예제 #1
        $sql = "SELECT p.* FROM pw_wappushtype p WHERE p.id is not NULL ORDER BY p.sort DESC";
        $query = $db->query($sql);
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            empty($typename[$rt['id']]) && adminmsg('分类名称不能为空');
            if (isset($typename[$rt['id']])) {
                if ($rt['state'] != $states[$rt['id']] || $rt['sort'] != $order[$rt['id']] || $rt['typename'] != $typename[$rt['id']]) {
                    $insertdb[] = array('id' => $rt['id'], 'sort' => (int) $order[$rt['id']], 'typename' => $typename[$rt['id']], 'state' => $states[$rt['id']]);
        !empty($insertdb) && $db->update("REPLACE INTO pw_wappushtype (`id`,`sort`,`typename`,`state`) VALUES" . pwSqlMulti($insertdb));
    } else {
        InitGP(array('page'), 'GP');
        $count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pw_wappushtype p WHERE p.id is not NULL");
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, "{$basename}&");
        $pushTypes = array();
        $sql = "SELECT p.* FROM pw_wappushtype p WHERE p.id is not NULL ORDER BY p.sort ASC {$limit}";
        $query = $db->query($sql);
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $pushTypes[] = $rt;
function pwLimitPages($count, $page, $pageurl)
    global $db_perpage, $db_maxpage;
    //require_once (R_P.'require/forum.php');
    $numofpage = ceil($count / $db_perpage);
    $numofpage = $numofpage > $db_maxpage ? $db_maxpage : $numofpage;
    $page < 1 ? $page = 1 : ($page > $numofpage ? $page = $numofpage : null);
예제 #2
파일: view.php 프로젝트: jechiy/PHPWind
$isGM = S::inArray($windid, $manager);
!$isGM && $groupid == 3 && ($isGM = 1);
if (!$isGM && $winduid != $space['uid']) {
    $userdb = $db->get_one("SELECT index_privacy FROM pw_ouserdata WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($uid));
    list($isU, $privacy) = pwUserPrivacy($uid, $userdb);
    if (!$privacy['index']) {
$group = array();
$count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) AS count FROM pw_cmembers cm LEFT JOIN pw_colonys c ON cm.colonyid=c.id WHERE cm.uid=" . S::sqlEscape($uid) . " AND cm.ifadmin<>'-1'");
if ($count) {
    $db_perpage = 4;
    $page = (int) S::getGP('page');
    $pageurl = 'apps.php?q=groups&uid=' . $uid . "&";
    list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, "{$pageurl}");
    $query = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT c.* FROM pw_cmembers cm LEFT JOIN pw_colonys c ON cm.colonyid=c.id WHERE cm.uid=" . S::sqlEscape($uid) . " AND cm.ifadmin <> '-1' ORDER BY cm.colonyid DESC {$limit}");
    while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        if ($rt['cnimg']) {
            list($rt['cnimg']) = geturl("cn_img/{$rt['cnimg']}", 'lf');
        } else {
            $rt['cnimg'] = $GLOBALS['imgpath'] . '/g/groupnopic.gif';
        $rt['colonyNums'] = PwColony::calculateCredit($rt);
        //$rt['addtime'] = get_date($rt['addtime'], 'Y-m-d');
        $rt['createtime'] = get_date($rt['createtime'], 'Y-m-d');
        $group[] = $rt;
require_once PrintEot('m_space_groups');
예제 #3
    require_once PrintEot('thread_galbum');
} elseif ($a == 'selphoto') {
    if (!$ifadmin && (!$colony['ifcyer'] || $colony['ifadmin'] == '-1')) {
    S::gp(array('aid', 'selaid', 'page'));
    $tmpUrlAdd .= '&aid=' . $aid . '&a=selphoto&selaid=' . $selaid;
    $album = $db->get_one("SELECT aname,ownerid,photonum FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='0' AND aid=" . S::sqlEscape($aid));
    if (empty($album) || $album['ownerid'] != $winduid) {
    if (empty($_POST['step'])) {
        $db_perpage = 10;
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($album['photonum'], $page, "{$basename}&a=selphoto&aid={$aid}&selaid={$selaid}&");
        $options = '';
        $query = $db->query("SELECT aid,aname,memopen FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='1' AND ownerid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . ' ORDER BY aid DESC');
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            if ($ifadmin || $rt['memopen'] == 1) {
                $memopen = 1;
            } else {
