protected function renderContent() { /*$maxOrderNumber = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('max(id) as max') ->from('message_of_day') ->queryScalar(); $msg_id = $maxOrderNumber;*/ $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->limit = 5; $criteria->order = 'id desc'; $message = MessageOfDay::model()->findAll($criteria); if (!empty($message)) { foreach ($message as $list) { echo CHtml::link($list['message'], array('/messageOfDay/print_message', 'id' => $list['id']), array('id' => 'stud_doc_id2')); echo "</br></br>"; } } else { echo '<div "id"="stud_doc_id2">'; echo '</div>'; } //echo CHtml::link('View All',array('/dashboard'),array('id'=>'stud_doc_id1')); $config = array('scrolling' => 'no', 'autoDimensions' => false, 'width' => '500', 'height' => '100', 'overlayColor' => '#000', 'padding' => '0', 'showCloseButton' => true, 'onClose' => function () { return window . location . reload(); }); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => 'a#stud_doc_id2', 'config' => $config)); }
function zaloguj($login, $haslo) { //zabezpiecz zmienne $login = vText($login); $haslo = vText($haslo); //zaszyfruj hasło $haslo = md5($haslo); //pobierz dane z gabeli graczy o takim samym loginie i poprwanym haśle $id = row("select * from tribal_gracze where login = '******' and haslo ='" . $haslo . "' limit 1"); if (!empty($id)) { //jeżeli coś pobrało //jeżeli gracz jest zbanowany if ($id['zbanowany'] == 1) { return "administracja zbanowała tego gracza"; } if ($id['urlop'] > time()) { return "ten gracz jest na urlopie"; } //jeżeli nie to zaloguj //wyczyść sesje $_SESSION = ''; $_SESSION = array(); //zapisz id gracza w sesji $_SESSION['gracz'] = $id['gracz']; //przejdź do strony konta gracza reload("konto"); } else { return "podano niepoprawne dane"; } }
function user($lang, $arglist = false) { global $login_verified, $base_url; $login = build('login', $lang); if ($login === true) { $r = !empty($arglist['r']) ? $arglist['r'] : false; if ($login_verified and array_intersect($login_verified, user_profile('role'))) { $user = $_SESSION['user']; unset($_SESSION['user']); if (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) or $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off') { return run('error/unauthorized', $lang); } $_SESSION['unverified_user'] = $user; $next_page = url('sslverifyclient'); if ($r) { $next_page .= '?r=' . $r; } } else { $next_page = $r ? $r : url('home', $lang); } return reload($base_url . $next_page); } $banner = build('banner', $lang); $content = view('user', $lang, compact('login')); head('title', translate('user:title', $lang)); head('description', false); head('keywords', false); head('robots', 'noindex, nofollow'); $output = layout('standard', compact('banner', 'content')); return $output; }
protected function renderContent() { //echo 'Notice Content'; /* $result=ImportantNotice::model()->findAll(array('limit'=>1,'order'=>'notice_id desc')); foreach($result as $data) */ $notice; $id = Yii::app()->user->getState('org_id'); if (!empty($id)) { $maxOrderNumber = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('max(notice_id) as max')->from('important_notice')->where('notice_organization_id=' . $id)->queryScalar(); if ($maxOrderNumber) { $notice_id = $maxOrderNumber; $notice = ImportantNotice::model()->findByPk($notice_id); $notice = $notice->notice; $notice = substr($notice, 0, 50) . "..."; $this->widget('ext.bbcnewsticker.EBBCNewsTicker', array('items' => array(CHtml::link($notice, array('/importantNotice/print_notice', 'id' => $notice_id), array('id' => 'hello'))), 'wrapperHtmlOptions' => array('id' => "hello"))); //$this->widget('ext.eticker.ETicker',array('data'=>array($notice, CHtml::link($notice,array('/importantNotice/print_notice','id'=>$notice_id),array('id'=>'stud_doc_id1'))))); //echo CHtml::link($notice,array('/importantNotice/print_notice','id'=>$notice_id),array('id'=>'stud_doc_id1')); $config = array('scrolling' => 'no', 'autoDimensions' => false, 'width' => '500', 'height' => '100', 'overlayColor' => '#000', 'padding' => '0', 'showCloseButton' => true, 'onClose' => function () { return window . location . reload(); }); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => '#hello', 'config' => $config)); //echo CHtml::link('View',array('/importantNotice/print_notice','id'=>$notice_id),array('id'=>'hello')); } } else { echo '<div id="stud_doc_id1">'; echo '</div>'; } }
