예제 #1
function mp_get_activity_points_by_userid($userid, $categoryid)
    return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COALESCE(SUM(U.points), 0) points FROM `mp_userpoints` U RIGHT JOIN mp_user_category_map M ON U.userid = M.userid AND U.categoryid = M.categoryid, qa_users QU 
									WHERE M.userid = QU.userid AND M.categoryid = # AND M.userid = # 
									GROUP BY M.userid
									ORDER BY points DESC, QU.handle ASC', $categoryid, $userid), true);
 function check_privileges($userid, $event_points)
     $user = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_user_points_selectspec($userid, true));
     $upoints = (int) $user['points'];
     $before_points = (int) $user['points'] - $event_points;
     $permr = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT meta_value FROM ^usermeta WHERE user_id=# AND meta_key=$ ', $userid, 'priv_notify'), true);
     // stale perms
     $stale = array();
     if ($permr) {
         $perms = explode('^', $permr);
         $stale = explode(',', $perms[0]);
     $p_options = qa_get_permit_options();
     $notices = '';
     foreach ($p_options as $option) {
         if (qa_opt($option) == QA_PERMIT_POINTS) {
             $opoints = (int) qa_opt($option . '_points');
             if ($opoints < $upoints && $opoints > $before_points && !in_array($option, $stale)) {
                 $notices = ($notices ? $notices . ',' : '') . $option;
     if ($notices) {
         qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^usermeta (user_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES (#,$,$) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE meta_value=$', $userid, 'priv_notify', '^' . $notices, $permr . ($perms[1] ? ',' : '') . $notices);
         if (qa_opt('priv_email_notify_on')) {
             $this->notify($userid, $notices);
예제 #3
 function qa_share_buttons($q_view)
     if (qa_opt('expert_question_enable')) {
         $qid = $q_view['raw']['postid'];
         $expert = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT meta_value FROM ^postmeta WHERE meta_key='is_expert_question' AND post_id=#", $qid), true);
         if ($expert) {
     $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($q_view['raw']['postid'], $q_view['raw']['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'));
     $code = array('facebook' => '<iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=' . qa_path_html(qa_q_request($this->content['q_view']['raw']['postid'], $this->content['q_view']['raw']['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url')) . '&amp;send=false&amp;layout=standard&amp;width=53&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;height=20&amp;appId=170382616390886" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:53px; height:20px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>', 'twitter' => '<a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="none">Tweet</a>', 'google' => '<g:plusone size="medium" count="false"></g:plusone>', 'linkedin' => '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js"></script><script type="in/share"></script>', 'email' => '<a title="Share this question via email" id="share-button-email" href="mailto:?subject=' . rawurlencode('[' . qa_opt('site_title') . '] ' . $q_view['raw']['title']) . '&body=' . rawurlencode($url) . '"><img height="24" src="' . QA_HTML_THEME_LAYER_URLTOROOT . 'qa-share-mail.png' . '"/></a>');
     // sort by weight
     $weight = array('facebook' => qa_opt('share_plugin_facebook_weight'), 'twitter' => qa_opt('share_plugin_twitter_weight'), 'google' => qa_opt('share_plugin_google_weight'), 'linkedin' => qa_opt('share_plugin_linkedin_weight'), 'email' => qa_opt('share_plugin_email_weight'));
     // output
     foreach ($weight as $key => $val) {
         if (qa_opt('share_plugin_' . $key)) {
             $shares[] = $code[$key];
     if (empty($shares)) {
         return null;
     $output = implode('&nbsp;', $shares);
     return $output;
예제 #4
function qa_db_blob_exists($blobid)
    if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args);
    return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid=#', $blobid)) > 0;
예제 #5
function qa_db_cache_get($type, $cacheid)
    $content = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT content FROM ^cache WHERE type=$ AND cacheid=#', $type, $cacheid), true);
    if (isset($content)) {
        qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^cache SET lastread=NOW() WHERE type=$ AND cacheid=#', $type, $cacheid);
    return $content;
예제 #6
function ra_db_builder($name, $value = null)
    if (isset($value)) {
        ra_set_builder_content($name, $value);
    } else {
        $content = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT BINARY content as content FROM ^builder WHERE name=#', $name), true);
        return str_replace('\\', '', $content);
 function getuserfromhandle($handle)
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php';
         $publictouserid = qa_get_userids_from_public(array($handle));
         $userid = @$publictouserid[$handle];
     } else {
         $userid = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid FROM ^users WHERE handle = $', $handle), true);
     return $userid;
예제 #8
파일: cache.php 프로젝트: swuit/swuit-q2a
function qa_db_cache_get($type, $cacheid)
    if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args);
    $content = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT content FROM ^cache WHERE type=$ AND cacheid=#', $type, $cacheid), true);
    if (isset($content)) {
        qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^cache SET lastread=NOW() WHERE type=$ AND cacheid=#', $type, $cacheid);
    return $content;
예제 #9
 function a_count($post)
     if (qa_opt('ccount') && isset($post['answers'])) {
         $this->output('<div class="qa-ac-count">');
         $comments = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT COUNT(postid) FROM ^posts WHERE (parentid=# OR parentid IN (SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE parentid=#)) AND type='C'", $post['raw']['postid'], $post['raw']['postid']));
         $this->output_split(array('prefix' => '', 'data' => $comments, 'suffix' => ' comments'), 'qa-c-count', 'SPAN', 'SPAN');
     } else {
예제 #10
    function q_view_clear()
        // call default method output
        // return if not admin!
