if ($deleteAccount == 2) { SESSION::set('delete_attempts', 1); $error = 'Deleting of account failed, please email ' . SUPPORT_EMAIL; } else { $confirm_delete = true; } } } else { if ($changeprofile == 1) { // Limit the profile length. if ($newprofile != "") { $sql->Update("UPDATE players SET messages = '" . sql($newprofile) . "' WHERE uname = '" . sql($username) . "'"); $affected_rows = $sql->a_rows; $profile_changed = true; } else { $error = "Can not enter a blank profile."; } } } $level_and_cat = render_level_and_category($player['level']); $status_list = render_status_section(); $avatar_display = render_avatar_section($player['player_id']); // include and render from player.php $rank_display = get_rank($username, $sql); // rank display. $health_section = render_health_section($player['health']); $profile_editable = $player['messages']; $profile_display = out($profile_editable); $parts = get_certain_vars(get_defined_vars(), array('player')); echo render_template("stats.tpl", $parts); include SERVER_ROOT . "interface/footer.php";
$section_only = in('section_only'); // Check whether it's an ajax section. $command = in('command'); $health = $players_health; $strength = $players_strength; $gold = $players_gold; $kills = $players_kills; $turns = $players_turns; $level = $players_level; $class = $players_class; $bounty = $players_bounty; $status = $players_status; //The status variable is an array, of course. $username = get_username(); $status_output_list = render_status_list(); $health_section = render_health_section($health); $viewinv = $command == 'viewinv' ? true : false; $sql->Query("SELECT item, amount FROM inventory WHERE owner = '" . sql($username) . "' ORDER BY item"); $items_section = ''; // TODO: Change this and the template to be using dl/dd/dt instead of a table. foreach ($sql->FetchAll() as $loopItem) { if ($loopItem['amount']) { // Skip zero counts. $items_section .= "\n\t <tr><td> {$loopItem['item']}: </td>\n\t <td> {$loopItem['amount']}</td></tr>\n"; } } $parts = get_certain_vars(get_defined_vars()); // Pull current flat vars into the template. echo render_template('quickstats.tpl', $parts); if (!$section_only) { ?>