                $memopen = 0;
            if ($memopen == 1) {
                $options .= "<option value=\"{$rt['aid']}\"" . ($rt['aid'] == $selaid ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$rt['aname']}</option>";
        $cnpho = array();
        $query = $db->query("SELECT pid,path,ifthumb FROM pw_cnphoto WHERE aid=" . S::sqlEscape($aid) . " ORDER BY pid {$limit}");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
예제 #4
파일: index.php 프로젝트: adi00/wumaproject
            $u = $winduid;
        if (is_numeric($posttime) && $posttime) {
            if ($posttime != '366') {
                $where .= " AND postdate>=" . pwEscape($timestamp - $posttime * 84600);
            } elseif ($posttime == '366') {
                $where .= " AND postdate<=" . pwEscape($timestamp - 365 * 84600);
if ($where) {
    $count = $db->get_value("SELECT count(*) as count FROM pw_threads WHERE {$where} AND fid != 0");
    if ($count) {
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, $thisbase);
        $rs = $db->query("SELECT tid,fid,author,authorid,subject,postdate,lastpost,replies,hits,titlefont,anonymous,modelid,special FROM pw_threads {$force} WHERE {$where} AND fid != 0 ORDER BY {$ordertype} DESC {$limit}");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($rs)) {
            $rt['subject'] = substrs($rt['subject'], 45);
            $rt['forum'] = strip_tags($forum[$rt['fid']]['name']);
            $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate'], 'Y-m-d');
            $rt['pcid'] = $rt['special'] > 20 ? $rt['special'] - 20 : 0;
            if (!$isGM && $rt['anonymous']) {
                $rt['author'] = $rt['authorid'] = '';
            $article[] = $rt;
if ($space == 1 && defined('F_M')) {
    require_once R_P . 'require/credit.php';
예제 #5
        $count = $friend['f_num'];
        $addurl = 'u=' . $u . '&';
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, "{$thisbase}{$addurl}");
    } else {
        InitGP('ftid', '', 2);
        if (isset($_GET['ftid'])) {
            $ftype = (int) GetGP('ftid');
        $username = $windid;
        $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_friendtype WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($winduid) . " ORDER BY ftid");
        $friendtype = array();
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $friendtype[$rt['ftid']] = $rt;
        $count = $winddb['f_num'];
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, "{$thisbase}");
    $friends = getFriends($u, $start, $db_perpage, $ftype, 1);
    if ($friends) {
        foreach ($friends as $key => $value) {
            $value['isfriend'] = isFriend($winduid, $value['uid']);
            $friends[$key] = $value;
require_once M_P . 'require/header.php';
if ($space == 1) {
    require_once R_P . 'require/credit.php';
    list($userdb, $ismyfriend, $friendcheck, $usericon, $usercredit, $totalcredit, $appcount, $p_list) = getAppleftinfo($u);
    require_once PrintEot('user_friend');
} else {
예제 #6
!$isGM && $groupid == 3 && ($isGM = 1);
$userdb = $db->get_one("SELECT m.username,o.index_privacy FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_ouserdata o ON m.uid=o.uid WHERE m.uid=" . pwEscape($u));
list($isU, $privacy) = pwUserPrivacy($u, $userdb);
if ($groupid == 3 || $isU == 2 || $isU != 2 && $privacy['index']) {
    $SpaceShow = 1;
if (!$SpaceShow) {
if ($u != $winduid) {
    $username = $userdb['username'];
} else {
    $username = $windid;
$count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM pw_oboard WHERE touid=" . pwEscape($u));
list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, $basename . "q=board&u=" . $u . "&");
$boards = array();
require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php';
$wordsfb = L::loadClass('FilterUtil');
$query = $db->query("SELECT o.*,m.icon as face FROM pw_oboard o LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON o.uid=m.uid WHERE o.touid=" . pwEscape($u) . " ORDER BY o.id DESC {$limit}");
while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
    $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate']);
