예제 #1
function listing ($list) {
	global $directory, $homedir, $sort, $reverse, $win, $cols, $date_format, $self;
	echo '<tr class="listing">
	<th style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle"></th>
	$d = 'tool=Files&dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '&amp;';
	if (!$reverse && $sort == 'filename') $r = '&amp;reverse=true'; else $r = '';
	echo "\t<th class=\"filename\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=filename$r\">" . word('filename') . "</a></th>\n";
	if (!$reverse && $sort == 'size') $r = '&amp;reverse=true'; else $r = '';
	echo "\t<th class=\"size\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=size$r\">" . word('size') . "</a></th>\n";
	if (!$win) {
		if (!$reverse && $sort == 'permission') $r = '&amp;reverse=true'; else $r = '';
		echo "\t<th class=\"permission_header\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=permission$r\">" . word('permission') . "</a></th>\n";
		if (!$reverse && $sort == 'owner') $r = '&amp;reverse=true'; else $r = '';
		echo "\t<th class=\"owner\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=owner$r\">" . word('owner') . "</a></th>\n";
		if (!$reverse && $sort == 'group') $r = '&amp;reverse=true'; else $r = '';
		echo "\t<th class=\"group\"><a href=\"$self?{$d}sort=group$r\">" . word('group') . "</a></th>\n";
	echo '	<th class="functions">' . word('functions') . '</th>
	for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list); $i++) {
		$file = $list[$i];
		$timestamps  = 'mtime: ' . date($date_format, $file['mtime']) . ', ';
		$timestamps .= 'atime: ' . date($date_format, $file['atime']) . ', ';
		$timestamps .= 'ctime: ' . date($date_format, $file['ctime']);
		echo '<tr class="listing">
	<td class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="checked' . $i . '" value="true" onfocus="activate(\'other\')" /></td>
	<td class="filename" title="' . html($timestamps) . '">';
		if ($file['is_link']) {
			echo html($file['filename']) . ' &rarr; ';
			$real_file = relative2absolute($file['target'], $directory);
			if (@is_readable($real_file)) {
				if (@is_dir($real_file)) {
					echo '[ <a href="' . $self . '?tool=Files&dir=' . urlencode($real_file) . '">' . html($file['target']) . '</a> ]';
				} else {
					echo '<a href="' . $self . '?tool=Files&action=view&amp;file=' . urlencode($real_file) . '">' . html($file['target']) . '</a>';
			} else {
				echo html($file['target']);
		} elseif ($file['is_dir']) {
			echo ' [ ';
			if ($win || $file['is_executable']) {
				echo '<a href="' . $self . '?tool=Files&dir=' . urlencode($file['path']) . '">' . html($file['filename']) . '</a>';
			} else {
				echo html($file['filename']);
			echo ' ]';
		} else {
			if (substr($file['filename'], 0, 1) == '.') {
				echo '';
			} else {
				echo '';
			if ($file['is_file'] && $file['is_readable']) {
			   echo '<a href="' . $self . '?tool=Files&action=view&amp;file=' . urlencode($file['path']) . '">' . html($file['filename']) . '</a>';
			} else {
				echo html($file['filename']);
		if ($file['size'] >= 1000) {
			$human = ' title="' . human_filesize($file['size']) . '"';
		} else {
			$human = '';
		echo "\t<td class=\"size\"$human>{$file['size']} B</td>\n";
		if (!$win) {
			echo "\t<td class=\"permission\" title=\"" . decoct($file['permission']) . '">';
			$l = !$file['is_link'] && (!function_exists('posix_getuid') || $file['owner'] == posix_getuid());
			if ($l) echo '<a href="' . $self . '?tool=Files&action=permission&amp;file=' . urlencode($file['path']) . '&amp;dir=' . urlencode($directory) . '">';
			echo html(permission_octal2string($file['permission']));
			if ($l) echo '</a>';
			echo "</td>\n";
			if (array_key_exists('owner_name', $file)) {
				echo "\t<td class=\"owner\" title=\"uid: {$file['owner']}\">{$file['owner_name']}</td>\n";
			} else {
				echo "\t<td class=\"owner\">{$file['owner']}</td>\n";
			if (array_key_exists('group_name', $file)) {
				echo "\t<td class=\"group\" title=\"gid: {$file['group']}\">{$file['group_name']}</td>\n";
			} else {
				echo "\t<td class=\"group\">{$file['group']}</td>\n";
		echo '	<td class="functions">
		<input type="hidden" name="file' . $i . '" value="' . html($file['path']) . '" />
		$actions = array();
		if (function_exists('symlink')) {
			$actions[] = 'create_symlink';
		if (@is_writable(dirname($file['path']))) {
			$actions[] = 'delete';
			$actions[] = 'rename';
			$actions[] = 'move';
		if ($file['is_file'] && $file['is_readable']) {
			$actions[] = 'copy';
			$actions[] = 'download';
			if ($file['is_writable']) $actions[] = 'edit';
		if (!$win && function_exists('exec') && $file['is_file'] && $file['is_executable'] && file_exists('/bin/sh')) {
			$actions[] = 'execute';
		if (sizeof($actions) > 0) {
			echo '		<select class="small" name="action' . $i . '" size="1">
		<option value="">' . str_repeat('&nbsp;', 30) . '</option>
			foreach ($actions as $action) {
				echo "\t\t<option value=\"$action\">" . word($action) . "</option>\n";
			echo '		</select>
		<input class="small" type="submit" name="submit' . $i . '" value=" &gt; " onfocus="activate(\'other\')" />
		echo '	</td>
	echo '<tr class="listing_footer">
	<td style="text-align: right; vertical-align: top"></td>
	<td colspan="' . ($cols - 1) . '">
		<input type="hidden" name="num" value="' . sizeof($list) . '" />
		<input type="hidden" name="focus" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="olddir" value="' . html($directory) . '" />
	$actions = array();
	if (@is_writable(dirname($file['path']))) {
		$actions[] = 'delete';
		$actions[] = 'move';
	$actions[] = 'copy';
	echo '		<select class="small" name="action_all" size="1">
		<option value="">' . str_repeat('&nbsp;', 30) . '</option>
	foreach ($actions as $action) {
		echo "\t\t<option value=\"$action\">" . word($action) . "</option>\n";
	echo '		</select>
		<input class="small" type="submit" name="submit_all" value=" &gt; " onfocus="activate(\'other\')" />
예제 #2
 * download http request recursive (If found HTTP 3xx)
 * @param string $url               to download
 * @param resource $toSource        to download
 * @return array                    retuns array
function downloadSource($url, $toSource, $caller) {
    $errno = 0;
    $errstr = '';


