예제 #1
function qa_load_plugin_files()
    global $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot;
    $pluginfiles = glob(QA_PLUGIN_DIR . '*/qa-plugin.php');
    foreach ($pluginfiles as $pluginfile) {
        if (file_exists($pluginfile)) {
            $contents = file_get_contents($pluginfile);
            if (preg_match('/Plugin[ \\t]*Minimum[ \\t]*Question2Answer[ \\t]*Version\\:[ \\t]*([0-9\\.]+)\\s/i', $contents, $matches)) {
                if (qa_qa_version_below($matches[1])) {
            // skip plugin which requires a later version of Q2A
            if (preg_match('/Plugin[ \\t]*Minimum[ \\t]*PHP[ \\t]*Version\\:[ \\t]*([0-9\\.]+)\\s/i', $contents, $matches)) {
                if (qa_php_version_below($matches[1])) {
            // skip plugin which requires a later version of PHP
            $qa_plugin_directory = dirname($pluginfile) . '/';
            $qa_plugin_urltoroot = substr($qa_plugin_directory, strlen(QA_BASE_DIR));
            require_once $pluginfile;
            $qa_plugin_directory = null;
            $qa_plugin_urltoroot = null;
예제 #2
function ra_installed_plugin()
    $tables = qa_db_list_tables_lc();
    $moduletypes = qa_list_module_types();
    $pluginfiles = glob(QA_PLUGIN_DIR . '*/qa-plugin.php');
    foreach ($moduletypes as $type) {
        $modules = qa_load_modules_with($type, 'init_queries');
        foreach ($modules as $name => $module) {
            $queries = $module->init_queries($tables);
            if (!empty($queries)) {
                if (qa_is_http_post()) {
                } else {
                    $qa_content['error'] = strtr(qa_lang_html('admin/module_x_database_init'), array('^1' => qa_html($name), '^2' => qa_html($type), '^3' => '<a href="' . qa_path_html('install') . '">', '^4' => '</a>'));
    if (qa_is_http_post() && !qa_check_form_security_code('admin/plugins', qa_post_text('qa_form_security_code'))) {
        $qa_content['error'] = qa_lang_html('misc/form_security_reload');
        $showpluginforms = false;
    } else {
        $showpluginforms = true;
    $plugin = array();
    if (count($pluginfiles)) {
        foreach ($pluginfiles as $pluginindex => $pluginfile) {
            $plugindirectory = dirname($pluginfile) . '/';
            $hash = qa_admin_plugin_directory_hash($plugindirectory);
            $showthisform = $showpluginforms && qa_get('show') == $hash;
            $contents = file_get_contents($pluginfile);
            $metadata = qa_admin_addon_metadata($contents, array('name' => 'Plugin Name', 'uri' => 'Plugin URI', 'description' => 'Plugin Description', 'version' => 'Plugin Version', 'date' => 'Plugin Date', 'author' => 'Plugin Author', 'author_uri' => 'Plugin Author URI', 'license' => 'Plugin License', 'min_q2a' => 'Plugin Minimum Question2Answer Version', 'min_php' => 'Plugin Minimum PHP Version', 'update' => 'Plugin Update Check URI'));
            if (strlen(@$metadata['name'])) {
                $namehtml = qa_html($metadata['name']);
            } else {
                $namehtml = qa_lang_html('admin/unnamed_plugin');
            $plugin_name = $namehtml;
            if (strlen(@$metadata['uri'])) {
                $plugin_uri = qa_html($metadata['uri']);
            if (strlen(@$metadata['version'])) {
                $plugin_version = qa_html($metadata['version']);
            if (strlen(@$metadata['author'])) {
                $plugin_author = qa_html($metadata['author']);
                if (strlen(@$metadata['author_uri'])) {
                    $plugin_author_url = qa_html($metadata['author_uri']);
            if (strlen(@$metadata['version']) && strlen(@$metadata['update'])) {
                $elementid = 'version_check_' . md5($plugindirectory);
                $plugin_update = '(<span id="' . $elementid . '"></span>)';
                $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = array("qa_version_check(" . qa_js($metadata['update']) . ", 'Plugin Version', " . qa_js($metadata['version'], true) . ", 'Plugin URI', " . qa_js($elementid) . ");");
            if (strlen(@$metadata['description'])) {
                $plugin_description = qa_html($metadata['description']);
            //if (isset($pluginoptionmodules[$plugindirectory]))