function perform() { $tree =& limb_tree::instance(); if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $node_id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; } else { $node_id = get_mapped_id(); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['direction'])) { return false; } if (!($object_data = fetch_one_by_node_id($node_id))) { debug::write_error('Node is not accessible', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('node_id' => $node_id)); return false; } $direction = $_REQUEST['direction']; if (!($direction == 'up' || $direction == 'down')) { debug::write_error('Direction is not correct', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('direction' => $direction)); return false; } if ($tree->change_node_order($node_id, $direction)) { reload(PHP_SELF . '#' . $node_id); } return false; }
public function execute(){ $this->title = '.htaccess Setup'; $tpl = $this->getTemplate(); // Try to write the file. If I can't, display what it needs to be along with instructions. // Check the for the presence of the .htaccess file. I always forget that bastard otherwise. if(!file_exists(ROOT_PDIR . '.htaccess')){ $fdata = file_get_contents(ROOT_PDIR . 'htaccess.example'); $replaces = [ '@{rewritebase}@' => ROOT_WDIR, '@{build.time}@' => date('r'), ]; $fdata = str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $fdata); if(is_writable(ROOT_PDIR)){ // Just automatically copy it over, (with the necessary tranformations). file_put_contents(ROOT_PDIR . '.htaccess', $fdata); $this->setAsPassed(); reload(); // :) } else{ // Display the instructions to the user. $tpl->assign('contents', $fdata); } } else{ $this->setAsPassed(); reload(); } }
public function parse($orig_name) { global $CORE; ob_start(); if (is_action()) { try { $name = post('name'); if (!$name) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('Please provide a map name.')); } if (!preg_match(MATCH_MAP_NAME, $name)) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('This is not a valid map name (need to match [M])', array('M' => MATCH_MAP_NAME))); } if (count($CORE->getAvailableMaps('/^' . $name . '$/')) > 0) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('A map with this name already exists.')); } // Read the old config $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($orig_name); $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(); // Create a new map config $NEW = new GlobalMapCfg($name); $NEW->createMapConfig(); foreach ($MAPCFG->getMapObjects() as $object_id => $cfg) { $NEW->addElement($cfg['type'], $cfg, $perm = true, $object_id); } success(l('The map has been created.')); reload(cfg('paths', 'htmlbase') . '/frontend/nagvis-js/index.php?mod=Map&show=' . $name, 1); } catch (FieldInputError $e) { form_error($e->field, $e->msg); } catch (NagVisException $e) { form_error(null, $e->message()); } catch (Exception $e) { if (isset($e->msg)) { form_error(null, $e->msg); } else { throw $e; } } } echo $this->error; echo '<div class="simple_form">' . N; js_form_start('to_new_map'); input('name'); submit(l('Save')); focus('name'); // Keep the view parameters the users has set $params = ltrim(req('view_params'), '&'); if ($params) { $parts = explode('&', $params); foreach ($parts as $part) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $part); hidden($key, $val); } } form_end(); echo '</div>' . N; return ob_get_clean(); }
function perform() { $object =& site_object_factory::create('user_object'); if (!$object->activate_password()) { message_box::write_notice('Password activation failed!'); reload('/'); } return true; }
function wyloguj() { //wyczyść sesję $_SESSION = array(); //zakończ sesję session_destroy(); //przejdź do strony głównej gry reload("start"); }
