예제 #1
 public function update_by_admin($id = null)
     //turn access
     $this->ACL->turn(array('users', 'edit_users'));
     $id = (int) $id;
     // ID зарегистрированного пользователя не может быть меньше
     // единицы - значит функция вызвана по ошибке
     if ($id < 1) {
     // Если профиль пытается редактировать не зарегистрированный
     // пользователь - функция вызвана по ошибке
     if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
     // Получаем данные о пользователе из БД
     $user = $this->Model->getById($id);
     if (!$user) {
         return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Can not find user'), '/users/');
     if (is_object($this->AddFields) && $user) {
         $user = $this->AddFields->mergeRecords(array($user), true);
         $user = $user[0];
     $fields = array('name', 'email', 'oldEmail', 'icq', 'jabber', 'pol', 'city', 'telephone', 'byear', 'bmonth', 'bday', 'url', 'about', 'signature');
     $fields_settings = (array) Config::read('fields', 'users');
     $fields_settings = array_merge($fields_settings, array('email'));
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         ${$field} = isset($_POST[$field]) ? trim($_POST[$field]) : '';
     if ('1' === $pol) {
         $pol = 'm';
     } else {
         if ('2' === $pol) {
             $pol = 'f';
         } else {
             $pol = '';
     // Обрезаем лишние пробелы
     $newpassword = !empty($_POST['newpassword']) ? trim($_POST['newpassword']) : '';
     $confirm = !empty($_POST['confirm']) ? trim($_POST['confirm']) : '';
     // Обрезаем переменные до длины, указанной в параметре maxlength тега input
     $newpassword = mb_substr($newpassword, 0, 30);
     $confirm = mb_substr($confirm, 0, 30);
     $email = mb_substr($email, 0, 60);
     $oldEmail = mb_substr($user->getEmail(), 0, 60);
     $icq = mb_substr($icq, 0, 12);
     $jabber = mb_substr($jabber, 0, 100);
     $city = mb_substr($city, 0, 50);
     $telephone = number_format(mb_substr((int) $telephone, 0, 20), 0, '', '');
     $byear = intval(mb_substr($byear, 0, 4));
     $bmonth = intval(mb_substr($bmonth, 0, 2));
     $bday = intval(mb_substr($bday, 0, 2));
     $url = mb_substr($url, 0, 60);
     $about = mb_substr($about, 0, 1000);
     $signature = mb_substr($signature, 0, 500);
     $errors = $this->Register['Validate']->check($this->Register['action']);
     // Additional fields
     if (is_object($this->AddFields)) {
         try {
             $_addFields = $this->AddFields->checkFields();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $errors[] = $this->AddFields->getErrors();
     // Если заполнено поле "Текущий пароль" - значит пользователь
     // хочет изменить его или поменять свой e-mail
     $changePassword = false;
     $changeEmail = false;
     // want to change password
     if (!empty($newpassword)) {
         $changePassword = true;
     // user want to change email
     if ($email != $oldEmail) {
         $changeEmail = true;
     // if new and old emails are equal, we needn't check password
     if ($email == $oldEmail) {
     $tmp_key = rand(0, 9999999);
     if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) {
         touchDir(ROOT . '/sys/tmp/images/', 0777);
         $path = ROOT . '/sys/tmp/images/' . $tmp_key . '.jpg';
         if (!isset($check_image) && move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], $path)) {
             chmod($path, 0644);
             @($sizes = resampleImage($path, $path, 100));
             if (!$sizes) {
                 $errors[] = __('Some error in avatar');
         } else {
             $errors[] = __('Some error in avatar');
     $status = (int) $_POST['status'];
     $timezone = (int) $_POST['timezone'];
     if ($timezone < -12 or $timezone > 12) {
         $timezone = 0;
     // Errors
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         $_SESSION['FpsForm'] = array_merge(array('name' => null, 'status' => null, 'email' => null, 'timezone' => null, 'icq' => null, 'url' => null, 'about' => null, 'signature' => null, 'pol' => $pol, 'telephone' => null, 'city' => null, 'jabber' => null, 'byear' => null, 'bmonth' => null, 'bday' => null), $_POST);
         $_SESSION['FpsForm']['errors'] = $errors;
         redirect('/users/edit_form_by_admin/' . $id);
     // Если выставлен флажок "Удалить загруженный ранее файл"
