  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function composeDetails(PaymentInterface $payment, TokenInterface $token)
     if ($payment->getDetails()) {
     $order = $payment->getOrder();
     $details = array();
     $details['payment_method'] = $this->apiMethod($payment->getMethod()->getName());
     $details['payment_type'] = 1;
     $details['checkout_url'] = $this->tokenFactory->createNotifyToken($token->getPaymentName(), $payment)->getTargetUrl();
     $details['order_code'] = $order->getNumber() . '-' . $payment->getId();
     $details['cur_code'] = $order->getCurrency();
     $details['total_amount'] = round($order->getTotal() / 100, 2);
     $details['total_item'] = count($order->getItems());
     $m = 0;
     foreach ($order->getItems() as $item) {
         $details['item_name' . $m] = $item->getId();
         $details['item_amount' . $m] = round($item->getTotal() / $item->getQuantity() / 100, 2);
         $details['item_quantity' . $m] = $item->getQuantity();
     if (0 !== ($taxTotal = $this->calculateNonNeutralTaxTotal($order))) {
         $details['tax_amount'] = $taxTotal;
     if (0 !== ($promotionTotal = $order->getAdjustmentsTotal(AdjustmentInterface::PROMOTION_ADJUSTMENT))) {
         $details['discount_amount'] = $promotionTotal;
     if (0 !== ($shippingTotal = $order->getAdjustmentsTotal(AdjustmentInterface::SHIPPING_ADJUSTMENT))) {
         $details['fee_shipping'] = $shippingTotal;
예제 #2
 function calculateGFRResult()
     $tmpArr = array();
     $tmpArr[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     //observation time
     $tmpArr[] = 'GFR (CALC)';
     $gender = NSDR::populate($this->_patientId . "::com.clearhealth.person.displayGender");
     $crea = NSDR::populate($this->_patientId . "::com.clearhealth.labResults[populate(@description=CREA)]");
     $genderFactor = null;
     $creaValue = null;
     $personAge = null;
     $raceFactor = 1;
     switch ($gender[key($gender)]) {
         case 'M':
             $genderFactor = 1;
         case 'F':
             $genderFactor = 0.742;
     if ((int) strtotime($crea['observation_time']) >= strtotime('now - 60 days') && strtolower($crea[key($crea)]['units']) == 'mg/dl') {
         $creaValue = $crea[key($crea)]['value'];
     $person = new Person();
     $person->personId = $this->_patientId;
     if ($person->age > 0) {
         $personAge = $person->age;
     $personStat = new PatientStatistics();
     $personStat->personId = $this->_patientId;
     if ($personStat->race == "AFAM") {
         $raceFactor = 1.21;
     $gfrValue = "INC";
     if ($personAge > 0 && $creaValue > 0) {
         $gfrValue = "" . (int) round(pow($creaValue, -1.154) * pow($personAge, -0.203) * $genderFactor * $raceFactor * 186);
     trigger_error("gfr:: " . $gfrValue, E_USER_NOTICE);
     $tmpArr[] = $gfrValue;
     // lab value
     $tmpArr[] = 'mL/min/1.73 m2';
     $tmpArr[] = '';
     //ref range
     $tmpArr[] = '';
     $tmpArr[] = 'F';
     $tmpArr[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '::' . '0';
     // observationTime::(boolean)normal; 0 = abnormal, 1 = normal
     $tmpArr[] = '0';
     //$this->_calcLabResults[uniqid()] = $tmpArr;
     $this->_calcLabResults[1] = $tmpArr;
     // temporarily set index to one(1) to be able to include in selected lab results
     return $tmpArr;
 protected function renderResultList(array $countdowns, PhabricatorSavedQuery $query, array $handles)
     assert_instances_of($countdowns, 'PhabricatorCountdown');
     $viewer = $this->requireViewer();
     $list = new PHUIObjectItemListView();
     foreach ($countdowns as $countdown) {
         $id = $countdown->getID();
         $ended = false;
         $epoch = $countdown->getEpoch();
         if ($epoch <= PhabricatorTime::getNow()) {
             $ended = true;
         $item = id(new PHUIObjectItemView())->setUser($viewer)->setObject($countdown)->setObjectName("C{$id}")->setHeader($countdown->getTitle())->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("{$id}/"))->addByline(pht('Created by %s', $handles[$countdown->getAuthorPHID()]->renderLink()));