        if (qa_get_logged_in_level() < QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
        // check if question is duplicate
        $closed = @$this->content['q_view']['raw']['closedbyid'] !== null;
        if ($closed) {
            // check if duplicate
            $duplicate = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid FROM `^posts` 
																		WHERE `postid` = #
																		AND `type` = "Q"
																		;', $this->content['q_view']['raw']['closedbyid']), true);
            if ($duplicate) {
                $this->output('<div id="mergeDup" style="margin:10px 0 0 120px;padding:5px 10px;background:#FCC;border:1px solid #AAA;"><h3>Merge Duplicate:</h3>');
                // form output
		<TD CLASS="qa-form-tall-label">
			From: &nbsp;
			<INPUT NAME="merge_from" id="merge_from" TYPE="text" VALUE="' . $this->content['q_view']['raw']['postid'] . '" CLASS="qa-form-tall-number">
			&nbsp; To: &nbsp;
			<INPUT NAME="merge_to" id="merge_to" TYPE="text" VALUE="' . $this->content['q_view']['raw']['closedbyid'] . '" CLASS="qa-form-tall-number">
		<TD CLASS="qa-form-tall-label">
		Text to show when redirecting from merged question:
		<TD CLASS="qa-form-tall-label">
		<INPUT NAME="merge_question_merged" id="merge_question_merged" TYPE="text" VALUE="' . qa_opt('merge_question_merged') . '" CLASS="qa-form-tall-text">
		<TD style="text-align:right;">
			<INPUT NAME="merge_question_process" VALUE="Merge" TITLE="" TYPE="submit" CLASS="qa-form-tall-button qa-form-tall-button-0">

</FORM>				');
function qa_page_q_post_rules($post, $parentpost = null, $siblingposts = null, $childposts = null)
    $rules = qa_page_q_post_rules_base($post, $parentpost, $siblingposts, $childposts);
    qa_db_query_sub('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ^postmeta (
			meta_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
			post_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
			meta_key varchar(255) DEFAULT \'\',
			meta_value longtext,
			PRIMARY KEY (meta_id),
			KEY post_id (post_id),
			KEY meta_key (meta_key)
    $expert = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT meta_value FROM ^postmeta WHERE meta_key='is_expert_question' AND post_id=#", $post['postid']), true);
    if ($expert) {
        if (!qa_permit_value_error(qa_opt('expert_question_roles'), qa_get_logged_in_userid(), qa_get_logged_in_level(), qa_get_logged_in_flags())) {
            $is_expert = true;
        $users = qa_opt('expert_question_users');
        $users = explode("\n", $users);
        $handle = qa_get_logged_in_handle();
        foreach ($users as $idx => $user) {
            if ($user == $handle) {
                $is_expert = true;
            if (strpos($user, '=')) {
                $user = explode('=', $user);
                if ($user[0] == $handle) {
                    $catnames = explode(',', $user[1]);
                    $cats = qa_db_read_all_values(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT categoryid FROM ^categories WHERE title IN ($)', $catnames));
                    $is_expert = $cats;
        if (isset($is_expert) && !$rules['viewable']) {
            // experts that aren't allowed to change hidden questions
            if (is_array($is_expert)) {
                $in_cats = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT COUNT(postid) FROM ^posts WHERE categoryid IN (#) AND postid=#", $is_expert, $post['postid']), true);
                if ($in_cats) {
                    $rules['viewable'] = true;
            } else {
                $rules['viewable'] = true;
        $rules['reshowable'] = false;
        $rules['answerbutton'] = true;
        $rules['commentbutton'] = true;
        $rules['commentable'] = true;
    return $rules;
예제 #12
 function process_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params)
     if (!qa_opt('close_auto_close')) {
     $special = array('a_post', 'c_post');
     if ($event == 'a_post') {
         $count = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(postid) FROM ^posts WHERE type=$ AND parentid=#', 'A', $params['parentid']), true);
         if ($count >= qa_opt('close_auto_close')) {
             qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^postmeta (post_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES (#,$,$) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE meta_value=meta_value', $params['parentid'], 'is_closed', $userid . '^' . qa_opt('close_auto_close_reason'));
예제 #13
 function process_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params)
     if (qa_opt('buddypress_integration_enable') && $userid) {
         switch ($event) {
             // when a new question, answer or comment is created. The $params array contains full information about the new post, including its ID in $params['postid'] and textual content in $params['text'].
