function init() { if (!empty($this->admin_page->id)) { $temp = new entity($this->admin_page->id, false); if ($temp->get_value('new') && $temp->get_value('state') == 'Pending' && !$temp->get_value('name') && reason_user_has_privs($this->admin_page->user_id, 'delete_pending')) { reason_expunge_entity($this->admin_page->id, $this->admin_page->user_id); } } if (!empty($this->admin_page->request[CM_VAR_PREFIX . 'type_id'])) { $old_vars = array(); foreach ($this->admin_page->request as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, strlen(CM_VAR_PREFIX)) == CM_VAR_PREFIX) { $old_vars[substr($key, strlen(CM_VAR_PREFIX))] = $val; $old_vars[$key] = ''; } } foreach ($this->admin_page->default_args as $arg) { if (!isset($old_vars[$arg])) { $old_vars[$arg] = ''; } } $link = $this->admin_page->make_link($old_vars); } else { $link = $this->admin_page->make_link(array('id' => '', 'site_id' => $this->admin_page->site_id, 'type_id' => $this->admin_page->type_id, 'cur_module' => 'Lister')); } header('Location: ' . unhtmlentities($link)); die; }
/** * Run the upgrader * @return string HTML report */ public function run() { if ($loki_1_entity = $this->get_loki_1_entity()) { reason_expunge_entity($loki_1_entity->id(), $this->user_id()); return '<p>Deleted the loki 1 html editor entity.</p>'; } else { return '<p>Your instance doesn\'t have the loki 1 html editor entity - this script has probably been run.</p>'; } }
function run_job() { $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->add_type(id_of('news')); $result = $es->run_one(); if ($result) { $ids = array_keys($result); foreach ($result as $id => $item) { reason_expunge_entity($id, $this->user_id); } } $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->add_type(id_of('publication_type')); $result = $es->run_one(); if ($result) { $ids = array_keys($result); foreach ($result as $id => $item) { reason_expunge_entity($id, $this->user_id); } } $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->add_type(id_of('category_type')); $result = $es->run_one(); if ($result) { $ids = array_keys($result); foreach ($result as $id => $item) { reason_expunge_entity($id, $this->user_id); } } $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->add_type(id_of('comment_type')); $result = $es->run_one(); if ($result) { $ids = array_keys($result); foreach ($result as $id => $item) { reason_expunge_entity($id, $this->user_id); } } $es = new entity_selector($this->site_id); $es->add_type(id_of('minisite_page')); $result = $es->run_one(); if ($result) { $root_page = root_finder($this->site_id); $ids = array_keys($result); foreach ($result as $id => $item) { if ($id != $root_page) { reason_expunge_entity($id, $this->user_id); } } } $this->set_report('Zapped all the news, publications, categories, comments, and pages from the site'); }
/** Removes entity with id = $id and all relationships with that id from the database. * * Specifically, deletes the entry from the entity table and all sub-tables. * Also deletes all relationships where entity_a or entity_b = id * * @todo add logging of expungements so that these important actions are traceable * * @param integer $id The ID of the entity to delete * @param integer $user_id The ID of the reason user who is deleting the item * @return array the entity and all relationships of the entity just deleted */ function reason_expunge_entity( $id, $user_id ) { $testmode = false; if(empty($user_id) || !is_numeric($user_id) || $user_id < 1 ) { trigger_error('Expungement without providing a Reason user id is deprecated. Future releases of Reason will not allow entities to be expunged without providing a user id'); } // get all entity information before deleting it $id = (integer) $id; if(empty($id) || $id < 1) { trigger_error('ID passed to reason_expunge_entity() not a positive integer. Unable to expunge.'); return false; } $entity = get_entity_by_id( $id, false ); if(empty($entity['id'])) { trigger_error('Entity id '.$id.' does not exisit; unable to expunge.'); return false; } $sqler = new SQLER; $archives = array(); $q = "SELECT r.entity_b, r.type, FROM relationship AS r, allowable_relationship AS ar WHERE r.entity_a = $id AND r.type ="; $r = db_query( $q, 'Unable to retrieve entity left relationships for expungement' ); while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $r, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) { $entity[ 'left_relationships' ][] = $row; // this is an archive - mark it for deletion. if( strpos( $row[ 'name' ], 'archive' ) !