$source_id_arr = qs("SELECT * FROM pd_sources WHERE id = '{$source_pk_id}'");
 $source_id = '';
 $source_id = $source_id_arr["pd_source_id"];
 if (1 == 1) {
     $check_source_id = 0;
     $check_source_id = Call_distribution::CheckSourceID($source_id);
     if ($check_source_id > 0) {
         $fields["pd_user_id"] = $json_user_list;
         $user_list_update = qu("call_list_by_source", $fields, " pd_source_id = '{$source_id}'");
         $user_list_update = 1;
     } else {
         $user_list_insert = 0;
         $fields["pd_source_id"] = $source_id;
         $fields["pd_user_id"] = $json_user_list;
         $user_list_insert = qi("call_list_by_source", $fields);
  if (isset($_REQUEST['fields']) && $_REQUEST['fields'] != '') {
  if (isset($_REQUEST['fields']['call']) && count($_REQUEST['fields']['call']) > 0) {
  $call_list = $_REQUEST['fields']['call'];
  foreach ($call_list as $source_id => $each_call):
  if (isset($each_call) && count($each_call) > 0) {
  $json_user_list = '';
  $user_list = array();
  foreach ($each_call as $user_id => $each_user):
  $user_list[] = $user_id;

$conv_fields = array();
$conv_fields['message_id'] = $_REQUEST['message_id'];
$conv_fields['price'] = $_REQUEST['credits_cost'];
$conv_fields['status'] = $_REQUEST['status'];
// To Remove Duplicate Entry Sleep Is Required - Conversation List Page Also inserting Same Record;
$text_conv_list = q("select id from text_conversation where message_id='{$_REQUEST['message_id']}'");
if (count($text_conv_list) == 0) {
    qi("text_conversation", $conv_fields);
} else {
    qu("text_conversation", $conv_fields, "message_id='{$_REQUEST['message_id']}'");

// just add an entry - for deal id and call sid
// to later hang the call
// when the other agent picks up the code
if ($_REQUEST['CallStatus'] == 'no-answer' || $_REQUEST['CallStatus'] == 'busy') {
    header("content-type: text/xml");
    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
    qu("voice_call", array("in_progress" => "0"), "deal_id='" . $_REQUEST['dealId'] . "'");
    //Set in_progress=0 because call process is completed
    echo "<Response><say>Call Status - {$_REQUEST['CallStatus']}</say></Response>";
} else {
    if ($_REQUEST['CallStatus'] == 'ringing') {
        $agent_numbers = explode(',', $_REQUEST['agent_numbers']);
        $rand = mt_rand(1, 1000) . "_" . mt_rand(1, 1000);
        // for testing - the deal id should be random
        $dealId = _e($_REQUEST['dealId'], "T{$rand}");
        $phone_value = urlencode($_REQUEST['phone_value']);
        $cur_agent = $_REQUEST['cur_agent'];
        qi("deal_sid", array("deal_id" => $dealId, "sid" => $_REQUEST['CallSid']));
        header("content-type: text/xml");
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
        echo "<Response><say>Connecting to customer!</say></Response>";
    } else {
        header("content-type: text/xml");
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
        echo "<Response><say>Good Bye</say></Response>";
 public function callNow($phone_value, $agent_numbers, $dealId, $is_redial = "0", $group = "A")
     $account_sid = ACCOUNT_SID;
     $auth_token = AUTH_TOKEN;
     //$account_sid = 'AC4878ef9ccad9ce3b980fdd4d1d0f42ca';
     //$auth_token = 'ea532dd88a9ee7fb43259da56a40a38f';
     $call_status = qs("select *,value as call_status from config where `key` = 'CALL_STATUS'");
     if (strtolower($call_status['call_status']) != "on") {
         qi("test", array("t" => "call distribution is off.", "payload" => "someone is trying to call without permission!!!"));
     if ($phone_value == '') {
         qi("activity_log", _escapeArray(array("log" => "Call can not be generated. Phone value is blank", "deal_id" => $dealId)));
