public function index() { $request = RequestWrapper::$request; $target = $request->get('player'); $target_id = $request->get('player_id'); if ($target_id) { $target_player_obj = Player::find($target_id); } else { $target_player_obj = Player::findByName($target); } if ($target_player_obj === null) { $template = 'no-player.tpl'; $viewed_name_for_title = null; $parts = array(); } else { $attack_error = 'You must become a ninja first.'; $clan = Clan::findByMember($target_player_obj); $combat_skills = null; $display_clan_options = false; $items = null; $same_clan = false; $self = false; $targeted_skills = null; $template = 'player.tpl'; $viewed_name_for_title = $target_player_obj->name(); $viewing_player_obj = Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id')); $kills_today = query_item('SELECT sum(killpoints) FROM levelling_log WHERE _player_id = :player_id AND killsdate = CURRENT_DATE AND killpoints > 0', [':player_id' => $target_player_obj->id()]); $rank_spot = query_item('SELECT rank_id FROM rankings WHERE player_id = :player_id limit 1', [':player_id' => $target_player_obj->id()]); if ($viewing_player_obj !== null) { $viewers_clan = Clan::findByMember($viewing_player_obj); $self = $viewing_player_obj->id() === $target_player_obj->id(); $params = ['required_turns' => 0, 'ignores_stealth' => true]; $AttackLegal = new AttackLegal($viewing_player_obj, $target_player_obj, $params); $AttackLegal->check(false); $attack_error = $AttackLegal->getError(); if (!$attack_error && !$self) { // They're not dead or otherwise unattackable. // Pull the items and some necessary data about them. $inventory = new Inventory($viewing_player_obj); $items = $inventory->counts(); $skillDAO = new SkillDAO(); if (!$viewing_player_obj->isAdmin()) { $combat_skills = $skillDAO->getSkillsByTypeAndClass($viewing_player_obj->_class_id, 'combat', $viewing_player_obj->level); $targeted_skills = $skillDAO->getSkillsByTypeAndClass($viewing_player_obj->_class_id, 'targeted', $viewing_player_obj->level); } else { $combat_skills = $skillDAO->all('combat'); $targeted_skills = $skillDAO->all('targeted'); } } if ($clan && $viewers_clan) { $same_clan = $clan->id == $viewers_clan->id; $display_clan_options = !$self && $same_clan && $viewing_player_obj->isClanLeader(); } } $parts = ['viewing_player_obj' => $viewing_player_obj, 'target_player_obj' => $target_player_obj, 'combat_skills' => $combat_skills, 'targeted_skills' => $targeted_skills, 'self' => $self, 'rank_spot' => $rank_spot, 'kills_today' => $kills_today, 'status_list' => Player::getStatusList($target_player_obj->id()), 'clan' => $clan, 'items' => $items, 'account' => Account::findByChar($target_player_obj), 'same_clan' => $same_clan, 'display_clan_options' => $display_clan_options, 'attack_error' => $attack_error]; } $parts['authenticated'] = SessionFactory::getSession()->get('authenticated', false); $title = 'Ninja' . ($viewed_name_for_title ? ": {$viewed_name_for_title}" : ' Profile'); return new StreamedViewResponse($title, $template, $parts, ['quickstat' => 'player']); }
public static function createAccount($ninja_name, $email, $class_identity) { $found = Player::findByName($ninja_name); if ($found) { throw new Exception("Test user found [{$found}] with name [{$ninja_name}] already exists"); } $ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; // Create test user, unconfirmed, whatever the default is for activity. $confirm = rand(1000, 9999); //generate confirmation code $class_id = query_item('SELECT class_id FROM class WHERE identity = :class_identity', [':class_identity' => $class_identity]); $ninja = new Player(); $ninja->uname = $ninja_name; $ninja->verification_number = $confirm; $ninja->active = 1; $ninja->_class_id = $class_id; $ninja->save(); Account::create($ninja->id(), $email, TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::$test_password, $confirm, 0, 1, $ip); if ($confirm) { $ninja->active = 1; $ninja->save(); $account = Account::findByChar($ninja); $account->confirmed = 1; $account->setOperational(true); $account->save(); } return $ninja->id(); }