         if ($ended) {
             $item->addAttribute(pht('Launched on %s', phabricator_datetime($epoch, $viewer)));
         } else {
             $time_left = $epoch - PhabricatorTime::getNow();
             $num = round($time_left / (60 * 60 * 24));
             $noun = pht('Days');
             if ($num < 1) {
                 $num = round($time_left / (60 * 60), 1);
                 $noun = pht('Hours');
             $item->setCountdown($num, $noun);
             $item->addAttribute(phabricator_datetime($epoch, $viewer));
     $result = new PhabricatorApplicationSearchResultView();
     $result->setNoDataString(pht('No countdowns found.'));
     return $result;
예제 #4
function dateDiff($start, $end)
    $start_ts = strtotime($start);
    $end_ts = strtotime($end);
    $diff = $end_ts - $start_ts;
    return round($diff / 86400);
예제 #5
function query_operon_gene_percentage($species_id)
    $spe = array();
    $spe['name'] = '';
    $spe['ncs'] = array();
    $spe['total_gene'] = 0;
    $spe['in_operon'] = 0;
    $species_id = mysql_real_escape_string($species_id);
    $sql = "SELECT id, name FROM Species WHERE id={$species_id}";
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $spe['name'] = $row['name'];
    $sql = "SELECT id,NC_id,protein_gene_number,rna_gene_number,operon_number FROM NC WHERE species_id={$species_id}";
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    $n = mysql_num_rows($result);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $NC_id = $row['id'];
        $row['total_gene_num'] = $row['protein_gene_number'] + $row['rna_gene_number'];
        $sql2 = "SELECT sum(size) as total_genes FROM Operon WHERE size>=2 AND NC_id={$NC_id} ORDER BY id";
        $result2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
        $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
        $row['gene_in_operon'] = $row2['total_genes'];
        #$row['percent'] = round($row['gene_in_operon'] / $row['total_gene_num'],2);
        array_push($spe['ncs'], $row);
        $spe['total_gene'] += $row['total_gene_num'];
        $spe['in_operon'] += $row['gene_in_operon'];
    $spe['percent'] = round(100 * $spe['in_operon'] / $spe['total_gene'], 2);
    return $spe;
예제 #6
	function getThumbnailDimension($path, $w, $h)
		$dim = array('w' => $w, 'h' => $h);
		if ($w && $h || (!$w && !$h)) return $dim;

		if (@is_readable($path) && function_exists('getimagesize'))
			$info = @getimagesize($path);
			if (!empty($info) && count($info) > 1)
				if (empty($w))
					$w = round($h * $info[0] / $info[1]);
					$dim['w'] = $w;
					$h = round($w * $info[1] / $info[0]);
					$dim['h'] = $h;
		return $dim;
예제 #7
 function imageDualResize($filename, $cleanFilename, $wtarget, $htarget)
     if (!file_exists($cleanFilename)) {
         $dims = getimagesize($filename);
         $width = $dims[0];
         $height = $dims[1];
         while ($width > $wtarget || $height > $htarget) {
             if ($width > $wtarget) {
                 $percentage = $wtarget / $width;
             if ($height > $htarget) {
                 $percentage = $htarget / $height;
             /*if($width > $height)
             			$percentage = ($target / $width);
             			$percentage = ($target / $height);
             //gets the new value and applies the percentage, then rounds the value
             $width = round($width * $percentage);
             $height = round($height * $percentage);
         $image = new SimpleImage();
         $image->resize($width, $height);
         $image = null;
     //returns the new sizes in html image tag format...this is so you can plug this function inside an image tag and just get the
     return "src=\"{$baseurl}/{$cleanFilename}\"";
 public static function tearDownAfterClass()
     if (!self::$timing) {
         echo "\n";
     $class = get_called_class();
     echo "Timing results : {$class}\n";
