예제 #1
파일: gd2.php 프로젝트: jinzora/jinzora3
 * Rotates an image
 * @author Ross Carlson
 * @version 4/16/05
 * @since 4/15/05
 * @param $image string the FULL path to the image to rotate
function SERVICE_ROTATE_IMAGE_gd2($image, $node)
    global $allow_filesystem_modify, $include_path;
    // Let's make sure they have GD installed
    if (gd_version() < 2) {
        return false;
    // Well since we can't rotate an ID3 image let's see if it's ID3
    if (stristr($image, "ID3:")) {
        // Now let's make a file out of this data
        $jzSERVICES = new jzServices();
        // Now let's fix the path
        $path = substr($image, 4);
        $meta = $jzSERVICES->getTagData($path);
        // Now let's create a file
        $file = $include_path . 'data/images/' . str_replace("/", "--", $path);
        $handle = fopen($file, "wb");
        fwrite($handle, $meta['pic_data']);
        // Now let's make this the image for the node
        // Now let's update the name so we can rotate
        $image = $file;
    // First we have to delete any resized versions of this
    $files = readDirInfo($include_path . 'data/images', "file");
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (stristr($file, str_replace($include_path . 'data/images/', "", substr($image, 0, -4)))) {
    // Now let's set our images
    $source = @imagecreatefromjpeg($image);
    $rotate = @imagerotate($source, 90, 0);
    @imagejpeg($rotate, $image);
예제 #2
 if (isset($_POST['edit_download_' . $i])) {
     // Ok, we got it, now we need to write this out
     $image = $_POST['edit_image_' . $i];
     $imageData = file_get_contents($image);
     // now let's set the path for the image
     if (stristr($backend, "id3") or $allow_filesystem_modify == "false") {
         $imgFile = $include_path . "data/images/" . str_replace("/", "--", $node->getPath("String")) . "--" . $node->getName() . ".jpg";
     } else {
         $imgFile = $node->getDataPath() . "/" . $node->getName() . ".jpg";
     // Now let's delete it if it already exists
     if (is_file($imgFile)) {
     // Now we need to see if any resized versions of it exist
     $retArray = readDirInfo($include_path . "data/images", "file");
     foreach ($retArray as $file) {
         if (stristr($file, str_replace("/", "--", $node->getPath("String")) . "--" . $node->getName())) {
             // Ok, let's wack it
             @unlink($include_path . "data/images/" . $file);
     // Now let's get the data and add it to the node
     $handle = fopen($imgFile, "w");
     if (fwrite($handle, $imageData)) {
         // Ok, let's write it to the backend
     // now let's close out
예제 #3
    $track = new jzMediaTrack($node->getPath('String'));
} else {
    // Now we need to grab the first track as a sample
    $tracks = $node->getSubNodes("tracks", -1);
    $track = $tracks[0];
// Now let's pull the meta data
$meta = $track->getMeta();
// Ok, now based on the input file let's create the beginning of the command
$extArr = explode(".", $node->getPath('String'));
$ext = $extArr[count($extArr) - 1];
// Did they submit the form?
if (isset($_POST['edit_dlformat'])) {
    // Ok, first we need to get ALL the files in the cache dir
    // And see how big it all is to see if we need to do some cleanup first
    $retArray = readDirInfo($include_path . "data/resampled", "file");
    $size = 0;
    foreach ($retArray as $track) {
        // Let's get the total size first
        $size = $size + round(filesize($include_path . "data/resampled/" . $track) / 1024000);
    // Now are we too big?
    if ($size > $resample_cache_size) {
        // Ok, we'll have to loop through and delete until we get small enough
        foreach ($retArray as $track) {
            $size = $size - round(filesize($include_path . "data/resampled/" . $track) / 1024000);
            @unlink($include_path . "data/resampled/" . $track);
            if ($size < $resample_cache_size) {
예제 #4
function userManSettings($purpose, $settings = false, $subaction = false, $post = false)
    global $jzSERVICES, $resampleRates, $include_path;
    $be = new jzBackend();
    $display = new jzDisplay();
    $url_array = array();
    $url_array['action'] = "popup";
    $url_array['ptype'] = "usermanager";
    if ($subaction === false) {
        $url_array['subaction'] = "handleclass";
    } else {
        $url_array['subaction'] = $subaction;
    // Why PHP pisses me off.