public function testAddShouldIncreaseItemCount() { $inventory = new Inventory($this->char); $inventory->add('shuriken', 10); $count = query_item('select amount from inventory join item on item.item_id = inventory.item_type where owner = :id', [':id' => $this->char->id()]); $this->assertEquals(10, $count); }
public function testNonexistentPlayerReturnsNullViaStaticFind() { $id = query_item('select max(player_id) from players'); $bad_id = $id + 100; $char = Player::find($bad_id); $this->assertEquals(null, $char); }
public function testViewNonexistentClan() { $bad_id = query_item('SELECT max(clan_id)+1 AS bad_id FROM clan'); $request = Request::create('/clan/view', 'GET', ['clan_id' => $bad_id]); RequestWrapper::inject($request); $response = $this->controller->view($this->m_dependencies); $this->assertInstanceOf(StreamedViewResponse::class, $response); }
/** * Retrieve the password request with the appropriate nonce data * * @group early */ public function testRetrieveCreatedPasswordReset() { $account_id = query_item('select account_id from accounts limit 1'); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $account_id); $this->nonce = '777777'; $req = PasswordResetRequest::generate(new Account($account_id), $this->nonce); $this->assertEquals($this->nonce, $req->nonce); // Create $req = PasswordResetRequest::match($this->nonce); // Match $this->assertEquals($this->nonce, $req->nonce); }
function setUp() { $clan_identity = 'randomNewTestClan'; $id_already_exists = query_item('select clan_id from clan where clan_name = :name', [':name' => $clan_identity]); if ($id_already_exists) { $this->deleteClan($id_already_exists); } $this->clan = ClanFactory::create($clan_identity, ['founder' => 'phpunittest', 'description' => 'Some clan description']); $this->clan_id = $this->clan->getId(); $this->char_id = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id(); $this->char_id_2 = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id_2(); }
/** * Stats on recent activity and other aggregate counts/information. * * @return array */ private function membershipAndCombatStats() { DatabaseConnection::getInstance(); $viciousResult = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->query('SELECT stat_result from past_stats where id = 4'); $todaysViciousKiller = $viciousResult->fetchColumn(); $stats = []; $stats['vicious_killer'] = $todaysViciousKiller; $playerCount = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->query("SELECT count(player_id) FROM players WHERE active = 1"); $stats['player_count'] = $playerCount->fetchColumn(); $stats['active_chars'] = query_item("SELECT count(*) FROM ppl_online WHERE member = true AND activity > (now() - CAST('15 minutes' AS interval))"); return $stats; }
/** * Return the char id that corresponds with a char name, or the logged in account, if no other source is available. * * @return int|null */ function get_char_id($p_name) { $sql = "SELECT player_id FROM players WHERE lower(uname) = :find"; return query_item($sql, array(':find' => strtolower($p_name))); }
function get_gold($char_id) { return (int) query_item('SELECT gold FROM players WHERE player_id = :char_id', array(':char_id' => $char_id)); }
function class_display_name_from_identity($identity) { return query_item('SELECT class_name from class where identity = :identity', array(':identity' => $identity)); }
/** * Checks whether an attack is legal or not. * * @return boolean **/ public function check($update_timer = true) { $attacker = $this->attacker; $target = $this->target; $possible = array('required_turns', 'ignores_stealth', 'self_use', 'clan_forbidden'); // *** Initializes all the possible param indexes. *** foreach ($possible as $loop_index) { ${$loop_index} = isset($this->params[$loop_index]) ? $this->params[$loop_index] : NULL; } if (!is_object($this->attacker)) { $this->error = 'Only Ninja can get close enough to attack.'; return FALSE; } elseif (!is_object($this->target)) { $this->error = 'No valid target was found.'; return FALSE; } elseif (!isset($this->params['required_turns'])) { $this->error = 'The required number of turns was not specified.'; return