function sendMsgToOpt() { foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $_POST[$key] = strip_tags($val); } if ($this->system->getConf('comment.verifyCode.msg') == 'on') { if (md5(trim($_POST['verifyCode'])) != $_COOKIE['RANDOM_CODE']) { $this->splash('failed', 'back', __('验证码录入错误,请重新输入')); } } $this->_verifyMember(false); $oMsg =& $this->system->loadModel('resources/shopbbs'); $nOpId = $oMsg->getOpId(); $aTemp = array('subject' => $_POST['subject'], 'msg_from' => empty($_POST['msg_from']) && empty($this->member['member_id']) ? __('游客') : $_POST['msg_from'], 'from_type' => isset($this->member) ? 0 : 2, 'to_type' => 1, 'folder' => 'inbox'); if (!$this->member['member_id']) { $aTemp['email'] = $_POST['email']; } $aTemp['msg_ip'] = remote_addr(); if ($this->system->getConf('') == 'on') { $aTemp['is_sec'] = 'false'; } else { $aTemp['is_sec'] = 'true'; } $from = $this->member['member_id'] ? $this->member['member_id'] : 0; if ($oMsg->sendMsg($from, $nOpId, $_POST['message'], $aTemp)) { $this->splash('success', $this->system->mkUrl("message", "index"), __('提交成功,请等待管理员回复!')); } else { $this->splash('failed', $this->system->mkUrl("message", "index"), __('留言提交失败!')); } }
function logit($r = '', $status = '200') { global $siteurl, $prefs, $pretext; $mydomain = str_replace('www.', '', preg_quote($siteurl, "/")); $out['uri'] = @$pretext['request_uri']; $out['ref'] = clean_url(str_replace("http://", "", serverSet('HTTP_REFERER'))); $ip = remote_addr(); $host = $ip; if (!empty($prefs['use_dns'])) { // A crude rDNS cache if ($h = safe_field('host', 'txp_log', "ip='" . doSlash($ip) . "' limit 1")) { $host = $h; } else { // Double-check the rDNS $host = @gethostbyaddr($ip); if ($host != $ip and @gethostbyname($host) != $ip) { $host = $ip; } } } $out['ip'] = $ip; $out['host'] = $host; $out['status'] = $status; $out['method'] = serverSet('REQUEST_METHOD'); if (preg_match("/^[^\\.]*\\.?{$mydomain}/i", $out['ref'])) { $out['ref'] = ""; } if ($r == 'refer') { if (trim($out['ref']) != "") { insert_logit($out); } } else { insert_logit($out); } }
/** * @todo register bad login */ function process() { global $username, $password; $this->kernel->tpl->set_var('login.error', ''); $this->kernel->tpl->set_var('', ''); if (isset($GLOBALS['logout'])) { $this->kernel->session->logout(); $this->kernel->user->log('logout'); } if (isset($GLOBALS['cookie_user_name'])) { $this->kernel->tpl->set_var('', $GLOBALS['cookie_user_name']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { if (empty($GLOBALS['username']) || empty($GLOBALS['password'])) { $this->kernel->tpl->set_var('login.error', $this->kernel->lang['login.error.empty']); } else { $result = $this->kernel->user->login($username, $password); if (empty($result)) { // register bad login $host = remote_addr(); $this->kernel->tpl->set_var('login.error', $this->kernel->lang['login.error']); $this->kernel->tpl->set_var('', $username); } else { setcookie("cookie_user_name", $username, time() + 360000000, "/"); redirect($GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']); exit; } } } $this->kernel->tpl->set_file('login_tpl', MODDIR . 'control/tpl/page.login.html'); return $this->kernel->tpl->process('', 'login_tpl'); }
function dologin() { if ($this->system->getConf('system.admin_verycode') || $this->system->getConf('system.admin_error_login_times') > $this->login_times_error) { if (strtolower($_POST["verifycode"]) !== strtolower($_SESSION["RANDOM_CODE"])) { $_SESSION['loginmsg'] = __("验证码输入错误!"); header('Location: index.php?ctl=passport&act=login'); exit; } } $oOpt =& $this->system->loadModel('admin/operator'); $aResult = $oOpt->tryLogin($_POST); if ($aResult) { require 'magicvars_sys.php'; $magic =& $this->system->loadModel('system/magicvars'); $now_magic_data = $magic->getList('var_name', '', 0, -1); $tmp_magic_data = array(); foreach ($now_magic_data as $m_key => $m_value) { $tmp_magic_data[$m_value['var_name']] = 1; } $import_data = array_diff_key($magicvars, $tmp_magic_data); if ($import_data) { foreach ($import_data as $me => $i_data) { $magic->insert($i_data); } } if ($_POST['save_login_name']) { setcookie("SHOPEX_LOGIN_NAME", $_POST['usrname'], time() + 86400 * 10); } else { setcookie("SHOPEX_LOGIN_NAME", ""); } $log_info['username'] = $_POST['usrname']; $oOpt->operator_logs('operator', $log_info); $status =& $this->system->loadModel('system/status'); $lg_key = $this->system->getConf('system.admin_dontlogincheckip') ? md5(remote_addr() . $aResult['op_id']) : md5($aResult['op_id']); $_SESSION['SHOPEX_LG_KEY'] = $lg_key; setcookie('SHOPEX_LG_KEY', $lg_key); $status->update(1); $this->system->op_id = $aResult['op_id']; $data['lastlogin'] = time(); $data['logincount'] = $aResult['logincount'] + 1; $oOpt->setLogInfo($data, $aResult['op_id']); $this->system->setConf('system.admin_error_login_times', 0); if ($_REQUEST['return']) { header("Location: index.php#" . $_REQUEST['return']); } else { header("Location: index.php"); } } else { if (intval($this->system->getConf('system.admin_error_login_time') + 3600) > time()) { $this->system->setConf('system.admin_error_login_times', $this->system->getConf('system.admin_error_login_times') + 1); } else { $this->system->setConf('system.admin_error_login_times', 1); } $this->system->setConf('system.admin_error_login_time', time()); $_SESSION['loginmsg'] = __('用户名或密码错误!'); header('Location: index.php?ctl=passport&act=login'); exit; } }
function retry_alias($ali_name) { $params = array('host_id' => '1', 'alias' => $ali_name, 'ip' => remote_addr()); $result = $this->native_svc(SAAS_API_URL, 'alias.retry_alias', $params); if (!$result) { $this->debug_msg(); return '域名信息读取失败,请稍候再试。'; } if ($result['result'] == 'false') { return $this->msg($result['result_msg']); } return true; }
