예제 #1
function upgrade15_dbchanges()
    global $db, $output, $mybb, $cache;
    $output->print_header("Performing Queries");
    echo "<p>Performing necessary upgrade queries..</p>";
    if ($db->type != "pgsql") {
        $db->update_query("settinggroups", array('isdefault' => '1'), "isdefault='yes'");
        $db->update_query("settinggroups", array('isdefault' => '0'), "isdefault='no'");
        $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "events CHANGE timezone timezone varchar(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
    if ($db->type == "pgsql") {
        $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "warnings ALTER COLUMN revokereason SET default ''");
        $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "warnings ALTER COLUMN notes SET default ''");
    $cache->update("internal_settings", array('encryption_key' => random_str(32)));
    if ($db->type != "sqlite2" && $db->type != "sqlite3") {
        $ip_index = $db->index_exists("sessions", "ip");
        if ($ip_index == false) {
            if ($db->type == "pgsql") {
                $db->write_query("CREATE INDEX ip ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions (ip)");
            } else {
                $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions ADD INDEX (`ip`)");
    $contents .= "Click next to continue with the upgrade process.</p>";
예제 #2
function upgrade15_dbchanges()
    global $db, $output, $mybb, $cache;
    $output->print_header("Wykonywanie zapytań");
    echo "<p>Trwa wykonywanie wymaganych zapytań do bazy danych...</p>";
    if ($db->type != "pgsql") {
        $db->update_query("settinggroups", array('isdefault' => '1'), "isdefault='yes'");
        $db->update_query("settinggroups", array('isdefault' => '0'), "isdefault='no'");
        $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "events CHANGE timezone timezone varchar(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
    if ($db->type == "pgsql") {
        $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "warnings ALTER COLUMN revokereason SET default ''");
        $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "warnings ALTER COLUMN notes SET default ''");
    $cache->update("internal_settings", array('encryption_key' => random_str(32)));
    if ($db->type != "sqlite") {
        $ip_index = $db->index_exists("sessions", "ip");
        if ($ip_index == false) {
            if ($db->type == "pgsql") {
                $db->write_query("CREATE INDEX ip ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions (ip)");
            } else {
                $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions ADD INDEX (`ip`)");
    $contents .= "Naciśnij przycisk Dalej, aby kontynuować proces aktualizacji.</p>";
예제 #3
 function create($a)
     if (!$a["id"]) {
         $a["id"] = random_str();
     $a['created_at'] = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
     $this->lastid = $a["id"];
     $lines = $this->get_lines();
     $head = explode("\t", array_shift($lines));
     $head_num = count($head);
     $b = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $head_num; $i++) {
         if ($a[$head[$i]]) {
             $b[] = $this->escape($a[$head[$i]]);
         } else {
             $b[] = "";
     $handle = fopen(SAFEPATH . $this->tablename, 'a');
     if (flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) {
         $line = implode("\t", $b);
         fwrite($handle, $line . "\n");
         flock($handle, LOCK_UN);
         // ロックを解放します
     } else {
         return false;
     return $a;
예제 #4
 function authpic()
     $random = random_str(4, "123456789");
     $_SESSION["authcode"] = $random;
예제 #5
function upload_attach_func($xmlrpc_params)
    global $db, $lang, $theme, $plugins, $mybb, $session, $settings, $cache, $time, $mybbgroups;
    $parser = new postParser();
    $input = Tapatalk_Input::filterXmlInput(array('forum_id' => Tapatalk_Input::INT, 'group_id' => Tapatalk_Input::STRING, 'content' => Tapatalk_Input::STRING), $xmlrpc_params);
    $fid = $input['forum_id'];
    //return xmlrespfalse(print_r($_FILES, true));
    // Fetch forum information.
    $forum = get_forum($fid);
    if (!$forum) {
        return xmlrespfalse($lang->error_invalidforum);
    $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($fid);
    if ($forum['open'] == 0 || $forum['type'] != "f") {
        return xmlrespfalse($lang->error_closedinvalidforum);
    if ($mybb->user['uid'] < 1 || $forumpermissions['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions['canpostthreads'] == 0 || $mybb->user['suspendposting'] == 1) {
        return tt_no_permission();
    // Check if this forum is password protected and we have a valid password
    $posthash = $input['group_id'];
    if (empty($posthash)) {
        $posthash = md5($mybb->user['uid'] . random_str());
    $mybb->input['posthash'] = $posthash;
    if (!empty($mybb->input['pid'])) {
        $attachwhere = "pid='{$mybb->input['pid']}'";
    } else {
        $attachwhere = "posthash='{$posthash}'";
    $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) as numattachs", $attachwhere);
    $attachcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "numattachs");
    foreach ($_FILES['attachment'] as $k => $v) {
        if (is_array($_FILES['attachment'][$k])) {
            $_FILES['attachment'][$k] = $_FILES['attachment'][$k][0];
    if ($_FILES['attachment']['type'] == 'image/jpg') {
        $_FILES['attachment']['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
    // If there's an attachment, check it and upload it
    if ($_FILES['attachment']['size'] > 0 && $forumpermissions['canpostattachments'] != 0 && ($mybb->settings['maxattachments'] == 0 || $attachcount < $mybb->settings['maxattachments'])) {
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/functions_upload.php";
        $attachedfile = upload_attachment($_FILES['attachment'], false);
    if (empty($attachedfile)) {
        return xmlrespfalse("No file uploaded");
    //return xmlrespfalse(print_r($attachedfile, true));
    if ($attachedfile['error']) {
        return xmlrespfalse(implode(" :: ", $attachedfile['error']));
    $result = new xmlrpcval(array('attachment_id' => new xmlrpcval($attachedfile['aid'], 'string'), 'group_id' => new xmlrpcval($posthash, 'string'), 'result' => new xmlrpcval(true, 'boolean'), 'result_text' => new xmlrpcval('', 'base64'), 'file_size' => new xmlrpcval($attachedfile['filesize'], 'int')), 'struct');
    return new xmlrpcresp($result);
  * Create & Assign a new payment ID to user 
  * @param   object      User
  * @return  string      payment id    
 public function create_payment_id($user)
     $res = false;
     // Keep generating payment id until successfully inserted.
     while (!$res) {
         $payment_id = random_str(64);
         $sql = insert_query('users_cn_payment_ids', array('asset_id' => $this->id, 'payment_id' => $payment_id, 'user_id' => $user->id(), 'date_created' => array('UTC_TIMESTAMP()')));
         $res = db()->query($sql);
     return $payment_id;
예제 #7
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  \Closure  $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     if ($this->auth->guest()) {
         if ($request->ajax()) {
             return response('Unauthorized.', 401);
         } else {
             return redirect()->guest('/token/314159265?state=' . random_str(20));
     return $next($request);
예제 #8
 * This function return user if user is logged in and update It's expire time.
 * If user is not logged in , returns false;
 * @return bool|WP_USER
function get_user_from_cookie()
    if (!isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME])) {
        return false;
    $user = get_user_by('ID', substr($_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME], 34, strlen($_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME]) - 56));
    if ($user) {
        setcookie(COOKIE_NAME, random_str(34) . strval($user->ID) . random_str(22), time() + 21600, '/');
        return $user;
    return false;
예제 #9
 function convert_data($data)
     global $db, $error_notice, $mybb;
     $error_notice = "";
     $insert_data = array();
     // Invision Power Board 2 values
     $insert_data['import_aid'] = $data['attach_id'];
     $posthash = $this->get_import->post_attachment_details($data['attach_pid']);
     $insert_data['pid'] = $posthash['pid'];
     if ($posthash['posthash']) {
         $insert_data['posthash'] = $posthash['posthash'];
     } else {
         $insert_data['posthash'] = md5($posthash['tid'] . $posthash['uid'] . random_str());
     $insert_data['filetype'] = $this->get_attach_type($data['attach_ext']);
     // Check if it is it an image
     switch (strtolower($insert_data['filetype'])) {
         case "image/gif":
         case "image/jpeg":
         case "image/x-jpg":
         case "image/x-jpeg":
         case "image/pjpeg":
         case "image/jpg":
         case "image/png":
         case "image/x-png":
             $is_image = 1;
             $is_image = 0;
     // should have thumbnail if it's an image
     if ($is_image == 1) {
         $insert_data['thumbnail'] = 'SMALL';
     } else {
         $insert_data['thumbnail'] = '';
     $insert_data['posthash'] = $data['attach_post_key'];
     $insert_data['uid'] = $this->get_import->uid($data['attach_member_id']);
     $insert_data['filename'] = $data['attach_file'];
     $insert_data['attachname'] = "post_" . $insert_data['uid'] . "_" . $data['attach_date'] . ".attach";
     $insert_data['filesize'] = $data['attach_filesize'];
     $insert_data['downloads'] = $data['attach_hits'];
     $insert_data['visible'] = $data['attach_approved'];
     if ($data['attach_thumb_location']) {
         $ext = get_extension($data['attach_thumb_location']);
         $insert_data['thumbnail'] = str_replace(".attach", "_thumb.{$ext}", basename($insert_data['attachname']));
     return $insert_data;
예제 #10
파일: class_user.php 프로젝트: Shan1983/tat
     * Adds user to the databse.
     * Creates a temporary randomly generated password string
     * for user, emails the user a confirmation message about account creation
     * along with
     * temporary password string.
