public static function class_init() { /** @var Settings $settings */ $settings = resource(Settings::class); self::$redis = new \Redis(); self::$redis->connect($settings->get("redis", "hostname"), $settings->get("redis", "connect_port")); }
/** * @param $track_id * @throws BadAccessException */ public function __construct($track_id) { $this->settings = resource(Settings::class); $this->me = resource(LoggedIn::class); if (is_array($track_id)) { $this->track_data = $track_id; } else { $this->track_data = SongDao::getSongUsingId($track_id); } $this->track_id = $this->track_data[TSongs::ID]; $this->checkPermission(); }
function make_resource($name, $controller, $options = []) { resource($name, $controller, $options); $uri = '/' . str_replace('.', '/{id}/', $name); if (in_array('update', array_get($options, 'only'))) { post($uri . '/{idz}', ['uses' => $controller . '@update', 'as' => env('API') . '.' . $name . '.update-post']); } if (in_array('update', array_get($options, 'only'))) { post($uri . '/{idz}/update', ['uses' => $controller . '@update', 'as' => env('API') . '.' . $name . '.update2-post']); } if (in_array('destroy', array_get($options, 'only'))) { post($uri . '/{idz}/destroy', ['uses' => $controller . '@destroy', 'as' => env('API') . '.' . $name . '.destroy-post']); } }
public function WymInput($label, $forField, $options = array()) { $this->view->addHeadItem('WymCSS', $this->view->style(resource('wymeditor/skins/default/screen.css'), true)); $this->view->addHeadItem('WymJS', $this->view->script(resource('wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.js'), true)); ?> <p> <label for="<?php echo $forField; ?> "><?php echo $label; ?> </label> <textarea class="wymeditor" id="<?php echo $forField; ?> " name="<?php echo $forField; ?> "><?php echo $this->view->model->{$forField} != null ? $this->view->o($this->view->model->{$forField}, false) : $this->view->o('<p> </p>', false); ?> </textarea> </p> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#<?php echo $forField; ?> ').wymeditor({ <?php foreach ($options as $k => $v) { echo $k . ':' . $v . ','; } ?> jQueryPath: '<?php echo resource('jquery-1.2.2-b.js'); ?> ' }); }); </script> <?php }
<?php get('/', function () { return view('layouts.index'); }); resource('/dashboard', 'DashboardController'); resource('products', 'ProductController'); resource('product-types', 'ProductTypeController'); get('/product-photos', function () { return \App\ProductPhoto::all(); }); post('products/file-upload/{id}', 'ProductController@fileUpload');
<?php Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1'], function () { resource('projects.daily-records', DailyRecordsController::class); });
<?php resource('posts', 'PostController'); //method index resource('comments', 'CommentController', ['except' => ['index', 'create', 'show']]); resource('users', 'UserController', ['except' => ['create', 'store']]); post('posts/{posts}/comments', 'CommentController@store'); //resource('roles', 'RoleController', ['only' => ['show']]); get('roles/{roles}', 'RoleController@show'); get('tags/{tags}', 'TagController@show'); $router->controllers(['likes' => 'LikeController', 'home' => 'HomeController', 'auth' => 'Auth\\AuthController', 'password' => 'Auth\\PasswordController', '/' => 'WelcomeController']); //Route::get() or $router->get() or get() //Route::resource('home', 'HomeController');//method index // Route::controllers([ // 'home' => 'HomeController',//method getIndex // 'auth' => 'Auth\AuthController', // 'password' => 'Auth\PasswordController', // 'test' => 'TraianController', // '/' => 'WelcomeController', // ]); //Route::controller('/', 'WelcomeController');
