/** * Go to specific step * * @access public * @param integer $step Step instance or step number * @return boolean */ function goToStep($step) { if(!($step instanceof ScriptInstallerStep)) $step = $this->getStep($step); if(!($step instanceof ScriptInstallerStep)) { die("Step '$step_number' does not exist in the installation process"); } // if redirect_to($step->getStepUrl()); } // goToStep
public function clear_log() { file_put_contents($this->file_name, ""); $this->new = true; $this->add_entry($_SESSION['user_id'], 'Log Cleared', 'log cleared'); redirect_to('logs.php?type=' . $this->type); }
function confirm_login() { if (isset($_SESSION['staff_id']) || isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { } else { redirect_to("index.php"); } }
public function index($mid = 1) { $ticketlist = ""; if (empty($mid)) { redirect_to($this->uri->link("error/index")); exit; } $this->loadModel("Support"); $datum = $this->model->getList("", "Support"); $this->view->mytickets = $datum['Supportticket']; $uri = new Url(""); $ticketlist .= "<table class='pure-table' width='100%'>\n\t\t\t<thead><tr>\n\t\t\t\t<th width='10%'>Date</th><th width='5%'>ticketID</th><th width='50%'>Subject</th><th width='10%'>Status </th><th width='10%'>Department </th><th width='12%'>Date Modified </th><th width='5%'></th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</thead>\n\t\t\t<tbody>"; if ($this->view->mytickets) { $x = 1; foreach ($this->view->mytickets as $ticket) { $ticketlist .= "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . date_format(new DateTime($ticket->datecreated), "M d Y H:i:s") . "</td><td>{$ticket->id}</td><td>{$ticket->subject} </td><td>{$ticket->status}</td><td>{$ticket->department}</td><td>{$ticket->datemodified}</td><td><a href='" . $uri->link("support/detail/" . $ticket->id . "") . "'>View Ticket</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>"; $x++; } } else { $ticketlist .= "<tr><td colspan='7'>No record to display</td></tr>"; } $ticketlist .= "</tbody>\n\t\t\t</table>"; $this->view->myvends = $ticketlist; $this->view->render("support/index"); }
public function validateUser($username, $password) { global $db; if ($this->validateUsername($username) && $this->validatePassword($password)) { // success if ($db->has_rows($result = $db->user_name_exists($this->username))) { $result = $db->fetch_array($result); //print_r($result); if (password_verify($this->password, $result['user_password'])) { $_SESSION['user_id'] = $result['user_id']; $_SESSION['username'] = $result['user_name']; $_SESSION['permission'] = $result['permission']; // the following checks to see if the response is an Ajax response. if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { // ajax message echo false; } else { redirect_to('../public/workshop.php'); } } else { echo $this->errors[] = "Incorrect password"; } } else { $this->password = ""; echo $this->errors[] = "No such username exists"; } } }
function welcome() { $name = params('name'); if(empty($name)) halt(NOT_FOUND, "Undefined name."); switch($name) { case "bill": trigger_error('No bill please', E_USER_WARNING); break; case "leland": halt('Fire walk with me', E_USER_ERROR); break; case "bob": halt(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "no, go away!", array(1,2,3)); break; case "david": redirect_to('/'); break; default: trigger_error("Not sure $name lives in Twin Peaks", E_USER_NOTICE); # E_USER_NOTICE doesn't stop app execution break; } return html("Welcome $name"); }
public function create_user($first_name, $last_name, $username, $password, $confirm_password) { global $database; $errors = array(); // $dfirst_name = ""; // $dlast_name = ""; // $dusername = ""; // $dpassword = ""; // $dconfirm_password = ""; // $demail = ""; if (empty($first_name)) { $errors[] = "You forgot to enter your first name."; } else { $first_name = $database->escape_value($first_name); } if (empty($last_name)) { $errors[] = "You forgot to enter your last name."; } else { $last_name = $database->escape_value($last_name); } if (empty($username)) { $errors[] = "You forgot to enter your username."; } else { $username = $database->escape_value($username); } if (empty($password)) { $errors[] = "You forget to enter your password."; } else { $password = $database->escape_value($password); } if (empty($confirm_password)) { $errors[] = "You forgot to enter your confirm password."; } else { $confirm_password = $database->escape_value($confirm_password); } if ($password !