예제 #1
    function user_having_email($email)
        $data = query_row('SELECT uname, accounts.confirmed, accounts.verification_number, account_id, CASE WHEN active::bool THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS active
		from accounts LEFT JOIN account_players ON account_id = _account_id LEFT JOIN players on _player_id = player_id 
		WHERE active_email = :email limit 1;', array(':email' => $email));
        return $data;
 private function queryEntryID($entry_ID)
     if ($this->queryEntryIDQuery === null) {
         $this->queryEntryIDQuery = $this->parentQuery;
         $this->queryEntryIDQuery->appendCondition("`{$this->column_ID}` = '%d'");
         $this->queryEntryIDQuery = $this->queryEntryIDQuery->getQuery();
     return query_row(sprintf($this->queryEntryIDQuery, (int) $entry_ID), $this->className);
예제 #3
function item_info($item_id, $specific = null)
    $info = query_row('SELECT item_id, item_internal_name, item_display_name, item_cost, image, for_sale, usage, 
			ignore_stealth, covert, turn_cost, target_damage, turn_change, self_use, other_usable, plural 
			FROM item WHERE item_id = :item_id', array(':item_id' => array($item_id, PDO::PARAM_INT)));
    if (!$info || $specific && !isset($info[$specific])) {
        return null;
    } elseif ($specific) {
        return $info[$specific];
    } else {
        return $info;
예제 #4
  * Get the clan that a member has, if any
  * @param Player|int $pc_or_id
  * @return Clan|null
 public static function clanOfMember($pc_or_id)
     if ($pc_or_id instanceof Player) {
         $playerID = $pc_or_id->id();
     } else {
         $playerID = $pc_or_id;
     $clan_info = query_row('select clan_id, clan_name, clan_created_date, clan_founder, clan_avatar_url, description from clan JOIN clan_player ON clan_id = _clan_id where _player_id = :pid', [':pid' => $playerID]);
     if (empty($clan_info)) {
         return null;
     } else {
         $clan = new Clan($clan_info['clan_id']);
         return $clan;
예제 #5
 * Get only the first result item.
function query_item($sql, $bindings = array())
    $row = query_row($sql, $bindings);
    return is_array($row) ? reset($row) : null;
예제 #6
  * Get sums about all the active pcs, counts of dead/alive
  * @return array
 private static function pcsActiveDeadAlive()
     $pc_data = query_row('select count(*) as active, 
             sum(case when health < 1 then 1 else 0 end) as dead 
             from players where active = 1');
     $pc_data['alive'] = $pc_data['active'] - $pc_data['dead'];
     return $pc_data;
 function querySessionuserFromLogin($user_uid, $user_password)
     return query_row(sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS[T]('user')} WHERE user_uid = '%s' AND user_password = '******'", esc_sql($user_uid), esc_sql(self::encryptSessionuserPassword($user_password))), SESSIONUSER_CLASS);
예제 #8
    $query =& $update['inline_query']['query'];
    if (is_command($query, 'chat id')) {
        apiRequest('answerInlineQuery', ['inline_query_id' => $id, 'results' => [['type' => 'article', 'id' => "2", 'title' => "Premi qua e scopri il tuo chat id", 'message_text' => "Il tuo chat id è: " . $from["id"], 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']], 'cache_time' => 0]);
    } elseif (is_command($query, 'presenta')) {
        apiRequest('answerInlineQuery', ['inline_query_id' => $id, 'results' => [['type' => 'article', 'id' => "1", 'title' => "Premi qua per presentare questo bot a qualcuno", 'message_text' => "Spotted, un fenomeno molto conosciuto ai giorni nostri, " . "dove le persone possono inviare degli appelli anonimi, " . "ora è arrivato anche su Telegram, per gli <b>studenti di UniTO</b>! " . "\n <a href=\"telegram.me/spottedunitobot?start=byinline\">PREMI QUI</a>, e vieni a leggere le confessioni degli studenti!", 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']], 'cache_time' => 0]);
} elseif (isset($update['message']['text'], $update['message']['chat']['id'])) {
    // It's a message!
    $text = trim($update['message']['text']);
    $chat_id =& $update['message']['from']['id'];
    $first_name =& $update['message']['from']['first_name'];
    $last_name =& $update['message']['from']['last__name'];
    $username =& $update['message']['from']['username'];
    if (is_command($text, '/start')) {
        // Exists?
