$taille = count(_glob($fichier . '/')); $array = array('#CLASS' => $class, '#ID' => $id, '#FICHIER' => $fichier_short, '#TOKEN' => returnToken(), '#SIZE' => $taille, '#NAME' => $nom, '#TITLE' => $title, '#SLASHEDNAME' => addslashes($nom), '#SLASHEDFICHIER' => addslashes($fichier)); $folderlist .= template($mode . '_folder_' . $layout, $array); } elseif ($extension == 'gif' || $extension == 'jpg' || $extension == 'jpeg' || $extension == 'png') { # Item is a picture auto_thumb($fichier, 64, 64); $array = array('#CLASS' => $class, '#ID' => $id, '#FICHIER' => $fichier_short, '#TOKEN' => returnToken(), '#SIZE' => $taille, '#NAME' => $nom, '#TITLE' => $title, '#EXTENSION' => $extension, '#ICONE_VISU' => $icone_visu, '#SLASHEDNAME' => addslashes($nom), '#SLASHEDFICHIER' => addslashes($fichier_short)); $filelist .= template($mode . '_image_' . $layout, $array); } elseif ($extension == 'zip') { # Item is a zip file=> add change to folder $icone_visu = '<a class="tofolder" href="index.php?p=admin&unzip=' . $id . '&token=' . returnToken() . '" title="' . e('Convert this zip file to folder', false) . '"> </a>'; $array = array('#CLASS' => $class, '#ID' => $id, '#FICHIER' => $fichier_short, '#TOKEN' => returnToken(), '#SIZE' => $taille, '#NAME' => $nom, '#TITLE' => $title, '#EXTENSION' => $extension, '#ICONE_VISU' => $icone_visu, '#SLASHEDNAME' => addslashes($nom), '#SLASHEDFICHIER' => addslashes($fichier_short)); $filelist .= template($mode . '_file_' . $layout, $array); } else { # all other types $array = array('#CLASS' => $class, '#ID' => $id, '#FICHIER' => $fichier_short, '#TOKEN' => returnToken(), '#SIZE' => $taille, '#NAME' => $nom, '#TITLE' => $title, '#EXTENSION' => $extension, '#ICONE_VISU' => $icone_visu, '#SLASHEDNAME' => addslashes($nom), '#SLASHEDFICHIER' => addslashes($fichier_short)); $filelist .= template($mode . '_file_' . $layout, $array); } } } echo $folderlist . $filelist; if ($save) { store($ids); } // save in case of new files } else { e('No file on the server'); } ?> <script src="core/qr.js"></script> <script>
for ($index = $from; $index < $from + $_SESSION['stats_max_lines']; $index++) { //($stats as $client){ if (!empty($stats[$index])) { $log_list .= ' <tr> <td>' . $stats[$index]['date'] . '</td> <td>' . $stats[$index]['file'] . ' ( ' . $stats[$index]['id'] . ')</td> <td>' . $stats[$index]['ip'] . '</td> <td>' . $stats[$index]['referrer'] . '</td> <td>' . $stats[$index]['host'] . '</td> </tr>'; } } } $t = returnToken(); if (!empty($stats[$from + $_SESSION['stats_max_lines']])) { $start = $from + $_SESSION['stats_max_lines']; $button_next = '<a class="button" href="index.php?p=stats&start=' . $start . '&token=' . $t . '">⇨</a>'; } if ($from > 0) { $start = $from - $_SESSION['stats_max_lines']; if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } $button_previous = '<a class="button" href="index.php?p=stats&start=' . $start . '&token=' . $t . '">⇦</a>'; } $nb = count($stats); $c = 0; for ($index = 0; $index < $nb; $index += $_SESSION['stats_max_lines']) { $c++;
<ul id="list" class="<?php echo $_SESSION['aspect']; ?> <?php echo $_SESSION['mode']; ?> "> <?php if (!empty($up)) { ?> <li class="up"> <a href="index.php?p=admin&path=<?php echo $up; ?> &token=<?php echo returnToken(true); ?> "> <em>..</em> </a> </li> <?php } include_once 'core/listfiles.php'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function get(url){ request = new XMLHttpRequest();request.open('GET', url, false); request.send();