    foreach ($settings as $k => $v) {
        if ($v == "true") {
            $settings[$k] = true;
        } else {
            if ($v == "false") {
                $settings[$k] = false;
            } else {
                $settings[$k] = $v;
      <form method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo urlize($url_array);
	 <input type="hidden" name="update_settings" value="true">
    if (is_array($post)) {
        foreach ($post as $p => $v) {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $p . '" value="' . $v . '">';
    if ($purpose != "custom") {
	 <tr><td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
        echo word("Template:");
	 </td><td width="70%">
        if ($purpose == "new") {
	       <input name="classname" class="jz_input">
        } else {
            if ($purpose == "update") {
                echo '<input type="hidden" name="classname" class="jz_input" value="' . $_POST['classname'] . '">';
                echo $_POST['classname'];
							<td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("Interface");
		   <td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("INTERFACE_NOTE"), word("Default Interface"));
		   <select <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 name="usr_interface" class="jz_select" style="width:135px;">
    // Let's get all the interfaces
    $retArray = readDirInfo($include_path . "frontend/frontends", "dir");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($retArray); $i++) {
        echo '<option ';
        if ($settings['frontend'] == $retArray[$i]) {
            echo 'selected ';
        echo 'value="' . $retArray[$i] . '">' . $retArray[$i] . '</option>' . "\n";
			<td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("Theme");
			<td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("THEME_NOTE"), word("Default Theme"));
			<select <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 name="usr_theme" class="jz_select" style="width:135px;">
    // Let's get all the interfaces
    $retArray = readDirInfo($include_path . "style", "dir");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($retArray); $i++) {
        if ($retArray[$i] == "images") {
        echo '<option ';
        if ($settings['theme'] == $retArray[$i]) {
            echo 'selected ';
        echo 'value="' . $retArray[$i] . '">' . $retArray[$i] . '</option>' . "\n";
			<td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("Language");
			<td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("LANGUAGE_NOTE"), word("Default Language"));
			<select <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 name="usr_language" class="jz_select" style="width:135px;">
    // Let's get all the interfaces
    $languages = getLanguageList();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($languages); $i++) {
        echo '<option ';
        if ($languages[$i] == $settings['language']) {
            echo ' selected ';
        echo 'value="' . $languages[$i] . '">' . $languages[$i] . '</option>' . "\n";
							    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("Home Directory");
							    <td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("HOMEDIR_NOTE"), word("User Home Directory"));
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 type="input" name="home_dir" class="jz_input" value="<?php 
    echo $settings['home_dir'];
							    <td width="30%" valign="middle" align="right">
    echo word("Home Permissions");
							    <td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("HOMEREAD_NOTE"), word("Read Home Directory"));
    $overCode2 = $display->returnToolTip(word("HOMEADMIN_NOTE"), word("Admin Home Directory"));
    $overCode3 = $display->returnToolTip(word("HOMEUPLOAD_NOTE"), word("Home Directory Upload"));
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 type="checkbox" name="home_read" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['home_read'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Read only from home directory<br>
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode2;
 type="checkbox" name="home_admin" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['home_admin'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Home directory admin<br>
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode3;
 type="checkbox" name="home_upload" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['home_upload'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Upload to home directory
							    <td width="30%" valign="middle" align="right">
    echo word("User Rights");
							    <td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("VIEW_NOTE"), word("User can view media"));
    $overCode2 = $display->returnToolTip(word("STREAM_NOTE"), word("User can stream media"));
    $overCode3 = $display->returnToolTip(word("LOFI_NOTE"), word("User can access lo-fi tracks"));
    $overCode4 = $display->returnToolTip(word("DOWNLOAD_NOTE"), word("User can download"));