             case 'q_post':
                 if (qa_post_text('is_expert_question') == 'yes' || !qa_opt('buddypress_integration_post_q')) {
                 // don't broadcast expert questions
                 $this->post($event, $userid, $handle, $params, 'Q');
             case 'a_post':
                 if (qa_post_text('is_expert_question') == 'yes' || !qa_opt('buddypress_integration_post_a')) {
                 if (qa_opt('expert_question_enable')) {
                     $pid = $params['parentid'];
                     $parent = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT type, parentid FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#", $pid), true);
                     if (strpos($parent['type'], 'A') === 0) {
                         $pid = $parent['parentid'];
                     $expert = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT meta_value FROM ^postmeta WHERE post_id=# AND meta_key='is_expert_question'", $pid), true);
                     if ($expert) {
                 $this->post($event, $userid, $handle, $params, 'A');
             case 'c_post':
                 if (!qa_opt('buddypress_integration_post_c')) {
                 if (qa_opt('expert_question_enable')) {
                     $pid = $params['parentid'];
                     $parent = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT type, parentid FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#", $pid), true);
                     if (strpos($parent['type'], 'A') === 0) {
                         $pid = $parent['parentid'];
                     $expert = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT meta_value FROM ^postmeta WHERE post_id=# AND meta_key='is_expert_question'", $pid), true);
                     if ($expert) {
                 $this->post($event, $userid, $handle, $params, 'C');
예제 #14
    function admin_form(&$qa_content)
        //	Process form input
        $ok = null;
        if (qa_clicked('priv_save_settings')) {
            $table_exists = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SHOW TABLES LIKE '^usermeta'"), true);
            if (!$table_exists) {
                qa_db_query_sub('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ^usermeta (
						meta_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
						user_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
						meta_key varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
						meta_value longtext,
						PRIMARY KEY (meta_id),
						UNIQUE (user_id,meta_key)
            // options
            qa_opt('priv_active', (bool) qa_post_text('priv_active'));
            qa_opt('priv_user_field', (bool) qa_post_text('priv_user_field'));
            qa_opt('priv_title', qa_post_text('priv_title'));
            qa_opt('priv_hover', qa_post_text('priv_hover'));
            qa_opt('priv_shading', (int) qa_post_text('priv_shading'));
            qa_opt('priv_hover_earned', qa_post_text('priv_hover_earned'));
            qa_opt('priv_css', qa_post_text('priv_css'));
            qa_opt('priv_check', (bool) qa_post_text('priv_check'));
            qa_opt('priv_notify_text', qa_post_text('priv_notify_text'));
            qa_opt('priv_notify_text_multi', qa_post_text('priv_notify_text_multi'));
            qa_opt('priv_email_notify_on', (bool) qa_post_text('priv_email_notify_on'));
            qa_opt('priv_email_subject', qa_post_text('priv_email_subject'));
            qa_opt('priv_email_body', qa_post_text('priv_email_body'));
            $ok = qa_lang_html('admin/options_saved');
        //	Create the form for display
        $fields = array();
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'Activate Privilege Management', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_active"', 'value' => qa_opt('priv_active'), 'type' => 'checkbox');
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'Show privileges in user profile', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_user_field"', 'value' => qa_opt('priv_user_field'), 'type' => 'checkbox');
        $shading = array('color', 'grey');
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'Privilege shading style', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_shading"', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $shading, 'value' => @$shading[qa_opt('priv_shading')]);
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'Title of user privilege box', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_title"', 'value' => qa_opt('priv_title'));
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'Hover text on unearned privilege name', 'note' => '# is replaced by required points, % by percentage user already has', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_hover"', 'value' => qa_opt('priv_hover'));
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'Hover text on earned privilege name', 'note' => '# is replaced by required points', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_hover_earned"', 'value' => qa_opt('priv_hover_earned'));
        $fields[] = array('type' => 'blank');
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'enable new privilege notification popup', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_check"', 'value' => (bool) qa_opt('priv_check'), 'type' => 'checkbox');
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'privilege popup text (single privilege)', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_notify_text"', 'value' => qa_html(qa_opt('priv_notify_text')), 'note' => 'substitutes ^profile for profile url, ^privilege for privilege name');
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'privilege popup text (multiple privileges)', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_notify_text_multi"', 'value' => qa_html(qa_opt('priv_notify_text_multi')), 'note' => 'substitutes ^profile for profile url, # for number of privileges');
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'enable email notification', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_email_notify_on"', 'value' => (bool) qa_opt('priv_email_notify_on'), 'type' => 'checkbox');
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'email subject', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_email_subject"', 'value' => qa_html(qa_opt('priv_email_subject')));