     * @param $DB_con -
     *        	PDO Database connection object
    public function add_user($DB_con)
        // generate random password string
        $temp_password = random_str(10);
        // not currently needed
        // hash password
        // if (isset($password)) {
        // $password = crypt($password);
        // }
        // prepare and executer query to add user to database
        $add_user_query = 'INSERT INTO `tat_user` (`employee_number`, `First_Name`, `Last_Name`, `Email`, `Phone_Number`, `GPA`, `Gender`, `Password`, `Access_Level`)
VALUES (:sid, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :phone_number, :gpa, :gender, :password, :access_level)';
        $statement = $DB_con->prepare($add_user_query);
        // bind query parameters
        $statement->bindParam(':sid', $this->id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $statement->bindParam(':first_name', $this->first_name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $statement->bindParam(':last_name', $this->last_name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $statement->bindParam(':email', $this->email, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $statement->bindParam(':phone_number', $this->phone_number, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $statement->bindParam(':gpa', $this->gpa, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $statement->bindParam(':gender', $this->gender, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $statement->bindParam(':password', $temp_password, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $statement->bindParam(':access_level', $this->access_level, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        // execute query
        if (!$statement->execute()) {
            // set error message and redirect user
            $_SESSION['add_user_error'] = 'An unknown error has occurred. Please contact system support and provide a detailed description of what you were trying to accomplish when this error occurred. (Error: -1)';
            header('Location: ../add_user_gui.php');
        } else {
            // redirect to dash board
            $_SESSION['user_added'] = 1;
            $fullName = $this->first_name . " " . $this->last_name;
            // finally send them an email
            if ($this->access_level == 'lecturer') {
                $email = new Emailer();
                $email->sendLecturerTempEmail($_POST['user_email'], $fullName, $temp_password);
                header('Location: ../add_user_gui.php');
            } else {
                if ($this->access_level == 'student') {
                    $email = new Emailer();
                    $email->sendStudentTempEmail($_POST['user_email'], $fullName, $temp_password);
                    header('Location: ../add_user_gui.php');
예제 #11
 function convert_data($data)
     $insert_data = array();
     // vBulletin 3 values
     $insert_data['import_aid'] = $data['attachmentid'];
     $insert_data['filetype'] = $this->get_attach_type($data['extension']);
     // Check if it is it an image
     switch (strtolower($insert_data['filetype'])) {
         case "image/gif":
         case "image/jpeg":
         case "image/x-jpg":
         case "image/x-jpeg":
         case "image/pjpeg":
         case "image/jpg":
         case "image/png":
         case "image/x-png":
             $is_image = 1;
             $is_image = 0;
     // Should have thumbnail if it's an image
     if ($is_image == 1) {
         $insert_data['thumbnail'] = 'SMALL';
     } else {
         $insert_data['thumbnail'] = '';
     $posthash = $this->get_import->post_attachment_details($data['postid']);
     $insert_data['pid'] = $posthash['pid'];
     if ($posthash['posthash']) {
         $insert_data['posthash'] = $posthash['posthash'];
     } else {
         $insert_data['posthash'] = md5($posthash['tid'] . $posthash['uid'] . random_str());
     $insert_data['uid'] = $this->get_import->uid($data['userid']);
     $insert_data['filename'] = $data['filename'];
     $insert_data['attachname'] = "post_" . $insert_data['uid'] . "_" . $data['dateline'] . ".attach";
     $insert_data['filesize'] = $data['filesize'];
     $insert_data['downloads'] = $data['counter'];
     $insert_data['visible'] = $data['visible'];
     if ($data['thumbnail']) {
         $insert_data['thumbnail'] = str_replace(".attach", "_thumb.{$data['extension']}", $insert_data['attachname']);
     return $insert_data;
예제 #12
 function convert_data($data)
     $insert_data = array();
     // phpBB 3 values
     $insert_data['import_aid'] = $data['attach_id'];
     $insert_data['uid'] = $this->get_import->uid($data['poster_id']);
     $insert_data['filename'] = $data['real_filename'];
     $insert_data['attachname'] = "post_" . $insert_data['uid'] . "_" . $data['filetime'] . ".attach";
     $insert_data['filetype'] = $data['mimetype'];
     $insert_data['filesize'] = $data['filesize'];
     $insert_data['downloads'] = $data['download_count'];
     $posthash = $this->get_import->post_attachment_details($data['post_msg_id']);
     $insert_data['pid'] = $posthash['pid'];
     if ($posthash['posthash']) {
         $insert_data['posthash'] = $posthash['posthash'];
     } else {
         $insert_data['posthash'] = md5($posthash['tid'] . $posthash['uid'] . random_str());
     // Check if this is an image
     switch (strtolower($insert_data['filetype'])) {
         case "image/gif":
         case "image/jpeg":
         case "image/x-jpg":
         case "image/x-jpeg":
         case "image/pjpeg":
         case "image/jpg":
         case "image/png":
         case "image/x-png":
             $is_image = 1;
             $is_image = 0;
     // Check if this is an image
     if ($is_image == 1) {
         $insert_data['thumbnail'] = 'SMALL';
     } else {
         $insert_data['thumbnail'] = '';
     return $insert_data;
예제 #13
 public function addUser($user_info)
     $result = array('success' => false, 'message' => "Something went wrong.");
     if (sizeof($user_info) > 0) {
         $result['success'] = (isset($user_info['name']) and ctype_alnum($user_info['name']) and strlen($user_info['name']) > 2 or isset($user_info['email']) and filter_var($user_info['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) or isset($user_info['country']) and ctype_alpha($user_info['country']) or isset($user_info['password']) and strlen($user_info['password']) < 5 or isset($user_info['confirm_password'])) ? true : false;
         if ($user_info['password'] != $user_info['confirm_password']) {
             $result['success'] = false;
             $result['message'] = "Password did not match.";
             $result['field'] = "password";
             return $result;
         if ($this->db->checkExists($this->user_table, 'email', $user_info['email'])) {
             $result['success'] = false;
             $result['message'] = "Email already exists.";
             $result['field'] = "email";
             return $result;
         if ($result['success']) {
             $salt = random_str(20);
             $password = crypt($user_info['password'], $salt);
             $user_result = $this->db->add($this->user_table, $user_info);
             if ($user_result['success']) {
                 $result['user_id'] = $user_result['lastInsertId'];
                 $result['secret_id'] = $this->_saveUserSecret(array('user_id' => $result['user_id'], 'password' => $password, 'email_confirmation' => random_str(20)));
                 if ($result['secret_id']) {
                     /* TO DO :
                      * Email Confirmation
                     $result['success'] = true;
     return $result;
예제 #14
 if (isset($mybb->input['code']) && $user) {
     $query = $db->simple_select("awaitingactivation", "code", "uid='" . $user['uid'] . "' AND type='p'");
     $activationcode = $db->fetch_field($query, 'code');
     $now = TIME_NOW;
     if (!$activationcode || $activationcode != $mybb->get_input('code')) {
     $db->delete_query("awaitingactivation", "uid='" . $user['uid'] . "' AND type='p'");
     $username = $user['username'];
     // Generate a new password, then update it
     $password_length = (int) $mybb->settings['minpasswordlength'];
     if ($password_length < 8) {
         $password_length = 8;
     $password = random_str($password_length);
     $logindetails = update_password($user['uid'], md5($password), $user['salt']);
     $email = $user['email'];
     $emailsubject = $lang->sprintf($lang->emailsubject_passwordreset, $mybb->settings['bbname']);
     $emailmessage = $lang->sprintf($lang->email_passwordreset, $username, $mybb->settings['bbname'], $password);
     my_mail($email, $emailsubject, $emailmessage);
 } else {
     switch ($mybb->settings['username_method']) {
         case 0:
             $lang_username = $lang->username;
         case 1:
예제 #15
 * Installation is finished
function install_done()
    global $output, $db, $mybb, $errors, $cache, $lang;
    if (empty($mybb->input['adminuser'])) {
        $errors[] = $lang->admin_step_error_nouser;
    if (empty($mybb->input['adminpass'])) {
        $errors[] = $lang->admin_step_error_nopassword;
    if ($mybb->get_input('adminpass') != $mybb->get_input('adminpass2')) {
        $errors[] = $lang->admin_step_error_nomatch;
    if (empty($mybb->input['adminemail'])) {
        $errors[] = $lang->admin_step_error_noemail;
    if (is_array($errors)) {
    require MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/config.php';
    $db = db_connection($config);
    require MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/settings.php';