<?php require_once 'config.php'; /* ----------------------- ПАРАМЕТРЫ СТРАНИЦЫ ----------------------- */ $page['title'] = 'Лог'; $page['desc'] = 'Лог сервера'; resource(['datatables/datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css', 'datatables/datatables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js', <<<JS \$(document).ready(function() { \$('table').DataTable( { "language": { "url": "//" } } ); } ); JS ]); /* ---------------------- КОНТРОЛЛЕР СТРАНИЦЫ ----------------------- */ // Запрашиваем записи лога, относящиеся к API $logs = db_array("SELECT *, " . "DATE_FORMAT(`created_at`, '%d.%m.%y в %H:%m:%s') AS `time` " . "FROM `log`" . "WHERE `type` = 'API'" . "ORDER BY `created_at` DESC"); /* -------------------------- ОТОБРАЖЕНИЕ ------------ */ ob_start(); ?> <h2>Лог запросов к серверу</h2> <hr /> <table class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>Время</th> <th>Значение</th>
<?php Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1'], function () { get('daily-appliances', DailyAppliancesController::class . '@all'); get('projects/{projects}/daily-appliances/total-amount', DailyAppliancesController::class . '@getTotalAmount'); resource('projects.daily-appliances', DailyAppliancesController::class); });
<?php require_once 'config.php'; /* ----------------------- ПАРАМЕТРЫ СТРАНИЦЫ ----------------------- */ $page['title'] = 'Список клиентов'; $page['desc'] = 'Редактирование данных в табличной форме (CRUD)'; resource(['datatables/datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css', 'datatables/datatables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js']); // Настройки CRUD редактора на этой странице $page['crud_editor'] = ['messages' => ['elements_list' => 'Список клиентов', 'delete_success' => 'Клиент успешно удален', 'delete_error' => 'Ошибка при удалении клиента', 'create_success' => 'Клиент успешно создан', 'save_success' => 'Информация о клиенте успешно отредактирована', 'create_error' => 'Ошибка при создании клиента', 'save_error' => 'Ошибка при сохранении данных клиента', 'edit_element' => 'Редактирование клиента', 'create_element' => 'Добавление нового клиента', 'new_element' => 'Добавить клиента'], 'table' => 'users', 'primary_key' => 'id', 'fields' => ['name' => ['desc' => 'Имя', 'type' => 'text', 'dadata' => ['type' => 'NAME'], 'required' => true], 'address' => ['desc' => 'Адрес', 'type' => 'text', 'dadata' => ['type' => 'ADDRESS', 'yandex_map' => true]], 'company' => ['desc' => 'Организация', 'type' => 'text', 'dadata' => ['type' => 'PARTY']], 'bank' => ['desc' => 'Банк', 'type' => 'text', 'dadata' => ['type' => 'BANK']], 'email' => ['desc' => 'Адрес электронной почты', 'type' => 'text', 'dadata' => ['type' => 'EMAIL']], 'create_at' => ['desc' => 'Дата регистрации', 'type' => 'timestamp', 'access_edit' => []]], 'table_list_fields' => ['id' => ['desc' => '#id'], 'name' => ['desc' => 'Имя'], 'address' => ['desc' => 'Адрес'], 'company' => ['desc' => 'Организация'], 'bank' => ['desc' => 'Банк'], 'email' => ['desc' => 'Электронная почта']], 'list_request' => "SELECT * FROM `users`", 'hide_edit' => false, 'sort_column' => 1, 'sort_order' => 'asc', 'display_length' => 5]; /* ---------------------- КОНТРОЛЛЕР СТРАНИЦЫ ----------------------- */ require MC_ROOT . '/scripts/crud_editor/core.php'; /* -------------------------- ОТОБРАЖЕНИЕ ------------ */ ob_start(); ?> <h2><?php echo $page['title']; ?> </h2> <hr /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 mtop-20"> <?php require MC_ROOT . "/templates/{$page['view']}.php"; ?> </div><!-- /.col --> </div><!-- /.row --> <?php require MC_ROOT . '/scripts/render_view.php';
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ Route::group(['namespace' => 'Operator', 'prefix' => 'operator', 'middleware' => ['auth', 'operator']], function () { get('dashboard', ['as' => 'operator.dashboard', 'uses' => 'DashboardController@index']); resource('notif', 'NotifController'); resource('paket', 'PaketController'); resource('member', 'MemberController'); resource('galery', 'GaleryController'); }); Route::group(['prefix' => 'member', 'middleware' => ['auth']], function () { Route::resource('reservation', 'ReservationController'); Route::get('/dashboard', ['as' => 'member.dashboard', 'uses' => 