        $fields[] = array('label' => 'email body', 'tags' => 'name="priv_email_body"', 'value' => qa_html(qa_opt('priv_email_body')), 'type' => 'textarea', 'rows' => 20, 'note' => 'Available replacement text:<br/><br/><i>^site_title<br/>^handle<br/>^email<br/>^open<br/>^close<br/>^profile_url<br/>^site_url<br/>^single=`text`^multi=`text`</i>');
        return array('ok' => $ok && !isset($error) ? $ok : null, 'fields' => $fields, 'buttons' => array(array('label' => 'Save', 'tags' => 'NAME="priv_save_settings"')));
예제 #15
function qa_theme_chooser()
    $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
    if (function_exists('qa_register_plugin_overrides')) {
        // 1.5
        return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT meta_value FROM ^usermeta WHERE user_id=# AND meta_key=$', $userid, 'custom_theme'), true);
    require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php';
    if (!$userid) {
        $theme = @$_COOKIE['qa_theme_switch'];
        if (qa_opt('theme_switch_enable_mobile')) {
            $theme_choice_mobile = qa_theme_chooser_detect_mobile() ? qa_opt('theme_switch_mobile') : false;
        if ($theme) {
            global $qa_theme_switch_is_mobile;
            $qa_theme_switch_is_mobile = $theme_choice_mobile;
            // it's mobile, but they have a preferred theme
            return $theme;
        return $theme_choice_mobile;
    if (qa_opt('theme_switch_enable_mobile')) {
        $theme_choice_mobile = @$_COOKIE['qa_theme_switch'] == qa_opt('theme_switch_mobile') ? qa_opt('theme_switch_mobile') : false;
        $theme_mobile = qa_theme_chooser_detect_mobile() ? qa_opt('theme_switch_mobile') : false;
        global $qa_theme_switch_is_mobile;
        $qa_theme_switch_is_mobile = $theme_mobile;
        // it's mobile, but they have a preferred theme
        if ($theme_choice && (!$theme_choice_mobile || !$theme_mobile)) {
            // have theme choice, and 1) it's not mobile, 2) it's mobile and they don't have a cookie, 3) they have a cookie but it's not mobile, 4) they have a cookie, it's mobile, but the cookie isn't mobile
            // do nothing
        } else {
            if (!$theme_choice_mobile && $theme_mobile) {
                // no cookie, is mobile, give mobile
                return $theme_mobile;
            } else {
                if ($theme_choice_mobile && $theme_mobile) {
                    // cookie, is mobile, give cookie
                    return $theme_choice_mobile;
    if ($theme_choice) {
        global $qa_theme_switch_is_mobile;
        return $theme_choice;
    return $theme_choice_mobile;
 function process_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params)
     if (!qa_opt('event_logger_to_database')) {
     $twoway = array('a_select', 'a_unselect', 'q_vote_up', 'a_vote_up', 'q_vote_down', 'a_vote_down', 'q_vote_nil', 'a_vote_nil', 'q_flag', 'a_flag', 'c_flag', 'q_unflag', 'a_unflag', 'c_unflag', 'u_edit', 'u_level', 'u_block', 'u_unblock');
     $special = array('a_post', 'c_post');
     if (in_array($event, $twoway)) {
         if (strpos($event, 'u_') === 0) {
             $uid = $params['userid'];
         } else {
             $uid = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $params['postid']), true);
         if ($uid != $userid) {
             $ohandle = $this->getHandleFromId($uid);
             $oevent = 'in_' . $event;
             $paramstring = '';
             foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
                 $paramstring .= (strlen($paramstring) ? "\t" : '') . $key . '=' . $this->value_to_text($value);
             qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^eventlog (datetime, ipaddress, userid, handle, cookieid, event, params) ' . 'VALUES (NOW(), $, $, $, #, $, $)', qa_remote_ip_address(), $uid, $ohandle, $cookieid, $oevent, $paramstring);
     // comments and answers
     if (in_array($event, $special)) {
         $pid = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $params['parentid']), true);
         if ($pid != $userid) {
             $ohandle = $this->getHandleFromId($pid);
             switch ($event) {
                 case 'a_post':
                     $oevent = 'in_a_question';
                 case 'c_post':
                     if ($params['parenttype'] == 'Q') {
                         $oevent = 'in_c_question';
                     } else {
                         $oevent = 'in_c_answer';
             $paramstring = '';
             foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
                 $paramstring .= (strlen($paramstring) ? "\t" : '') . $key . '=' . $this->value_to_text($value);
             qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^eventlog (datetime, ipaddress, userid, handle, cookieid, event, params) ' . 'VALUES (NOW(), $, $, $, #, $, $)', qa_remote_ip_address(), $pid, $ohandle, $cookieid, $oevent, $paramstring);
function qa_get_blob_directory($blobid)
    // get created from table blobs
    $blobcreated = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT created FROM `^blobs` 
													WHERE `blobid` = # 
											', $blobid), true);
    // error_log('blobid: '.$blobid);
    if (is_null($blobcreated)) {
        // fall back to default q2a core behavior
        // return rtrim(QA_BLOBS_DIRECTORY, '/').'/'.substr(str_pad($blobid, 20, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 0, 3);
        // file does not exist, makes no sense to allow it
        return null;
    } else {
        // create folders Y/M/D, e.g. 2016/01/15
        $blobpath = substr($blobcreated, 0, 4) . '/' . substr($blobcreated, 5, 2) . '/' . substr($blobcreated, 8, 2);
        // error_log('path: '.rtrim(QA_BLOBS_DIRECTORY, '/').'/'.$blobpath);
        return rtrim(QA_BLOBS_DIRECTORY, '/') . '/' . $blobpath;
예제 #18
function qa_db_user_events_truncate($userid, $questionid = null)
    //	First try truncating based on there being too many events for this question
    $questiontruncated = false;
    if (isset($questionid)) {
        $truncate = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT updated FROM ^userevents WHERE userid=$ AND questionid=# ORDER BY updated DESC LIMIT #,1', $userid, $questionid, QA_DB_MAX_EVENTS_PER_Q), true);
        if (isset($truncate)) {