    if($caller > MAX_LOOP) {
        return array('error' => 'Limit of ' . MAX_LOOP . ' redirects was exceeded, maybe there is a problem: ' . $url);

    $uri = parse_url($url);
    $secure = strcasecmp($uri['scheme'], 'https') === 0;

    if($secure) {
        $response = supportSSL();
        if($response !== true) {
            return array('error' => $response);

    $port = isset($uri['port']) && strlen($uri['port']) > 0 ? (int) $uri['port'] : ($secure === true ? 443 : 80);
    $host = ($secure ? 'ssl://' : '') . $uri['host'];

    $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, TIMEOUT);
    if($fp === false) {
        return array('error' => 'SOCKET: ' . $errstr . '(' . ((string) $errno) . ')');
    } else {
            $fp, 'GET ' . (
                isset($uri['path']) && strlen($uri['path']) > 0 ? $uri['path'] : '/'
            ) . (
                isset($uri['query']) && strlen($uri['query']) > 0 ? ('?' . $uri['query']) : ''
            ) . ' HTTP/1.0' . WOL . EOL

        if(isset($uri['user'])) {
            $auth = base64_encode($uri['user'] . ':' . (isset($uri['pass']) ? $uri['pass'] : ''));
            fwrite($fp, 'Authorization: Basic ' . $auth . WOL . EOL);

        if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) && strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) > 0) {
            fwrite($fp, 'Accept: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] . WOL . EOL);

        if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) > 0) {
            fwrite($fp, 'User-Agent: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . WOL . EOL);

        if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) > 0) {
            fwrite($fp, 'Referer: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . WOL . EOL);

        fwrite($fp, 'Host: ' . $uri['host'] . WOL . EOL);
        fwrite($fp, 'Connection: close' . WOL . EOL . WOL . EOL);

