function presave_process($content) { // override method to allow us to add xhtml headers and footers global $CFG; global $USER; $xp = "#Moodle Referentiel CSV Export;latin1;" . referentiel_get_user_info($USER->id) . "\n"; $xp .= $content; return $xp; }
$souscription_libre = 1; } if (isset($record_t->cle_souscription)) { $cle_souscription = $record_t->cle_souscription; } else { $cle_souscription = ''; } if (isset($record_t->tache_masquee)) { $tache_masquee = $record_t->tache_masquee; } else { $tache_masquee = 0; } // DEBUG // echo "<br/>DEBUG ::<br />\n"; // print_object($record_t); $auteur_info = referentiel_get_user_info($auteurid); // dates $date_creation_info = userdate($date_creation); $date_modif_info = userdate($date_modif); // $date_debut_info=userdate($date_debut); // $date_fin_info=userdate($date_fin); $date_debut_info = $date_debut; $date_fin_info = $date_fin; // AFFICHER tache ?> <div align="center"> <h3><?php print_string('modifier_task', 'referentiel'); ?> </h3> <form name="form" method="post" action="<?php
function referentiel_print_notification_user($instanceid, $courseid, $context, $t_codes_competence, $userid, $records_teacher) { $s = ""; $s_entete = ""; $s_debut = ""; $s_competences = ""; if (!empty($records_teacher) && !empty($instanceid) && !empty($courseid) && !empty($userid) && !empty($t_codes_competence)) { $nb_lig = 0; $nb_col = 0; $maxcol = 8; // nombre max de colonnes par page : une colonne = un teacher $colwidth = (int) (100 / ($maxcol + 1)) . '%'; // DEBUG //echo("TEACHERS<br />\n"); //print_object($records_teacher); //echo("<br />\n"); foreach ($records_teacher as $record_t) { // liste d'id teachers if ($record_t) { $t_teachers[] = $record_t->userid; } } $teachers_list = implode(',', $t_teachers); $nb_teachers = count($t_teachers); $nb_lig = $nb_teachers % $maxcol; // nombre de pages $identite_user = referentiel_get_user_info($userid); if ($identite_user) { $message = '<h3>' . get_string('liste_repartition', 'referentiel') . get_string('identite_utilisateur', 'referentiel', $identite_user) . '</h3>'; } else { $message = '<h3>' . get_string('liste_repartition', 'referentiel') . '</h3>'; } $t_teacherids_accompagnement = referentiel_get_accompagnements_user($instanceid, $courseid, $userid); // DEBUG /* echo("print_lib_repartition.php :: 134 :: TEACHERS ACCOMPAGNATEURS pour $userid<br />\n"); print_object($t_teacherids_accompagnement); echo("<br />\n"); // DEBUG echo("codes <br />\n"); print_object($t_codes_competence); echo("<br />\n"); */ $t_repartition_competences = referentiel_get_repartition_notification($instanceid, $courseid, $t_codes_competence, $t_teacherids_accompagnement, $records_teacher); /* // DEBUG echo("print_lib_repartition.php :: 122:: COMPETENCES<br />\n"); print_object($t_repartition_competences); echo("<br />\n"); */ if ($t_repartition_competences) { // DEBUG /* echo("print_lib_repartition.php :: 130 :: COMPETENCES<br />\n"); print_object($t_repartition_competences); echo("<br />\n"); //exit; */ $col = 0; $lig = 0; $s_debut .= '<div align="center">' . "\n"; $s_debut .= $message . "\n"; $s_debut .= '<table class="activite">' . "\n"; // teachers $max_index = min($nb_teachers, $maxcol); $index_teacher_deb = 0; $index_teacher_fin = $max_index; $k = 0; $j = 0; $col = 0; while ($k < $nb_teachers) { if ($col == 0) { $s_entete = "<tr valign='top'><th align='left' width='10%'>" . get_string('item', 'referentiel') . ' \\ ' . get_string('referent', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; for ($j = $index_teacher_deb; $j < $index_teacher_fin; $j++) { $s_entete .= "<th width='" . $colwidth . "'>\n"; $s_entete .= "<b>" . referentiel_get_user_nom($t_teachers[$j]) . ' ' . referentiel_get_user_prenom($t_teachers[$j]) . "</b>\n"; $s_entete .= "</th>\n"; } $s_entete .= "</tr>\n"; $s .= $s_entete; $k += $max_index; } // competences $s_competences = ""; foreach ($t_repartition_competences as $cle => $une_repartition) { if ($une_repartition) { // DEBUG // echo("print_lib_repartition.php :: 173 :: CLE $cle <br />REPARTITION<br />\n"); // print_object($une_repartition); // echo("<br />EXIT :: print_lib_repartition.php :: 188 \n"); // exit; $s_competences .= "<tr valign='top'><td>\n"; $s_competences .= "<b>" . $cle . "</b>\n"; $s_competences .= "</td>"; while (list($key, $val) = each($une_repartition)) { if ($index_teacher_deb <= $key && $key < $index_teacher_fin) { $s_competences .= "<td>{$val}</td>"; } } $s_competences .= "</tr>\n"; } } $s .= $s_competences; // saut de table ? $col += $maxcol; if ($col == $max_index) { $col = 0; $index_teacher_deb += $max_index; $max_index = min($nb_teachers - $index_teacher_fin, $maxcol); $index_teacher_fin += $max_index; } } } $s = $s_debut . "\n" . $s . '</table>' . "\n"; $s .= '</div>' . "\n"; } return $s; }
function referentiel_print_graph_certificats($referentiel_instance, $referentiel_referentiel, $gusers, $currentgroup = 0) { global $DB; global $CFG; global $USER; // contexte $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('referentiel', $referentiel_instance->id); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course)); if (empty($cm) or empty($course)) { print_error('REFERENTIEL_ERROR 5 :: print_lib_certificat.php :: You cannot call this script in that way'); } $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); $roles = referentiel_roles_in_instance($referentiel_instance->id); $iseditor = $roles->is_editor; $isadmin = $roles->is_admin; $isteacher = $roles->is_teacher; $istutor = $roles->is_tutor; $isstudent = $roles->is_student; $isguest = $roles->is_guest; // codes item $liste_codes = referentiel_purge_dernier_separateur($referentiel_referentiel->liste_codes_competence, '/'); // empreintes $liste_empreintes = referentiel_purge_dernier_separateur($referentiel_referentiel->liste_empreintes_competence, '/'); // poids $liste_poids = referentiel_purge_dernier_separateur($referentiel_referentiel->liste_poids_competence, '/'); // cours ? if (!empty($course)) { $course_name = $course->shortname; } else { $course_name = ""; } // groupes ? if (!empty($currentgroup)) { $group_name = groups_get_group_name($currentgroup); } else { $group_name = ""; } $titre = get_string('certification_etat', 'referentiel'); if (!empty($course_name)) { $titre .= ' (' . $course_name; if (!empty($group_name)) { $titre .= ' - ' . $group_name; } $titre .= ')'; } $titre = str_replace(' ', '_', $titre); // utilisateurs $record_id_users = referentiel_get_students_course($course->id, 0, 0); //seulement les stagiaires // groupes ? if ($gusers && $record_id_users) { $record_users = array_intersect($gusers, array_keys($record_id_users)); // recopier $record_id_users = array(); foreach ($record_users as $record_id) { $a_obj = new stdClass(); $a_obj->userid = $record_id; $record_id_users[] = $a_obj; } } if ($record_id_users) { // Afficher foreach ($record_id_users as $record_id) { // afficher la liste d'users // recupere les enregistrements de certificats ou les cree si necessaire $records_c[] = referentiel_certificat_user($record_id->userid, $referentiel_referentiel->id); } if ($records_c) { // Let's get the datas $separateur1 = '/'; $separateur2 = ':'; $separateur3 = '|'; $t_user = array(); // tableau des userid $t_code = explode($separateur1, $liste_codes); $t_empreinte = explode($separateur1, $liste_empreintes); $t_poids = explode($separateur1, $liste_poids); $moyennes = array(); $t_valides = array(array()); // $t_declarees = array(array()); $user_name_souligne = ""; foreach ($records_c as $record_c) { // pour tous les certificats if ($record_c) { $certificat_id = $record_c->id; $commentaire_certificat = stripslashes($record_c->commentaire_certificat); $synthese_certificat = stripslashes($record_c->synthese_certificat); $competences_certificat = $record_c->competences_certificat; $competences_activites = $record_c->competences_activite; $decision_jury = stripslashes($record_c->decision_jury); $date_decision = $record_c->date_decision; $ref_referentiel = $record_c->ref_referentiel; $user_id = $record_c->userid; $teacherid = $record_c->teacherid; $verrou = $record_c->verrou; $dossier_ferme = $record_c->valide; $evaluation = $record_c->evaluation; $user_name = referentiel_get_user_nom($user_id) . ' ' . referentiel_get_user_prenom($user_id); $user_info = referentiel_get_user_info($user_id); $teacher_info = referentiel_get_user_info($teacherid); // dates $date_decision_info = userdate($date_decision); //$t_user[]=$user_name; $t_user[] = $user_id; // competences validees dans le certificat $tc = array(); $lcc = referentiel_purge_dernier_separateur($competences_certificat, $separateur1); if (!empty($lcc)) { $tc = explode($separateur1, $lcc); // A.1.1:1 A.1.2:1 A.1.3:1 A.1.4:0/A.1.5:0/A.2.1:1/A.2.2:0/A.2.3:0/A.3.1:0/A.3.2:0/A.3.3:0/A.3.4:0/B.1.1:0/B.1.2:0/B.1.3:0/B.2.1:1/B.2.2:1/B.2.3:0/B.2.4:0/B.3.1:0/B.3.2:0/B.3.3:0/B.3.4:0/B.3.5:0/B.4.1:0/B.4.2:0/B.4.3:0/ $i = 0; while ($i < count($tc)) { // CODE1:N1 // DEBUG // echo "<br />".$tc[$i]." <br />\n"; if ($tc[$i] != '') { $tcc = explode($separateur2, $tc[$i]); // A.1.1 1 if (isset($tcc[1])) { // $t_valides[$userid][]=$tcc[1]; //$t_valides[$user_name][]=min($tcc[1], $t_empreinte[$i]) ; $t_valides[$user_id][] = min($tcc[1], $t_empreinte[$i]); } } $i++; } } /* // competences declarees dans les activites $tc=array(); $lcd=referentiel_purge_dernier_separateur($competences_activites, $separateur1); if (!empty($lcd)){ $tc = explode ($separateur1, $lcd); // A.1.1:1 A.1.2:1 A.1.3:1 A.1.4:0/A.1.5:0/A.2.1:1/A.2.2:0/A.2.3:0/A.3.1:0/A.3.2:0/A.3.3:0/A.3.4:0/B.1.1:0/B.1.2:0/B.1.3:0/B.2.1:1/B.2.2:1/B.2.3:0/B.2.4:0/B.3.1:0/B.3.2:0/B.3.3:0/B.3.4:0/B.3.5:0/B.4.1:0/B.4.2:0/B.4.3:0/ $i=0; while ($i<count($tc)){ // CODE1:N1 // DEBUG // echo "<br />".$tc[$i]." <br />\n"; // exit; if ($tc[$i]!=''){ $tcc=explode($separateur2, $tc[$i]); // A.1.1 1 if (isset($tcc[1])){ $t_declarees[$user_name][]=$tcc[1]; } } $i++; } } */ } } // calculer la moyenne $n = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($t_user); $i++) { //$valeurs=$t_valides[$t_user[$i]]; // moyenne $n++; $moyennes = referentiel_somme_valeur($moyennes, $t_valides[$t_user[$i]]); } $moyennes = referentiel_quotient_valeur($moyennes, $n); $lmoyennes = implode("/", $moyennes); // Distribuer les data sur plusieurs images // pagination $page0 = 0; $page1 = 0; $nbuser = count($t_user); $page = 0; $pagemax = min($nbuser, MAXLIGNEGRAPH); $npages = (int) ($nbuser / $pagemax); $reste = (int) ($nbuser % $pagemax); if ($reste) { $npages++; } /* // DEBUG echo "<br />DEBUG :: 1858 :: CODE<br />\n"; print_r($t_code); echo "<br /> EMPREINTES<br />\n"; print_r($t_empreinte); echo "<br /> POIDS<br />\n"; print_r($t_poids); echo "<br />DEBUG :: 1858 :: USERS<br />\n"; print_r($t_user); echo "<br />COMPETENCES VALIDES<br />\n"; for ($i=0; $i<$nbuser; $i++){ echo "<br />User:"******" <br />\n"; print_r($t_valides[$t_user[$i]]); } */ // echo "<br />NBUSER: $nbuser NBPAGES: $npages PAGEMAX: $pagemax\n"; for ($page = 0; $page < $npages; $page++) { // preparer les donnees $t_data = array(array()); $j = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $pagemax; $j++) { if (isset($t_user[$page * $pagemax + $j])) { $user_name = referentiel_get_user_nom($t_user[$page * $pagemax + $j]) . ' ' . referentiel_get_user_prenom($t_user[$page * $pagemax + $j]); $t_data[$user_name] = $t_valides[$t_user[$page * $pagemax + $j]]; } } // DEBUG //echo "<br />DEBUG :: 1876 :: DATA<br />\n"; //print_r($t_data); //echo "<br />DEBUG :: 1885 :: DATA<br />\n"; $ltdata = ""; foreach ($t_data as $key => $data) { if ($data) { //echo "<br />$key<br />\n"; //print_r($data); $ldata = implode("/", $data); $ltdata .= "{$key}:{$ldata}|"; } } // Afficher //echo '<br />DATA ->'.$ltdata."\n"; $num_page = $page + 1; if ($isteacher || $istutor || $isadmin) { $affichage_complet = 1; } else { $affichage_complet = 0; } //echo "<br />AFFCOMPLET : $affichage_complet\n"; //redirect ($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/referentiel/graph_certificats.php?d='.$referentiel_instance->id.'&ltdata='.$ltdata.'&lmoyennes='.$lmoyennes.'&lcode='.$liste_codes.'&lempreinte='.$liste_empreintes.'&lpoids='.$liste_poids.'&affcomplet='.$affichage_complet.'&titre='.$titre.'&page='.$num_page.'&npages='.$npages); echo '<div align="center"><img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/referentiel/graph_certificats.php?d=' . $referentiel_instance->id . '&ltdata=' . $ltdata . '&lmoyennes=' . $lmoyennes . '&lcode=' . $liste_codes . '&lempreinte=' . $liste_empreintes . '&lpoids=' . $liste_poids . '&affcomplet=' . $affichage_complet . '&titre=' . $titre . '&page=' . $num_page . '&npages=' . $npages . '" border="0" title="' . get_string('statcertif', 'referentiel') . '" /></div>' . "\n"; echo '<br />' . "\n"; } } } }