     $s = sprintf("%40s %6s %9s %9s %4s\n", 'name', 'count', 'total', 'avg', '% best');
     echo str_repeat('=', strlen($s)) . "\n";
     echo $s;
     echo str_repeat('-', strlen($s)) . "\n";
     array_walk(self::$timing, function (&$value, $key) {
         $value['avg'] = round($value['total'] / $value['count'] * 1000000, 3);
     usort(self::$timing, function ($a, $b) {
         $at = $a['avg'];
         $bt = $b['avg'];
         return $at === $bt ? 0 : ($at < $bt ? -1 : 1);
     $best = self::$timing[0]['avg'];
     foreach (self::$timing as $timing) {
         printf("%40s %6d %7.3fms %7.3fus %4.1f%%\n", $timing['name'], $timing['count'], round($timing['total'] * 1000, 3), $timing['avg'], round($timing['avg'] / $best * 100, 3));
     echo str_repeat('-', strlen($s)) . "\n\n";
     printf("\nTiming compensated for avg overhead for: timeIt of %.3fus and startTimer/endTimer of %.3fus per invocation\n\n", self::$timeItOverhead * 1000000, self::$startEndOverhead * 1000000);
예제 #9
  * Format value as string
  * @param bool $withUnit
  * @return string
 public function string($withUnit = true)
     if ($this->isUnknown()) {
         return '';
     return round($this->Percent) . ($withUnit ? '&nbsp;' . $this->unit() : '');
예제 #10
function cuttingimg($zoom, $fn, $sz)
    @mkdir(WUO_ROOT . '/photos/maps');
    $img = imagecreatefrompng(WUO_ROOT . '/photos/maps/0-0-0-' . $fn);
    // получаем идентификатор загруженного изрбражения которое будем резать
    $info = getimagesize(WUO_ROOT . '/photos/maps/0-0-0-' . $fn);
    // получаем в массив информацию об изображении
    $w = $info[0];
    $h = $info[1];
    // ширина и высота исходного изображения
    $sx = round($w / $sz, 0);
    // длинна куска изображения
    $sy = round($h / $sz, 0);
    // высота куска изображения
    $px = 0;
    $py = 0;
    // координаты шага "реза"
    for ($y = 0; $y <= $sz; $y++) {
        for ($x = 0; $x <= $sz; $x++) {
            $imgcropped = imagecreatetruecolor($sx, $sy);
            imagecopy($imgcropped, $img, 0, 0, $px, $py, $sx, $sy);
            imagepng($imgcropped, WUO_ROOT . '/photos/maps/' . $zoom . '-' . $y . '-' . $x . '-' . $fn);
            $px = $px + $sx;
        $px = 0;
        $py = $py + $sy;
예제 #11
 function GetRatio($UniVisit = false, $UniSome = false)
     if (!$UniVisit || !$UniSome) {
         return 0;
     return round(100 / $UniVisit * $UniSome, 2);
 public function topic($p = 0)
     $active_key = $this->redis_event_key_prefix . "topics:valid";
     $tid = $this->redis_server->lindex($active_key, $p);
     $topic = $this->redis_server->lindex($this->redis_event_key_prefix . "topics:all", $tid);
     // var_dump($tid);
     // var_dump($topic);
     $topic = $this->formatString($topic);
     // var_dump($topic);
     $topic = json_decode($topic, true);
     $events = array();
     foreach ($topic['events'] as $e) {
         $event = $this->redis_server->lindex($this->redis_event_key_prefix . "events", $e);
         $event = json_decode($this->formatString($event), true);
         $events[$e] = $event;
     $data['p'] = $p;
     $data['percentage'] = round(100 * ($p + 1.0) / $this->redis_server->llen($active_key), 2);
     $data['topic'] = $topic;
     $data['events'] = $events;
     // var_dump($data);
예제 #13
파일: Common.php 프로젝트: kennyma/Jolt
function lib_peak_memory()
    $oneMb = 1024 * 1024;
    $memory = memory_get_peak_usage() / $oneMb;
    $memory = round($memory, 4);
    return floatval($memory);
예제 #14
function Zend_Locale_Math_Sub($op1, $op2, $op3 = null)
    if (empty($op1)) {
        $op1 = 0;
    $result = $op1 - $op2;
    if ((string) ($result + $op2) != (string) $op1) {
         * @see Zend_Locale_Math_Exception
        require_once 'Zend/Locale/Math/Exception.php';
        throw new Zend_Locale_Math_Exception("subtraction overflow: {$op1} - {$op2} != {$result}", $op1, $op2, $result);
    if ($op3 != 0) {
        $result = round($result, $op3);
    } else {
        if ($result > 0) {
