break; case 'removevideo': sync_delete($_POST, $_GET['t']); break; case 'updatevideo': if (isset($_POST['id'])) { sync_delete(array($_POST['id']), $_GET['t']); sync_add($mysql_tables); } else { echo 'No POST data'; } break; /* ########## * # IMAGES # */ ########## /* ########## * # IMAGES # */ ########## case 'showimages': show_images(); break; case 'addimages': add_images($_POST); break; case 'removeimages': remove_images($_POST); break; } }
function sync_delete($id, $table) { $del_array = array($table); if ($table == 'movies') { array_push($del_array, $table . '_actor', $table . '_genre', $table . '_country', $table . '_studio', $table . '_director', $table . '_stream'); } if ($table == 'tvshows') { array_push($del_array, $table . '_actor', $table . '_genre'); } if ($table == 'episodes') { array_push($del_array, $table . '_stream'); } foreach ($del_array as $t) { $delete_sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . $t . '` WHERE `id` IN ("' . implode('", "', $id) . '")'; $delete = mysql_q($delete_sql); } # delete images $files_to_remove = array(); $files = scandir('cache/'); foreach ($id as $i) { foreach ($files as $file) { $match = preg_match('/^' . $table . '_' . $i . '[_\\.]/', $file); if ($match == 1) { $files_to_remove[] = $file; } } } remove_images($files_to_remove); }
function sc_posts_for_page($atts, $content = null) { if ($atts['length'] > 0) { } else { $atts['length'] = 50; } //echo $atts['read_more']; if ($atts['read_more'] != "") { $_opts['readMoreText'] = $atts['read_more']; } else { $_opts['readMoreText'] = "Read More »"; } if ($atts['prev_text'] != "") { $_opts['prevText'] = $atts['prev_text']; } else { $_opts['prevText'] = "« Newer Entries"; } if ($atts['next_text'] != "") { $_opts['nextText'] = $atts['next_text']; } else { $_opts['nextText'] = "Older Entries » "; } // set values from the shortcode $_opts['cat_slug'] = $atts['cat_slug']; $_opts['cat'] = $atts['cat']; $_opts['tag_slug'] = $atts['tag_slug']; $_opts['order_by'] = $atts['order_by']; $_opts['post_id'] = $atts['post_id']; $_opts['author'] = $atts['author']; $_opts['num'] = $atts['num']; $_opts['showFullPost'] = $atts['show_full_posts']; global $paged; if (empty($paged)) { $_opts['cur_page'] = 1; } else { $_opts['cur_page'] = $paged; } $_opts['hide_images'] = $atts['hide_images']; $_opts['use_wp_excerpt'] = $atts['use_wp_excerpt']; $_opts['strip_html'] = $atts['strip_html']; $_opts['hide_post_content'] = $atts['hide_post_content']; $_opts['show_meta'] = $atts['show_meta']; $_opts['hide_post_title'] = $atts['hide_post_title']; $_opts['hide_read_more'] = $atts['hide_read_more']; $_opts['create_para_tags'] = $atts['create_para_tags']; $_opts['order'] = $atts['order']; $_opts['force_excerpt_image'] = $atts['force_excerpt_image']; $_opts['force_image_height'] = $atts['force_image_height']; $_opts['force_image_width'] = $atts['force_image_width']; //get the id of the current article that is calling the shortcode $parent_id = get_the_ID(); $output = ""; $i = 0; $children = pfp_get_posts($_opts); if (is_array($children)) { if (count($children) <= 0) { $out = "<strong>Items for Page:</strong> There are no posts that match the selection criteria."; return $out; } foreach ($children as $child) { $title = $child->post_title; $link = get_permalink($child->ID); $content; $date; //$thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail($child->ID,array(60, 60, true)); $imageSrc = ""; $image_html = ""; $excerpt_images = ""; if ($_opts['create_para_tags'] == "true") { //$content = wpautop($child->post_content); $content = wpautop(apply_filters('the_content', $child->post_content)); //echo "wpautop"; } else { //if($_opts['showFullPost'] == "true") //{ //$content = apply_filters('the_content', $child->post_content); //} //else //{ //$content = $child->post_content; //} $content = apply_filters('the_content', $child->post_content); //echo "no wpautop"; } if ($_opts['showFullPost'] != "true") { if ($_opts['hide_images'] != 'true') { $args = array('numberposts' => 1, 'order' => 'ASC', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'post_parent' => $child->ID, 'post_status' => null, 'post_type' => 'attachment'); //get the first image and resize it $attachments = get_children($args); if ($attachments) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $image_attributes = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, 'thumbnail') ? wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, 'thumbnail') : wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, 'full'); $imageSrc = '<img src="' . wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($attachment->ID) . '" />'; $imageSrc = pfp_resize_image($imageSrc, $_opts['force_image_height'], $_opts['force_image_width']); } // if attachment found need to remove the image from the post content **TODO - this is odd behaviour but works $content = remove_images($content); } else { $match = preg_match('/<img[^>]+./', $content, $excerpt_images); // got array of any images found now get just the src value so we can use it when forcing the image size if (!empty($excerpt_images[0])) { $imageSrc = pfp_resize_image($excerpt_images[0], $_opts['force_image_height'], $_opts['force_image_width']); $content = remove_images($content); } } } if ($_opts['use_wp_excerpt'] == 'true') { // use wp excerpt function //$post = get_post($post_id); //if($_opts['force_excerpt_image'] == 'true') //{ // //echo "imageSrc: " . $child->ID . $imageSrc . "<br>"; // // if one not already added as thumbnail get it from post content itself // if(empty($imageSrc)) // { // $match = preg_match('/<img[^>]+./', $content, $excerpt_images); // // got array of any images found now get just the src value so we can use it when forcing the image size // if(!empty($excerpt_images[0])) // { // $image_html = pfp_resize_image($excerpt_images[0], $_opts['force_image_height'], $_opts['force_image_width']); // } // } //} setup_postdata($child); $content = robins_get_the_excerpt($child->ID); if (!empty($image_html)) { $content = $image_html . $content; } } else { // remove all images from the post if ($_opts['hide_images'] == 'true') { $content = remove_images($content); } else { $content = $content; } if ($_opts['strip_html'] == 'true') { $content = strip_tags($content); } //split excerpt into array for processing $words = explode(' ', $content); //chop off the excerpt based on the atts->lenth $words = array_slice($words, 0, $atts['length']); //merge the array of words for the excerpt back into sentances $content = implode(' ', $words) . "..."; } } // output post $output .= "<div class='pfpItem entry-content'>"; if ($_opts['hide_post_title'] != 'true') { $output .= "<h2 class='entry-title'><a href='{$link}'>{$title}</a></h2>"; } if ($_opts['show_meta'] == 'true') { $userid = $child->post_author; $userdata = get_userdata($userid); $output .= "<div class='entry-meta'>"; $output .= "Posted on " . mysql2date('F j, Y', $child->post_date) . " by " . $userdata->user_nicename; $output .= "</div>"; } // do not get any content if it is to be hidden (i.e. show titles only) if ($_opts['hide_post_content'] != 'true') { if ($_opts['hide_images'] != 'true' && $_opts['showFullPost'] != "true") { $output .= $imageSrc; } $output .= $content; if ($_opts['hide_read_more'] != 'true' && $_opts['showFullPost'] != "true") { $output .= "<a href='{$link}' class='pfpReadMore'>" . $_opts['readMoreText'] . "</a>"; } } $output .= "<div class='clear'></div>"; $output .= "<hr>"; $output .= "</div>"; } } global $wp_query; $page_links_total = $wp_query->max_num_pages; if ($_opts['cur_page'] > 1) { // show prev $output .= "<span class='pfpNav'>" . get_previous_posts_link($_opts['prevText']) . "</span>"; } if ($_opts['cur_page'] < $page_links_total) { // show next $output .= "<span class='pfpNav'>" . get_next_posts_link($_opts['nextText']) . "</span>"; } wp_reset_query(); return $output; }
$truncate = array('tvshows', 'tvshows_actor', 'tvshows_genre', 'episodes', 'episodes_stream'); $reg_exp = '#^(tvshows|episodes)#'; } foreach ($truncate as $t) { $sql = 'TRUNCATE `' . $t . '`'; mysql_q($sql); } $files = scandir('cache/'); $files_to_remove = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $match = preg_match_all($reg_exp, $file); if ($match > 0) { $files_to_remove[] = $file; } } remove_images($files_to_remove); } /* ############ * # SETTINGS # */ ############ if ($option == 'settings') { $output_lang = ''; $output_theme = ''; $output_select_media_header = ''; $output_view = ''; $output_panel_top = ''; $output_panel_view = ''; $output_watched_status = ''; $output_show_playcount = ''; $output_live_search = '';
function regen2_pdf_img() { global $pdf_file; global $pdf_dir; global $img_dir; get_pdf_file_post(); render_regen_pdf_img_init(); render_short_begin(); flush(); assert(preg_match('/^[-a-z_A-Z0-9\\.]+$/', $pdf_file)); $pdf_base = strip_ext($pdf_file); remove_images(get_images($pdf_base)); $pdf_path = "{$pdf_dir}/{$pdf_file}"; if (!is_file($pdf_path)) { ee("file ({$pdf_path}) not exists"); die(''); } $pageno = 0; while (true) { $img_path = "{$img_dir}/{$pdf_base}-{$pageno}.png"; $pdf_path_page = "{$pdf_path}[{$pageno}]"; $cmd = "convert -density 180x180 -geometry 1024x1448 \"{$pdf_path_page}\" \"{$img_path}\""; ee("{$img_path}\n"); flush(); system($cmd, $rc); if ($rc != 0) { render_regen_pdf_img_done($cmd, $pdf_file); render_short_end(); die(""); } $pageno++; } #die(""); }
$episodes_id[] = $epi['id']; } sync_delete(array($_GET['id']), 'tvshows'); sync_delete($episodes_id, 'episodes'); } } // delete img if ($option == 'deleteposter' or $option == 'deletefanart') { // admin permission if (!isset($_SESSION['logged_admin']) or $_SESSION['logged_admin'] !== true) { die('no permission'); } include 'function.php'; connect($mysql_ml); $filename = $_GET['video'] . '_' . $_GET['id'] . ($option == 'deletefanart' ? '_f' : '') . '.jpg'; remove_images(array($filename)); } // hide movie or tvshow if ($option == 'hidemovie' or $option == 'hidetvshow' or $option == 'visiblemovie' or $option == 'visibletvshow') { // admin permission if (!isset($_SESSION['logged_admin']) or $_SESSION['logged_admin'] !== true) { die('no permission'); } include 'function.php'; $id = $_GET['id']; if ($option == 'hidemovie' or $option == 'hidetvshow') { $hide = 1; } else { $hide = 0; } if ($option == 'hidemovie' or $option == 'visiblemovie') {