     if (IS_DEV_ENV && $is_redial == "0") {
         $agent_numbers = array(TOLL_FREE_NO);
         $phone_value = AGENT_NO;
     if (count($agent_numbers) == 0) {
     include _PATH . "/Services/Twilio.php";
     $agent_numbers_arr = $agent_numbers;
     $agent_numbers = implode(",", $agent_numbers_arr);
     $agent_numbers_search = implode("','", $agent_numbers_arr);
     $filter_agent_number = self::filterAgentsByGroup($agent_numbers_search, $group);
     if (empty($filter_agent_number['agent'])) {
         qi("activity_log", _escapeArray(array("log" => "We have no agents for group '{$group}' or any lower level. ", "deal_id" => $dealId)));
         qu("agent_call_dialed", array("is_aborted" => "1"), "deal_id='" . $dealId . "'");
         qu("voice_call", array("in_progress" => "0"), "deal_id='" . $dealId . "'");
     qi("agent_call_dialed", _escapeArray(array("agent_numbers" => $agent_numbers, "deal_id" => $dealId, "is_redial" => $is_redial, "customer_phone" => $phone_value, "category" => $filter_agent_number['group'])));
     $client = new Services_Twilio($account_sid, $auth_token);
     $deal_sid_data = q("select * from deal_sid where status!='R' AND status!='C' AND deal_id='{$dealId}'");
     qu("deal_sid", array("status" => "C"), " status!='R' AND status!='C' AND deal_id='{$dealId}'");
     foreach ($deal_sid_data as $each_sid) {
         $call = $client->account->calls->get($each_sid['sid']);
         $call->update(array("Status" => "completed"));
     try {
         foreach ($filter_agent_number['agent'] as $key => $each_agent) {
             //foreach ($agent_numbers_arr as $key => $each_agent) {
             //echo $each_agent."<br>";
             $url_agent_calling = _U . "DialingAgent?";
             $url_agent_received = _U . "ReceivedAgent?";
             $params = "agent_numbers=" . $agent_numbers . "&dealId=" . $dealId . "&phone_value=" . $phone_value . "&cur_agent=" . $each_agent;
             $url_agent_calling .= $params;
             $url_agent_received .= $params;
             $call = $client->account->calls->create(TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER, $each_agent, $url_agent_received, array("Method" => "GET", "StatusCallback" => $url_agent_calling, "StatusCallbackMethod" => "POST", "StatusCallbackEvent" => array("ringing", "completed"), "Timeout" => "25"));
             echo $call->sid . "<br>";
         echo "<br>We are calling on " . $phone_value;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Failed calls will throw
         echo $e;
echo "my test";
$d = q("select * from plecto");
$c = 11;
foreach ($d as $a) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $a['total']; $i++) {
        $f = array();
        $f['reference'] = $c++;
        $f['member_name'] = $a['member_name'];
        $f['member_id'] = $a['member_id'];
        $f['date'] = $a['date'];
        $f['stage_id'] = $a['stage_id'];
        $f['total'] = $a['total'];
        $f['open'] = $a['open'];
        $f['won'] = $a['won'];
        $f['loss'] = $a['loss'];
        qi("plecto", $f);
include _PATH . "/Services/Twilio.php";
$account_sid = ACCOUNT_SID;
$auth_token = AUTH_TOKEN;
$client = new Services_Twilio($account_sid, $auth_token);
$each_agent = "919737128291";
$url_agent_calling = _U . "DialingAgent?";
$url_agent_received = _U . "ReceivedAgent?";
try {
    $call = $client->account->calls->create(TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER, $each_agent, $url_agent_received, array("Method" => "GET", "StatusCallback" => $url_agent_calling, "StatusCallbackMethod" => "POST", "StatusCallbackEvent" => array("ringing"), "Timeout" => "25"));
