예제 #1
function bio_read_diaryland($bio_owner)
    list($bio_owner) = explode('@', $bio_owner);
    $url = "http://members.diaryland.com/profile.phtml?user={$username}";
    $bio = file_get_contents($url);
    // pulls out the substantive part, ignoring the DL template
    list($crap, $bio) = explode('<!-- content goes here -->', $bio);
    // eliminates the table structure. not sure why
    $bio = str_replace(array('</td>', '</TD>', '</tr>', '</TR>'), array(' ', ' ', "<br />\n", "<br />\n"), $bio);
    // get rid of bad formatting or javascript that might have been inserted
    $bio = removeEvilTags($bio);
    return $bio;
예제 #2
 * Prepare update SQL
 * @param   array $data key/value pairs of data
 * @returns string      result SQL, suitable for INSERT/UPDATE
function prepareSQL($data, $setonly = false)
    global $config, $imdb_set_fields, $db_null_fields, $db_zero_fields;
    // get global variables into local scope
    // Fix for Bugreport [1122052] Automatic DiskID generation problem
    if ($config['autoid'] && !empty($diskid) && $diskid == $autoid) {
        // in case DiskID is already used in meanwhile
        // -> update to new DiskId
        $diskid = getDiskId();
    // set default mediatype
    if (empty($mediatype)) {
        $mediatype = $config['mediadefault'];
    // set owner
    if (is_numeric($owner_id)) {
        $SQL = 'owner_id = ' . $owner_id;
    // rating up to 10
    $rating = min($rating, 10);
    // update all fields according to list
    foreach ($imdb_set_fields as $name) {
        if ($setonly && !isset(${$name})) {
        // sanitize input
        ${$name} = removeEvilTags(${$name});
        ${$name} = html_entity_decode(${$name});
        // make sure no formatting contained in basic data
        if (in_array($name, array('title', 'subtitle'))) {
            ${$name} = trim(strip_tags(${$name}));
            // string leading articles?
            if ($config['removearticles']) {
                ${$name} = removeArticles(${$name});
        $SET = "{$name} = '" . addslashes(${$name}) . "'";
        // special null/zero handling
        if (empty(${$name})) {
            if (in_array($name, $db_null_fields)) {
                $SET = "{$name} = NULL";
            } elseif (in_array($name, $db_zero_fields)) {
                $SET = "{$name} = 0";
        if ($SQL) {
            $SQL .= ', ';
        $SQL .= $SET;
    return $SQL;
예제 #3
echo date('r', strtotime($firstcomment->createdDate));

foreach ($comments as $comment) {
    $data = new XNC_Comment($comment);
    echo 'Comment by ' . $data->contributorName;
    echo htmlspecialchars(removeEvilTags(nl2br($data->description)));
    echo date('r', strtotime($data->createdDate));
    echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    echo $file->id . '#c' . $data->id;
    echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
예제 #4
파일: view.php 프로젝트: singpolyma/filess
   by <a href="http://<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        echo $data->contributorName;
" class="author user"><?php 
        echo $data->contributorName;
      <dd class="content"><?php 
        echo removeEvilTags(nl2br($data->description));
    //end foreach
    echo '</ul>';
//end if
// Display the add a comment form
if (XN_Profile::current()->isLoggedIn()) {
<form id="commentForm" method="post" action="?id=<?php 
    echo $file->id;
예제 #5
function validate_form_data($form_id)
    global $label;
    if (!defined('MAX_UPLOAD_BYTES')) {
        define('MAX_UPLOAD_BYTES', 150000);
    $sql = "SELECT *, t2.field_label AS LABEL, t2.error_message as error_message FROM form_fields as t1, form_field_translations as t2 WHERE t1.field_id=t2.field_id AND t2.lang='" . $_SESSION['MDS_LANG'] . "' AND form_id='{$form_id}' AND field_type != 'SEPERATOR' AND field_type != 'BLANK' AND field_type != 'NOTE' order by field_sort";
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        if ($row['field_type'] == 'TEXT' || $row['field_type'] == 'TEXTAREA' || $row['field_type'] == 'EDITOR') {
            if (check_for_bad_words($_REQUEST[$row['field_id']])) {
                $error .= $row['LABEL'] . " - " . $label['bad_words_not_accept'] . "<br>";
        if (BREAK_LONG_WORDS == 'YES') {
            if ($row['field_type'] == 'TEXT' || $row['field_type'] == 'TEXTAREA') {
                // HTML not allowed
                $_REQUEST[$row['field_id']] = trim(break_long_words($_REQUEST[$row['field_id']], false));
            if ($row['field_type'] == 'EDITOR') {
                // field where limited HTML is allowed
                $_REQUEST[$row['field_id']] = trim(break_long_words($_REQUEST[$row['field_id']], true));
        define('STRIP_LATIN1', 'YES');
        define('STRIP_HTML', 'YES');
        // clean the data..