FALSE; } $second_interval_limiter_on_attacks = '.25'; // Originally .2 $sel_last_started_attack = "SELECT player_id FROM players\n\t\t\tWHERE player_id = :char_id\n\t\t\tAND ((now() - :interval::interval) >= last_started_attack) LIMIT 1"; // *** Returns a player id if the enough time has passed, or else or false/null. *** $attack_later_than_limit = query_item($sel_last_started_attack, array(':char_id' => intval($this->attacker->id()), ':interval' => $second_interval_limiter_on_attacks . ' second')); if ($attack_later_than_limit && $update_timer) { // *** If not too soon, update the attack limit. *** update_last_attack_time($attacker->id()); // updates the timestamp of the last_attacked column to slow excessive attacks. } // *** START OF ILLEGAL ATTACK ERROR LIST *** if (!$attack_later_than_limit) { $this->error = 'Even the fastest ninja cannot act more than four times a second.'; } else { if (empty($target->vo->uname)) { $this->error = 'Your target does not exist.'; } else { if ($target->id() == $attacker->id() && !$self_use) { $this->error = 'Commiting suicide is a tactic reserved for samurai.'; } else { if ($attacker->vo->turns < $required_turns) { $this->error = 'You don\'t have enough turns for that, wait for the half hour or use amanita mushrooms to gain more turns.'; } else { if (!$self_use && $this->sameDomain($target, $attacker)) { $this->error = 'You can not attack a ninja from the same domain.'; } else { if ($target->vo->active == 0) { $this->error = 'You can not attack an inactive ninja.'; } else { if ($attacker->vo->active == 0) { $this->error = 'You cannot attack when your ninja is retired/inactive.'; } else { if ($target->health() < 1) { $this->error = "They're already dead."; } else { if ($target->hasStatus(STEALTH) && !$ignores_stealth) { // Attacks that ignore stealth will skip this. $this->error = 'Your target is stealthed. You can only hit this ninja using certain techniques.'; } else { if ($clan_forbidden && $target->getClan()->getID() == $attacker->getClan()->getID() && $attacker->getClan() == null && !$self_use) { $this->error = 'Your clan would outcast you if you attacked one of your own.'; } else { if ($target->health() > 0) { $this->error = null; return true; // *** ATTACK IS LEGAL *** } else { // *** CATCHALL ERROR MESSAGE *** $this->error = 'There was a problem with your attack.'; error_log('The problem catch-all for attackLegal object was triggered, which should not occur.'); } } } } } } } } } } } return empty($this->error); }
/** * Change the kills amount of a char, and levels them up when necessary. * @return int */ private function changeKills($amount) { $amount = (int) $amount; GameLog::updateLevellingLog($this->id(), $amount); if ($amount !== 0) { // Ignore changes that amount to zero. if ($amount > 0) { // when adding kills, check if levelling occurs $this->levelUp(); } query("UPDATE players SET kills = kills + CASE WHEN kills + :amount1 < 0 THEN kills*(-1) ELSE :amount2 END WHERE player_id = :player_id", [':amount1' => [$amount, PDO::PARAM_INT], ':amount2' => [$amount, PDO::PARAM_INT], ':player_id' => $this->id()]); } return $this->vo->kills = query_item("SELECT kills FROM players WHERE player_id = :player_id", [':player_id' => [$this->id(), PDO::PARAM_INT]]); }
function membership_and_combat_stats($update_past_stats = false) { DatabaseConnection::getInstance(); $vk = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->query('SELECT stat_result from past_stats where id = 4'); $todaysViciousKiller = $vk->fetchColumn(); $stats['vicious_killer'] = $todaysViciousKiller; $pc = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->query("SELECT count(player_id) FROM players WHERE active = 1"); $stats['player_count'] = $pc->fetchColumn(); $po = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->query("SELECT count(*) FROM ppl_online WHERE member = true"); $stats['players_online'] = $po->fetchColumn(); $stats['active_chars'] = query_item("SELECT count(*) FROM ppl_online WHERE member = true AND activity > (now() - CAST('15 minutes' AS interval))"); return $stats; }