    $overCode5 = $display->returnToolTip(word("POWERSEARCH_NOTE"), word("User can power search"));
    $overCode6 = $display->returnToolTip(word("JUKEBOXQ_NOTE"), word("User can queue jukebox"));
    $overCode7 = $display->returnToolTip(word("JUKEBOXADMIN_NOTE"), word("User can admin jukebox"));
    $overCode8 = $display->returnToolTip(word("SITE_NOTE"), word("Site Admin"));
    $overCode9 = $display->returnToolTip(word("EDIT_NOTE"), word("Edit Preferences"));
    $overCode10 = $display->returnToolTip(word("FORCE_CLIPS_NOTE"), word("Force clip mode"));
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 type="checkbox" name="view" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['view'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> View
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode2;
 type="checkbox" name="stream" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['stream'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Stream
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode3;
 type="checkbox" name="lofi" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['lofi'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Lo-Fi<br>
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode4;
 type="checkbox" name="download" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['download'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Download
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode5;
 type="checkbox" name="powersearch" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['powersearch'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Power Search<br>
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode6;
 type="checkbox" name="jukebox_queue" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['jukebox_queue'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Jukebox Queue
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode7;
 type="checkbox" name="jukebox_admin" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['jukebox_admin'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Jukebox Admin<br>
							    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode8;
 type="checkbox" name="admin" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['admin'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Site Admin
						        <input <?php 
    echo $overCode9;
 type="checkbox" name="edit_prefs" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['edit_prefs'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Edit Prefs
                                                        <input <?php 
    echo $overCode10;
 type="checkbox" name="force_clips" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['force_clips'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> Clips Only
								<td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("Playlist Type");
								</td><td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("PLAYLIST_NOTE"), word("Playlist Type"));
								<select <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 name="pltype" class="jz_select" style="width:135px;">
    $list = $jzSERVICES->getPLTypes();
    foreach ($list as $p => $desc) {
        echo '<option value="' . $p . '"';
        if ($p == $settings['playlist_type']) {
            echo ' selected';
        echo '>' . $desc . '</option>';

							    <td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("Resample Rate");
					<td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("RESAMPLE_NOTE"), word("Resample Rate"));
    $overCode2 = $display->returnToolTip(word("LOCK_NOTE"), word("Resample Rate Lock"));
						<select <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 name="resample" class="jz_select" style="width:50px;">
							<option value="">-</option>
    // Now let's create all the items based on their settings
    $reArr = explode("|", $resampleRates);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($reArr); $i++) {
        echo '<option value="' . $reArr[$i] . '"';
        if ($settings['resample_rate'] == $reArr[$i]) {
            echo ' selected';
        echo '>' . $reArr[$i] . '</option>' . "\n";
						    <input <?php 
    echo $overCode2;
 type="checkbox" name="lockresample" class="jz_input" <?php 
    if ($settings['resample_lock'] == true) {
        echo 'CHECKED';
> <?php 
    echo word('Locked');
					<td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("External Player");
					<td width="70%">
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("PLAYER_NOTE"), word("External Player"));
						<select <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 name="player" class="jz_select" style="width:135px;">
							<option value=""> - </option>
    // Let's get all the interfaces
    $retArray = readDirInfo($include_path . "services/services/players", "file");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($retArray); $i++) {