    list($rt['face']) = showfacedesign($rt['face'], 1, 'm');
    if ($rt['groupid'] == 6 && $db_shield && $groupid != 3) {
        $rt['title'] = appShield('ban_feed');
    } elseif (!$wordsfb->equal($rt['ifwordsfb'])) {
        $rt['title'] = $wordsfb->convert($rt['title'], array('id' => $rt['id'], 'type' => 'comments', 'code' => $rt['ifwordsfb']));
    if (strpos($rt['title'], '[s:') !== false) {
        $rt['title'] = showface($rt['title']);
예제 #7
파일: m_groups.php 프로젝트: jechiy/PHPWind
    //	require_once(M_P.'require/header.php');
    //	require_once PrintEot('m_groups');
    //	footer();
    list($isheader, $isfooter, $tplname, $isleft) = array(true, true, "m_groups", true);
} elseif ($a == 'friend') {
    S::gp(array('page', 'cid'), null, 2);
    $friends = getFriends($winduid);
    $friends = is_array($friends) ? array_keys($friends) : array();
    $group = array();
    $pages = '';
    $total = 0;
    if (count($friends)) {
        $total = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) AS count FROM pw_cmembers cm LEFT JOIN pw_colonys c ON cm.colonyid=c.id WHERE cm.uid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($friends) . ") AND cm.ifadmin <> '-1'");
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($total, $page, "{$basename}a=friend&");
        $friends[] = $winduid;
        $query = $db->query("SELECT c.id,c.cname,c.cnimg,c.admin,SUM(cm.uid='{$winduid}') AS ifadd FROM pw_cmembers cm LEFT JOIN pw_colonys c ON cm.colonyid=c.id WHERE cm.uid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($friends) . ") AND cm.ifadmin<>'-1' GROUP BY cm.colonyid HAVING(SUM(cm.uid!='{$winduid}') > 0) ORDER BY cm.colonyid DESC {$limit}");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            if ($rt['cnimg']) {
                list($rt['cnimg']) = geturl("cn_img/{$rt['cnimg']}", 'lf');
            } else {
                $rt['cnimg'] = $GLOBALS['imgpath'] . '/g/groupnopic.gif';
            $rt['friends'] = array();
            $group[$rt['id']] = $rt;
        if ($group) {
            $query = $db->query("SELECT uid,username,colonyid FROM pw_cmembers WHERE uid IN (" . S::sqlImplode($friends) . ') AND colonyid IN(' . S::sqlImplode(array_keys($group)) . ") AND ifadmin<>'-1'");
            while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                $num = $group[$rt['colonyid']]['ifadd'] ? 2 : 3;
예제 #8
파일: index.php 프로젝트: adi00/wumaproject
 $query = $db->query("SELECT d.* FROM pw_diarytype d {$sqladd} ORDER BY dtid");
 while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
     $diarytype[$rt['dtid']] = $rt;
 if ($friends = getFriends($winduid)) {
     $sqladd = 'WHERE d.privacy!=2';
     $uids = array_keys($friends);
     $uids = array_diff($uids, array($winduid));
     $uids && ($sqladd .= ' AND d.uid IN(' . pwImplode($uids) . ')');
 if ($sqladd) {
     require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php';
     $sum = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM pw_diary d {$sqladd}");
     if ($sum) {
         $wordsfb = L::loadClass('FilterUtil');
         list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($sum, $page, $basename . "q=diary&a={$a}&");
         $query = $db->query("SELECT d.did,d.dtid,d.uid,d.aid,d.username,d.privacy,d.subject,d.ifconvert,d.ifwordsfb,d.content,d.r_num,d.c_num,d.postdate,m.groupid,m.icon FROM pw_diary d LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON d.uid=m.uid {$sqladd} ORDER BY d.postdate DESC {$limit}");
         while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             if ($rt['groupid'] == 6 && $db_shield && $groupid != 3) {
                 $rt['subject'] = '';
                 $rt['content'] = appShield('ban_diary');
             } elseif (!$wordsfb->equal($rt['ifwordsfb'])) {
                 $rt['content'] = $wordsfb->convert($rt['content'], array('id' => $rt['did'], 'type' => 'diary', 'code' => $rt['ifwordsfb']));
             $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate'], 'Y-m-d H:i');
             $rt['content'] = preg_replace("/\\[s:(.+?)\\]/eis", '', $rt['content']);
             if ($rt['ifconvert'] == 2) {