== false ) $archives[] = $row[ 'entity_b' ]; } $q = "SELECT entity_a, type FROM relationship WHERE entity_b = $id"; $r = db_query( $q, 'Unable to retrieve entity right relationships for expungement' ); while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $r, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) $entity[ 'right_relationships' ][] = $row; // call custom deletion action $type = get_entity_by_id( $entity[ 'type' ] ); if( $type[ 'custom_deleter' ] ) reason_include_once( 'content_deleters/'.$type['custom_deleter'] ); // delete from entity table $q = "DELETE FROM entity WHERE id = $id"; if( $testmode ) echo $q.'<br /><br />'; else db_query( $q, 'Unable to delete entity from entity table.' ); // delete from sub tables $tables = get_entity_tables_by_type( $entity['type'] ); foreach( $tables as $table ) { if( $table != 'entity' ) { if( $testmode ) echo '$sqler->delete_one( "'.htmlspecialchars($table).'",'.$id.' )<br /><br />'; else $sqler->delete_one( $table, $id ); } } // delete relationships $q = "DELETE FROM relationship WHERE entity_a = $id OR entity_b = $id"; if( $testmode ) echo $q.'<br /><br />'; else db_query( $q, 'Unable to delete relationships of entity '.$id ); // delete all archived entities foreach( $archives AS $archive ) reason_expunge_entity( $archive, $user_id ); // If the recently-expunged entity is live or pending and has a unique_name, let's refresh_reason_unique_names if (!empty($entity['unique_name']) && ( !empty($entity['state']) && (($entity['state'] == 'Pending') || ($entity['state'] == 'Live')))) { reason_refresh_unique_names(); } return $entity; } //
/** * Deletes a media work's attached media files and the actual entry in kaltura. */ public function delete_media_work($media_work_deleter) { $e = new entity($media_work_deleter->get_value('id')); $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('av_file')); $es->add_right_relationship($media_work_deleter->get_value('id'), relationship_id_of('av_to_av_file')); $media_files = $es->run_one(); foreach ($media_files as $file) { reason_expunge_entity($file->id(), $media_work_deleter->admin_page->user_id); } if ($e->get_value('entry_id')) { $shim = new KalturaShim(); $user = new entity($media_work_deleter->admin_page->user_id); $shim->delete_media($e, $user->get_value('name')); } }
protected function delete_all_section_entities() { $user = get_user_id('causal_agent'); foreach ($this->get_existing_section_ids() as $id) { reason_expunge_entity($id, $user); } }
/** * Move the field location in the location entity table to the event table and then delete the location entity table. */ function move_location_field_to_event() { $fields = get_fields_by_content_table('event'); if (in_array('location', $fields)) { echo '<p>The event entity table already has the location field - the script has probably been run</p>'; $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('event_type')); $es->set_num(5); $es->add_relation('event.location IS NOT NULL'); $result = $es->run_one(); } elseif ($this->mode == 'run') { // grab all locations from the location.location table for events $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('event_type')); $es->limit_tables(array('location')); $es->limit_fields(array('location.location')); $es->add_relation(' ((location.location IS NOT NULL) AND (location.location != ""))'); $result = $es->run_one('', 'All'); // All does not get archived entities ... hmmm $result2 = $es->run_one('', 'Archived'); // populate $ids - an array of entity ids to location value, with it we can do a direct update of the event entity table foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $ids[$k] = $v->get_value('location'); } foreach ($result2 as $k2 => $v2) { $ids[$k2] = $v2->get_value('location'); } unset($es); unset($result); unset($result2); // lets find our table entity $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('content_table')); $es->add_relation(' = "location"'); $es->set_num(1); $location_result = $es->run_one(); $es2 = new