     if (isset($_POST['unlink']) and is_file(ROOT . '/sys/avatars/' . $id . '.jpg')) {
         unlink(ROOT . '/sys/avatars/' . $id . '.jpg');
     if (file_exists(ROOT . '/sys/tmp/images/' . $tmp_key . '.jpg')) {
         if (copy(ROOT . '/sys/tmp/images/' . $tmp_key . '.jpg', ROOT . '/sys/avatars/' . $id . '.jpg')) {
             chmod(ROOT . '/sys/avatars/' . $id . '.jpg', 0644);
         unlink(ROOT . '/sys/tmp/images/' . $tmp_key . '.jpg');
     // Все поля заполнены правильно - записываем изменения в БД
     if ($changePassword) {
     if ($changeEmail) {
     if (isset($_POST['activation'])) {
     // Additional fields saving
     if (is_object($this->AddFields)) {
         $this->AddFields->save($id, $_addFields);
     if ($this->Log) {
         $this->Log->write('editing user by adm', 'user id(' . $id . ') adm id(' . $_SESSION['user']['id'] . ')');
     return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Operation is successful'), getProfileUrl($id));
예제 #2
    if ($params[0] == 'loads') {
        $attach = $FpsDB->select('loads_attaches', DB_FIRST, array('cond' => array('filename' => $params[1])));
        if (count($attach) < 1) {
    // Size of future image
    if (!empty($params[2])) {
        $sample_size = (int) $params[2];
    } else {
        $sample_size = $Register['Config']->read('img_preview_size');
    // Min allowed size
    if ($sample_size < 50) {
        $sample_size = 50;
    // New path
    $tmpdir = ROOT . '/sys/tmp/img_cache/' . $sample_size . '/' . $params[0] . '/';
    if (!file_exists($tmpdir)) {
        mkdir($tmpdir, 0777, true);
    if (!file_exists($tmpdir . $params[1])) {
        $dest_path = ROOT . '/sys/files/' . $params[0] . '/' . $params[1];
        resampleImage($dest_path, $tmpdir . $params[1], $sample_size);
    header('Content-type: image/' . substr($ext, 1, 3));
    echo file_get_contents($tmpdir . $params[1]);
예제 #3
function imageUpload($flag_flow)
    global $cfg, $db;
    authenticate('access_admin', false, true);
    if (ini_get('file_uploads') == false) {
        message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]File uploads disabled in the php.ini.');
    if ($_FILES['image_front']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE && $_FILES['image_back']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
        message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]There is no file uploaded');
    if ($_FILES['image_front']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK && $_FILES['image_front']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
        if ($_FILES['image_front']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]The file is larger than the value set in php.ini for upload_max_file');
        } elseif ($_FILES['image_front']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]The file is not fully uploaded');
        } elseif ($_FILES['image_front']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]PHP, the directory for the temporary file not found');
        } elseif ($_FILES['image_front']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]PHP could not write the temporary file');
        } else {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]Error code: ' . $_FILES['image_front']['error']);
    if ($_FILES['image_back']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK && $_FILES['image_back']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
        if ($_FILES['image_back']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]The file is larger than the value set in php.ini for upload_max_file');
        } elseif ($_FILES['image_back']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]The file is not fully uploaded');
        } elseif ($_FILES['image_back']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]PHP, the directory for the temporary file not found');
        } elseif ($_FILES['image_back']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]PHP could not write the temporary file');
        } else {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]Error code: ' . $_FILES['image_back']['error']);
    $album_id = post('album_id');
    $query = mysql_query('SELECT relative_file FROM track WHERE album_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '"');
    $track = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
    $image_dir = $cfg['media_dir'] . $track['relative_file'];