function dazuiLog() { $system =& $GLOBALS['system']; $map = array('date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'worker' => 'shop', 'controller' => isset($system->request['action']['controller']) ? $system->request['action']['controller'] : '-', 'method' => isset($system->request['action']['method']) ? $system->request['action']['method'] : '-', 'query' => isset($system->request['query']) ? $system->request['query'] : '-', 'ip' => remote_addr()); foreach ($map as $k => $v) { $find[] = '/\\{' . $k . '\\}/i'; } $this->file = preg_replace($find, $map, LOG_FILE); if (!is_dir($dir = dirname($this->file))) { mkdir_p($dir); } $this->logStr = create_function('$e', 'return "' . preg_replace(array_merge($find, array('/\\{time\\}/i', '/\\{gmt\\}/i', '/\\{code\\}/i', '/\\{msg\\}/i')), array_merge($map, array('".mydate(\'h:i:s\')."', '[".mydate(\'r\')."]', '".str_pad($e[\'code\'],4,0, STR_PAD_LEFT)."', '".str_replace("\\n",\'\\n\',$e[\'msg\'])."')), str_replace('"', '\\"', LOG_FORMAT)) . '";'); }
function dologin() { if ($this->system->getConf('system.admin_verycode') || $this->system->getConf('system.admin_error_login_times') > $this->login_times_error) { if (strtolower($this->in["verifycode"]) !== strtolower($_SESSION["RANDOM_CODE"])) { $_SESSION['loginmsg'] = __("验证码输入错误!"); header('Location: index.php?ctl=passport&act=login'); exit; } } $oOpt = $this->system->loadModel('admin/operator'); $aResult = $oOpt->tryLogin($_POST); if ($aResult) { if ($_POST['save_login_name']) { setcookie("SHOPEX_LOGIN_NAME", $_POST['usrname'], time() + 86400 * 10); } else { setcookie("SHOPEX_LOGIN_NAME", ""); } $config = unserialize($aResult['config']); $oOpt->update(array('lastlogin' => time(), 'lastip' => remote_addr(), 'logincount' => $aResult['logincount'] + 1), array('op_id' => $aResult['op_id'])); unset($_SESSION["loginmsg"]); unset($_SESSION['_PageData']); unset($_SESSION['OPID']); unset($_SESSION['SUPER']); $profile = $this->system->loadModel('adminProfile'); $status = $this->system->loadModel('system/status'); $status->update(1); $profile->load($aResult['op_id']); $_SESSION['OPID'] = $aResult['op_id']; $_SESSION['SUPER'] = $aResult['super']; $_SESSION['profile'] =& $profile; $this->system->session->login(); if ($_REQUEST['return']) { header("Location: index.php#" . $_REQUEST['return']); } else { header("Location: index.php"); } } else { if (intval($this->system->getConf('system.admin_error_login_time') + 3600) > time()) { $this->system->setConf('system.admin_error_login_times', $this->system->getConf('system.admin_error_login_times') + 1); } else { $this->system->setConf('system.admin_error_login_times', 1); } $this->system->setConf('system.admin_error_login_time', time()); $_SESSION['loginmsg'] = __('用户名或密码错误!'); header('Location: index.php?ctl=passport&act=login'); exit; } }
/** * pagefactory * * @access public * @return void */ function adminPage() { parent::pageFactory(); if (defined('CUSTOM_CORE_DIR') && substr(get_class($this), 0, 4) == 'cct_') { $this->template_dir = CUSTOM_CORE_DIR . '/admin/view/'; } else { $this->template_dir = CORE_DIR . '/admin/view/'; } $this->system =& $GLOBALS['system']; $this->pagedata = array(); if (DEBUG_TEMPLETE) { $o =& $this->system->loadModel('system/template'); $theme = $this->system->getConf('system.ui.current_theme'); $o->resetTheme($theme); } if (!$this->system->_base_link) { $this->system->_base_link = $base_url; if (!$this->system->getConf('system.seo.emuStatic') || $this->system->getConf('system.seo.emuStatic') == 'false') { $this->system->_base_link .= APP_ROOT_PHP . '?'; } } $this->_env_vars = array('base_url' => $this->system->_base_link); if ($_GET['_ajax']) { if (!defined('IN_AJAX')) { define('IN_AJAX', true); ob_start(); } } else { define('IN_AJAX', false); } if ($_GET['ctl'] != 'passport') { $lg_key = $_GET['ctl'] == 'system/comeback' ? $_COOKIE['SHOPEX_LG_KEY'] : $_SESSION['SHOPEX_LG_KEY']; if (false === $this->system->op_id || $this->system->op_is_disabled || $lg_key != MD5(remote_addr() . $this->system->op_id)) { $this->notAuth(); } else { if (!$this->system->op_is_super) { $oOpt =& $this->system->loadModel('admin/operator', 'config'); if (!$oOpt->check_role($this->system->op_id, $this->workground)) { $this->system->responseCode(403); exit; } } } } // 是否拥有分销权限 2009-11-20 13:48 wubin $this->pagedata['distribute'] = $this->system->getConf('certificate.distribute'); }
/** * shop * * @access public * @return void */ function run() { if (isset($_GET['gOo'])) { $urlTools =& $this->loadModel('utility/url'); if ($url = $urlTools->oldVersionShopEx($_GET)) { $this->compactUrl($url); } } ob_start(); define('IN_SHOP', true); $_COOKIE = $_COOKIE[COOKIE_PFIX]; $request = $this->parseRequest(); $this->lang = $request['lang'] ? $request['lang'] : DEFAULT_LANG; $request['money'] = $request['member_lv'] . $request['cur']; $this->request =& $request; $GLOBALS['runtime'] = $request; if (isset($request['member'])) { foreach ($request['member'] as $k => $v) { $GLOBALS['runtime'][$k] = $v; } } $cacheAble = !(count($_POST) > 0); if (defined('BLACKLIST')) { $blackList = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', BLACKLIST); require_once CORE_DIR . '/func_ext.php'; if ($this->match_network($blackList, remote_addr())) { $this->_succ = true; header('Connection: close', true, 401); echo '<h1>Access Denied</h1>'; exit; } } if (isset($_GET['ctl'])) { $page =& $this->_frontend($request, array('controller' => $_GET['ctl'], 'method' => isset($_GET['act']) ? $_GET['act'] : 'index', 'args' => isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : null)); } elseif (!$cacheAble || !$this->cache->get($ident = implode('|', $request), $page)) { register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'shutdown')); $this->co_start(); $page =& $this->_frontend($request); if ($cacheAble && $page['cache']) { $this->cache->set($ident, $page, $this->co_end()); } } $this->display($page); exit; }