    echo $call->sid . "<br>";
} catch (Exception $e) {

//Twilio Website Number: (516) 210-2005
$apiPD = new apiPipeDrive();
$agent_numbers = $apiPD->getAgentByDealSource(37);
$fields['from'] = $_REQUEST['From'];
$fields['CallSid'] = $_REQUEST['CallSid'];
$insertId = qi("website_number_dials", _escapeArray($fields));
header("content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";

if (count($agent_numbers) == 0) {
        <Say>Thank you for calling leadpropel.com</Say>
        <Say>Sorry, All agents are busy at the moment.</Say>
        <Say>We will call back later.</Say>
        <Say>Thank you</Say>
} else {
        <Dial action="<?php 
    echo _U . "website_number_dial_status?params=" . $insertId . "--00--status";
    foreach ($agent_numbers as $each) {
                <Number url="<?php 
$apiPD->assignPerson($person_id, $agent_id);
$apiPD->assignOrganization($org_id, $agent_id);
$call_detail_data = q("select * from call_detail where sid='{$_REQUEST['CallSid']}'");
$call_detail_fields['agent_phone'] = $cur_agent;
$call_detail_fields['agent_id'] = $agent_id;
$call_detail_fields['agent_name'] = $agent_name;
$call_detail_fields['status'] = isset($_REQUEST['CallStatus']) ? $_REQUEST['CallStatus'] : '';
$call_detail_fields['customer_phone'] = $phone_value;
$call_detail_fields['source_id'] = $source_id;
$call_detail_fields['customer_name'] = $cust_name;
$call_detail_fields['customer_email'] = $cust_email;
$call_detail_fields['org_name'] = $org_name;
$call_detail_fields['deal_id'] = $dealId;
$call_detail_fields['deal_added'] = $add_time;
$call_detail_fields['sid'] = $_REQUEST['CallSid'];
$call_detail_id = qi('call_detail', _escapeArray($call_detail_fields));
qu("agent_call_dialed", _escapeArray(array("is_updated" => "1")), "deal_id='" . $dealId . "'");
$fields['subject'] = 'Call';
$fields['done'] = '1';
$fields['type'] = 'call';
$fields['deal_id'] = $dealId;
// Test Deal Id - $fields['deal_id'] = '4586';
$fields['person_id'] = $person_id;
$fields['org_id'] = $org_id;
$param = http_build_query(array('call_detail_id' => $call_detail_id));
//$fields['note'] = "<iframe src='https://www.leadpropel.com/".FOLDER_RUN."playAudio?".$param."' width='380' height='110'></iframe>";
$fields['note'] = "<span call-recording-id-{$call_detail_id}>Call Recording: <br>We are loading call recording.</span>";
$data = $apiPD->createActivity($fields);
$activity_data = json_decode($data);
if (isset($activity_data->success) && $activity_data->success) {
    qu('call_detail', array("activity_id" => $activity_data->data->id), "id='{$call_detail_id}'");
예제 #8

 * Admin side Login file
 * @version 1.0
 * @package lysoft
//$jsInclude = "home.js.php";
$urlArgs = _cg("url_vars");
if (isset($_REQUEST['txt_sms'])) {
    $fields['sms'] = $_REQUEST['txt_sms'];
    $fields['activity'] = $_REQUEST['ddl_type'];
    $fields['agent'] = $_REQUEST['ddl_agent'];
    qi("messages", _escapeArray($fields));
    $_SESSION['greetings_msg'] = 'Record Added successfully!';
$message_list = q("SELECT * FROM  `messages`");
_cg("page_title", "SMS Text");
    echo _U;
ConnectingCustomer" method="GET" numDigits="1">        
        <Say>You had not press any key.</Say>
        <Say>Please Press 1 to continue.  Press 2 to Repeat.  Press any other key to hangup</Say>	
        <Redirect method="POST"><?php 
    echo _U . "ConnectingCustomer";
} else {
    qu("voice_call", array("in_progress" => "0"), "deal_id='" . $dealId . "'");
    //Set in_progress=0 because call process is completed
    qi("voice_call", array("deal_id" => $dealId, "is_handled" => "0", "curr_agent" => $cur_agent, "all_agents" => $agent_numbers, "customer_phone" => $phone_value));