    $image_dir = substr($image_dir, 0, strrpos($image_dir, '/') + 1);
    if ($track == false) {
        message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Error[/b][br]album_id not found in database');
    if ($_FILES['image_front']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
        $imagesize = @getimagesize($_FILES['image_front']['tmp_name']) or message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]Unsupported file.');
        if ($imagesize[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
            $image = $image_dir . $cfg['image_front'] . '.jpg';
            $delete = $image_dir . $cfg['image_front'] . '.png';
        } elseif ($imagesize[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) {
            $image = $image_dir . $cfg['image_front'] . '.png';
            $delete = $image_dir . $cfg['image_front'] . '.jpg';
        } else {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]Unsupported file.');
        if (copy($_FILES['image_front']['tmp_name'], $image) == false) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Failed to copy[/b][br]from: ' . $_FILES['image_front']['tmp_name'] . '[br]to: ' . $image);
        if (is_file($delete) && @unlink($delete) == false) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Failed to delete file:[/b][br]' . $delete);
        $flag = 3;
        // stored
        $filemtime = filemtime($image);
        $filesize = filesize($image);
        $image_id = $album_id . '_' . base_convert(NJB_IMAGE_SIZE * 100 + NJB_IMAGE_QUALITY, 10, 36) . base_convert($filemtime, 10, 36) . base_convert($filesize, 10, 36);
        $relative_image = substr($image, strlen($cfg['media_dir']));
        mysql_query('UPDATE bitmap SET
			image				= "' . mysql_real_escape_string(resampleImage($image)) . '",
			filesize			= ' . (int) $filesize . ',
			filemtime			= ' . (int) $filemtime . ',
			flag				= ' . (int) $flag . ',
			image_front			= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($relative_image) . '",
			image_front_width	= ' . (int) $imagesize[0] . ',
			image_front_height	= ' . (int) $imagesize[1] . ',
			image_id			= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_id) . '"
			WHERE album_id		= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '"');
        mysql_query('UPDATE album SET
			image_id			= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_id) . '"
			WHERE album_id		= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '"');
    if ($_FILES['image_back']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
        $imagesize = @getimagesize($_FILES['image_back']['tmp_name']) or message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]Unsupported file.');
        if ($imagesize[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
            $image = $image_dir . $cfg['image_back'] . '.jpg';
            $delete = $image_dir . $cfg['image_back'] . '.png';
        } elseif ($imagesize[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) {
            $image = $image_dir . $cfg['image_back'] . '.png';
            $delete = $image_dir . $cfg['image_back'] . '.jpg';
        } else {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Upload error[/b][br]Unsupported file.');
        if (copy($_FILES['image_back']['tmp_name'], $image) == false) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Failed to copy[/b][br]from: ' . $_FILES['image_back']['tmp_name'] . '[br]to: ' . $image);
        if (is_file($delete) && @unlink($delete) == false) {
            message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Failed to delete file:[/b][br]' . $delete);
        $relative_image = substr($image, strlen($cfg['media_dir']));
        mysql_query('UPDATE bitmap SET
			image_back			= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($relative_image) . '"
			WHERE album_id		= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '"');
    if ($flag_flow == 9) {
        header('Location: ' . NJB_HOME_URL . 'index.php?action=view3&album_id=' . $album_id);
    } else {
예제 #4
파일: image.php 프로젝트: jdeblese/ompd-mod
//ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
require_once 'include/initialize.inc.php';
require_once 'include/stream.inc.php';
$image_id = get('image_id');
$track_id = get('track_id');
$quality = get('quality') == 'hq' ? 'hq' : 'lq';
//$quality	= 'hq';
$image = get('image');
$album_id = get('album_id');