== $confirm_password) { $errors[] = "You password and confirm password do not match."; } else { $confirm_password = $database->escape_value($confirm_password); } if (empty($errors)) { $sql = " INSERT INTO users ( username , password, first_name, last_name ) VALUES ( '{$username}', '{$password}', '{$first_name}', '{$last_name}' ) "; if ($database->query($sql)) { //will return a true or false as this is an insert query... // get the last id inserted into the DB $this->id = $database->insert_id(); $_SESSION['registered'] = "You have been successfully registered."; redirect_to('registration.php'); return true; } else { return false; } } else { echo "<br><br><br><br><br><h4 class='text-center'>There were some errors!</h4>\n\n\t\t\t\t<p class='text-center'>The following error(s) occurred: ><br>"; foreach ($errors as $error) { echo " - {$error}<br>\n"; } echo "</p>"; } }
public function index($mid = 1) { $productlist = ""; if (empty($mid)) { redirect_to($this->uri->link("error/index")); exit; } $this->loadModel("Clientproduct"); $datum = $this->model->getList("", "Clientproduct"); $this->view->myclientsproducts = $datum['clientproduct']; $uri = new Url(""); $productlist .= "<table width='100%'>\n <thead><tr>\n \t<th>S/N</th><th>Product </th><th>Client</th><th>Location</th><th>City </th><th></th><th></th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>"; if ($this->view->myclientsproducts) { $x = 1; foreach ($this->view->myclientsproducts as $products) { $productlist .= "<tr>\n \t<td>{$x}</td><td><a href='" . $uri->link("clientproduct/detail/" . $products->id) . "'>{$products->prod_name}</a> </td><td>{$products->client_name}</td><td>{$products->install_address}</td><td>{$products->install_city}</td><td><a href='" . $uri->link("clientproduct/edit/" . $products->id . "") . "'>Edit</a></td><td><a href='" . $uri->link("clientproduct/doDelete/" . $products->id . "") . "'>Delete</a></td>\n </tr>"; $x++; } } else { $productlist .= "<tr><td colspan='7'>No record to display</td></tr>"; } $productlist .= "</tbody>\n </table>"; $this->view->myprods = $productlist; $this->view->render("clientproduct/index"); }
/** * Execution of the form submission */ function do_form_submission() { // make sure some data was send via appropriate request method if (!empty($_POST)) { // ensure that our data array has expected keys $data = normalize_submission_data($_POST); // clean up data by removing potential malicious code $data = array_map('sanitize_text', $data); // determine if our remaining data meets our minimum standards $valid = validate_submission_data($data); // step 1: test to see if the submitted data is valid if ($valid) { // step 2: attempt to send the email. // $success will be true if the email sent, and false if it did not $success = send_submission_email($data); // handle the result of our attempt if ($success) { // result was true, go to thankyou page redirect_to('thankyou.html'); } else { // result was false, go to error page redirect_to('error.html'); } } else { // to submitted data is not valid, go to error page redirect_to('error.html'); } } else { // no request information, go to home redirect_to('index.html'); } }
function delete(&$vars) { extract($vars); $resource->delete_from_post($request); header_status('200 OK'); redirect_to($request->resource); }
public function index() { if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && !empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $data['title'] = 'Elixir Industrial Equipment Inc. Cebu-Branch'; $data['companyName'] = 'Elixir Industrial Equipment Inc.'; $data['clients'] = $this->model->show_client(); $user = $this->load_model('user'); $data['current_user'] = $user->show_current_users_info($_SESSION['user_id']); $product = $this->load_model('product'); $data['category'] = $product->show_category(); $data['itemUnit'] = $product->show_item_unit(); $notification = $this->load_model('product'); $data['notification'] = $notification->product_lowItems(); if ($data['current_user']['user_type'] == 2) { $this->load_template('home', $data, 'client'); } else { if ($data['current_user']['user_type'] != 0) { redirect_to(home_url()); } else { $this->load_template('home', $data, 'client'); } } } else { redirect_to(home_url()); } }
