '" . $ac . "' order by reg_date asc"; $result = mysql_query($selSql, $connect); $total = mysql_num_rows($result); // 총 레코드 수 $num = $total; while ($total--) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $income = $row[0]; $income_sum = $income_sum + $row[0]; //총합 } } $updated = $updated . '<tr> <td class="tdStyle">' . $hosp_name . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($income) . '</td>'; if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($outcome) . '</td>'; } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($income_sum) . '</td>'; if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($outcome) . '</td>'; } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($cash_income + $cscd_income) . '</td>'; if ($income == 0) { //2012-03-11 income이 0이면 erorr 수정 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">-</td></tr>'; } else { $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . round_up($card_income / $income, 3) . '</td></tr>'; } $updated = $updated . '<tr> <td class="tdStyle">합계</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($income) . '</td>'; if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($outcome) . '</td>'; } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($income_sum) . '</td>'; if ($sale_code == 1001) { //병원 합계 일 때 만 지출 계산 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($outcome) . '</td>'; } $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . comma($cash_income + $cscd_income) . '</td>'; if ($income == 0) { //2012-03-11 income이 0이면 erorr 수정 $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">-</td></tr>'; } else { $updated = $updated . '<td class="tdStyle">' . round_up($card_income / $income, 3) . '</td></tr>'; } $updated = $updated . '</table>'; } else { //피부과 while ($docTot--) { $docNo++; $docRow = mysql_fetch_row($docRes); $income_sum = 0; $insu_sum = 0; $gner_sum = 0; $selSql = "select `reg_date` from toto_pay where `sale_code` = '" . $sale_code . "' and `slit_code`='2001' and rmdy_doct = '" . $docRow[1] . "' and `reg_date` between '" . $start_date . "' and '" . $end_date . "' order by reg_date asc"; $result = mysql_query($selSql, $connect); $total = mysql_num_rows($result); // 총 레코드 수 $num = $total; while ($total--) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); if ($row[0] == $cur_date) { } else { $reg_date = substr($row[14], 0, 4); $reg_date = $reg_date . "-" . substr($row[14], 4, 2); $reg_date = $reg_date . "-" . substr($row[14], 6, 2); $reged_date = $reged_date . "|" . $row[0]; //입력된 reg_date 구하기 } $cur_date = $row[0]; } $reg_arr = explode("|", $reged_date); $arr_size = count($reg_arr); $num = 0; for ($ac = $start_date; $ac <= $end_date; $ac++) { //피부과 자료 정리 $numOfList++; $selSql = "select sum(cash_mony+cscd_mony+card_mony+yet__mony) from toto_pay where `sale_code` = '" . $sale_code . "' and rmdy_doct = '" . $docRow[1] . "' and `reg_date` = '" . $ac . "' order by reg_date asc"; $result = mysql_query($selSql, $connect); $total = mysql_num_rows($result); // 총 레코드 수 $num = $total; while ($total--) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $income = $row[0]; $income_sum = $income_sum + $row[0]; //총합 } $selSql2 = "select count(*) from toto_pay where `sale_code` = '" . $sale_code . "' and `reg_date` = '" . $ac . "' and rmdy_doct = '" . $docRow[1] . "' and insu_code='0101'"; $result2 = mysql_query($selSql2, $connect); $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2); $insu_num = $row2[0]; // 보험 고객수 $insu_sum = $insu_sum + $row2[0]; $selSql2 = "select count(*) from toto_pay where `sale_code` = '" . $sale_code . "' and `reg_date` = '" . $ac . "' and rmdy_doct = '" . $docRow[1] . "' and insu_code='0102'"; $result2 = mysql_query($selSql2, $connect); $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2); $gner_num = $row2[0]; // 일반 고객수 $gner_sum = $gner_sum + $row2[0]; $reg_date = substr($ac, 0, 4); $reg_date = $reg_date . "-" . substr($ac, 4, 2); $reg_date = $reg_date . "-" . substr($ac, 6, 2); $reged_date = $reged_date . "|" . $row[0]; //입력된 reg_date 구하기 if ($numOfList % 5) { $ts = "tdStyle"; } else { $ts = "tdStyle"; } } $updated = $updated . '<tr> <td class="' . $ts . '">' . $docRow[2] . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="' . $ts . '">' . comma($income) . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="' . $ts . '">' . comma($income_sum) . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="' . $ts . '">' . comma($gner_num) . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="' . $ts . '">' . comma($gner_sum) . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="' . $ts . '">' . comma($insu_num) . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '<td class="' . $ts . '">' . comma($insu_sum) . '</td>'; $updated = $updated . '</tr>'; //합계를 위한 계산 2011-04-11 $t_income = $income + $t_income; $t_income_sum = $income_sum + $t_income_sum; $t_gner_num = $gner_num + $t_gner_num; $t_gner_sum = $gner_sum + $t_gner_sum; $t_insu_num = $insu_num + $t_insu_num; $t_insu_sum = $insu_sum + $t_insu_sum; } //진료실 개별 출력 끝 $summation = $summation . '<tr><td class="summ">합계</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma($t_income) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma($t_income_sum) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma($t_gner_num) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma($t_gner_sum) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma($t_insu_num) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma($t_insu_sum) . '</td></tr>'; $summation = $summation . '<tr><td class="summ">평균</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma(ceil($t_income / $docNum)) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma(ceil($t_income_sum / $docNum)) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma(ceil($t_gner_num / $docNum)) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma(ceil($t_gner_sum / $docNum)) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma(ceil($t_insu_num / $docNum)) . '</td>'; $summation = $summation . '<td class="summ">' . comma(ceil($t_insu_sum / $docNum)) . '</td></tr>'; } } else { $updated = "자료가 없습니다."; } return $summation . $updated . $summation; }
function generateScheduleTable($ud, $ld, $displyall = 0, $disburseRate = 0) { global $database; $path = getEditablePath('loanstatn.php'); include FULL_PATH . "editables/" . $path; $schedule = $database->getSchedulefromDB($ud, $ld); $actualSchedule = $database->getRepaySchedulefromDB($ud, $ld); $gracePeriod = $database->gerGracePeriod($ld); $UserCurrency = $database->getUserCurrency($ud); if (!empty($disburseRate)) { $CurrencyRate = $disburseRate; } else { $CurrencyRate = $database->getCurrentRate($ud); } $rtnArray = array(); if (empty($schedule)) { $rtnArray['schedule'] = ''; $rtnArray['due'] = 0; $rtnArray['amtPaidTillShow'] = 0; } else { if ($displyall) { $tmpcurr = $UserCurrency; } else { $tmpcurr = 'USD'; } $text = "<table width = 100% class='zebra-striped'>\r\n\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . $lang['loanstatn']['date'] . "</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . $lang['loanstatn']['due_amount'] . "</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . $lang['loanstatn']['datepaid'] . "</th>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . $lang['loanstatn']['paid_amount'] . " <a style='cursor:pointer' class='tt'><img src='library/tooltips/help.png' style='border-style:none;' /><span class='tooltip'><span class='top'></span><span class='middle'>" . $lang['loanstatn']['paidAmt_tooltip'] . "</span><span class='bottom'></span></span></a></th>\r\n\t\t\t</tr>"; $printSchedule = array(); $paidBalance = 0; $totalDueAmt = 0; $totalDueAmtUsd = 0; $totalPaidAmt = 0; $totalPaidAmtUsd = 0; $amtDueTill = 0; $amtPaidTill = 0; $amtDueTillUsd = 