                 $rt['content'] = convert($rt['content'], $db_windpost);
             } else {
                 strpos($rt['content'], '[s:') !== false && ($rt['content'] = showface($rt['content']));
예제 #9
            addLog($creditlog, $windid, $winduid, 'groups_Uploadphoto');
        if ($creditlog = unserialize($o_groups_creditlog)) {
            addLog($creditlog['Post'], $windid, $winduid, 'groups_Uploadphoto');
        refreshto("{$basename}a=view&cyid={$cyid}&pid={$pid}", 'operate_success');
} elseif ($a == 'selalbum') {
    if (!$ifadmin && (!$colony['ifcyer'] || $colony['ifadmin'] == '-1')) {
    InitGP(array('page', 'selaid'), null, 2);
    $db_perpage = 10;
    $total = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='0' AND ownerid=" . pwEscape($winduid));
    list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($total, $page, "{$basename}&a={$a}&");
    $album = array();
    $query = $db->query("SELECT aid,aname,photonum,lastphoto FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='0' AND ownerid=" . pwEscape($winduid) . " ORDER BY aid DESC {$limit}");
    while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $rt['sub_aname'] = substrs($rt['aname'], 18);
        $rt['lastphoto'] = getphotourl($rt['lastphoto']);
        $album[] = $rt;
    $url_extra = $selaid ? "&selaid={$selaid}" : '';
    list($isheader, $isfooter, $tplname, $isleft) = array(true, true, "m_galbum", true);
} elseif ($a == 'selphoto') {
    if (!$ifadmin && (!$colony['ifcyer'] || $colony['ifadmin'] == '-1')) {
    InitGP(array('aid', 'selaid'));
    $album = $db->get_one("SELECT aname,ownerid,photonum FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='0' AND aid=" . pwEscape($aid));
예제 #10
require_once R_P . 'require/header.php';
list($guidename, $forumtitle) = $pwforum->getTitle();
$msg_guide = $pwforum->headguide($guidename);
$styleid = $colony['styleid'];
$basename = "thread.php?cyid={$cyid}&showtype=write";
if (!$colony['ifwriteopen'] && !$ifadmin && (!$colony['ifcyer'] || $colony['ifadmin'] == '-1')) {
list($faceurl) = showfacedesign($winddb['icon'], 1, 'm');
$writedata = $typeid = array();
if ($count2 = $colony['writenum']) {
    $smileParser = L::loadClass('smileparser', 'smile');
    /* @var $smileParser PW_SmileParser */
    require_once R_P . 'require/showimg.php';
    $page = (int) S::getGP('page');
    list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count2, $page, "{$basename}&showtype=write&cyid={$cyid}&");
    $query = $db->query("SELECT w.*,m.username,m.icon,m.groupid FROM pw_cwritedata w LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON w.uid=m.uid WHERE w.cyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . " ORDER BY w.replay_time DESC {$limit}");
    while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        if ($rt['groupid'] == 6 && $db_shield && $groupid != 3) {
            $rt['content'] = appShield('ban_write');
        $rt['content'] = $smileParser->parse($rt['content']);
        list($rt['postdate']) = getLastDate($rt['postdate']);
        list($rt['icon']) = showfacedesign($rt['icon'], 1, 'm');
        $writedata[$rt['id']] = $rt;
        $typeid[] = $rt['id'];
if ($typeid) {
    $sql = "SELECT tt.* FROM (SELECT cm.*,m.icon FROM pw_comment cm LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON cm.uid=m.uid WHERE type='groupwrite' AND typeid in (" . S::sqlImplode($typeid, false) . ") ORDER BY cm.id DESC) tt GROUP BY tt.typeid ";
    $query2 = $db->query($sql);
예제 #11
 if ($keyword) {
     $sqlsel .= ' AND c.cname LIKE ' . S::sqlEscape("%" . $keyword . "%");
 if ($friends) {
     $isFriends = $friends;
     $friends = getFriends($winduid);
     $uids = $friends ? array_keys($friends) : array(0);
     $sqltab .= ' LEFT JOIN pw_cmembers cm ON c.id=cm.colonyid';
     $sqlsel .= ' AND cm.uid IN(' . S::sqlImplode($uids) . ')';
 $total = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) AS sum FROM pw_colonys c {$sqltab} WHERE 1 {$sqlsel}");
 if ($total) {
     require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php';