$covert = true; $state = 'stealthed'; if (!$target->hasStatus(STEALTH)) { $target->addStatus(STEALTH); $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ is now {$state}."; } else { $turn_cost = 0; $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ is already {$state}."; } } else { if ($command == 'Kampo') { $covert = true; // *** Get Special Items From Inventory *** $user_id = self_char_id(); $root_item_type = 7; $itemCount = query_item('SELECT sum(amount) AS c FROM inventory WHERE owner = :owner AND item_type = :type GROUP BY item_type', array(':owner' => $user_id, ':type' => $root_item_type)); $turn_cost = min($itemCount, $starting_turns - 1, 2); // Costs 1 or two depending on the number of items. if ($turn_cost && $itemCount > 0) { // *** If special item count > 0 *** removeItem($user_id, 'ginsengroot', $itemCount); add_item($user_id, 'tigersalve', $itemCount); $generic_skill_result_message = 'With intense focus you grind the ' . $itemCount . ' roots into potent formulas.'; } else { // *** no special items, give error message *** $turn_cost = 0; $generic_skill_result_message = 'You do not have the necessary ginsengroots or energy to create any Kampo formulas.'; } } else { if ($command == 'Poison Touch') { $covert = true;
/** * Get the members of a clan, */ public function getMembers() { $membersArray = query_array('SELECT uname, accounts.active_email as email, clan_name, level, days, clan_founder, player_id, member_level ' . 'FROM clan JOIN clan_player ON _clan_id = :clan_id AND clan_id = _clan_id JOIN players ON player_id = clan_player._player_id ' . 'JOIN account_players on player_id = account_players._player_id join accounts on account_id = _account_id ' . 'AND active = 1 ORDER BY level, health DESC', [':clan_id' => $this->id()]); $max = query_item('SELECT max(level) AS max ' . 'FROM clan ' . 'JOIN clan_player ON _clan_id = :clan_id AND clan_id = _clan_id ' . 'JOIN players ON player_id = _player_id AND active = 1', [':clan_id' => $this->id()]); // Modify the members by reference foreach ($membersArray as &$member) { $member['leader'] = false; $member['size'] = floor(($member['level'] - $member['days'] < 1 ? 0 : $member['level'] - $member['days']) / $max * 2) + 1; // Calc the member display size based on their level relative to the max. if ($member['member_level'] >= 1) { $member['leader'] = true; $member['size'] = max($member['size'] + 2, 3); } $member['gravatar_url'] = (new Player($member['player_id']))->avatarUrl(); } return $membersArray; }
function class_theme($class_identity) { return query_item('SELECT theme FROM class WHERE identity = :class_identity', array(':class_identity' => $class_identity)); }
function validate_signup_phase4($enteredClass) { return (bool) query_item('SELECT identity FROM class WHERE class_active AND identity = :id', array(':id' => $enteredClass)); }
// Don't filter the search setting. $list_by_rank = $searched && substr_compare($searched, '#', 0, 1) === 0; // Whether the search is by rank. $hide_setting = !$searched && SESSION::is_set('hide_dead') ? SESSION::get('hide_dead') : 'dead'; // Defaults to hiding dead via session. $hide = $searched ? 'none' : in('hide', $hide_setting); // search override > get setting > session setting $alive_only = $hide == 'dead'; $page = in('page', 1); // Page will get changed down below. $alive_count = 0; $record_limit = 20; // *** The number of players that gets shown per page. $view_type = in('view_type'); $rank = get_rank($char_id); $dead_count = query_item("SELECT count(player_id) FROM rankings WHERE alive = false"); $page = in('page'); if (!$searched && $hide_setting != $hide) { SESSION::set('hide_dead', $hide); } // Save the toggled state for later. // Display the clear search and create the where clause for searching. // If a search was made, specify letter or word-based search. // If unless showing dead, check that health is > 0, or alive = true from the ranking. // Otherwise, no searching was done, so the score $where_clauses = array(); // Array to add where clauses to. // Select some players from the ranking. $queryParams = array(); if ($searched) { $view_type = 'searched';
