예제 #1
        $tpl_var = array_merge($category, array('ID' => $category['id'], 'representative' => $representative_infos, 'TN_ALT' => strip_tags($category['name']), 'URL' => make_index_url(array('category' => $category)), 'CAPTION_NB_IMAGES' => get_display_images_count($category['nb_images'], $category['count_images'], $category['count_categories'], true, '<br>'), 'DESCRIPTION' => trigger_change('render_category_literal_description', trigger_change('render_category_description', @$category['comment'], 'subcatify_category_description')), 'NAME' => $name));
        if ($conf['index_new_icon']) {
            $tpl_var['icon_ts'] = get_icon($category['max_date_last'], $category['is_child_date_last']);
        if ($conf['display_fromto']) {
            if (isset($dates_of_category[$category['id']])) {
                $from = $dates_of_category[$category['id']]['from'];
                $to = $dates_of_category[$category['id']]['to'];
                if (!empty($from)) {
                    $tpl_var['INFO_DATES'] = format_fromto($from, $to);
        $tpl_thumbnails_var[] = $tpl_var;
    // pagination
    $page['total_categories'] = count($tpl_thumbnails_var);
    $tpl_thumbnails_var_selection = array_slice($tpl_thumbnails_var, $page['startcat'], $conf['nb_categories_page']);
    $derivative_params = trigger_change('get_index_album_derivative_params', ImageStdParams::get_by_type(IMG_THUMB));
    $tpl_thumbnails_var_selection = trigger_change('loc_end_index_category_thumbnails', $tpl_thumbnails_var_selection);
    $template->assign(array('maxRequests' => $conf['max_requests'], 'category_thumbnails' => $tpl_thumbnails_var_selection, 'derivative_params' => $derivative_params));
    $template->assign_var_from_handle('CATEGORIES', 'index_category_thumbnails');
    // navigation bar
    $page['cats_navigation_bar'] = array();
    if ($page['total_categories'] > $conf['nb_categories_page']) {
        $page['cats_navigation_bar'] = create_navigation_bar(duplicate_index_url(array(), array('startcat')), $page['total_categories'], $page['startcat'], $conf['nb_categories_page'], true, 'startcat');
    $template->assign('cats_navbar', $page['cats_navigation_bar']);
pwg_debug('end include/category_cats.inc.php');
예제 #2
 * Initialize _$page_ and _$template_ vars for calendar view.
function initialize_calendar()
    global $page, $conf, $user, $template, $persistent_cache, $filter;
    //------------------ initialize the condition on items to take into account ---
    $inner_sql = ' FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE;
    if ($page['section'] == 'categories') {
        // we will regenerate the items by including subcats elements
        $page['items'] = array();
        $inner_sql .= '
INNER JOIN ' . IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE . ' ON id = image_id';
        if (isset($page['category'])) {
            $sub_ids = array_diff(get_subcat_ids(array($page['category']['id'])), explode(',', $user['forbidden_categories']));
            if (empty($sub_ids)) {
                // nothing to do
            $inner_sql .= '
WHERE category_id IN (' . implode(',', $sub_ids) . ')';
            $inner_sql .= '
    ' . get_sql_condition_FandF(array('visible_images' => 'id'), 'AND', false);
        } else {
            $inner_sql .= '
    ' . get_sql_condition_FandF(array('forbidden_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_images' => 'id'), 'WHERE', true);
    } else {
        if (empty($page['items'])) {
            // nothing to do
        $inner_sql .= '
WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $page['items']) . ')';
    //-------------------------------------- initialize the calendar parameters ---
    pwg_debug('start initialize_calendar');
    $fields = array('created' => array('label' => l10n('Creation date')), 'posted' => array('label' => l10n('Post date')));
    $styles = array('monthly' => array('include' => 'calendar_monthly.class.php', 'view_calendar' => true, 'classname' => 'CalendarMonthly'), 'weekly' => array('include' => 'calendar_weekly.class.php', 'view_calendar' => false, 'classname' => 'CalendarWeekly'));
    $views = array(CAL_VIEW_LIST, CAL_VIEW_CALENDAR);
    // Retrieve calendar field
    isset($fields[$page['chronology_field']]) or fatal_error('bad chronology field');
    // Retrieve style
    if (!isset($styles[$page['chronology_style']])) {
        $page['chronology_style'] = 'monthly';
    $cal_style = $page['chronology_style'];
    $classname = $styles[$cal_style]['classname'];
    include PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/' . $styles[$cal_style]['include'];
    $calendar = new $classname();
    // Retrieve view
    if (!isset($page['chronology_view']) or !in_array($page['chronology_view'], $views)) {
        $page['chronology_view'] = CAL_VIEW_LIST;
    if (CAL_VIEW_CALENDAR == $page['chronology_view'] and !$styles[$cal_style]['view_calendar']) {
        $page['chronology_view'] = CAL_VIEW_LIST;
    // perform a sanity check on $requested
    if (!isset($page['chronology_date'])) {
        $page['chronology_date'] = array();
    while (count($page['chronology_date']) > 3) {