function referentiel_print_task_detail($record_t, $context, $detail = true, $numero = 0) { $s = ''; $s0 = ''; $s1 = ''; $s2 = ''; $nblignes = 4; // hauteur du tableau if ($record_t) { $taskid = $record_t->id; $type_task = stripslashes($record_t->type_task); $description_task = stripslashes($record_t->description_task); $competences_task = $record_t->competences_task; $criteres_evaluation = stripslashes($record_t->criteres_evaluation); $ref_instance = $record_t->ref_instance; $ref_referentiel = $record_t->ref_referentiel; $ref_course = $record_t->ref_course; $auteurid = $record_t->auteurid; $date_creation = $record_t->date_creation; $date_modif = $record_t->date_modif; $date_debut = $record_t->date_debut; $date_fin = $record_t->date_fin; // Modalite souscription $souscription_libre = $record_t->souscription_libre; $cle_souscription = stripslashes($record_t->cle_souscription); $tache_masquee = $record_t->tache_masquee; $user_info = referentiel_get_user_info($auteurid); // dates $date_creation_info = userdate($date_creation); $date_modification_info = userdate($date_modif); $date_debut_info = userdate($date_debut); $date_fin_info = userdate($date_fin); // charger les consignes associees à la tache courante if (!empty($taskid)) { // AFFICHER LA LISTE DES consigneS $compteur_consigne = 0; $records_consigne = referentiel_get_consignes($taskid); if ($records_consigne) { // afficher // DEBUG // echo "<br/>DEBUG ::<br />\n"; // print_r($records_consigne); $nbconsigne = count($records_consigne); $s1 .= '<!-- CONSIGNES --> <div class="ref_affdoc">' . "\n"; if ($nbconsigne > 1) { $s1 .= '<span class="bold">' . get_string('consignes_associees', 'referentiel', $nbconsigne) . '</span>' . "\n"; } else { $s1 .= '<span class="bold">' . get_string('consigne_associee', 'referentiel', $nbconsigne) . '</span>' . "\n"; } $s1 .= "\n"; foreach ($records_consigne as $record_d) { $consigne_id = $record_d->id; $type_consigne = stripslashes($record_d->type_consigne); $description_consigne = stripslashes($record_d->description_consigne); $url_consigne = $record_d->url_consigne; $ref_task = $record_d->ref_task; if (isset($record_d->cible_consigne) && $record_d->cible_consigne == 1) { $cible_consigne = '_blank'; // fenêtre cible } else { $cible_consigne = ''; } if (isset($record_d->etiquette_consigne)) { $etiquette_consigne = $record_d->etiquette_consigne; // fenêtre cible } else { $etiquette_consigne = ''; } // affichage de l'url if (preg_match('/moddata\\/referentiel/', $url_consigne)) { // l'URL doit être transformée $data_r = new Object(); $data_r->id = $consigne_id; $data_r->userid = $auteurid; $data_r->author = referentiel_get_user_info($auteurid); $data_r->url = $url_consigne; $data_r->filearea = 'consigne'; $url_consigne = referentiel_m19_to_m2_file($data_r, $context, false, true); } $date_creation = userdate($record_d->timestamp); if ($detail) { $s2 .= '<span class="bold">' . get_string('consigne', 'referentiel') . '</span><i>' . $consigne_id . '</i> <span class="bold">' . get_string('date_creation', 'referentiel') . '</span> <i>' . $date_creation . '</i> <span class="bold">' . get_string('type', 'referentiel') . '</span> ' . $type_consigne . ' <span class="bold">' . get_string('description', 'referentiel') . '</span><span class="white"> ' . nl2br($description_consigne) . '</span> <span class="bold">' . get_string('url', 'referentiel') . '</span>' . "\n"; $s2 .= referentiel_affiche_url($url_consigne, $etiquette_consigne, $cible_consigne); $s2 .= '<br />' . "\n"; } else { $s2 .= ' ' . referentiel_affiche_url($url_consigne, $etiquette_consigne, $cible_consigne); } } } } $s0 .= ' <a name="task_' . $taskid . '"></a>' . "\n"; // details if ($numero % 2 == 0) { $s0 .= '<div class="ref_affact1">'; } else { $s0 .= '<div class="ref_affact2">'; } $s0 .= '<span class="titre"><span class="bold">' . get_string('type_task', 'referentiel') . '</span>"' . $type_task . '"</span>' . "\n"; $s0 .= '<br /><span class="bold">' . get_string('task', 'referentiel') . ' ' . get_string('numero', 'referentiel') . '</span>' . $taskid . ' <span class="bold">' . get_string('auteur', 'referentiel') . '</span>' . $user_info . "\n"; $s0 .= '<br /><span class="bold">' . get_string('date_creation', 'referentiel') . '</span> <span class="small">' . $date_creation_info . '</span> <span class="bold">' . get_string('date_modification', 'referentiel') . '</span> <span class="small">' . $date_modification_info . '</span> <span class="bold">' . get_string('date_debut', 'referentiel') . '</span> <span class="small">' . $date_debut_info . '</span> <span class="bold">' . get_string('date_fin', 'referentiel') . '</span> <span class="small">' . $date_fin_info . '</span> <br /> <span class="bold">' . get_string('souscription', 'referentiel') . '</span> ' . "\n"; // Modalite souscription if ($souscription_libre == 1) { $s0 .= get_string('libre', 'referentiel') . ' '; } else { if ($cle_souscription != '') { $s0 .= get_string('obtenir_cle_souscription', 'referentiel', $user_info) . ' '; } else { $s0 .= get_string('avec_cle', 'referentiel') . ' '; } } $s0 .= '<span class="bold">' . get_string('liste_codes_competence', 'referentiel') . '</span><span class="white">' . referentiel_affiche_liste_codes_competence('/', $competences_task, $ref_referentiel) . "\n"; $s0 .= '</span><br /><span class="bold">' . get_string('description', 'referentiel') . '</span>' . "\n" . '<div class="ref_aff0">' . nl2br($description_task) . '</div></span><br /><span class="bold">' . get_string('criteres_evaluation', 'referentiel') . '</span> <div class="ref_aff0">' . nl2br($criteres_evaluation) . '</div>' . "\n"; // affichage if ($s1) { $s0 .= $s1; if ($s2) { $s0 .= $s2; } $s0 .= '</div>' . "\n"; } echo $s0 . '</div>' . "\n"; } }
function write_index() { // add xhtml headers and footers global $CFG; global $USER; // get css bit $css_lines = file("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/referentiel/format/html/html.css"); $css = implode(' ', $css_lines); $xp = "<html>\n"; $xp .= "<head>\n"; $xp .= "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n"; $xp .= "<meta author=\"" . referentiel_get_user_info($USER->id) . "\">\n"; $xp .= "<title>" . get_string('archive_file', 'referentiel') . "</title>\n"; $xp .= $css; $xp .= "</head>\n"; $xp .= "<body>\n"; $xp .= "<div id='dataDiv'><h1 align='center'>" . get_string('generatedby', 'referentiel') . "</h1>\n"; $xp .= "<p align='center'>" . date("Y-m-d H:g:s") . "</p>\n"; $xp .= "<div align='center'>\n"; $xp .= $this->get_url_users() . "\n"; $xp .= "</div>\n"; $xp .= "</body>\n"; $xp .= "</html>\n"; return $xp; }
function definition() { $mform =& $this->_form; $arguments = $this->_customdata; // arguments if (isset($arguments['options'])) { $options = $arguments['options']; } else { $option = NULL; } if (isset($arguments['context'])) { $this->context = $arguments['context']; } else { $this->context = NULL; } if (isset($arguments['userid'])) { $this->userid = $arguments['userid']; } else { $this->userid = 0; } if (isset($arguments['instanceid'])) { $this->instanceid = $arguments['instanceid']; } else { $this->instanceid = 0; } if (isset($arguments['occurrenceid'])) { $this->occurrenceid = $arguments['occurrenceid']; } else { $this->occurrenceid = 0; } if (isset($arguments['activite'])) { $this->activiteid = $arguments['activite']; } else { $this->activite = NULL; } if (!empty($this->activite)) { if (isset($this->activite->id)) { $activite_id = $this->activite->id; } else { $activite_id = 0; } if (isset($this->activite->type_activite)) { $type_activite = $this->activite->type_activite; } else { $type_activite = ''; } if (isset($this->activite->description_activite)) { $description_activite = $this->activite->description_activite; } else { $description_activite = ''; } if (isset($this->activite->competences_activite)) { $competences_activite = $this->activite->competences_activite; } else { $competences_activite = ''; // referentiel_get_liste_codes_competence($this->occurrenceid); } $old_liste_competences = $competences_activite; if (isset($this->activite->commentaire_activite)) { $commentaire_activite = $this->activite->commentaire_activite; } else { $commentaire_activite = ''; } if (isset($this->activite->userid)) { $userid = $this->activite->userid; } else { $userid = $this->userid; } if (isset($this->activite->teacherid)) { $teacherid = $this->activite->teacherid; } else { $teacherid = 0; } if (isset($this->activite->approved)) { $approved = $this->activite->approved; } else { $approved = 0; } if (isset($this->activite->ref_task)) { $ref_task = $this->activite->ref_task; } else { $ref_task = 0; } } else { $activite_id = 0; $type_activite = ''; $description_activite = ''; $competences_activite = ''; // referentiel_get_liste_codes_competence($this->occurrenceid); $old_liste_competences = ''; $commentaire_activite = ''; $userid = $this->userid; $teacherid = 0; $approved = 0; $ref_task = 0; } if (isset($option->mode)) { $mode = $option->mode; } else { $mode = ''; } if (isset($option->modulename)) { $modulename = $option->modulename; } else { $modulename = ''; } if (isset($option->select_acc)) { $select_acc = $option->select_acc; } else { $select_acc = 0; } if (isset($option->data_filtre)) { $data_filtre = $option->data_filtre; } else { $data_filtre = NULL; } if (isset($arguments['action'])) { $action = $arguments['action']; } else { $action = 'addactivity'; } // visible elements $mform->addElement('header', 'general', $arguments['msg']); $mform->addHelpButton('general', 'creer_activiteh', 'referentiel'); // preparer les variables globales pour Overlib referentiel_initialise_data_referentiel($this->occurrenceid); if (has_capability('mod/referentiel:managecertif', $this->context)) { // enseignant $mform->addElement('html', '<p><i>' . get_string('creer_activite_teacher', 'referentiel') . '</i></p>' . "\n"); } $jauge_activite_declarees = referentiel_print_jauge_activite($userid, $this->occurrenceid); if ($jauge_activite_declarees) { $jauge_activite_declarees = get_string('competences_declarees', 'referentiel', referentiel_get_user_info($userid)) . ' ' . $jauge_activite_declarees . "\n"; $mform->addElement('html', '<div class="qheader">' . $jauge_activite_declarees . '</div>'); } $mform->addElement('text', 'type_activite', get_string('type_activite', 'referentiel'), array('size' => '40')); $mform->setType('type_activite', PARAM_ALPHA); $mform->addRule('type_activite', get_string('missingtype', 'referentiel'), 'required', null, 'server'); $mform->setDefault('type_activite', $type_activite); $mform->addElement('editor', 'description_activite', get_string('description', 'referentiel')); $mform->setType('description_activite', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->addRule('description_activite', get_string('missingdescription', 'referentiel'), 'required', null, 'server'); $mform->setDefault('description_activite', $description_activite); //if (isteacher($this->userid)){ if (has_capability('mod/referentiel:approve', $this->context)) { $mform->addElement('textarea', 'commentaire_activite', get_string('commentaire', 'referentiel'), 'wrap="virtual" cols="80" rows="5"'); $mform->setType('commentaire_activite', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->setDefault('commentaire_activite', $commentaire_activite); } else { //echo get_string('commentaire','referentiel').': '.