    header("content-type: text/xml");
    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";

    <Response><Say>Good Buy!</Say></Response>    
    $agent_name = 'agent';
    $agent_detail = qs("select * from pd_users where phone like '%" . $cur_agent . "%'");
    if (isset($agent_detail)) {
        $agent_name = $agent_detail['name'];
    $message = '<b>Note: </b><br>Call went into voicemail of <b>' . $agent_name . "</b>. System will call again in <b>10 minutes</b>.";
    sendNote($dealId, $message);
예제 #10

//Update Deal which is not handled by any agents
$agent_call_dialed = q("select * from agent_call_dialed where is_updated='0' and created_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 minute) group by deal_id");
if (count($agent_call_dialed) > 0) {
    foreach ($agent_call_dialed as $each_deal) {
        $new_deal = qs("select * from call_detail where deal_id='{$each_deal['deal_id']}'");
        if (isset($new_deal) && !empty($new_deal)) {
            //echo "<br>-" . $each_deal['is_updated'] . "-not-" . $each_deal['deal_id'];
        } else {
            $new = array();
            $new['customer_phone'] = $each_deal['customer_phone'];
            $new['deal_id'] = $each_deal['deal_id'];
            $new['call_handled'] = '0';
            $a = qi("call_detail", $new);
            //echo "<br>-" . $each_deal['is_updated'] . "-added-" . $each_deal['deal_id'];
    $apiPD = new apiPipeDrive();
    $agent_call_dialed = q("select * from agent_call_dialed where is_updated='0'");
    foreach ($agent_call_dialed as $each_deal) {
        $deal_data = $apiPD->getDealInfo($each_deal['deal_id']);
        $deal_data = json_decode($deal_data);
        $person_id = isset($deal_data->data->person_id->value) ? $deal_data->data->person_id->value : '';
        $org_id = isset($deal_data->data->org_id->value) ? $deal_data->data->org_id->value : '';
        $source_id = isset($deal_data->data->c2a6fc3129578b646ae55717ed15f03ce3ee4df0) ? $deal_data->data->c2a6fc3129578b646ae55717ed15f03ce3ee4df0 : '';
        $cust_name = isset($deal_data->data->person_id->name) ? $deal_data->data->person_id->name : '';
        $add_time = isset($deal_data->data->add_time) ? $deal_data->data->add_time : '';
        $add_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($add_time) - 3600 * 4);
        $cust_email = isset($deal_data->data->person_id->email[0]->value) ? $deal_data->data->person_id->email[0]->value : '';
예제 #11
* array(
 'state' => $each_trip['tripState'],
 'name' => $each_trip['driverName'],
 'number' => $each_trip['driverNumber'],
 'tripTime' => $each_trip['tripTime'],
 'wakeUpTime' => $newTime
* @param type $data
function doScheduleNightBeforeText($data)
    $existingData = qs("select * from manualtextscheduler where tripCode = '{$data['tripCode']}' AND sentTime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'  ");
    if (!empty($existingData)) {
        _l(" Day Prior Text is already sent.. so not logging the Day Prior Text");
    _l(" Logging the Day Prior Text ");
    //Hi Hung, tomorrow your wakeup text will arrive at 4:45am for garage out at 7:15am.  Please reply promptly
    $textArriveTime = date("m/d h:ia", strtotime($data['wakeUpTime']));
    $tripTime = date("m/d h:ia", strtotime($data['tripTime']));
    //$text = "Hi {$data['name']}, your wakeup text will arrive at {$textArriveTime} for garage out at {$tripTime}. Please reply promptly";
    // New text from danielle 07/02/2015
    // "Good Evening.  Your scheduled "Garage Out" time is scheduled for _____ .  Please report to base 10 minutes prior for pre-flight inspection.  Your wake up text is scheduled for ______.  Thank you and have a safe trip!"