        if (STRIP_LATIN1 == 'YES') {
            $_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] = remove_non_latin1_chars($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]]);
        if ($row[field_type] == 'EDITOR' || $row[field_type] == 'TEXTAREA') {
            if (STRIP_HTML == 'YES') {
                $_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] = stripslashes($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]]);
                //echo htmlentities($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]]);
                $_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] = removeEvilTags($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]]);
                $_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $_REQUEST[$row[field_id]]);
        if (($row['field_type'] == 'FILE' || $row['field_type'] == 'IMAGE') && $_FILES[$row['field_id']]['name'] != '') {
            $a = explode(".", $_FILES[$row['field_id']]['name']);
            $ext = array_pop($a);
            if (!is_filetype_allowed($_FILES[$row['field_id']]['name']) && $row['field_type'] == 'FILE') {
                $label['vaild_file_ext_error'] = str_replace("%EXT_LIST%", ALLOWED_EXT, $label['vaild_file_ext_error']);
                $label['vaild_file_ext_error'] = str_replace("%EXT%", $ext, $label['vaild_file_ext_error']);
                $error .= $label['vaild_file_ext_error'] . "<br>";
            if (!is_imagetype_allowed($_FILES[$row['field_id']]['name']) && $row['field_type'] == 'IMAGE') {
                $label['vaild_image_ext_error'] = str_replace("%EXT_LIST%", ALLOWED_IMG, $label['vaild_image_ext_error']);
                $label['vaild_image_ext_error'] = str_replace("%EXT%", $ext, $label['vaild_image_ext_error']);
                $error .= $label['vaild_image_ext_error'] . "<br>";
            if (ini_get("safe_mode") === false) {
                if (filesize($_FILES[$row['field_id']]['tmp_name']) > MAX_UPLOAD_BYTES) {
                    $label['valid_file_size_error'] = str_replace("%FILE_NAME%", $_FILES[$row['field_id']]['name'], $label['valid_file_size_error']);
                    $error .= $label['valid_file_size_error'] . "<br>";
            //echo "filesize: ".filesize($_FILES[$row['field_id']]['tmp_name']);
        if ($row[is_required] == 'Y') {
            if ($row['field_type'] == 'DATE' || $row['field_type'] == 'DATE_CAL') {
                $row['reg_expr'] = "date";
                // default to date check
            //if ($row[field_type]=='TEXT') {
            //$_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] =  htmlspecialchars ($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]]); // escape html...
            switch ($row['reg_expr']) {
                case "not_empty":
                    if (trim($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] == '')) {
                        $error .= " - '" . $row['LABEL'] . "' " . $row['error_message'] . "<br>";
                case "email":
                    if (!validate_mail(trim($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]]))) {
                        $error .= " - '" . $row['LABEL'] . "' " . $row['error_message'] . "<br>";
                case "date":
                    if ($row['field_type'] == 'DATE') {
                        $day = $_REQUEST[$row[field_id] . "d"];
                        $month = $_REQUEST[$row[field_id] . "m"];
                        $year = $_REQUEST[$row[field_id] . "y"];
                    } else {
                        $ts = strtotime($row['field_id'] . " GMT");
                        $day = date('d', $ts);
                        $month = date('m', $ts);
                        $year = date('y', $ts);
                    //$date_str = "$year-$month-$day"; // ISO 8601
                    //echo $date_str." *".strtotime($date_str)."*<Br>";
                    if (!@checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
                        $error .= " - '" . $row['LABEL'] . "' " . $row['error_message'] . "<br>";
                case 'url':
                    if ($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] == '' || $_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] == 'http://') {
                        $error .= " - '" . $row['LABEL'] . "' " . $row['error_message'] . "<br>";
                    } elseif (VALIDATE_LINK == 'YES') {
                        //$handle = fopen($_REQUEST[url], "r");
                        $url_arr = explode("/", $_REQUEST[$row[field_id]]);
                        $host = array_shift($url_arr);
                        $host = array_shift($url_arr);
                        $host = array_shift($url_arr);
                        $fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
                        if (!$fp) {