<?php /** * BoZoN templates file * This file handles loading templates and inserting data in it * Do not change the #CODE parts ! * @author: Bronco (bronco@warriordudimanche.net) **/ if (function_exists('returnToken')) { $token = returnToken(); } $replacement = array('#tooltip_close' => e('Delete this file', false), '#tooltip_link' => e('Get the share link', false), '#tooltip_qrcode' => e('Get the qrcode of this link', false), '#tooltip_rename' => e('Rename this file (share link will not change)', false), '#tooltip_lock' => e('Put a password on this share', false), '#tooltip_burn' => e('Turn this share into a burn after access share', false), '#tooltip_renew' => e('Regen the share link', false), '#tooltip_zipfolder' => e('Download a zip from this folder', false), '#Move_file_or_folder' => e('Move file or folder', false), '#Move_to' => e('Move to', false), '#Move' => e('Move', false), '#To' => e('To', false), '#Lock_access' => e('Lock access', false), '#Please_give_a_password' => e('Please give a password to lock access to this file', false), '#Rename_file' => e('Rename this file?', false), '#Rename_item' => e('Rename this item?', false), '#Rename' => e('Rename', false), '#Delete_item' => e('Delete this item?', false), '#Delete' => e('Delete', false), '#Share_folder' => e('Share folder', false), '#Share_link' => e('Share link', false), '#share_text' => e('Select the users you want to share with', false), '#Copy_link' => e('Copy this share link', false), '#theme' => THEME_PATH, '#YES' => e('Yes', false), '#Move_to' => e('Move this file to another directory', false), '#Create_new_folder' => e('Create a subfolder', false), '#Create_folder_title' => e('Create a subfolder in this folder', false), '#New_folder' => e('New folder', false), '#paste_url' => e('Paste a file\'s URL', false), '#paste_url_title' => e('Paste a file\'s URL to get it on this server', false), '#Read_m3u_playlist' => e('Read m3u playlist', false), '#local_filename' => e('Force local filename (leave empty=no change)', false), '#filename' => e('filename (optionnal)', false)); if (!empty($token)) { $replacement['#TOKEN'] = $token; } function load_templates($tpl_array = null) { global $replacement; $k = array_keys($replacement); $r = array_values($replacement); $path = THEME_PATH . '/templates/'; if (empty($tpl_array)) { $tpl_array = _glob($path, $pattern = 'html'); } foreach ($tpl_array as $key => $tpl) { $tpl = _basename($tpl); $tpl_name = substr($tpl, 0, strlen($tpl) - 5); $templates[$tpl_name] = str_replace($k, $r, file_get_contents($path . $tpl)); } return $templates; }
function generate_new_password_link($text = 'Change password') { echo '<a class="auto_restrict_new_password_link" href="index.php?p=login&change_password&token=' . returnToken() . '" alt="link to a new password" title="' . $text . '"><span class="icon-newpass" ></span></a>'; }
function make_mode_link($pattern = '<a class="mode_#MODE btn #CLASS" title="#TITLE" href="index.php?p=admin&mode=#MODE&token=#TOKEN"> </a>') { if (function_exists('returntoken')) { $token = returnToken(); } else { $token = ''; } if ($_SESSION['mode'] == 'view') { $class = ' active'; } else { $class = ''; } echo str_replace(array('#MODE', '#TITLE', '#TOKEN', '#CLASS'), array('view', e('Manage files', false), $token, $class), $pattern); if ($_SESSION['mode'] == 'links') { $class = ' active'; } else { $class = ''; } echo str_replace(array('#MODE', '#TITLE', '#TOKEN', '#CLASS'), array('links', e('Manage links', false), $token, $class), $pattern); if ($_SESSION['mode'] == 'move') { $class = ' active'; } else { $class = ''; } echo str_replace(array('#MODE', '#TITLE', '#TOKEN', '#CLASS'), array('move', e('Move files', false), $token, $class), $pattern); }
</h2> <div class="fil_ariane"> <a class="home" href="admin.php?path=/&token=<?php echo returnToken(true); ?> "><em><?php e('Root'); ?> :</em> </a> <?php $ariane = explode('/', $_SESSION['current_path']); $chemin = ''; foreach ($ariane as $nb => $folder) { if (!empty($folder)) { $chemin .= $folder; echo '<a class="ariane_item" href="admin.php?path=' . $chemin . '&token=' . returnToken(true) . '">' . $folder . '</a>'; $chemin .= '/'; } } ?> </div> </header> <ul class="list" id="liste"> <h1><?php echo $_SESSION['filter']; ?> </h1> <?php include 'listfiles.php'; ?>