0; for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < count($schedule); $i++) { $totalDueAmt += $schedule[$i]['amount']; $printSchedule[$i]['dueAmt'] = $schedule[$i]['amount']; $printSchedule[$i]['dueDate'] = $schedule[$i]['duedate']; if ($schedule[$i]['duedate'] < time()) { $amtDueTill += $schedule[$i]['amount']; } $inst = 0; $inst = $schedule[$i]['amount']; while ($paidBalance > 0) { if ($inst > 0) { if ($inst <= $paidBalance) { $printSchedule[$i]['sub'][][$actualSchedule[$j - 1]['paiddate']] = $inst; $paidBalance = number_format($paidBalance - $inst, 6, '.', ''); $inst = 0; break; } else { $printSchedule[$i]['sub'][][$actualSchedule[$j - 1]['paiddate']] = $paidBalance; $inst = number_format($inst - $paidBalance, 6, '.', ''); $paidBalance = 0; } } else { break; } } if ($paidBalance == 0) { for ($k = 0; $j < count($actualSchedule); $j++) { if ($inst > 0) { if ($inst <= $actualSchedule[$j]['paidamt']) { $printSchedule[$i]['sub'][][$actualSchedule[$j]['paiddate']] = $inst; /*Pranjal Change 26 Jan When there are 2 small payments on the same date the schedule does not show correct data Example loain id 206*/ //$printSchedule[$i]['sub'][$actualSchedule[$j]['paiddate']]+=$inst; $paidBalance = number_format($actualSchedule[$j]['paidamt'] - $inst, 6, '.', ''); $j++; break; } else { $printSchedule[$i]['sub'][][$actualSchedule[$j]['paiddate']] = $actualSchedule[$j]['paidamt']; $inst = number_format($inst - $actualSchedule[$j]['paidamt'], 6, '.', ''); } } else { break; } } } if ($i == count($schedule) - 1 && $paidBalance > 0) { if (isset($printSchedule[$i]['sub'])) { $pos = count($printSchedule[$i]['sub']) - 1; $printSchedule[$i]['sub'][$pos][$actualSchedule[count($actualSchedule) - 1]['paiddate']] += $paidBalance; } else { $printSchedule[$i]['sub'][0][$actualSchedule[count($actualSchedule) - 1]['paiddate']] = $paidBalance; } } } $totalDueAmtUsd += convertToDollar($totalDueAmt, $CurrencyRate); $amtDueTillUsd += convertToDollar($amtDueTill, $CurrencyRate); for ($i = 0; $i < count($printSchedule); $i++) { if ($i < $gracePeriod) { continue; } $text = $text . "<tr> "; $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'>" . date('M d, Y', $printSchedule[$i]['dueDate']) . "</td>"; if ($displyall) { $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'>" . number_format(round_local($printSchedule[$i]['dueAmt']), 0, '.', ',') . "</td>"; } else { $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'>" . number_format(convertToDollar($printSchedule[$i]['dueAmt'], $CurrencyRate), 2, '.', ',') . "</td>"; } if (isset($printSchedule[$i]['sub'])) { $j = 0; foreach ($printSchedule[$i]['sub'] as $sub) { foreach ($sub as $key => $value) { $totalPaidAmt += $value; if ($key < time()) { $amtPaidTill += $value; } if ($j > 0) { $text = $text . "<tr> "; $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'> </td>"; $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'> </td>"; } $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'>" . date('M d, Y', $key) . "</td>"; if ($displyall) { $amtPaidShow = number_format(round_local($value), 0, '.', ','); $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'>" . $amtPaidShow . "</td>"; } else { $amtPaidShow = convertToDollar($value, $CurrencyRate); } if (count($printSchedule[$i]['sub']) > 1) { if ($j % 2 == 0) { $amtPaidShow = round_up($amtPaidShow, 2); } else { $amtPaidShow = round_down($amtPaidShow, 2); } } if (!