} else { echo ($html ? "<tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'>" : "") . "FATAL: RRDtool Command Failed. Please insure your RRDtool install is valid!" . ($html ? "</td></tr>\n" : "\n"); } exit(-12); } /* backup the rrdfile if requested */ if ($backup && !$dryrun) { if (copy($rrdfile, $bakfile)) { echo ($html ? "<tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'>" : "") . "NOTE: RRDfile '{$rrdfile}' backed up to '{$bakfile}'" . ($html ? "</td></tr>\n" : "\n"); } else { echo ($html ? "<tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'>" : "") . "FATAL: RRDfile Backup of '{$rrdfile}' to '{$bakfile}' FAILED!" . ($html ? "</td></tr>\n" : "\n"); exit(-13); } } /* process the xml file and remove all comments */ $output = removeComments($output); /* Read all the rra's ds values and obtain the following pieces of information from each rra archive. * numsamples - The number of 'valid' non-nan samples * sumofsamples - The sum of all 'valid' samples. * average - The average of all samples * standard_deviation - The standard deviation of all samples * max_value - The maximum value of all samples * min_value - The minimum value of all samples * max_cutoff - Any value above this value will be set to the average. * min_cutoff - Any value lower than this value will be set to the average. This will end up being a n-dimensional array as follows: rra[x][ds#]['totalsamples']; rra[x][ds#]['numsamples'];
$xml = str_replace("%INFO/NAME%", $config['info']['name'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%INFO/URL%", $config['info']['url'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%INFO/DOMAIN%", $config['info']['domain'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%TTL%", $config['ttl'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/SMTP/SSL_ON%", isOnOrOff($config['server']['smtp']['socket'] == "SSL"), $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/IMAP/SSL_ON%", isOnOrOff($config['server']['imap']['socket'] == "SSL"), $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/IMAP/DOMAIN_REQUIRED%", isOnOrOff($config['server']['domain_required']), $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/SMTP/DOMAIN_REQUIRED%", isOnOrOff($config['server']['domain_required']), $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/IMAP/HOST%", $config['server']['imap']['host'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/IMAP/PORT%", $config['server']['imap']['port'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/IMAP/SOCKET%", $config['server']['imap']['socket'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/SMTP/HOST%", $config['server']['smtp']['host'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/SMTP/PORT%", $config['server']['smtp']['port'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%SERVER/SMTP/SOCKET%", $config['server']['smtp']['socket'], $xml); $xml = str_replace("%EMAIL%", getRequestEmail(), $xml); $xml = removeComments($xml); $xml = beautify($xml); echo $xml; function removeComments($xml) { $pattern = '/<!--(.*)?-->/sU'; return preg_replace($pattern, '', $xml); } function beautify($xml) { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $dom->loadXML($xml); $dom->formatOutput = true; return $dom->saveXml(); }
require_once $mainframe->getPath('admin_html'); switch ($task) { case "new": editComment($option, 0); break; case "edit": editComment($option, $cid[0]); break; case 'editA': editComment($option, intval($id)); break; case "save": saveComment($option); break; case "remove": removeComments($cid, $option); break; case "publish": publishComments($cid, 1, $option); break; case "unpublish": publishComments($cid, 0, $option); break; case "settings": showConfig($option); break; case "savesettings": $allow_comments_in_sections = implode(',', $_POST['mcselections']); saveConfig($option, $auto_publish_comments, $allow_anonymous_entries, $notify_new_entries, $allow_comments_in_sections, $comments_per_page, $admin_comments_length); break; default:
$ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; // set to zero for no timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); // spoofing FireFox 2.0 $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // set user agent curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent); // set the rest of your cURL options here $contents = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // Decode from UTF-8 $contents = utf8_decode($contents); $contents = removeComments($contents); $contents = removeClassInfo($contents); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Parse the Topicfile to find WikiLinks //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $i = 0; $link[0][0] = ""; echo "<map version=\"0.8.0\">\n"; #echo'<edge STYLE="bezier"/>\n'; $wikilink = 'http://' . $wiki . '/wiki/' . $topic; $ttorg = substr($contents, 0, 500); //echo 'TTROG: '.$ttorg; $tooltip = createToolTipText($ttorg, 300); //echo 'TT: '.$tooltip; $topic = preg_replace("/[\n&]/", "%26", $topic); $wikilink = preg_replace("/\n&/", "%26", $wikilink);