                            //$error .= "<b>- Cannot connect to host in the URL. ($errstr)</b><br>";
                        } else {
                            $path = implode("/", $url_arr);
                            $out = "GET /{$path} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
                            $out .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
                            $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
                            fwrite($fp, $out);
                            $str = fgets($fp);
                            if (strpos($str, "404") || strpos($str, "401") || strpos($str, "403")) {
                                $error .= "- " . $row['LABEL'] . "<b>" . $label['advertiser_publish_bad_url'] . "</b><br>";
                    if (trim($_REQUEST[$row[field_id]] == '')) {
                        $error .= " - '" . $row['LABEL'] . "' " . $row['error_message'] . "<br>";
    return $error;
예제 #6
function InsertMovie($imdb_id, &$ret_title, $seen, $mediatype)
    $imdb_set_fields = array('md5', 'title', 'subtitle', 'language', 'diskid', 'mediatype', 'comment', 'disklabel', 'imdbID', 'year', 'imgurl', 'director', 'actors', 'runtime', 'country', 'plot', 'filename', 'filesize', 'filedate', 'audio_codec', 'video_codec', 'video_width', 'video_height', 'istv', 'custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3', 'custom4');
    //fetching all the data
    $imdbdata = engineGetData($imdb_id);
    if ($imdbdata['title'] == '') {
        return 0;
    //sorting needed things
    $genres = array();
    $gnames = $imdbdata['genres'];
    if (isset($gnames)) {
        foreach ($gnames as $gname) {
            // check if genre is found- otherwise fail silently
            if (is_numeric($genre = getGenreId($gname))) {
                $genres[] = $genre;
    $actors = $imdbdata['cast'];
    //movie owner---------------------
    if (check_permission(PERM_WRITE, $_COOKIE['VDBuserid'])) {
        $owner_id = $_COOKIE['VDBuserid'];
    } else {
        $owner_id = 0;
    $imgurl = $imdbdata['coverurl'];
    // lookup all other fields
    foreach (array_keys($imdbdata) as $name) {
        if (in_array($name, array('coverurl', 'genres', 'cast', 'id'))) {
        ${$name} = $imdbdata[$name];
    if (empty($year)) {
        $year = '0000';
    // set owner
    if (!empty($owner_id)) {
        $SETS = 'owner_id = ' . addslashes($owner_id);
    $imdbID = $imdb_id;
    // update all fields according to list
    foreach ($imdb_set_fields as $name) {
        // sanitize input
        ${$name} = removeEvilTags(${$name});
        // make sure no formatting contained in basic data
        if (in_array($name, array('title', 'subtitle'))) {
            ${$name} = trim(strip_tags(${$name}));
            // string leading articles?
            if ($config['removearticles']) {
                foreach ($articles as $article) {
                    if (preg_match("/^{$article}+/i", ${$name})) {
                        ${$name} = trim(preg_replace("/(^{$article})(.+)/i", "\$2, \$1", ${$name}));
        $SET = "{$name} = '" . addslashes(${$name}) . "'";
        if (empty(${$name})) {
            if (in_array($name, $db_null_fields)) {
                $SET = "{$name} = NULL";
            } elseif (in_array($name, $db_zero_fields)) {
                $SET = "{$name} = 0";
        if ($SETS) {
            $SETS .= ', ';
        $SETS .= $SET;
    //inserting into database--------------------
    $INSERT = 'INSERT INTO ' . TBL_DATA . ' SET ' . $SETS . ', created = NOW()';
    //echo "<br><br>";
    $id = runSQL($INSERT);
    // save genres
    setItemGenres($id, $genres);
    // insert userseen data
    $INSERTSEEN = 'INSERT INTO `userseen` (`video_id`, `user_id`) VALUES (' . $id . ',' . $owner_id . ')';
    $ret_title = $title;
    return 1;
function MakeSemiSafe($UnsafeSource)
    return myaddslashes(removeEvilTags(trim($UnsafeSource)));
예제 #8
function send_display($correspondent, $form = TRUE, $offset = 0)
    $correspondent = str_replace("@planwatch.org", '', $correspondent);
    $send_dir = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/sends";
    if (!is_dir($send_dir)) {
        mkdir($send_dir, 0755);
    $sendlist = files_list($send_dir, files_encode_safe_name($correspondent) . "*message*");
    if (is_array($sendlist)) {
        foreach ($sendlist as $i => $send) {
            $send_fn = basename($send);
            $send = str_replace("@planwatch.org", '', files_decode_safe_name($send_fn));
            list($recipient, $time, $direction) = explode("..", $send);
            if ($direction == 'messagefrom') {
                $from = $correspondent;
                $style = ' class="send_from" ';
            } else {
                $from = $_SERVER['USER'];