    $text = "Good Evening.  Your scheduled Garage Out time is scheduled for {$tripTime} .  Please report to base 10 minutes prior for pre-flight inspection.  Your wake up text is scheduled for {$textArriveTime}.  Thank you and have a safe trip!";
    $timeZone = resolveTimeZoneFromState($data['state']);
    $dayBeforeTime = resolveDayBeforeTime($data['tripTime']);
    qi('manualtextscheduler', array('textMessage' => _escape($text), 'textNumber' => $data['number'], 'tripCode' => $data['tripCode'], 'textTime' => $dayBeforeTime, 'sentTime' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'textTimeZone' => $timeZone), 'REPLACE');

if (isset($_REQUEST['click_to_call']) && $_REQUEST['click_to_call'] == 1) {
    $fields['deal_id'] = $_REQUEST['dealId'];
    $fields['agent_phone'] = removeCellFormat($_REQUEST['agent_phone']);
    $fields['agent_name'] = $_REQUEST['agent_name'];
    $fields['customer_phone'] = removeCellFormat($_REQUEST['customer_phone']);
    $click_to_call_id = qi("click_to_call", $fields);
    $callWebhook = new callWebhook();
    $sid = $callWebhook->click_to_call($click_to_call_id);
    $data = array("id" => $click_to_call_id, "sid" => $sid);
    json_die(true, $data);
$dealId = $_REQUEST['dealId'];
$phone_count = $_REQUEST['phone_count'];
$contact_list = array();
$is_cust_number = 0;
for ($index = 1; $index <= $phone_count; $index++) {
    $is_cust_number = 1;
    $contact_list[] = removeCellFormat($_REQUEST['phone_' . $index]);
$conversation_list = q("select * from text_conversation where deal_id='{$dealId}' order by messageTime asc");
$agent_name = $_REQUEST['agent_name'];
$agent = qs("select * from pd_users where name='{$agent_name}'");
if (empty($agent) || $agent['phone'] == '' && $agent['cell'] == '') {
    $is_agent_number = 0;
} else {
    $is_agent_number = 1;
    $agent_no = $agent['phone'] == '' ? $agent['cell'] : $agent['phone'];
    $agent_no = formatCellDash($agent_no);
    foreach ($source_list_arr as $each_source) {
        $source_id = '';
        $source_id = trim($each_source["id"]);
        if ($source_id != '') {
            $check_source_id = array();
            $check_source_id = Call_distribution::CheckMainSourceId($source_id);
            echo $check_source_id . "****" . $each_source["label"];
            echo "<br/>";
            $data_insert = 1;
            if (!empty($check_source_id)) {
                if ($check_source_id["id"] != '') {
                    $fields["source_name"] = trim($each_source["label"]);
                    $fields["is_deleted"] = 0;
                    $fields = _escapeArray($fields);
                    qu("pd_sources", $fields, " id = '{$check_source_id}' ");
                    $data_insert = 0;
            if ($data_insert == 1) {
                $fields["pd_source_id"] = trim($each_source["id"]);
                $fields["source_name"] = trim($each_source["label"]);
                $fields["is_deleted"] = 0;
                $fields = _escapeArray($fields);
                qi("pd_sources", $fields);
echo "<br/><br/>===================Script Is Done================";
$person_id = $data['current']['person_id'];
$person_data = $apiPD->getPersonInfo($person_id);
$person_data = json_decode($person_data, true);
$message = $data['current']['note'];
$deal_id = $data['current']['deal_id'];
$org_id = $data['current']['org_id'];
$subject = $data['current']['subject'];
$subject = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $subject);
$activityLogArray = array();
if (strlen($subject) < 10) {
    $phone_value = isset($person_data['data']['phone'][0]['value']) ? $person_data['data']['phone'][0]['value'] : '-1';
} else {
    $phone_value = $subject;
    $activityLogArray['number_from_subject'] = '1';
$activityLogArray['payload'] = $payload;
$activityLogArray['activity_id'] = $activity_id;
$activityLogArray['person_id'] = $person_id;
$activityLogArray['deal_id'] = $deal_id;
$activityLogArray['org_id'] = $org_id;
if ($phone_value == '-1' || $phone_value == '') {
    $activityLogArray['log'] = "Phone value is blank";
    qi('activity_log', $activityLogArray);
} else {
    $activityLogArray['log'] = "Message sending on " . $phone_value;
    $activityLogArray['phone_value'] = $phone_value = $apiCall->ValidateNumber($phone_value);
    $activityLogArray['phone_last10'] = last10Char($phone_value);
    qi('activity_log', $activityLogArray);
    $apiCall->messageNow($phone_value, $message);
     } elseif ($cat_count == 3 && $category == 'B') {
         $category = 'C';
     } elseif ($cat_count == 3 && $category == 'C') {
         qi("activity_log", _escapeArray(array("log" => "We had tried 3 times call for group-C.", "deal_id" => $each_call['deal_id'])));
     if ($category != 'A' && $category != 'B' && $category != 'C') {
         $category = 'A';
     $query = "select count(*) as count from agent_call_dialed where deal_id='" . $each_call['deal_id'] . "' AND  DATE(`created_at`) = CURDATE() AND created_at>NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MINUTE order by created_at desc";
     $last_call = qs($query);
     echo $query;
     if ($last_call['count'] > 0) {
         echo "call in progress";
         qi("activity_log", _escapeArray(array("log" => "we can try only after 5 minutes.", "deal_id" => $each_call['deal_id'])));
     } else {
         echo "call need to dial";
         echo "<Br>" . $last_agent_call_dial[0]['customer_phone'];
         $apiCall = new callWebhook();
         $all_agent_arr_unique = explode(",", $last_agent_call_dial[0]['agent_numbers']);
         $new_agent_numbers = array();
         foreach ($all_agent_arr_unique as $each_value) {
             $new_agent_numbers[] = $each_value;
         $apiCall->callNow($last_agent_call_dial[0]['customer_phone'], $new_agent_numbers, $each_call['deal_id'], "1", $category);
//$apiPD->assignDeal($urlArgs[1], $agent_id);
$call_detail_data = q("select * from call_detail where sid='{$_REQUEST['CallSid']}'");
$call_detail_fields['agent_phone'] = $urlArgs[0];
$call_detail_fields['agent_id'] = $agent_id;
$call_detail_fields['agent_name'] = $agent_name;
$call_detail_fields['status'] = isset($_REQUEST['DialCallStatus']) ? $_REQUEST['DialCallStatus'] : '';
$call_detail_fields['recording_duration'] = $recording_duration;
$call_detail_fields['recording_url'] = $recording_url;
$call_detail_fields['customer_phone'] = urlencode($urlArgs[2]);
$call_detail_fields['deal_id'] = $urlArgs[1];
if (count($call_detail_data) > 0) {
    $call_detail_id = $call_detail_data[0]['id'];
    qu('call_detail', $call_detail_fields, "id='{$call_detail_data[0]['id']}'");
} else {
    $call_detail_fields['sid'] = $_REQUEST['CallSid'];
    $call_detail_id = qi('call_detail', $call_detail_fields);
$deal_data = json_decode($apiPD->getDealInfo($urlArgs[1]));
//$deal_data = json_decode($apiPD->getDealInfo('4586'));
//$deal_data = json_decode($apiPD->getDealInfo('4586'));
$person_id = isset($deal_data->data->person_id->value) ? $deal_data->data->person_id->value : '';
$org_id = isset($deal_data->data->org_id->value) ? $deal_data->data->org_id->value : '';
//$apiPD->assignPerson($person_id, $agent_id);
//$apiPD->assignOrganization($org_id, $agent_id);
$fields['subject'] = 'Call';
$fields['done'] = '1';
$fields['type'] = 'call';
$fields['deal_id'] = $urlArgs[1];
// Test Deal Id - $fields['deal_id'] = '4586';
$fields['person_id'] = $person_id;
$fields['org_id'] = $org_id;
예제 #17
$agent_numbers = $apiPD->getAgentByDealSource($deal_source['pd_source_id']);
if (count($agent_numbers) == 0) {
        <Say>Thank you for calling Lysoft dot Com. We are sorry for can't handle your call. Please Try Later.</Say>
} else {
        <Say>Thank you for calling Lysoft dot Com.</Say>
        <Say>We are connecting to our agents. Please wait a moment.</Say>
    foreach ($agent_numbers as $each_agent) {
        echo $each_agent;
$payload = file_get_contents('php://input');
qi("test", array("payload" => _escape($payload)));

$call_status = qs("select *,value as call_status from config where `key` = 'CALL_STATUS'");
if (strtolower($call_status['call_status']) != "on") {
    qi("test", array("t" => "call distribution is off."));
# Get Pipedrive API object
$apiPD = new apiPipeDrive();
$apiCall = new callWebhook();
# Set default timezone
# receive the payload
$payload = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode(@$payload, true);
//Getting Deal Info and change stage if pipeline id is '1' (i.e. for "Leads")
$deal_info = $apiPD->getDealInfo($data['current']['id']);
$deal_info = json_decode($deal_info, TRUE);
if ($deal_info['data']['pipeline_id'] == "1") {
    $deal_info = $apiPD->modifyDeal($data['current']['id'], array("stage_id" => "1"));
// store into the database
//qi("pd_push_notification_log", array("payload" => _escape($payload)));
# now, identify if that is hot lead then get the number of customer and start calling the customer
# c2a6fc3129578b646ae55717ed15f03ce3ee4df0 - this is key for custom attribute/field - "Source"
$deal_source = $data['current']['c2a6fc3129578b646ae55717ed15f03ce3ee4df0'];
if (in_array($deal_source, array('37')) || 1) {
    # Get Person ID
    $person_id = $data['current']['person_id'];
    # Get Deal ID
        if ($user_id != '') {
            $check_user_id = array();
            $check_user_id = Call_distribution::CheckMainUserId($user_id);
            echo $check_user_id . "****" . $each_user["name"];
            echo "<br/>";
            $fields["name"] = $each_user["name"];
            $fields["email"] = $each_user["email"];
            $fields["phone"] = $each_user["phone"];
            $fields["is_deleted"] = '0';
            if ($each_user['active_flag']) {
                $fields["is_active"] = '1';
            } else {
                $fields["phone"] = '';
                $fields["is_active"] = '0';
            if ($check_user_id != '') {
                $fields = _escapeArray($fields);
                if ($each_user['active_flag']) {
                qu("pd_users", $fields, " id = '{$check_user_id}' ");
            } else {
                $fields["pd_id"] = $user_id;
                $fields = _escapeArray($fields);
                qi("pd_users", $fields);
예제 #20

//Test Mode - Live Server Comment following 2 line.
//$_REQUEST['Body']="Test Static Data";
$apiPD = new apiPipeDrive();
$apiCall = new apiCall();
$phone_value = urldecode($_REQUEST['From']);
$phone_value = last10Char($phone_value);
$payload = file_get_contents('php://input');
$activity_data = qs("select * from activity_log where phone_last10 like '%{$phone_value}%' order by id desc");
if (isset($activity_data)) {
    $fields['subject'] = 'SMS - Replied By Customer';
    $fields['done'] = '1';
    $fields['type'] = 'text';
    $fields['deal_id'] = $activity_data['deal_id'];
    // Test Deal Id - $fields['deal_id'] = '4586';
    $fields['person_id'] = $activity_data['person_id'];
    $fields['org_id'] = $activity_data['org_id'];
    $fields['note'] = _escape(urldecode($_REQUEST['Body']));
    $data = $apiPD->createActivity($fields);
    qi('test', array('payload' => $data));
qi('test', array('payload' => $payload, 't' => $_REQUEST['From']));