$commentaire_activite."\n"; $mform->addElement('hidden', 'commentaire_activite', $commentaire_activite); $mform->setType('commentaire_activite', PARAM_TEXT); } // $saisie_competences=referentiel_modifier_selection_codes_item_hierarchique($this->occurrenceid, $competences_activite, $ref_task, $activite_id, '', 1); // $saisie_competences=referentiel_modifier_selection_codes_item_hierarchique($this->occurrenceid, '', $ref_task, $activite_id, '', 1); // Cette approche ne fonctionne pas // $mform->addElement('html', "\n".'<br /><div class="qheader">'.$saisie_competences.'</div><br />'."\n"); $this->modifier_selection_codes_item_hierarchique($mform, $this->occurrenceid, '', $ref_task, $activite_id, '', 1); /* echo '<br />'."\n"; referentiel_selection_liste_codes_item_hierarchique($this->occurrenceid); echo '<br />'."\n"; */ $radioarray = array(); $radioarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'depot_document', '', get_string('yes'), 1, NULL); $radioarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'depot_document', '', get_string('no'), 0, NULL); $mform->addGroup($radioarray, 'depot_document', get_string('depot_document', 'referentiel'), array(' '), false); $mform->setDefault('depot_document', 0); //echo get_string('notification_activite','referentiel'); $radioarray = array(); $radioarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'mailnow', '', get_string('yes'), 1, NULL); $radioarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'mailnow', '', get_string('no'), 0, NULL); $mform->addGroup($radioarray, 'mailnow', get_string('notification_activite', 'referentiel'), array(' '), false); $mform->setDefault('mailnow', 0); // echo get_string('validation','referentiel').': '."\n"; if (has_capability('mod/referentiel:approve', $this->context)) { $radioarray = array(); $radioarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'approved', '', get_string('yes'), 1, NULL); $radioarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'approved', '', get_string('no'), 0, NULL); $mform->addGroup($radioarray, 'approved', get_string('approved', 'referentiel'), array(' '), false); $mform->setDefault('approved', $approved); } else { /* if ($approved){ echo get_string('approved','referentiel'); } else{ echo get_string('not_approved','referentiel'); } */ $mform->addElement('hidden', 'approved', $approved); $mform->setType('approved', PARAM_INT); } /* //$mform->addElement('filemanager', 'newfile', get_string('uploadafile')); //$mform->addElement('filemanager', 'referentiel_file', get_string('uploadafile'), null, $arguments['options']); // pour une importation puis suppression $mform->addElement('filepicker', 'referentiel_file', get_string('uploadafile'), null, $arguments['options']); */ // hidden params $mform->addElement('hidden', 'activite_id', $activite_id); $mform->setType('activite_id', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'ref_task', $ref_task); $mform->setType('ref_task', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'old_liste_competences', $old_liste_competences); $mform->setType('old_liste_competences', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'userid', $userid); $mform->setType('userid', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'teacherid', $teacherid); $mform->setType('teacherid', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'd', $this->instanceid); $mform->setType('d', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'contextid', $this->context->id); $mform->setType('contextid', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'ref_referentiel', $this->occurrenceid); $mform->setType('ref_referentiel', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'course', $this->courseid); $mform->setType('course', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'ref_instance', $this->instanceid); $mform->setType('ref_instance', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'instance', $this->instanceid); // ??? résidu d'ancienne version ?? $mform->setType('instance', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'modulename', $modulename); $mform->setType('modulename', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'mode', $mode); $mform->setType('mode', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'sesskey', sesskey()); $mform->setType('sesskey', PARAM_TEXT); // Ajout pour les filtres $mform->addElement('hidden', 'select_acc', $select_acc); $mform->setType('select_acc', PARAM_INT); if (!empty($data_filtre)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'filtre_auteur', $data_filtre->filtre_auteur); $mform->setType('filtre_auteur', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'filtre_validation', $data_filtre->filtre_validation); $mform->setType('filtre_validation', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'filtre_referent', $data_filtre->filtre_referent); $mform->setType('filtre_referent', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'filtre_date_modif', $data_filtre->filtre_date_modif); $mform->setType('filtre_date_modif', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'filtre_date_modif_student', $data_filtre->filtre_date_modif_student); $mform->setType('filtre_date_modif_student', PARAM_INT); } $mform->addElement('hidden', 'action', $action); $mform->setType('action', PARAM_ALPHA); // buttons $this->add_action_buttons(true); }
function write_etudiant($record) { // initial string; $expout = ""; // add comment // $expout .= "\n\n<!-- etudiant: $record->id -->\n"; if ($record) { // add header // $expout .= "<div class=\"referentiel\">\n"; // $expout .= "<h4>Etudiant</h4>\n"; // $expout .= "<ul>\n"; // $id = trim($record->id); $userid = trim($record->userid); $ref_etablissement = trim($record->ref_etablissement); $num_etudiant = trim($record->num_etudiant); $ddn_etudiant = trim($record->ddn_etudiant); $lieu_naissance = trim($record->lieu_naissance); $departement_naissance = trim($record->departement_naissance); $adresse_etudiant = trim($record->adresse_etudiant); $login = trim(referentiel_get_user_login($record->userid)); if ($num_etudiant == $login) { $texte = $num_etudiant; } elseif ($num_etudiant == '') { $texte = $login; } else { $texte = $num_etudiant . " (" . $login . ")"; } $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('id', 'referentiel') . "</b> : {$id}</li>\n"; $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('userid', 'referentiel') . "</b> : {$userid}</li>\n"; $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('nom_prenom', 'referentiel') . "</b> : " . referentiel_get_user_info($record->userid) . "</li>\n"; $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('num_etudiant', 'referentiel') . "</b> : {$texte}</li>\n"; $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('ddn_etudiant', 'referentiel') . "</b> : {$ddn_etudiant}</li>\n"; $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('lieu_naissance', 'referentiel') . "</b> : {$lieu_naissance}</li>\n"; $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('departement_naissance', 'referentiel') . "</b> : {$departement_naissance}</li>\n"; $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('adresse_etudiant', 'referentiel') . "</b> : {$adresse_etudiant}</li>\n"; $expout .= " <li><b>" . get_string('ref_etablissement', 'referentiel') . "</b> : {$ref_etablissement}</li>\n"; /* // Etablissement $record_etablissement=referentiel_get_etablissement($record->ref_etablissement); if ($record_etablissement){ $expout .= $this->write_etablissement( $record_etablissement ); } */ $expout .= " </ul>\n"; // $expout .= "</div>\n"; } return $expout; }
<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="' . get_string("quit", "referentiel") . '" /> <br />' . "\n"; foreach ($records_etudiant as $record) { $etudiant_id = $record->id; $num_etudiant = $record->num_etudiant; $ddn_etudiant = $record->ddn_etudiant; $lieu_naissance = $record->lieu_naissance; $departement_naissance = $record->departement_naissance; $adresse_etudiant = $record->adresse_etudiant; $ref_etablissement = $record->ref_etablissement; $userid = $record->userid; $user_info = referentiel_get_user_info($record->userid); // DEBUG // echo "<br/>DEBUG ::<br />\n"; // print_object($record); $user_info = referentiel_get_user_info($userid); // AFFICHER etudiant echo '<hr><h3 align="center">' . get_string('student', 'referentiel') . '</h3> <input type="checkbox" name="tetudiant_id[]" id="tetudiant_id_' . $etudiant_id . '" value="' . $etudiant_id . '" /> <b>' . get_string('select_student', 'referentiel') . '</b> <br />' . "\n"; echo ' <table cellpadding="5" width="80%"> <tr valign="top"> <td align="right"> <b>' . get_string('nom_prenom', 'referentiel') . ':</b> </td> <td align="left">' . $user_info . '</td> </tr> <tr valign="top">
if ($user_nb_activities_displayed == 0) { // Afficher les predecesseurs sans activite avant d'afficher les declarations de celui-ci $s_no_activity = ''; $k = $index_user - 1; // rechercher le successeur sans activite while ($k > 0 && $t_users_count[$k] == 0) { $s_no_activity = '<div align="center" class="grise">' . referentiel_print_aucune_activite_user($t_users[$k]) . '</div>' . "\n" . $s_no_activity; $k--; } if (!empty($s_no_activity)) { echo $s_no_activity; } } $first_activity = 0; } echo '<div align="center">' . get_string('competences_declarees', 'referentiel', '<span class="bold">' . referentiel_get_user_info($record_a->userid) . '</span>') . "\n" . referentiel_print_jauge_activite($record_a->userid, $referentiel_referentiel->id) . '</div>' . "\n"; if ($modeaff == 2) { // if ($index_user >= 0 && isset($t_users_count[$index_user]) && $t_users_count[$index_user] > 0) { // nb activites echo '<div align="center"><i>' . get_string('activitynumber', 'referentiel', $t_users_count[$index_user]) . '</i></div>' . "\n"; } } } referentiel_print_activite_detail($bareme, $record_a, $context, $modeaff == 1); if ($record_a->ref_course == $course->id) { referentiel_menu_activite($cm, $context, $record_a->id, $record_a->userid, $referentiel->id, $record_a->approved, $selacc, $modeaff == 1, $mode); if (!$record_a->approved) { echo '<div align="center">' . referentiel_ajout_document($record_a, $mode, $selacc) . "</div>\n"; } } else {