                $style = ' class="send_to" ';
            if (IS_JOSH) {
                $sendarray[$time] = "<div {$style}>" . smart_nl2br(removeEvilTags(file_get_contents($send_dir . "/{$send_fn}"))) . "<div style='text-align: right; font-size: 70%; font-weight: normal;'>&mdash; {$from} <span style='font-size: 70%; font-weight: normal;'>(" . formattime($time) . ")</span></div> </div>\n";
            } else {
                $sendarray[$time] = "<div {$style}> {$from} (" . formattime($time) . "): " . smart_nl2br(removeEvilTags(file_get_contents($send_dir . "/{$send_fn}"))) . "</div>\n";
        if (IS_JOSH) {
            $firstmessage = reset($sendarray);
        if (OUTPUT_MODE == 'MOBILE') {
            $sendarray = array_slice($sendarray, $offset, 20);
        } else {
            $sendarray = array_slice($sendarray, $offset, 100);
        $latest_time = array_shift(array_keys($sendarray));
        //		if ($latest_time < time() - 600 && $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE']=='AJAX') $content="IGNORE.NULL";
        $content = implode("\n", $sendarray);
        if (file_exists("{$send_dir}/" . files_encode_safe_name("{$correspondent}..new"))) {
            unlink("{$send_dir}/" . files_encode_safe_name("{$correspondent}..new"));
        if (file_exists("{$send_dir}/" . files_encode_safe_name("{$correspondent}@planwatch.org..new"))) {
            unlink("{$send_dir}/" . files_encode_safe_name("{$correspondent}@planwatch.org..new"));
    $content = hyperlink($content);
    if ($form) {
        if (browser_is_modern() && $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] != 'IPHONE' && $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] != 'MOBILE') {
            $sendbutton = "<input type='button' onclick='sendMessage();' value='Send' style='font-size: 20px; color: white; background: {$GLOBALS['linkcolor']}; font-family: {$GLOBALS['pfont']},{$GLOBALS['pfonts']}; font-weight: bold; ' />";
        } else {
            $sendbutton = "<input type=\"submit\" value='Send' class='whiteButton' href=\"#\" style='' />";
        if (!$offset) {
            if (IS_JOSH) {
                $content = "\n\t\t\t\t{$firstmessage}<br clear='all' />\n\t\t\t\t<form action='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/scripts/send.php' style='margin: 0px; display: block; ' method='post' class='panel'>\n\t\t\t\t<textarea id='textbox' name='sendmessage' style='width: 90%; font-size: 16px; height: 40px;' onfocus='this.style.height=\"200px;\"' onblur='this.style.height=\"40px;\"'></textarea>\n\t\t\t\t{$sendbutton}<br clear='all' />\n\n\t\t\t\t<hr />\n\t\t\t\t<h2>previously...</h2>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='action' value='send'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' id='recipient' name='recipient' value='{$correspondent}'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' id='sender'    name='sender' value='{$_SERVER['USER']}'/>\n\t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='send_div'>\n\t\t\t\t{$content}\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\tsetInterval(\"send_refresh();\",9757);</script>\n\n\t\t\t\t";
                return $content;
            if ($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'HTML') {
                $content = "\n\t\t\t\t<form action='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/scripts/send.php' style='margin: 0px;' method='post' class='panel'>\n\t\t\t\t<h1>Send with <a href='/read/{$correspondent}'>{$correspondent}</a></h1>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='send_div' style='overflow: auto; height: 200px; margin-bottom: 30px; width: 80%;'>\n\t\t\t\t{$content}\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n<!--\t\t\t\t<script src='/resources/javascript/edit.js'></script>-->\n\t\t\t\t<textarea id='textbox' name='sendmessage'></textarea>\n\t\t\t\t{$sendbutton}\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='action' value='send'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' id='recipient' name='recipient' value='{$correspondent}'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' id='sender'    name='sender' value='{$_SERVER['USER']}'/>\n\t\t\t\t</form>\n<!--\t\t\t\t<a href='/send/{$correspondent}/" . ($offset + 100) . "'>more...</a>-->\n\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\tsetInterval(\"send_refresh();\",9757);</script>\n";
            if ($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'IPHONE' || $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'MOBILE') {