$displyall) { $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'>" . number_format($amtPaidShow, 2, '.', ',') . "</td>"; } $text = $text . " </tr>"; if ($j > 0) { $text = $text . "</tr> "; } $j++; } } } else { $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'> </td>"; $text = $text . "<td style='text-align:left; width:20%'> </td>"; $text = $text . " </tr>"; } } $totalPaidAmtUsd = convertToDollar($totalPaidAmt, $CurrencyRate); $amtPaidTillUsd = convertToDollar($amtPaidTill, $CurrencyRate); $text = $text . "<tfoot>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<th>" . $lang['loanstatn']['tot_amount'] . "</th>"; if ($displyall) { $text = $text . "<th>" . number_format(round_local($totalDueAmt), 0, '.', ',') . "</th>"; } else { $text = $text . "<th>" . number_format($totalDueAmtUsd, 2, '.', ',') . "</th>"; } $text = $text . "<th>" . $lang['loanstatn']['tot_paid_amount'] . "</th>"; if ($displyall) { $text = $text . "<th>" . number_format($totalPaidAmt, 0, '.', ',') . "</th>"; // round_local($totalPaidAmt) } else { $text = $text . "<th>" . number_format($totalPaidAmtUsd, 2, '.', ',') . "</th>"; } $text = $text . "</tr></tfoot>"; $text = $text . "</table>"; $rtnArray['schedule'] = $text; if ($displyall) { $due = $amtDueTill - $amtPaidTill; $amtPaidTillShow = $amtPaidTill; $amtRemaining = $totalDueAmt - $totalPaidAmt; } else { $due = $amtDueTillUsd - $amtPaidTillUsd; $amtPaidTillShow = $amtPaidTillUsd; $amtRemaining = $totalDueAmtUsd - $totalPaidAmtUsd; } if ($due < 0) { $due = 0; } if ($amtRemaining < 0) { $amtRemaining = 0; } $rtnArray['amtPaidTillShow'] = $amtPaidTillShow; $rtnArray['amtRemaining'] = $amtRemaining; $rtnArray['due'] = $due; } return $rtnArray; }
echo "<a class='keywords' style='color: #545454'>Tags :<span class='label label-info'>" . strtolower(implode('</span> <span class="label label-info">', $r['_source']['keywords'])) . "</span></a>"; if (isset($r['_source']['typeoflink'])) { if ($r['_source']['typeoflink'] == 'video') { echo "<a class='keywords' href='video.php?video=" . $youtubelink[1] . "'' style='color: #545454'> <span class='label label-danger'>video</span></a>"; } } if (isset($r['_source']['views'])) { echo "<a class='keywords' style='color: #545454'> <span class='label heat'>views : " . $r['_source']['views'] . "</span></a>"; } // echo "<a class='keywords' style='color: #545454'> <span class='label label-success'>".$r['_id']."</span></a>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; } // echo '<pre>', print_r($response), '</pre>'; $paginationcount = $response['hits']['total'] / 10; $roundedup = round_up($paginationcount, 0); // $roundedup = 100; echo "<nav>\n <ul class='pagination pagination-sm'>\n <li>\n <a href='#' aria-label='Previous'>\n <span aria-hidden='true'>«</span>\n </a>\n </li>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $roundedup; $i++) { if (isset($_GET['q'])) { if (isset($_GET['start'])) { if ($_GET['start'] == $i * 10) { echo "<li class='active'><a href='/SLS/?q=" . $_GET['q'] . "&start=" . $i * 10 . "'>" . ($i + 1) . "</a></li>"; } else { echo "<li><a href='/SLS/?q=" . $_GET['q'] . "&start=" . $i * 10 . "'>" . ($i + 1) . "</a></li>"; } } else { echo "<li><a href='/SLS/?q=" . $_GET['q'] . "&start=" . $i * 10 . "'>" . ($i + 1) . "</a></li>"; } } else { echo "<li><a href='/SLS/?start=" . $i * 10 . "'>" . ($i + 1) . "</a></li>";
function get_eu_markup($eu, $summary = 0) { $tbl_struct = array(array("label" => " ", "align" => "left", "bold" => 1), array("label" => "Today", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "Yesterday", "align" => "right"), array("label" => "Last week", "align" => "right")); global $reportData; global $keyMap; $data = array(); $keys = $keyMap[$eu]; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($keys); $i++) { $tbl_data[$i] = array(); $tbl_data[$i][0] = $keys[$i]["label"]; $key = $keys[$i]["key"]; $j = 1; foreach ($reportData[$eu] as $day => $data) { if ($summary == 1) { $tbl_data[$i][$j] = round_up($data["avg"][$key]); } else { $tbl_struct[$j]["minmax"] = 1; if ($eu == "web_eu") { $avg = round_up($data["avg"][$key] * 100); $min = round_up($data["min"][$key] * 100); $max = round_up($data["max"][$key] * 100); } else { $avg = round_up($data["avg"][$key]); $min = round_up($data["min"][$key]); $max = round_up($data["max"][$key]); } $tbl_data[$i][$j] = array("avg" => $avg, "min" => $min, "max" => $max); } $j++; } } return ReportTableMarkup::get_table_markup($tbl_struct, $tbl_data); }