     list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($total, $page, "group.php?q=all" . ($members ? "&members={$members}" : '') . ($isFriends ? "&friends={$isFriends}" : '') . "&keyword=" . rawurlencode($keyword) . "&" . ($styleid ? "styleid=" . $styleid : "") . "&");
     $query = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT c.* FROM pw_colonys c {$sqltab} WHERE 1 {$sqlsel} ORDER BY c.id DESC {$limit}");
     while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
         if ($rt['cnimg']) {
             list($rt['cnimg']) = geturl("cn_img/{$rt['cnimg']}", 'lf');
         } else {
             $rt['cnimg'] = $GLOBALS['imgpath'] . '/g/groupnopic.gif';
         $rt['cname'] = str_replace($keyword, '<font color="#FF0000">' . $keyword . '</font>', $rt['cname']);
         $rt['descrip'] = str_replace($keyword, '<font color="#FF0000">' . $keyword . '</font>', stripWindCode($rt['descrip']));
         $rt['colonyNums'] = PwColony::calculateCredit($rt);
         $rt['createtime'] = get_date($rt['createtime'], 'Y-m-d');
         $group[$rt['id']] = $rt;
 $colonyids = S::sqlImplode(array_keys($group));
예제 #12
 $sum = $db->get_value("SELECT count(*) as sum FROM pw_share s WHERE {$where}");
 if ($a == 'my') {
     $favor = $db->get_one("SELECT tids,type FROM pw_favors WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($u));
     list(, $favor_num) = getfavor($favor['tids']);
     $sum += (int) $favor_num;
 if ($type && in_array($type, array('web', 'user', 'photo', 'album', 'group', 'video', 'music', 'flash', 'diary', 'topic'))) {
     $where .= $where == '' ? 's.type=' . pwEscape($type) : ' AND s.type=' . pwEscape($type);
 $shares = array();
 $count = $db->get_value("SELECT count(*) as count FROM pw_share s WHERE {$where}");
 if ($count) {
     $page = (int) GetGP('page');
     $db_perpage = 10;
     list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, "{$basename}a={$a}&type={$type}&");
     if (!$db_dopen) {
         $where .= " AND s.type!='diary'";
     if (!$db_phopen) {
         $where .= " AND s.type!='photo'";
     if (!$db_groups_open) {
         $where .= " AND s.type!='group'";
     $rs = $db->query("SELECT s.*,m.groupid,m.icon FROM pw_share s LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON s.uid=m.uid WHERE {$where} ORDER BY s.id DESC {$limit}");
     while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($rs)) {
         list($rt['postdate'], $rt['posttime']) = getLastDate($rt['postdate']);
         $temp = unserialize($rt['content']);
         if ($temp['video']) {
             $rt['host'] = $temp['video']['host'];
예제 #13
if (!$newSpace->viewRight('messageboard')) {
$uid = isset($uid) ? $uid : $winduid;
$basename = 'u.php?a=board&uid=' . $uid . '&';
//$spaceurl = $basename."u=$u&";
require_once R_P . 'require/showimg.php';
if ($uid != $winduid) {
    $username = $userdb['username'];
} else {
    $username = $windid;
$db_perpage = 10;
$count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM pw_oboard WHERE touid=" . S::sqlEscape($uid));
list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, $basename);
$boards = array();
require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php';
$wordsfb = L::loadClass('FilterUtil', 'filter');
$query = $db->query("SELECT o.*,m.icon as face FROM pw_oboard o LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON o.uid=m.uid WHERE o.touid=" . S::sqlEscape($uid) . " ORDER BY o.id DESC {$limit}");
while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
    $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate']);
    list($rt['face']) = showfacedesign($rt['face'], 1, 'm');
    if ($rt['groupid'] == 6 && $db_shield && $groupid != 3) {
        $rt['title'] = appShield('ban_feed');
    } elseif (!$wordsfb->equal($rt['ifwordsfb'])) {
        $rt['title'] = $wordsfb->convert($rt['title'], array('id' => $rt['id'], 'type' => 'comments', 'code' => $rt['ifwordsfb']));
    if (strpos($rt['title'], '[s:') !== false) {
        $tpc_author = $rt['username'];
        $rt['title'] = showface($rt['title']);
예제 #14
         } elseif ($group == 2) {
             $sqlsel = " AND cm.ifadmin='0'";
         } elseif ($group == 3) {
             $sqlsel = " AND cm.ifadmin='-1'";