                $content = "\n\t\t\t\t<style type='text/css'>.send_from { background-color: #ffc; }</style>\n\t\t\t\t<form action='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/scripts/send.php' style='margin: 0px;' method='post' class='panel'>\n\t\t\t\t<h3>Send with <a href='/read/{$correspondent}'>{$correspondent}</a></h3>\n<!--\t\t\t\t<script src='/resources/javascript/edit.js'></script>-->\n\t\t\t\t<textarea id='textbox' name='sendmessage' style='width: 300px; font-size: 16px;'></textarea>\n<!--\t\t\t\t<textarea id='sendmessage' style='width: 300px; height: 80px;' name='sendmessage'></textarea>-->\n\t\t\t\t{$sendbutton}<br clear='all' />\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='action' value='send'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' id='recipient' name='recipient' value='{$correspondent}'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' id='sender'    name='sender' value='{$_SERVER['USER']}'/>\n\t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t\t<div id='send_div'>\n\t\t\t\t{$content}\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<a target='_replace' href='/send/{$correspondent}/" . ($offset + 20) . "'>more...</a>\n\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\tsetInterval(\"send_refresh();\",9757);</script>\n";
        } else {
            output("send from {$correspondent} starting at {$offset}", $content);
    return $content;
예제 #9
function extComments($file)

<style type="text/css">
/* Comment Styles */
   .comments {
      list-style-type: none;
      margin-left: 0px;
      margin-top: 0.5em;
   .comments li {
      display: block;
      margin-left: 0px;
      margin-bottom: 1em;
   .comments dl {
      display: inline;
   .comments dd {
      margin-left: 0px;
   .comments dt {
      display: none;
   .comments dd.author {
      display: inline;
      font-size: 1em;
   .comments dd.content {
      display: block;
      margin-top: 0.5em;

    $newComment = new XNC_Comment($file);
    // Handle any form submission of adding a new comment
    if ($newComment->willProcessForm()) {
        $cnt = XN_Content::load($newComment->id);
        $cnt->my->set('parentid', $file->id);
        $cnt->isPrivate = false;
    } elseif ($newComment->lastError() != XNC_Comment::ERROR_FORM_ABSENT) {
        print $newComment->lastError();
    // Display a list of comments belonging to a parent object
    if ($file->my->content($newComment->referenceAttribute, true)) {
        echo '<ul class="xoxo comments">';
        foreach ($file->my->content($newComment->referenceAttribute, true) as $comment) {
            $data = new XNC_Comment($comment);
<li id="<?php 
            echo 'c' . $data->id;
   Posted on <a href="<?php 
            echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] . ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '');
            echo 'c' . $data->id;
" title="<?php 
            echo strtotime($data->createdDate);
            echo date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($data->createdDate));
   by <a href="http://<?php 
            echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
            echo $data->contributorName;
" class="author user"><?php 
            echo $data->contributorName;
      <dd class="content"><?php 
            echo removeEvilTags(nl2br($data->description));
        //end foreach
        echo '</ul>';
    //end if
    // Display the add a comment form
    if (XN_Profile::current()->isLoggedIn()) {
<form id="commentForm" method="post" action="<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] . ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '');
<input type="hidden" name="xnc_comment" value="xnc_comment" /><input type="hidden" name="Comment:_parent_id" value="<?php 
        echo $file->id;
" />Comment: <br />
<textarea name="Comment:description" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Comment" class="button"/><br />
<a href="http://cocomment.com/"><img src="http://cocomment.com/images/cocomment-integrated.gif" alt="coComment Integrated" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var blogTool              = "Ning App";
  var blogURL               = "http://<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  var blogTitle             = "<?php 
        echo addslashes(XN_Application::load()->name);
  var postURL               = "<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] . ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '');
  var postTitle             = "<?php 
        echo addslashes($file->title);
  var commentTextFieldName  = "Comment:description";
  var commentButtonName     = "submit";
  var commentAuthorLoggedIn = true;
  var commentAuthor         = "<?php 
        echo XN_Profile::current()->screenName;
  var commentFormID         = "commentForm";
  var cocomment_force       = false;

var cocoscript = document.createElement('script');
cocoscript.setAttribute('id', 'cocomment-fetchlet');
cocoscript.setAttribute('trackAllComments', 'true');
cocoscript.setAttribute('src', 'http://www.cocomment.com/js/enabler.js');