    $any_count = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($page['chronology_date']); $i++) {
        if ($page['chronology_date'][$i] == 'any') {
            if ($page['chronology_view'] == CAL_VIEW_CALENDAR) {
                // we dont allow any in calendar view
                while ($i < count($page['chronology_date'])) {
        } elseif ($page['chronology_date'][$i] == '') {
            while ($i < count($page['chronology_date'])) {
        } else {
            $page['chronology_date'][$i] = (int) $page['chronology_date'][$i];
    if ($any_count == 3) {
    //echo ('<pre>'. var_export($calendar, true) . '</pre>');
    $must_show_list = true;
    // true until calendar generates its own display
    if (script_basename() != 'picture') {
        if ($calendar->generate_category_content()) {
            $page['items'] = array();
            $must_show_list = false;
        $page['comment'] = '';
        $template->assign('FILE_CHRONOLOGY_VIEW', 'month_calendar.tpl');
        foreach ($styles as $style => $style_data) {
            foreach ($views as $view) {
                if ($style_data['view_calendar'] or $view != CAL_VIEW_CALENDAR) {
                    $selected = false;
                    if ($style != $cal_style) {
                        $chronology_date = array();
                        if (isset($page['chronology_date'][0])) {
                            $chronology_date[] = $page['chronology_date'][0];
                    } else {
                        $chronology_date = $page['chronology_date'];
                    $url = duplicate_index_url(array('chronology_style' => $style, 'chronology_view' => $view, 'chronology_date' => $chronology_date));
                    if ($style == $cal_style and $view == $page['chronology_view']) {
                        $selected = true;
                    $template->append('chronology_views', array('VALUE' => $url, 'CONTENT' => l10n('chronology_' . $style . '_' . $view), 'SELECTED' => $selected));
        $url = duplicate_index_url(array(), array('start', 'chronology_date'));
        $calendar_title = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $fields[$page['chronology_field']]['label'] . '</a>';
        $calendar_title .= $calendar->get_display_name();
        $template->assign('chronology', array('TITLE' => $calendar_title));
    // end category calling
    if ($must_show_list) {
        if (isset($page['super_order_by'])) {
            $order_by = $conf['order_by'];
        } else {
            if (count($page['chronology_date']) == 0 or in_array('any', $page['chronology_date'])) {
                // selected period is very big so we show newest first
                $order = ' DESC, ';
            } else {
                // selected period is small (month,week) so we show oldest first
                $order = ' ASC, ';
            $order_by = str_replace('ORDER BY ', 'ORDER BY ' . $calendar->date_field . $order, $conf['order_by']);
        if ('categories' == $page['section'] && !isset($page['category']) && (count($page['chronology_date']) == 0 or $page['chronology_date'][0] == 'any' && count($page['chronology_date']) == 1)) {
            $cache_key = $persistent_cache->make_key($user['id'] . $user['cache_update_time'] . $calendar->date_field . $order_by);
        if (!isset($cache_key) || !$persistent_cache->get($cache_key, $page['items'])) {
            $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT id ' . $calendar->inner_sql . '
  ' . $calendar->get_date_where() . '
  ' . $order_by;
            $page['items'] = array_from_query($query, 'id');
            if (isset($cache_key)) {
                $persistent_cache->set($cache_key, $page['items']);
    pwg_debug('end initialize_calendar');
예제 #3
    $name = render_element_name($row);
    $desc = render_element_description($row, 'main_page_element_description');
    $tpl_var = array_merge($row, array('TN_ALT' => htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($name)), 'TN_TITLE' => get_thumbnail_title($row, $name, $desc), 'URL' => $url, 'DESCRIPTION' => $desc, 'src_image' => new SrcImage($row)));
    if ($conf['index_new_icon']) {
        $tpl_var['icon_ts'] = get_icon($row['date_available']);
    if ($user['show_nb_hits']) {
        $tpl_var['NB_HITS'] = $row['hit'];
    switch ($page['section']) {
        case 'best_rated':
            $name = '(' . $row['rating_score'] . ') ' . $name;
        case 'most_visited':
            if (!$user['show_nb_hits']) {
                $name = '(' . $row['hit'] . ') ' . $name;
    $tpl_var['NAME'] = $name;
    $tpl_thumbnails_var[] = $tpl_var;
$template->assign(array('derivative_params' => trigger_change('get_index_derivative_params', ImageStdParams::get_by_type(pwg_get_session_var('index_deriv', IMG_THUMB))), 'maxRequests' => $conf['max_requests'], 'SHOW_THUMBNAIL_CAPTION' => $conf['show_thumbnail_caption']));
$tpl_thumbnails_var = trigger_change('loc_end_index_thumbnails', $tpl_thumbnails_var, $pictures);
$template->assign('thumbnails', $tpl_thumbnails_var);
$template->assign_var_from_handle('THUMBNAILS', 'index_thumbnails');
unset($pictures, $selection, $tpl_thumbnails_var);
pwg_debug('end include/category_default.inc.php');