/** * Writes a record to the visitor log using the current visitor's information. * * This function is used by log_hit(). See it before trying to use this one. * * The hit is ignore if $r is set to 'refer' and the HTTP REFERER header is empty. * * @param string $r Type of record to write, e.g. refer * @param int $status HTTP status code * @access private * @see log_hit() */ function logit($r = '', $status = 200) { global $prefs, $pretext; if (!isset($pretext['request_uri'])) { return; } $host = $ip = (string) remote_addr(); $protocol = false; $referer = serverSet('HTTP_REFERER'); if ($referer) { foreach (do_list(LOG_REFERER_PROTOCOLS) as $option) { if (strpos($referer, $option . '://') === 0) { $protocol = $option; $referer = substr($referer, strlen($protocol) + 3); break; } } if (!$protocol || $protocol === 'https' && PROTOCOL !== 'https://') { $referer = ''; } elseif (preg_match('/^[^\\.]*\\.?' . preg_quote(preg_replace('/^www\\./', '', SITE_HOST), '/') . '/i', $referer)) { $referer = ''; } else { $referer = $protocol . '://' . clean_url($referer); } } if ($r == 'refer' && !$referer) { return; } if (!empty($prefs['use_dns'])) { // A crude rDNS cache. if (($h = safe_field('host', 'txp_log', "ip='" . doSlash($ip) . "' limit 1")) !== false) { $host = $h; } else { // Double-check the rDNS. $host = @gethostbyaddr($ip); if ($host !== $ip && @gethostbyname($host) !== $ip) { $host = $ip; } } } insert_logit(array('uri' => $pretext['request_uri'], 'ip' => $ip, 'host' => $host, 'status' => $status, 'method' => serverSet('REQUEST_METHOD'), 'ref' => $referer)); }
function toSubmit($payment) { $merId = $this->getConf($payment['M_OrderId'], 'member_id'); $ikey = $this->getConf($payment['M_OrderId'], 'PrivateKey'); $payment['M_Currency'] = "1"; //$order->M_Currency = "1"; $orderdate = date("Ymd", $payment['M_Time']); //$order->M_Time $payment['M_Amount'] = number_format($payment['M_Amount'], $this->system->getConf('site.decimal_digit'), ".", "") * 100; $v_orderid = $merId . $orderdate . substr($payment['M_OrderId'], -10); $subject = $payment['M_OrderNO']; $spbill_create_ip = remote_addr(); $bank_type = $payment['payExtend']['bankId'] ? $payment['payExtend']['bankId'] : 0; $charset = $this->system->loadModel('utility/charset'); $desc = $charset->utf2local($subject, 'zh'); $sp_billno = $charset->utf2local($subject, 'zh'); $str = "cmdno=1&date=" . $orderdate . "&bargainor_id=" . $merId . "&transaction_id=" . $v_orderid . "&sp_billno=" . $sp_billno . "&total_fee=" . $payment['M_Amount'] . "&fee_type=" . $payment['M_Currency'] . "&return_url=" . $this->callbackUrl . "&attach=" . $payment['M_OrderId'] . "&spbill_create_ip=" . $spbill_create_ip . "&key=" . $ikey; $md5string = strtoupper(md5($str)); $return["cmdno"] = "1"; $return["date"] = $orderdate; $return["bank_type"] = $bank_type; $return["desc"] = $subject; $return["purchaser_id"] = ""; $return["bargainor_id"] = $merId; $return["transaction_id"] = $v_orderid; //$payment['M_OrderId']; $return["sp_billno"] = $payment['M_OrderNO']; //$order->M_OrderNO; $return["total_fee"] = $payment['M_Amount']; //$order->M_Amount; $return["fee_type"] = $payment['M_Currency']; //$order->M_Currency; $return["return_url"] = $this->callbackUrl; $return["attach"] = $payment['M_OrderId']; $return["spbill_create_ip"] = $spbill_create_ip; $return["sign"] = $md5string; return $return; }
function create($data) { $data['refund_id'] = $this->gen_id(); $data['t_ready'] = time(); $data['t_sent'] = time(); $data['ip'] = remote_addr(); if ($data['pay_type'] == 'deposit') { //todo预存款 // $this->money=$money; } if ($payCfg = $this->db->selectrow('SELECT pay_type,fee,custom_name FROM sdb_payment_cfg WHERE id=' . intval($data['payment']))) { $data['paycost'] = $payCfg['fee'] * $data['money']; //$this->bank = $payCfg['pay_type']; $data['paymethod'] = $payCfg['custom_name']; } $rs = $this->db->query('select * from sdb_refunds where 0=1'); $sql = $this->db->getInsertSQL($rs, $data); if ($this->db->exec($sql)) { return $data['refund_id']; } else { return false; } }
function _init($payment_id) { $aPayment = $this->payment->getPaymentById($payment_id); if ($aPayment['id'] < 1) { $this->splash('failed', $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], __('支付失败:请选择支付方式!')); } elseif ($aPayment['pay_type'] == 'offline') { if ($this->member['member_id']) { $this->splash('failed', $this->system->mkUrl("member", "orderdetail", array($_POST['order_id'])), __('订单已成功提交了:') . $aPayment['custom_name']); } else { $this->splash('failed', $this->system->mkUrl("order", "index", array($_POST['order_id'])), __('订单已成功提交了:') . $aPayment['custom_name']); } } else { if ($aPayment['pay_type'] == 'deposit') { $this->_verifyMember(); $this->payment->pay_type = 'deposit'; } else { $this->payment->pay_type = 'online'; } $this->payment->fee = $aPayment['fee']; $this->payment->type = $aPayment['pay_type']; $this->payment->bank = $aPayment['pay_type']; $aPayment['config'] = unserialize($aPayment['config']); $this->payment->config = $aPayment['config']; $this->payment->account = $aPayment['config']['member_id']; $this->payment->payment = $payment_id; $this->payment->paymethod = $aPayment['custom_name']; $this->payment->status = 'ready'; $this->payment->ip = remote_addr(); $this->payment->t_begin = time(); $this->payment->memo = __('会员支付自动生成'); } }
// if registration is open log the user in if ($ps->conf['main']['registration'] == 'open') { $cms->session->online_status(1, $userinfo['userid']); } // display the registration confirmation $basename = basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '_confirmation'; $cms->theme->add_css('css/forms.css'); $cms->full_page($basename, $basename, $basename . '_header', $basename . '_footer'); exit; } else { $ps->db->rollback(); } } } else { if ($ps->conf['main']['uniqueid'] == 'ipaddr') { $form->set('uniqueid', remote_addr()); } } if ($ps->conf['main']['security']['csrf_protection']) { $cms->session->key($form->key()); } // assign variables to the theme $cms->theme->assign(array('errors' => $form->errors(), 'form' => $form->values(), 'uniqueid_label' => $uniqueid_label, 'form_key' => $ps->conf['main']['security']['csrf_protection'] ? $cms->session->key() : '')); // display the output $basename = basename(__FILE__, '.php'); $cms->theme->add_css('css/forms.css'); $cms->theme->add_js('js/forms.js'); $cms->full_page($basename, $basename, $basename . '_header', $basename . '_footer'); // validator functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function password_match($var, $value, &$form) {