            $result = floor($result);
        } else {
            $result = ceil($result);
    if ($op3 > 0) {
        if ((string) $result == "0") {
            $result = "0.";
        if (strlen($result) < $op3 + 2) {
            $result = str_pad($result, $op3 + 2, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
    return $result;
예제 #15
 public function checkout_form($order_id, $button_text = null)
     if (empty($button_text)) {
         $button_text = 'Перейти к оплате';
     $order = $this->orders->get_order((int) $order_id);
     $payment_method = $this->payment->get_payment_method($order->payment_method_id);
     $payment_currency = $this->money->get_currency(intval($payment_method->currency_id));
     $settings = $this->payment->get_payment_settings($payment_method->id);
     $price = round($this->money->convert($order->total_price, $payment_method->currency_id, false), 2);
     // описание заказа
     // order description
     $desc = 'Оплата заказа №' . $order->id;
     // Способ оплаты
     $paymode = $settings['pay2pay_paymode'];
     $success_url = $this->config->root_url . '/order/';
     $result_url = $this->config->root_url . '/payment/Pay2Pay/callback.php';
     $currency = $payment_currency->code;
     if ($currency == 'RUR') {
         $currency = 'RUB';
     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n            <request>\r\n              <version>1.2</version>\r\n              <merchant_id>" . $settings['pay2pay_merchantid'] . "</merchant_id>\r\n              <language>ru</language>\r\n              <order_id>{$order->id}</order_id>\r\n              <amount>{$price}</amount>\r\n              <currency>{$currency}</currency>\r\n              <description>{$desc}</description>\r\n              <result_url>{$result_url}</result_url>\r\n              <success_url>{$success_url}</success_url>\r\n              <fail_url>{$success_url}</fail_url>";
     if ($settings['pay2pay_testmode'] == '1') {
         $xml .= "<test_mode>1</test_mode>";
     $xml .= "</request>";
     $xml_encoded = base64_encode($xml);
     $merc_sign = $settings['pay2pay_secret'];
     $sign_encoded = base64_encode(md5($merc_sign . $xml . $merc_sign));
     $button = '<form action="https://merchant.pay2pay.com/?page=init" method="POST" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="xml" value="' . $xml_encoded . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="sign" value="' . $sign_encoded . '" />' . '<input type="submit" class="checkout_button" value="' . $button_text . '">' . '</form>';
     return $button;
예제 #16
 public function getMatchRateAttribute()
     $user_skills = UserSkill::with('skill')->where('user_id', '=', $this->user_id)->get()->toArray();
     if (count($user_skills) > 0) {
         $skill_percentage = 0;
         $job_traits = 0;
         $user_traits = 0;
         foreach ($this->job_details->job_skills->load('skill')->toArray() as $job_skill) {
             $avg_user_job_rate = 0;
             foreach ($user_skills as $user_skill) {
                 if ($job_skill['skill_id'] == $user_skill['skill_id']) {
                     if ($user_skill['skill']['type'] == 'soft') {
                     if ($user_skill['skill']['type'] == 'hard') {
                         if ($user_skill['rate'] >= $job_skill['rate']) {
                             $avg_user_job_rate = 1;
                         } else {
                             $avg_user_job_rate = $user_skill['rate'] / $job_skill['rate'];
                         $over_all_skill_match = $avg_user_job_rate * 100 * ($job_skill['importance'] / 100);
                         $skill_percentage += $over_all_skill_match;
             if ($job_skill['skill']['type'] == 'soft') {
         $trait_percentage = $user_traits / $job_traits * 100 * ($this->job_details->traits_importance / 100);
         $skill_percentage = $skill_percentage * ((100 - $this->job_details->traits_importance) / 100);
         return round($trait_percentage + $skill_percentage);