'ReservationController@dashboard']); Route::get('/wait/{id}', ['as' => 'wait', 'uses' => 'ReservationController@wait']); }); Route::get('/', ['as' => 'welcome', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@index']); Route::get('/paket_detail/{id}', ['as' => 'paket.detail', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@show']); Route::post('/paket_detail/{id}', ['as' => 'paket.detail', 'uses' => 'WelcomeController@show']); Route::get('/print/tiket/{id}', ['middleware' => 'auth'], function ($id) { $reservation = Reservation::with('user', 'paket')->find($id); return view('partials.print', compact('reservation')); }); Route::controller('auth', 'Auth\\AuthController', ['getLogin' => 'auth.login', 'postLogin' => 'post.login', 'getLogout' => 'auth.logout', 'getRegister' => 'auth.register', 'postRegister' => 'post.register']); Route::controller('password', 'Auth\\PasswordController');
if ($this->u()->hasRole(User::ROLE_USER)) { ?> <?php $this->addToPane(build_url('task', 'edit', array('projectid' => $childProject->id)), '<img src="' . resource('images/add.png') . '" />', 'Create new task in ' . $childProject->title, 'RightPane'); ?> <?php $this->addToPane(build_url('project', 'edit', array('id' => $childProject->id)), '<img src="' . resource('images/pencil.png') . '" />', 'Edit ' . $childProject->title, 'RightPane'); ?> <?php } ?> <!--<a href="<?php echo build_url('project', 'view', array('id' => $childProject->id)); ?> "><img src="<?php echo resource('images/eye.png'); ?> " /></a> --> </h3> <p> <?php $this->bbCode($childProject->description); ?> </p> <div> <ul class="largeList"> <li><?php $this->addToPane(build_url('feature', 'milestonelist', array('milestoneid' => $childProject->id)), "Features", 'Features of ' . $childProject->title); ?> </li> <li><a href="#" onclick="$('#project-task-summary-<?php
?> -projects"></div> </div> <div class="info-block"> <!--<input style="float: right;" type="button" onclick="location.href='<?php echo build_url('client', 'edit', array('id' => $client->id)); ?> ';" value="Edit" />--> <h3> <a style="float: right;" href="<?php echo build_url('client', 'edit', array('id' => $client->id)); ?> "><img src="<?php echo resource('images/pencil.png'); ?> " /></a> <?php $this->addNote($client->name, $client->id, 'client'); ?> <?php $this->viewNotes($client->id, 'client'); ?> Details </h3> <div class="micro-column gainlayout"> <p> <strong>Name</strong><br/> <?php
<?php if ($expense->status == Expense::DENIED) { ?> <img title="denied" src="<?php echo resource('images/cross.png'); ?> " /> <?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($expense->paiddate)) { ?> <img src="<?php echo resource('images/coins.png'); ?> " title="Paid <?php $this->o($this->u()->formatDate($expense->paiddate)); ?> " /> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody>
<?php Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1'], function () { get('subcontractors', SubcontractorsController::class . '@index'); }); Route::group(['middleware' => ['csrftoken']], function () { resource('subcontractors', SubcontractorsController::class); });
"><img class="small-icon" src="<?php echo resource('images/pencil.png'); ?> " /></a> <a class="action-icon" title="Delete Feature" href="#" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure')) location.href='<?php echo build_url('feature', 'delete', array('id' => $feature->id)); ?> '; return false;"><img class="small-icon" src="<?php echo resource('images/delete.png'); ?> " /></a> <a class="action-icon" title="Add Child Feature" href="<?php echo build_url('feature', 'edit', array('parent' => $feature->id, 'projectid' => $feature->projectid)); ?> "><img class="small-icon" src="<?php echo resource('images/page_copy.png'); ?> " /></a> <a id="<?php echo $type; ?> -feature-<?php echo $feature->id; ?> -link" title="Show Details" href="#"><?php $this->o($feature->title); ?> (<?php $this->o($feature->estimated); ?>