function referentiel_conversion_url_m19($delete = false, $verbose = false) { // move all m19 links and data to m2.x links and files global $CFG; global $DB; // documents $params = array('urlm19' => '%/moddata/referentiel/%'); $sql = "SELECT id, ref_activite, url_document FROM {referentiel_document} WHERE url_document LIKE :urlm19 ORDER BY ref_activite "; $recs_documents = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); if (!empty($recs_documents)) { $activiteid = 0; foreach ($recs_documents as $doc) { if ($doc->ref_activite != $activiteid) { $activiteid = $doc->ref_activite; $activite = $DB->get_record('referentiel_activite', array('id' => $doc->ref_activite)); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('referentiel', $activite->ref_instance, $activite->ref_course); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); } $data_r = new Object(); $data_r->id = $doc->id; $data_r->userid = $activite->userid; $data_r->author = referentiel_get_user_info($activite->userid); $data_r->url = $doc->url_document; $data_r->filearea = 'document'; $url_document = referentiel_m19_to_m2_file($data_r, $context, $verbose, $delete); } } // consignes $params = array('urlm19' => '%/moddata/referentiel/%'); $sql = "SELECT id, ref_task, url_consigne FROM {referentiel_consigne} WHERE url_consigne LIKE :urlm19 ORDER BY ref_task "; $recs_consignes = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); if (!empty($recs_consignes)) { $taskid = 0; foreach ($recs_consignes as $doc) { if ($doc->ref_task != $taskid) { $taskid = $doc->ref_task; $task = $DB->get_record('referentiel_task', array('id' => $doc->ref_task)); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('referentiel', $task->ref_instance, $task->ref_course); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); } $data_r = new Object(); $data_r->id = $doc->id; $data_r->userid = $task->auteurid; $data_r->author = referentiel_get_user_info($task->auteurid); $data_r->url = $doc->url_consigne; $data_r->filearea = 'consigne'; $url_consigne = referentiel_m19_to_m2_file($data_r, $context, $verbose, $delete); } } //$CFG->referentiel_migration_19_2x=0; // pas de nouvelle conversion en principe... }
function referentiel_print_etudiant_2($userid, $referentiel_id, $context, $appli) { // fusion de referentiel_print_etudiant($record) et de referentiel_menu_etudiant($context, $record->id, $referentiel_instance->id, $record->approved); global $CFG; global $USER; global $OUTPUT; $s = ""; if ($userid) { $record = referentiel_get_etudiant_user($userid); if ($record) { $s .= '<tr bgcolor="white">'; $s .= '<td>' . referentiel_get_user_login($userid); $s .= '</td><td>' . referentiel_get_user_info($record->userid); $s .= '</td><td>'; if ($record->num_etudiant == 'l_inconnu') { $s .= get_string('l_inconnu', 'referentiel'); } else { $s .= stripslashes($record->num_etudiant); } $s .= '</td><td>'; if ($record->ddn_etudiant == 'l_inconnu') { $s .= get_string('l_inconnu', 'referentiel'); } else { $s .= stripslashes($record->ddn_etudiant); } $s .= '</td><td>'; if ($record->lieu_naissance == 'l_inconnu') { $s .= get_string('l_inconnu', 'referentiel'); } else { $s .= stripslashes($record->lieu_naissance); } $s .= '</td><td>'; if ($record->departement_naissance == 'l_inconnu') { $s .= get_string('l_inconnu', 'referentiel'); } else { $s .= stripslashes($record->departement_naissance); } $s .= '</td><td>'; if ($record->adresse_etudiant == 'l_inconnu') { $s .= get_string('l_inconnu', 'referentiel'); } else { $s .= stripslashes($record->adresse_etudiant); } $s .= '</td><td>'; $s .= referentiel_select_etablissement($record->userid, $record->ref_etablissement, $appli); $s .= '</td><td>'; // menu if (has_capability('mod/referentiel:managecertif', $context) or $USER->id == $record->userid) { $s .= ' <a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/referentiel/etudiant.php?d=' . $referentiel_id . '&userid=' . $record->userid . '&mode=updateetudiant&sesskey=' . sesskey() . '"><img src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('/t/edit') . '" alt="' . get_string('edit') . '" title="' . get_string('edit') . '" /></a>' . "\n"; } if (has_capability('mod/referentiel:managecertif', $context)) { $s .= ' <a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/referentiel/etudiant.php?d=' . $referentiel_id . '&userid=' . $record->userid . '&mode=deleteetudiant&sesskey=' . sesskey() . '"><img src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('/t/delete') . '" alt="' . get_string('delete') . '" title="' . get_string('delete') . '" /></a>' . "\n"; } $s .= '</td></tr>' . "\n"; } } return $s; }
/** * Turns referentiel instance into an xml segment * @param referentiel instanceobject * @return string xml segment */ function write_certificat($record) { global $CFG; // initial string; $s1 = ''; $s2 = ''; $nbchamps = 0; $expout = ""; // add comment and div tags if ($record) { // DEBUG // echo "<br />DEBUG LIGNE 1021<br />\n"; // print_r($referentiel_instance); $id = trim($record->id); $commentaire_certificat = trim($record->commentaire_certificat); $synthese_certificat = trim($record->synthese_certificat); $competences_certificat = trim($record->competences_certificat); $competences_activite = trim($record->competences_activite); $decision_jury = trim($record->decision_jury); if ($record->date_decision) { $date_decision = userdate(trim($record->date_decision)); } else { $date_decision = ""; } $userid = trim($record->userid); $teacherid = trim($record->teacherid); if ($teacherid != 0) { $nom_prenom_teacher = referentiel_get_user_info($teacherid); } else { $nom_prenom_teacher = ""; } $ref_referentiel = trim($record->ref_referentiel); $verrou = trim($record->verrou); $valide = trim($record->valide); $evaluation = trim($record->evaluation); $pourcentages = ''; // calcul des pourcentages if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_pourcent) { if (isset($verrou) && $verrou != "") { if ($verrou != 0) { $bgcolor = 'verrouille'; } else { $bgcolor = 'deverrouille'; } } else { $bgcolor = 'deverrouille'; } // Tableau $pourcentages = referentiel_retourne_certificat_consolide('/', ':', $competences_certificat, $ref_referentiel, ' class="' . $bgcolor . '"'); } // USER if (isset($record->userid) && $record->userid > 0) { $record_etudiant = referentiel_get_etudiant_user($record->userid); if (!$record_etudiant) { // creer l'enregistrement car on en a besoin immediatement if (referentiel_add_etudiant_user($record->userid)) { $record_etudiant = referentiel_get_etudiant_user($record->userid); } } if ($record_etudiant) { $s2 = ''; if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_decision_jury) { $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('decision', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('datedecision', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $nbchamps += 2; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_referents) { $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('valide_par', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $nbchamps++; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_detail) { $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('verrou', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('evaluation', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $nbchamps += 2; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_commentaire) { $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('commentaire', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('synthese', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $nbchamps += 2; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_activite_competences) { $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('competences_declare', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $nbchamps++; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_competences) { $s2 .= "<th class='referentiel'>" . get_string('competences_certificat', 'referentiel') . "</th>\n"; $nbchamps++; } $s1 .= "<!-- certification : {$record->id} -->\n"; $s1 .= "<table class='referentiel'>\n"; $s1 .= $this->write_etudiant($record_etudiant, $nbchamps); $s1 .= "<tr class='referentiel'><td class='referentiel' colspan='" . $nbchamps . "'><b>" . get_string('certificat', 'referentiel') . "</b></td></tr>\n"; $s1 .= "<tr class='referentiel'>\n</tr>\n"; $s1 .= $s2; $s1 .= "</tr>\n"; $s2 = ''; if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_decision_jury) { $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>{$decision_jury}</td>\n"; if ($date_decision != "") { $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>{$date_decision}</td>\n"; } else { $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'> </td>\n"; } } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_referents) { $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>" . $nom_prenom_teacher . "</td>\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_detail) { $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>{$verrou}</td>\n"; $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>{$evaluation}</td>\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_commentaire) { $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>{$commentaire_certificat} </td>\n"; $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>{$synthese_certificat} </td>\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_activite_competences) { $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>" . referentiel_affiche_competences_certificat('/', ':', $competences_activite, $this->liste_empreintes_competence) . "</td>\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_competences) { $s2 .= "<td class='referentiel'>" . referentiel_affiche_competences_certificat('/', ':', $competences_certificat, $this->liste_empreintes_competence, false) . "</td>\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_competences && $this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_detail) { $s2 .= "</tr>\n<tr class='referentiel'>\n<th class='referentiel' colspan='" . $nbchamps . "'>\n" . get_string('certificat_sel_certificat_detail', 'referentiel') . "</th></tr>\n"; $s2 .= "<tr class='referentiel'>\n<td class='referentiel' colspan='" . $nbchamps . "'>\n<table class='referentiel'>\n"; $s2 .= '<tr valign="top"><th>' . get_string('code', 'referentiel') . '</th><th>' . get_string('approved', 'referentiel') . '</th><th colspan="3">' . get_string('description_item', 'referentiel') . '</th><th>' . get_string('p_item', 'referentiel') . '</th><th>' . get_string('e_item', 'referentiel') . '</th></tr>' . "\n"; $s2 .= referentiel_affiche_detail_competences('/', ':', $competences_certificat, $this->liste_empreintes_competence, $this->liste_poids_competence) . "</table>\n</td>\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_pourcent) { $s2 .= "</tr>\n<tr class='referentiel'>\n<th class='referentiel' colspan='" . $nbchamps . "'>\n" . get_string('pourcentage', 'referentiel') . "</th></tr>\n"; $s2 .= "<tr class='referentiel'>\n<td class='referentiel' colspan='" . $nbchamps . "'>" . $pourcentages . "</td>\n"; } $s1 .= "<tr class='referentiel'>\n"; $s1 .= $s2; $s1 .= "</tr>\n"; $s1 .= "</table>\n\n"; $expout .= $s1; } } } return $expout; }