     return 0;
 protected function setUp()
     $kb = Bytes::KILOBYTE;
     $this->exact_test_cases = array('1 byte' => 1, '1 KB' => $kb, '1 MB' => $kb * $kb, '1 GB' => $kb * $kb * $kb, '1 TB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb, '1 PB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb, '1 EB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb, '1 ZB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb, '1 YB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb);
     $this->rounded_test_cases = array('2 bytes' => 2, '1 MB' => $kb * $kb - 1, round(3623651 / $this->exact_test_cases['1 MB'], 2) . ' MB' => 3623651, round(67234178751368124 / $this->exact_test_cases['1 PB'], 2) . ' PB' => 67234178751368124, round(2.3534682382112583E+26 / $this->exact_test_cases['1 YB'], 2) . ' YB' => 2.3534682382112583E+26);
예제 #18
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Initialise variables
     $this->state = $this->get("State");
     $this->items = $this->get('Items');
     $this->pagination = $this->get('Pagination');
     // Get params
     $this->params = $this->state->get("params");
     /** @var  $this->params Joomla\Registry\Registry */
     $this->numberInRow = $this->params->get("items_row", 3);
     $this->items = CrowdfundingHelper::prepareItems($this->items, $this->numberInRow);
     // Get the folder with images
     $this->imageFolder = $this->params->get("images_directory", "images/crowdfunding");
     // Get currency
     $currency = Crowdfunding\Currency::getInstance(JFactory::getDbo(), $this->params->get("project_currency"));
     $this->amount = new Crowdfunding\Amount($this->params);
     $this->displayCreator = $this->params->get("integration_display_creator", true);
     // Prepare social integration.
     if (!empty($this->displayCreator)) {
         $socialProfilesBuilder = new Prism\Integration\Profiles\Builder(array("social_platform" => $this->params->get("integration_social_platform"), "users_ids" => CrowdfundingHelper::fetchUserIds($this->items)));
         $this->socialProfiles = $socialProfilesBuilder->getProfiles();
     $this->layoutData = array("items" => $this->items, "params" => $this->params, "amount" => $this->amount, "socialProfiles" => $this->socialProfiles, "imageFolder" => $this->imageFolder, "titleLength" => $this->params->get("discover_title_length", 0), "descriptionLength" => $this->params->get("discover_description_length", 0), "span" => !empty($this->numberInRow) ? round(12 / $this->numberInRow) : 4);
예제 #19
 public function getPaymentCart()
     $values = Session::get('payment');
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         $product[$key]['name'] = $value['name'];
         $price = round((int) $value['price'] / 21270);
         $product[$key]['price'] = $price;
         $product[$key]['quantity'] = 1;
         $product[$key]['product_id'] = $value['id'];
     $tmpTransaction = new TmpTransaction();
     $st = Str::random(16);
     $baseUrl = URL::to('/product/payment/return?order_id=' . $st);
     // $value[1]['name'] = "sản phẩm 1";
     // $value[1]['price'] = "20000";
     // $value[1]['quantity'] = "1";
     // $value[1]['product_id'] = "3";
     // $value[2]['name'] = "sản phẩm 2";
     // $value[2]['price'] = "20000";
     // $value[2]['quantity'] = "1";
     // $value[2]['product_id'] = "3";
     $payment = $this->makePaymentUsingPayPalCart($product, 'USD', "{$baseUrl}&success=true", "{$baseUrl}&success=false");
     $tmpTransaction->order_id = $st;
     $tmpTransaction->payment_id = $payment->getId();
     header("Location: " . $this->getLink($payment->getLinks(), "approval_url"));
     return "index";
예제 #20
 private function calculate($complexity, $bgst)
     //1) Material Expense
     //already submitted when declaring object
     //2) Indirect Material Expense
     $this->indirect_material_expense = $bgst['cogs_matexp_indirect'] / 100 * $this->material_expense;
     //3) Cost based on Products Complexity