public function spells_end($config, $player) { $events = get_all("select * from arena_events where e_type = 1 and e_usr_id = " . $player->usr_id . " and e_done = 0 and e_end <= unix_timestamp()"); if (is_array($events)) { foreach ($events as $event) { $this->spell_dispel($config, $player, $event->e_subtype); } reload($config, 'spells', ''); } }
/** * Настройки */ public function admin_action() { $form = new Form(array('#name' => 'admin.parser', 'title' => array('label' => t('Настройки')), 'nl2br' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => t('Автоматическая обработка строк'), 'value' => config('Parser.nl2br')), 'save' => array())); if ($result = $form->result()) { $this->set('Parser.nl2br', $result->nl2br); flash_success(t('Настройки сохранены!')); reload(); } $form->show(); }
/** * Панель управления */ public function admin_action() { $this->theme->hookAdminMenu(); $form = new Form(array('#name' => 'admin.bootstrap', 'title' => array('label' => icon('wrench') . ' ' . t('Настройки')), 'theme' => array('type' => 'select', 'label' => t('Выберите тему'), 'values' => array('default' => t('Стандартная'), 'amelia' => 'Amelia', 'cerulean' => 'Cerulean', 'cosmo' => 'Cosmo', 'cyborg' => 'Cyborg', 'journal' => 'Journal', 'readable' => 'Readable', 'simplex' => 'Simplex', 'slate' => 'Slate', 'spacelab' => 'Spacelab', 'spruce' => 'Spruce', 'superhero' => 'Superhero', 'united' => 'United'), 'value' => config('bootstrap.theme', 'default')), 'save' => array())); if ($result = $form->result()) { $this->set('bootstrap.theme', $result->theme); flash_success(t('Настройки сохранены успешно!')); reload(); } $form->show(); }
function _valid_perform() { $login = $this->_get('login'); $password = $this->_get('password'); $is_logged = user::login($login, $password); if ($is_logged) { $this->_process_logged_user(); reload('/'); } else { $this->_process_not_logged_user(); } return $is_logged; }
public function new_town($config, $player) { if ($player->actual_town == 0) { $is = get_one("select count(*) from towns where t_name ='" . $player->town . "'"); if ($is == 1) { $player->town .= date("His"); } call("\n\t\t\tinsert into towns (t_usr_id, t_name, t_nation, t_last_inc)\n\t\t\tvalue (" . $player->usr_id . ",'" . $player->town . "'," . $player->nation . ", unix_timestamp())\n\t\t\t"); $town_id = get_one("select last_insert_id()"); call("\n\t\t\tupdate map\n\t\t\tset m_t_id = {$town_id}\n\t\t\twhere m_t_id = 0\n\t\t\torder by rand() limit 1\n\t\t\t"); call("\n\t\t\tupdate users\n\t\t\tset actual_town = {$town_id}\n\t\t\twhere usr_id = " . $player->usr_id); call("\n\t\t\tinsert into town_objects (to_t_id, to_gop_id, to_can)\n\t\t\tselect " . $town_id . ", gop_id, gop_can\n\t\t\tfrom game_objects_param\n\t\t\twhere gop_nation = " . $player->nation); reload($config, 'town', ''); } }
/** * * @copyright 2013 * @version 1 * @link */ function sslverifyclient($lang, $arglist = false) { global $base_url; if (empty($_SESSION['unverified_user'])) { return run('error/badrequest', $lang); } $user = $_SESSION['unverified_user']; unset($_SESSION['unverified_user']); if (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) or $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off') { return run('error/unauthorized', $lang); } $_SESSION['user'] = $user; $next_page = !empty($arglist['r']) ? $arglist['r'] : url('home', $lang); return reload($base_url . $next_page); }
function paypalcheckout($lang, $amount, $currency, $tax = 0, $context = false) { global $base_url, $paypal_url, $sitename, $supported_languages; if (!user_is_identified()) { return run('error/unauthorized', $lang); } if (!(is_numeric($amount) and $amount > 0)) { return run('error/badrequest', $lang); } $amt = paypal_amt($amount); if (!validate_currency($currency)) { return run('error/badrequest', $lang); } $currencycode = $currency; if (!(is_numeric($tax) and $tax >= 0)) { return run('error/badrequest', $lang); } $taxamt = paypal_amt($tax); $itemamt = paypal_amt($amount - $tax); $name = translate('donate:name', $lang); $locale = $lang; if (!$locale) { $locale = user_profile('locale'); } if (!