public function testSuccessfulSignupResultsInNoConfirmation() { $uname = 'KnownGood'; $email = '*****@*****.**'; // Due to the nature of hotmail, hotmail emails are listed // such that they will not be preconfirmed. This leaves an account needing confirmation. RequestWrapper::inject(new Request(['key' => 'password1', 'cpass' => 'password1', 'send_email' => $email, 'send_name' => $uname])); $controller = new SignupController(); $response = $controller->signup($this->m_dependencies); $account = Account::findByEmail($email); $player = Player::findByName($uname); $this->assertNotNull($player); $this->assertNotNull($account); $query_relationship = 'SELECT count(*) FROM account_players WHERE _account_id = :id1 AND _player_id = :id2'; $account_unconfirmed = null; if ($account && $player) { $relationship_count = query_item($query_relationship, [':id1' => $account->id(), ':id2' => $player->id()]); $account_unconfirmed = !$account->isConfirmed(); } else { $relationship_count = 0; } $delete_player = 'DELETE FROM players WHERE player_id = :id'; $delete_account = 'DELETE FROM accounts WHERE account_id = :id'; $delete_relationship = 'DELETE FROM account_players WHERE _account_id = :id1 OR _player_id = :id2'; query($delete_player, [':id' => $player->id()]); query($delete_account, [':id' => $account->id()]); query($delete_relationship, [':id1' => $account->id(), ':id2' => $player->id()]); $reflection = new \ReflectionProperty(get_class($response), 'data'); $reflection->setAccessible(true); $response_data = $reflection->getValue($response); $this->assertTrue($response_data['submit_successful'], 'Signup() returned error: ' . $response_data['error']); $this->assertEquals($relationship_count, 1); $this->assertTrue($account_unconfirmed); }
require_once realpath(__DIR__) . '/resources.php'; ob_start(); assert(defined('WEB_ROOT')); assert(defined('DEBUG')); assert(defined('ROOT')); assert(defined('SERVER_ROOT')); assert(defined('DATABASE_PASSWORD')); assert('' !== WEB_ROOT); assert('http:///' !== WEB_ROOT); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $out; // How about some includes require SERVER_ROOT . 'lib/'; require_once VENDOR_ROOT . 'autoload.php'; $connected = (bool) query_item('select 1 from players limit 1'); $is_superuser = (bool) query_item('select usesuper from pg_user where usename = CURRENT_USER;') === true; if ($is_superuser) { echo 'Running as superuser! This will hide problems later!'; } if (!$connected) { echo 'Unable to select from players table of database!'; } if ((bool) $out || !$connected || $is_superuser) { echo "Failure"; return 1; } else { echo "Success"; return 0; }
public function health() { $id = $this->id(); $sel = "SELECT health from players where player_id = :id"; return query_item($sel, array(':id' => array($id, PDO::PARAM_INT))); }
/** * Check that attack spamming isn't occurring too fast * * @return bool */ private function isOverTimeLimit() { $attackIntervalLimit = '.25'; // Originally .2 $lastAttackQuery = "SELECT player_id FROM players\n WHERE player_id = :char_id\n AND ((now() - :interval::interval) >= last_started_attack) LIMIT 1"; // *** Returns a player id if the enough time has passed, or else or false/null. *** return (bool) query_item($lastAttackQuery, [':char_id' => intval($this->attacker->id()), ':interval' => $attackIntervalLimit . ' second']); }
private function checkTestPasswordMatches($pass) { $phash = query_item('select phash from accounts where account_id = :id', [':id' => $this->account_id]); return password_verify($pass, $phash); }