     if (strlen($complexity) > 1) {
         $complexity = substr($complexity, 0, 1);
     $complexity = strtoupper($complexity);
     $this->cost_based_on_complexity = $bgst['cogs_complexity_' . $complexity];
     //4) Variable Cost
     $this->cost_variable = $bgst['cogs_variable'];
     //5) Fixed Cost
     $this->cost_fixed = $bgst['cogs_fixed'];
     //Sum Point 1-5
     $sum_1to5 = $this->material_expense + $this->indirect_material_expense + $this->cost_based_on_complexity + $this->cost_variable + $this->cost_fixed;
     //6) Handling Cost
     $this->cost_handling = $bgst['cogs_handling'] / 100 * $sum_1to5;
     $cogs = $sum_1to5 + $this->cost_handling;
     $this->value = round($cogs, 2);
     //Purchase Price from cogs
     $this->purchase_price = $this->value * $bgst['cogs_purchase_price_multiplier'];
  * @return Highchart
 public function getWeekWeightGraph()
     $weeksWeight = $this->statisticEntryHelper->calculateWeeks((new \DateTime())->modify('-1 year')->modify('sunday this week'), new \DateTime(), StatisticEntry::WEIGHT);
     $averageWeight = $this->statisticEntryHelper->calculateAverage($weeksWeight);
     $weightRange = $this->statisticEntryHelper->getHighAndLow($averageWeight);
     $roundedWeightRange = array(round($weightRange[0] - 5, -1) - 10, round($weightRange[1] + 5, -1));
     //ignore minus kg, not possible,  range are +- to 10, at 0 its rounded to -10
     $roundedWeightRange[0] < 0 ? $roundedWeightRange[0] = 0 : null;
     $weeksBodyFat = $this->statisticEntryHelper->calculateWeeks((new \DateTime())->modify('-1 year')->modify('sunday this week'), new \DateTime(), StatisticEntry::BODY_FAT);
     $averageBodyFat = $this->statisticEntryHelper->calculateAverage($weeksBodyFat);
     $bodyFatRange = $this->statisticEntryHelper->getHighAndLow($averageBodyFat);
     $weeksMuscleMass = $this->statisticEntryHelper->calculateWeeks((new \DateTime())->modify('-1 year')->modify('sunday this week'), new \DateTime(), StatisticEntry::MUSCLE_MASS);
     $averageMuscleMass = $this->statisticEntryHelper->calculateAverage($weeksMuscleMass);
     $muscleMassRange = $this->statisticEntryHelper->getHighAndLow($averageMuscleMass);
     $combinedRange = array_merge($bodyFatRange, $muscleMassRange);
     $combinedRange = $this->statisticEntryHelper->getHighAndLow($combinedRange);
     $roundedCombinedRange = array(round($combinedRange[0] - 5, -1), round($combinedRange[1] + 5, -1));
     //ignore minus %, not possible
     $roundedCombinedRange[0] < 0 ? $roundedCombinedRange[0] = 0 : null;
     $months = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 52; $i++) {
         $months[52 - $i] = $this->_trans(date("W", strtotime(date('Y-m-01') . " -{$i} weeks")));
     $chart = $this->_populateNewChart($averageWeight, $averageBodyFat, $averageMuscleMass, $roundedCombinedRange, $roundedWeightRange, $months);
     return $chart;
예제 #22
function VentriloInfoEX1_PrettyTime($time)
    $week = $time / 604800;
    if ($week < 1) {
        $week = 0;
    } else {
        $week = round($week);
    $day = round($time - $week * 604800) / 86400;
    if ($day < 1) {
        $day = 0;
    } else {
        $day = round($day);
    $hour = round($time - $week * 604800 - $day * 86400) / 3600;
    if ($hour < 1) {
        $hour = 0;
    } else {
        $hour = round($hour);
    $minute = round($time - $week * 604800 - $day * 86400 - $hour * 3600) / 60;
    if ($minute < 1) {
        $minute = 0;
    } else {
        $minute = round($min);
    $secs = round($time - $week * 604800 - $day * 86400 - $hour * 3600 - $minute * 60);
    return $week . 'wks' . $day . 'days' . $hour . 'hours' . $minute . 'min' . $secs . 's';
예제 #23
function tree_treeview1($startNode, $deep = 99, $startlevel = 1)
    global $cms;
    foreach ($startNode->childNodes as $cNode) {
        if ($cNode->nodeType == 1 && $cNode->nodeName == 'page' && $cNode->getAttribute('display') != 'hide') {
            $thisId = $cNode->getAttribute('id');