        $exists = query_row(sprintf("SELECT 1 FROM {$T('spotter')} " . "WHERE spotter_chat_ID = %d", $update['message']['chat']['id']));
        // Insert if not exists
        $exists || insert_row('spotter', [new DBCol('spotter_chat_id', $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'd'), new DBCol('spotter_datetime', 'NOW()', '-')]);
        apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => "Benvenuto sul bot di <b>Spotted Unito</b>\n\n" . "Con questo bot, potrai inviare i tuoi appelli o confessioni anonimamente, a tutti coloro che seguono questo bot.\n" . "Per inviare uno spot, non ti resta altro che scrivere (indifferente se maiuscolo o minuscolo) <code>spotted messaggio</code>, dove al posto di <code>messaggio</code> dovrete scrivere" . " il testo desiderato. (Es. <code>spotted Un saluto a tutti!</code>)\n\nNB: attualmente non sono supportate le emoticon", 'parse_mode' => "HTML", 'disable_web_page_preview' => true]);
        apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => "Un messaggio di conferma apparirà successivamente. Da quel momento, il messaggio, appena " . "i moderatori avranno verificato che non contenga parole inappropriate (bestemmie, minacce, offese, ecc...), verrà pubblicato." . "\n\nIn caso di necessità, premere su /help , oppure inviare un messaggio con <code>/help messaggio</code>.", 'parse_mode' => "HTML", 'disable_web_page_preview' => true]);
    } elseif (stripos($text, 'spotted') === 0) {
        $spotted = ltrim(str_ireplace('spotted', '', $text));
        if (strlen($spotted) === 0) {
            apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => _("Il comando <code>spotted</code> è esatto. Tuttavia, per inviare uno spot, deve essere seguito da un messaggio.\n" . "Es. Spotted Chi da l'esame al posto mio domani?"), 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']);
        } else {
            $spotted = str_truncate($spotted, 1000, '...');
            insert_row('spotted', [new DBCol('spotted_datetime', 'NOW()', '-'), new DBCol('spotted_message', $spotted, 's'), new DBCol('spotted_chat_id', $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'd'), new DBCol('spotted_approved', 0, '-')]);
            refresh_admin_keyboard($update['message']['chat']['id'], $spotted, $first_name, $last_name, $username);
            $spotters = query_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {$T('spotter')}", 'count');
            apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => sprintf(_("Il messaggio\n<code>" . $spotted . "</code>\ne' stato acquisito ed ora è in coda di moderazione per esser mandato a <b>%d</b> persone.\n"), $spotters), 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']);
// And now a lot of example doing the same thing in multiple way.
 * First require your configuration file to start the framework. That's it!
 * Note: the page obviusly dies here if you have not configured you database access.
require 'load.php';
// You can use `query` for a pure standard `mysqli` result.
$results = query('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
while ($row = $results->fetch_object()) {
    printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_results` for an array of objects
$results = query_results('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
foreach ($results as $result) {
    printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_result` for an object with only the first row
$row = query_row('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_value` for only a single field from a single row:
$miao = query_value('SELECT NOW() AS miao', 'miao');
printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $miao);
 * Note that the last parameter of `query_results`, `query_row`, and `query_value`
 * can be a custom class name. To to something as this:
 * @see MyClass.php
require 'MyClass.php';
$row = query_row('SELECT NOW() AS miao', 'MyClass');
printf("The database says that now it's the year <b>%d</b> and the day is <b>%d</b>! " . "Time: %s. That is a clean PHP DateTime object retrieved with one line query!", $row->miao->format('Y'), $row->miao->format('d'), $row->miao->format('H:i'));
예제 #10
  * Pull account record from database
  * @param int $account_id
  * @return Array
 public static function accountInfo($account_id)
     return query_row("SELECT *, date_part('epoch', now() - coalesce(last_login_failure, '1999-01-01')) AS login_failure_interval FROM accounts WHERE account_id = :account_id", [':account_id' => [$account_id, PDO::PARAM_INT]]);
예제 #11
function confirm_player($char_name, $confirmation = 0, $autoconfirm = false)
    // Preconfirmed or the email didn't send, so automatically confirm the player.
    $require_confirm = $autoconfirm ? '' : ' AND 
			(account.verification_number = :confirmation OR players.verification_number = :confirmation2) ';
    // Get the account_id for a player
    $params = array(':char_name' => $char_name);
    if ($require_confirm) {
        $params[':confirmation'] = $confirmation;
        $params[':confirmation2'] = $confirmation;
    $info = query_row('select account_id, player_id from players 
		join account_players on _player_id = player_id 
		join accounts on account_id = _account_id 
		 where uname = :char_name ' . $require_confirm, $params);
    if (empty($info)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $account_id = $info['account_id'];
        $player_id = $info['player_id'];
        if (!$account_id || !$player_id) {
            return false;
    $up = query('update players set active = 1 where player_id = :player_id', array(':player_id' => $player_id));
    $up = "UPDATE accounts set operational = true, confirmed = 1 where account_id = :account_id";
    $params = array(':account_id' => $account_id);
    $result = (bool) rco(query($up, $params));
    return $result;
function get_provincia_ID($provincia_uid, $provincia_name)
    global $provincie;
    if (isset($provincie[$provincia_uid])) {
        return $provincie[$provincia_uid];
    insert_row('provincia', [new DBCol('provincia_uid', $provincia_uid, 's'), new DBCol('provincia_name', $provincia_name, 's')]);
    $provincia = query_row(sprintf("SELECT provincia_ID, provincia_uid " . "FROM {$GLOBALS[T]('provincia')} " . "WHERE provincia_ID = %d", last_inserted_ID()), 'Provincia');
    return $provincie[$provincia->provincia_uid] = $provincia->provincia_ID;
예제 #13
  * Handle account email confirmation
  * @return Response
 public function confirm(Container $p_dependencies)
     $request = RequestWrapper::$request;
     $admin_override_pass = '******';
     // Just a weak passphrase for simply confirming players.