public function index() { $target = $player = first_value(in('ninja'), in('player'), in('find'), in('target')); $target_id = first_value(in('target_id'), in('player_id'), get_char_id($target)); // Find target_id if possible. $target_player_obj = Player::find($target_id); $viewed_name_for_title = null; if ($target_player_obj !== null) { $viewed_name_for_title = $target_player_obj->name(); } if ($target_player_obj === null) { $template = 'no-player.tpl'; $parts = array(); } else { $player_info = $target_player_obj->as_array(); // Pull the info out of the object. if (!$player_info) { $template = 'no-player.tpl'; $parts = array(); } else { $viewing_player_obj = Player::find(self_char_id()); $self = self_char_id() && self_char_id() == $player_info['player_id']; // Record whether this is a self-viewing. if ($viewing_player_obj !== null) { $char_info = $viewing_player_obj->dataWithClan(); $char_id = $viewing_player_obj->id(); $username = $viewing_player_obj->name(); } else { $char_info = []; } $player = $target = $player_info['uname']; // reset the target and target_id vars. $target_id = $player_info['player_id']; // Get the player's kills for this date. $kills_today = query_item('select sum(killpoints) from levelling_log where _player_id = :player_id and killsdate = CURRENT_DATE and killpoints > 0', array(':player_id' => $target_id)); $viewers_clan = $viewing_player_obj !== null ? ClanFactory::clanOfMember($viewing_player_obj) : null; // Attack Legal section $params = array('required_turns' => 0, 'ignores_stealth' => true); // 0 for unstealth. $attack_error = 'You must become a ninja first.'; $attack_allowed = false; if (null !== $viewing_player_obj) { $AttackLegal = new AttackLegal($viewing_player_obj, $target_player_obj, $params); $attack_allowed = $AttackLegal->check(false); $attack_error = $AttackLegal->getError(); } $sel_rank_spot = "SELECT rank_id FROM rankings WHERE player_id = :char_id limit 1"; $rank_spot = query_item($sel_rank_spot, array(':char_id' => $player_info['player_id'])); // Display the player info. $status_list = get_status_list($player); $gurl = $gravatar_url = $target_player_obj->avatarUrl(); if ($viewing_player_obj !== null && !$attack_error && !$self) { // They're not dead or otherwise unattackable. // Attack or Duel $skillDAO = new SkillDAO(); $is_admin = false; if ($viewing_player_obj) { $is_admin = $viewing_player_obj->isAdmin(); } if (!$is_admin) { $combat_skills = $skillDAO->getSkillsByTypeAndClass($viewing_player_obj->_class_id, 'combat', $viewing_player_obj->level); $targeted_skills = $skillDAO->getSkillsByTypeAndClass($viewing_player_obj->_class_id, 'targeted', $viewing_player_obj->level); } else { $combat_skills = $skillDAO->all('combat'); $targeted_skills = $skillDAO->all('targeted'); } // Pull the items and some necessary data about them. $items = inventory_counts($char_id); $valid_items = rco($items); // row count } // End of the there-was-no-attack-error section $set_bounty_section = ''; $communication_section = ''; $player_clan_section = ''; $clan = ClanFactory::clanOfMember($player_info['player_id']); $same_clan = false; // Player clan and clan members if ($clan) { $viewer_clan = $viewing_player_obj ? ClanFactory::clanOfMember($viewing_player_obj) : null; $clan_id = $clan->getID(); $clan_name = $clan->getName(); if ($viewer_clan) { $same_clan = $clan->getID() == $viewer_clan->getID(); $display_clan_options = $viewing_player_obj && !$self && $same_clan && $viewing_player_obj->isClanLeader(); } else { $same_clan = $display_clan_options = false; } } // Send the info to the template. $template = 'player.tpl'; $parts = get_certain_vars(get_defined_vars(), array('char_info', 'viewing_player_obj', 'target_player_obj', 'combat_skills', 'targeted_skills', 'player_info', 'self', 'rank_spot', 'kills_today', 'gravatar_url', 'status_list', 'clan', 'items')); } } return ['template' => $template, 'title' => 'Ninja' . ($viewed_name_for_title ? ": {$viewed_name_for_title}" : ' Profile'), 'parts' => $parts, 'options' => ['quickstat' => 'player']]; }
/** * group accountconf **/ function testPauseAccountAndLoginShouldFail() { $confirm_worked = confirm_player($this->test_ninja_name, false, true); // name, no confirm #, just autoconfirm. $this->assertTrue((bool) $confirm_worked); $char_id = get_char_id($this->test_ninja_name); $paused = @pauseAccount($char_id); // Fully pause the account, make the operational bit = false $this->assertTrue((bool) $paused); $account_operational = query_item('select operational from accounts join account_players on account_id = _account_id where _player_id = :char_id', array(':char_id' => $char_id)); $this->assertFalse($account_operational); $res = @login_user($this->test_email, $this->test_password); $this->assertFalse($res['success'], 'Login should not be successful when account is paused'); $this->assertTrue(is_string($res['login_error'])); $this->assertTrue((bool) $res['login_error']); }