$locale) { $locale = $supported_languages[0]; } $localecode = paypal_localecode($locale); $email = user_profile('mail'); $brandname = $sitename; $hdrimg = $base_url . '/logos/sitelogo.png'; $returnurl = $base_url . url('paypalreturn', $lang); $cancelurl = $base_url . url('paypalcancel', $lang); $params = array('LOCALECODE' => $localecode, 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION' => 'Sale', 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE' => $currencycode, 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' => $amt, 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT' => $itemamt, 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT' => $taxamt, 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0' => $name, 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0' => $itemamt, 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT0' => $taxamt, 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0' => '1', 'NOSHIPPING' => '1', 'ALLOWNOTE' => '0', 'EMAIL' => $email, 'BRANDNAME' => $sitename, 'HDRIMG' => $hdrimg, 'RETURNURL' => $returnurl, 'CANCELURL' => $cancelurl); $r = paypal_setexpresscheckout($params); if (!$r) { return run('error/internalerror', $lang); } $token = $r['TOKEN']; $_SESSION['paypal'] = compact('token', 'amt', 'itemamt', 'taxamt', 'currencycode', 'context'); reload($paypal_url . '/webscr&cmd=_express-checkout&token=' . $token); }
/** * Trackbacks sent * @return object */ function procTrackbackSend() { // Yeokingeul to post numbers and shipping addresses Wanted $document_srl = Context::get('target_srl'); $trackback_url = Context::get('trackback_url'); $charset = Context::get('charset'); if (!$document_srl || !$trackback_url || !$charset) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request'); } // Login Information Wanted $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info'); if (!$logged_info->member_srl) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted'); } // Posts of the information obtained permission to come and check whether $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document'); $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl); if (!$oDocument->isExists() || !$oDocument->getSummary()) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request'); } if ($oDocument->getMemberSrl() != $logged_info->member_srl) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted'); } // Specify the title of the module, the current article $oModuleModel =& getModel('module'); $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($oDocument->get('module_srl')); Context::setBrowserTitle($module_info->browser_title); // Shipping yeokingeul $output = $this->sendTrackback($oDocument, $trackback_url, $charset); if ($output->toBool() && !in_array(Context::getRequestMethod(), array('XMLRPC', 'JSON'))) { global $lang; htmlHeader(); alertScript($lang->success_registed); reload(true); closePopupScript(); htmlFooter(); Context::close(); exit; } return $output; }
protected function renderContent() { $notice; $id = Yii::app()->user->getState('org_id'); if (!empty($id)) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = "notice_organization_id = " . Yii::app()->user->getState('org_id'); $criteria->limit = 5; $criteria->order = 'notice_id desc'; $notice = ImportantNotice::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($notice as $list) { $imp_notice = substr($list['notice'], 0, 150) . "..."; echo CHtml::link($imp_notice, array('/importantNotice/print_notice', 'id' => $list['notice_id']), array('id' => 'hello')) . '<br /><br />'; } $config = array('scrolling' => 'no', 'autoDimensions' => false, 'width' => '500', 'height' => '100', 'overlayColor' => '#000', 'padding' => '0', 'showCloseButton' => true, 'onClose' => function () { return window . location . reload(); }); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => 'a#hello', 'config' => $config)); } else { echo '<div id="stud_doc_id1">'; echo '</div>'; } }