         $total = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM pw_cmembers cm WHERE cm.colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . $sqlsel);
         if ($total) {
             if (in_array($orderby, array('lastpost', 'lastvisit'))) {
                 $order = $orderby;
                 $urladd = $orderby ? "orderby={$orderby}&" : '';
                 ${'order_' . $orderby} = ' class="current"';
             } else {
                 $order = 'ifadmin';
                 $urladd = '';
             list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($total, $page, "{$basename}a=member&cyid={$cyid}&group={$group}&{$urladd}");
             $memdb = array();
             $query = $db->query("SELECT cm.*,m.icon,m.honor,md.thisvisit FROM pw_cmembers cm LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON cm.uid=m.uid LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON m.uid=md.uid WHERE cm.colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . $sqlsel . " ORDER BY cm.{$order} DESC {$limit}");
             while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                 list($rt['icon']) = showfacedesign($rt['icon'], 1, 'm');
                 $memdb[$rt['username']] = $rt;
             $colonyOwner = $memdb[$colony['admin']];
             $colonyOwner && array_unshift($memdb, $colonyOwner);
     $urladd = $group ? '&group=' . $group : '';
     list($isheader, $isfooter, $tplname, $isleft) = array(false, true, "m_group", true);
 } else {
     !$ifadmin && Showmsg('undefined_action');
예제 #15
         } elseif ($group == 2) {
             $sqlsel = " AND cm.ifadmin='0'";
         } elseif ($group == 3) {
             $sqlsel = " AND cm.ifadmin='-1'";
         $total = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM pw_cmembers cm WHERE cm.colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . $sqlsel);
         if ($total) {
             if (in_array($orderby, array('lastpost', 'lastvisit'))) {
                 $order = $orderby;
                 $urladd = $orderby ? "orderby={$orderby}&" : '';
                 ${'order_' . $orderby} = ' class="current"';
             } else {
                 $order = 'ifadmin';
                 $urladd = '';
             list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($total, $page, "{$basename}&group={$group}&{$urladd}");
             $memdb = array();
             $query = $db->query("SELECT cm.*,m.icon,m.honor,md.thisvisit FROM pw_cmembers cm LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON cm.uid=m.uid LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON m.uid=md.uid WHERE cm.colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . $sqlsel . " ORDER BY cm.{$order} DESC {$limit}");
             while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                 list($rt['icon']) = showfacedesign($rt['icon'], 1);
                 $memdb[$rt['username']] = $rt;
             $colonyOwner = $memdb[$colony['admin']];
             $colonyOwner && array_unshift($memdb, $colonyOwner);
     $urladd = $group ? '&group=' . $group : '';
     require_once PrintEot('thread_member');
 } else {
예제 #16
파일: my.php 프로젝트: jechiy/PHPWind
    is_array($actpidDB) && $actpidDB && ($where .= " AND log.actpid IN (" . S::sqlImplode($actpidDB) . ")");
    if ($feeslogstatus) {
        $where .= " AND status = " . S::sqlEscape($feeslogstatus);
        $pageUrl .= 'feeslogstatus=' . $feeslogstatus . '&';
    if ($activityname) {
        $where .= " AND subject LIKE " . S::sqlEscape('%' . $activityname . '%');
        $pageUrl .= 'activityname=' . $activityname . '&';
    if ($otherpartyname) {
        $where .= " AND (log.username LIKE " . S::sqlEscape('%' . $otherpartyname . '%') . " OR author LIKE " . S::sqlEscape('%' . $otherpartyname . '%') . " OR log.fromusername LIKE " . S::sqlEscape('%' . $otherpartyname . '%') . ") AND '" . $otherpartyname . "'!='" . $windid . "'";
        $pageUrl .= 'otherpartyname=' . $otherpartyname . '&';
    $count = $db->get_value("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pw_activitypaylog log {$where}");