        if (!stristr($retArray[$i], ".php") and !stristr($retArray[$i], "qt.")) {
        $val = substr($retArray[$i], 0, -4);
        echo '<option value="' . $val . '"';
        if ($settings['player'] == $val) {
            echo ' selected';
        echo '>' . $val . '</option>' . "\n";
					<td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("Playback Limit");
					<td width="70%"><td></tr><tr><td></td><td>
    echo word("Limit:");
    echo '</td><td>';
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("Sets a streaming limit for users based on the size or number of songs played."), word("Playback Limit"));
    $cap_limit = $settings['cap_limit'];
    if (isNothing($cap_limit)) {
        $cap_limit = 0;
					        <input <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 name="cap_limit" class="jz_select" style="width:35px;" value="<?php 
    echo $cap_limit;
    echo word("Method:");
    echo '</td><td>';
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("Sets the method for limiting playback"), word("Limiting method"));
    $cap_method = $settings['cap_method'];
					        <select name="cap_method" class="jz_select" <?php 
    echo $overCode;
					       <option value="size"<?php 
    if ($cap_method == "size") {
        echo ' selected';
    echo word('Size (MB)');
					       <option value="number"<?php 
    if ($cap_method == "number") {
        echo ' selected';
    echo word('Number');
    echo word("Duration:");
    echo '</td><td>';
    $overCode = $display->returnToolTip(word("How long the limit lasts, in days."), word("Limit duration"));
    $cap_duration = $settings['cap_duration'];
    if (isNothing($cap_duration)) {
        $cap_duration = 30;
					        <input <?php 
    echo $overCode;
 name="cap_duration" class="jz_select" style="width:35px;" value="<?php 
    echo $cap_duration;
					<td width="30%" valign="top">
					<td width="70%">
					<input type="submit" name="handlUpdate" value="<?php 
    echo word("Save");
" class="jz_submit">
예제 #5
			<td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
echo word("Theme");
			<td width="70%">
				<select name="def_theme" class="jz_select" style="width:135px;">
// Let's get all the interfaces
$retArray = readDirInfo($include_path . "style", "dir");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($retArray); $i++) {
    if ($retArray[$i] == "images") {
    echo '<option ';
    if ($retArray[$i] == $jzUSER->getSetting('theme')) {
        echo ' selected ';
    echo 'value="' . $retArray[$i] . '">' . $retArray[$i] . '</option>' . "\n";
예제 #6
 * Returns a list of available languages
 * @author Ben Dodson, Ross Carlson
 * @since 11/5/05
function getLanguageList()
    global $include_path;
    $lang_dir = $include_path . "lang";
    $retArray = readDirInfo($lang_dir, "file");
    $languages = array();
    for ($c = 0; $c < count($retArray); $c++) {
        $entry = $retArray[$c];
        // Let's make sure this isn't the local directory we're looking at
        if ($entry == "." || $entry == ".." || $entry == "master.php") {
        if (!stristr($entry, "-setup") and !stristr($entry, ".html")) {
            if (strrpos($entry, '-') !== false) {
                $languages[substr($entry, 0, strrpos($entry, '-'))] = true;
            } else {
                $languages[$entry] = true;
    return array_keys($languages);
예제 #7
if ($_GET['subpage'] == "frontend" && !isset($page_array['set_fe'])) {
 <form method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo urlize($page_array);
    <select class="jz_select" name="<?php 
    echo jz_encode('set_fe');
    $arr = readDirInfo($include_path . 'frontend/frontends', "dir");
    foreach ($arr as $a) {
        if (file_exists($include_path . "frontend/frontends/{$a}/settings.php")) {
            echo "<option value=\"" . jz_encode($a) . "\"";
            if ($a == $my_frontend) {
                echo ' selected';
            echo ">{$a}</option>";
       &nbsp;<input type="submit" class="jz_submit" value="<?php 
    echo word('Go');
예제 #8
if ($allow_player_choice == "true") {
			<td width="30%" valign="top" align="right">
    echo word("External Player");
			<td width="70%">
				<select name="def_player" class="jz_select" style="width:135px;">
				<option value=""> - </option>
    // Let's get all the players
    $retArray = readDirInfo($include_path . "services/services/players", "file");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($retArray); $i++) {
        if (stripos(strrev($retArray[$i]), "php.") !== 0) {
        $val = substr($retArray[$i], 0, -4);
        if ($val == "qt") {
        echo '<option ';
        if ($val == $jzUSER->getSetting('player')) {
            echo 'selected ';
        echo 'value="' . $val . '">' . $val . "</option>\n";
예제 #9
            if ($dataArray[$i]['name'] != "") {
                $albumDispName = str_replace("'", "", $dataArray[$i]['name']);