            qa_db_query_sub('DELETE FROM ^userevents WHERE userid=$ AND questionid=# AND updated<=$', $userid, $questionid, $truncate);
            $questiontruncated = true;
    //	If that didn't happen, try truncating the stream in general based on its total length
    if (!$questiontruncated) {
        $truncate = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT updated FROM ^userevents WHERE userid=$ ORDER BY updated DESC LIMIT #,1', $userid, (int) qa_opt('max_store_user_updates')), true);
        if (isset($truncate)) {
            qa_db_query_sub('DELETE FROM ^userevents WHERE userid=$ AND updated<=$', $userid, $truncate);
예제 #19
 private function get_cache_db()
     if (!$this->is_mobile()) {
         $device = '';
     } else {
         $device = 'mobile';
     $content = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT content' . ' FROM ^caching' . ' WHERE sign=0 AND format=$ AND type=\'page\' AND device=$ AND filename=$ AND (created > NOW() - INTERVAL # SECOND)', $this->get_cache_file_extension(), $device, basename($this->cache_file), QA_CACHING_EXPIRATION_TIME));
     return $content;
예제 #20
function qw_get_total_messages($uid)
    return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^ra_userevent WHERE `read` = 0 AND effecteduserid=#  AND event IN ("u_wall_post", "u_message")', $uid), true);
예제 #21
 function GetUseridFromPost($postid)
     return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $postid), true);
예제 #22
파일: votes.php 프로젝트: bafio89/qea-u
function qa_db_uservote_get($postid, $userid)
    return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT vote FROM ^uservotes WHERE postid=# AND userid=#', $postid, $userid), true);
예제 #23
function qa_db_favorite_create($userid, $entitytype, $entityid)
    $threshold = qa_opt('max_copy_user_updates');
    // if this many users subscribe to it, create a shared stream
    //	Add in the favorite for this user, unshared events at first (will be switched later if appropriate)
    qa_db_query_sub('INSERT IGNORE INTO ^userfavorites (userid, entitytype, entityid, nouserevents) VALUES ($, $, #, 0)', $userid, $entitytype, $entityid);
    //	See whether this entity already has another favoriter who uses its shared event stream
    $useshared = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^userfavorites WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# AND nouserevents>0 LIMIT 1', $entitytype, $entityid));
    //	If not, check whether it's time to switch it over to a shared stream
    if (!$useshared) {
        $favoriters = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^userfavorites WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# LIMIT #', $entitytype, $entityid, $threshold));
        $useshared = $favoriters >= $threshold;
    //	If we're going to use the shared stream...
    if ($useshared) {
        //	... for all the people for whom we're switching this to a shared stream, find the highest number of other shared streams they have
        $maxshared = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT MAX(c) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM ^userfavorites AS shared JOIN ^userfavorites AS unshared ' . 'WHERE shared.userid=unshared.userid AND shared.nouserevents>0 AND unshared.entitytype=$ AND unshared.entityid=# AND unshared.nouserevents=0 GROUP BY shared.userid) y', $entitytype, $entityid));
        //	... if this number is greater than our current 'max_copy_user_updates' threshold, increase that threshold (see long comment above)
        if ($maxshared + 1 > $threshold) {
            qa_opt('max_copy_user_updates', $maxshared + 1);
        //	... now switch all unshared favoriters (including this new one) over to be shared
        qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^userfavorites SET nouserevents=1 WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=# AND nouserevents=0', $entitytype, $entityid);
        //	Otherwise if we're going to record this in user-specific streams ...
    } else {
        require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-events.php';
        //	... copy across recent events from the shared stream
        qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^userevents (userid, entitytype, entityid, questionid, lastpostid, updatetype, lastuserid, updated) ' . 'SELECT #, entitytype, entityid, questionid, lastpostid, updatetype, lastuserid, updated FROM ' . '^sharedevents WHERE entitytype=$ AND entityid=#', $userid, $entitytype, $entityid);
        //	... and truncate the user's stream as appropriate
예제 #24
function cs_get_excerpt($id)
    $result = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT content FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $id), true);
    return strip_tags($result);
예제 #25
function qa_db_meta_get($metatable, $idcolumn, $idvalue, $title)
    if (is_array($title)) {
        if (count($title)) {
            return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT title, content FROM ^' . $metatable . ' WHERE ' . $idcolumn . '=$ AND title IN($)', $idvalue, $title), 'title', 'content');
        } else {
            return array();
    } else {
        return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT content FROM ^' . $metatable . ' WHERE ' . $idcolumn . '=$ AND title=$', $idvalue, $title), true);
 function check_badges($uid)
     $medals = qa_db_read_all_values(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT user_id FROM ^userbadges WHERE user_id=#', $uid));
     $badges = array('medalist', 'champion', 'olympian');
     foreach ($badges as $badge_slug) {
         if (count($medals) >= (int) qa_opt('badge_' . $badge_slug . '_var') && qa_opt('badge_' . $badge_slug . '_enabled') !== '0') {
             $result = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT badge_slug FROM ^userbadges WHERE user_id=# AND badge_slug=$', $uid, $badge_slug), true);
             if ($result == null) {
                 // not already awarded this badge
                 $this->award_badge(null, $uid, $badge_slug, true);
                 // this is a "badge badge"
예제 #27
function qa_badge_plugin_user_form($userid)
    $handles = qa_userids_to_handles(array($userid));
    $handle = $handles[$userid];
    // displays badge list in user profile
    $result = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT badge_slug as slug, object_id AS oid FROM ^userbadges WHERE user_id=#', $userid));