    $mybb->settings =& $settings;
    $output->print_header($lang->finish_setup, 'finish');
    echo $lang->done_step_usergroupsinserted;
    // Insert all of our user groups from the XML file
    $usergroup_settings = file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT . 'resources/usergroups.xml');
    $parser = new XMLParser($usergroup_settings);
    $parser->collapse_dups = 0;
    $tree = $parser->get_tree();
    $admin_gid = '';
    $group_count = 0;
    foreach ($tree['usergroups'][0]['usergroup'] as $usergroup) {
        // usergroup[cancp][0][value]
        $new_group = array();
        foreach ($usergroup as $key => $value) {
            if (!is_array($value)) {
            $new_group[$key] = $db->escape_string($value[0]['value']);
        $db->insert_query("usergroups", $new_group, false);
        // If this group can access the admin CP and we haven't established the admin group - set it (just in case we ever change IDs)
        if ($new_group['cancp'] == 1 && !$admin_gid) {
            $admin_gid = $usergroup['gid'][0]['value'];
    // Restart usergroup sequence with correct # of groups
    if ($config['database']['type'] == "pgsql") {
        $db->query("SELECT setval('{$config['database']['table_prefix']}usergroups_gid_seq', (SELECT max(gid) FROM {$config['database']['table_prefix']}usergroups));");
    echo $lang->done . '</p>';
    echo $lang->done_step_admincreated;
    $now = TIME_NOW;
    $salt = random_str();
    $loginkey = generate_loginkey();
    $saltedpw = md5(md5($salt) . md5($mybb->get_input('adminpass')));
    $newuser = array('username' => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('adminuser')), 'password' => $saltedpw, 'salt' => $salt, 'loginkey' => $loginkey, 'email' => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('adminemail')), 'usergroup' => $admin_gid, 'regdate' => $now, 'lastactive' => $now, 'lastvisit' => $now, 'website' => '', 'icq' => '', 'aim' => '', 'yahoo' => '', 'skype' => '', 'google' => '', 'birthday' => '', 'signature' => '', 'allownotices' => 1, 'hideemail' => 0, 'subscriptionmethod' => '0', 'receivepms' => 1, 'pmnotice' => 1, 'pmnotify' => 1, 'buddyrequestspm' => 1, 'buddyrequestsauto' => 0, 'showimages' => 1, 'showvideos' => 1, 'showsigs' => 1, 'showavatars' => 1, 'showquickreply' => 1, 'invisible' => 0, 'style' => '0', 'timezone' => 0, 'dst' => 0, 'threadmode' => '', 'daysprune' => 0, 'regip' => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip())), 'language' => '', 'showcodebuttons' => 1, 'tpp' => 0, 'ppp' => 0, 'referrer' => 0, 'buddylist' => '', 'ignorelist' => '', 'pmfolders' => '', 'notepad' => '', 'showredirect' => 1, 'usernotes' => '');
    $db->insert_query('users', $newuser);
    echo $lang->done . '</p>';
    echo $lang->done_step_adminoptions;
    $adminoptions = file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT . 'resources/adminoptions.xml');
    $parser = new XMLParser($adminoptions);
    $parser->collapse_dups = 0;
    $tree = $parser->get_tree();
    $insertmodule = array();
    // Insert all the admin permissions
    foreach ($tree['adminoptions'][0]['user'] as $users) {
        $uid = $users['attributes']['uid'];
        foreach ($users['permissions'][0]['module'] as $module) {
            foreach ($module['permission'] as $permission) {
                $insertmodule[$module['attributes']['name']][$permission['attributes']['name']] = $permission['value'];
        $defaultviews = array();
        foreach ($users['defaultviews'][0]['view'] as $view) {
            $defaultviews[$view['attributes']['type']] = $view['value'];
        $adminoptiondata = array('uid' => (int) $uid, 'cpstyle' => '', 'notes' => '', 'permissions' => $db->escape_string(my_serialize($insertmodule)), 'defaultviews' => $db->escape_string(my_serialize($defaultviews)));
        $insertmodule = array();
        $db->insert_query('adminoptions', $adminoptiondata);
    echo $lang->done . '</p>';
    // Automatic Login
    my_setcookie('mybbuser', $uid . '_' . $loginkey, null, true);
    // Make fulltext columns if supported
    if ($db->supports_fulltext('threads')) {
        $db->create_fulltext_index('threads', 'subject');
    if ($db->supports_fulltext_boolean('posts')) {
        $db->create_fulltext_index('posts', 'message');
    echo $lang->done_step_cachebuilding;
    require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_datacache.php';
    $cache = new datacache();
    $cache->update("plugins", array());
    $cache->update("internal_settings", array('encryption_key' => random_str(32)));
    $version_history = array();
    $dh = opendir(INSTALL_ROOT . "resources");
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
        if (preg_match("#upgrade([0-9]+).php\$#i", $file, $match)) {
            $version_history[$match[1]] = $match[1];
    sort($version_history, SORT_NUMERIC);
    $cache->update("version_history", $version_history);
    // Schedule an update check so it occurs an hour ago.  Gotta stay up to date!
    $update['nextrun'] = TIME_NOW - 3600;
    $db->update_query("tasks", $update, "tid='12'");
    echo $lang->done . '</p>';
    echo $lang->done_step_success;
    $written = 0;
    if (is_writable('./')) {
        $lock = @fopen('./lock', 'w');
        $written = @fwrite($lock, '1');
        if ($written) {
            echo $lang->done_step_locked;
    if (!$written) {
        echo $lang->done_step_dirdelete;
    echo $lang->done_whats_next;
예제 #16
        // Wrong code -> close session (aka logout)
        $db->delete_query("adminsessions", "sid='" . $db->escape_string($mybb->cookies['adminsid']) . "'");
        // Now test whether we need to lock this guy completly
        $db->update_query("adminoptions", array("loginattempts" => "loginattempts+1"), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'", '', true);
        $loginattempts = login_attempt_check_acp($mybb->user['uid'], true);
        // Have we attempted too many times?
        if ($loginattempts['loginattempts'] > 0) {
            // Have we set an expiry yet?
            if ($loginattempts['loginlockoutexpiry'] == 0) {
                $db->update_query("adminoptions", array("loginlockoutexpiry" => TIME_NOW + (int) $mybb->settings['loginattemptstimeout'] * 60), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
            // Did we hit lockout for the first time? Send the unlock email to the administrator
            if ($loginattempts['loginattempts'] == $mybb->settings['maxloginattempts']) {
                $db->delete_query("awaitingactivation", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND type='l'");
                $lockout_array = array("uid" => $mybb->user['uid'], "dateline" => TIME_NOW, "code" => random_str(), "type" => "l");
                $db->insert_query("awaitingactivation", $lockout_array);
                $subject = $lang->sprintf($lang->locked_out_subject, $mybb->settings['bbname']);
                $message = $lang->sprintf($lang->locked_out_message, htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->user['username']), $mybb->settings['bbname'], $mybb->settings['maxloginattempts'], $mybb->settings['bburl'], $mybb->config['admin_dir'], $lockout_array['code'], $lockout_array['uid']);
                my_mail($mybb->user['email'], $subject, $message);
            log_admin_action(array('type' => 'admin_locked_out', 'uid' => $mybb->user['uid'], 'username' => $mybb->user['username']));
        // Still here? Show a custom login page
        $page->show_login($lang->my2fa_failed, "error");
// Show our 2FA page
if (!empty($admin_options['authsecret']) && $admin_session['authenticated'] != 1) {
             $captcha = $post_captcha->html;
     $postoptionschecked = array('signature' => '', 'emailnotify' => '');
     if ($mybb->user['signature']) {
         $postoptionschecked['signature'] = 'checked="checked"';
     // Hide signature option if no permission
     $option_signature = '';
     if ($mybb->usergroup['canusesig'] && !$mybb->user['suspendsignature']) {
         eval("\$option_signature = \"" . $templates->get('showthread_quickreply_options_signature') . "\";");
     if (isset($mybb->user['emailnotify']) && $mybb->user['emailnotify'] == 1) {
         $postoptionschecked['emailnotify'] = 'checked="checked"';
     $posthash = md5($mybb->user['uid'] . random_str());
     eval("\$quickreply = \"" . $templates->get("showthread_quickreply") . "\";");
 // If the user is a moderator, show the moderation tools.
 if ($ismod) {
     $customthreadtools = $customposttools = '';
     if (is_moderator($forum['fid'], "canusecustomtools") && (!empty($forum_stats[-1]['modtools']) || !empty($forum_stats[$forum['fid']]['modtools']))) {
         switch ($db->type) {
             case "pgsql":
             case "sqlite":
                 $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "tid, name, type", "','||forums||',' LIKE '%,{$fid},%' OR ','||forums||',' LIKE '%,-1,%' OR forums=''");
                 $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "tid, name, type", "CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,{$fid},%' OR CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,-1,%' OR forums=''");
         while ($tool = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
예제 #18
if ($mybb->input['action'] == "do_email" && $mybb->request_method == "post") {
    $errors = array();
    if (validate_password_from_uid($mybb->user['uid'], $mybb->input['password']) == false) {
        $errors[] = $lang->error_invalidpassword;
    } else {
        // Set up user handler.
