function getValue($value_name, $data_type = "int", $method = "GET", $default_value = 0, $advance = 0) { $value = $default_value; switch ($method) { case "GET": if (isset($_GET[$value_name])) { $value = $_GET[$value_name]; } break; case "POST": if (isset($_POST[$value_name])) { $value = $_POST[$value_name]; } break; case "COOKIE": if (isset($_COOKIE[$value_name])) { $value = $_COOKIE[$value_name]; } break; case "SESSION": if (isset($_SESSION[$value_name])) { $value = $_SESSION[$value_name]; } break; default: if (isset($_GET[$value_name])) { $value = $_GET[$value_name]; } break; } $valueArray = array("int" => intval($value), "str" => trim(strval($value)), "flo" => floatval($value), "dbl" => doubleval($value), "arr" => $value); foreach ($valueArray as $key => $returnValue) { if ($data_type == $key) { if ($advance != 0) { switch ($advance) { case 1: $returnValue = replaceMQ($returnValue); break; case 2: $returnValue = htmlspecialbo($returnValue); break; } } //Do số quá lớn nên phải kiểm tra trước khi trả về giá trị if (strval($returnValue) == "INF" && $data_type != "str") { return 0; } return $returnValue; break; } } return intval($value); }
function checkLogin($username, $password) { $username = replaceMQ($username); $password = replaceMQ($password); $db_check = new db_query("SELECT adm_id\n FROM admin_users\n WHERE adm_loginname = '" . $username . "' AND adm_password = '******'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($db_check->result) > 0) { $check = mysqli_fetch_array($db_check->result); $adm_id = $check["adm_id"]; $db_check->close(); unset($db_check); return $adm_id; } else { $db_check->close(); unset($db_check); return 0; } }
function checkLogin($b, $c) { $b = replaceMQ($b); $c = replaceMQ($c); $f = new db_query("SELECT adm_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM admin_users\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE adm_loginname = '" . $b . "' AND adm_password = '******'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($f->result) > 0) { $g = mysqli_fetch_array($f->result); $h = $g["adm_id"]; $f->close(); unset($f); return $h; } else { $f->close(); unset($f); return 0; } }
function t($str) { if (!TRANSLATED) { return $str; } else { $str = replaceMQ($str); $str = mb_strtolower($str, 'UTF-8'); $db = new db_query('SELECT tra_text FROM translate_text WHERE tra_keyword = "' . $str . '" LIMIT 1'); $text = mysqli_fetch_assoc($db->result); if ($text) { $text = $text['tra_text']; return $text; } //Nếu chưa tồn tại từ này thì insert vào csdl $db_insert = new db_execute('INSERT INTO translate_text (tra_keyword,tra_text) VALUES("' . $str . '","' . $str . '")'); return '{' . $str . '}'; } }
function forgetPass($email){ $email = replaceMQ($email); $user_id = 0; $db_check = new db_query("SELECT use_id FROM user_test WHERE use_email = '" . $email . "' AND use_active = 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($db_check->result) > 0){ $check = mysql_fetch_array($db_check->result); $user_id = $check["use_id"]; $db_check->close(); unset($db_check); return $user_id; } else{ ?> <script> alert('Bạn đã khai báo tên truy cập hoặc email không đúng.'); </script> <? $db_check->close(); unset($db_check); return false; } }
function set_keyword_search($llllllll) { $llllllll = removeHTML($llllllll); $llllllll = replaceMQ($llllllll); $llllllll = htmlspecialchars($llllllll); $llllllll = mb_strtolower($llllllll); $rrrrrrrr = new user(); if ($rrrrrrrr->logged()) { $ssssssss = $rrrrrrrr->id; } else { $ssssssss = 0; } $tttttttt = new db_execute('INSERT INTO keyword_temp(key_text,key_user_id) VALUES("' . $llllllll . '",' . $ssssssss . ')'); unset($tttttttt); }
function set_keyword_search($keyword) { $keyword = removeHTML($keyword); $keyword = replaceMQ($keyword); $keyword = htmlspecialchars($keyword); $keyword = mb_strtolower($keyword); $myuser = new user(); if ($myuser->logged()) { $user_id = $myuser->id; } else { $user_id = 0; } $db_insert = new db_execute('INSERT INTO keyword_temp(key_text,key_user_id) VALUES("' . $keyword . '",' . $user_id . ')'); unset($db_insert); }