function referentiel_liste_activite($record_a, $classcolor) { global $CFG; $s = ""; if ($record_a) { $activite_id = $record_a->id; $type_activite = stripslashes($record_a->type_activite); $description_activite = stripslashes($record_a->description_activite); $competences_activite = $record_a->competences_activite; $commentaire_activite = stripslashes($record_a->commentaire_activite); $ref_instance = $record_a->ref_instance; $ref_referentiel = $record_a->ref_referentiel; $ref_course = $record_a->ref_course; $userid = $record_a->userid; $teacherid = $record_a->teacherid; $date_creation = $record_a->date_creation; $date_modif_student = $record_a->date_modif_student; $date_modif = $record_a->date_modif; $approved = $record_a->approved; $ref_task = $record_a->ref_task; $user_info = referentiel_get_user_info($userid); $teacher_info = referentiel_get_user_info($teacherid); // dates if ($date_creation != 0) { $date_creation_info = userdate($date_creation); } else { $date_creation_info = ''; } if ($date_modif != 0) { $date_modif_info = userdate($date_modif); } else { $date_modif_info = ''; } if ($date_modif_student == 0) { $date_modif_student = $date_creation; } if ($date_modif_student != 0) { $date_modif_student_info = userdate($date_modif_student); } else { $date_modif_student_info = ''; } $s .= "\n" . '<div class="activite_' . $classcolor . '">'; $s .= ' <a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/referentiel/activite.php?d=' . $ref_instance . '&activite_id=' . $activite_id . '">' . get_string('activite', 'referentiel') . ' ' . $activite_id . '</a>' . "\n"; $s .= ' <b>' . $type_activite . '</b> '; $s .= '<br />' . get_string('auteur', 'referentiel') . ' <b>' . $user_info . '</b> '; // MODIF JF 2012/05/06 $group_info = referentiel_liste_groupes_user($ref_course, $userid); if (!empty($group_info)) { $s .= ' (' . $group_info . ') '; } $s .= ' (<i>' . get_string('date_modif_student', 'referentiel') . ' ' . $date_modif_student_info . '</i>) '; if (!empty($competences_activite)) { $s .= '<br />'; $s .= get_string('competences', 'referentiel') . ' '; $s .= ' ' . referentiel_affiche_liste_codes_competence('/', $competences_activite, $ref_referentiel); } if (!empty($description_activite)) { $s .= '<br />'; $s .= get_string('description', 'referentiel') . '<i><span class="small">'; if (strlen($description_activite) > 1024) { $s .= substr(nl2br($description_activite), 0, 1024) . '(...)'; } else { $s .= nl2br($description_activite); } $s .= '</span></i> '; } $s .= '<br />'; if ($teacher_info) { $s .= get_string('referent', 'referentiel') . ' <b>' . $teacher_info . '</b>'; } else { $s .= '<span class="alerte">' . get_string('pasdereferent', 'referentiel') . '</span>'; } if ($date_modif_info) { $s .= ' (<i>'; $s .= get_string('date_modif', 'referentiel') . ' ' . $date_modif_info; $s .= '</i>) '; } if ($commentaire_activite) { $s .= '<br />'; $s .= '<i><span class="small">'; if (strlen($commentaire_activite) > 1024) { $s .= substr(nl2br($commentaire_activite), 0, 1024) . '(...)'; } else { $s .= nl2br($commentaire_activite); } $s .= '</i></span>' . "\n"; } $s .= '</div>' . "\n"; } return $s; }
/** * Turns task into an xml segment * @param task object * @return string xml segment */ function write_task($task) { global $CFG; // initial string; $expout = ""; // add comment if ($task) { // DEBUG // echo "<br />\n"; // print_r($task); $id = $task->id; $type_task = trim($task->type_task); $description_task = trim($task->description_task); $competences_task = trim($task->competences_task); $criteres_evaluation = trim($task->criteres_evaluation); $ref_instance = $task->ref_instance; $ref_referentiel = $task->ref_referentiel; $ref_course = $task->ref_course; $auteurid = trim($task->auteurid); $date_creation = $task->date_creation; $date_modif = $task->date_modif; $date_debut = $task->date_debut; $date_fin = $task->date_fin; $expout .= "\n\n<!-- task: {$task->id} -->\n"; $expout .= "<table class='competence'>\n"; $expout .= "<tr>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('id', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('type_task', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('description', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('competences', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('criteres_evaluation', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; // $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>".get_string('instance','referentiel')."</b></th>\n"; // $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>".get_string('referentiel','referentiel')."</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('course') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('auteur', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('date_creation', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('date_modif', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('date_debut', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"competence\"><b>" . get_string('date_fin', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= "</tr>\n"; $expout .= "<tr>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\"> {$id}</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\"> {$type_task}</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\"> {$description_task}</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\"> {$competences_task}</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\"> {$criteres_evaluation}</td>\n"; /* $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\"> $ref_instance</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\"> $ref_referentiel</td>\n"; */ $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\">" . referentiel_get_course_link($ref_course, true) . "</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\">" . referentiel_get_user_info($auteurid) . "</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\">" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_creation) . "</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\">" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_modif) . "</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\">" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_debut) . "</td>\n"; $expout .= "<td class=\"competence\">" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_fin) . "</td>\n"; $expout .= "</tr>\n"; $expout .= "</table>\n"; // consigneS $records_consignes = referentiel_get_consignes($task->id); if ($records_consignes) { // DEBUG // echo "<br/>DEBUG :: ITEMS <br />\n"; // print_r($records_consignes); $expout .= "<table class='item'>\n"; $expout .= " <tr>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"item\"><b>" . get_string('type_consigne', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"item\"><b>" . get_string('description', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"item\"><b>" . get_string('url', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " <th class=\"item\"><b>" . get_string('task', 'referentiel') . "</b></th>\n"; $expout .= " </tr>\n"; foreach ($records_consignes as $record_d) { $expout .= $this->write_consigne($record_d); } $expout .= "</table>\n"; } } return $expout; }
/** * Turns referentiel instance into an xml segment * @param referentiel instanceobject * @return string xml segment */ function write_certificat($record) { global $CFG; // initial string; $s1 = ''; $s2 = ''; $s3 = ''; $nbchamps = 0; $expout = ""; // add comment and div tags if ($record) { // DEBUG // echo "<br />DEBUG LIGNE 1021<br />\n"; // print_r($referentiel_instance); $id = trim($record->id); $commentaire_certificat = trim($record->commentaire_certificat); $synthese_certificat = trim($record->synthese_certificat); $competences_certificat = trim($record->competences_certificat); $competences_activite = trim($record->competences_activite); $decision_jury = trim($record->decision_jury); if ($record->date_decision) { $date_decision = userdate(trim($record->date_decision)); } else { $date_decision = ""; } $userid = trim($record->userid); $teacherid = trim($record->teacherid); if ($teacherid != 0) { $nom_prenom_teacher = referentiel_get_user_info($teacherid); } else { $nom_prenom_teacher = ""; } $ref_referentiel = trim($record->ref_referentiel); $verrou = trim($record->verrou); $valide = trim($record->valide); $evaluation = trim($record->evaluation); $pourcentages = ''; // calcul des pourcentages if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_pourcent) { if (isset($verrou) && $verrou != "") { if ($verrou != 0) { $bgcolor = 'verrouille'; } else { $bgcolor = 'deverrouille'; } } else { $bgcolor = 'deverrouille'; } // ligne des certificat $pourcentages = $this->affiche_certificat_consolide('/', ':', $competences_certificat, $ref_referentiel, ' class="' . $bgcolor . '"'); } // USER if (isset($record->userid) && $record->userid > 0) { $record_etudiant = referentiel_get_etudiant_user($record->userid); if (!$record_etudiant) { // creer l'enregistrement car on en a besoin immediatement if (referentiel_add_etudiant_user($record->userid)) { $record_etudiant = referentiel_get_etudiant_user($record->userid); } } if ($record_etudiant) { // ligne de presentation des champs etudiant $s3 = ''; $s3 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes('#' . get_string('etudiant', 'referentiel'))))) . ";\n"; $s3 .= "#id;"; if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_etudiant_nom_prenom) { $s3 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('lastname'))) . ";" . $this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('firstname'))))) . ";"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_etudiant_numero) { $s3 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('num_etudiant', 'referentiel'))))) . ";"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_etudiant_ddn) { $s3 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('ddn_etudiant', 'referentiel'))))) . ";"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_etudiant_lieu_naissance) { $s3 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('lieu_naissance', 'referentiel'))))) . ";"; $s3 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('departement_naissance', 'referentiel'))))) . ";"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_etudiant_adresse) { $s3 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('adresse_etudiant', 'referentiel'))))) . ";"; } $s3 .= "\n"; $s1 .= $s3; // fin ligne presentation $s1 .= $this->write_etudiant($record_etudiant, $nbchamps); $s1 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes('#' . get_string('certificat', 'referentiel'))))) . ";\n"; $s2 = ''; if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_decision_jury) { $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep('#' . get_string('decision', 'referentiel')))) . ";"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(get_string('datedecision', 'referentiel')))) . ";"; $s2 .= "\n"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes($decision_jury)))) . ";"; if ($date_decision != "") { $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes($date_decision)))) . ";"; } else { $s2 .= ";"; } $s2 .= "\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_referents) { $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep('#' . get_string('valide_par', 'referentiel')))) . ";"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes($nom_prenom_teacher)))) . ";\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_detail) { $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep('#' . get_string('verrou', 'referentiel')))) . ";"; $s2 .= $verrou . ";"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(get_string('evaluation', 'referentiel')))) . ";"; $s2 .= $evaluation . ";"; $s2 .= "\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_commentaire) { $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep('#' . get_string('commentaire', 'referentiel')))) . ";\n"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes($commentaire_certificat)))) . ";\n"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep('#' . get_string('synthese_certificat', 'referentiel')))) . ";\n"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes($synthese_certificat)))) . ";\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_activite_competences) { $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep('#' . get_string('competences_declare', 'referentiel')))) . ";\n"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere($this->affiche_competences_certificat('/', ':', $competences_activite, $this->liste_empreintes_competence, true)) . ";\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_competences) { $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep('#' . get_string('competences_certificat', 'referentiel')))) . ";\n"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere($this->affiche_competences_certificat('/', ':', $competences_certificat, $this->liste_empreintes_competence, true)) . ";\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_competences && $this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_detail) { $s2 .= "\n#" . $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('certificat_sel_certificat_detail', 'referentiel'))))) . ";\n"; $s2 .= "#" . $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('code', 'referentiel'))))) . ';' . $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('approved', 'referentiel'))))) . ';' . $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('description_item', 'referentiel'))))) . ';' . $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('p_item', 'referentiel'))))) . ';' . $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('e_item', 'referentiel'))))) . ';' . "\n"; $s2 .= $this->output_codage_caractere($this->affiche_detail_competences('/', ':', $competences_certificat, $this->liste_empreintes_competence, $this->liste_poids_competence)) . ";\n"; } if ($this->certificat_sel_param->certificat_sel_certificat_pourcent) { $s2 .= "\n#" . $this->output_codage_caractere(trim($this->purge_sep(stripslashes(get_string('pourcentage', 'referentiel'))))) . ";\n"; $s2 .= $pourcentages . ";\n"; } $s1 .= $s2; $s1 .= "\n\n"; $expout .= $s1; } } } return $expout; }