    $fields = array();
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        // count badges
        $bin = qa_get_badge_list();
        $badges = array();
        foreach ($result as $info) {
            $slug = $info['slug'];
            $type = $bin[$slug]['type'];
            if (isset($badges[$type][$slug])) {
            } else {
                $badges[$type][$slug]['count'] = 1;
            if ($info['oid']) {
                $badges[$type][$slug]['oid'][] = $info['oid'];
        foreach ($badges as $type => $badge) {
            $typea = qa_get_badge_type($type);
            $types = $typea['slug'];
            $typed = $typea['name'];
            $output = '
									<td class="qa-form-wide-label">
										<h3 class="badge-title" title="' . qa_lang('badges/' . $types . '_desc') . '">' . $typed . '</h3>
            foreach ($badge as $slug => $info) {
                $badge_name = qa_lang('badges/' . $slug);
                if (!qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name')) {
                    qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name', $badge_name);
                $name = qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name');
                $count = $info['count'];
                if (qa_opt('badge_show_source_posts')) {
                    $oids = @$info['oid'];
                } else {
                    $oids = null;
                $var = qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_var');
                $desc = qa_badge_desc_replace($slug, $var, $name);
                // badge row
                $output .= '
									<td class="badge-container">
										<div class="badge-container-badge">
											<span class="badge-' . $types . '" title="' . $desc . ' (' . $typed . ')">' . qa_html($name) . '</span>&nbsp;<span onclick="jQuery(\'.badge-container-sources-' . $slug . '\').slideToggle()" class="badge-count' . (is_array($oids) ? ' badge-count-link" title="' . qa_lang('badges/badge_count_click') : '') . '">x&nbsp;' . $count . '</span>
                // source row(s) if any
                if (is_array($oids)) {
                    $output .= '
										<div class="badge-container-sources-' . $slug . '" style="display:none">';
                    foreach ($oids as $oid) {
                        $post = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_post_selectspec(null, $oid));
                        $title = $post['title'];
                        $anchor = '';
                        if ($post['parentid']) {
                            $anchor = urlencode(qa_anchor($post['type'], $oid));
                            $oid = $post['parentid'];
                            $title = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT BINARY title as title FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $oid), true);
                        $length = 30;
                        $text = qa_strlen($title) > $length ? qa_substr($title, 0, $length) . '...' : $title;
                        $output .= '
											<div class="badge-source"><a href="' . qa_path_html(qa_q_request($oid, $title), NULL, qa_opt('site_url')) . ($anchor ? '#' . $anchor : '') . '">' . qa_html($text) . '</a></div>';
                $output .= '
            $output .= '
            $outa[] = $output;
        $fields[] = array('value' => '<table class="badge-user-tables"><tr><td class="badge-user-table">' . implode('</td><td class="badge-user-table">', $outa) . '</td></tr></table>', 'type' => 'static');
    $ok = null;
    $tags = null;
    $buttons = array();
    if ((bool) qa_opt('badge_email_notify') && qa_get_logged_in_handle() == $handle) {
        // add badge notify checkbox
        if (qa_clicked('badge_email_notify_save')) {
            qa_opt('badge_email_notify_id_' . $userid, (bool) qa_post_text('badge_notify_email_me'));
            $ok = qa_lang('badges/badge_notified_email_me');
        $select = (bool) qa_opt('badge_email_notify_id_' . $userid);
        $tags = 'id="badge-form" action="' . qa_self_html() . '#signature_text" method="POST"';
        $fields[] = array('type' => 'blank');
        $fields[] = array('label' => qa_lang('badges/badge_notify_email_me'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'tags' => 'NAME="badge_notify_email_me"', 'value' => $select);
        $buttons[] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('main/save_button'), 'tags' => 'NAME="badge_email_notify_save"');
    return array('ok' => $ok && !isset($error) ? $ok : null, 'style' => 'tall', 'tags' => $tags, 'title' => qa_lang('badges/badges'), 'fields' => $fields, 'buttons' => $buttons);
예제 #28
function qa_db_check_tables()
    qa_db_query_raw('UNLOCK TABLES');
    // we could be inside a lock tables block
    $version = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_raw('SELECT VERSION()'));
    if ((double) $version < 4.1) {
        qa_fatal_error('MySQL version 4.1 or later is required - you appear to be running MySQL ' . $version);
    $definitions = qa_db_table_definitions();
    $missing = qa_db_missing_tables($definitions);
    if (count($missing) == count($definitions)) {
        return 'none';
    } else {
        if (!isset($missing['options'])) {
            $version = qa_db_get_db_version();
            if (isset($version) && $version < QA_DB_VERSION_CURRENT) {
                return 'old-version';
        if (count($missing)) {
            if (defined('QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX')) {
                // special case if two installations sharing users
                $datacount = 0;
                $datamissing = 0;
                foreach ($definitions as $rawname => $definition) {
                    if (qa_db_add_table_prefix($rawname) == QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX . $rawname) {
                        if (isset($missing[$rawname])) {
                if ($datacount == $datamissing && $datamissing == count($missing)) {
                    return 'non-users-missing';
            return 'table-missing';
        } else {
            foreach ($definitions as $table => $definition) {
                if (count(qa_db_missing_columns($table, $definition))) {
                    return 'column-missing';
    return false;