                $album = $dataArray[$i]['name'];
                if ($sort_by_year == "true") {
                    if ($dataArray[$i]['year'] != "") {
                        $albumDispName .= " (" . $dataArray[$i]['year'] . ")";
                $rate_url = $root_dir . '/popup.php?type=discuss&info=' . base64_encode(urlencode($genre) . "/" . urlencode($artist) . "/" . urlencode($album)) . '&cur_theme=' . $_SESSION['cur_theme'];
                // Now let's see if there is an album image, and if so display it
                $image = '<img src="' . $image_dir . "discuss.gif" . '">';
                if (is_file($web_root . $root_dir . $media_dir . "/" . $genre . "/" . $artist . "/" . $album . "/" . $album . ".jpg") and $show_thumbnails_in_menu == "true") {
                    $image = '<img width="30" src="' . str_replace("%2F", "/", rawurlencode($root_dir . $media_dir . "/" . $genre . "/" . $artist . "/" . $album . "/" . $album . ".jpg")) . '">';
                } else {
                    // Now let's see if there is art with a different name
                    $retArray = readDirInfo($web_root . $root_dir . $media_dir . "/" . $genre . "/" . $artist . "/" . $album, "file");
                    for ($e = 0; $e < count($retArray); $e++) {
                        if (preg_match("/\\.({$ext_graphic})\$/i", $retArray[$e])) {
                            $image = '<img width="30" src="' . str_replace("%2F", "/", rawurlencode($root_dir . $media_dir . "/" . $genre . "/" . $artist . "/" . $album . "/" . $retArray[$e])) . '">';
									[_cmNoAction,'<td class="jzMenuItemLeft"><?php 
                echo $image;
</td><td class="jzMenuItem">&nbsp;<em><a target="_blank" onclick="openPopup(this,500,400); return false;" style="font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none;" href="<?php 
                echo $rate_url;
                echo $albumDispName;
예제 #10
     * The dropdown for the style selector.
     * @author Ben Dodson
     * @since 3/17/05
     * @version 3/17/05
    function styleDropdown()
        global $this_page, $root_dir, $web_root, $include_path, $cms_mode;
        // Not in CMS mode...
        if ($cms_mode == "true") {
			<form action="<?php 
        echo $this_page;
" method="GET" name="style">
				<select class="jz_select" name="<?php 
        echo jz_encode("set_theme");
" style="width:125px" onChange="submit()">
				<option value=""><?php 
        echo word("Style");
        // Now let's get all the possibles
        $lang_dir = $web_root . $root_dir . "/style";
        $retArray = readDirInfo($lang_dir, "dir");
        for ($c = 0; $c < count($retArray); $c++) {
            $entry = $retArray[$c];
            // Let's make sure this isn't the local directory we're looking at
            if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") {
            if (!stristr($entry, "images") and !stristr($entry, "cms-theme") and !stristr($entry, "CVS")) {
                echo '<option value="' . jz_encode(str_replace(".php", "", $entry)) . '">' . str_replace(".php", "", $entry) . '</option>' . "\n";
				function setActiveStyleSheet(title) {
					 var i, a, main;
					 for(i=0; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]); i++) {
						 if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1
								&& a.getAttribute("title")) {
							 a.disabled = true;
							 if(a.getAttribute("title") == title) a.disabled = false;
				function selectStyle (vCookieName, vSelection) {
					//makeCookie(vCookieName, vSelection, 90, '/');
				if (document.cookie.indexOf('layout=')!=-1) {
					css = readCookie('layout');
			<select class="jz_select" onchange="var v=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; if (v != '') selectStyle('style', v);" style="width:125px" >
				<option value=""><?php 
        echo word("Style");
        $styles = readDirInfo($include_path . "style", "dir");
        foreach ($styles as $style) {
            echo '<option value="' . $style . '">' . ucwords($style) . '</option>';
예제 #11
echo $form_action;
" name="setup2" method="post">
		Please select a language to use during installation. You can change to another language once the installer is finished.
		<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
				<td width="20%" align="left" class="td">
				<td width="1">&nbsp;</td>
				<td width="80%" align="left">
// Let's get all the possible language files
$lang_dir = $include_path . "install/lang/";
$retArray = readDirInfo($lang_dir, "dir");
$languages = array();
for ($c = 0; $c < count($retArray); $c++) {
    $entry = $retArray[$c];
    // Let's make sure this isn't the local directory we're looking at
    if ($entry == "." || $entry == ".." || $entry == "master.php") {
    if (!stristr($entry, "-setup") and !stristr($entry, ".html")) {
        if (strrpos($entry, '-') !== false) {
            $languages[substr($entry, 0, strrpos($entry, '-'))] = true;
        } else {
            $languages[$entry] = true;