public function execute() { // Some more preflight checks, such as htaccess presence and permissions. // See for more info. $tests = array( $this->testPHPVersion(), $this->testPHPMemoryLimit(), $this->testBCMath(), $this->testRewrite(), $this->testPHPXML(), $this->testPHPMcrypt(), $this->testMBString(), $this->testPHPcURL(), $this->testHTAccessFile(), $this->testConfigFile(), $this->testLogDirectory(), ); // Run through all these checks and see if there were any errors. $good = true; foreach($tests as $test){ if($test['status'] == 'error') $good = false; } if($good && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){ // user clicked "next" // Mark this task as passed and proceed to the next. $this->setAsPassed(); reload(); } $tpl = $this->getTemplate(); $this->title = 'Preflight Checks'; $tpl->assign('tests', $tests); $tpl->assign('good', $good); }
function parse_memory() { $unix = new unix(); $nginx = $unix->find_program("nginx"); $sock = new sockets(); $nginx = $unix->find_program("nginx"); if (!is_file($nginx)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx, not installed\n"; } return; } $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pidtime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time"; $pidStampReload = $GLOBALS["pidStampReload"]; if (!$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$pidtime}\n"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } $TimExec = $unix->file_time_min($pidtime); if ($TimExec < 5) { return; } } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); @unlink($pidtime); @file_put_contents($pidtime, time()); $python = $unix->find_program("python"); $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE(); exec("{$nice}{$python} /usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/ 2>&1", $results); $FOUND = false; while (list($index, $line) = each($results)) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == null) { continue; } if (!preg_match("#^[0-9\\.]+.*?=\\s+([0-9\\.]+)\\s+(.+?)\\s+nginx#", $line, $re)) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Not found \"{$line}\"\n"; } continue; } $memoryValue = $re[1]; $unit = trim(strtolower($re[2])); echo "Found {$memoryValue} {$unit}\n"; if ($unit == "kib") { $memoryValue = $memoryValue / 1048.576; } if ($unit == "mib") { $memoryValue = $memoryValue * 1.048576; } if ($unit == "gib") { $memoryValue = $memoryValue * 1048.576; } $FOUND = true; break; } if (!$FOUND) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Not found...\n"; } return; } $memoryValue = round($memoryValue, 2); $MaxMemory = max_memory(); $MaxMemoryReload = $MaxMemory / 2; $memoryValueInt = intval($memoryValue); echo "Nginx = {$memoryValue} MB INT({$memoryValueInt}) Reload on:{$MaxMemoryReload}MB; Restart on:{$MaxMemory}MB\n"; $ACTION_DONE = false; if ($MaxMemory > 0) { if ($memoryValueInt > 0) { if ($memoryValueInt > $MaxMemoryReload) { $StampTime = $unix->file_time_min($pidStampReload); if ($StampTime > 20) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Reverse proxy reach medium memory {$memoryValueInt}MB Reload:{$MaxMemoryReload}MB [action=reload]", "The service will be restarted"); reload(true); @unlink($pidStampReload); @file_put_contents($pidStampReload, time()); $ACTION_DONE = true; } } if (!$ACTION_DONE) { if ($memoryValueInt > $MaxMemory) { squid_admin_mysql(0, "Reverse proxy reach max memory allowed {$memoryValueInt}MB MAX:{$MaxMemory}MB [action=restart]", "The service will be restarted"); stop(true); start(true); @unlink($pidStampReload); } } } } add_memory_value($memoryValue); }
if (!empty($_GET['set_pit'])) { $_GET['set_pit'] = (int) $_GET['set_pit']; $is = one("select pit_id from hellpit_pits where pit_id = " . $_GET['set_pit'] . " and pit_user = "******"update hellpit_users set actual_pit = " . $_GET['set_pit'] . " where user = "******"update hellpit_users set exp = exp - exp_lvl, exp_lvl = exp_lvl * 1.666, skills = skills + 3, lvl = lvl + 1 where user = " . $player->user); reload($_GET['x']); } $header = 'templates/user/header.php'; $footer = 'templates/user/footer.php'; $page = 'templates/user/' . $_GET['x'] . '.php'; } elseif (in_Array($_GET['x'], $master_act)) { $header = 'templates/master/header.php'; $footer = 'templates/master/footer.php'; $page = 'templates/master/' . $_GET['x'] . '.php'; } else { $header = 'templates/master/header.php'; $footer = 'templates/master/footer.php'; $page = 'templates/master/default.php'; } require_once $header; require_once $page;