 function qa_check_all_users_badges()
     $awarded = 0;
     $temp = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT * FROM ^posts');
     while (($post = qa_db_read_one_assoc($temp, true)) !== null) {
         if (!$post['userid']) {
         $user = '******' . $post['userid'];
         $pid = $post['postid'];
         $pt = $post['type'];
         // get post count
         if (isset($users[$user]) && isset($users[$user][$pt])) {
         } else {
             $users[$user][$pt] = 1;
         // get post votes
         if ($post['netvotes'] != 0) {
             $users[$user][$pt . 'votes'][] = array('id' => $pid, 'votes' => (int) $post['netvotes'], 'parentid' => $post['parentid'], 'created' => $post['created']);
         // get post views
         if ($post['views']) {
             $users[$user]['views'][] = array('id' => $pid, 'views' => $post['views']);
     //votes received and given out
     $voter = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid,qupvotes,qdownvotes,aupvotes,adownvotes,upvoteds FROM ^userpoints'));
     foreach ($voter as $idx => $votes) {
         $user = '******' . $votes['userid'];
         // votes
         $users[$user]['votes'] = (int) $votes['qupvotes'] + (int) $votes['qdownvotes'] + (int) $votes['aupvotes'] + (int) $votes['adownvotes'];
         // voteds
         $users[$user]['voted'] = (int) $votes['upvoteds'];
     // flags
     $flag_result = qa_db_read_all_values(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid FROM ^uservotes WHERE flag > 0'));
     foreach ($flag_result as $idx => $flag) {
         $user = '******' . $flag;
         // get flag count
         if (isset($users[$user]) && isset($users[$user]['flags'])) {
         } else {
             $users[$user]['flags'] = 1;
     // per user loop
     foreach ($users as $user => $data) {
         $uid = (int) substr($user, 4);
         // bulk posts
         $badges = array('Q' => array('asker', 'questioner', 'inquisitor'), 'A' => array('answerer', 'lecturer', 'preacher'), 'C' => array('commenter', 'commentator', 'annotator'));
         foreach ($badges as $pt => $slugs) {
             if (!isset($data[$pt])) {
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($slugs, $data[$pt], $uid, null, 0));
         // nice Q&A
         $badges = array('nice_question', 'good_question', 'great_question', 'nice_answer', 'good_answer', 'great_answer');
         if ($this->badge_activated($badges)) {
             $badges = array('Q' => array('nice_question', 'good_question', 'great_question'), 'A' => array('nice_answer', 'good_answer', 'great_answer'));
             foreach ($badges as $pt => $slugs) {
                 foreach ($slugs as $badge_slug) {
                     if (!isset($data[$pt . 'votes'])) {
                     foreach ($data[$pt . 'votes'] as $idv) {
                         // poll plugin integration
                         if ($pt == 'A' && qa_opt('poll_enable')) {
                             $poll = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT meta_value FROM ^postmeta WHERE post_id=# AND meta_key=$', $idv['id'], 'is_poll'), true);
                             if ($poll) {
                         if ((int) $idv['votes'] >= (int) qa_opt('badge_' . $badge_slug . '_var') && qa_opt('badge_' . $badge_slug . '_enabled') !== '0') {
                             $result = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT badge_slug FROM ^userbadges WHERE user_id=# AND object_id=# AND badge_slug=$', $uid, $idv['id'], $badge_slug), true);
                             if ($result == null) {
                                 // not already awarded this badge
                                 $this->award_badge($idv['id'], $uid, $badge_slug, false, true);
                             // old question answer vote checks
                             if ($pt == 'A') {
                                 $qid = $idv['parentid'];
                                 $create = strtotime($idv['created']);
                                 $parent = $this->get_post_data($qid);
                                 $pcreate = strtotime($parent['created']);
                                 $diff = round(abs($pcreate - $create) / 60 / 60 / 24);
                                 $badge_slug2 = $badge_slug . '_old';
                                 if ($diff >= (int) qa_opt('badge_' . $badge_slug2 . '_var') && qa_opt('badge_' . $badge_slug2 . '_enabled') !== '0') {
                                     $result = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT badge_slug FROM ^userbadges WHERE user_id=# AND object_id=# AND badge_slug=$', $uid, $idv['id'], $badge_slug2), true);
                                     if ($result == null) {
                                         // not already awarded for this answer
                                         $this->award_badge($idv['id'], $uid, $badge_slug2);
         // votes per user badges
         if (isset($data['votes'])) {
             $votes = $data['votes'];
             $badges = array('voter', 'avid_voter', 'devoted_voter');
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $votes, $uid, null, 0));
         // voted per user badges
         if (isset($data['voted'])) {
             $votes = $data['voted'];
             $badges = array('liked', 'loved', 'revered');
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $votes, $uid, null, 0));
         // views per post badges
         if (isset($data['views'])) {
             $badges = array('notable_question', 'popular_question', 'famous_question');
             foreach ($data['views'] as $idv) {
                 $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $idv['views'], $uid, $idv['id'], 0));
         // flags per user
         if (isset($data['flags'])) {
             $flags = $data['flags'];
             $badges = array('watchdog', 'bloodhound', 'pitbull');
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $flags, $uid, null, 0));
     // selects, selecteds
     $badges = array('gifted', 'wise', 'enlightened', 'grateful', 'respectful', 'reverential');
     if ($this->badge_activated($badges)) {
         $selects = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT aselects, aselecteds, userid FROM ^userpoints'));
         foreach ($selects as $idx => $s) {
             $uid = $s['userid'];