entity_selector(); $es2->add_type(id_of('content_table')); $es2->add_relation(' = "event"'); $es2->set_num(1); $event_result = $es2->run_one(); if ($location_result && $event_result) { $location_table = reset($location_result); $event_result = reset($event_result); $field_to_entity_table_id = relationship_id_of('field_to_entity_table'); $es3 = new entity_selector(); $es3->add_type(id_of('field')); $es3->add_relation(' = "location"'); $es3->add_left_relationship($location_table->id(), $field_to_entity_table_id); $es3->set_num(1); $es3_result = $es3->run_one(); if ($es3_result) { $field = reset($es3_result); // create the column on the event table $q = "ALTER TABLE event ADD location " . $field->get_value('db_type'); $r = db_query($q, 'Problems - could not add the location column to the event table'); $sqler = new SQLER(); // populate the values for the new column if (isset($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id => $location) { $sqler->update_one('event', array('location' => $location), $id); } } // update the entity table for the field_to_entity_table_relationship at hand $q = 'UPDATE relationship SET entity_b=' . $event_result->id(); $q .= ' WHERE entity_a=' . $field->id() . ' AND entity_b=' . $location_table->id() . ' AND type=' . $field_to_entity_table_id; db_query($q); // create the column on the event table $q = "DROP TABLE location"; $r = db_query($q, 'Could not drop the entity table location'); reason_expunge_entity($location_table->id(), $this->reason_id); echo '<p>Moved location.location to event.location, and deleted the location entity table</p>'; } } } elseif ($this->mode == 'test') { echo '<p>Would move the location.location to event.location, and delete the location entity table</p>'; } }
function delete_orphan($orphan_id) { if (empty($this->_user_id)) { trigger_error('Must set user id before calling delete_orphan()'); return false; } if (!get_owner_site_id($orphan_id)) { return reason_expunge_entity($orphan_id, $this->_user_id); } else { trigger_error($orphan_id . ' not actually an orphan'); return false; } }
$notification = $zencoder->notifications->parseIncoming(); $output = current($notification->job->outputs); $media_work = get_media_work($notification->job->id); if ($media_work) { $user = new entity($media_work->get_value('created_by')); $netid = $user->get_value('name'); // first check to see if all successfully transcoded if ($output->state == "skipped") { echo 'This output was skipped because of conditional outputs.' . "\n"; $output = current($notification->job->outputs); $label = $output->label; $label_parts = explode('_', $label); $format = reset($label_parts); $id = end($label_parts); echo 'Expunging Media File ' . $id . "\n"; reason_expunge_entity($id, $user->id()); } elseif ($output->state != "finished") { echo 'Output ' . $output->id . ' for job ' . $notification->job->id . ' not successful in encoding.' . "\n"; echo 'There were errors or cancellations in the transcoding process.' . "\n"; set_error($media_work); } else { if ($media_work->get_value('av_type') == 'Video') { process_video($media_work, $notification, $mime_type_map, $netid); } elseif ($media_work->get_value('av_type') == 'Audio') { process_audio($media_work, $notification, $mime_type_map, $netid); } else { echo 'Media Work with id ' . $media_work->id() . ' has invalid av_type.' . "\n"; set_error($media_work); } } } else {
/** * If the enable_comment_notification field exists, then zap it - will only be the case if an earlier version of this script was run * */ function zap_field($entity_table_name, $field_name, $reason_user_id) { $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('content_table')); $es->add_relation(' = "' . $entity_table_name . '"'); $es->set_num(1); $es->limit_tables(); $es->limit_fields(); $result = $es->run_one(); if (empty($result)) { echo '<p>The entity table ' . $entity_table_name . ' does not exist - field ' . $field_name . ' could not be zapped</p>'; return false; } else { $et = current($result); $es2 = new entity_selector(); $es2->add_type(id_of('field')); $es2->add_relation(' = "' . $field_name . '"'); $es2->add_left_relationship($et->id(), relationship_id_of('field_to_entity_table')); $es2->set_num(1); //$es2->limit_tables(); //$es2->limit_fields(); $result2 = $es2->run_one(); if (empty($result2)) { echo '<p>The field ' . $field_name . ' does not exist in entity table ' . $entity_table_name . ' and could not be zapped</p>'; return false; } else { $res = current($result2); $q = "ALTER TABLE " . $entity_table_name . " DROP " . $field_name; db_query($q); reason_expunge_entity($res->id(), $reason_user_id); // also deletes all relationships to the field, which fixes the entity table echo '<p>Zapped field ' . $field_name . ' in entity table ' . $entity_table_name . '<p>'; } } }