if ($event === false) { $tmpl->renderBadLink(); return; } if (!Event::isActive($db, $_GET['key'])) { $tmpl->renderBadLink(); return; } $user_ch = $db->query('SELECT user_id, nick, email FROM users WHERE nick = ' . $db->quote($_GET['nick']))->fetch(); if ($user_ch === false) { $tmpl->renderBadLink(); return; } if ((int) $event['user_id'] !== (int) $user_ch['user_id']) { $tmpl->renderBadLink(); return; } $value = Event::getData($db, $_GET['key']); if ($value === false) { reload('?fb=change_email_failed'); } $db->beginTransaction(); try { Event::setComplete($db, $_GET['key']); $db->update('users', ['email' => $value], 'user_id = ' . $db->quote($user_ch['user_id'])); $db->commit(); reload('?fb=change_email_new_success'); } catch (\Snabb\Database\Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); reload('?fb=change_email_failed'); }
function isAdmin($config, $player) { if ($player->role != 2) { reload($config, 'town', ''); } }
/** * Update a group of selected memebrs * @return void|Object (void : success, Object : fail) */ function procMemberAdminUpdateMembersGroup() { $member_srl = Context::get('member_srl'); if (!$member_srl) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request'); } $member_srls = explode(',', $member_srl); $group_srl = Context::get('group_srls'); if (!is_array($group_srl)) { $group_srls = explode('|@|', $group_srl); } else { $group_srls = $group_srl; } $oDB =& DB::getInstance(); $oDB->begin(); // Delete a group of selected members $args = new stdClass(); $args->member_srl = $member_srl; $output = executeQuery('member.deleteMembersGroup', $args); if (!$output->toBool()) { $oDB->rollback(); return $output; } // Add to a selected group $group_count = count($group_srls); $member_count = count($member_srls); for ($j = 0; $j < $group_count; $j++) { $group_srl = (int) trim($group_srls[$j]); if (!$group_srl) { continue; } for ($i = 0; $i < $member_count; $i++) { $member_srl = (int) trim($member_srls[$i]); if (!$member_srl) { continue; } $args = new stdClass(); $args->member_srl = $member_srl; $args->group_srl = $group_srl; $output = executeQuery('member.addMemberToGroup', $args); if (!$output->toBool()) { $oDB->rollback(); return $output; } } } $oDB->commit(); $this->_deleteMemberGroupCache(); $this->setMessage('success_updated'); if (!in_array(Context::getRequestMethod(), array('XMLRPC', 'JSON'))) { global $lang; htmlHeader(); alertScript($lang->success_updated); reload(true); closePopupScript(); htmlFooter(); Context::close(); exit; } }
/** * layout copy * @return void */ function procLayoutAdminCopyLayout() { $sourceArgs = Context::getRequestVars(); if ($sourceArgs->layout == 'faceoff') { return $this->stop('not supported'); } if (!$sourceArgs->layout_srl) { return $this->stop('msg_empty_origin_layout'); } $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout'); $layout = $oLayoutModel->getLayout($sourceArgs->layout_srl); if (!$sourceArgs->title) { $sourceArgs->title = array($layout->title . '_' . $this->_makeRandomMid()); } if (!is_array($sourceArgs->title) || count($sourceArgs->title) == 0) { return $this->stop('msg_empty_target_layout'); } $output = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutRawData($sourceArgs->layout_srl, array('extra_vars')); $args = new stdClass(); $args->extra_vars = $output->extra_vars; $extra_vars = unserialize($args->extra_vars); if ($layout->extra_var_count) { $reg = "/^.\\/files\\/attach\\/images\\/([0-9]+)\\/(.*)/"; if ($extra_vars) { foreach ($extra_vars as $key => $val) { if ($layout->extra_var->{$key}->type == 'image') { if (!preg_match($reg, $val, $matches)) { continue; } $image_list[$key]->filename = $matches[2]; $image_list[$key]->old_file = $val; } } } } $oModuleController = getController('module'); $layout_config = new stdClass(); $layout_config->header_script = $extra_vars->header_script; // Get information to create a layout $args->site_srl = (int) $layout->site_srl; $args->layout = $layout->layout; $args->layout_type = $layout->layout_type; if (!