public function postIndex() { #set post ke params variable, agar bisa dikirim ke tampilan login $this->params = $_POST; if (!in_array($_POST['type'], $this->user_types)) { #error tipe login salah $this->params['error_message'] = 'Tipe login salah'; #buka lagi halaman login $this->getIndex(); } else { // $this->pdo->enable_debug(); $row = $this->pdo->select("SELECT * FROM {$_POST['type']} WHERE username = ? AND password = ?", [$_POST['username'], hashpassword($_POST['password'])], false); #error ID atau password salah if (!$row || count($row) == 0) { $this->params['error_message'] = 'ID atau password Anda salah'; $this->getIndex(); } else { #berhasil login #set session login switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'siswa': $this->user_logged->set_user_logged(['level' => 'siswa', 'hak' => 'siswa', 'admin' => $_POST['username'], 'user' => $row['id_siswa'], 'id' => $row['id_siswa'], 'agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'username' => $_POST['username'], 'status' => $row['status']]); break; case 'guru': $this->user_logged->set_user_logged(['level' => 'guru', 'hak' => 'guru', 'admin' => $_POST['username'], 'user' => $row['id_guru'], 'id' => $row['id_guru'], 'agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'username' => $_POST['username'], 'status' => 'active']); break; case 'admin': $this->user_logged->set_user_logged(['level' => 'admin', 'hak' => 'admin', 'admin' => $_POST['username'], 'user' => $row['id_admin'], 'id' => $row['id_admin'], 'agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'username' => $_POST['username'], 'status' => 'active']); break; } #redirect ke halaman index redirect_to("{$_POST['type']}/profile"); } } }
public function logout() { unset($_SESSION['uid']); unset($this->uid); $this->isLoggedIn = false; redirect_to('login.php'); }
function delete(&$vars) { extract($vars); $resource->delete_from_post($request); header_status('200 OK'); redirect_to($request->url_for(array('resource' => 'identities', 'id' => $profile->id, 'action' => 'edit'))); }
public function view_modify() { $this->smarty->assign('title', '修改运输方式名预警'); $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval(trim($_GET['id'])) : 0; if (empty($id) || !is_numeric($id)) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=trackWarnCarrier&act=index"); exit; } $trackWarnCarrier = new TrackWarnCarrierAct(); $res = $trackWarnCarrier->actModify($id); $erpCarrierList = TransOpenApiAct::act_getErpCarrierList(); $this->smarty->assign('shipErp', $erpCarrierList); //ERP运输方式列表 $carrierList = TransOpenApiModel::getCarrier(2); $this->smarty->assign('lists', $carrierList); //运输方式列表 $trackCarrierList = TransOpenApiModel::getTrackCarrierList(); $this->smarty->assign('shipTrack', $trackCarrierList); //跟踪号系统运输方式列表 $this->smarty->assign('carrier_name', $res['trackName']); $this->smarty->assign('ship_erp', $res['erpName']); $this->smarty->assign('ship_id', $res['carrierId']); $this->smarty->assign('id', $res['id']); $this->smarty->display('trackWarnCarrierModify.htm'); }
function logout() { setcookie(DEFAULT_COOKIE, 'blah', time() - 86400); unset($_SESSION['user']); redirect_to('/'); return; }
public function doDelete($id) { @$this->loadModel("Prod_Cats"); if ($this->model->delete($id)) { redirect_to($this->uri->link("prod_cats/index")); } }
function delete(&$vars) { extract($vars); $resource->delete_from_post($request); header_status('200 OK'); redirect_to($request->url_for(array('action' => 'entry', 'resource' => 'auctions', 'id' => $request->params['auctionbullet']['auction_id']))); }
function confirm_user_is_admin() { confirm_logged_in(); if ($_SESSION['admin'] != 1) { redirect_to("index.php"); } }
public function doDelete($id) { @$this->loadModel("Clients"); if ($this->model->delete($id)) { redirect_to($this->uri->link("clients/index")); } }
public function index() { if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) { redirect_to('index.php?rt=login'); } $this->registry->template->title = "This is title of my website"; $this->registry->template->show('index'); }
function authenticate_by_role($user_role) { if ($user_role = "organizer") { redirect_to("organizer_dashboard.php"); } elseif ($user_role = "normaluser") { redirect_to("home.php"); } }
function __CONSTRUCT() { $this->load_outer_template('admin'); // Require login if(!isset($_SESSION['active_user'])) redirect_to('/'); }
function log_in_user($user, $user_id) { $_SESSION['active_user'] = array( 'name' => $user, 'id' => $user_id); redirect_to(make_url("messages")); }
public function doLogout() { //@$session = new Session(); global $session; $session->logout(); redirect_to($this->uri->link("login/index")); //$this->view->render("dashboard/index"); }
public function __construct(Routing $routing, MyPDO $pdo = null, View $view = null, Layout $layout = null, UserLogged $user_logged = null) { parent::__construct($routing, $pdo, $view, $layout, $user_logged); #user harus sudah login if (!$this->user_logged->check_is_logged()) { redirect_to('login'); } }
public static function callback() { //Get the username $username = $_GET['username']; //Save it inside as an access_token Token::add(self::name, $_SESSION['userid'], $username); redirect_to('/'); }
/** * TrackEmailStatAct::actIndex() * 列出符合条件的数据并分页显示 * @param string $condition 查询条件 * @param integer $curpage 页码 * @param integer $pagenum 每页个数 * @return array */ public function actIndex() { $data = array(); $condition = ''; $trackEmailStat = new TrackEmailStatModel(); //接收参数生成条件 $curpage = isset($_GET['page']) ? abs(intval($_GET['page'])) : 1; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? trim($_GET['type']) : ''; $key = isset($_GET['key']) ? post_check(trim($_GET['key'])) : ''; $timeNode = isset($_GET['timeNode']) ? post_check(trim($_GET['timeNode'])) : ''; $condition .= "1"; if ($type && $key) { if (!in_array($type, array('trackNumber', 'platAccount'))) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=trackEmailStat&act=index"); } $condition .= ' AND ' . $type . " = '" . $key . "'"; } if (!empty($timeNode)) { if (!in_array($timeNode, array('addTime', 'lastTime'))) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=trackEmailStat&act=index"); } $startTime = isset($_GET['startTime']) ? strtotime(trim($_GET['startTime']) . " 00:00:00") : strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time()) . " 00:00:00"); $endTime = isset($_GET['endTime']) ? strtotime(trim($_GET['endTime']) . " 23:59:59") : strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time()) . " 23:59:59"); if ($startTime && $endTime) { $condition .= ' AND ' . $timeNode . " BETWEEN '" . $startTime . "' AND " . "'" . $endTime . "'"; } } //获取符合条件的数据并分页 $pagenum = 20; $total = $trackEmailStat->modListCount($condition); $res = $trackEmailStat->modList($condition, $curpage, $pagenum); $page = new Page($total, $pagenum, '', 'CN'); $pageStr = ""; if ($res) { if ($total > $pagenum) { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3)); } } else { $pageStr = '暂无数据'; } //封装数据返回 $data['key'] = $key; $data['type'] = $type; $data['lists'] = $res; $data['pages'] = $pageStr; $data['timeNode'] = $timeNode; $data['startTime'] = $startTime ? date('Y-m-d', $startTime) : ''; $data['endTime'] = $endTime ? date('Y-m-d', $endTime) : ''; self::$errCode = trackEmailStatModel::$errCode; self::$errMsg = trackEmailStatModel::$errMsg; if (self::$errCode != 0) { show_message($this->smarty, self::$errMsg, ""); return false; } return $data; }
public function unlike() { if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { redirect_to('pages', 'error'); } Image::unlike(Request::get_id()); header('Location: ' . $_SESSION['url']); die; }
function delete(&$vars) { extract($vars); //$Category->delete_from_post( $request ); $rec = $Category->find($request->id); $result = $db->delete_record($rec); header('Status: 200 OK'); redirect_to($request->url_for('admin') . '#ui-tabs-9'); }