        $isRedirect = true;
        $isBody = false;
        $isHttp = false;
        $mime = null;
        $data = '';

        while(false === feof($fp)) {
            if(MAX_EXEC !== 0 && (time() - INIT_EXEC) >= MAX_EXEC) {
                return array('error' => 'Maximum execution time of ' . ((string) (MAX_EXEC + 5)) . ' seconds exceeded, configure this with ini_set/set_time_limit or "php.ini" (if safe_mode is enabled)');

            $data = fgets($fp);

            if($data === false) { continue; }
            if($isHttp === false) {
                if(preg_match('#^HTTP[/]1[.]#i', $data) === 0) {
                    fclose($fp);//Close connection
                    $data = '';
                    return array('error' => 'This request did not return a HTTP response valid');

                $tmp = preg_replace('#(HTTP/1[.]\\d |[^0-9])#i', '', 
                    preg_replace('#^(HTTP/1[.]\\d \\d{3}) [\\w\\W]+$#i', '$1', $data)

                if($tmp === '304') {
                    fclose($fp);//Close connection
                    $data = '';
                    return array('error' => 'Request returned HTTP_304, this status code is incorrect because the html2canvas not send Etag');
                } else {
                    $isRedirect = preg_match('#^(301|302|303|307|308)$#', $tmp) !== 0;
                    if($isRedirect === false && $tmp !== '200') {
                        $data = '';
                        return array('error' => 'Request returned HTTP_' . $tmp);
                    $isHttp = true;
            if($isBody === false) {
                if(preg_match('#^location[:]#i', $data) !== 0) {//200 force 302
                    fclose($fp);//Close connection
                    $data = trim(preg_replace('#^location[:]#i', '', $data));
                    if($data === '') {
                        return array('error' => '"Location:" header is blank');

                    $nextUri = $data;
                    $data = relative2absolute($url, $data);

                    if($data === '') {
                        return array('error' => 'Invalid scheme in url (' . $nextUri . ')');
                    if(isHttpUrl($data) === false) {
                        return array('error' => '"Location:" header redirected for a non-http url (' . $data . ')');
                    return downloadSource($data, $toSource, $caller);
                } else if(preg_match('#^content[-]length[:]( 0|0)$#i', $data) !== 0) {
                    $data = '';
                    return array('error' => 'source is blank (Content-length: 0)');
                } else if(preg_match('#^content[-]type[:]#i', $data) !== 0) {
                    $mime = trim(
                        preg_replace('/[;]([\\s\\S]|)+$/', '', 
                            str_replace('content-type:', '',
                                str_replace('/x-', '/', strtolower($data))

                    if(in_array($mime, array(
                        'image/bmp', 'image/windows-bmp', 'image/ms-bmp',
                        'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/gif',
                        'text/html', 'application/xhtml', 'application/xhtml+xml'
                    )) === false) {
                        $data = '';
                        return array('error' => $mime . ' mimetype is invalid');
                } else if($isBody === false && trim($data) === '') {
                    $isBody = true;
            } else if($isRedirect === true) {
                $data = '';
                return array('error' => 'The response should be a redirect "' . $url . '", but did not inform which header "Localtion:"');
            } else if($mime === null) {
                $data = '';
                return array('error' => 'Not set the mimetype from "' . $url . '"');
            } else {
                fwrite($toSource, $data);