?> <form id="quick-task-form" style="float: right"> <?php $this->requestValidator(); ?> <input type="text" id="quick-task" size="40" accesskey="a" /> <input type="submit" value="Create Task" /> </form> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="ajax-loading" style="position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 15px; display: none;"> <img src="<?php echo resource('images/ajax-loader.gif'); ?> " /> </div> <div id="left"> <div id="flash"> <?php $this->showFlash($this->childView); ?> </div> <div id="errors"> <?php $this->errors($this->childView); ?> </div> <div>
/** VENDOR routes start from here */ resource('vendor', 'MyVendorController'); /** VENDOR routes ends here */ //resource('route','RouteController'); /** Invoice routes starts form here */ resource('invoice', 'InvoiceController'); /** Invoice routes ends form here */ /** Cash In routes starts from here */ resource('cashIn', 'CashInController'); get('ledger', 'CashInController@ledger'); /** Cash In routes ends from here */ /** Cash Out routes starts from here */ resource('cashOut', 'CashOutController'); /** Cash Out routes ends from here */ /** Salary routes starts from here */ resource('salary', 'SalaryController'); get('lists', 'SalaryController@lists'); get('create/{id}', 'SalaryController@create'); get('payment/{id}', 'SalaryController@payment'); post('pay', 'SalaryController@pay'); get('payment/{id}', 'SalaryController@editPayment'); patch('payment/{id}/edit', 'SalaryController@updatePayment'); get('advance', 'SalaryController@advance'); post('payAdvance', 'SalaryController@payAdvance'); get('advance/{id}', 'SalaryController@editAdvance'); /** Salary routes ends from here */ /** * Route for MyConfigController <p> * These routes defined explicitly because in * MyConfigController I used multiple methods for store and delete records </p> * Created by smartrahat on Date: 06.09.2015 05:23AM | Last Modified: 10.09.2015 08:03PM
//Blog Page get('/', function () { return redirect('/blog'); }); get('blog', 'BlogController@index'); get('blog/{slug}', 'BlogController@showPost'); $router->get('contact', 'ContactController@showForm'); Route::post('contact', 'ContactController@sendContactInfo'); get('rss', 'BlogController@rss'); get('sitemap.xml', 'BlogController@siteMap'); // Admin area get('admin', function () { return redirect('/admin/post'); }); $router->group(['namespace' => 'Admin', 'middleware' => 'auth'], function () { resource('admin/post', 'PostController', ['except' => 'show']); resource('admin/tag', 'TagController', ['except' => 'show']); get('admin/upload', 'UploadController@index'); post('admin/upload/file', 'UploadController@uploadFile'); delete('admin/upload/file', 'UploadController@deleteFile'); post('admin/upload/folder', 'UploadController@createFolder'); delete('admin/upload/folder', 'UploadController@deleteFolder'); }); // Logging in and out get('/auth/login', 'Auth\\AuthController@getLogin'); post('/auth/login', 'Auth\\AuthController@postLogin'); get('/auth/logout', 'Auth\\AuthController@getLogout'); // Register... Route::get('auth/register', 'Auth\\AuthController@getRegister'); Route::post('auth/register', 'Auth\\AuthController@postRegister');
<?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); }); resource('payment', 'PaypalPaymentController');
echo $this->ellipsis($this->escape($item->title), 20); ?> <img onclick="$.post('<?php echo build_url('note', 'deletewatch'); ?> ', {id:'<?php echo $item->id; ?> ', __validation_token: '<?php echo $this->requestValidator(true); ?> ', type:'<?php echo get_class($item); ?> '}, function() {$('#<?php echo $rowId; ?> ').remove();}); return false; " alt="unbsubscribe from resource" src="<?php echo resource('images/thumb_down.png'); ?> "/> </a> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div>
