function putthread($name, $tpass, $boardnumber, $title, $body, $link, $ip, $mod, $pin, $lock, $permasage, $password = "", $tyme = false) { if ($tyme === false) { $tyme = time() + THtimeoffset * 60; } $q = "INSERT INTO " . THthreads_table . " ( board, title, body"; $v = " VALUES ( " . $boardnumber . " ,'" . $this->escape_string($title) . "','"; $v .= $this->escape_string($body); $q .= ", ip, pin, permasage, lawk, time, bump"; $v .= "'," . $ip . " , " . $pin . " , " . $permasage . " , " . $lock . " , " . $tyme . " , " . $tyme; $globalid = $this->getglobalid($boardnumber); $q .= ", globalid"; $v .= "," . $globalid; if ($name != null) { $q .= ", name"; $v .= ",'" . $this->escape_string($name) . "'"; } if ($tpass != null) { $q .= ", trip"; $v .= "'" . $tpass . "'"; //Not cleaning trip since it should be encoded. } if ($link != null) { if (!preg_match("/^(http:|https:|ftp:|mailto:|aim:)/", $link)) { $link = "mailto:" . $link; } else { $link = $this->escape_string($link); } $q .= ", link"; $v .= ", '" . $this->escape_string($link) . "'"; } if ($password != "") { $q .= ", password"; $v .= ",'" . $this->escape_string(md5(THsecret_salt . $password)) . "'"; } //echo($q.", time=".$tyme); //echo $q; $visible = 1; $q .= ",time,visible) "; $v .= "," . $tyme . "," . $visible . ")"; $built = $q . $v; $this->myquery($built) or THdie("DBpost"); if ($boardnumber == THnewsboard) { rebuild_rss(); } smclearcache($boardnumber, -1, -1); // clear the cache for this board $tnum = sqlite_last_insert_rowid(THdblitefn); //help $this->myquery("update " . THboards_table . " set lasttime=" . $tyme . " where id='" . $boardnumber . "'") or THdie("DBpost"); return $tnum; }
function putthread($name, $tpass, $boardnumber, $title, $body, $link, $ip, $mod, $pin, $lock, $permasage, $password = "", $tyme = false) { if ($tyme === false) { $tyme = time() + THtimeoffset * 60; } $q = "insert into " . THthreads_table . " set board='" . $boardnumber . "', title='" . $this->clean($title) . "', body='"; if ($boardnumber == THnewsboard || $boardnumber == THmodboard) { $q .= $this->escape_string($body); } else { $q .= $this->clean($body); } $q .= "', ip=" . $ip . ", pin=" . $pin . ", permasage=" . $permasage . ", lawk=" . $lock . ", time=" . $tyme . ", bump=" . $tyme; $globalid = $this->getglobalid($boardnumber); $q .= ", globalid=" . $globalid; if ($name != null) { $q .= ", name='" . $this->clean($name) . "'"; } if ($tpass != null) { $q .= ", trip='" . $tpass . "'"; //Not cleaning trip since it should be encoded. } if ($link != null) { if (!preg_match("/^(http:|https:|ftp:|mailto:|aim:)/", $link)) { $link = "mailto:" . $link; } $q .= ", link='" . $this->clean($link) . "'"; } if ($password != "") { $q .= ", password='******'"; } //echo($q.", time=".$tyme); // echo $q; // if ($link != null) // { // $q .= ", link='" . $this->clean($link) . "'"; // } $this->myquery($q) or THdie("DBpost"); if ($boardnumber == THnewsboard) { rebuild_rss(); } smclearcache($boardnumber, -1, -1); // clear the cache for this board $tnum = mysql_insert_id(); $this->myquery("update " . THboards_table . " set lasttime=" . $tyme . " where id='" . $boardnumber . "'") or THdie("DBpost"); return $tnum; }
rebuild_linkbars(); } if (isset($_POST['sp'])) { rebuild_spamlist(); } if (isset($_POST['fl'])) { rebuild_filters(); } if (isset($_POST['cp'])) { rebuild_capcodes(); } if (isset($_POST['al'])) { //Do EVERYTHING $sm->clear_all_cache(); $sm->clear_compiled_tpl(); rebuild_rss(); rebuild_htaccess(); rebuild_hovermenu(); rebuild_linkbars(); rebuild_filters(); rebuild_capcodes(); rebuild_spamlist(); //save this for last just in case } $actionstring = "Housekeeping"; writelog($actionstring, "admin"); header("Location: " . THurl . "admin.php?a=hk"); } elseif ($_GET['a'] == "bl") { if (THdbtype == null) { THdie("ADdbfirst"); }