public function upload_media($disco) { $username = reason_check_authentication(); if (empty($username)) { $this->_user_id = make_sure_username_is_user('anonymous', $this->site_id); } else { $this->_user_id = make_sure_username_is_user($username, $this->site_id); } // Begin the upload to whatever serivice is being used $at_remote_url = false; if ($disco->get_element('upload_file')->tmp_full_path) { $tmp_path_arr = explode("/", $disco->get_element('upload_file')->tmp_full_path); $this->_filename = $this->sanitize_filename($disco->get_element('upload_file')->file['name']); $this->_filepath = $this->get_media_import_dir() . $this->_filename; rename($disco->get_element('upload_file')->tmp_full_path, $this->_filepath); } else { $at_remote_url = true; $this->_filename = basename($disco->get_value('url')); $this->_filepath = $disco->get_value('url'); } $media_work_id = $this->_create_media_entity($disco); if ($disco->get_value('av_type') == 'Video') { $this->_entry = $this->shim->upload_video($this->_filepath, new entity($this->_media_work_id), $username, $at_remote_url); } else { $this->_entry = $this->shim->upload_audio($this->_filepath, new entity($this->_media_work_id), $username, $at_remote_url); } if (!$this->_entry) { $disco->set_error('upload_file', 'There was an error during the upload process.'); reason_expunge_entity($this->_media_work_id, $this->_user_id); $this->_media_work_id = false; return; } $values = array(); $values['entry_id'] = $this->_entry->id; $values['transcoding_status'] = 'converting'; $values['media_publication_datetime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $values['show_hide'] = $this->params['show_hide_default']; reason_update_entity($this->_media_work_id, $this->_user_id, $values, false); }
} } else { $user_id = get_user_id('causal_agent'); } if (!defined('REASON_DELETED_ITEM_EXPUNGEMENT_WAIT_DAYS')) { echo '<p>Note: REASON_DELETED_ITEM_EXPUNGEMENT_WAIT_DAYS not defined; defaulting to 14 days</p>' . "\n"; $wait_days = 14; } else { $wait_days = REASON_DELETED_ITEM_EXPUNGEMENT_WAIT_DAYS; if (empty($wait_days) || !is_numeric($wait_days)) { echo '<p>Note: REASON_DELETED_ITEM_EXPUNGEMENT_WAIT_DAYS not set as a number of days; defaulting to 14 days</p>' . "\n"; $wait_days = 14; } } // select all entities to delete $q = "SELECT\n\tid,\n\tname,\n\tDATE_FORMAT(last_modified,'%M %e, %Y %r') AS last_modified\nFROM\n\tentity\nWHERE\n\t( state = 'Deleted' AND \n\t last_modified < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . $wait_days . " DAY) ) OR\n\t( state = 'Pending' AND name = '' AND last_modified < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 DAY) )"; $r = db_query($q, 'Unable to grab items to delete.'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo '<strong>' . $row['name'] . '</strong> was last modified on ' . $row['last_modified'] . '<br />'; // delete entity $deleted_entities[] = reason_expunge_entity($row['id'], $user_id); echo '<em>Expunged!</em><br />'; echo '<br />'; } // spit out the list of deleted items if (!empty($deleted_entities)) { pray($deleted_entities); } else { echo '<p>No entities expunged</p>'; } echo '<hr />done<br /><br />';
/** * Expunges a Reason media file entity and deletes the actual associated file as well. * @param $media_file entity * @param $media_work_id int * @param $user_id int * @param $preserve_original_file boolean */ public function delete_media_file($media_file, $media_work_id, $user_id, $preserve_original_file = false) { $media_work = new entity($media_work_id); if (!($preserve_original_file && $media_file->get_value('flavor_id') == 'original')) { self::get_storage_class()->delete_media($media_file->id(), $media_work, $media_file->get_value('flavor_id')); } reason_expunge_entity($media_file->id(), $user_id); }