$action = get('action');
if ($action == 'viewall' && $album_id) {
} elseif (isset($image_id)) {
    image($image_id, $quality, $track_id);
} elseif (isset($image)) {
} elseif ($cfg['image_share']) {
function viewall($album_id)
    $res = mysql_query('SELECT image_id  FROM bitmap WHERE album_id="' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '"');
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) < 2) {
    while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        echo '<img width="50" height="50" src="image.php?image_id=' . $rec['image_id'] . '&quality=hq" />';
예제 #5
function fetchAlbumImages($albumDir, $album_id)
    global $cfg, $db, $getID3;
    $fallBackImage = NJB_HOME_DIR . 'image/no_image.png';
    if (is_dir($albumDir) == FALSE) {
        return array($fallBackImage);
    $musicFiles = array();
    $imageFiles = array();
    $flag = 0;
    // No image
    if ($cfg['image_read_embedded'] === TRUE) {
        // get all files music files of directory
        $handle = opendir($albumDir);
        while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
            $ext = strtolower(preg_replace('/^.*\\./', '', $file));
            if (is_file($albumDir . $file) && in_array($ext, $cfg['media_extension']) !== FALSE) {
                $musicFiles[] = $albumDir . $file;
        foreach ($musicFiles as $i) {
            $coverBinary = writeEmbeddedCoverToTempfile($i);
            if ($coverBinary !== FALSE) {
                // md5() of extracted images of same album files seems to be different - lets use filesize
                $imageFiles[filesize($coverBinary)] = $coverBinary;
    if ($cfg['image_look_current_directory'] === TRUE) {
        $imageFiles = array_merge($imageFiles, getImages($albumDir));
    if ($cfg['image_look_cover_directory'] === TRUE) {
        // get all image files of album directory
        $handle = opendir($albumDir);
        while ($dirname = readdir($handle)) {
            if (is_dir($albumDir . $dirname)) {
                if (in_array(az09($dirname), $cfg['common_artwork_dir_names'])) {
                    $imageFiles = array_merge($imageFiles, getImages($albumDir . $dirname));
    if ($cfg['image_look_parent_directory'] === TRUE && count($imageFiles) === 0) {
        $imageFiles = getImages(dirname($albumDir));
    if (count($imageFiles) === 0) {
        $imageFiles = array($fallBackImage);
    $albumUpdated = FALSE;
    // insert all images into database...
    foreach ($imageFiles as $image) {
        $filesize = filesize($image);
        $filemtime = filemtime($image);
        $flag = 0;
        $image_front = '';
        $image_back = '';
        if (stripos($image, NJB_HOME_DIR) !== FALSE && $image !== $fallBackImage) {
            $flag = 3;
            $image_front = str_replace($cfg['media_dir'], '', $image);
        $imagesize = @getimagesize($image);
        if (!$imagesize) {
            //TODO: logging
            #message(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'error', '[b]Failed to read image information from:[/b][br]' . $image);
            error_log('OMPD-import-image error for: ' . $image);
        $image_id = $flag == 3 ? $album_id : 'no_image';
        $image_id .= '_' . base_convert(NJB_IMAGE_SIZE * 100 + NJB_IMAGE_QUALITY, 10, 36) . base_convert($filemtime, 10, 36) . base_convert($filesize, 10, 36);
        mysql_query('INSERT INTO bitmap (image, filesize, filemtime, flag, image_front, image_back, image_front_width, image_front_height, image_id, album_id, updated)
			VALUES ("' . mysql_real_escape_string(resampleImage($image)) . '",
			' . (int) $filesize . ',
			' . (int) $filemtime . ',
			' . (int) $flag . ',
			"' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_front) . '",
			"' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_back) . '",
			' . ($flag == 3 ? $imagesize[0] : 0) . ',
			' . ($flag == 3 ? $imagesize[1] : 0) . ',
			"' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_id) . '",
			"' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '",
        if ($albumUpdated === FALSE) {
            mysql_query('UPDATE album
				SET image_id			= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($image_id) . '"
				WHERE album_id		= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($album_id) . '"
				LIMIT 1');
            $albumUpdated = TRUE;
        if (stripos($image, NJB_HOME_DIR . 'tmp/') === 0) {