    if ($count) {
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, $pageUrl);
        $query = $db->query("SELECT log.*, m.ifpay AS ifpay, log.fromuid AS fromuid, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlog.fromusername AS fromusername, log.username AS username, log.uid AS uid,m.issubstitute AS issubstitute\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM pw_activitypaylog log\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN pw_activitymembers m ON log.actuid=m.actuid \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$where} ORDER BY tid DESC, actpid DESC {$limit}");
        $feesLog = array();
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $rt['subject'] = substrs($rt['subject'], 20);
            $rt['createtime'] = $postActForO->getTimeFromTimestamp($rt['createtime'], 'minute');
            $rt['statusText'] = $postActForO->getFeesLogStatus($rt['status']);
            $rt['costtype'] = $postActForO->getFeesLogCostType($rt['costtype']);
            $actpid = $rt['actpid'];
            $tid = $rt['tid'];
            $feesLog[$tid][$actpid] = $rt;
예제 #17
파일: index.php 프로젝트: adi00/wumaproject
    if ($album['groupid'] == 6 && $db_shield && $groupid != 3) {
        $album['lastphoto'] = $pwModeImg . '/banuser.gif';
        $album['aintro'] = appShield('ban_album_aintro');
    if ($album['ownerid'] != $winduid && $album['private'] == 1 && !isFriend($album['ownerid'], $winduid) && $groupid != 3) {
    if ($album['ownerid'] != $winduid && $album['private'] == 2 && $groupid != 3) {
    $viewpwd && ($viewpwd = md5($viewpwd));
    if ($album['ownerid'] != $winduid && $album['private'] == 3 && $viewpwd != $album['albumpwd'] && $groupid != 3) {
    if ($album['photonum']) {
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($album['photonum'], $page, "{$basename}a={$a}&aid={$aid}&");
        $query = $db->query("SELECT c.pid,c.path,c.ifthumb,c.uptime,m.groupid,c.pintro,c.c_num FROM pw_cnphoto c LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON c.uploader=m.username WHERE c.aid=" . pwEscape($aid) . " ORDER BY c.pid {$limit}");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $rt['path'] = getphotourl($rt['path'], $rt['ifthumb']);
            if ($rt['groupid'] == 6 && $db_shield && $groupid != 3) {
                $rt['path'] = $pwModeImg . '/banuser.gif';
            $rt['sub_pintro'] = substrs($rt['pintro'], 25);
            $rt['uptime'] = get_date($rt['uptime']);
            $cnpho[] = $rt;
    $u = $album['ownerid'];
    $username = $album['owner'];
} elseif ($a == 'view') {
예제 #18
    list($isheader, $isfooter, $tplname, $isleft) = array(false, true, "m_galbum", true);
} elseif ($a == 'selphoto') {
    if (!$ifadmin && (!$colony['ifcyer'] || $colony['ifadmin'] == '-1')) {
    S::gp(array('aid', 'selaid', 'page'));
    $tmpActionUrl .= '&aid=' . $aid . '&a=selphoto&selaid=' . $selaid;
    $album = $db->get_one("SELECT aname,ownerid,photonum FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='0' AND aid=" . S::sqlEscape($aid));
    if (empty($album) || $album['ownerid'] != $winduid) {
    if (empty($_POST['step'])) {
        $db_perpage = 10;
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($album['photonum'], $page, "apps.php?q=galbum&a=selphoto&cyid={$cyid}&aid={$aid}&selaid={$selaid}&");
        $options = '';
        $query = $db->query("SELECT aid,aname,memopen FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='1' AND ownerid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . ' ORDER BY aid DESC');
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            if ($ifadmin || $rt['memopen'] == 1) {
                $memopen = 1;
            } else {
                $memopen = 0;
            if ($memopen == 1) {
                $options .= "<option value=\"{$rt['aid']}\"" . ($rt['aid'] == $selaid ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$rt['aname']}</option>";
        $cnpho = array();
        $query = $db->query("SELECT pid,path,ifthumb FROM pw_cnphoto WHERE aid=" . S::sqlEscape($aid) . " ORDER BY pid {$limit}");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {