예제 #1
function write_system_roles($roles, $system_id)
    global $c, $session;
    $users = "";
    $role_update = "";
    $system_id = intval($system_id);
    foreach ($roles as $user_no => $role_code) {
        if ($role_code != "") {
            $user_no = intval($user_no);
            $users .= ("{$users}" == "" ? "" : ",") . $user_no;
            $role_update .= "SELECT set_system_role({$user_no},{$system_id}," . qpg($role_code) . ");";
    if ($users == "") {
        $sql = "DELETE FROM system_usr WHERE system_id = {$system_id};";
    } else {
        $sql = "BEGIN; DELETE FROM system_usr WHERE system_id = {$system_id} AND user_no NOT IN ( {$users} ); {$role_update} COMMIT;";
    $q = new PgQuery($sql);
    if ($q->Exec("SystemUsers::Write")) {
        $c->messages[] = "System Roles updated.";
    } else {
        $c->messages[] = "There was a system problem writing to the database and no changes were made.";
예제 #2
function Process_Brief_editable_Requests()
    global $session, $debuggroups, $client_messages, $active_flag, $request_status;
    $sql = "BEGIN; ";
    foreach ($request_status as $request_id => $new_status) {
        if (isset($active_flag)) {
            $request_active = $active_flag[$request_id] == 'on' ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
            $session->Log("DBG: request_id=%d, new_status=%s, active=%s, submitted_active=%s", $request_id, $new_status, $request_active, $active_flag[$request_id]);
            $sql .= "SELECT set_request_status(" . qpg($request_id) . "," . qpg($session->user_no) . "," . qpg($new_status) . ", {$request_active}); ";
        } else {
            // Or if we are just changing the status, and the active/inactive choice is not available to this user
            $sql .= "SELECT set_request_status(" . qpg($request_id) . "," . qpg($session->user_no) . "," . qpg($new_status) . "); ";
    $q = new PgQuery($sql . " COMMIT;");
예제 #3
파일: page-footer.php 프로젝트: Br3nda/wrms
function send_footers()
    global $settings, $c, $session, $theme, $dbconn, $total_query_time, $debuglevel;
    if ($theme->panel_right) {
    if ($theme->panel_bottom) {
    echo <<<CLOSEHTML
<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>
<script language="JavaScript" src="js/overlib.js"></script>
    if (is_object($settings) && $settings->is_modified()) {
        if (!is_numeric($settings->get('counter'))) {
            $settings->set('counter', 0);
        } else {
            $settings->set('counter', $settings->get('counter') + 1);
        $config_data_string = qpg($settings->to_save());
        $query = "UPDATE session SET session_config={$config_data_string} ";
        $query .= "WHERE session_id={$session->session_id} ";
        $query .= "AND session_config != {$config_data_string}; ";
        if ($session->user_no > 0) {
            $query .= "UPDATE usr SET config_data={$config_data_string} WHERE user_no={$session->user_no} ";
            $query .= "AND config_data != {$config_data_string}; ";
        $result = awm_pgexec($dbconn, $query);
    if ($debuglevel > 0) {
        $total_query_time = sprintf("%3.06lf", $total_query_time);
        error_log($c->sysabbr . " total_query_ TQ: {$total_query_time} URI: {$REQUEST_URI}", 0);
        $total_time = sprintf("%3.06lf", duration($c->started, microtime()));
        error_log($c->sysabbr . " process_time TT: {$total_time}      Agent: {$HTTP_USER_AGENT} Referrer: {$HTTP_REFERER}  ", 0);
        error_log("=============================================== Endof {$PHP_SELF}");
예제 #4
    $sql .= "|| '&requested_by={$requested_by}' ";
$sql .= "|| '&incstat['||last_status||']=1' AS url_link ";
// And the rest of the SQL is 'reasonably' straightforward...
$sql .= "FROM request JOIN request_status ON request.request_id=request_status.request_id AND status_code=last_status ";
$sql .= "JOIN lookup_code status_lookup ON status_lookup.source_table='request' AND status_lookup.source_field='status_code' AND status_lookup.lookup_code=last_status ";
if (isset($allocated_to)) {
    $sql .= "JOIN request_allocated ON request.request_id=request_allocated.request_id AND allocated_to_id = {$allocated_to} ";
if (isset($interested_in)) {
    $sql .= "JOIN request_interested ON request.request_id=request_interested.request_id AND request_interested.user_no = {$interested_in} ";
if (isset($org_code)) {
    $sql .= "JOIN usr ON request.requester_id=usr.user_no AND usr.org_code = {$org_code} ";
$sql .= "WHERE ((last_status IN ('F', 'C') AND status_on BETWEEN " . qpg($from_date) . " AND " . qpg($to_date) . ") ";
$sql .= "OR last_status NOT IN ('F','C')) ";
if (isset($system_id)) {
    $sql .= "AND request.system_id={$system_id} ";
if (isset($request_type)) {
    $sql .= "AND request.request_type={$request_type} ";
if (isset($requested_by)) {
    $sql .= "AND requester_id = {$requested_by} ";
$sql .= "GROUP BY status_lookup.lookup_desc, request.last_status ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY 2 DESC;";
// echo "$sql";
$debuggroups['PieChart'] = 1;
$pie = new PieChart($sql);
예제 #5
파일: caldav-PUT.php 프로젝트: Br3nda/wrms
     * We can't do any more with this since there was no identifiable request_id
$qry = new PgQuery("BEGIN;");
if ($delete_dav_event) {
    $qry = new PgQuery("DELETE FROM caldav_data WHERE user_no=? AND dav_name=?", $session->user_no, $put_path);
$action = "Created";
// By default
if (isset($ev->tz_locn) && $ev->tz_locn != '') {
    $tzset = "SET TIMEZONE TO " . qpg($ev->tz_locn) . ";";
if (isset($etag_match) && $etag_match != '*' && $etag_match != '') {
    $action = "Replaced";
    $sql = <<<EOSQL
UPDATE request_timesheet
   SET request_id=?, work_on=?::timestamp, work_duration=(?::timestamp - ?::timestamp),
           work_by_id={$session->user_no}, work_description=?, work_units='hours'
 WHERE timesheet_id={$ts_id};
UPDATE request_timesheet
   SET work_quantity = (extract( 'hours' from work_duration)::numeric + extract( 'minutes' from work_duration )::numeric / 60::numeric),
       dav_etag = md5(timesheet_id||request_id||work_on||work_duration||work_by_id||COALESCE(charged_details,'')||work_description)
 WHERE timesheet_id={$ts_id};
    $qry = new PgQuery($sql, $request_id, $ev->Get('dtstart'), $ev->Get('dtend'), $ev->Get('dtstart'), $ev->Get('summary'));
예제 #6
require_once "classBrowser.php";
$c->local_styles[] = "css/browse.css";
if (isset($submit)) {
    $session->Dbg("SavedSearches", "Seem to be submitting a saved search");
    $query_is_public = $GLOBALS['query_is_public'];
    $show_in_menu = $GLOBALS['show_in_menu'];
    $sql = "";
    foreach ($query_is_public as $k => $v) {
        $k = intval($k);
        if (is_array($v) && ($k == $session->user_no || $session->AllowedTo("Admin") || $session->AllowedTo("Support"))) {
            foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) {
                $public = $v2 == "on" ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
                $in_menu = $show_in_menu[$k][$k2] == "on" ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
                $k2dec = urldecode($k2);
                $session->Dbg("SavedSearches", "Submitted query_is_public[{$k}][{$k2dec}] is >>{$v2}<<  and show_in_menu[{$k}][{$k2dec}] is >>%s<<", $show_in_menu[$k][$k2]);
                $sql .= "UPDATE saved_queries SET public = {$public} , in_menu = {$in_menu} WHERE user_no = {$k} AND query_name = " . qpg($k2dec) . ";";
    $qry = new PgQuery($sql);
$debuggroups["querystring"] = 1;
$browser = new Browser("Your Saved Searches");
if ($session->AllowedTo("Admin") || $session->AllowedTo("Support")) {
    $browser->AddColumn('user_no', 'User#', 'center', '<a href="/user.php?user_no=##user_no##">%d</a>');
} else {
$browser->AddColumn('query_name', 'Query Name', 'left', '<a href="/wrsearch.php?style=plain&saved_query=##URL:query_name##">%s</a>');
$browser->AddColumn('query_type', 'Type', 'center', '%s');
예제 #7
        to_char(work_duration,{$ical_duration_format}) AS duration,
        work_description AS summary,
        'WR#'||request_id::text AS location,
        'WR#'||request_id::text || ' - ' || brief AS description,
        'Invoice '||charged_details::text || ', Charged \$'|| to_char(charged_amount,'FM999,999,990.00') ||' by ' || chgby.username || ' on ' || to_char(work_charged,'d/mm/YY') AS invoiced
    FROM request_timesheet JOIN request USING (request_id) JOIN usr ON (work_by_id=usr.user_no)
       LEFT OUTER JOIN usr chgby ON (charged_by_id = chgby.user_no)
  WHERE work_by_id = ? AND work_duration IS NOT NULL

    $where = "";
    if (isset($report[$i]['start'])) {
        $where = "AND ((work_on + work_duration) >= " . qpg($report[$i]['start']) . "::timestamp with time zone) ";
    if (isset($report[$i]['end'])) {
        $where .= "AND work_on <= " . qpg($report[$i]['end']) . "::timestamp with time zone ";
    $sql .= $where;
    $sql .= " ORDER BY work_on ASC";
    $responses = array();
    $qry = new PgQuery($sql, $report_user_no);
    // echo $qry->querystring;
    if ($qry->Exec() && $qry->rows > 0) {
        while ($ts = $qry->Fetch()) {
            if ($ts->invoiced != "") {
                $ts->description .= "\n" . $ts->invoiced;
            $response = new XMLElement("response");
            $prop = new XMLElement("prop");
            $ev = new vEvent(array('uid' => $ts->timesheet_id . "@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'dtstart' => $ts->dtstart, 'duration' => $ts->duration, 'summary' => $ts->summary, 'location' => $ts->location, 'description' => $ts->description));
            if (isset($report[$i]['include_href']) && $report[$i]['include_href'] > 0) {
예제 #8
if (isset($interested_in)) {
    $interested_in = intval($interested_in);
    $sql .= "JOIN request_interested ON request.request_id=request_interested.request_id AND request_interested.user_no = {$interested_in} ";
if (isset($org_code)) {
    $org_code = intval($org_code);
    $sql .= "JOIN usr ON request.requester_id=usr.user_no AND usr.org_code = {$org_code} ";
$sql .= "WHERE ((last_status IN ('F', 'C') AND status_on BETWEEN " . qpg($from_date) . " AND " . qpg($to_date) . ") ";
$sql .= "OR last_status NOT IN ('F','C')) ";
if (isset($system_id)) {
    $system_id = qpg($system_id);
    $sql .= "AND request.system_id={$system_id} ";
if (isset($request_type)) {
    $request_type = qpg($request_type);
    $sql .= "AND request.request_type={$request_type} ";
if (isset($requested_by)) {
    $requested_by = intval($requested_by);
    $sql .= "AND requester_id = {$requested_by} ";
$sql .= "GROUP BY status_lookup.lookup_desc ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY 2 DESC;";
//  echo "$sql";
$pie = new BarChart($sql);
예제 #9
* Get XML response for items in the collection
* If '/' is requested, a list of visible users is given, otherwise
* a list of calendars for the user which are parented by this path.
function get_collection_contents($depth, $user_no, $collection)
    global $session, $request;
    dbg_error_log("PROPFIND", "Getting collection contents: Depth %d, User: %d, Path: %s", $depth, $user_no, $collection->dav_name);
    $responses = array();
     * freebusy permission is not allowed to see the items in a collection.  Must have at least read permission.
    if ($request->AllowedTo('read')) {
        dbg_error_log("PROPFIND", "Getting collection items: Depth %d, User: %d, Path: %s", $depth, $user_no, $collection->dav_name);
        $sql = "SELECT caldav_data.dav_name, caldav_data, caldav_data.dav_etag ";
        $sql .= "FROM caldav_data WHERE dav_name ~ " . qpg('^' . $collection->dav_name . '[^/]+$');
        $sql .= "ORDER BY caldav_data.dav_name ";
        $qry = new PgQuery($sql, PgQuery::Plain(iCalendar::HttpDateFormat()), PgQuery::Plain(iCalendar::HttpDateFormat()));
        if ($qry->Exec("PROPFIND", __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows > 0) {
            while ($item = $qry->Fetch()) {
                $responses[] = item_to_xml($item);
    return $responses;
예제 #10
    } else {
        $search_query .= $default_search_statuses;
    $search_query .= "]') ";
    if (eregi("save", "{$submit}") && "{$savelist}" != "") {
        $saved_sort = "";
        $saved_seq = "";
        if (isset($save_query_order) && intval($save_query_order) > "0") {
            $saved_sort = $rlsort;
            $saved_seq = $rlseq;
        $qparams = qpg(serialize($_POST));
        $savelist = qpg($savelist);
        $qquery = qpg($search_query);
        $save_rlsort = qpg($saved_rlsort);
        $save_rlseq = qpg($saved_rlseq);
        $save_public = qpg(intval($save_public) > 0);
        $save_in_menu = qpg(intval($save_hotlist) > 0);
        $search_query = "DELETE FROM saved_queries WHERE user_no = {$session->user_no} AND LOWER(query_name) = LOWER({$savelist});\nINSERT INTO saved_queries (user_no, query_name, query_sql, maxresults, rlsort, rlseq, public, updated, in_menu, query_params)\n  VALUES( {$session->user_no}, {$savelist}, {$qquery}, " . intval($maxresults) . ",\n    {$save_rlsort}, {$save_rlseq}, {$save_public}, current_timestamp, {$save_in_menu}, {$qparams});\n{$search_query}";
if ($rlsort != 'request_tags' || isset($flipped_columns['request_tags'])) {
    // We can only sort by request_tags if it is present in the target list!
    $search_query .= " ORDER BY {$rlsort} {$rlseq} ";
if (!isset($maxresults) || intval($maxresults) == 0) {
    $maxresults = 200;
$search_query .= " LIMIT {$maxresults} ";
// echo "<p>$search_query</p>";
예제 #11
파일: PgQuery.php 프로젝트: rossryan/Calico
  * Quote the given string so it can be safely used within string delimiters
  * in a query.
  * @see qpg()
  * which is where this is really done.
  * @param mixed $str Data to be converted to a string suitable for including as a value in SQL.
  * @return string NULL, TRUE, FALSE, a plain number, or the original string quoted and with ' and \ characters escaped
 function quote($str = null)
     return qpg($str);
예제 #12
파일: usrsearch.php 프로젝트: Br3nda/wrms
 if ("{$search_for}{$org_code}{$system_id}{$active} " != "") {
     $sql = "SELECT *, to_char( last_update, 'dd/mm/yyyy' ) AS last_update, to_char( last_used, 'dd/mm/yyyy' ) AS last_used ";
     $sql .= "FROM usr JOIN organisation USING ( org_code ) ";
     if (isset($system_id) && $system_id > 0) {
         $sql .= "JOIN system_usr USING ( user_no ) ";
         $sql .= "JOIN lookup_code ON source_table='system_usr' AND source_field='role' AND lookup_code=role ";
     $sql .= "WHERE TRUE ";
     if (!isset($org_code) || $org_code == 0) {
         $sql .= "AND organisation.active ";
     if (!isset($active) || $active != "f") {
         $sql .= "AND usr.active ";
     if ("{$search_for}" != "") {
         $search_for = qpg($search_for);
         $sql .= " AND (fullname ~* {$search_for} ";
         $sql .= " OR username ~* {$search_for} ";
         $sql .= " OR email ~* {$search_for} )";
     if (is_member_of('Manage') && !is_member_of('Admin', 'Support')) {
         $sql .= " AND usr.org_code='{$session->org_code}' ";
     } else {
         if (isset($org_code) && $org_code > 0) {
             $sql .= " AND usr.org_code={$org_code}";
     if (isset($system_id) && $system_id > 0) {
         $sql .= " AND system_usr.system_id={$system_id}";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY LOWER(fullname);";