function cleartemptrans() { $db = tDataConnect(); if ($_SESSION["msg"] == 2) { $_SESSION["msg"] = 99; sql_query("update localtemptrans set trans_status = 'X'", $db); } if ($_SESSION["DBMS"] == "mssql") { sql_query("exec clearTempTables", $db); } else { moveTempData(); truncateTempTables(); } sql_close($db); testremote(); loadglobalvalues(); $_SESSION["transno"] = $_SESSION["transno"] + 1; setglobalvalue("TransNo", $_SESSION["transno"]); if ($_SESSION["TaxExempt"] != 0) { $_SESSION["TaxExempt"] = 0; setglobalvalue("TaxExempt", 0); } memberReset(); transReset(); printReset(); getsubtotals(); delete_file(remote_oux()); delete_file(local_inx()); return 1; }
if (!function_exists("pDataConnect")) { include "connect.php"; } if (!function_exists("tender")) { include "prehkeys.php"; } if (!function_exists("maindisplay")) { include "maindisplay.php"; } if (!function_exists("boxMsgscreen")) { include "clientscripts.php"; } include "ccLib.php"; printheaderb(); $user = $_SESSION["CashierNo"]; $remote_oux = remote_oux(); $value = '='; $track = $_SESSION["strRemembered"]; $equal = strpos($track, $value); $equalFour = $equal - 4; $four = substr($track, $equalFour, 4); //check to see if the file exists if (file_exists($remote_oux)) { $today = date('mdYHis'); $emp = $_SESSION['CashierNo']; $trans = $_SESSION['transno']; $stamp = $today . "_" . $emp . "_" . $trans; $local = 'OUX/' . $stamp; copy_file($remote_oux, $local); $amountIn = $_SESSION["ccAmt"]; $_SESSION["ccAmt"] = 0;
function ccXML() { $inxUploaded = 0; //$connect = pDataConnect(); // no longer used? --atf 5/24/07 // cache filenames $remote_inx = remote_inx(); $remote_oux = remote_oux(); $local_inx = local_inx(); // check if PCCharge has both #.inx and (for any #, not just CashierNo) -- stuck queue, alert FEC --atf 5/24/07 // also note a new return value for ccXML(): -1 means stuck-queue, 0 means some other file copy error $testcmd = "for %f in (\\" . $_SESSION["ccServer"] . "\\" . $_SESSION["ccShare"] . "\\temp\\*.pro) do @if exist \"\\" . $_SESSION["ccServer"] . "\\" . $_SESSION["ccShare"] . "\\temp\\%%~nf.inx\" echo 1"; $teststuck = shell_exec($testcmd); if ($teststuck != "") { return -1; } // end stuck-queue-check $input = $_SESSION["ccSwipe"]; $transno = ccTicket(); $amountIn = $_SESSION["ccAmt"]; $aCCInput = explode("=", $input); // ***** CvR 09/22/05 test for forced transactions ***** END // $input comes from SESSION[ccSwipe] which has track2 data: these characters could not be there, and all digits up to '=' are the card num --atf 5/24/07 $CC = $aCCInput[0]; /* if(substr($input,0,1) == 'F' || substr($input,0,1) == 'f'){ $CC = substr($aCCInput[0], -17); }else{ $CC = substr($aCCInput[0], -16); } */ $expYear = substr($aCCInput[1], 0, 2); $expMonth = substr($aCCInput[1], 2, 2); //-----added 03/31/05 CvR if ($amountIn > 0) { $command = "1"; //action code for transaction sale = 1 } else { $command = "2"; //action code for return = 2 } //----- // in the PCCharge DevKit manual, 'MANUAL_FLAG' is defined as '0=manual, 1=swiped' --atf 5/18/07 $manual = 1; if ($_SESSION["ccManual"] != 0) { $manual = 0; $_SESSION["ccManual"] = 0; } $expDate = $expMonth . $expYear; //set expDate $present = 1; //card present $proc = 'BPAS'; //processor (will be set to CCRD when done testing) $TID = merchantNum(); //merchant ID for processor $user = $_SESSION["CashierNo"]; $trackII = $_SESSION["ccSwipe"]; $amount = truncate2(abs($amountIn)); // $string_out creates the string that will be saved to the *.inx file // of the XML format that PC Charge expects // Note: ref to x-schema requires specific order sequence // could not resolve 'Incomplete Trans' errors; last resort, just turn off XML validation --atf 5/18/07 //'<XML_FILE xmlns="x-schema:.\dtd\stnd.xdr"> $string_out = '<XML_FILE> <XML_REQUEST> <USER_ID>' . $user . '</USER_ID> <COMMAND>' . $command . '</COMMAND> <PROCESSOR_ID>' . $proc . '</PROCESSOR_ID> <MERCH_NUM>' . $TID . '</MERCH_NUM> <ACCT_NUM>' . $CC . '</ACCT_NUM> <EXP_DATE>' . $expDate . '</EXP_DATE> <MANUAL_FLAG>' . $manual . '</MANUAL_FLAG> <TRANS_AMOUNT>' . $amount . '</TRANS_AMOUNT>'; if ($manual == 1) { // counter-intuitive: manual==1 means swiped, not manual, so pass the track data --atf 5/24/07 $string_out .= ' <TRACK_DATA>' . $trackII . '</TRACK_DATA>'; } $string_out .= ' <TICKET_NUM>' . $transno . '</TICKET_NUM> <PRESENT_FLAG>1</PRESENT_FLAG> </XML_REQUEST> </XML_FILE> '; //------added 04/01/05 Tak & CvR-----provide for voiding CC entry on receipt if (substr($input, 0, 1) == 'V' || substr($input, 0, 1) == 'v') { $troutd = $getCCOutW[2]; $command = 3; $string_out = '<XML_FILE xmlns="x-schema:.\\dtd\\stnd.xdr"> <XML_REQUEST> <USER_ID>' . $user . '</USER_ID> <COMMAND>' . $command . '</COMMAND> <TROUTD>' . $troutd . '</TROUTD> </XML_REQUEST> </XML_FILE> '; // echo $string_out; } //---- //below added to log .inx info. To be tested on lane9, etc //added 07/07/05 CvR $trans_id = $_SESSION["LastID"] + 1; $lane = $_SESSION["laneno"]; $trans_no = $_SESSION["transno"]; $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $dbinx = tDataconnect(); $inxQ = "INSERT INTO INX\r\n VALUES('{$user}','{$command}','{$proc}','{$TID}','{$CC}','{$expDate}','{$manual}','{$trackII}','{$transno}',1,{$amount},'','{$now}','{$trans_id}','{$trans_no}','{$lane}')"; if (sql_query($inxQ, $dbinx)) { //--------- // changed all filename functions (remote_oux(), local_inx(), etc) to variables, cached up top --atf 5/24/07 delete_file($local_inx); // ***** changed local_inx function to variable abpw 3/05/07 ***** $fp = fopen($local_inx, 'w'); // open the file with write permissions -- ***** changed local_inx function to variable abpw 3/05/07 ***** fwrite($fp, $string_out); // write $string_out to the *.inx file fclose($fp); // close the file delete_file($remote_inx); delete_file($remote_oux); $inxUploaded = copy_file($local_inx, $remote_inx); //***** changed local_inx function to variable abpw 3/05/07 ***** } return $inxUploaded; }