<body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <div id="menu"> <ul id="options"> <li><a href="<?php echo build_url('client'); ?> " title="Your Company">Home</a></li> </ul> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> </div> <div id="session-info"> <img id="ajax-loading" style="float: right; display: none;" src="<?php echo resource('images/indicator_circle.gif'); ?> " /> <?php echo $this->loginOutBox(); ?> </div> <div id="content-wrapper"> <div id="flash"> <?php $this->showFlash($this->childView); ?> </div> <div id="errors"> <?php
get('users/banned', 'UserController@banned')->name('admin.access.users.banned'); get('users/deleted', 'UserController@deleted')->name('admin.access.users.deleted'); get('account/confirm/resend/{user_id}', 'UserController@resendConfirmationEmail')->name('admin.account.confirm.resend'); /** * Specific User */ $router->group(['prefix' => 'user/{id}', 'where' => ['id' => '[0-9]+']], function () { get('delete', 'UserController@delete')->name('admin.access.user.delete-permanently'); get('restore', 'UserController@restore')->name('admin.access.user.restore'); get('mark/{status}', 'UserController@mark')->name('admin.access.user.mark')->where(['status' => '[0,1,2]']); get('password/change', 'UserController@changePassword')->name('admin.access.user.change-password'); post('password/change', 'UserController@updatePassword')->name('admin.access.user.change-password'); }); }); /** * Role Management */ $router->group(['namespace' => 'Role'], function () use($router) { resource('roles', 'RoleController', ['except' => ['show']]); }); /** * Permission Management */ $router->group(['prefix' => 'roles', 'namespace' => 'Permission'], function () use($router) { resource('permission-group', 'PermissionGroupController', ['except' => ['index', 'show']]); resource('permissions', 'PermissionController', ['except' => ['show']]); $router->group(['prefix' => 'groups'], function () { post('update-sort', 'PermissionGroupController@updateSort')->name('admin.access.roles.groups.update-sort'); }); }); });
<?php /** * Frontend Controllers */ get('/', ['as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'FrontendController@index']); get('macros', 'FrontendController@macros'); /** * These frontend controllers require the user to be logged in */ Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () { get('dashboard', ['as' => 'frontend.dashboard', 'uses' => 'DashboardController@index']); resource('profile', 'ProfileController', ['only' => ['edit', 'update']]); });
<?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ Route::get('/', function () { return Redirect::to('/api-docs'); }); Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () { post('register', 'TokenAuthController@register'); post('authenticate', 'TokenAuthController@authenticate'); get('authenticate/user', 'TokenAuthController@getAuthenticatedUser'); Route::group(['middleware' => 'jwt.auth'], function () { post('logout', 'TokenAuthController@logout'); resource('appointment_requests', 'AppointmentRequestController', ['except' => ['create', 'edit']]); patch('appointment_requests/{id}/confirm', 'AppointmentRequestController@confirm'); patch('appointment_requests/{id}/cancel', 'AppointmentRequestController@cancel'); }); });
}]); // Password reset Route::controllers(['password' => 'Auth\\PasswordController']); // Registration routes... get('auth/register', ['as' => 'register', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@getRegister']); post('auth/register', ['as' => 'post-register', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@postRegister']); get('login/{provider}', ['as' => 'social-register', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@social_register']); // Authentication routes... get('auth/login', ['as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@getLogin']); post('auth/login', ['as' => 'post-login', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@postLogin']); get('logout', ['as' => 'logout', 'uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@getLogout']); get('nglogin', function () { return view('nglogin'); }); Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () { resource('profile', 'ProfileController'); get('profile', function () { return