<body class="<?php body_classes(); ?> "> <header> <div id="top_bar"> <span id="menu"> <a class="home" href="index.php" title="<?php e('Home'); ?> "> </a><?php if (is_admin_connected() && empty($_GET['f'])) { generate_users_list_link(e('Users list', false)); generate_new_users_link(e('New user', false)); generate_new_password_link(e('Change password', false)); echo '<a class="log_file" href="index.php?p=stats&token=' . returnToken() . '" class="log_link" title="' . e('Access log file', false) . '"> </a>'; } ?> </span> <span id="lang"> <?php /* you can change the generated link using another pattern as argument (keep the # tags !): '<a #CLASS href="index.php?p=#PAGE&lang=#LANG&token=#TOKEN">#LANG</a>'*/ make_lang_link(); ?> </span> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> <?php if (is_admin_connected() && !empty($page) && empty($_GET['f'])) {
include $auto_restrict['path_to_files'] . '/' . $auto_restrict["banned_ip_filename"]; } /* * user tries to login */ if (isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['pass']) && empty($_POST['confirm']) && empty($_POST['creation'])) { $ok = log_user($_POST['login'], $_POST['pass']); if (!$ok) { safe_redirect('index.php?p=login&error=2'); } elseif (isset($_POST['cookie'])) { set_cookie(); } // redirect if needed if (!empty($auto_restrict['redirect_success'])) { if (strpos($auto_restrict['redirect_success'], '&token=') !== false) { safe_redirect($auto_restrict['redirect_success'] . '&token=' . returnToken()); } else { safe_redirect($auto_restrict['redirect_success']); } } } /* * user wants to logout (?logout $_GET var) */ if (isset($_GET['deconnexion']) || isset($_GET['logout'])) { @session_destroy(); delete_cookie(); exit_redirect(); } /* * no user connected -> login
if (!is_dir(dirname('thumbs/' . $_SESSION['upload_root_path'] . $_SESSION['upload_user_path'] . $destination))) { mkdir(dirname('thumbs/' . $_SESSION['upload_root_path'] . $_SESSION['upload_user_path'] . $destination), 0744, true); } rename(get_thumbs_name($file), get_thumbs_name($destination)); // changer le chemin dans l'id $id = file2id($file); $ids = unstore(); $ids[$id] = $destination; store($ids); } } header('location:index.php?p=admin&token=' . returnToken()); exit; } // protéger un dossier avec un mot de passe if (!empty($_POST['password']) && !empty($_POST['id']) && is_owner($_POST['id'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; $file = id2file($id); $password = blur_password($_POST['password']); // turn normal share id into password hashed id $ids = unstore(); unset($ids[$id]); $ids[$password . $id] = $file; store($ids); header('location:index.php?p=admin&token=' . returnToken()); exit; } if ($_FILES) { include 'core/auto_dropzone.php'; exit; }
exit; } ?> <nav id="menu"> <div id="menu_icon" > </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div class="lang"> <?php foreach ($lang as $l => $content) { if ($_SESSION['language'] == $l) { $class = ' class="active" '; } else { $class = ''; } echo '<a ' . $class . ' href="admin.php?lang=' . $l . '&token=' . returnToken() . '">' . $l . '</a>'; } ?> <a href="admin.php?aspect=icon&token=<?php newToken(true); ?> " title=" <?php e('Icons'); ?> "><img src="design/<?php echo $_SESSION['theme']; ?> /img/34.png"/></a> <a href="admin.php?aspect=list&token=<?php newToken(true); ?>
function generate_new_users_link($text = 'Add a user') { if (!is_user_admin()) { return false; } echo '<a class="auto_restrict_new_user_link" href="index.php?p=login&newuser&token=' . returnToken() . '" alt="link to a new user" title="' . $text . '"> </a>'; }
function generate_new_password_link($text = 'Change password') { if (!is_user_admin()) { return false; } echo '<a class="auto_restrict_new_password_link" href="index.php?p=login&change_password&token=' . returnToken() . '" alt="link to a new password" title="' . $text . '"> </a>'; }