/** * Deletes any existing media in Kaltura that corresponds with this media work. */ function _remove_existing_media($entry_id) { // First grab all related Media Files $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('av_file')); $es->add_right_relationship($this->manager->get_value('id'), relationship_id_of('av_to_av_file')); $media_files = $es->run_one(); $user = new entity($this->manager->admin_page->user_id); // Delete actual Reason entities for media files foreach ($media_files as $entity) { reason_expunge_entity($entity->id(), $user->id()); } // Remove Entries from Kaltura $this->kaltura_shim->delete_media($entry_id, $user->get_value('name')); }
function delete_entity() { reason_include_once('function_libraries/admin_actions.php'); reason_expunge_entity($this->get_value('id'), $this->admin_page->user_id); }
protected function _migrate_approvals() { $raw_fields = get_fields_by_content_table('policies', false); if (in_array('datetime', $raw_fields) && in_array('author', $raw_fields)) { $policies = $this->_get_approvals_policies(); } else { $policies = array(); } $msg = ''; foreach ($policies as $policy) { $str = $this->_get_approvals_string($policy); if (!empty($str)) { reason_update_entity($policy->id(), $policy->get_value('last_edited_by'), array('approvals' => $str, 'datetime' => '', 'author' => '', 'last_modified' => $policy->get_value('last_modified')), false); $msg = '<p>Moved all datetime/author data into new approvals field</p>' . "\n"; } } if (empty($msg)) { $msg .= '<p>No policies needed their approvals field migrated.</p>' . "\n"; } $policies_table_entity = $this->_get_policies_table_entity(); if (empty($policies_table_entity)) { trigger_error('Upgrade script has has a major error. The policies table should exist, but does not!'); $msg .= '<p>There has been a major error in this upgrade. The policies table should have been created, but it has not. Please restore your Reason instance from a backup and try troubleshooting.</p>' . "\n"; die; } $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('field')); $es->add_left_relationship($policies_table_entity->id(), relationship_id_of('field_to_entity_table')); $es->add_relation('name = "datetime"'); $es->set_num(1); $datetime_fields = $es->run_one(); if (!empty($datetime_fields)) { $datetime_field = current($datetime_fields); reason_expunge_entity($datetime_field->id(), $this->user_id); $msg .= '<p>Deleted the policies.datetime field entity.</p>' . "\n"; } if (in_array('datetime', $raw_fields)) { $q = 'ALTER TABLE `policies` DROP `datetime`'; db_query($q, 'Unable to drop datetime field from policies table.'); $msg .= '<p>Dropped the datetime field from the policies table.</p>' . "\n"; } $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('field')); $es->add_left_relationship($policies_table_entity->id(), relationship_id_of('field_to_entity_table')); $es->add_relation('name = "author"'); $es->set_num(1); $author_fields = $es->run_one(); if (!empty($author_fields)) { $author_field = current($author_fields); reason_expunge_entity($author_field->id(), $this->user_id); $msg .= '<p>Deleted the field entity.</p>' . "\n"; } if (in_array('author', $raw_fields)) { $q = 'ALTER TABLE `policies` DROP `author`'; db_query($q, 'Unable to drop author field from policies table.'); $msg .= '<p>Dropped the author field from the policies table.</p>' . "\n"; } return $msg; }
// else // { // echo 'Was not able to generate ldap filter for '.$group->get_value('course_identifier_strings').'<br />'; // $ok_to_delete_field = false; // } //} if ($ok_to_delete_field) { echo 'Finding course_identifier_strings field...<br />'; $es = new entity_selector(); $es->add_type(id_of('field')); $es->add_relation('name = "course_identifier_strings"'); $es->set_num(1); $fields = $es->run_one(); if (!empty($fields)) { $field = current($fields); reason_expunge_entity($field->id(), $user_id); echo 'Deleted course_identifier_strings field<br />'; } else { echo 'Couldn\'t find course_identifier_strings field -- possibly already deleted<br />'; } //check for field existence again $results = db_query('DESCRIBE user_group'); $field_exists = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { if ($row['Field'] == 'course_identifier_strings') { $field_exists = true; break; } } if ($field_exists) { echo 'course_identifier_strings field still exista in DB<br />';