redirect()->to("how-i'm-doing"); }); get('{name}/personal-stats', ['as' => 'personal-stats', 'uses' => 'StatsController@personalStats']); get("how-i'm-doing", ['as' => 'how-im-doing', 'uses' => 'StatsController@index']); get('update-login-info/{name}', ['as' => 'edit-login', 'uses' => 'ProfileController@editMyLogin']); post('update-login/{user}', ['as' => 'update-login', 'uses' => 'ProfileController@updateMyLogin']); //get state: locked or not on web-page get('device-state/{id}', 'DeviceController@response'); get('mostly-checked-per/{week}', ['as' => 'mostly-checked-filter', 'uses' => 'StatsController@index']); get('mostly-checked-per/{month}/{s}/{i}', ['as' => 'filter-interval-plus', 'uses' => 'StatsController@index']); get('mostly-checked-per/{year}/{s}/{i}', ['as' => 'filter-interval-minus', 'uses' => 'StatsController@index']); }); Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () { // resource('authenticate', 'AuthenticateController', ['only' => ['index']]);
<?php Route::group(['middleware' => ['csrftoken']], function () { resource('projects', ProjectsController::class); });
get('/', 'LibraryController@index'); get('search', 'LibraryController@search_'); get('guidelines', 'LibraryController@guidelines_'); get('about', 'LibraryController@about_'); get('contact', 'LibraryController@contact_'); get('studentdashboard', 'LibraryController@studentdash_'); get('facultydashboard', 'LibraryController@facultydash_'); get('librariandashboard', 'LibraryController@librariandash_'); }); }); Route::group(['namespace' => 'API'], function () { Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () { resource('libraries', 'LibraryController', ['only' => ['index']]); resource('categories', 'CategoryController', ['only' => ['index']]); Route::group(['middleware' => ['oauth', 'auth']], function () { resource('libraries', 'LibraryController', ['only' => ['store', 'update', 'destroy']]); resource('categories', 'CategoryController', ['only' => ['store', 'update', 'destroy']]); resource('users', 'UserController', ['except' => ['edit']]); get('admin', 'UserController@adminInfo'); Route::group(['prefix' => 'user'], function () { post('change-password', 'UserController@changePassword'); }); }); }); Route::group(['namespace' => 'Auth'], function () { post('oauth/access_token', 'AuthController@login'); }); }); get('/test', function () { return 'test'; });
<?php get('login', 'Auth\\AuthController@getLogin'); post('login', 'Auth\\AuthController@postLogin'); get('logout', 'Auth\\AuthController@getLogout'); get('/', function () { return redirect('/♫'); }); get('♫', ['middleware' => 'auth', function () { return view('index'); }]); Route::group(['prefix' => 'api', 'middleware' => 'auth', 'namespace' => 'API'], function () { get('/', function () { // Just acting as a ping service. }); get('data', 'DataController@index'); post('settings', 'SettingController@save'); get('{id}/play', 'SongController@play')->where('id', '[a-f0-9]{32}'); get('{id}/lyrics', 'SongController@getLyrics')->where('id', '[a-f0-9]{32}'); post('interaction/play', 'InteractionController@play'); post('interaction/like', 'InteractionController@like'); post('interaction/batch/like', 'InteractionController@batchLike'); post('interaction/batch/unlike', 'InteractionController@batchUnlike'); resource('playlist', 'PlaylistController'); put('playlist/{id}/sync', 'PlaylistController@sync')->where(['id' => '\\d+']); resource('user', 'UserController'); put('me', 'UserController@updateProfile'); });
<td> <?php if ($record->timesheetid) { ?> <p><img title="This record is locked and cannot be altered" class="small-icon" src="<?php echo resource('images/lock.png'); ?> " /></p> <?php } else { ?> <p><a title="Delete Record" onclick="Relapse.Tasks.deleteTimesheetRecord(<?php echo $record->id; ?> , this); return false; " href="#"><img class="small-icon" src="<?php echo resource('images/delete.png'); ?> " /></a></p> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td>Total</td>