            $plugin_option = qa_admin_plugin_options_path($plugindirectory);
            if (qa_qa_version_below(@$metadata['min_q2a'])) {
                $plugin_error = qa_lang_html_sub('admin/requires_q2a_version', qa_html($metadata['min_q2a']));
            } elseif (qa_php_version_below(@$metadata['min_php'])) {
                $plugin_error = qa_lang_html_sub('admin/requires_php_version', qa_html($metadata['min_php']));
            $plugin[] = array('tags' => 'id="' . qa_html($hash) . '"', 'name' => @$plugin_name, 'uri' => @$plugin_uri, 'version' => @$plugin_version, 'author' => @$plugin_author, 'author_url' => @$plugin_author_url, 'update' => @$plugin_update, 'description' => @$plugin_description, 'path' => @$plugindirectory, 'option' => @$plugin_option, 'error' => @$plugin_error, 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'custom')));
    return $plugin;
     $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = array("qa_version_check(" . qa_js($metadata['update']) . ", 'Plugin Version', " . qa_js($metadata['version'], true) . ", 'Plugin URI', " . qa_js($elementid) . ");");
 } else {
     $updatehtml = '';
 if (strlen(@$metadata['description'])) {
     $deschtml = qa_html($metadata['description']);
 } else {
     $deschtml = '';
 if (isset($pluginoptionmodules[$plugindirectory]) && !$showthisform) {
     $deschtml .= (strlen($deschtml) ? ' - ' : '') . '<a href="' . qa_admin_plugin_options_path($plugindirectory) . '">' . qa_lang_html('admin/options') . '</a>';
 $pluginhtml = $namehtml . ' ' . $authorhtml . ' ' . $updatehtml . '<br>' . $deschtml . (strlen($deschtml) ? '<br>' : '') . '<small style="color:#666">' . qa_html($plugindirectory) . '</small>';
 if (qa_qa_version_below(@$metadata['min_q2a'])) {
     $pluginhtml = '<strike style="color:#999">' . $pluginhtml . '</strike><br><span style="color:#f00">' . qa_lang_html_sub('admin/requires_q2a_version', qa_html($metadata['min_q2a'])) . '</span>';
 } elseif (qa_php_version_below(@$metadata['min_php'])) {
     $pluginhtml = '<strike style="color:#999">' . $pluginhtml . '</strike><br><span style="color:#f00">' . qa_lang_html_sub('admin/requires_php_version', qa_html($metadata['min_php'])) . '</span>';
 $qa_content['form_plugin_' . $pluginindex] = array('tags' => 'id="' . qa_html($hash) . '"', 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'custom', 'html' => $pluginhtml)));
 if ($showthisform && isset($pluginoptionmodules[$plugindirectory])) {
     foreach ($pluginoptionmodules[$plugindirectory] as $pluginoptionmodule) {
         $type = $pluginoptionmodule['type'];
         $name = $pluginoptionmodule['name'];
         $module = qa_load_module($type, $name);
         $form = $module->admin_form($qa_content);
         if (!isset($form['tags'])) {
             $form['tags'] = 'method="post" action="' . qa_admin_plugin_options_path($plugindirectory) . '"';
         if (!isset($form['style'])) {
             $form['style'] = 'tall';
예제 #4
function qa_load_plugin_files()
    global $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot;
    $pluginfiles = glob(QA_PLUGIN_DIR . '*/qa-plugin.php');
    $metadataUtil = new Q2A_Util_Metadata();
    foreach ($pluginfiles as $pluginfile) {
        $pluginDirectory = dirname($pluginfile);
        $metadata = $metadataUtil->fetchFromAddonPath($pluginDirectory);
        if (empty($metadata)) {
            // limit plugin parsing to first 8kB
            $contents = file_get_contents($pluginfile, false, null, -1, 8192);
            $metadata = qa_addon_metadata($contents, 'Plugin', true);
        // skip plugin which requires a later version of Q2A
        if (isset($metadata['min_q2a']) && qa_qa_version_below($metadata['min_q2a'])) {
        // skip plugin which requires a later version of PHP
        if (isset($metadata['min_php']) && qa_php_version_below($metadata['min_php'])) {
        // these variables are utilized in the qa_register_plugin_* functions
        $qa_plugin_directory = $pluginDirectory . '/';
        $qa_plugin_urltoroot = substr($qa_plugin_directory, strlen(QA_BASE_DIR));
        require_once $pluginfile;
    $qa_plugin_directory = null;
    $qa_plugin_urltoroot = null;