            $loc = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/index.php?cmsid=' . $thisId;
            $pri = round(1 / $startlevel, 2) >= 1 ? round(1 / $startlevel, 2) : round(1 / $startlevel, 2) + 0.2;
            echo "<url>\r\n  <loc>{$loc}</loc>\r\n  <priority>{$pri}</priority>\r\n</url>\r\n";
            $hasChildPage = 0;
            if ($cNode->hasChildNodes()) {
                foreach ($cNode->childNodes as $ccNode) {
                    if ($ccNode->nodeName == "page") {
                        $hasChildPage = 1;
            if ($hasChildPage) {
                if ($deep > 1) {
                    tree_treeview1($cNode, $deep - 1, $startlevel + 1);
예제 #24
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $id = (int) Url::get("id", 0);
     $cmd = Url::get("cmd");
     if ($id && $cmd == "edit") {
         $item = DB::fetch("SELECT * FROM admin_notice_user WHERE id={$id}");
         $display->add('user_name', $item['user_name']);
         $display->add('content', $item['content']);
         $expire = (int) round(($item['expire_date'] - TIME_NOW) / 86400);
         $display->add('expire', $expire);
         if ($item["expire_date"] > TIME_NOW && $item["active"]) {
             $item["active"] = 1;
         } else {
             $item["active"] = 0;
         $display->add('active', $item['active']);
     } elseif ($cmd == "add") {
         $display->add('user_name', Url::get('user_name'));
         $display->add('content', Url::get('content'));
         $display->add('active', (int) Url::get('active', 1));
         $display->add('expire', Url::get('expire', 7));
     $display->add('cmd', $cmd);
     $display->add('msg', $this->showFormErrorMessages(1));
예제 #25
function tpl_modifier_time_ago($string)
    $uts = tpl_make_timestamp($string);
    $mins = round((time() - $uts) / 60);
    if ($mins < 60) {
        return $mins . " " . l('mins_ago');
    } else {
        $hours = round($mins / 60);
        if ($hours < 24) {
            return $hours . " " . l('hours_ago');
        } else {
            $days = round($hours / 24);
            if ($days < 7) {
                return $days . " " . l('days_ago');
            } else {
                $weeks = round($days / 7);
                if ($weeks < 3) {
                    return $weeks . " " . l('weeks_ago');
                } else {
                    $months = round($days / 30);
                    if ($months < 12) {
                        return $months . " " . l('months_ago');
                    } else {
                        $years = round($months / 12);
                        return $years . " " . l('years_ago');
 public function convert()
     $paddingTop = array_key_exists('SpaceBefore', $this->idmlContext) ? $this->idmlContext['SpaceBefore'] : '0';
     $paddingRight = array_key_exists('RightIndent', $this->idmlContext) ? $this->idmlContext['RightIndent'] : '0';
     $paddingBottom = array_key_exists('SpaceAfter', $this->idmlContext) ? $this->idmlContext['SpaceAfter'] : '0';
     $paddingLeft = array_key_exists('LeftIndent', $this->idmlContext) ? $this->idmlContext['LeftIndent'] : '0';
     // InDesign allows negative SpaceBefore and SpaceAfter, but CSS does not allow negative padding.
     $paddingTop = max(0, $paddingTop);
     $paddingBottom = max(0, $paddingBottom);
     $paddingTop = round($paddingTop);
     $paddingRight = round($paddingRight);
     $paddingBottom = round($paddingBottom);
     $paddingLeft = round($paddingLeft);
     if ($paddingTop == $paddingRight && $paddingRight == $paddingBottom && $paddingBottom == $paddingLeft) {
         $this->registerCSS('padding', $paddingTop . 'px');
     } else {
         $this->registerCSS('padding', sprintf("%dpx %dpx %dpx %dpx", $paddingTop, $paddingRight, $paddingBottom, $paddingLeft));
     // IDML differs from CSS in it's implementation of space before the first paragraph.
     // IDML only uses SpaceBefore for the second and subsequent paragraphs, so we need CSS
     // to suppress padding-top on the first paragraph.