function referentiel_print_association($record_pedago, $context, $userid, $refid, $refrefid) { if ($record_pedago) { $username = ''; $user_info = ''; if ($userid) { $username = referentiel_get_user_login($userid); $user_info = referentiel_get_user_info($userid); } // dates $date_cloture = $record_pedago->date_cloture; ?> <a name="<?php echo "pedago_{$record_pedago->id}"; ?> "></a> <tr valign="top"> <td align="left"> <?php p($username); ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php p($user_info); ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo $date_cloture; ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo $record_pedago->promotion; ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo stripslashes($record_pedago->formation); ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo stripslashes($record_pedago->pedagogie); ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo stripslashes($record_pedago->composante); ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo stripslashes($record_pedago->num_groupe); ?> </td> <?php if (has_capability('mod/referentiel:managecertif', $context)) { echo '<td align="left">'; echo referentiel_menu_association($context, $refid, $userid); echo '</td>' . "\n"; } ?> </tr> <?php } }
/** Affiche le nombre d'activites de l'utilisateur * * input @param record_a an object * numero integer * output string * **/ function referentiel_print_bilan_activite_user($record_a, $courseid) { $s = ''; if ($record_a) { $userid = $record_a->userid; $activitynumber = $record_a->activitynumber; $user_info = referentiel_get_user_info($userid); $liste_groupes = referentiel_liste_groupes_user($courseid, $userid); // Affichage $s .= '<a name="userid_' . $userid . '"></a>' . "\n"; if ($activitynumber > 0) { $s .= '<div align="center">'; $s .= $user_info; if (!empty($liste_groupes)) { $s .= ' <i>' . $liste_groupes . '</i>' . "\n"; } $s .= ' (<span class="light">' . get_string('activitynumber', 'referentiel') . '</span> <span class="ital">' . $activitynumber . '</span>)' . "\n"; $s .= '<br /><br />' . "\n"; } else { $date_modif_info = userdate(time()); $s .= '<div class="error">'; $s .= get_string('zero_activite', 'referentiel', $date_modif_info) . ' ' . $user_info . "\n"; } $s .= '</div>' . "\n"; } return $s; }
function referentiel_get_manage_archives($contextid, $titre, $appli, $userid_filtre = 0, $instanceid = 0, $ok_portfolio = false, $report = false, $export_format = '') { // retourne la liste des liens vers des fichiers stockes dans le filearea // propose la suppression global $CFG; global $OUTPUT; // Archives older than REFERENTIEL_ARCHIVE_OBSOLETE days will be deleted. $delai_destruction = REFERENTIEL_ARCHIVE_OBSOLETE * 24 * 3600; $date_obsolete = time() - $delai_destruction; $msg = get_string('archive_deleted', 'referentiel', date("Y-m-d H:i:s.", $date_obsolete)); $s = ''; $total_size = 0; $nfile = 0; // fileareas autorisees $filearea = 'archive'; $strauthor = get_string('auteur', 'referentiel'); $strfilename = get_string('filename', 'referentiel'); $strfilesize = get_string('filesize', 'referentiel'); $strtimecreated = get_string('timecreated', 'referentiel'); $strtimemodified = get_string('timemodified', 'referentiel'); $strmimetype = get_string('mimetype', 'referentiel'); $strmenu = get_string('delete'); $strportfolio = get_string('publishporttfolio', 'referentiel'); $strurl = get_string('url'); // publication via potfolio if ($ok_portfolio) { require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php'; } $fs = get_file_storage(); if ($files = $fs->get_area_files($contextid, 'mod_referentiel', $filearea, 0, "timemodified", false)) { $table = new html_table(); if ($ok_portfolio) { $table->head = array($strauthor, $strfilename, $strfilesize, $strtimecreated, $strtimemodified, $strmimetype, $strmenu, $strportfolio); $table->align = array("right", "center", "left", "left", "left", "center", "center", "center"); } else { $table->head = array($strauthor, $strfilename, $strfilesize, $strtimecreated, $strtimemodified, $strmimetype, $strmenu); $table->align = array("right", "center", "left", "left", "left", "center", "center"); } $ok = false; //drapeau d'affichage foreach ($files as $file) { // print_object($file); $filesize = $file->get_filesize(); $filename = $file->get_filename(); $mimetype = $file->get_mimetype(); $filepath = $file->get_filepath(); $iconimage = '<img src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_mimetype_icon($mimetype)) . '" class="icon" alt="' . $mimetype . '" />'; $userid = 0; $author = ''; $parts = explode('/', $filepath); if (is_array($parts)) { $refrefid = $parts[1]; if (isset($parts[2])) { $userid = trim($parts[2]); // echo "<br />USER:$userid\n"; $author = '#' . $userid . ' ' . referentiel_get_user_info($userid); } } $fullpath = '/' . $contextid . '/mod_referentiel/' . $filearea . '/' . '0' . $filepath . $filename; // echo "<br />FULPATH :: $fullpath \n"; $timecreated = userdate($file->get_timecreated(), "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M", 99, false); $timemodified = userdate($file->get_timemodified(), "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M", 99, false); $link = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php' . $fullpath); $url = ' <a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank">' . $iconimage . $filename . '</a><br />' . "\n"; $delete_link = '<input type="checkbox" name="deletefile[]" value="' . $fullpath . '" />' . "\n"; if ($userid && ($userid_filtre == 0 || $userid == $userid_filtre)) { // afficher ce fichier $ok = true; $output_button = ''; // Publish button if ($ok_portfolio) { $params = array('instanceid' => $instanceid, 'attachment' => $file->get_id(), 'report' => $report, 'export_format' => $export_format); // DEBUG /* echo "<br />DEBUG :: lib_archive.php :: 585 :: PARAM PORTFOLIO<br />\n"; print_object($params); echo "<br />\n"; // exit; */ $button = new portfolio_add_button(); // Version anterieure à Moodle 2.4 // $button->set_callback_options('referentiel_portfolio_caller', // $params, '/mod/referentiel/portfolio/mahara/locallib_portfolio.php'); // Version Moodle 2.4 $button->set_callback_options('referentiel_portfolio_caller', $params, 'mod_referentiel'); $button->set_format_by_file($file); // $button->set_formats(array(PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_FILE)); // $output_button = "<a href=\"$path\">$iconimage</a> "; $output_button .= $button->to_html(PORTFOLIO_ADD_ICON_LINK); $table->data[] = array($author, $url, display_size($filesize), $timecreated, $timemodified, $mimetype, $delete_link, $output_button); } else { $table->data[] = array($author, $url, display_size($filesize), $timecreated, $timemodified, $mimetype, $delete_link); } $total_size += $filesize; $nfile++; } } if ($ok) { if ($ok_portfolio) { $table->data[] = array('', get_string('nbfile', 'referentiel', $nfile), get_string('totalsize', 'referentiel', display_size($total_size)), '', '', '', ''); } else { $table->data[] = array('', get_string('nbfile', 'referentiel', $nfile), get_string('totalsize', 'referentiel', display_size($total_size)), '', ''); } echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter'); echo '<div align="center">' . "\n"; echo '<h3>' . $titre . '</h3>' . "\n"; // message d'information echo '<p><i>' . $msg . '</i></p>' . "\n"; echo '<form method="post" action="' . $appli . '">' . "\n"; echo "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey() . '" />' . "\n"; echo '<div align="center">' . "\n"; echo '<input type="button" name="select_all_archive" id="select_tous_enseignants" value="' . get_string('select_all', 'referentiel') . '" onClick="return checkall()" />' . "\n"; // echo ' <input type="button" name="select_not_any_archive" id="select_aucun_enseignant" value="'.get_string('select_not_any', 'referentiel').'" onClick="return uncheckall()" />'."\n"; // echo '<input type="reset" value="'.get_string('corriger', 'referentiel').'" />'."\n"; echo ' <input type="reset" value="' . get_string('select_not_any', 'referentiel') . '" />' . "\n"; echo ' '; echo '<input type="submit" name="save" value="' . get_string('deletefile', 'referentiel') . '" />' . "\n"; echo '<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="' . get_string('quit', 'referentiel') . '" />' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo html_writer::table($table); echo '<div align="center">' . "\n"; echo '<input type="button" name="select_all_archive" id="select_tous_enseignants" value="' . get_string('select_all', 'referentiel') . '" onClick="return checkall()" />' . "\n"; // echo ' <input type="button" name="select_not_any_archive" id="select_aucun_enseignant" value="'.get_string('select_not_any', 'referentiel').'" onClick="return uncheckall()" />'."\n"; // echo '<input type="reset" value="'.get_string('corriger', 'referentiel').'" />'."\n"; echo ' <input type="reset" value="' . get_string('select_not_any', 'referentiel') . '" />' . "\n"; echo ' '; echo '<input type="submit" name="save" value="' . get_string('deletefile', 'referentiel') . '" />' . "\n"; echo '<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="' . get_string('quit', 'referentiel') . '" />' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '</form>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); } } }