function toReply($comment_id) { $this->begin('index.php?ctl=goods/discuss&act=detail&p[0]=' . $comment_id); $objComment =& $this->system->loadModel('comment/comment'); $aComment = $objComment->getFieldById($comment_id, array('*')); $aData['comment'] = $_POST['reply_content']; $aData['for_comment_id'] = $comment_id; $aData['goods_id'] = $aComment['goods_id']; $aData['object_type'] = $aComment['object_type']; $aData['author_id'] = $this->system->op_id; $aData['author'] = __('管理员') . '[' . $this->system->op_name . ']'; $aData['time'] = time(); $aData['lastreply'] = time(); $aData['display'] = 'true'; $aData['ip'] = remote_addr(); $this->end($objComment->toReply($aData), __('回复成功!')); }
function toCreate() { $this->payment_id = $this->gen_id(); $this->t_begin = time(); $this->t_end = time(); $this->ip = remote_addr(); //如何网关实际是不支付外币交易的,但又选择了外币支付,则支付单中的实际支付金额,就是本位币金额。 if (!$this->cur_trading && $this->currency != 'CNY') { $this->cur_money = $this->money; } $oCur =& $this->system->loadModel('system/cur'); if ($payCfg = $this->db->selectrow('SELECT pay_type,fee,custom_name FROM sdb_payment_cfg WHERE id=' . intval($this->payment))) { $this->paycost = $oCur->formatNumber($this->paycost, false); $this->paymethod = $payCfg['custom_name']; } $aRs = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM sdb_payments WHERE 0=1'); $sSql = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($aRs, $this); if ($this->db->exec($sSql)) { return $this->payment_id; } else { return false; } }
/** * return false if no user exists * return user info else * * update lasthost, lastip if user exists */ function login($username, $password) { global $g_user_id; $password = md5($password); $username = $this->kernel->db->addSlashes($username); $tmp = $this->kernel->db->selectRow("SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM fu_users \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE username='******' AND password='******' AND active!=0"); if ($tmp) { $this->load($tmp); // get hostname $host = remote_addr(); $this->kernel->db->query("UPDATE fu_users \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET lasthost='{$host}', lastlogin=NOW() \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id='{$this->id}'"); $this->log("login from {$host}"); $g_user_id = $this->id; session_register('g_user_id'); // get group info return true; } else { return false; } }
function store_data_text() { global $mirrorconfig; global $privateconfig; $cookie = fetch_cookie(); # Validated for certain safety measures. $tokens = param_val("tokens", "/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ,]+\$/"); if ($_POST["nobots"] != "serious") { header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal server error"); print htmlentities("nobots value wrong, received \"" . $_POST["nobots"] . "\""); exit(1); } if ($_POST["purpose"] == "-") { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); print htmlentities("'purpose' must be specified to post this comment."); exit(1); } $message = sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "contact", $_POST["contact"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "purpose", $_POST["purpose"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "tokens", $_POST["tokens"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "score_transition", $_POST["score_transition"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "score_strict", $_POST["score_strict"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "a", $_POST["a"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "aaaa", $_POST["aaaa"]); if (preg_match("/ok|slow/", $_POST["ds4"])) { $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s (via ipv4)\n", "ds", $_POST["ds4"]); } else { if (preg_match("/ok|slow/", $_POST["ds6"])) { $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s (via ipv6)\n", "ds", $_POST["ds6"]); } else { $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s (via ipv4)\n", "ds", $_POST["ds4"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s (via ipv6)\n", "ds", $_POST["ds6"]); } } $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "dsmtu", $_POST["dsmtu"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "ipv4", $_POST["ipv4"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "ipv6", $_POST["ipv6"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "v6mtu", $_POST["v6mtu"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "v6ns", $_POST["v6ns"]); $message .= "----------------------------\n"; $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "ip4", $_POST["ip4"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s %s\n", "ip6", $_POST["ip6"], $_POST["ip6subtype"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "remote_addr", remote_addr()); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "user-agent", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "referer", $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); $message .= sprintf("%-15s: %s\n", "subdomain", $_POST["subdomain"]); $message .= "\n\nNotes\n--------------\n" . $_POST["notes"]; if ($privateconfig["google_translate"]["enable"]) { $message .= "\n\nTranslated\n---------\n" . translate($_POST["notes"]); } $message .= "\n\nComments\n--------------\n" . $_POST["comments"]; # print_r($_SERVER); $charset = "UTF-8"; # header("Content-type: text/html; charset=$charset"); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Test your IPv6.</title> <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF=""> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <?php $contact = trim($_POST["contact"]); $result = filter_var($contact, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if ($result) { $replyto = "Reply-to: {$contact}\r\n"; } else { $replyto = ""; $contact = ""; } mail($mirrorconfig["site"]["mailto"], $mirrorconfig["site"]["name"] . " feedback [{$contact}]", $message, $replyto . "Content-type: text/plain; charset={$charset}"); print "Feedback sent; thank you for your assistance.<p>"; print "If you included contact details, you may be contacted for further information, by " . $mirrorconfig["site"]["contact"] . "</hr>"; print "<pre><code>"; print "To: " . $mirrorconfig["site"]["mailto"] . "\n\n"; print htmlentities($message, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); print "</code></pre>"; print "</body>"; }