        $data = '';
        if($isBody === false) {
            return array('error' => 'Content body is empty');
        } else if($mime === null) {
            return array('error' => 'Not set the mimetype from "' . $url . '"');
        return array(
            'mime' => $mime
예제 #3
function getUrl($buffer, $forbidden_types, $forbidden_strings)
    global $_POST, $stack;
    $website = JRequest::getVar('http_host', 'none', 'POST', 'STRING', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML);
    $web = parse_url($website);
    strtolower(substr($web['host'], 0, 4)) == "www." ? $web['host'] = substr($web['host'], 4) : null;
    /*if(substr($website,-1)=="/") $website=substr($website,0,-1);
    	if(substr($web['path'],-1)=="/") $web['path']=substr($web['path'],0,-1);*/
    $tmparray = array();
    foreach ($buffer as $key) {
        if ($web['scheme'] . "://www." . $web['host'] . "/" == $key or $web['scheme'] . "://" . $web['host'] . "/" == $key) {
            $key = $website;
        if (strtolower(substr($key, 0, 4)) != "http") {
            // slash management
            if (substr($key, 0, 1) == "/" and substr($website, -1) == "/") {
                $key = substr($key, 1);
                //print $key."<br>";
            // $website: support-masters.ch/
            ($web['path'] != "" and $web['path'] != "/") ? $key = substr($website, 0, strpos($website, $web['path'])) . $key : ($key = $website . $key);
        //print_r($web['scheme']."://(.*?)\.".$web['host']); die();
        $key = preg_replace(array('/([\\?&]PHPSESSID=\\w+)$/i', '/(#[^\\/]*)$/i', '/&amp;/', '/^(javascript:.*)|(javascript:.*)$/i'), array('', '', '&', '', ''), $key);
        $suchmuster = "/" . $web['scheme'] . ":\\/\\/(.*?)" . $web['host'] . str_replace('/', '\\/', $web['path']) . "/";
        preg_match($suchmuster, $key, $treffer);
        $key = myUrlcode(trim(relative2absolute($website, $key)));
        //print $key."\n";
        /* todo add url from Location: header tag without any check */
        //&& fl_begins($key,$treffer)==true
        if (!in_array($key, $tmparray) && !in_array($key, $stack) && count($treffer) > 0 && fl_contains($key, $forbidden_strings) == false && in_array(substr($key, strrpos($key, ".")), $forbidden_types) === false) {
            //print trim(myUrlcode($key))."<br>";
            $tmparray[] = $key;
        unset($key, $treffer);
    return $tmparray;
예제 #4
function getUrl($buffer, $forbidden_types, $forbidden_strings)
    global $_POST;
    $website = HTTP_HOST;
    $web = parse_url($website);
    strtolower(substr($web['host'], 0, 4)) == "www." ? $web['host'] = substr($web['host'], 4) : null;
    $tmparray = array();
    foreach ($buffer as $key) {
        if ($web['scheme'] . "://www." . $web['host'] . "/" == $key or $web['scheme'] . "://" . $web['host'] . "/" == $key) {
            $key = $website;
        if (strtolower(substr($key, 0, 4)) != "http") {
            // slash management
            if (substr($key, 0, 1) == "/" and substr($website, -1) == "/") {
                $key = substr($key, 1);
                //print $key."<br>";
            ($web['path'] != "" and $web['path'] != "/") ? $key = substr($website, 0, strpos($website, $web['path'])) . $key : ($key = $website . $key);
        $key = preg_replace(array('/([\\?&]PHPSESSID=\\w+)$/i', '/(#[^\\/]*)$/i', '/&amp;/', '/^(javascript:.*)|(javascript:.*)$/i'), array('', '', '&', '', ''), $key);
        $pattern = "/" . $web['scheme'] . ":\\/\\/(.*?)" . $web['host'] . str_replace('/', '\\/', $web['path']) . "/";
        preg_match($pattern, $key, $treffer);
        $key = encodeUrl(trim(relative2absolute($website, $key)));
        /* todo add url from Location: header tag without any check */
        if (!in_array($key, $tmparray) && count($treffer) > 0 && searchInArray($key, $forbidden_strings) == false && in_array(substr($key, strrpos($key, ".")), $forbidden_types) === false) {
            $tmparray[] = $key;
        unset($key, $treffer);
    return $tmparray;