/** * this is a very cut down version of what is in referentiel_certificat print_lib * * @global object * @return string */ private function prepare_certificat() { global $DB; $output = ''; if (!empty($this->certificat)) { $fullname = ''; $fullnameteacher = get_string('l_inconnu', 'referentiel'); if (!empty($this->certificat->userid)) { $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->certificat->userid)); if ($user) { $fullname = fullname($user, true); $login = $user->username; } } if (!empty($this->certificat->teacherid)) { $teacher = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->certificat->teacherid)); if ($teacher) { $fullnameteacher = fullname($teacher, true); } } $by = new stdClass(); $by->name = $fullnameteacher; $by->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $liste_empreintes = referentiel_purge_dernier_separateur(referentiel_get_liste_empreintes_competence($this->certificat->ref_referentiel), '/'); $liste_description_competences_poids = referentiel_purge_dernier_separateur(referentiel_get_liste_poids($this->certificat->ref_referentiel), '|'); // $liste_competences=referentiel_affiche_competences_certificat('/',':',$this->certificat->competences_certificat, $liste_empreintes); $liste_competences = $this->affiche_competences_validees('/', ':', $this->certificat->competences_certificat, $liste_empreintes, $liste_description_competences_poids); // format the body $s = '<h3>' . get_string('certification', 'referentiel') . ' '; if (!empty($this->occurrence->url_referentiel)) { $s .= get_string('referentiel', 'referentiel') . ' <a href="' . $this->occurrence->url_referentiel . '" target="_blank">' . $this->occurrence->code_referentiel . '</a></h3>' . "\n"; } else { $s .= get_string('referentiel', 'referentiel') . ' ' . $this->occurrence->code_referentiel . '</h3>' . "\n"; } $s .= '<p><b>' . get_string('name', 'referentiel') . ':</b> ' . $fullname . ' (<i>' . $login . '</i>)<br />' . '<b>' . get_string('userid', 'referentiel') . '</b>: #' . $this->certificat->userid . '<br />' . '<b>' . get_string('id', 'referentiel') . get_string('certificat', 'referentiel') . '</b>: #' . $this->certificat->id . '<br />' . '<b>' . get_string('competences_certificat', 'referentiel') . ':</b><br />' . $liste_competences . '<br />' . "\n"; // .'<b>'.get_string('competences_declarees', 'referentiel', $fullname).':</b><br />'.$this->certificat->competences_activite.'<br />' if (!empty($this->certificat->verrou)) { $s .= '<i>' . get_string('certificat', 'referentiel') . ' ' . get_string('verrou', 'referentiel') . '</i><br />' . "\n"; } if (!empty($this->certificat->synthese_certificat)) { $s .= '<b>' . get_string('synthese_certificat', 'referentiel') . ':</b> ' . $this->certificat->synthese_certificat . '<br />' . "\n"; } if (empty($this->certificat->decision_jury)) { $s .= '<b>' . get_string('decisionnotfound', 'referentiel', date("Y-m-d")) . '</b><br />'; } else { $s .= '<b>' . get_string('decision_jury', 'referentiel') . ':</b> ' . $this->certificat->decision_jury . '<br />'; } if (!empty($this->certificat->teacherid)) { $s .= '<b>' . get_string('referent', 'referentiel') . ':</b> ' . referentiel_get_user_info($this->certificat->teacherid) . '<br />'; } if (!empty($this->certificat->date_decision)) { $s .= '<b>' . get_string('date_decision', 'referentiel') . ':</b> ' . userdate($this->certificat->date_decision) . '<br />'; } if (!empty($this->certificat->commentaire_certificat)) { $s .= '<b>' . get_string('commentaire_certificat', 'referentiel') . ': </b>' . $this->certificat->commentaire_certificat . '</p>' . "\n"; } $s .= '</p>' . "\n"; // echo $s; // exit; $options = portfolio_format_text_options(); $format = $this->get('exporter')->get('format'); $formattedtext = format_text($s, FORMAT_HTML, $options); // $formattedtext = portfolio_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($formattedtext, $this->context->id, 'mod_referentiel', 'certificat', $certificat->id, $format); $output = '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#333300">'; $output .= '<tr valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"><td>'; $output .= '<div><b>' . get_string('certificat', 'referentiel') . ' ' . format_string($this->occurrence->code_referentiel) . '</b></div>'; if (!empty($this->certificat->decision_jury)) { $output .= '<div>' . get_string('proposedbynameondate', 'referentiel', $by) . '</div>'; } else { $output .= '<div>' . get_string('evaluatedbynameondate', 'referentiel', $by) . '</div>'; } $output .= '</td></tr>'; $output .= '<tr valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"><td align="left">'; $output .= $formattedtext; $output .= '</td></tr></table>' . "\n\n"; } return $output; }
function referentiel_activite_id($context, $mode, $cm, $instance, $activite_id, $bareme, $select_acc = 0, $detail = true) { global $COURSE; // Specifique car on a l'id de l'activite if ($activite_id) { $record_a = referentiel_get_activite($activite_id); if (!empty($record_a)) { echo '<div align="center">' . get_string('competences_declarees', 'referentiel', '<span class="bold">' . referentiel_get_user_info($record_a->userid) . '</span>') . "\n" . referentiel_print_jauge_activite($record_a->userid, $instance->ref_referentiel) . '</div>' . "\n"; referentiel_print_activite_detail($bareme, $record_a, $context, true, 0); if (!$record_a->approved) { echo '<div align="center">' . referentiel_ajout_document($record_a, $mode, $select_acc) . "</div>\n"; } // afficher le menu si on l'activité est affichee dans son propre cours de création if ($record_a->ref_course == $COURSE->id) { referentiel_menu_activite($cm, $context, $record_a->id, $record_a->userid, $instance->id, $record_a->approved, 0, $detail, $mode); } else { echo '<div align="center">' . get_string('activite_exterieure', 'referentiel') . '</div>' . "\n"; } } } }
function write_etudiant($record) { // initial string; $expout = ""; // add comment $expout .= "\n\n<!-- etudiant: {$record->id} -->\n"; if ($record) { // DEBUG // echo "<br />\n"; // print_r($record); $id = $this->writeraw($record->id); $userid = $this->writeraw($record->userid); $ref_etablissement = $this->writeraw($record->ref_etablissement); $num_etudiant = $this->writeraw($record->num_etudiant); $ddn_etudiant = $this->writeraw($record->ddn_etudiant); $lieu_naissance = $this->writeraw($record->lieu_naissance); $departement_naissance = $this->writeraw($record->departement_naissance); $adresse_etudiant = $this->writeraw($record->adresse_etudiant); $expout .= "<etudiant>\n"; $expout .= "<id>{$id}</id>\n"; $expout .= "<userid>{$userid}</userid>\n"; $expout .= "<login>" . referentiel_get_user_login($userid) . "</login>\n"; $expout .= "<lastname_firstname>" . referentiel_get_user_info($record->userid) . "</lastname_firstname>\n"; $expout .= "<num_etudiant>{$num_etudiant}</num_etudiant>\n"; $expout .= "<ddn_etudiant>{$ddn_etudiant}</ddn_etudiant>\n"; $expout .= "<lieu_naissance>{$lieu_naissance}</lieu_naissance>\n"; $expout .= "<departement_naissance>{$departement_naissance}</departement_naissance>\n"; $expout .= "<adresse_etudiant>{$adresse_etudiant}</adresse_etudiant>\n"; $expout .= "<ref_etablissement>{$ref_etablissement}</ref_etablissement>\n"; /* // Etablissement $record_etablissement=referentiel_get_etablissement($record->ref_etablissement); if ($record_etablissement){ $expout .= $this->write_etablissement( $record_etablissement ); } */ $expout .= "</etudiant>\n"; } return $expout; }
/** * Turns referentiel instance into an xml segment * @param referentiel instanceobject * @return string xml segment */ function ooffice_write_certificat($record, $referentiel_instance, $referentiel_referentiel, $liste_empreintes, $liste_poids, $param) { global $CFG; global $odt; // add comment and div tags if ($record) { // DEBUG // echo "DEBUG LIGNE 1021"; // print_r($referentiel_instance); $id = trim($record->id); $commentaire_certificat = recode_utf8_vers_latin1(trim($record->commentaire_certificat)); $synthese_certificat = recode_utf8_vers_latin1(trim($record->synthese_certificat)); $competences_activite = recode_utf8_vers_latin1(trim($record->competences_activite)); $competences_certificat = recode_utf8_vers_latin1(trim($record->competences_certificat)); $decision_jury = recode_utf8_vers_latin1(trim($record->decision_jury)); if ($record->date_decision) { $date_decision = userdate(trim($record->date_decision)); } else { $date_decision = ""; } $userid = trim($record->userid); $teacherid = trim($record->teacherid); if ($teacherid != 0) { $nom_prenom_teacher = recode_utf8_vers_latin1(referentiel_get_user_info($teacherid)); } else { $nom_prenom_teacher = ""; } $ref_referentiel = trim($record->ref_referentiel); // $ref_referentiel=$referentiel_id; $verrou = trim($record->verrou); $valide = trim($record->valide); $evaluation = trim($record->evaluation); // USER if (isset($record->userid) && $record->userid > 0) { $record_etudiant = referentiel_get_etudiant_user($record->userid); if ($record_etudiant) { $odt->SetLeftMargin(15); ooffice_write_referentiel($referentiel_instance, $referentiel_referentiel, $param); ooffice_write_etudiant($record_etudiant, $param); $odt->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); if ($param->certificat_sel_decision_jury) { if ($date_decision != "" && $decision_jury != "") { $odt->Write(1, $decision_jury); } $odt->Ln(1); } // $odt->SetFont('Arial','B',10); // $odt->Write(1,"ID : "); // $odt->SetFont('Arial','',10); // $odt->Write(1,"$id"); // $odt->Ln(1); $odt->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $odt->Write(1, recode_utf8_vers_latin1(get_string('competences', 'referentiel')) . ": "); $odt->Ln(1); if ($param->certificat_sel_activite_competences) { $odt->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $odt->Write(1, recode_utf8_vers_latin1(get_string('competences_activite', 'referentiel')) . ": "); $odt->Ln(1); ooffice_liste_competences_certificat($ref_referentiel, '/', ':', $competences_activite, $liste_empreintes, 0, 9, 8); $odt->Ln(1); } if ($param->certificat_sel_certificat_competences) { $odt->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $odt->Write(1, recode_utf8_vers_latin1(get_string('competences_certificat', 'referentiel')) . ": "); $odt->Ln(1); ooffice_liste_competences_certificat($ref_referentiel, '/', ':', $competences_certificat, $liste_empreintes, 0, 10, 9); $odt->Ln(1); } if ($param->certificat_sel_certificat_competences && $param->certificat_sel_certificat_detail) { ooffice_referentiel_affiche_detail_competences('/', ':', $competences_certificat, $liste_empreintes, $liste_poids); } if ($param->certificat_sel_certificat_pourcent) { // $odt->SetFont('Arial','B',10); // $odt->Write(1,recode_utf8_vers_latin1(get_string('pourcentage','referentiel'))." :"); // $odt->Ln(1); ooffice_referentiel_affiche_certificat_consolide($ref_referentiel, '/', ':', $competences_certificat, 10, 9, 8); } if ($param->certificat_sel_commentaire) { $odt->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $odt->Write(1, recode_utf8_vers_latin1(get_string('commentaire', 'referentiel')) . ": "); $odt->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $odt->Write(1, "{$commentaire_certificat} "); $odt->Ln(1); $odt->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $odt->Write(1, recode_utf8_vers_latin1(get_string('synthese_certificat', 'referentiel')) . ": "); $odt->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $odt->Write(1, "{$synthese_certificat} "); $odt->Ln(1); } if ($param->certificat_sel_decision_jury) { $odt->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $odt->Write(1, recode_utf8_vers_latin1(get_string('decision', 'referentiel')) . " : "); $odt->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $odt->Write(1, "{$decision_jury}"); $odt->Ln(1); } if ($param->certificat_sel_certificat_referents) { $odt->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $odt->Write(1, recode_utf8_vers_latin1(get_string('enseignant', 'referentiel')) . " : "); $odt->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $odt->Write(1, $nom_prenom_teacher); $odt->Ln(1); } /* $odt->Write(1," R�f�rentiel : $ref_referentiel"); $odt->Ln(1); $odt->Write(1," Verrou : $verrou, Valide : $valide, Evaluation : $evaluation"); $odt->Ln(1); */ $odt->Ln(20); $odt->Writeparagraphe(1, get_string('date_signature', 'referentiel', date("d/m/Y"))); $odt->AddPage(); } } } return ""; }