        require_once "inc/datahandlers/user.php";
        $userhandler = new UserDataHandler("update");
        $user = array("uid" => $mybb->user['uid'], "email" => $mybb->input['email'], "email2" => $mybb->input['email2']);
        if (!$userhandler->validate_user()) {
            $errors = $userhandler->get_friendly_errors();
        } else {
            if ($mybb->user['usergroup'] != "5" && $mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1) {
                $activationcode = random_str();
                $now = TIME_NOW;
                $db->delete_query("awaitingactivation", "uid='" . $mybb->user['uid'] . "'");
                $newactivation = array("uid" => $mybb->user['uid'], "dateline" => TIME_NOW, "code" => $activationcode, "type" => "e", "oldgroup" => $mybb->user['usergroup'], "misc" => $db->escape_string($mybb->input['email']));
                $db->insert_query("awaitingactivation", $newactivation);
                $username = $mybb->user['username'];
                $uid = $mybb->user['uid'];
                $lang->emailsubject_changeemail = $lang->sprintf($lang->emailsubject_changeemail, $mybb->settings['bbname']);
                $lang->email_changeemail = $lang->sprintf($lang->email_changeemail, $mybb->user['username'], $mybb->settings['bbname'], $mybb->user['email'], $mybb->input['email'], $mybb->settings['bburl'], $activationcode, $mybb->user['username'], $mybb->user['uid']);
                my_mail($mybb->input['email'], $lang->emailsubject_changeemail, $lang->email_changeemail);
                $result_text = $lang->redirect_changeemail_activation;
                $verify_result = true;
            } else {
예제 #19

$NameFirst = my_fix($_POST['inputNameFirst']);
$NameLast = my_fix($_POST['inputNameLast']);
$Email = my_fix($_POST['inputEmail2']);
$Blowfish = encrypt_password(random_str(16));
$Connection = get_connection();
try {
    $q0 = gq_insert('framy_Personal', 'NameFirst,NameLast,Email', ':a,:b,:c');
    $s0 = $Connection->prepare($q0);
    $s0->bindValue(':a', $NameFirst, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $s0->bindValue(':b', $NameLast, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $s0->bindValue(':c', $Email, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $PersonalId = $Connection->lastInsertId('framy_Personal_PersonalId_seq');
    $q1 = gq_insert('framy_Blowfish', 'PersonalId,Blowfish', ':a,:b');
    $s1 = $Connection->prepare($q1);
    $s1->bindValue(':a', $PersonalId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $s1->bindValue(':b', $Blowfish, PDO::PARAM_STR);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$_SESSION['PersonalId'] = $PersonalId;
예제 #20
 * Upload an attachment in to the file system
 * @param array $attachment Attachment data (as fed by PHPs $_FILE)
 * @param boolean $update_attachment Whether or not we are updating a current attachment or inserting a new one
 * @return array Array of attachment data if successful, otherwise array of error data
function upload_attachment($attachment, $update_attachment = false)
    global $mybb, $db, $theme, $templates, $posthash, $pid, $tid, $forum, $mybb, $lang, $plugins, $cache;
    $posthash = $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('posthash'));
    $pid = (int) $pid;
    if (isset($attachment['error']) && $attachment['error'] != 0) {
        $ret['error'] = $lang->error_uploadfailed . $lang->error_uploadfailed_detail;
        switch ($attachment['error']) {
            case 1:
                // UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->error_uploadfailed_php1;
            case 2:
                // UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->error_uploadfailed_php2;
            case 3:
                // UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->error_uploadfailed_php3;
            case 4:
                // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->error_uploadfailed_php4;
            case 6:
                // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->error_uploadfailed_php6;
            case 7:
                // UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->error_uploadfailed_php7;
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->sprintf($lang->error_uploadfailed_phpx, $attachment['error']);
        return $ret;
    if (!is_uploaded_file($attachment['tmp_name']) || empty($attachment['tmp_name'])) {
        $ret['error'] = $lang->error_uploadfailed . $lang->error_uploadfailed_php4;
        return $ret;
    $attachtypes = $cache->read('attachtypes');
    $attachment = $plugins->run_hooks("upload_attachment_start", $attachment);
    $ext = get_extension($attachment['name']);
    // Check if we have a valid extension
    if (!isset($attachtypes[$ext])) {
        $ret['error'] = $lang->error_attachtype;
        return $ret;
    } else {
        $attachtype = $attachtypes[$ext];
    // Check the size
    if ($attachment['size'] > $attachtype['maxsize'] * 1024 && $attachtype['maxsize'] != "") {
        $ret['error'] = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_attachsize, $attachtype['maxsize']);
        return $ret;
    // Double check attachment space usage
    if ($mybb->usergroup['attachquota'] > 0) {
        $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "SUM(filesize) AS ausage", "uid='" . $mybb->user['uid'] . "'");
        $usage = $db->fetch_array($query);
        $usage = $usage['ausage'] + $attachment['size'];
        if ($usage > $mybb->usergroup['attachquota'] * 1024) {
            $friendlyquota = get_friendly_size($mybb->usergroup['attachquota'] * 1024);
            $ret['error'] = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_reachedattachquota, $friendlyquota);
            return $ret;
    // Gather forum permissions
    $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($forum['fid']);
    // Check if an attachment with this name is already in the post
    if ($pid != 0) {
        $uploaded_query = "pid='{$pid}'";
    } else {
        $uploaded_query = "posthash='{$posthash}'";
    $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "*", "filename='" . $db->escape_string($attachment['name']) . "' AND " . $uploaded_query);
    $prevattach = $db->fetch_array($query);
    if ($prevattach['aid'] && $update_attachment == false) {
        if (!$mybb->usergroup['caneditattachments'] && !$forumpermissions['caneditattachments']) {
            $ret['error'] = $lang->error_alreadyuploaded_perm;
            return $ret;
        $ret['error'] = $lang->error_alreadyuploaded;
        return $ret;
    // Check to see how many attachments exist for this post already
    if ($mybb->settings['maxattachments'] > 0 && $update_attachment == false) {
        $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) AS numattachs", $uploaded_query);
        $attachcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "numattachs");
        if ($attachcount >= $mybb->settings['maxattachments']) {
            $ret['error'] = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_maxattachpost, $mybb->settings['maxattachments']);
            return $ret;
    $month_dir = '';
    if ($mybb->safemode == false) {
        // Check if the attachment directory (YYYYMM) exists, if not, create it
        $month_dir = gmdate("Ym");
        if (!@is_dir($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $month_dir)) {
            @mkdir($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $month_dir);
            // Still doesn't exist - oh well, throw it in the main directory
            if (!@is_dir($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $month_dir)) {
                $month_dir = '';
    // All seems to be good, lets move the attachment!
    $filename = "post_" . $mybb->user['uid'] . "_" . TIME_NOW . "_" . md5(random_str()) . ".attach";
    $file = upload_file($attachment, $mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $month_dir, $filename);
    // Failed to create the attachment in the monthly directory, just throw it in the main directory
    if (!empty($file['error']) && $month_dir) {
        $file = upload_file($attachment, $mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . '/', $filename);
    } elseif ($month_dir) {
        $filename = $month_dir . "/" . $filename;
    if (!empty($file['error'])) {
        $ret['error'] = $lang->error_uploadfailed . $lang->error_uploadfailed_detail;
        switch ($file['error']) {
            case 1:
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->error_uploadfailed_nothingtomove;
            case 2:
                $ret['error'] .= $lang->error_uploadfailed_movefailed;
        return $ret;
    // Lets just double check that it exists
    if (!file_exists($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $filename)) {
        $ret['error'] = $lang->error_uploadfailed . $lang->error_uploadfailed_detail . $lang->error_uploadfailed_lost;
        return $ret;
    // Generate the array for the insert_query
    $attacharray = array("pid" => $pid, "posthash" => $posthash, "uid" => $mybb->user['uid'], "filename" => $db->escape_string($file['original_filename']), "filetype" => $db->escape_string($file['type']), "filesize" => (int) $file['size'], "attachname" => $filename, "downloads" => 0, "dateuploaded" => TIME_NOW);
    // If we're uploading an image, check the MIME type compared to the image type and attempt to generate a thumbnail
    if ($ext == "gif" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "jpe") {
        // Check a list of known MIME types to establish what kind of image we're uploading
        switch (my_strtolower($file['type'])) {
            case "image/gif":
                $img_type = 1;
            case "image/jpeg":
            case "image/x-jpg":
            case "image/x-jpeg":
            case "image/pjpeg":
            case "image/jpg":
                $img_type = 2;
            case "image/png":
            case "image/x-png":
                $img_type = 3;
                $img_type = 0;
        $supported_mimes = array();
        foreach ($attachtypes as $attachtype) {
            if (!empty($attachtype['mimetype'])) {
                $supported_mimes[] = $attachtype['mimetype'];
        // Check if the uploaded file type matches the correct image type (returned by getimagesize)
        $img_dimensions = @getimagesize($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $filename);
        $mime = "";
        $file_path = $mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $filename;
        if (function_exists("finfo_open")) {
            $file_info = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
            list($mime, ) = explode(';', finfo_file($file_info, MYBB_ROOT . $file_path), 1);
        } else {
            if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) {
                $mime = mime_content_type(MYBB_ROOT . $file_path);
        if (!is_array($img_dimensions) || $img_dimensions[2] != $img_type && !in_array($mime, $supported_mimes)) {
            delete_uploaded_file($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $filename);
            $ret['error'] = $lang->error_uploadfailed;
            return $ret;
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/functions_image.php";
        $thumbname = str_replace(".attach", "_thumb.{$ext}", $filename);
        $attacharray = $plugins->run_hooks("upload_attachment_thumb_start", $attacharray);
        $thumbnail = generate_thumbnail($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $filename, $mybb->settings['uploadspath'], $thumbname, $mybb->settings['attachthumbh'], $mybb->settings['attachthumbw']);
        if ($thumbnail['filename']) {
            $attacharray['thumbnail'] = $thumbnail['filename'];
        } elseif ($thumbnail['code'] == 4) {
            $attacharray['thumbnail'] = "SMALL";
    if ($forumpermissions['modattachments'] == 1 && !is_moderator($forum['fid'], "canapproveunapproveattachs")) {
        $attacharray['visible'] = 0;
    } else {
        $attacharray['visible'] = 1;
    $attacharray = $plugins->run_hooks("upload_attachment_do_insert", $attacharray);
    if ($prevattach['aid'] && $update_attachment == true) {
        // Keep our download count if we're updating an attachment
        $db->update_query("attachments", $attacharray, "aid='" . $db->escape_string($prevattach['aid']) . "'");
        // Remove old attachment file
        // Check if this attachment is referenced in any other posts. If it isn't, then we are safe to delete the actual file.
        $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) as numreferences", "attachname='" . $db->escape_string($prevattach['attachname']) . "'");
        if ($db->fetch_field($query, "numreferences") == 0) {
            delete_uploaded_file($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $prevattach['attachname']);
            if ($prevattach['thumbnail']) {
                delete_uploaded_file($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $prevattach['thumbnail']);
            $date_directory = explode('/', $prevattach['attachname']);
            if (@is_dir($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $date_directory[0])) {
                delete_upload_directory($mybb->settings['uploadspath'] . "/" . $date_directory[0]);
        $aid = $prevattach['aid'];
    } else {
        $aid = $db->insert_query("attachments", $attacharray);
        if ($pid) {
            update_thread_counters($tid, array("attachmentcount" => "+1"));
    $ret['aid'] = $aid;
    return $ret;
예제 #21
 * Generates a security question for registration.
 * @param int $old_qid Optional ID of the old question.
 * @return string The question session id.
function generate_question($old_qid = 0)
    global $db;
    if ($db->type == 'pgsql' || $db->type == 'sqlite') {
        $order_by = 'RANDOM()';
    } else {
        $order_by = 'RAND()';
    if ($old_qid) {
        $excl_old = ' AND qid != ' . (int) $old_qid;
    $query = $db->simple_select('questions', 'qid, shown', "active=1{$excl_old}", array('limit' => 1, 'order_by' => $order_by));
    $question = $db->fetch_array($query);
    if (!$db->num_rows($query)) {
        // No active questions exist
        return false;
    } else {
        $sessionid = random_str(32);
        $sql_array = array("sid" => $sessionid, "qid" => $question['qid'], "dateline" => TIME_NOW);
        $db->insert_query("questionsessions", $sql_array);
        $update_question = array("shown" => $question['shown'] + 1);
        $db->update_query("questions", $update_question, "qid = '{$question['qid']}'");
        return $sessionid;
예제 #22
// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
if (!defined("IN_MYBB")) {
    die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />\n         Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");
/* --- Global Variables: --- */
global $db, $mybb, $settings, $plugins, $cache;
// Required for database queries to the google_seo table. In theory this
// could be used to coerce Google SEO into managing URLs of other types.