     if ($paddingTop > 0 && $this->decodeContext == 'Typography') {
         $this->registerPseudoCSS('first-of-type', 'padding', sprintf("%dpx %dpx %dpx %dpx", 0, $paddingRight, $paddingBottom, $paddingLeft));
예제 #27
function order_list_by_time($filter)
    global $DBC;
    $result = pg_query_params($DBC, "SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdate_trunc(\$1, orderdate) as date_filter, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(distinct orderid) as numberof_order,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(distinct customerid) as numberof_customer,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(distinct prod_id) as numberof_prod,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(quantity) as quantity_by_time,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(total) as total_by_time \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM orders NATURAL JOIN orderlines\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY date_filter\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY total_by_time DESC", array($filter));
    if ($result) {
        $order_list_by_time = pg_fetch_all($result);
        switch ($filter) {
            case 'day':
                $format = 'D d/M/Y';
            case 'week':
                $format = 'W M/Y';
            case 'month':
                $format = 'M/Y';
            case 'year':
                $format = 'Y';
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($order_list_by_time); $i++) {
            echo '<tr>
	                                                    <td>' . date($format, strtotime($order_list_by_time[$i]['date_filter'])) . '</td>
	                                                    <td>' . $order_list_by_time[$i]['numberof_order'] . '</td>
	                                                    <td>' . $order_list_by_time[$i]['numberof_customer'] . '</td>
	                                                    <td>' . $order_list_by_time[$i]['numberof_prod'] . '</td>                                                    
	                                                    <td>' . $order_list_by_time[$i]['quantity_by_time'] . '</td>
	                                                    <td style="font-weight: bold;" class="price">' . round($order_list_by_time[$i]['total_by_time']) . '</td>
예제 #28
  * Returns a mask
  * @param \WideImage\Image $image
  * @return \WideImage\Image
 public function execute($image)
     $width = $image->getWidth();
     $height = $image->getHeight();
     $mask = TrueColorImage::create($width, $height);
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
         $greyscale[$i] = ImageColorAllocate($mask->getHandle(), $i, $i, $i);
     imagefilledrectangle($mask->getHandle(), 0, 0, $width, $height, $greyscale[255]);
     $transparentColor = $image->getTransparentColor();
     $alphaToGreyRatio = 255 / 127;
     for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
         for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++) {
             $color = $image->getColorAt($x, $y);
             if ($color == $transparentColor) {
                 $rgba['alpha'] = 127;
             } else {
                 $rgba = $image->getColorRGB($color);
             imagesetpixel($mask->getHandle(), $x, $y, $greyscale[255 - round($rgba['alpha'] * $alphaToGreyRatio)]);
     return $mask;
예제 #29
function valida_valor($valor, $aceita_float)
    // valida valor
    if ($valor == null) {
        // informa que nao e um valor
        return false;
    // remove a virgula se houver
    $valor = str_replace(",", ".", $valor);
    // remove espaco vazio no meio se houver
    $valor = str_replace(" ", null, $valor);
    // remove o espaco em branco
    $valor = trim($valor);
    // valida se e numero, e se e numero positivo
    if (is_numeric($valor) == false or $valor < 0) {
        // informa que nao e um numero
        return false;
    // arredonda valor se nao aceitar float
    if ($aceita_float == false) {
        // arredonda
        $valor = round($valor, 0);
    // se aceitar float, e for float entao arredonda
    if ($aceita_float == true) {
        // arredonda
        $valor = round($valor, 2);
    // retorno
    return $valor;
예제 #30
 public function execute(CommandSender $sender, $currentAlias, array $args)
     if (!$this->testPermission($sender)) {
         return true;
     $chunksCollected = 0;
     $entitiesCollected = 0;
     $tilesCollected = 0;
     $memory = memory_get_usage();
     foreach ($sender->getServer()->getLevels() as $level) {
         $diff = [count($level->getChunks()), count($level->getEntities()), count($level->getTiles())];
         $chunksCollected += $diff[0] - count($level->getChunks());
         $entitiesCollected += $diff[1] - count($level->getEntities());
         $tilesCollected += $diff[2] - count($level->getTiles());
     $cyclesCollected = $sender->getServer()->getMemoryManager()->triggerGarbageCollector();
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN . "---- " . TextFormat::WHITE . "Garbage collection result" . TextFormat::GREEN . " ----");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "Chunks: " . TextFormat::RED . number_format($chunksCollected));
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "Entities: " . TextFormat::RED . number_format($entitiesCollected));
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "Tiles: " . TextFormat::RED . number_format($tilesCollected));
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "Cycles: " . TextFormat::RED . number_format($cyclesCollected));
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "Memory freed: " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(round(($memory - memory_get_usage()) / 1024 / 1024, 2)) . " MB");
     return true;