$args->layout_type) { $args->layout_type = "P"; } $oDB =& DB::getInstance(); $oDB->begin(); if (is_array($sourceArgs->title)) { foreach ($sourceArgs->title as $key => $value) { if (!trim($value)) { continue; } $args->layout_srl = getNextSequence(); $args->title = $value; if (is_array($image_list)) { foreach ($image_list as $key => $val) { $new_file = sprintf("./files/attach/images/%s/%s", $args->layout_srl, $val->filename); FileHandler::copyFile($val->old_file, $new_file); $extra_vars->{$key} = $new_file; } $args->extra_vars = serialize($extra_vars); } // for header script $oModuleController->insertModulePartConfig('layout', $args->layout_srl, $layout_config); // Insert into the DB $output = $this->insertLayout($args); if (!$output->toBool()) { $oDB->rollback(); return $output; } // initiate if it is faceoff layout $this->initLayout($args->layout_srl, $args->layout); // update layout info $output = $this->updateLayout($args); if (!$output->toBool()) { $oDB->rollback(); return $output; } $this->_copyLayoutFile($layout->layout_srl, $args->layout_srl); } } $oDB->commit(); $this->setMessage('success_registed'); if (!in_array(Context::getRequestMethod(), array('XMLRPC', 'JSON'))) { global $lang; htmlHeader(); alertScript($lang->success_registed); reload(true); closePopupScript(); htmlFooter(); Context::close(); exit; } }
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'student-academic-record-trans-grid', 'dataProvider' => $studentfeedback->mysearch(), 'enableSorting' => false, 'columns' => array(array('header' => 'SN.', 'class' => 'IndexColumn'), array('name' => 'feedback_category_master_id', 'value' => 'FeedbackCategoryMaster::model()->findByPk($data->feedback_category_master_id)->feedback_category_name'), 'feedback_details_remarks', array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'template' => '{update}{delete}', 'buttons' => array('view' => array('url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("feedbackDetailsTable/view", array("id"=>$data->feedback_details_table_id))'), 'update' => array('url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("feedbackDetailsTable/update", array("id"=>$data->feedback_details_table_id))', 'options' => array('id' => 'update-feedback')), 'delete' => array('url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("feedbackDetailsTable/delete", array("id"=>$data->feedback_details_table_id))')))))); ?> </div> <?php $config = array('scrolling' => 'no', 'autoDimensions' => false, 'width' => '715', 'height' => '280', 'titleShow' => false, 'overlayColor' => '#000', 'padding' => '0', 'showCloseButton' => true, 'onClose' => function () { return window . location . reload(); }); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => '#stud_doc_id', 'config' => $config)); $config = array('scrolling' => 'no', 'autoDimensions' => false, 'width' => '755', 'height' => '420', 'titleShow' => false, 'overlayColor' => '#000', 'padding' => '0', 'showCloseButton' => true, 'onClose' => function () { return window . location . reload(); }); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => '#stud_doc_id1', 'config' => $config)); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => '#stud_feedback', 'config' => $config)); $config = array('scrolling' => 'no', 'autoDimensions' => false, 'width' => '755', 'height' => '250', 'titleShow' => false, 'overlayColor' => '#000', 'padding' => '0', 'showCloseButton' => true, 'onClose' => function () { return window . location . reload(); }); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => '#stud_feedback', 'config' => $config)); ?> <?php $config = array('scrolling' => 'no', 'autoDimensions' => false, 'width' => '755', 'height' => '420', 'titleShow' => false, 'overlayColor' => '#000', 'padding' => '0', 'showCloseButton' => true, 'onClose' => function () { return window . location . reload(); }); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => 'a#update-qualification', 'config' => $config)); $config = array('scrolling' => 'no', 'autoDimensions' => false, 'width' => '755', 'height' => '250', 'titleShow' => false, 'overlayColor' => '#000', 'padding' => '0', 'showCloseButton' => true, 'onClose' => function () { return window . location . reload(); }); $this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array('target' => 'a#update-feedback', 'config' => $config));