function remote_addr_as_int() { $addr = remote_addr(); return ip2long($addr); }
public function msg_pack() { $data['ip'] = remote_addr(); $data['url'] = $this->system->base_url(); $data['login_time'] = mktime(); $data['certificate_id'] = $this->getCerti(); $data['shopname'] = $this->system->getConf("system.shopname"); $data['ac'] = $this->make_shopex_ac($data, "ShopEx_LOG"); return $data; }
function addMemberByAdmin($aData) { if (empty($aData['uname'])) { trigger_error(__('保存失败:未输入会员名称'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $aInfo = $this->db->selectrow("SELECT uname,email FROM sdb_members WHERE uname = " . $this->db->quote($aData['uname']) . " OR email = " . intval($aData['email'])); //----------获得插件 $pObj = $this->system->loadModel("member/passport"); if ($pObj->_verify()) { $obj =& $pObj->_load(); } //-------- if ($aInfo['uname'] == $aData['uname']) { trigger_error(__('保存失败:存在相同会员名称'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if (empty($aData['password'])) { trigger_error(__('保存失败:密码输入不正确'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } elseif (strlen($aData['password']) < 4) { trigger_error(__('保存失败:密码不能小于4位'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if (empty($aData['psw_confirm'])) { trigger_error(__('保存失败:确认密码不能为空'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } elseif (strlen($aData['psw_confirm']) < 4) { trigger_error(__('保存失败:确认密码不能小于4位'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if ($aData['psw_confirm'] != $aData['password']) { trigger_error(__('保存失败:两次密码输入不一致'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if (empty($aData['email'])) { trigger_error(__('保存失败:Email输入不正确'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if ($this->checkusertouc($aData['uname'], $aData['password'], $aData['email'], $uid, $message)) { if (!empty($message)) { trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR); } else { $aData['member_id'] = $uid; } } //---------- /* if($aInfo['email'] == $aData['email']){ trigger_error(__('保存失败:存在相同Email会员'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; }*/ $aData['regtime'] = time(); $aData['password'] = md5($aData['password']); $aData['reg_ip'] = remote_addr(); $aRs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_members WHERE 0"); $sSql = $this->db->getInsertSql($aRs, $aData); //$aData['member_id'] = $insertID; //$MemAttr = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_member_attr WHERE 0"); //$sSql = $this->db->getInsertSql($aRs,$aData); if ($this->db->exec($sSql)) { $insertID = $this->db->lastInsertId(); $status = $this->system->loadModel('system/status'); $status->add('MEMBER_REG'); return $insertID; } else { return ''; } }
function f2b_log_pingbacks($call) { if ('' == $call) { f2b_openlog(LOG_USER, 'WP_FAIL2BAN_PINGBACK_LOG'); syslog(LOG_INFO, "Pingback requested from " . remote_addr()); } }
/** * save * 保存订单,用于新建或者修改 * * @param mixed $doCreate 是否为新建订单 * @access public * @return void todo:目前只适用于添加!!! */ function save(&$trading, $doCreate = false, &$postInfo) { $data = $trading; $objDelivery =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/reship'); $oCur =& $this->system->loadModel('system/cur'); $aShipping = $objDelivery->getDlTypeById($trading['shipping_id']); // $aArea = $objDelivery->getDlAreaById($trading['area']); $data['shipping'] = $aShipping['dt_name']; // $data['shipping_area'] = $aArea['name']; 废弃字段 $data['acttime'] = time(); $data['createtime'] = time(); $data['last_change_time'] = time(); $data['ip'] = remote_addr(); $trading['totalPrice'] = $oCur->formatNumber($trading['totalPrice'], false); $trading['pmt_b']['totalPrice'] = $oCur->formatNumber($trading['pmt_b']['totalPrice'], false); $data['total_amount'] = $trading['totalPrice'] + $trading['cost_freight'] + $trading['cost_protect']; $data['pmt_amount'] = $trading['pmt_b']['totalPrice'] - $trading['totalPrice']; $data['cost_item'] = $trading['totalPrice'] + $data['pmt_amount']; if ($trading['is_tax'] && $this->system->getConf('site.trigger_tax')) { $data['is_tax'] = 'true'; $data['cost_tax'] = $trading['totalPrice'] * $this->system->getConf('site.tax_ratio'); $data['cost_tax'] = $oCur->formatNumber($data['cost_tax'], false); $data['total_amount'] += $data['cost_tax']; } if ($trading['payment'] > 0) { if ($data['method']) { $data['cost_payment'] = $data['fee']; } else { $data['cost_payment'] = $data['fee'] * $data['total_amount']; } $data['cost_payment'] = $oCur->formatNumber($data['cost_payment'], false); $data['total_amount'] += $data['cost_payment']; } $newNum = $this->getOrderDecimal($data['total_amount']); $data['discount'] = floatval($data['total_amount'] - $newNum); $data['total_amount'] = $newNum; $data['final_amount'] = $data['total_amount'] * $data['cur_rate']; $data['final_amount'] = $oCur->formatNumber($data['final_amount'], false); $data['score_g'] = intval($data['totalGainScore']); $data['score_u'] = intval($data['totalConsumeScore']); $data['score_e'] = intval($newNum); if ($trading['payment'] != "-1") { //----检测该支付方式是否还有子选项,如快钱选择银行 $payment = $this->system->loadModel('trading/payment'); $payment->recgextend($data, $postInfo, $extendInfo); $data['extend'] = serialize($extendInfo); //------------------------------------------------ } //+判断是否有远端商品 if (true || $this->system->getConf('certificate.distribute')) { //检测付款前的订单状态,如果是刚付款立即发货 if (!empty($trading['products']) && is_array($trading['products'])) { foreach ($trading['products'] as $product) { $_where_bns[] = sprintf('\'%s\'', addslashes($product['bn'])); } $_sql = sprintf('select local_bn,supplier_id from sdb_supplier_pdtbn where local_bn in(%s) and `default`=\'true\'', implode(',', $_where_bns)); $_remote_product = $this->db->select($_sql); $_remote_product = array_change_key($_remote_product, 'local_bn'); if ($_remote_product) { $data['is_has_remote_pdts'] = 'true'; } } } //---------------- $rs = $this->db->exec('SELECT * FROM sdb_orders WHERE order_id=' . $data['order_id']); $sql = $this->db->getUpdateSql($rs, $data, $doCreate); $this->_info['order_id'] = $data['order_id']; //会员id if (!