/** * Get the game environment hour * @return int */ private static function gameHour() { return query_item('select amount from time where time_label = \'hours\''); }
/** * Get the ninja list and display it * * @param Container * @return Response */ public function index(Container $p_dependencies) { $request = RequestWrapper::$request; $session = $p_dependencies['session']; $searched = $request->get('searched', null); // Don't filter the search setting $list_by_rank = $searched && substr_compare($searched, '#', 0, 1) === 0; // Whether the search is by rank $hide_setting = !$searched && $session->has('hide_dead') ? $session->get('hide_dead') : 'dead'; // Defaults to hiding dead via session $hide = $searched ? 'none' : $request->get('hide', $hide_setting); // search override > get setting > session setting $alive_only = $hide == 'dead'; $page = $request->get('page'); $record_limit = 20; // The number of players that gets shown per page if (!$searched && $hide_setting != $hide) { // Save the toggled state for later $session->set('hide_dead', $hide); } $where_clauses = []; // Array to add where clauses to $params = []; if ($searched) { if (strlen($searched) == 1 || !$list_by_rank) { $where_clauses[] = " (rankings.uname ilike :searched || '%') "; $params[':searched'] = $searched; } if ($hide == 'dead') { $where_clauses[] = " alive = true"; } } else { if ($hide == 'dead') { $where_clauses[] = " alive"; } } $query_count = "SELECT count(player_id) FROM rankings " . (count($where_clauses) ? "WHERE " . implode($where_clauses, ' AND ') : ""); $totalrows = query_item($query_count, $params); // The rankings view automatically filters out inactives, but we have to do it manually when dealing directly with players table. $where_clauses[] = " active = 1"; // ************************ Pagination ************************** // Determine the current page spot navigated to. // If searching, use the page between // If no specific rank was requested, use the viewer's rank // If a certain rank was requested, use that rank spot. // Determine the page, if the dead count is more than the rank spot, default to 1, otherwise use the input page. // Determine the number of pages and the limit and offset if ($searched && $list_by_rank) { $page = ceil(substr($searched, 1) / $record_limit); } else { if ($page == "searched") { $page = $request->get('page', 1); } else { $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page; // Prevent the page number from going negative } } $numofpages = ceil($totalrows / $record_limit); $offset = (int) max(0, $page * $record_limit - $record_limit); $last_page = $totalrows - $record_limit * $page > 0; $ninja_rows = $this->getFormattedNinjaRows($where_clauses, $params, $record_limit, $offset); $ninja_count = count($ninja_rows); $active_ninjas = null; if (!$searched) { // Will not display active ninja on a search page. $active_ninjas = Player::findActive(5, $alive_only); // get the currently active ninjas } $dead_count = query_item("SELECT count(player_id) FROM rankings WHERE alive = false"); $parts = ['searched' => $searched, 'ninja_count' => $ninja_count, 'dead_count' => $dead_count, 'active_ninjas' => $active_ninjas, 'hide' => $hide, 'page' => $page, 'numofpages' => $numofpages, 'last_page' => $last_page, 'ninja_rows' => $ninja_rows]; $options = ['quickstat' => 'player']; $title = 'Ninja List'; $template = 'list.tpl'; return new StreamedViewResponse($title, $template, $parts, $options); }
function clan_char_is_leader_of($char_id, $clan_id = null) { $sel = 'SELECT clan_id FROM clan JOIN clan_player ON clan_id = _clan_id WHERE _player_id = :char_id AND member_level > 0 ORDER BY clan_id LIMIT 1'; $id = query_item($sel, array(':char_id' => array($char_id, PDO::PARAM_INT))); return $id ? get_clan($id) : null; }
function get_chat_count() { return query_item("SELECT count(*) FROM chat"); }