             if (isset($s['aselecteds'])) {
                 $count = $s['aselecteds'];
                 $badges = array('gifted', 'wise', 'enlightened');
                 $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $count, $uid, null, 0));
             if (isset($s['aselects'])) {
                 $count = $s['aselects'];
                 $badges = array('grateful', 'respectful', 'reverential');
                 $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $count, $uid, null, 0));
     // achievements
     $badges = array('dedicated', 'devoted', 'zealous', 'visitor', 'trouper', 'veteran', 'regular', 'old_timer', 'ancestor', 'reader', 'avid_reader', 'devoted_reader');
     if ($this->badge_activated($badges)) {
         $userq = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT user_id AS uid,questions_read AS qr,oldest_consec_visit AS ocv,longest_consec_visit AS lcv,total_days_visited AS tdv,last_visit AS lv,first_visit AS fv,posts_edited AS pe FROM ^achievements');
         while (($user = qa_db_read_one_assoc($userq, true)) !== null) {
             $uid = $user['uid'];
             // edits
             $count = $user['pe'];
             $badges = array('editor', 'copy_editor', 'senior_editor');
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $count, $uid, null, 0));
             // on-sign-in badges
             // check lapse in days since last visit
             // using julian days
             $todayj = GregorianToJD(date('n'), date('j'), date('Y'));
             $last_visit = strtotime($user['lv']);
             $lastj = GregorianToJD(date('n', $last_visit), date('j', $last_visit), date('Y', $last_visit));
             $last_diff = $todayj - $lastj;
             $first_visit = strtotime($user['fv']);
             $first_visitj = GregorianToJD(date('n', $first_visit), date('j', $first_visit), date('Y', $first_visit));
             $first_visit_diff = $todayj - $first_visitj;
             $badges = array('dedicated', 'devoted', 'zealous');
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $user['lcv'], $uid, null, 0));
             $badges = array('visitor', 'trouper', 'veteran');
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $user['tdv'], $uid, null, 0));
             $badges = array('regular', 'old_timer', 'ancestor');
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $first_visit_diff, $uid, null, 0));
             // views
             $badges = array('reader', 'avid_reader', 'devoted_reader');
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $user['qr'], $uid, null, 0));
     // points
     $badges = array('100_club', '1000_club', '10000_club');
     if ($this->badge_activated($badges)) {
         $userq = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid, points FROM ^userpoints');
         while (($user = qa_db_read_one_assoc($userq, true)) !== null) {
             $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $user['points'], $user['userid'], null, 0));
         // verified
         $badges = array('verified');
         if ($this->badge_activated($badges)) {
             $userq = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid, flags FROM ^users WHERE flags&#', QA_USER_FLAGS_EMAIL_CONFIRMED);
             while (($user = qa_db_read_one_assoc($userq, true)) !== null) {
                 $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, false, $user['userid'], null, 0));
         // profile stuff
         $badges = array('avatar', 'profiler');
         if ($this->badge_activated($badges)) {
             $userq = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT userid FROM ^users');
             while (($userid = qa_db_read_one_value($userq, true)) !== null) {
                 list($useraccount, $userprofile, $userfields) = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_user_account_selectspec($userid, true), qa_db_user_profile_selectspec($userid, true), qa_db_userfields_selectspec());
                 // avatar badge
                 if (qa_opt('avatar_allow_upload') && isset($useraccount['avatarblobid'])) {
                     $badges = array('avatar');
                     $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, false, $userid, null, 0));
                 // profile completion
                 $missing = false;
                 foreach ($userfields as $userfield) {
                     if (!isset($userprofile[$userfield['title']]) || @$userprofile[$userfield['title']] === '') {
                         $missing = true;
                 if (!$missing) {
                     $badges = array('profiler');
                     $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, false, $userid, null, 0));
     // rebuild badges from other plugins - experimental! - $module->custom_badges_rebuild() returns number of badges awarded.
     $moduletypes = qa_list_module_types();
     foreach ($moduletypes as $moduletype) {
         $modulenames = qa_list_modules($moduletype);
         foreach ($modulenames as $modulename) {
             $module = qa_load_module($moduletype, $modulename);
             if (method_exists($module, 'custom_badges_rebuild')) {
                 $awarded += $module->custom_badges_rebuild();
     // badges
     $badges = array('medalist', 'champion', 'olympian');
     if ($this->badge_activated($badges)) {
         $badgelist = qa_db_read_all_values(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT user_id FROM ^userbadges'));
         $users = array();
         foreach ($badgelist as $idx => $medal) {
             $user = '******' . $medal;
             // get badge count
             if (isset($users[$user]) && isset($users[$user]['medals'])) {
             } else {
                 $users[$user]['medals'] = 1;
         foreach ($users as $user => $data) {
             $uid = (int) substr($user, 4);
             // check badges
             if (isset($data['medals'])) {
                 $uid = (int) substr($user, 4);
                 $count = $data['medals'];
                 $awarded += count(qa_badge_award_check($badges, $count, $uid, null, 0));
     // return ok text
     return $awarded . ' badge' . ($awarded != 1 ? 's' : '') . ' awarded.';
예제 #30
function qa_db_cookie_exists($cookieid)
    return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^cookies WHERE cookieid=#', $cookieid)) > 0;