$this->db->exec($sql)) { return false; } elseif ($doCreate) { $this->addLog(__('订单创建'), $this->op_id ? $this->op_id : null, $this->op_name ? $this->op_name : null, __('添加')); } $status =& $this->system->loadModel('system/status'); $status->add('ORDER_NEW'); $status->count_order_to_pay(); $status->count_order_new(); //+商品------------------------------------------------------------ if (!empty($trading['products']) && is_array($trading['products'])) { $objGoods =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/goods'); foreach ($trading['products'] as $product) { $product['order_id'] = $data['order_id']; $product['bn'] = $product['bn']; $product['name'] = $product['name']; $product['addon'] = serialize($product['addon']); $product['minfo'] = serialize($product['minfo']); $product['supplier_id'] = $_remote_product[$product['bn']]['supplier_id']; $rs = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM sdb_order_items WHERE 0=1'); $sqlString = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $product); if ($sqlString) { $this->db->exec($sqlString); } $objGoods->updateRank($product['goods_id'], 'buy_count', $product['nums']); //购买次数统计 //冻结库存 if ($this->freez_time() == 'order') { if (intval($product['nums']) >= 0) { $this->db->exec("UPDATE sdb_products SET freez = freez + " . intval($product['nums']) . " WHERE product_id = " . intval($product['product_id'])); } $this->db->exec("UPDATE sdb_products SET freez = " . intval($product['nums']) . " WHERE product_id = " . intval($product['product_id']) . " AND freez IS NULL"); } } } //+捆绑商品------------------------------------------------------------ if (is_array($trading['package']) && count($trading['package'])) { foreach ($trading['package'] as $pkgData) { $pkgData['order_id'] = $data['order_id']; $pkgData['product_id'] = $pkgData['goods_id']; $pkg[] = $pkgData['goods_id']; $pkgData['is_type'] = 'pkg'; $pkgData['addon'] = serialize($pkgData['addon']); $rs = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM sdb_order_items WHERE order_id=' . $pkgData['order_id'] . ' AND is_type = \'pkg\' AND product_id=' . intval($pkgData['goods_id'])); $sqlString = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $pkgData, true); $this->db->exec($sqlString); } $this->db->exec('DELETE FROM sdb_order_items WHERE order_id=' . $pkgData['order_id'] . ' AND is_type = \'pkg\' AND product_id NOT IN(' . implode(',', $pkg) . ')'); } //+促销信息------------------------------------------------------------ if ($trading['pmt_o']['pmt_ids']) { //促销 $sSql = 'INSERT INTO sdb_order_pmt (pmt_id,pmt_describe,order_id) select pmt_id,pmt_describe,\'' . $data['order_id'] . '\' FROM sdb_promotion WHERE pmt_id in(' . implode(',', $trading['pmt_o']['pmt_ids']) . ')'; $this->db->exec($sSql); foreach ($trading['pmt_o']['pmt_ids'] as $k => $pmtId) { $sSql = 'UPDATE sdb_order_pmt SET pmt_amount=' . floatval($trading['pmt_o']['pmt_money'][$k]) . ' WHERE pmt_id=' . intval($pmtId) . ' AND order_id=' . $this->db->quote($data['order_id']); $this->db->exec($sSql); } } if ($trading['products']) { $pre_pmtOrder = array(); foreach ($trading['products'] as $v) { if ($v['pmt_id']) { $pre_pmtOrder[$v['pmt_id']] += $v['price'] - $v['_pmt']['price']; } } $aPmtIds = array_keys($pre_pmtOrder); if (!empty($aPmtIds)) { $sSql = 'SELECT pmt_id,pmt_describe FROM sdb_promotion WHERE pmt_id IN(' . implode(',', $aPmtIds) . ')'; $aPmtOrder = $this->db->select($sSql); foreach ($aPmtOrder as $k => $v) { $v['pmt_amount'] = $pre_pmtOrder[$v['pmt_id']]; $v['order_id'] = $data['order_id']; $rs = $this->db->query('select * from sdb_order_pmt where 0=1'); $sqlString = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $v); $this->db->exec($sqlString); } } } //+积分处理------------------------------------------------------------ $oMemberPoint =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/memberPoint'); $oGift =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/gift'); $aGiftData = array(); if ($data['score_u'] >= 0) { if (!$oMemberPoint->payAllConsumePoint($data['member_id'], $data['order_id'])) { } else { //+赠品处理------------------------------------------------------------ if (is_array($trading['gift_e']) && count($trading['gift_e'])) { foreach ($trading['gift_e'] as $giftId => $v) { $giftId = $v['gift_id']; $aGiftData[$giftId] = array('gift_id' => $giftId, 'name' => $v['name'], 'nums' => $v['nums'], 'point' => $v['point']); if ($this->freez_time() == 'order') { if (!$oGift->freezStock($v['gift_id'], $v['nums'])) { //兑换赠品缺货 } } } } } } if (is_array($trading['gift_p']) && count($trading['gift_p'])) { foreach ($trading['gift_p'] as $v) { $giftId = $v['gift_id']; if (isset($aGiftData[$giftId])) { $aGiftData[$giftId]['nums'] += $v['nums']; } else { $aGiftData[$giftId] = array('gift_id' => $giftId, 'name' => $v['name'], 'nums' => $v['nums'], 'point' => $v['point']); } } } if ($aGiftData) { foreach ($aGiftData as $item) { $oGift =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/gift'); $item['order_id'] = $data['order_id']; $rs = $this->db->query('select * from sdb_gift_items where 0=1'); $sqlString = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $item); $this->db->exec($sqlString); } } //+优惠券------------------------------------------------------------ if (is_array($trading['coupon_u']) && !empty($trading['coupon_u'])) { $oCoupon =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/coupon'); foreach ($trading['coupon_u'] as $code => $v) { $aTmp = $this->db->selectRow('select cpns_name from sdb_coupons where cpns_id=' . intval($v['cpns_id'])); $aData = array('order_id' => $data['order_id'], 'cpns_id' => $v['cpns_id'], 'memc_code' => $code, 'cpns_name' => $aTmp['cpns_name'], 