예제 #1
파일: my.php 프로젝트: sherlockhouse/aliyun
    $pages = numofpage($count, $page, ceil($count / $db_perpage), "{$basename}a={$a}&fuid={$fuid}&dtid={$dtid}&");
} elseif ($a == 'frienddetail') {
    S::gp(array('did', 'fuid'));
    !$did && Showmsg("日志不存在");
    !$fuid && Showmsg("好友不存在");
    $ouserPrivacy = array();
    if ($isGM) {
        $ouserPrivacy['index'] = true;
        $ouserPrivacy['diary'] = true;
    } else {
        $ouserdataService = L::loadClass('Ouserdata', 'sns');
        /* @var $ouserdataService PW_Ouserdata */
        $ouserDb = array();
        $ouserDb = $ouserdataService->get($fuid);
        list(, $ouserPrivacy) = pwUserPrivacy($fuid, $ouserDb);
    !$ouserPrivacy['index'] && Showmsg('该朋友的空间设置了查看权限');
    !$ouserPrivacy['diary'] && Showmsg('该朋友的日志设置了查看权限');
    $diaryService = L::loadClass('Diary', 'diary');
    /* @var $diaryService PW_Diary */
    $diaryTemp = $diaryService->get($did);
    $diaryTemp['uid'] != $fuid && Showmsg('日志不存在');
    $diaryTemp['privacy'] == 2 && Showmsg("日志不存在");
    $diary = $diaryService->getDiaryDbView($diaryTemp);
    $friendsService = L::loadClass('Friend', 'friend');
    /* @var $friendsService PW_Friend */
    if ($friendsService->isFriend($winduid, $fuid) !== true) {
    $diaryPrivacy = array(0, 1);
예제 #2
파일: index.php 프로젝트: adi00/wumaproject
    $a_key = $a == 'friend' ? 'index' : 'own';
if ($space == 1 && defined('F_M')) {
    if (!$userdb) {
        $userdb = $db->get_one("SELECT m.username,m.icon,o.index_privacy,o.photos_privacy FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_ouserdata o ON m.uid=o.uid WHERE m.uid=" . pwEscape($u));
    if (!in_array($a, array('view', 'next', 'pre', 'album', 'viewalbum'))) {
        $a = 'own';
if ($u != $winduid || $space == 1 && defined('F_M')) {
    if (empty($userdb)) {
        $errorname = '';
    list($isU, $privacy) = pwUserPrivacy($u, $userdb);
    if ($groupid == 3 || $isU == 2 || $isU != 2 && $privacy['index']) {
        $SpaceShow = 1;
    if (!$privacy['photos'] && !$isGM || !$SpaceShow) {
if (empty($a) || $a == 'own') {
    $sqladd = '';
    if ($u != $winduid) {
        $sqladd .= ' AND private!=2';
    $count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='0' AND ownerid=" . pwEscape($u) . "{$sqladd}");
    if ($count) {
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, "{$basename}space={$space}&u={$u}&a={$a}&");
예제 #3
파일: index.php 프로젝트: adi00/wumaproject
 if ($space == 1 && defined('F_M')) {
     //$basename .= 'space=1&';
     //$spaceurl = $basename."u=$u&";
     $spaceurl = $baseUrl;
 if ($u && $u != $winduid) {
     $uinfo = $db->get_one("SELECT m.uid,m.username,m.icon,m.groupid,ud.index_privacy,ud.owrite_privacy FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_ouserdata ud ON m.uid=ud.uid WHERE m.uid=" . pwEscape($u, false));
     $username = $uinfo['username'];
     $pageurl = "{$basename}do=view&";
 } else {
     $u = (int) $winduid;
     $uinfo = $winddb;
     $username = $windid;
     $pageurl = "{$basename}do=view&";
 list($isU, $privacy) = pwUserPrivacy($u, $uinfo);
 if ($groupid == 3 || $isU == 2 || $isU != 2 && $privacy['index']) {
     $SpaceShow = 1;
 if ($u != $winduid) {
     if (!$privacy['owrite'] && !$isGM || !$SpaceShow) {
 list($faceimg) = showfacedesign($uinfo['icon'], 1, 'm');
 $writedata = array();
 $count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pw_owritedata WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($u, false));
 if ($count) {
     $page = (int) GetGP('page');
     list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, $pageurl);
     $query = $db->query("SELECT w.*,m.username,m.groupid FROM pw_owritedata w LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON w.touid=m.uid WHERE w.uid=" . pwEscape($u, false) . "ORDER BY w.id DESC {$limit}");