// In practice there is no guarantee that this API will stay stable.
$db->google_seo_url = array(GOOGLE_SEO_USER => array('table' => TABLE_PREFIX . 'users', 'id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username', 'scheme' => str_replace('&', '&amp;', $settings['google_seo_url_users'])), GOOGLE_SEO_ANNOUNCEMENT => array('table' => TABLE_PREFIX . 'announcements', 'id' => 'aid', 'name' => 'subject', 'scheme' => str_replace('&', '&amp;', $settings['google_seo_url_announcements'])), GOOGLE_SEO_FORUM => array('table' => TABLE_PREFIX . 'forums', 'id' => 'fid', 'name' => 'name', 'scheme' => str_replace('&', '&amp;', $settings['google_seo_url_forums'])), GOOGLE_SEO_THREAD => array('table' => TABLE_PREFIX . 'threads', 'id' => 'tid', 'name' => 'subject', 'scheme' => str_replace('&', '&amp;', $settings['google_seo_url_threads'])), GOOGLE_SEO_EVENT => array('table' => TABLE_PREFIX . 'events', 'id' => 'eid', 'name' => 'name', 'scheme' => str_replace('&', '&amp;', $settings['google_seo_url_events'])), GOOGLE_SEO_CALENDAR => array('table' => TABLE_PREFIX . 'calendars', 'id' => 'cid', 'name' => 'name', 'scheme' => str_replace('&', '&amp;', $settings['google_seo_url_calendars'])));
// Lazy Mode.
global $google_seo_url_lazy;
$google_seo_url_lazy = false;
if ($settings['google_seo_url_mode'] == 'lazy' && $mybb->request_method != 'post') {
    $google_seo_url_lazy = random_str(4);
    $db->google_seo_url[GOOGLE_SEO_ANNOUNCEMENT]['lazy'] = "announcements.php?aid={id}&amp;google_seo={$google_seo_url_lazy}";
    $db->google_seo_url[GOOGLE_SEO_CALENDAR]['lazy'] = "calendar.php?calendar={id}&amp;google_seo={$google_seo_url_lazy}";
    $db->google_seo_url[GOOGLE_SEO_EVENT]['lazy'] = "calendar.php?action=event&amp;eid={id}&amp;google_seo={$google_seo_url_lazy}";
    $db->google_seo_url[GOOGLE_SEO_FORUM]['lazy'] = "forumdisplay.php?fid={id}&amp;google_seo={$google_seo_url_lazy}";
    $db->google_seo_url[GOOGLE_SEO_THREAD]['lazy'] = "showthread.php?tid={id}&amp;google_seo={$google_seo_url_lazy}";
    $db->google_seo_url[GOOGLE_SEO_USER]['lazy'] = "member.php?action=profile&amp;uid={id}&amp;google_seo={$google_seo_url_lazy}";
    $google_seo_url_lazy = true;
// Thread Prefix
if ($settings['google_seo_url_threadprefix']) {
    $db->google_seo_url[GOOGLE_SEO_THREAD]['extra'] .= ',prefix';
// Parents
if ($db->google_seo_url[GOOGLE_SEO_FORUM]['scheme']) {
    if ($settings['google_seo_url_parent_announcement']) {
 function passw()
     $usernamelist = array("lank", "lapidary", "lapse", "larch", "lard", "largesse", "lark", "larva", "laryngitis", "larynx", "lascivious", "lash", "lassitude", "lasso", "latent", "latency", "lathe", "latitude", "lattice", "laud", "laudable", "laudatory", "laurel", "laurels", "lava", "lave", "lax", "laxity", "laxative", "layman", "leach", "leaflet", "leakage", "lean", "lease", "leaven", "lecherous", "lechery", "ledger", "leer", "leeward", "legacy", "legend", "legerdemain", "legible", "legion", "legislate", "legislature", "legitimate", "lengthy", "lenient", "lenience", "leonine", "leprosy", "lesion", "lessee", "lethal", "lethargy", "leucocyte", "levee", "leviathan", "levitate", "levity", "levy", "lewd", "lexical", "lexicographer", "lexicon", "liability", "liable", "liaison", "libation", "libel", "libellous", "liberality", "liberated", "libertine", "libido", "libidinous", "libretto", "licence", "licentious", "licit", "lido", "lien", "ligature", "ligneous", "lilliputian", "limb", "limber", "limbo", "limerick", "limn", "limnetic", "limousine", "limpid", "lineal", "linear", "linger", "lingering", "lingual", "linguistics", "linoleum", "lint", "lionize", "liquefy", "liquidate", "liquidation", "lissom", "listless", "literal", "literati", "lithe", "litigant", "litigious", "litter", "litterbin", "littoral", "liturgy", "liturgical", "livable", "lively", "liverish", "livid", "loaf", "loam", "loathe", "loathsome", "lobby", "lobe", "lobster", "locale", "locomotion", "locomotive", "locus", "locust", "locution", "lodge", "lodger", "loft", "lofty", "log", "logistics", "logjam", "loiter", "loll", "longevity", "longitude", "longueur", "loom", "loon", "loop", "loot", "lope", "loquacious", "lore", "lottery", "lounge", "lounger", "lout", "loutish", "lowbred", "lubricant", "lubricious", "lucrative", "lucre", "lucubrate", "lucubration", "lugubrious", "lukewarm", "lullaby", "lumber", "luminary", "luminous", "lump", "lumpish", "lunacy", "lunatic", "lurch", "lure", "lurk", "luscious", "lust", "lusty", "lustre", "lustrous", "luxuriant", "lynch", "lyric", "macabre", "mace", "macerate", "machination", "macrocosm", "maddening", "madrigal", "maelstrom", "maestro", "magenta", "magisterial", "magistrate", "magistracy", "magnanimous", "magnate", "magnetism", "magnify", "magnification", "magniloquent", "magnitude", "magpie", "maim", "makeshift", "maladroit", "malapropism", "malcontent", "malcontented", "malediction", "malevolent", "malfunction", "malice", "malicious", "malign", "malignant", "malignity", "malinger", "malleable", "mallet", "malnutrition", "malodorous", "maltreat", "mammal", "manacle", "mandate", "mandatory", "maneuver", "maneuverable", "mangle", "mania", "maniacal", "manifest", "manifesto", "manifold", "manipulative", "mannequin", "mansion", "mantle", "manumit", "manuscript", "maple", "mar", "maraud", "mare", "margarine", "marginal", "marine", "mariner", "marionette", "marital", "marrow", "marsh", "marsupial", "martinet", "martyr", "mash", "mask", "mason", "masonry", "masquerade", "massacre", "massive", "mast", "masticate", "matador", "materialize", "matriarchy", "matrix", "mattress", "maturity", "maudlin", "maul", "maverick", "mawkish", "maxim", "mayhem", "maze", "meadow", "meager", "meander", "measles", "measured", "medal", "meddlesome", "median", "mediate", "medieval", "mediocre", "mediocrity", "meditative", "medium", "medley", "megalomania", "melancholy", "mellifluous", "melodrama", "melody", "melodious", "melon", "membrane", "memento", "menace", "mendacity", "menial", "mentor", "merchandise", "mercurial", "mere", "meretricious", "meritorious", "mermaid", "mesa", "mesmerize", "metabolism", "metamorphosis", "metaphor", "metaphorical", "metaphysics", "meteoric", "meticulous", "mettle", "mettlesome", "miasma", "microbe", "microscopic", "midget", "mien", "migrant", "mildew", "milieu", "militant", "miller", "millinery", "mime", "mimic", "mimicry", "minaret", "minatory", "mince", "miniature", "minion", "minnow", "minuet", "minutia", "mirage", "mire", "mirth", "misanthrope", "miscellany", "miscellaneous", "mischievous", "misconstrue", "miscreant", "mishap", "missile", "mistimed", "mistral", "mists", "mite", "mitigate", "mitten", "mnemonics", "moan", "moat", "mock", "moderate", "moderator", "modicum", "modify", "modification", "modish", "modulate", "mogul", "moiety", "molar", "molest", "mollify", "mollusk", "mollycoddle", "momentary", "momentous", "momentum", "monarch", "monastery", "monasticism", "mongrel", "monogamy", "monograph", "monolithic", "monologue", "monopoly", "monotonous", "monsoon", "monster", "monstrous", "moor", "mope", "morale", "moralist", "moralistic", "morass", "moratorium", "morbid", "morbidity", "mordant", "mores", "moribund", "moron", "morose", "morphemics", "morsel", "mortar", "mortgage", "mortify", "mortification", "mortuary", "mosaic", "mote", "motif", "motivate", "motivation", "motley", "mottled", "motto", "mountebank", "mourn", "mournful", "movement", "muddle", "muffle", "muffler", "muggy", "multifarious", "multitude", "mundane", "munificent", "muniments", "munitions", "murky", "murmur", "muse", "muster", "mutation", "mute", "mutilate", "mutineer", "mutinous", "mutton", "muzzy", "myopia", "myriad", "myth", "mythology", "nadir", "nag", "naivete", "nap", "narcissism", "nasal", "nascent", "nativity", "natty", "nausea", "nauseate", "nautical", "nave", "nebula", "nebulous", "necessitous", "necromancy", "necropolis", "needle", "nefarious", "negate", "negation", "negligence", "negligible", "negotiable", "nemesis", "neolithic", "neologism", "neonate", "neophyte", "nephritis", "nepotism", "nerveless", "nestle", "nestling", "nethermost", "nettle", "neurology", "neurosis", "neurotic", "neutral", "neutralize", "nexus", "nib", "nibble", "niche", "nick", "nicotine", "niggard", "niggardly", "niggling", "nightmare", "nihilism", "nimble", "nippers", "nipping", "nirvana", "nitpick", "nocturnal", "noisome", "nomad", "nomadic", "nomenclature", "nominal", "nomination", "nonchalance", "nonchalant", "noncommittal", "nonconformist", "nonconformity", "nondescript", "nonentity", "nonesuch", "nonflammable", "nonobservance", "nonpareil", "nonplus", "nonskid", "nonviolent", "noose", "norm", "normative", "nostalgia", "nostrum", "notability", "notched", "notify", "notoriety", "notorious", "novelettish", "novelty", "novice", "novocaine", "noxious", "nuance", "nubile", "nude", "nudity", "nudge", "nugatory", "nullify", "nullity", "numb", "numerology", "numinous", "numismatic", "numismatist", "nunnery", "nuptial", "nuptials", "nymph", "oafish", "oak", "oar", "oasis", "oath", "obdurate", "obedient", "obeisance", "obese", "obesity", "obfuscate", "objection", "objectionable", "oblation", "obligation", "obligatory", "obliging", "oblique", "obliterate", "oblivion", "oblivious", "obloquy", "obnoxious", "obscure", "obscurity", "obsequies", "obsequious", "observance", "obsession", "obsolescent", "obsolete", "obstacle", "obstetrics", "obstinate", "obstreperous", "obstruct", "obstruction", "obtrude", "obtrusive", "obtuse", "obverse", "obviate", "occidental", "occult", "occurrence", "octogenarian", "ocular", "oculist", "oddments", "ode", "odious", "odium", "odoriferous", "oesophagus", "offense", "offensive", "officious", "ogle", "ointment", "olfactory", "oligarchy", "omen", "ominous", "omission", "omnipotent", "omniscient", "omnivorous", "onerous", "onlooker", "onslaught", "ontology", "onus", "ooze", "opalescent", "opaque", "opacity", "operetta", "operative", "ophthalmology", "opiate", "opinionated", "opponent", "opportune", "oppressive", "opprobrious", "opprobrium", "optimism", "optimum", "optional", "opulent", "opulence", "oracle", "oracular", "oration", "oratorio", "orchid", "ordain", "ordeal", "ordinance", "ordination", "ordnance", "ore", "organism", "orient", "orientation", "orifice", "originality", "ornate", "ornithology", "orotund", "orthodontics", "orthodox", "orthodoxy", "orthopedics", "oscillate", "oscillation", "osmosis", "osseous", "ossify", "ostensible", "ostentation", "ostracize", "ostrich", "otiose", "outbid", "outfox", "outgoing", "outlandish", "outmoded", "outrage", "outrageous", "outset", "outskirts", "outstrip", "outwit", "ovation", "overact", "overbearing", "overdose", "overhaul", "overlap", "overreach", "override", "overriding", "overrule", "overshadow", "overt", "overture", "overweening", "overwhelm", "overwhelming", "overwrought", "owl", "oxidize", "oyster", "pabulum", "pachyderm", "pacifier", "packed", "pact", "paean", "pagan", "paganism", "pageant", "painkiller", "pal", "palatable", "palate", "palatial", "palaver", "paleography", "paleolithic", "palette", "palings", "palliate", "palliation", "pallid", "palpable", "palpitate", "paltry", "pamper", "pamphlet", "pan", "panacea", "pancreas", "pandemic", "pandemonium", "panegyric", "panel", "panic", "panoply", "panorama", "pantheon", "pantomime", "pantry", "papyrus", "par", "parable", "paradigm", "paradigmatic", "paradox", "paragon", "paralyze", "paralysis", "paramount", "paranoia", "paranoid", "parasite", "parasitic", "parch", "parchment", "parenthesis", "pariah", "parley", "parlous", "parochial", "parody", "paroxysm", "parquet", "parquetry", "parry");
     $username = $usernamelist[array_rand($usernamelist)] . random_str(2);
     $password = random_str(12);
     $lines = $this->get_wiki_source("password");
     $find = false;
     foreach ($lines as &$i) {
         $i = str_replace(" ", "", $i);
         $i = str_replace(" ", "", $i);
         $i = explode('|', chop($i));
         if (strstr(f('url'), $i[1])) {
             $singleline = $i;
             $find = true;
     $this->sv("list", array($singleline));
     $this->sv("username", $username);
     $this->sv("password", $password);
     if (!$find) {
         $this->fmodel("password")->save(array("url" => "", 'name' => $username, 'pass' => $password));
예제 #24
  * This private method sets a tracking code for ticket if that has not a tracking code;
 private function create_tracking_code()
     if (empty($this->tracking_code) || is_null($this->tracking_code)) {
         $this->tracking_code = random_str(10);
예제 #25
     $rating = $mybb->settings['useravatarrating'];
     if (!in_array($rating, $types)) {
         $rating = 'g';
     $s = "?s={$maxheight}&r={$rating}&d=mm";
     $updated_avatar = array("avatar" => "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{$email}{$s}.jpg", "avatardimensions" => "{$maxheight}|{$maxheight}", "avatartype" => "gravatar");
     $db->update_query("users", $updated_avatar, "uid = '{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
 } else {
     $mybb->input['avatarurl'] = preg_replace("#script:#i", "", $mybb->get_input('avatarurl'));
     $ext = get_extension($mybb->input['avatarurl']);
     // Copy the avatar to the local server (work around remote URL access disabled for getimagesize)
     $file = fetch_remote_file($mybb->input['avatarurl']);
     if (!$file) {
         $avatar_error = $lang->error_invalidavatarurl;
     } else {
         $tmp_name = $mybb->settings['avataruploadpath'] . "/remote_" . md5(random_str());
         $fp = @fopen($tmp_name, "wb");
         if (!$fp) {
             $avatar_error = $lang->error_invalidavatarurl;
         } else {
             fwrite($fp, $file);
             list($width, $height, $type) = @getimagesize($tmp_name);
             if (!$type) {
                 $avatar_error = $lang->error_invalidavatarurl;
     if (empty($avatar_error)) {
         if ($width && $height && $mybb->settings['maxavatardims'] != "") {
예제 #26
 $username = $db->escape_string(trim($_POST['username']));
 $query = $db->simple_select("users", "*", "username='******'");
 $user = $db->fetch_array($query);
 if (empty($user)) {
     error("Username does not exist");
 } else {
     $result = tt_register_verify($_POST['tt_token'], $_POST['tt_code']);
     if ($result->result && $user['email'] == $result->email) {
         $verify_result = true;
         $verified = true;
     } else {
         $verify_result = true;
         $verified = false;
         $db->delete_query("awaitingactivation", "uid='{$user['uid']}' AND type='p'");
         $user['activationcode'] = random_str();
         $now = TIME_NOW;
         $uid = $user['uid'];
         $awaitingarray = array("uid" => $user['uid'], "dateline" => TIME_NOW, "code" => $user['activationcode'], "type" => "p");
         $db->insert_query("awaitingactivation", $awaitingarray);
         $username = $user['username'];
         $email = $user['email'];
         $activationcode = $user['activationcode'];
         $emailsubject = $lang->sprintf($lang->emailsubject_lostpw, $mybb->settings['bbname']);
         switch ($mybb->settings['username_method']) {
             case 0:
                 $emailmessage = $lang->sprintf($lang->email_lostpw, $username, $mybb->settings['bbname'], $mybb->settings['bburl'], $uid, $activationcode);
             case 1:
                 $emailmessage = $lang->sprintf($lang->email_lostpw1, $username, $mybb->settings['bbname'], $mybb->settings['bburl'], $uid, $activationcode);
예제 #27
파일: users.php 프로젝트: GeorgeLVP/mybb
function build_users_view($view)
    global $mybb, $db, $cache, $lang, $user_view_fields, $page;
    $view_title = '';
    if ($view['title']) {
        $title_string = "view_title_{$view['vid']}";
        if ($lang->{$title_string}) {
            $view['title'] = $lang->{$title_string};
        $view_title .= " (" . htmlspecialchars_uni($view['title']) . ")";
    // Build the URL to this view
    if (!isset($view['url'])) {
        $view['url'] = "index.php?module=user-users";
    if (!is_array($view['conditions'])) {
        $view['conditions'] = unserialize($view['conditions']);
    if (!is_array($view['fields'])) {
        $view['fields'] = unserialize($view['fields']);
    if (!is_array($view['custom_profile_fields'])) {
        $view['custom_profile_fields'] = unserialize($view['custom_profile_fields']);
    if (isset($mybb->input['username'])) {
        $view['conditions']['username'] = $mybb->input['username'];
    if ($view['vid']) {
        $view['url'] .= "&amp;vid={$view['vid']}";
    } else {
        // If this is a custom view we need to save everything ready to pass it on from page to page
        global $admin_session;
        if (!$mybb->input['search_id']) {
            $search_id = md5(random_str());
            $admin_session['data']['user_views'][$search_id] = $view;
            update_admin_session('user_views', $admin_session['data']['user_views']);
            $mybb->input['search_id'] = $search_id;
        $view['url'] .= "&amp;search_id=" . htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->input['search_id']);
    if (isset($mybb->input['username'])) {
        $view['url'] .= "&amp;username="******"&amp;", "&", $view['url'])) {
        update_admin_session('last_users_url', str_replace("&amp;", "&", $view['url']));
    if (isset($view['conditions']['referrer'])) {
        $view['url'] .= "&amp;action=referrers&amp;uid=" . htmlspecialchars_uni($view['conditions']['referrer']);
    // Do we not have any views?