/** * Refund Payment */ function refund() { // Capture payment if (!$this->get['payment']->refund()) { // There was an error processing the transaction throw new SWUserException("[CC_TRANSACTION_FAILED]"); } if ($this->get['payment']->getStatus() == "Declined") { // Transaction was declined throw new SWUserException("[CC_REFUND_DECLINED]"); } // Update the payment record update_PaymentDBO($this->get['payment']); // Success $this->setMessage(array("type" => "[CC_REFUNDED]")); $this - reload(); }
/** * Show admin page */ public function admin_action($action = 'list') { $this->hookAdminMenu(); switch ($action) { case 'settings': $form = new Form(array('#name' => 'user.admin.settings', 'title' => array('label' => icon('user') . ' ' . t('Настройки регистрации')), 'registration' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => config(''), 'label' => t('Регистрация разрешена')), 'verification' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => config('user.register.verification'), 'label' => t('Подтверждение регистрации по электронной почте')), 'save' => array())); if ($result = $form->result()) { $this->set('', $result->registration); $this->set('user.register.verification', $result->verification); flash_success('Настройки сохранены!'); reload(); } $form->show(); break; default: $q = $this->input->get('q'); $tpl = new Template('Search/templates/form'); $tpl->action = l('/admin/users/'); $q && ($tpl->value = $q); $tpl->show('info'); Db_ORM::skipClear(); $list = new User_List(array('name' => 'admin.users', 'base' => l('/admin/user/'), 'per_page' => config('Admin.user.per_page', 20), 'render' => FALSE)); $fields = $list->getFields(); $list->setFields($fields); $list->show(); } }
stop(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--start") { $GLOBALS["OUTPUT"] = true; start(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--restart") { $GLOBALS["OUTPUT"] = true; restart(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--reload") { $GLOBALS["OUTPUT"] = true; reload(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--build") { $GLOBALS["OUTPUT"] = true; build(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--clean") { $GLOBALS["OUTPUT"] = true; cleanstorage(); die; } $GLOBALS["OUTPUT"] = true; xstart(); function build_progress($text, $pourc)
if ($tag_id === false) { $db->insert('tags', ['tag' => $tag, 'list_id' => $_GET['id']]); $tag_id = $db->query('SELECT tag_id FROM tags WHERE list_id = ' . $db->quote($_GET['id']) . ' and tag = ' . $db->quote($tag))->fetch(); $db->insert('task_tags', ['tag_id' => $tag_id['tag_id'], 'task_id' => $task_id['task_id']]); } else { $db->insert('task_tags', ['tag_id' => $tag_id['tag_id'], 'task_id' => $task_id['task_id']]); } } } if ($user_assigment_ids) { foreach ($user_assigment_ids as $user_id) { $db->insert('tasks_assignment', ['task_id' => $task_id['task_id'], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'assigned_by' => $user->user_id, 'assign_date' => time()]); } } $db->commit(); reload('list?id=' . (int) $_GET['id'] . '&fb=task_add_success'); } catch (\Snabb\Database\Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); $toSelect = ['title', 'description', 'priority', 'due_date', 'tags']; if ($user_assigment_ids) { $toSelect[] = 'user_assignments'; } $tmpl->assign(\Snabb\Tools\Arrays::selective_keys($_POST, $toSelect)); $tmpl->addMessage('Přidání úkolu se nezdařilo.', Template::MESSAGE_ERROR); } } } $tmpl->assign(['submit' => 'Přidat', 'pageHeading' => 'Přidání úkolu do listu', 'list_assigments' => $list_assigments, 'current_menu_list' => (int) $_GET['id']]); $tmpl->renderTop('Přidání úkolu do listu', $user); $tmpl->render('forms/task_add.tpl'); $tmpl->renderBottom();