     $admin_override_request = $request->get('admin_override');
     $acceptable_admin_override = $admin_override_pass === $admin_override_request;
     $confirm = $request->get('confirm');
     $aid = Filter::toNonNegativeInt($request->get('aid'));
     $data = query_row('
         SELECT player_id, uname,
         accounts.verification_number as verification_number,
         CASE WHEN active = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS active,
         CASE WHEN accounts.confirmed = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as confirmed,
         status, member, days, players.created_date
         FROM accounts JOIN account_players ON _account_id = account_id
         JOIN players ON _player_id = player_id
         WHERE account_id = :acctId', array(':acctId' => $aid));
     if (count($data)) {
         $check = $data['verification_number'];
         $confirmed = $data['confirmed'];
         $username = $data['uname'];
     } else {
         $check = $confirmed = $username = null;
     $confirmation_confirmed = false;
     if ($confirmed != 1 && ($check && $confirm && $confirm == $check || $acceptable_admin_override)) {
         // Confirmation number not null and matches
         // or the admin override was met.
         query('UPDATE accounts SET operational = true, confirmed=1
             WHERE account_id = :accountID', array(':accountID' => $aid));
         $statement = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE players SET active = 1 WHERE player_id in
             (SELECT _player_id FROM account_players
                 WHERE _account_id = :accountID)');
         $statement->bindValue(':accountID', $aid);
         // todo - test for success
         $confirmation_confirmed = true;
     $parts = ['confirmed' => $confirmed, 'username' => $username, 'confirmation_confirmed' => $confirmation_confirmed];
     $options = ['quickstat' => false];
     return new StreamedViewResponse('Account Confirmation', 'assistance.confirm.tpl', $parts, $options);
예제 #14

$alive = false;
$private = false;
if ($error = init($private, $alive)) {
} else {
    $admin_override_pass = '******';
    // Just a weak passphrase for simply confirming players.
    $admin_override_request = in('admin_override');
    $acceptable_admin_override = $admin_override_pass === $admin_override_request;
    $confirm = in('confirm');
    $aid = positive_int(in('aid'));
    $data = query_row('
	SELECT player_id, uname, accounts.verification_number as verification_number, CASE WHEN active = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS active, accounts.active_email, 
	CASE WHEN accounts.confirmed = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as confirmed, status, member, days, ip, players.created_date 
	FROM accounts JOIN account_players ON _account_id = account_id JOIN players ON _player_id = player_id 
	WHERE account_id = :acctId', array(':acctId' => $aid));
    if (rco($data)) {
        $check = $data['verification_number'];
        $confirmed = $data['confirmed'];
        $active = $data['active'];
        $username = $data['uname'];
    } else {
        $active = $check = $confirmed = $username = null;
    //debug($data, $confirm, $check, $confirmed);
    //debug($check, $confirm);
    $confirmation_confirmed = false;
    if ($confirmed == 1) {
        // Confirmation state from the database is already confirmed.
예제 #15
function find_account_info_by_oauth($id, $provider = 'facebook')
    $id = positive_int($id);
    $account_info = query_row('select * from accounts where ( oauth_id = :id and oauth_provider = :provider ) 
		order by operational, type, created_date asc limit 1', array(':id' => $id, ':provider' => $provider));
    if (empty($account_info) || !$account_info['account_id']) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return $account_info;
예제 #16
  * Unique clan name check, ignores whitespace
  * @param String $p_potential
  * @return boolean
 public static function isUniqueClanName($p_potential)
     return !(bool) query_row("SELECT clan_name FROM clan WHERE regexp_replace(clan_name, '[[:space:]]', '', 'g') ~~* regexp_replace(:testName, '[[:space:]]', '', 'g')", [':testName' => $p_potential]);
예제 #17
function clan_data($clan_id)
    $sel = 'SELECT * FROM clan WHERE clan_id = :clan_id';
    return query_row($sel, array(':clan_id' => $clan_id));
예제 #18
파일: Clan.php 프로젝트: BitLucid/ninjawars
  * Find the clan belonging to a player, if any
  * @param Player $player
  * @return Clan|null
 public static function findByMember(Player $player)
     $clan_info = query_row('select clan_id, clan_name, clan_created_date, clan_founder, clan_avatar_url, description from clan JOIN clan_player ON clan_id = _clan_id where _player_id = :pid', [':pid' => $player->id()]);
     if (empty($clan_info)) {
         return null;
     } else {
         return new Clan($clan_info['clan_id'], $clan_info['clan_name'], $clan_info);