    if (empty($view)) {
        return false;
    $table = new Table();
    // Build header for table based view
    if ($view['view_type'] != "card") {
        foreach ($view['fields'] as $field) {
            if (!$user_view_fields[$field]) {
            $view_field = $user_view_fields[$field];
            $field_options = array();
            if ($view_field['width']) {
                $field_options['width'] = $view_field['width'];
            if ($view_field['align']) {
                $field_options['class'] = "align_" . $view_field['align'];
            $table->construct_header($view_field['title'], $field_options);
        $table->construct_header("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"allbox\" onclick=\"inlineModeration.checkAll(this);\" />");
        // Create a header for the "select" boxes
    $search_sql = '1=1';
    // Build the search SQL for users
    // List of valid LIKE search fields
    $user_like_fields = array("username", "email", "website", "icq", "aim", "yahoo", "msn", "signature", "usertitle");
    foreach ($user_like_fields as $search_field) {
        if (!empty($view['conditions'][$search_field]) && !$view['conditions'][$search_field . '_blank']) {
            $search_sql .= " AND u.{$search_field} LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like($view['conditions'][$search_field]) . "%'";
        } else {
            if (!empty($view['conditions'][$search_field . '_blank'])) {
                $search_sql .= " AND u.{$search_field} != ''";
    // EXACT matching fields
    $user_exact_fields = array("referrer");
    foreach ($user_exact_fields as $search_field) {
        if (!empty($view['conditions'][$search_field])) {
            $search_sql .= " AND u.{$search_field}='" . $db->escape_string($view['conditions'][$search_field]) . "'";
    $direction_fields = array("postnum");
    foreach ($direction_fields as $search_field) {
        $direction_field = $search_field . "_dir";
        if (isset($view['conditions'][$search_field]) && ($view['conditions'][$search_field] || $view['conditions'][$search_field] === '0') && $view['conditions'][$direction_field]) {
            switch ($view['conditions'][$direction_field]) {
                case "greater_than":
                    $direction = ">";
                case "less_than":
                    $direction = "<";
                    $direction = "=";
            $search_sql .= " AND u.{$search_field}{$direction}'" . $db->escape_string($view['conditions'][$search_field]) . "'";
    // Registration searching
    $reg_fields = array("regdate");
    foreach ($reg_fields as $search_field) {
        if (!empty($view['conditions'][$search_field]) && intval($view['conditions'][$search_field])) {
            $threshold = TIME_NOW - intval($view['conditions'][$search_field]) * 24 * 60 * 60;
            $search_sql .= " AND u.{$search_field} >= '{$threshold}'";
    // IP searching
    $ip_fields = array("regip", "lastip");
    foreach ($ip_fields as $search_field) {
        if (!empty($view['conditions'][$search_field])) {
            // IPv6 IP
            if (strpos($view['conditions'][$search_field], ":") !== false) {
                $view['conditions'][$search_field] = str_replace("*", "%", $view['conditions'][$search_field]);
                $ip_sql = "{$search_field} LIKE '" . $db->escape_string($view['conditions'][$search_field]) . "'";
            } else {
                $ip_range = fetch_longipv4_range($view['conditions'][$search_field]);
                if (!is_array($ip_range)) {
                    $ip_sql = "long{$search_field}='{$ip_range}'";
                } else {
                    $ip_sql = "long{$search_field} > '{$ip_range[0]}' AND long{$search_field} < '{$ip_range[1]}'";
            $search_sql .= " AND {$ip_sql}";
    // Post IP searching
    if (!empty($view['conditions']['postip'])) {
        // IPv6 IP
        if (strpos($view['conditions']['postip'], ":") !== false) {
            $view['conditions']['postip'] = str_replace("*", "%", $view['conditions']['postip']);
            $ip_sql = "ipaddress LIKE '" . $db->escape_string($view['conditions']['postip']) . "'";
        } else {
            $ip_range = fetch_longipv4_range($view['conditions']['postip']);
            if (!is_array($ip_range)) {
                $ip_sql = "longipaddress='{$ip_range}'";
            } else {
                $ip_sql = "longipaddress > '{$ip_range[0]}' AND longipaddress < '{$ip_range[1]}'";
        $ip_uids = array(0);
        $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "uid", $ip_sql);
        while ($uid = $db->fetch_field($query, "uid")) {
            $ip_uids[] = $uid;
        $search_sql .= " AND u.uid IN(" . implode(',', $ip_uids) . ")";
    // Custom Profile Field searching
    if ($view['custom_profile_fields']) {
        $userfield_sql = '1=1';
        foreach ($view['custom_profile_fields'] as $column => $input) {
            if (is_array($input)) {
                foreach ($input as $value => $text) {
                    if ($value == $column) {
                        $value = $text;
                    if ($value == $lang->na) {
                    if (strpos($column, '_blank') !== false) {
                        $column = str_replace('_blank', '', $column);
                        $userfield_sql .= ' AND ' . $db->escape_string($column) . " != ''";
                    } else {
                        $userfield_sql .= ' AND ' . $db->escape_string($column) . "='" . $db->escape_string($value) . "'";
            } else {
                if (!empty($input)) {
                    if ($input == $lang->na) {
                    if (strpos($column, '_blank') !== false) {
                        $column = str_replace('_blank', '', $column);
                        $userfield_sql .= ' AND ' . $db->escape_string($column) . " != ''";
                    } else {
                        $userfield_sql .= ' AND ' . $db->escape_string($column) . " LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string($input) . "%'";
        if ($userfield_sql != '1=1') {
            $userfield_uids = array(0);
            $query = $db->simple_select("userfields", "ufid", $userfield_sql);
            while ($userfield = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                $userfield_uids[] = $userfield['ufid'];
            $search_sql .= " AND u.uid IN(" . implode(',', $userfield_uids) . ")";
    // Usergroup based searching
    if (isset($view['conditions']['usergroup'])) {
        if (!is_array($view['conditions']['usergroup'])) {
            $view['conditions']['usergroup'] = array($view['conditions']['usergroup']);
        foreach ($view['conditions']['usergroup'] as $usergroup) {
            $usergroup = intval($usergroup);
            if (!$usergroup) {
            switch ($db->type) {
                case "pgsql":
                case "sqlite":
                    $additional_sql .= " OR ','||additionalgroups||',' LIKE '%,{$usergroup},%'";
                    $additional_sql .= "OR CONCAT(',',additionalgroups,',') LIKE '%,{$usergroup},%'";
        $search_sql .= " AND (u.usergroup IN (" . implode(",", array_map('intval', $view['conditions']['usergroup'])) . ") {$additional_sql})";
    // COPPA users only?
    if (isset($view['conditions']['coppa'])) {
        $search_sql .= " AND u.coppauser=1 AND u.usergroup=5";
    // Extra SQL?
    if (isset($view['extra_sql'])) {
        $search_sql .= $view['extra_sql'];
    // Lets fetch out how many results we have
    $query = $db->query("\n\t\tSELECT COUNT(u.uid) AS num_results\n\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u\n\t\tWHERE {$search_sql}\n\t");
    $num_results = $db->fetch_field($query, "num_results");
    // No matching results then return false
    if (!$num_results) {
        return false;
    } else {
        if (!$view['perpage']) {
            $view['perpage'] = 20;
        $view['perpage'] = intval($view['perpage']);
        // Establish which page we're viewing and the starting index for querying
        // Establish which page we're viewing and the starting index for querying
        if (!isset($mybb->input['page'])) {
            $mybb->input['page'] = 1;
        } else {
            $mybb->input['page'] = intval($mybb->input['page']);
        if ($mybb->input['page']) {
            $start = ($mybb->input['page'] - 1) * $view['perpage'];
        } else {
            $start = 0;
            $mybb->input['page'] = 1;
        $from_bit = "";
        if (isset($mybb->input['from']) && $mybb->input['from'] == "home") {
            $from_bit = "&amp;from=home";
        switch ($view['sortby']) {
            case "regdate":
            case "lastactive":
            case "postnum":
            case "reputation":
                $view['sortby'] = $db->escape_string($view['sortby']);
            case "numposts":
                $view['sortby'] = "postnum";
            case "warninglevel":
                $view['sortby'] = "warningpoints";
                $view['sortby'] = "username";
        if ($view['sortorder'] != "desc") {
            $view['sortorder'] = "asc";
        $usergroups = $cache->read("usergroups");
        // Fetch matching users
        $query = $db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT u.*\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u\n\t\t\tWHERE {$search_sql}\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$view['sortby']} {$view['sortorder']}\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$start}, {$view['perpage']}\n\t\t");
        $users = '';
        while ($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $comma = $groups_list = '';
            $user['view']['username'] = "******"index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=edit&amp;uid={$user['uid']}\">" . format_name($user['username'], $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']) . "</a>";
            $user['view']['usergroup'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($usergroups[$user['usergroup']]['title']);
            if ($user['additionalgroups']) {
                $additional_groups = explode(",", $user['additionalgroups']);
                foreach ($additional_groups as $group) {
                    $groups_list .= $comma . htmlspecialchars_uni($usergroups[$group]['title']);
                    $comma = $lang->comma;
            if (!$groups_list) {
                $groups_list = $lang->none;
            $user['view']['additionalgroups'] = "<small>{$groups_list}</small>";
            $user['view']['email'] = "<a href=\"mailto:" . htmlspecialchars_uni($user['email']) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars_uni($user['email']) . "</a>";
            $user['view']['regdate'] = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $user['regdate']) . ", " . my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $user['regdate']);
            $user['view']['lastactive'] = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $user['lastactive']) . ", " . my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $user['lastactive']);
            // Build popup menu
            $popup = new PopupMenu("user_{$user['uid']}", $lang->options);
            $popup->add_item($lang->edit_profile_and_settings, "index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=edit&amp;uid={$user['uid']}");
            $popup->add_item($lang->ban_user, "index.php?module=user-banning&amp;uid={$user['uid']}#username");
            if ($user['usergroup'] == 5) {
                if ($user['coppauser']) {
                    $popup->add_item($lang->approve_coppa_user, "index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=activate_user&amp;uid={$user['uid']}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}{$from_bit}");
                } else {
                    $popup->add_item($lang->approve_user, "index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=activate_user&amp;uid={$user['uid']}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}{$from_bit}");
            $popup->add_item($lang->delete_user, "index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=delete&amp;uid={$user['uid']}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}", "return AdminCP.deleteConfirmation(this, '{$lang->user_deletion_confirmation}')");
            $popup->add_item($lang->show_referred_users, "index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=referrers&amp;uid={$user['uid']}");
            $popup->add_item($lang->show_ip_addresses, "index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=ipaddresses&amp;uid={$user['uid']}");
            $popup->add_item($lang->show_attachments, "index.php?module=forum-attachments&amp;results=1&amp;username="******"-";
            if ($mybb->settings['enablewarningsystem'] != 0 && $usergroups[$user['usergroup']]['canreceivewarnings'] != 0) {
                $warning_level = round($user['warningpoints'] / $mybb->settings['maxwarningpoints'] * 100);
                if ($warning_level > 100) {
                    $warning_level = 100;
                $user['view']['warninglevel'] = get_colored_warning_level($warning_level);
            if ($user['avatar'] && !stristr($user['avatar'], 'http://')) {
                $user['avatar'] = "../{$user['avatar']}";
            if ($view['view_type'] == "card") {
                $scaled_avatar = fetch_scaled_avatar($user, 80, 80);
            } else {
                $scaled_avatar = fetch_scaled_avatar($user, 34, 34);
            if (!$user['avatar']) {
                $user['avatar'] = "styles/{$page->style}/images/default_avatar.gif";
            $user['view']['avatar'] = "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars_uni($user['avatar']) . "\" alt=\"\" width=\"{$scaled_avatar['width']}\" height=\"{$scaled_avatar['height']}\" />";
            if ($view['view_type'] == "card") {
                $users .= build_user_view_card($user, $view, $i);
            } else {
                build_user_view_table($user, $view, $table);
        // If card view, we need to output the results
        if ($view['view_type'] == "card") {
    if (!isset($view['table_id'])) {
        $view['table_id'] = "users_list";
    $switch_view = "<div class=\"float_right\">";
    $switch_url = $view['url'];
    if ($mybb->input['page'] > 0) {
        $switch_url .= "&amp;page=" . intval($mybb->input['page']);
    if ($view['view_type'] != "card") {
        $switch_view .= "<strong>{$lang->table_view}</strong> | <a href=\"{$switch_url}&amp;type=card\" style=\"font-weight: normal;\">{$lang->card_view}</a>";
    } else {
        $switch_view .= "<a href=\"{$switch_url}&amp;type=table\" style=\"font-weight: normal;\">{$lang->table_view}</a> | <strong>{$lang->card_view}</strong>";
    $switch_view .= "</div>";
    // Do we need to construct the pagination?