// MODIF JF 27/10/2009 $date_modif_student = $record->date_modif_student; if ($date_modif_student != 0) { $date_modif_student_info = userdate($date_modif_student); } else { $date_modif_student_info = ''; } $link_documents = referentiel_get_liens_documents($activite_id, $userid, $context); if ($link_documents) { echo '<br />' . "\n"; } // preparer les variables globales pour Overlib referentiel_initialise_data_referentiel($ref_referentiel); $jauge_activite_declarees = referentiel_print_jauge_activite($userid, $ref_referentiel); if ($jauge_activite_declarees) { print_string('competences_declarees', 'referentiel', referentiel_get_user_info($userid)); //echo '<br />DEBUT DEBUG'."\n"; echo $jauge_activite_declarees . "\n"; //echo '<br />FIN DEBUG'."\n"; } echo '<div class="ref_saisie1"> <form name="form" method="post" action="' . s("activite.php?id={$cm->id}") . '"> <span class="bold">' . get_string('id', 'referentiel') . '</span>'; echo $activite_id; echo '<span class="bold">' . get_string('type_activite', 'referentiel') . '</span>' . s($type_activite) . ' <br /><span class="bold">' . get_string('auteur', 'referentiel') . '</span>' . s($user_info); echo ' <span class="bold">' . get_string('date_creation', 'referentiel') . '</span>' . s($date_creation_info); echo '<br />' . "\n"; if (isset($approved) && $approved) { echo ' <span class="valide">' . "\n"; } else {
function referentiel_validation_activite_task($ref_task, $select = '') { // Effectue la validation des activités souscrites a la tache global $DB; global $USER; // DEBUG // echo '<br />DEBUG :: lib_task.php :: 669 :: Tache : '.$ref_task."<br />Selection :".$select."\n"; if ($ref_task > 0) { $info_valideur = referentiel_get_user_info($USER->id); // verifier si association existe $params1 = array("ref_task" => "{$ref_task}"); $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM {referentiel_a_user_task} WHERE ref_task=:ref_task "; if (!empty($select)) { $sql1 .= ' ' . $select . ' '; } // echo '<br />DEBUG :: lib_task.php :: 677 :: SQL: '.$sql1."\n"; $records_association = $DB->get_records_sql($sql1, $params1); if ($records_association) { foreach ($records_association as $record_association) { if ($record_association) { $ref_user = $record_association->ref_user; $ref_activite = $record_association->ref_activite; // DEBUG //print_object($record_association); //echo "<br />"; // Approuver l'activite // recuperer l'info sur l'activite if ($approverecord = $DB->get_record('referentiel_activite', array("id" => "{$ref_activite}"))) { $approverecord->approved = 1; $approverecord->teacherid = $USER->id; $approverecord->date_modif = time(); $approverecord->type_activite = $approverecord->type_activite; $approverecord->description_activite = $approverecord->description_activite; $approverecord->commentaire_activite = $approverecord->commentaire_activite . "\n" . get_string('approved_task_by', 'referentiel') . " " . $info_valideur . " (" . date("d/m/Y H:i") . ")\n"; // DEBUG // print_r($approverecord); // echo "<br />\n"; if ($DB->update_record('referentiel_activite', $approverecord)) { // regeneration du certificat associe a cette personne pour ce referentiel // Modif JF 2012/10/07 // referentiel_certificat_user_invalider($approverecord->userid, $approverecord->ref_referentiel); referentiel_regenere_certificat_user($approverecord->userid, $approverecord->ref_referentiel); } } } } } } }
function referentiel_print_aucun_accompagnement_user($userid) { $s = ""; if ($userid) { $user_info = referentiel_get_user_info($userid); } else { $user_info = " "; } $s .= '<tr><td class="zero"> </td><td class="zero">'; $s .= $user_info; $s .= '</td><td class="invalide" colspan="2">'; $s .= '<span class="small">' . get_string('notmatched', 'referentiel') . '</span>'; $s .= '</td><td class="zero"> </td></tr>' . "\n"; return $s; }
/** * Builds and returns the body of the email notification in plain text. * * @param object $course * @param object $forum * @param object $discussion * @param object $post * @param object $userfrom * @param object $userto * @param boolean $bare * @return string The email body in plain text format. */ function referentiel_make_mail_text($type, $context, $course, $post, $userfrom, $userto, $bare = false) { global $CFG, $USER; // DEBUG : cron_lib.php : // mtrace("referentiel_make_mail_text()"); if (!isset($userto->viewfullnames[$post->id])) { $viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context, $userto->id); } else { $viewfullnames = $userto->viewfullnames[$post->id]; } // groups if (isset($userfrom->groups)) { $groups = $userfrom->groups[$post->id]; } else { $groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $userfrom->id, $cm->groupingid); } $groupname = ''; if ($groups) { // mtrace("\n lib.php :: 2038\n"); // print_r($groups); foreach ($groups as $groupe) { // mtrace("\n lib.php :: 2041\n"); // print_r($groupe); if (!empty($groupe->name)) { $groupname .= $groupe->name . ' '; } } } $by = new stdClass(); $by->name = fullname($userfrom, $viewfullnames); $a = new stdClass(); $a->site = $course->shortname; $posttext = ''; if ($type == TYPE_CERTIFICAT) { if ($post->date_decision) { $by->date = userdate($post->date_decision, "", $userto->timezone); } else { $by->date = userdate(time(), "", $userto->timezone); } $strbynameondate = get_string('bynameondate', 'referentiel', $by); if (!empty($groupname)) { $strbynameondate .= ' - ' . get_string('groupe', 'referentiel', $groupname); } $strreferentiel = get_string('certificat', 'referentiel') . ' ' . referentiel_get_referentiel_name($post->ref_referentiel); if (!$bare) { $posttext = "{$course->shortname} -> "; $posttext .= format_string($strreferentiel, true); $posttext .= " ({$CFG->wwwroot}/)"; } $posttext .= "\n" . $strbynameondate . "\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('certificat', 'referentiel') . ' ' . $post->id), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('certificat_sel_certificat_competences', 'referentiel')), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->competences_certificat), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; if ($post->commentaire_certificat) { $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->commentaire_certificat), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; } if ($post->synthese_certificat) { $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->synthese_certificat), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; } if (!$bare) { $posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $a->type = get_string('certificat', 'referentiel'); $posttext .= get_string("postmailinfo", "referentiel", $a) . "\n"; $posttext .= "{$CFG->wwwroot}/\n"; } } else { if ($type == TYPE_TACHE) { if (isset($post->auteurid) && $post->auteurid) { $auteur_info = referentiel_get_user_info($post->auteurid); } else { $auteur_info = get_string('un_enseignant', 'referentiel'); } if ($post->date_modif) { $by->date = userdate($post->date_modif, "", $userto->timezone); } else { $by->date = userdate($post->date_creation, "", $userto->timezone); } $strbynameondate = get_string('bynameondate', 'referentiel', $by); if (!empty($groupname)) { $strbynameondate .= ' - ' . get_string('groupe', 'referentiel', $groupname); } $strreferentiel = get_string('referentiel', 'referentiel') . ': ' . referentiel_get_instance_name($post->ref_referentiel); if (!$bare) { $posttext = "{$course->shortname} -> {$strreferentiel} -> " . format_string($post->type_task, true); } $posttext .= "\n" . $strbynameondate . "\n"; $posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('task', 'referentiel') . ' ' . $post->id), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; $posttext .= format_string($post->type_task, true); if ($bare) { $posttext .= "(" . get_string('postincontext', 'referentiel') . " {$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/referentiel/task.php?d={$post->ref_instance}&task_id={$post->id})"; } $posttext .= "\n\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->description_task), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('certificat_sel_activite_competences', 'referentiel')), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->competences_task), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; if ($post->criteres_evaluation) { $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('criteres_evaluation', 'referentiel') . ': ' . $post->criteres_evaluation), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; } if ($post->souscription_libre) { $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('souscription_libre', 'referentiel')), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n"; } if (isset($post->cle_souscription) && $post->cle_souscription != '') { $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('obtenir_cle_souscription', 'referentiel', $auteur_info)), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n"; } if (isset($post->tache_masquee) && $post->tache_masquee != 0) { $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('tache_masquee_num', 'referentiel', $post->id)), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n"; } $posttext .= "\n"; if (!$bare) { $posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $a->type = get_string('task', 'referentiel'); $posttext .= get_string("postmailinfo", "referentiel", $a) . "\n"; $posttext .= "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/referentiel/task.php?d={$post->ref_instance}&task_id={$post->id}\n"; } } else { // ACTIVITE if ($post->date_modif) { $by->date = userdate($post->date_modif, "", $userto->timezone); } else { if ($post->date_modif_student) { $by->date = userdate($post->date_modif_student, "", $userto->timezone); } else { $by->date = userdate($post->date_creation, "", $userto->timezone); } } $strbynameondate = get_string('bynameondate', 'referentiel', $by); if (!empty($groupname)) { $strbynameondate .= ' - ' . get_string('groupe', 'referentiel', $groupname); } $strreferentiel = get_string('referentiel', 'referentiel') . ': ' . referentiel_get_instance_name($post->ref_referentiel); if (!$bare) { $posttext = "{$course->shortname} -> {$strreferentiel} -> " . format_string($post->type_activite, true); } $posttext .= "\n" . $strbynameondate . "\n"; $posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('activite', 'referentiel') . ' ' . $post->id), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $posttext .= format_string($post->type_activite, true); if ($bare) { $posttext .= "(" . get_string('postincontext', 'referentiel') . " {$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/referentiel/activite.php?d={$post->ref_instance}&activite_id={$post->id})"; } $posttext .= "\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('auteur', 'referentiel') . ' '), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(referentiel_get_user_info($post->userid)), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->type_activite), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->description_activite), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip(get_string('certificat_sel_activite_competences', 'referentiel')), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n"; $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->competences_activite), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; if ($post->commentaire_activite) { $posttext .= format_text_email(trusttext_strip($post->commentaire_activite), FORMAT_PLAIN); $posttext .= "\n\n"; } if (!$bare) { $posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $a->type = get_string('activite', 'referentiel'); $posttext .= get_string("postmailinfo", "referentiel", $a) . "\n"; $posttext .= "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/referentiel/activite.php?d={$post->ref_instance}&activite_id={$post->id}\n"; } } } return $posttext; }