'cpns_type' => $v['cpns_type']); $rs = $this->db->query('select * from sdb_coupons_u_items where 0=1'); $sqlString = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $aData); $this->db->exec($sqlString); $oCoupon->applyMemberCoupon($v['cpns_id'], $code, $data['order_id'], $data['member_id']); } } if (is_array($trading['coupon_p']) && !empty($trading['coupon_p'])) { foreach ($trading['coupon_p'] as $code => $v) { $aData = array('order_id' => $data['order_id'], 'cpns_id' => $v['cpns_id'], 'cpns_name' => $v['cpns_name'], 'nums' => $v['nums']); $rs = $this->db->query('select * from sdb_coupons_p_items where 0=1'); $sqlString = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $aData); $this->db->exec($sqlString); } } $data['is_tax'] = $data['is_tax'] ? true : false; $this->fireEvent('create', $data, $data['member_id']); //订单生成成功事件 if ($data['total_amount'] == 0) { $pdata['order_id'] = $data['order_id']; $pdata['member_id'] = $data['member_id']; $pdata['money'] = 0; $this->payed($pdata); } return $data['order_id']; }
function _sess_write() { if ($this->closed) { return; } $id = $this->sess_id; if ($_SESSION['profile']) { $s =& $_SESSION['profile']; unset($s->system); } $pkg = defined('__PKG__') ? __PKG__ : ''; $aRs = $this->db->exec("SELECT * FROM sdb_op_sessions WHERE sess_id='" . $id . "'", true, true); $aTemp = array('sess_id' => $id, 'last_time' => time(), 'pkg' => $pkg, 'sess_data' => $_SESSION, 'ip' => remote_addr()); $aIgnoreCtl = array('sfile' => 1, 'dashboard' => 1, 'profile/setting' => 1, 'passport' => 1); if (!isset($aIgnoreCtl[$this->system->request['action']['controller']])) { $aTemp['ctl'] = $this->system->request['action']['controller']; $aTemp['act'] = $this->system->request['action']['method']; } $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSql($aRs, $aTemp, true); $this->system->log('session:' . $sql); if (!$sql || $this->db->exec($sql, true, true)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function PlugUserUpdate($userdb) { $data['password'] = $userdb['password']; $data['email'] = $userdb['email']; $data['reg_ip'] = remote_addr(); $data['regtime'] = $userdb['time']; $rs = $this->db->exec('SELECT * FROM sdb_members where uname=' . $this->db->quote($userdb['username'])); $sql = $this->db->getUpdateSQL($rs, $data); if (!$sql || $this->db->exec($sql)) { } else { return false; } }
function toSubmit($payment) { $merId = $this->getConf($payment["M_OrderId"], 'member_id'); $keyPass = $this->getConf($payment["M_OrderId"], 'keyPass'); $icbcno = $this->getConf($payment["M_OrderId"], 'icbcno'); $icbcFile = $this->getConf($payment["M_OrderId"], 'icbcFile'); $keyFile = $this->getConf($payment["M_OrderId"], 'keyFile'); $certFile = $this->getConf($payment["M_OrderId"], 'certFile'); $charset = $this->system->loadModel('utility/charset'); if (is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../home/upload/icbc/")) { $realpath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../home/upload/icbc/"; } elseif (is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../cert/icbc/")) { $realpath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../cert/icbc/"; } $key = $realpath . $keyFile; //私钥文件 $cert = $realpath . $certFile; //公钥文件 $icbc = $realpath . $icbcFile; if (!file_exists($key)) { die("ICBC key file not found!"); } if (!file_exists($cert)) { die("ICBC Cert file not found!"); } //接口名称固定为“ICBC_PERBANK_B2C” $aREQ["interfaceName"] = "ICBC_PERBANK_B2C"; //接口版本目前为“” $aREQ["interfaceVersion"] = ""; //商城代码,ICBC提供 $aREQ["merID"] = $merId; //商户帐号,ICBC提供 $aREQ["merAcct"] = $icbcno; //接收银行通知地址,目前只支持http协议80端口 $aREQ["merURL"] = $this->callbackUrl; //HS方式实时发送通知;AG方式不发送通知; $aREQ["notifyType"] = "HS"; //订单号商户端产生,一天内不能重复,拼接上订单号和支付号。 $aREQ["orderid"] = $payment['M_OrderId'] . "-" . $payment['M_Time']; //$payment['M_OrderNO']."-".substr(trim($payment['M_OrderId']),0,10); //金额以分为单位 $aREQ["amount"] = $payment['M_Amount'] * 100; //币种目前只支持人民币,代码为“001” $aREQ["curType"] = "001"; //对于HS方式“0”:发送成功或者失败信息;“1”,只发送交易成功信息。 $aREQ["resultType"] = 0; //商户reference //$aREQ["merReference"] = 0; //客户端IP $aREQ["merCustomIp"] = remote_addr(); //14位时间戳 $aREQ["orderDate"] = date("YmdHis", empty($payment['M_Time']) ? time() : $payment['M_Time']); //$aREQ["orderDate"] = "20080620".date("His",time()); $aREQ["verifyJoinFlag"] = "0"; //以上五个字段用于客户支付页面显示 $aREQ["goodsID"] = ""; //网关只认GB2312 $aREQ["goodsName"] = $payment['M_OrderNO']; //$aREQ["goodsName"] = "中文"; //$convert = new iconvex(); //$aREQ["goodsName"] = $convert->utf82gb($aREQ["goodsName"]); $aREQ["goodsNum"] = 1; //运费金额以分为单位 $aREQ["carriageAmt"] = 0; $aREQ["merHint"] = ""; //备注 $aREQ["remark1"] = $charset->utf2local($payment['rnote'], "zh"); //备注2 $aREQ["remark2"] = ""; //“1”判断该客户是否与商户联名;取值“0”不检验客户是否与商户联名。 $aREQ["verifyJoinFlag"] = 0; //构造V3版的xml $tranData = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"GBK\" standalone=\"no\"?><B2CReq><interfaceName>" . $aREQ["interfaceName"] . "</interfaceName><interfaceVersion>" . $aREQ["interfaceVersion"] . "</interfaceVersion><orderInfo><orderDate>" . $aREQ["orderDate"] . "</orderDate><orderid>" . $aREQ["orderid"] . "</orderid><amount>" . $aREQ["amount"] . "</amount><curType>" . $aREQ["curType"] . "</curType><merID>" . $aREQ["merID"] . "</merID><merAcct>" . $aREQ["merAcct"] . "</merAcct></orderInfo><custom><verifyJoinFlag>" . $aREQ["verifyJoinFlag"] . "</verifyJoinFlag><Language>ZH_CN</Language></custom><message><goodsID>" . $aREQ["goodsID"] . "</goodsID><goodsName>" . $aREQ["goodsName"] . "</goodsName><goodsNum>" . $aREQ["goodsNum"] . "</goodsNum><carriageAmt>" . $aREQ["carriageAmt"] . "</carriageAmt><merHint>" . $aREQ["merHint"] . "</merHint><remark1>" . $aREQ["remark1"] . "</remark1><remark2>" . $aREQ["remark2"] . "</remark2><merURL>" . $aREQ["merURL"] . "</merURL><merVAR>" . $payment['M_OrderId'] . "</merVAR></message></B2CReq>"; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "WIN") { $bb = new COM('ICBCEBANKUTIL.B2CUtil'); $rc = $bb->init($icbc, $cert, $key, $keyPass); $merSignMsg = $bb->signC($tranData, strlen($tranData)); } else { //商户签名数据BASE64编码 $cmd = "/bin/icbc_sign '{$key}' '{$keyPass}' '{$tranData}'"; //error_log($cmd,3,__FILE__.".log"); $handle = popen($cmd, 'r'); $merSignMsg = fread($handle, 2096); pclose($handle); } $fp = fopen($cert, "rb"); $merCert = fread($fp, filesize($cert)); $merCert = base64_encode($merCert); fclose($fp); $aFinalReq['interfaceName'] = $aREQ["interfaceName"]; $aFinalReq['interfaceVersion'] = $aREQ["interfaceVersion"]; $aFinalReq['tranData'] = base64_encode($tranData); $aFinalReq['merSignMsg'] = $merSignMsg; $aFinalReq['merCert'] = $merCert; foreach ($aFinalReq as $key => $val) { $return[$key] = $val; } return $return; }
function toReply($comment_id) { $this->begin('index.php?ctl=member/gask&act=detail&p[0]=' . $comment_id); $objComment = $this->system->loadModel('comment/comment'); $aComment = $objComment->getFieldById($comment_id, array('*')); $aData['comment'] = $this->in['reply_content']; $aData['for_comment_id'] = $comment_id; $aData['goods_id'] = $aComment['goods_id']; $aData['object_type'] = $aComment['object_type']; $aData['author_id'] = $this->op->op_id; $aData['author'] = __('BagXO') . '[' . ($this->op->loginName ? $this->op->loginName : $this->op->name) . ']'; $aData['time'] = time(); $aData['lastreply'] = time(); $aData['display'] = 'true'; $aData['ip'] = remote_addr(); $this->end($objComment->toReply($aData), __('回复成功!')); }
bail(); } return $user; }, 1, 3); } if (defined('WP_FAIL2BAN_BLOCK_USER_ENUMERATION') && true === WP_FAIL2BAN_BLOCK_USER_ENUMERATION) { add_filter('redirect_canonical', function ($redirect_url, $requested_url) { if (intval(@$_GET['author'])) { openlog(); \syslog(LOG_NOTICE, 'Blocked user enumeration attempt from ' . remote_addr()); bail(); } return $redirect_url; }, 10, 2); } add_action('wp_login', function ($user_login, $user) { openlog(); \syslog(LOG_INFO, "Accepted password for {$user_login} from " . remote_addr()); }, 10, 2); add_action('wp_login_failed', function ($username) { openlog(); \syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Authentication failure for {$username} from " . remote_addr()); }); if (defined('WP_FAIL2BAN_LOG_PINGBACKS') && true === WP_FAIL2BAN_LOG_PINGBACKS) { add_action('xmlrpc_call', function ($call) { if ('' == $call) { openlog(LOG_USER, 'WP_FAIL2BAN_PINGBACK_LOG'); \syslog(LOG_INFO, "Pingback requested from " . remote_addr()); } }); }
/** * object_fire_event * 执行对象事件 * * @param mixed $action * @param mixed $object * @param mixed $member_id * @param mixed $target * @access public * @return void */ function object_fire_event($action, &$object, $member_id, &$target) { //ob_start();'system.event_listener' if (false === strpos($action, ':')) { $trigger_event = $target->modelName . ':' . $action; $modelName = $target->modelName; } else { $trigger_event = $action; list($modelName, $action) = explode(':', $action); } $type = $target->typeName; $this->system->messenger =& $this->system->loadModel('system/messenger'); $this->system->_msgList = $this->system->messenger->actions(); if ($this->system->_msgList[$type . '-' . $action]) { $this->system->messenger->actionSend($type . '-' . $action, $object, $member_id, true); } if (defined('DISABLE_TRIGGER') && DISABLE_TRIGGER) { return true; } else { $all_triggers = $this->db->select('select trigger_define from sdb_triggers where trigger_event="' . $trigger_event . '" and active="true" and disabled="false" order by trigger_order desc'); if ($all_triggers) { $events = $target->events(); if (!$events) { $instance = $this->system->loadModel($modelName); $events = $instance->events(); } else { $instance = $target; } $object['_event_date_'] = time(); $object['ip'] = remote_addr(); foreach ($all_triggers as $trigger) { $trigger = unserialize($trigger['trigger_define']); if ($this->__test_role($trigger['filter_mode'], $trigger['filter'], $object, $events[$action]['params'], $instance)) { $this->__call_actions($trigger['actions'], $object); } } } $appmgr =& $this->system->loadModel('system/appmgr'); $data = array_merge((array) $this->listeners['*'], (array) $this->listeners[$target->modelName . ':*'], (array) $this->listeners[$target->modelName . ':' . $action]); foreach ($data as $func) { list($mod, $func) = $appmgr->get_func($func); if ($func) { $mod->{$func}($action, $object); } } return true; } //$log = ob_get_contents(); //ob_end_clean(); }
function toReply($comment_id, $item) { if ($this->system->getConf('comment.verifyCode.' . $item) == "on") { if (md5($_POST[$item . 'verifyCode']) != $_COOKIE[strtoupper($item) . "_RANDOM_CODE"]) { if ($item == "ask") { $stp = __("咨询"); } elseif ($item == "discuss") { $stp = __("评论"); } $this->splash('failed', 'back', $stp . __('验证码录入错误,请重新输入')); } } $objComment =& $this->system->loadModel('comment/comment'); $aComment = $objComment->getFieldById($comment_id, array('*')); if (!$objComment->toValidate($aComment['object_type'], $aComment['goods_id'], $this->member, $message)) { $this->splash('failed', 'back', $message); } else { $aData['comment'] = $_POST['comment']; $aData['goods_id'] = $aComment['goods_id']; $aData['for_comment_id'] = $comment_id; $aData['author_id'] = $this->member['member_id']; $aData['mem_read_status'] = $this->member['member_id'] == $aComment['author_id'] ? 'false' : 'true'; $aData['object_type'] = $aComment['object_type']; $aData['author'] = $this->member['member_id'] ? $this->member['uname'] : __('非会员顾客'); $objLevel =& $this->system->loadModel('member/level'); $aLevel = $objLevel->getFieldById($GLOBALS['runtime']['member_lv'], array('name')); $aData['levelname'] = $aLevel['name']; $aData['contact'] = $_POST['contact'] == '' ? $this->member['email'] : $_POST['contact']; $aData['time'] = time(); $aData['lastreply'] = time(); $aData['reply_name'] = $aData['author']; $aData['ip'] = remote_addr(); $aData['display'] = $this->system->getConf('comment.display.' . $aComment['object_type']) == 'soon' ? 'true' : 'false'; $objComment->toReply($aData); $this->splash('success', $this->system->mkUrl('product', 'index', array($aComment['goods_id'])), __('回复成功!')); } }