    if ($num_results > $view['perpage']) {
        $pagination = draw_admin_pagination($mybb->input['page'], $view['perpage'], $num_results, $view['url'] . "&amp;type={$view['view_type']}");
        $search_class = "float_right";
        $search_style = "";
    } else {
        $search_class = '';
        $search_style = "text-align: right;";
    $search_action = $view['url'];
    // stop &username= in the query string
    if ($view_upos = strpos($search_action, '&amp;username='******'post', 'search_form', 0, '', true);
    $built_view = $search->construct_return;
    $built_view .= "<div class=\"{$search_class}\" style=\"padding-bottom: 3px; margin-top: -9px; {$search_style}\">";
    $built_view .= $search->generate_hidden_field('action', 'search') . "\n";
    if (isset($view['conditions']['username'])) {
        $default_class = '';
        $value = $view['conditions']['username'];
    } else {
        $default_class = "search_default";
        $value = $lang->search_for_user;
    $built_view .= $search->generate_text_box('username', $value, array('id' => 'search_keywords', 'class' => "{$default_class} field150 field_small")) . "\n";
    $built_view .= "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"search_button\" value=\"{$lang->search}\" />\n";
    if ($view['popup']) {
        $built_view .= " <div style=\"display: inline\">{$view['popup']}</div>\n";
    $built_view .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\tvar form = document.getElementById('search_form');\n\t\tform.onsubmit = function() {\n\t\t\tvar search = document.getElementById('search_keywords');\n\t\t\tif(search.value == '' || search.value == '" . addcslashes($lang->search_for_user, "'") . "')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tsearch.focus();\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar search = document.getElementById('search_keywords');\n\t\tsearch.onfocus = function()\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(this.value == '" . addcslashes($lang->search_for_user, "'") . "')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\$(this).removeClassName('search_default');\n\t\t\t\tthis.value = '';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tsearch.onblur = function()\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif(this.value == '')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\$(this).addClassName('search_default');\n\t\t\t\tthis.value = '" . addcslashes($lang->search_for_user, "'") . "';\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// fix the styling used if we have a different default value\n\t\tif(search.value != '" . addcslashes($lang->search_for_user, "'") . "')\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\$(search).removeClassName('search_default');\n\t\t}\n\t\t</script>\n";
    $built_view .= "</div>\n";
    // Autocompletion for usernames
    $built_view .= '
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../jscripts/autocomplete.js?ver=140"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		new autoComplete("search_keywords", "../xmlhttp.php?action=get_users", {valueSpan: "username"});
	// -->
    $built_view .= $search->end();
    if (isset($pagination)) {
        $built_view .= $pagination;
    if ($view['view_type'] != "card") {
        $checkbox = '';
    } else {
        $checkbox = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"allbox\" onclick=\"inlineModeration.checkAll(this)\" /> ";
    $built_view .= $table->construct_html("{$switch_view}<div>{$checkbox}{$lang->users}{$view_title}</div>", 1, "", $view['table_id']);
    if (isset($pagination)) {
        $built_view .= $pagination;
    $built_view .= '
<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/jscripts/inline_moderation.js?ver=1400"></script>
<form action="index.php?module=user-users" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="my_post_key" value="' . $mybb->post_code . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="inline_edit" />
<div class="float_right"><span class="smalltext"><strong>' . $lang->inline_edit . '</strong></span>
<select name="inline_action" class="inline_select">
	<option value="multiactivate">' . $lang->inline_activate . '</option>
	<option value="multiban">' . $lang->inline_ban . '</option>
	<option value="multiusergroup">' . $lang->inline_usergroup . '</option>
	<option value="multidelete">' . $lang->inline_delete . '</option>
	<option value="multiprune">' . $lang->inline_prune . '</option>
<input type="submit" class="button" name="go" value="' . $lang->go . ' (0)" id="inline_go" />&nbsp;
<input type="button" onclick="javascript:inlineModeration.clearChecked();" value="' . $lang->clear . '" class="button" />
<br style="clear: both;" />
<script type="text/javascript">
	var go_text = "' . $lang->go . '";
	var all_text = "1";
	var inlineType = "user";
	var inlineId = "acp";
// -->
    return $built_view;
예제 #28
파일: mySSI.php 프로젝트: MctrDevTeam/mySSI
 public function yeni_uye($t_mesaj = null, $fmesaj = null)
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
         if ($this->oturum() && $this->uye['grup'] != 4) {
             return 'Oturum açık iken yalnızca yöneticiler yeni üye oluşturabilir!';
         } else {
             if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['email'])) {
                 return 'Lütfen tüm alanları doldurunuz';
             } else {
                 $_POST['password'] = md5(md5(random_str(8)) . md5($_POST['password']));
                 $ekle = $this->insert('users')->set($_POST);
                 if ($ekle) {
                     if ($t_mesaj == null) {
                         return 'Kayıt başarılı!';
                     } else {
                         return $t_mesaj;
                 } else {
                     if ($f_mesaj == null) {
                         return 'Kayıt başarısız!';
                     } else {
                         return $f_mesaj;
예제 #29
     // Send our headers.
     header("Content-type: application/json; charset={$charset}");
     echo json_encode(array("message" => $message));
 } else {
     if ($mybb->input['action'] == "refresh_captcha") {
         $imagehash = $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('imagehash'));
         $query = $db->simple_select("captcha", "dateline", "imagehash='{$imagehash}'");
         if ($db->num_rows($query) == 0) {
         $db->delete_query("captcha", "imagehash='{$imagehash}'");
         $randomstr = random_str(5);
         $imagehash = md5(random_str(12));
         $regimagearray = array("imagehash" => $imagehash, "imagestring" => $randomstr, "dateline" => TIME_NOW);
         $db->insert_query("captcha", $regimagearray);
         header("Content-type: application/json; charset={$charset}");
         echo json_encode(array("imagehash" => $imagehash));
     } else {
         if ($mybb->input['action'] == "validate_captcha") {
             header("Content-type: application/json; charset={$charset}");
             $imagehash = $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('imagehash'));
             $query = $db->simple_select("captcha", "imagestring", "imagehash='{$imagehash}'");
             if ($db->num_rows($query) == 0) {
                 echo json_encode($lang->captcha_valid_not_exists);
 if ($mybb->input['method'] == 'disk') {
     $file = MYBB_ADMIN_DIR . 'backups/backup_' . substr(md5($mybb->user['uid'] . TIME_NOW), 0, 10) . random_str(54);
     if ($mybb->input['filetype'] == 'gzip') {
         if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
             flash_message($lang->error_no_zlib, 'error');
         $fp = gzopen($file . '.sql.gz', 'w9');
     } else {
         $fp = fopen($file . '.sql', 'w');
 } else {
     $file = 'backup_' . substr(md5($mybb->user['uid'] . TIME_NOW), 0, 10) . random_str(54);
     if ($mybb->input['filetype'] == 'gzip') {
         if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
             flash_message($lang->error_no_zlib, 'error');
         // Send headers for gzip file
         header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
         header('Content-Type: application/x-gzip');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '.sql.gz"');
     } else {
         // Send standard headers for .sql
         header('Content-Type: text/x-sql');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '.sql"');