$msg = ''; include 'installHead.inc'; ?> <div class="tlStory"> <p>TestLink will carry out a number of checks to see if everything's ready to start the setup.</p> <table> <?php // Check before DB installation $inst_type = $_GET['installationType']; $errors = 0; reportCheckingSystem($errors); reportCheckingWeb($errors); reportCheckingPermissions($errors, $inst_type); ?> </table> </div> <div class="tlLiner"> </div> <div class="tlStory"> <?php if ($errors > 0) { // Stop process because of error ?> <p>Unfortunately, TestLink scripted setup cannot continue at the moment, due to the above <?php echo $errors > 1 ? $errors . " " : ""; ?> error<?php
echo chk_memory(9, 16); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> </div> --> <div> <?php $errors = 0; reportCheckingSystem($errors); reportCheckingWeb($errors); reportCheckingPermissions($errors); reportCheckingDatabase($errors); reportCheckingBrowser($errors); echo '<p>Error counter = ' . $errors . '</p>'; ?> <hr /></div> <div id="footer"> <p><a href="http://www.teamst.org" target="_blank" tabindex="99">TestLink</a> System check is finished. </p> </div> </div> </body> </html>